>The Alchemists are the battlefield mystics and artificers of the Great Sultanate of the Iron Wall, schooled in the hidden knowledge of the legenda...

>The Alchemists are the battlefield mystics and artificers of the Great Sultanate of the Iron Wall, schooled in the hidden knowledge of the legendary Smaragdine Tablet within the House of Wisdom. Admission is open to any with will and intellect deemed sufficient, be they man or woman.

>To become an Alchemist is no easy task: they undergo many trials on their path to mastery. First are the countless lessons of the newly initiated; studying the Jabirean Corpus, translating the Keys of Solomon and learning all the Fundamental Disciplines of their primaeval science. Only after seven years of study, under the watchful and exacting eyes of the High Alchemagi, is an aspirant allowed to attempt the Three Trials required for full membership in the Order.

>The first trial is to create a suit of Alchemist's armour which protects against harm. This is an essential tool of their craft, festooned with the Seals of Solomon which enables them to bend the elements of Creation to their will and shields them even from the devices of Hell.

>Next, they must create a takwin servant, a Homunculus creature of artificial life and intellect. If the candidate manages to follow the complex formula, as well as the intricate timing and temperature requirements, the creature will emerge after forty days of toil. It will act as the Alchemist's living tool of creation, for their hands have fine motor skills well beyond even the most nimble craftsman.

>Vaguely shaped like a small human, it can change the consistency of its body to an almost liquid-like slime to squeeze into alchemical chambers to do their master’s bidding in extreme temperatures and in the fog of poisonous chemical fumes.

>Many aspirants fail here and their creation emerges from its golden celestial sphere a deformed monstrosity filled with hatred towards its creator, and burrows itself into the Alchemist's body to consume it from within, wearing its would-be master as a skin.

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    ok and?

    • 4 months ago


      >-From the Official and True annals of the Church history as told by Melchior Gessel, 1910 AD

      >For three hundred years the Principality of New Antioch has stood defiantly as the focal point of the Church and the Faithful at the very edge of the shadow and smoke cast by the Gate of Hell. It is the Home of All Our Hopes, the bulwark against the Heretic forces, and the first line of defense against the devil’s might. Should New Antioch fall, all of the Levant will be lost.

      >War has never left this corner of the world. The ancient city of Antioch was destroyed by a mysterious demonic weapon in the year 1545, but the Faithful never gave up their positions in the ruins. Despite the lethal demonic essence emanating from the crater that was left behind the garrison held on, even as the mighty Constantinople fell to the legions of Kimaris, the marquis of Hell.

      >Before it was destroyed, the ancient city of Antioch was always the first defense to be put to test. Thus it is no wonder that in the year 1559 the Sword Congress of Vienna agreed to rebuild and fortify the city, and that a yearly tithe is to be sent to New Antioch by all the Faithful nations, though this levy rarely is in a form of coin. Instead, endless supply trains of foodstuffs, tools, ammunition, weaponry, machinery and skilled workers and engineers come from across Europa and Mediterranean sea as well as the African dominions. Keeping the supply routes open is a constant game of cat and mouse, as Heretic infiltrators and raiders harry the caravants and ships that allow the Principality to exist to this day.

      Frick off back to your 40k general

  2. 4 months ago

    >The third and final test is opening their Third Eye, the key to cosmic illumination which allows them to see the building blocks of Creation and thus be able to ensure that the elements they use are in perfect balance.

    >Those that fail their final test are horribly changed. Their Third Eye swells to nightmare proportions and melds with their original pair, driving the aspirant mad during the process of their deformation. They spend the rest of their pitiful lives screaming of the unseen horrors all around now revealed to them. Out of mercy, alchemists that fail in this way are often put down, but there are rumours of cabals of these living failures kept alive for reasons unknown.

    >An Alchemist that has passed all three trials is formidable indeed: a master of esoteric powers, able to control fire and ice, metal and liquid; capable of creating intricate mechanical devices and artificial life as well as weapons of calamitous potency. In exchange for the freedom to practise their arts, the Alchemists supply the Sultanate with the peerless Jabirean battle lions, and serve on the front lines where their devastating alchemical compounds melt the flesh from the bones of enemies of the Believers, or dissolve through even the toughest armour.

  3. 4 months ago

    Stop trying to push this shit.
    It just isn't that compelling and interesting.

    • 4 months ago

      The problem is that it actually IS compelling and interesting, but it doesn't actually exist as a game to be played

      • 4 months ago

        It literally exists as a game as well

        I'm not OP, I don't even play this game, I just hate people like you who complain whenever people want to discuss worldbuilding.
        At this point, why don't you just play video games? Or, as OP said, go back to your general.

  4. 4 months ago

    >Since those days New Antioch has grown to be the most important fortress-city in the world, the sword and the Shield of Europa and Africa. All the princes of the Church and heads of the various states and domains who oppose Hell understand that it is better to fight as many battles against the Heretics away from their hearthlands. To this day New Antioch has withstood eight great sieges, and its famed walls with their seventy-seven mighty towers have never been breached. This is partly due to hundreds of achorites, metallic battle shrines with entombed devouts inside them, that are embedded into the walls and keep a vigilant watch over the walls day and night.

    >More than anything else, it is the volunteers who come to serve under the Banner of Christ that ensure the continuous existence of the Principality. Thus in the streets of the city one can hear hundreds of languages and dialects, and witness hussars of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth brush shoulders with the last remnants of the Varangian guards, or hear the sermons of a street preacher from Eire extolling the soldiery to of Ethiopia lay their lives for the cause, or see the Church Engineers procession taking their latest invention to be tested in the front lines. This all happens under the watchful eyes of the Office of Propagation of Virtue that tirelessly patrol the streets. While they are quite happy to turn blind eye to the revelries of soldiers, they ferociously persecute even the slightest deviation from Church doctrine. The execution of heretics is a weekly spectacle that draws immense crowds.

  5. 4 months ago

    Where the traditional games at?

    • 4 months ago

      I'm not OP, I don't even play this game, I just hate people like you who complain whenever people want to discuss worldbuilding.
      At this point, why don't you just play video games? Or, as OP said, go back to your general.

      • 4 months ago

        this isnt a discussion. its a loredump nobody asked for. the OP was probably shunned from the 40k general and is now trying to prove some kind of point maybe? its unclear because all he does is point toward the 40k general when people interrupt his spam.

  6. 4 months ago

    Is this original or something ripped from something else

  7. 4 months ago

    I appreciate any man or woman who acknowledges that alchemy, metallurgy, etc, was strongly associated with historical perceptions on magic and the esoteric. Alchemists were wizards.

  8. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I kind of love the idea of a revived Muslim Caliphate fighting side by side with a revived Crusade against the invading armies of hell a la trench crusade while still occasionally squabbling over ownership of Jerusalem.

  9. 4 months ago

    >As the nominal supreme commander of all the Faithful armed forces, the Duke of New Antioch is a title of unrivaled prestige and honour. But despite swearing fealty to the Duke in reality troops from across all of Christendom who come to do battle against Hell operate in units of their own, and take commands from their own leaders. It is worth nothing that some soldiers renounce their citizenship and take up the cross, and come to serve under Duke Constantine alone. Thus the standing army of the Principality is the greatest single fighting force the Faithful can muster, and those who serve on the walls of the Home of Hopes are rightfully proud of their lively.

    >In recent years the Duke has despatched small forces into the No Man’s Land to gather intelligence, look for artifacts of power, conduct raids on Heretic forces, secure strategic strongpoints and loot the battlefields for the wealth of coin and weaponry scattered across the tortured landscape that stretches between New Antioch and the Heretic domains over the centuries. These warbands have to raise their own coin and are simply given commission by the Duke, and have to muster their own forces. However, holy relics, great wealth, and fame across all the world ensures that there is a steady supply of ambitious leaders who are willing to risk all in the crucible of war. Competition for loot, supplies, artifacts and information is fierce, and these warbands often come to blows not just with Heretical forces but with competing rivals and crazed Trench Pilgrims.

  10. 4 months ago

    What point are you trying to convey?

  11. 4 months ago

    >psycho mutilator sporting a jarring mix of Orthodox symbols and vestments
    cringe, buddy, cringe

  12. 4 months ago

    nice blogpost

  13. 4 months ago

    If the homunculus isn’t made with your own sperm, you’re doing it wrong.

  14. 4 months ago

    anyway this is jimbo, my warrior. he'll use whatever weapon works best, and he wants to get money

  15. 4 months ago

    I really hope it's the creators advertising for their own shit game because nothing has made a game more annoying than the constant spam about it.

  16. 4 months ago

    >1503 War Prophet Angelos, guided by St. Elegius, discover the formula of Orichalcum Steel. Though extremely costly to produce, the metal proves to be effective against all missile weapons, and is still used to this day.

    >1545 Antioch destroyed utterly by a mysterious infernal weapon.

    >1573 Sacred Order of the Dragon halts the heretic advance after the destruction of Byzantium. Word spreads of a million heretics impaled in the hills of Wallachia.

    >1595 Walls of New Antioch completed.

    >1666 The Year of Six Woes. In a surprise raid, the newly-created Heretic fleet captures Gibraltar. The sea fortress became the Heretic base of operations against Europe. Forces of Hell gain access to the Atlantic.

    >1670 Due to the constant coastal raids by the Heretic Fleet the Crown of England begins the construction of the Fortress of the White Cliffs of Dover.

    >1703 Against all odds, a small force of Hebrew Knights striking from their secret fortress destroy the Templar stronghold at Acre.

    >1805 Heretic fleet under the command of Heretic high captain Ranga defeats the fleet of England in the battle of Bloodied Cliffs. Admiral Nelson is slain in combat.

    >1866 In the utmost secrecy Heretic scientists, aided by the Demon Marbas, construct the first modern submarines.

    >1870 Launched from Gibraltar, the Heretic submarine fleets extract a heavy toll on the merchant navies. Widespread famine.

  17. 4 months ago

    >Guy spouts third rate 40k fanfic and complains when people get confused, sends them to the general he should be contained himself.

  18. 4 months ago


    >nuh uh I didn't copy 40k
    Your art sucks Mike

    • 4 months ago

      I'm confused. What does this loredump have to do with 40k? Am I missing something?

      • 4 months ago

        It's some sperg with an axe to grind. They've been making intentionally shitty Trench Crusade threads every so often, likely to make the game poison for discussion on /tg/. Last one I recall was https://desuarchive.org/tg/thread/91849002/ but it's possible they've made more when I wasn't looking. That time was acting like an overeager fanboy and using hashtags and this time is lore dumping and really pushing the anti-40k bias. Hell the picture used for OP isn't even from the same faction as the text, so they're just grabbing shit at random. If I had to guess the why behind this, there was an organic Trench Crusade thread a while back that descended into 40k b***hfits, so I believe OP is part of the fallout from that and decided terrible false flags were the best course of action.

        • 4 months ago

          It's a sad false flag attempt.
          Trench crusade is always going to be sick as shit, if you like your Weird WW1, Gothica, and shameless Grimdark.

          If you don't, fair's do's, but don't sperg out because you don't have your light comfy fantasy stuff. This is clearly not a setting for it.

          Though I wish TC was a ttrpg. A wargame's cool, but I don't have the time, nor the shelf space for it.

  19. 4 months ago

    The alchemagi are kewl, but everything else is stoopid

  20. 4 months ago

    OP has truly pulled off something impossible. On a board full of pathetic, socially incompetent, uncreative losers, he has reached deep and tried harder than anyone else and become the biggest, cringiest loser of all.

  21. 4 months ago

    >40K 2: Electric Boogaloo

  22. 4 months ago

    This is like that world building meme

    • 4 months ago

      What meme, I’m not familiar with it?

  23. 4 months ago


    Not the anon that asked for more, but please do go on.

  24. 4 months ago

    What's the problem of you spiteful homosexuals? At least he's putting in the effort. Like it or not but trying to posit yourself as somehow superior on 4chinks of all places is pathetic AF.

    OP, I've read a bit and honestly don't dig it, but just ignore the nay-sayers and do your thing.

    • 4 months ago

      Lurk more. This isn't some fat guy world building loredumb, this is a shilling homosexual that gets regularly assblasted for advertising a "totally not 40k you guys" wargame.

  25. 4 months ago

    Gave a read. Not bad... Not good either.. Feels a little... Well generic is not the right word and you clearly put a lot of effort in it.. But nothings stands out to me and makes me go "Ohhh i want to play there/know mkre" it feels like a repeat of stuff that has being done before. Maybe better.

    A little context would help too and make people less b***hy I think.

    Like youbstarted with the alchemists, but I know nothing about their cintext. Who are they, who do they work for, where do they live, are they in danger, why should I care?
    Maybe giving contextnwould help me get invested in the writting and setting, otherwise my brain is not going to stick reading paragraphs of things I'm not sure I should care... Not sure if it will pay off later.

    I'm sure you KNOW the setting it's interesting but we don't so you need to sell it better first.

    Take me tondinner first and then forplay and then you shove the thick black dildo up my ass.

    If you start with the huge dildo (Huge paragraphs of text) without even lube first no wonder PEOPLE will get mad.

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