The Battle Cats

>Just hit 80 Million downloads, time for celebration stages
>New month, new Gauntlet
>New month, new missions
>New week, more new missions
>Gold rush on as well
Just because Legend Quest and the baron stage are over, it doesn't mean the grind is over.
On the flipside, more free login shit.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    And here's a repost from the last thread, for the new monthly missions:

    • 1 year ago

      First set of missions, let's see:
      >jackie peng
      >squire rel

      Why can I never get this done with just one stage?

  2. 1 year ago

    >Just because Legend Quest and the baron stage are over, it doesn't mean the grind is over.
    I haven't done UL for so long

  3. 1 year ago

    Welp, 20 missions in and 2 out of three are [undefined] now. And if I clear SoL at the same speed I usually do, there's no chance I'll reach any of the possible targets by the end of the month.
    The third one is Divine Cyclone, I can wait until Saturday to clear that one.

  4. 1 year ago

    >Boot game up for first time in like a month
    >Bombarded by 4 stamp events, 4 popup sales, 4 "go do these event stages!" and the usual bulletin
    Holy shit.

    • 1 year ago

      One or two weeks ago was an even bigger clusterfrick. Fate collab, Easter events, legend quest, and labyrinth. All at the exact same time.

  5. 1 year ago

    Man, I love how Never Not Shovelin' is such a quick and dirty lucky ticket farming stage with bahamut and bullet train.

    • 1 year ago

      Hayabusa makes the last stage go pretty fast too, but I don't think it's worth it considering it's marginally more sanity-efficient

  6. 1 year ago

    >d'arktanyan on 8A
    should i ?

    • 1 year ago


  7. 1 year ago

    >Cleared 40 floors
    >91 units left out of ~260
    >top 21%
    I guess I should at least try and squeeze into the top 15% for that extra one Dark CE. The problem is, F41 is an Angel stage, and I have literally no anti-angel units outside of rainbow attackers and Ultra Souls. I guess I can use their base forms and use them as souped-up Rares/Super Rares, and hope that whatever comes next will line up with whichever ones won't get trapped.

    • 1 year ago

      Now I've reached Floor 50 and I'm all out of anything even resembling a meatshield, so that'll be fun. I hope once I clear it, I'll be in the 15% club.

      • 1 year ago

        lolnope, I landed on this one:
        And all of my units either can't handle a hit from the Celeboodle, have too much of a blind spot, or are too expensive to spawn before the base is destroyed.
        Or some mix of the options. So I guess I'm staying at 16%. At least some more Cateyes dropped as loot.

        • 1 year ago

          thats pretty good for 261
          the labyrinth is brutal when you run out of meatshields, having a shit ton of them removes 90% of the difficulty

          • 1 year ago

            I used the strat where you always save a meatshield when it comes to rescuing trapped units but I was left with three meatshields in my final deck and everything else was ubers and a cameraman. How do you balance the strategy to effectively save your units? I probably could have/should have saved one super rare or something and foregone a meatshield...

            • 1 year ago

              I just always have more generic dps than meatshields so thats what kills me more towards the end
              at lower unit counts its kind of out of your hands and you're more at the mercy of rng

              • 1 year ago

                Ah. Well, on the topic of RNG, the game cornered me into beating prof A with nothing but a bunch of sniper the cats and lucky Ururun hits. Took a solid 35 minutes because I forgot speedup going in (I could not screenshot killing the prof but the amount of snipers should tell the story).

              • 1 year ago

                prof a is probably one of the most annoying enemies in there
                luckily theres only two stages with him
                unfortunately theres only 1 sushi cat

              • 1 year ago

                Been there
                Frick Prof A, I see the fricker I bring the A-team

              • 1 year ago

                I just tank him with maxim. Does no one else do this?

              • 1 year ago

                well you kinda need that slow immune talent for it to work properly

  8. 1 year ago

    Are there better lucky ticket farming stages than the ones available right now?

    • 1 year ago

      idk but you better farm the frick out of it because it's not coming back before a long time

  9. 1 year ago

    ghostlight gardens 4 star is kicking my ass what the frick

  10. 1 year ago

    >ended on floor 95 of the labyrinth
    did better than last time but only ranked top 2% this time around.

  11. 1 year ago

    hey lads, divegrass anon here, just a reminder that spring cup is starting this friday and as decided by this thread and the board, there's 2 battle cat reps on the team, dates for the matches are here


    thanks for your support

    • 1 year ago

      >playing against /x/ first
      No fair, they have magic. Also in what timezone for the hours given?

      • 1 year ago

        >times in UTC
        Okay, I guess I'm moronic. I always had my suspicions.

  12. 1 year ago

    It took me embarrassingly long to figure out that maybe I should use Cyberpunk to help me with the Tornado Carnival II. But I cleared it on the first try once I did.

  13. 1 year ago

    I should really do the rest of the zombie invasions for more max energy, but I'm at a nice looking 1000 cap right now...

  14. 1 year ago

    Damn, I took on Aku Argentina and let me tell you, with a name like "Bore Jr" I didn't expect this much trouble.

    • 1 year ago

      Forget Argentina, I took on Mexico because it was available and I'm getting my ass kicked. The Gabriel spam prevents my very few shield piercers from even getting to the Aku Bears in the first place, so I get quickly pushed back to my base. And since it's a mixed Angel/Aku stage, I tried using Shitakiri Sparrow, but it turns out the name "SHITakiri" really fits.
      At least

      • 1 year ago

        At least I can take comfort in knowing that the wiki considers the stage one of the hardest in the game, so it's not that I suck, specifically.
        Also the next stage, NASA, was available as well and I cleared it first try, so there's that at least.

  15. 1 year ago

    >tfw I can only play Bonanza once a week
    Is there a way to get a "night shift mode" without changing the timezone?

    • 1 year ago

      can't you turn on your game for a minute, enter the stage and then close the app? you can always beat it later during the pause/after the shift

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, that's what I do sometimes, but the real problem is that the game drops a lot of stuff when I'm sleeping off the night shift afterwards.

  16. 1 year ago

    I am tempted to buy the beginner ticket before it's gone as there are both Mitamas, Kasli, rei and dark Iz coming up in the next dozen rolls, but then there is DKasli in 41B, which I'm not sure I'll be able to set up. Which uber do I go for, bros?

    • 1 year ago


  17. 1 year ago

    So let me make sure I understand it right:
    >Kasli the Scourge = Kasli
    >Kasli the Bane = DKasli

    • 1 year ago


  18. 1 year ago

    I've decided to go for Mitama since she also has a lot of value and I could get her immediately. Will try to go for DKasli next time, maybe I'll buy another ticket after clearing ItF. There's also a chance that an update will come out soon and the addition of dark phonoa will frick up the order, so who knows.

  19. 1 year ago

    >just realized Sakura Matou got a true form
    Sweet. She was already fantastic. Can't believe I didn't notice sooner.

    • 1 year ago

      You missed the Fate rerun or what?

  20. 1 year ago

    >Last leaked banners start tomorrow
    Any hopes for the next batch? We won't be getting collabs three months in a row, will we?

  21. 1 year ago

    Is there any good private server for this game?

    • 1 year ago

      No, the closest thing we have is Battle Cats Ultimate, a platform where you can simulate battles with both official and user-created units and enemies.

  22. 1 year ago

    New banners dropped:
    >Guaranteed 11 on Pixies and Dark Heroes starting on the 12th
    >New Plat/Legend banners also start on 12th
    >Wargods/Dragons on the 15th
    >Girls & Monsters/Ultra Souls on the 17th
    >Galaxy Gals/Epicfest on the 19th

    • 1 year ago

      >Guaranteed banner right around the corner
      >Still 1000 cf away from being able to sideskip all the unfortunate trackswaps
      There's always next month, I guess.

      • 1 year ago

        Like a series of minecart tracks with switch junctions on them, your seed sends you to and fro with wild abandon.

        • 1 year ago

          But why always before an uber though?

        • 1 year ago

          >With wild abandon
          Honestly I swear it's rigged to purposefully make you dodge ubers. Every time I've seen a track switch it always sends me to the worse track.
          Like just look at this shit, this doesn't look random, this looks malicious.

          • 1 year ago

            >43B to 45A
            Man, that one is especially cruel.

          • 1 year ago

            >43B to 45A
            Man, that one is especially cruel.

            Wait, why doesn't it go to 44A?

            • 1 year ago

              When you do an 11-pull and force a track jump, it shifts the tracks slightly.
              So for example, 43B would be followed by 44B normally. 44B is next to 44A and 45A. If he does an x11 at any point earlier in this, 43B (previously 44B) would be next to 42A (previous 43A) and 43A (previous 44A).

  23. 1 year ago

    >new dark heros unit
    >50% knockbacks aliens angels/zombies
    >tanky with 1kb
    >3x multi-hit attack, single target
    >only has freeze immunity
    guess Ill skip him

    • 1 year ago

      Looks like a more easily available Chun-Li
      Could've had the decency to give him Zombie Killer though

  24. 1 year ago

    >tfw I get my daily cube farm stages done faster by spamming smaller units like Courier and Cancan instead of ubers

  25. 1 year ago

    Finally. I caught em all

    • 1 year ago

      King shit.

  26. 1 year ago

    battle cats deepest lore soon to be finished

  27. 1 year ago

    >tfw all I need is Black Zeus to complete the collection
    but the Bikkuriman collab will never return

    • 1 year ago

      I feel the pain brother.

    • 1 year ago

      I feel the pain brother.

      Don't worry guys, it'll come back the moment I reach my 1000-steps long legend draught.

  28. 1 year ago

    Finished Aku Realms, which makes me really happy. I guess it's time I started focusing on SoL again.
    In the meantime, I tried taking a swing at Merciless XP again, but I still can't clear it. Killed the first two Razorbacks but the third one pushed its way right through my battered Ubers and my tanks/meatshields before they had the chance to recharge. I have no idea at this point what I was doing differently to clear it before. Maybe the secret is in defeating Kurosawah early so he doesn't demolish all my Bombercats all the time?

    • 1 year ago

      dude you finished aku realms, you should be playing xp bonanza instead

    • 1 year ago

      Post team. Someone's rec of getting some research combos helped me out.

      • 1 year ago

        I believe this is it. It used to work until it stopped.
        No talents, just like the player, Ubers at lvl. 35, the rest at 40.

        • 1 year ago

          Finished Aku Realms, which makes me really happy. I guess it's time I started focusing on SoL again.
          In the meantime, I tried taking a swing at Merciless XP again, but I still can't clear it. Killed the first two Razorbacks but the third one pushed its way right through my battered Ubers and my tanks/meatshields before they had the chance to recharge. I have no idea at this point what I was doing differently to clear it before. Maybe the secret is in defeating Kurosawah early so he doesn't demolish all my Bombercats all the time?

          You are working too hard. Use freeze up combos and work old mate down with waves while the others are frozen. You could also use thaum to back up bomber for any lapses in freeze.

        • 1 year ago

          consider using phono and/or jizo's first form?

  29. 1 year ago

    For the price of 50+ leadership, I finally upgraded my lil cats from +40 to +60

    • 1 year ago

      Holy shit. Are any of them good yet?

      • 1 year ago

        yes, but most of them only with talents, so you'll have to make a decision on whether it's worth the np

      • 1 year ago

        Stupid huge investment of time and resources but yes

    • 1 year ago

      I need to grind more. im at only 160 clears.

    • 1 year ago

      Man, I completely forgot about this.

      • 1 year ago

        I wouldn't worry about it too much, we should be getting sliming to victory pretty soon

    • 1 year ago

      damn how many tickets was that
      I did 500 clears and felt it barely made a dent

      • 1 year ago

        Prolly around 1.2k tickets. Granted a good portion came from gacha

  30. 1 year ago

    Thanks for reminding me about the l'il farming. Turns out, the team I used for the final map is overkilly enough that even CPU can clear the stage. Finally an excuse to get rid of some of my stash.

  31. 1 year ago

    Wow 3 star Primitive souls really was as bad as they say. Another step closer to becoming the ultimate cat battler

  32. 1 year ago

    starting to get burned out catbros...
    it's over

    • 1 year ago

      Just take a break bro, come back once you're good and enjoy all the future content. I've taken a year+ break from the game twice already.

    • 1 year ago

      I've been letting my energy max out without using it for hours these days since I finished SoL, but I'm still playing daily and checking this thread

    • 1 year ago

      The cube grind never ends.

  33. 1 year ago

    12.3 is out.

  34. 1 year ago

    Finished Excavation 2 recently, got the Cactus Egg. Still a ways to go before I have enough cubes to evolve it, so I might as well ask, what am I in for?

    • 1 year ago

      Eternal cube farming and deepthroating behemoths

      • 1 year ago

        I mean, that's a given, but I meant with the Cactus.

        • 1 year ago

          Oh woops, sorry lol. Cactus is great and strengthens your defense against akus. Not a complete game changer, but will absolutely help you out

    • 1 year ago

      I have gotten to 9 Yellow Cubes and since then Jinfore dropped three Purple ones in a row.

  35. 1 year ago

    Frick these metal enemies in the gauntlets of this month. Sitting around for 2 seconds with Paladin, Hayabusa, and a fricking Cat Tornado and none of them want to crit.

    • 1 year ago

      crit rate up combo or use soba

      • 1 year ago

        NTA, didn't try soba, but I don't think she'd work well here. There are a lot of metal sheep around, and long tba + unit deploy restriction would make it challenging to have soba pick them off one by one.

  36. 1 year ago

    >No American release for Unite
    >Game goes to early Legends
    >Only update was to add PvP
    >No updates adding new cats and monsters
    >Not even through paid DLC packs
    I'm mad.

    • 1 year ago

      Also forgot to add
      >Create a SEA exclusive version that's fully translated in English and if you play it on a North American account, the game switches the first map for Japan to the World.
      I'm very mad

    • 1 year ago

      I ended up just getting the DS version of the game before the eshop closed which is cute but it lacks true forms and only has 3 sets of story stages

      • 1 year ago

        To be fair, it was released in 2016, so there was a lot less in the main game as well.

  37. 1 year ago

    >Sweating Metal Baas
    Even at max magnification they have like 40HP. Just spam Ramen, they come in handy against the Angel enemies too

  38. 1 year ago

    FRICK R. Osts.

  39. 1 year ago

    Thank goodness Juvens is a great angel tank that counts above 1200, free clear for the first stage in dead by encore.

    • 1 year ago

      >that second stage
      I fricking hate everything, whoever designed this stage will burn in hell.

      >constantly getting fricked because my fricking PALADIN and HAYABUSA won't crit after like 6 attacks and I get wiped to metal hippoes

      • 1 year ago

        you running crit up combos?

      • 1 year ago

        >try again
        >my fricking spamming crit units knock back the hippoes with crits every time before paladin attacks
        >when paladin actually lands a hit, it isn't a crit

        you running crit up combos?


        • 1 year ago

          >try again
          >oh shit, it's going really well, my key metal killers are actually critting, wiped the hippoes with ease
          >metal seal comes in
          >zero crits again
          >get pushed to base and die while hayabusa and paladin dicked around not critting
          Creator of this stage will burn in hell.

          • 1 year ago

            I don't remember the stage, it's not up so I can't check my win team. Have you tried any metal debuffers? People seem to sleep on them, I never hear mention hoop/puppet/quizmasters or mochi. Also backhoe targets ONLY metal. Very useful for mixed stages. Sorry if this is redundant info for a (doboo iirc) stage.

            • 1 year ago

              I did try Hoopmaster a couple attempts, but it didn't seem to help. Maybe I should have tried a couple runs with lots of metal debuffers.

              In hindsight, one major thing that might have helped would have been Sniper, I just realized I never turned that on.

  40. 1 year ago

    Shit, I got stupid fingers when farming G tickets, spawned the wrong units at the start, by the time I could spawn Hurricat Gory was already there and ready to stomp his shit out. That's 300 energy down the drain.

    • 1 year ago

      >farming G tickets
      literally why? If you're that hard up for XP, I'm pretty sure the XP stages are a better investment.

      • 1 year ago

        For the silver tickets from the missions, obviously.

  41. 1 year ago

    dis gon be good

  42. 1 year ago

    Absolute carry by best girl

    • 1 year ago

      Sodomposting is NOT dead

  43. 1 year ago

    There's new banner info on the seed tracker. Double chance at ubers/legends, which basically means pink spots and some yellow ones are ubers now, and some red spots are legends.
    I got a red legend spot like coming up at 23B myself. Turning the track swap at 9A into a blessing. Problem is, I also have two more track swaps at 18B and 21B, so I guess it's a good thing I just recently finished Aku realms and have almost four plat tickets. At least I'll get Pai-Pai out of it.
    So who should I go for as my fifth legend? Got Gaia, Lumina, Muu and Nanaho so far, I'm thinking Momoco?

    Also, I cleared the fourth Legendary unit stage of SoL earlier this week and I just got my first Hunter's Map II, so soon I'll only be hurting for Yellow cubes, so I'm happy.

  44. 1 year ago

    >labyrinth coming up again
    man this event sucks

  45. 1 year ago

    >2x uber banners

  46. 1 year ago

    get gaia, poseidon and amaterasu here and now, take my time finishing COTC and then get dkasli/phono with plat at ~100
    wait for the next guaranteed uber event, get whatever, endure, suffer and overcome COTC with no more gacha until all is done to get phono here and 'now'

    • 1 year ago

      Phono is pretty fricking good but Gaia absolutely shreds anything in her range, just ger her imo, you can plat ticket fest units whenever

  47. 1 year ago

    >Double Ubers
    I'll just think aloud for a moment, feel free to point out when I'm missing something.
    I've got 29 gold tickets, with the two plats I need to sidestep trackswaps protecting the legend that means 31 pulls, or 32 with the discount cf-pull. That means four ubers in my range. There's also a cluster of three more around the 40 spot, but I doubt I'll get ten more tickets in a matter of days.

    5A - Asiluga - As I understand it, he's another Cyberpunk. And I hear Cyberstacking is THE strat all the cool kids use for endgame content.
    14B - Togeluga - So he's the fricker-uper of the Lugas, right? As long as you don't send him out against Metals, at least.
    23B - Legeluga - Apparently, among if not THE worst Legend in the game? Maybe outclassing Babel, but he got his True form, so Leggy's back at the bottom. So if I'm spending two plat tickets to get to this spot, I'm not wasting it on a shitter.
    29B - Kubiluga - 100% crit with a decent range is a definite maybe.

    5A - Yoshimoto - Long distance weaken means he might be useful against Razorbacks and Tackeys on Merciless, but then again, if that's the case I might as well use Cyberpunks. Still, a maybe.
    14B - Kenshin - Hey, a waifu. Her anti-Relic talent might come in andy once I finish SoL. Assuming I'll have enough NP by then.
    23B - Musashi - big damage is fun and all, but the single target... Also, someone once suggested I focus on generalist Legends before going for type-specific. Then again, I already have Muu and Lumina.
    29B - Masamune - less than 50% chance of knockback? Hard pass.

    Iron Legion is an easy pass since I already have all of them except for Carrowsell, and it's not anywhere I can get it.

    5A - Anubis - I look at his description and can't help but think "jackass of all trades".
    14B - Poseidon - his Metal freezing sounds nice.
    23B - Gaia
    29B - Aphro - I own both, so that's an easy skip. I'm not at the stage where I can go for +1-ing Ubers, much less legends.

    • 1 year ago

      5A - Ganglion
      14B - Dioramos - in the reverse of Almighties, I already own the two first ones.
      23B - Babel - Apparently also one of the worst Legends, and according to the wiki, the TF doesn't help much.
      29B - Kamukura - Ehhhhhhh. I don't know why I thought he'd have good utility. Maybe I was thinking of the spring variant.

      5A - Cat Clan Heroes - Targeting Relics seems nice. Again, it would be useful once I finish SoL. And also learn to cleat Growing Strange.
      14B - Nurse Cat - Other that letting me say "Helloooooo, Nurse!" every time I deploy her, I don't really see how she's very useful with her 50% proc.
      23B - Momoco - Too lanky for me to consider her a good waifu, but she's actually useful though.
      29B - Marauder Cat - Always nice to have another critter, but people here have been complaining about him missing his procs, so I guess he's a maybe?

      Galaxy Gals
      5A - Twinstars - I like the part of their wiki description where they demolish every XP Stage
      14B - Kalisa - Eeeeh, I've got about half of Ultrasouls at this point, so I feel like I'm spoiled for choice when it comes to dealing with Angels.
      23B - Jeanne Mommy - I don't know, let's throw her on the backburner for now. Reds and Floters aren't really a priority.
      29B - Again, Floaters aren't much of a problem, I don't think I have to go out of my way to get a type-specific tank.

      Girls & Monsters
      5A - Reika - I already have Ganglion
      14B - Deale - with that 40% knockback you can yiff in hell for all I care.
      23B - Nanaho - Got her already.
      29B - Vega - with her Colo slayer and Anti-toxic, she might actually be useful even if she doesn't proc with her Weaken.

      Ultra Souls
      5A - Sarukani - Have him already
      14B - Kachi-Kachi - I figured there would have to be an anti-Alien unit somewhere on the banner. Guaranteed weaken sounds nice, but it seems unwieldy.
      23B - Ushi - Not gonna lie, Big Robot With Big Hammer sounds interesting to me.
      29B - Jizo - already Mi Kasa

    • 1 year ago

      5A - Ganglion
      14B - Dioramos - in the reverse of Almighties, I already own the two first ones.
      23B - Babel - Apparently also one of the worst Legends, and according to the wiki, the TF doesn't help much.
      29B - Kamukura - Ehhhhhhh. I don't know why I thought he'd have good utility. Maybe I was thinking of the spring variant.

      5A - Cat Clan Heroes - Targeting Relics seems nice. Again, it would be useful once I finish SoL. And also learn to cleat Growing Strange.
      14B - Nurse Cat - Other that letting me say "Helloooooo, Nurse!" every time I deploy her, I don't really see how she's very useful with her 50% proc.
      23B - Momoco - Too lanky for me to consider her a good waifu, but she's actually useful though.
      29B - Marauder Cat - Always nice to have another critter, but people here have been complaining about him missing his procs, so I guess he's a maybe?

      Galaxy Gals
      5A - Twinstars - I like the part of their wiki description where they demolish every XP Stage
      14B - Kalisa - Eeeeh, I've got about half of Ultrasouls at this point, so I feel like I'm spoiled for choice when it comes to dealing with Angels.
      23B - Jeanne Mommy - I don't know, let's throw her on the backburner for now. Reds and Floters aren't really a priority.
      29B - Again, Floaters aren't much of a problem, I don't think I have to go out of my way to get a type-specific tank.

      Girls & Monsters
      5A - Reika - I already have Ganglion
      14B - Deale - with that 40% knockback you can yiff in hell for all I care.
      23B - Nanaho - Got her already.
      29B - Vega - with her Colo slayer and Anti-toxic, she might actually be useful even if she doesn't proc with her Weaken.

      Ultra Souls
      5A - Sarukani - Have him already
      14B - Kachi-Kachi - I figured there would have to be an anti-Alien unit somewhere on the banner. Guaranteed weaken sounds nice, but it seems unwieldy.
      23B - Ushi - Not gonna lie, Big Robot With Big Hammer sounds interesting to me.
      29B - Jizo - already Mi Kasa

      So I'm pretty sure I'm going for Momoco and Vega (and Rich Cat that's two spots before Vega), but I'm not sure who to pick before that.

      • 1 year ago

        Momoco is very frail but extremely useful. Pretty much anything red/black/angel is fricked. Use freeze up combos and pair with other freeze units (eg chronos, bomber, ebisu whatever) for maximum freeze trolling sheanigans. She's easily in my top 10 most used units.

  48. 1 year ago

    Patiently waiting for Reign of the Tyrant

  49. 1 year ago

    What loadouts are you guys using to farm omens?

    • 1 year ago

      I just throw dasli and phono at it
      frick barons

    • 1 year ago

      Is there even anything to put anti-aku orbs on? Most of the good anti-aku units don't even have an orb slot. I think the best I can remember off the top of my head is lil island cat.

      >Lilin 4 spaces after I run out of tickets
      >on a pink spot so it's not like she'd still be there once the banner rolls around again
      Is it possible to get four more gold tickets in under four days? Or should I do the unthinkable and do a 11-pull without a guaranteed?

      Yes, wait until the super metal hippoe stage comes, then farm cat tickets off of it using leadership until you get 4 rare tickets.

      • 1 year ago

        Massive Damage Up on Immortal Amakusa would be cracked once his talents are released.
        That's all that really comes to mind, maybe Strong Up on Lucifer or maybe Cactus (not like he'd get talents but what if) ?

        • 1 year ago

          Oops, you covered that already
          Oh well, point still stands and if you really have nothing else to do you can grind in anticipation.

      • 1 year ago

        >Yes, wait until the super metal hippoe stage comes, then farm cat tickets off of it using leadership until you get 4 rare tickets.
        I was afraid you'd say something like that.

        • 1 year ago

          You could scramble around random stages for more catfood or something maybe. I think some catamin stages have 1 time rare tickets in them maybe?

  50. 1 year ago

    I was thinking it would be a good time to unlock bullet train cat form, but when I went to do it, I realized I already finished it and was just using Maglev all this time...

  51. 1 year ago

    what's the enemy between johnnyleon and zrollow in the enemy guide? i haven't encountered it yet
    t. finished UL

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        should've known, i'm getting closer to meeting it

  52. 1 year ago

    >Lilin 4 spaces after I run out of tickets
    >on a pink spot so it's not like she'd still be there once the banner rolls around again
    Is it possible to get four more gold tickets in under four days? Or should I do the unthinkable and do a 11-pull without a guaranteed?

  53. 1 year ago

    >can get top 5% in Underground Labyrinth but it is such a fricking chore
    Not that it's bad. It's good. Gives incentive to level up all your cats, even though mine were already maxed without cateyes. I'm just lazy. Haven't even finished anywhere near all of Uncanny Legends.
    >Just found out holding the equip button makes it so it swaps to last completed without having to go through the equip screen
    >Still never remember to do it anyways

    • 1 year ago

      >Gives incentive to level up all your cats
      honestly I think legend quest does a better job at that, with labyrinth I usually end up relying on a few cats per stage and most of the others just end up being trap fodder

    • 1 year ago

      I wouldn't mind if it wasn't so frequent

  54. 1 year ago

    Oh right, specialcats are on sale again. I need to finally get those cats of Cool Japan.

    Any special cats not worth buying?

    • 1 year ago

      most of them are trash without talents and even the combo is shit
      still worth getting all of them while you have the chance

  55. 1 year ago

    seed tracker got updated. guaranteed ultrasouls and girls & monsters on the 9th of june.

  56. 1 year ago

    >Baby Gao at 9A on Uberfest
    Would be better news if I didn't already own one. What's the chance that spot will hold a limited unit on the Epicfest as well? Last one didn't, and I figure unless a new unit is introduced into the pool the spots remain the same.

  57. 1 year ago

    Are you ready for the next Impact?

    • 1 year ago

      Rerun time? I missed the wave blocker the last time it came, but I think I got everything else.

      • 1 year ago

        I have 00, 02, the pink one and Wunder. I kind of want 01 but I'm honestly hoping more units/true forms are added since I'm pretty satisfied with what I have

        • 1 year ago

          02 helped me a lot before Courier Cat.

        • 1 year ago

          Unit 01 is pretty ok. I used it mostly vs zombies prior to getting cadaver, but you prob still need to pair it up with a zombie kill rusher like lil' valk to cover the field.

  58. 1 year ago

    Satoru hard carries

  59. 1 year ago

    Version 12.4 BCJP is out, preview here:
    (4chins thinks my post is spam for whatever reason)

    • 1 year ago

      Rentry code is wtogc

    • 1 year ago

      welp, time to save tickets and catfood for those new evangelion ubers

    • 1 year ago

      >reflect surge

    • 1 year ago

      >Asuka Dasli

    • 1 year ago

      >no Reitama TF
      Asuka a hoe

  60. 1 year ago

    >triple kasli

    • 1 year ago

      >Asuka Dasli

      Welp, time to hoard tickets.

  61. 1 year ago

    So how long until it reaches the En servers?

    • 1 year ago

      If I had to guess, maybe like a month after JP at the earliest

  62. 1 year ago

    Tower is back bros. Get those tickets for Eva!

  63. 1 year ago

    Aw shit, I forgot to swap expedition areas around after the limited ones ended again, wasting a six hour trip on probably like a thousand xp.
    I do it every time, too. I even reminded myself not to do it when I sent out for the last Catseye run, and I still did it anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      >probably like a thousand xp.
      1400, but holy shit, six CF. So I guess in the end it wasn't so bad.

  64. 1 year ago

    Ah frick, I forgot to update my seed track, and I had a legend rare coming up in like 50 spots somewhere.

  65. 1 year ago

    taken from dicksword, event data info is restricted for a while.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      So godfat is kill for awhile?

      • 1 year ago

        Does this mean tracking is broken now?

        I believe so. Although you can use the "Customize" tab in order to select the desired pool and drop rates manually, the sets themselves should still be able to come through.

    • 1 year ago

      Does this mean tracking is broken now?

    • 1 year ago

      I sure hope that gets fixed before the eva collab

  66. 1 year ago

    >Eva collab returning
    Wtf ponos. Worst time. I just saved up exactly enough tix to get Lilin and a legend rare. Should I save at this point and forego that or go ahead with it and pray its far away enough in the future that I can get away with splurging now.

    • 1 year ago

      I'd say reserve. I've heard good things about Lilin, but with the new anti-Akus that have come out I think you're better off using that uber space to get a collab uber just purely by rarity. Plus you could always get an LR during the collab dump and progress through Aku content using those Aku-egg units (Barrel / Cactus / Supercar) and being good at video games.

    • 1 year ago

      Lillin is shit tho. You'd be better with lucifer or hevijak.

  67. 1 year ago

    >New monthly missions
    Both Clione and Bahamut, AND a Cyclone? I mean, it's not like I'd have trouble with any of them by this point, but how were they so stacked with bosses?

  68. 1 year ago

    I vaguely remember someone requesting a calendar for monthly events so here it is.

    • 1 year ago

      Nicely done.

      • 1 year ago

        I didn't do it myself, I grabbed it off discord like everything else.
        Might tack on a few things (Total War, Clan of Maniacs, Crazed Moneko, anything else I can think of)

    • 1 year ago

      i really wish stage scheduling wasn't so nonsensical

    • 1 year ago


  69. 1 year ago

    Okay, if we are getting Asukasli, is there an uber that you could do a similar type of wordplay with Rei?

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        I guess that's why they only did Asuka,

  70. 1 year ago

    After getting all the Manics last month, I figured June will be when I Awaken all the Li'l Cats, but lolnope. Try as I might, I can't get Mohawk lower than about 80%. Guess it'll have to wait until I actually clear SoL.

  71. 1 year ago

    Rare that I can get 3 missions done in one go.

  72. 1 year ago

    Finally beat SoL.

  73. 1 year ago

    5% is currently at 69f for anyone doing labyrinth

    • 1 year ago

      Floor 93, 2%
      I'll complete it some day soon bros

    • 1 year ago

      Floor 93, 2%
      I'll complete it some day soon bros

      I haven't even started. There's still a week left, right?

      • 1 year ago

        >There's still a week left, right?

  74. 1 year ago

    >roll without tracking seed
    >end up getting a dupe uber or none
    >track seed
    >get good ubers but it feels like cheating
    it's a vicious cycle

    • 1 year ago

      Eh, if Pornos considered it "cheating", they would've gone after it harder. As it stands, I fully believe they understand that more people will be willing to drop a couple bucks on the freemium currency if they know for a fact it'll get them a cool new unit, instead of only relying on gambling addicts as their sole source of non-ad income.

      • 1 year ago

        Didn't they break tracking recently, or was

        taken from dicksword, event data info is restricted for a while.

        actually not related?

        • 1 year ago

          I guess we'll know for sure over the weekend since that's when the next batch of banners would usually drop.

  75. 1 year ago

    I don't know what the frick is going on, I tried doing my daily Jinfore, took the same steps I always take and still failed twice before finally clearing it.
    At least I don't have to worry about what to use my excess energy on.

  76. 1 year ago

    Yeah, not enough has changed for me since the last time the Tower was up to be able to clear Floor 40. Getting Yulala down to 80% was the best I could do.
    I guess I'll try a couple times more throughout my breaks at work, but after that it's time to focus on the Labyrinth.

    • 12 months ago

      >Try to clear Floor 40
      >Get my shit wrecked
      >Check strategies
      >There's one involving Lone Cat and Kitten's TF
      >Try go get it
      >Get my shit wrecked
      Okay then.

      • 12 months ago

        Aside from "puzzle" stages, youtube strategies don't work for me 100% of the time.

      • 12 months ago

        having a moronic high level catellite helps a lot for that stage

        • 12 months ago

          floor 40 I mean, not the lone cat true form stage

  77. 1 year ago

    >old phone died and i couldn't save data to the new one
    >have to start from scratch again
    it hurts

    • 1 year ago

      damn that sucks
      I don't think I could keep playing if I lost everything like that

    • 1 year ago

      I think you can contact support to have them restore your data if you have your account number, the code that's on the top left of the title screen

    • 12 months ago

      My old phone I had the game on just died too. Luckily I have the inquiry code saved on my computer and Ponos activated a transfer after I proved it was mine. Second time this has happened too. 16k user rank so I would have never played again if I didn't get it back.

      • 12 months ago

        I wonder why the do the inquiry code thing instead of having proper accounts

        • 12 months ago

          They do something similar in OPTC, so maybe it was the style at the time.

          The glass cat advent stage is absolutely destroying me and I have lvl40 ubers and +50 basic cats.

          I thought I wouldn't even come close, but after I whittled Wahwah's health down to 80% during my trial run, I decided to actually take it seriously and managed to clear it first try.
          >Mohawk, Eraser, Legs and Jamiera, all between +50 and +60
          >Base form D'art, Phonoa, D.Iz Nuts and Issun Boshi, all at lvl. 35
          >Also using Gaia and TF'd Sakura from Fate - not sure if they were useful though.
          >Rich Cat, Radar and Sniper
          >Rawdogging it without combos
          Issun's evolved form is rather quick and smacks traitless with massive damage, and at level 35 he survives a full salvo from King. So if you time it right and don't get stopped by peons, he can ram into the boss two times before dying. If you're lucky and Sniper helps you out at the right moment (and/or you fire off your cannon at the right time), you can hope for three. Still, I ended up spawning my Ubers like three times and my base still got in trouble once the Roos started spawning, so I only really managed to win by luck.

  78. 1 year ago

    Whomst do I use dark catseyes on? DKasli?

  79. 1 year ago

    >Shrine shows up
    >embiggens my bag'o'shit
    >It's a Legend Catseye

  80. 1 year ago

    how f2p is this game?

    • 1 year ago

      You can track your seed and know what you're going to roll on every banner 999 rolls in advance, that's how friendly.

  81. 1 year ago

    looks like they were able to pull the newest JP event data without issue. fingers crossed its the same for global tomorrow when it updates.

  82. 1 year ago

    >11th floor UL
    >Vs. Angels
    >Already low on Anti-Angels
    Are there actually not that many of those in Special/Rare or have I somehow missed most of them. Is it because Ultra Souls can be used for semi-cheap spamming? It's Floor 11, I don't want to whip out Ramen yet.
    Also, a related question: this is the third time UL is up, has a strat been devised yet for filling the team up after the n*10th stages decimate it?

    • 1 year ago

      Uncanny Legends
      Underground labyrinth
      Just use one good anti angel and fill the rest with garbage units, and depending on how many ubers you have, its often a good idea to use a few in every lineup just so you can burn through them

      • 12 months ago

        >Uncanny Legends
        >Underground labyrinth
        Point taken.

    • 12 months ago

      yeah there isnt a lot of anti angels but I found their stages didnt usually require one as long as you have a meatshield + some kind of midrange attacker
      as for filling teams there is no real strategy that would work for everyone
      I try to select a couple units that I know can handle the next stage and fill the rest with the worst units I can find, repeat until the last couple of stages
      use the wiki so you can get an idea of what units would be useful to keep and ones you dont need anymore, like once you get past all the metal stages you can freely dump all your anti metals and critters

  83. 12 months ago

    event data got updated for global. no guaranteed banners for the next two weeks.

    • 12 months ago

      I still don't see anything on the tracker.

      • 12 months ago

        I think they have to manually update the seed tracker after pornos messed up the automated data scrapping.

        [June 12th ~ 14th] Dark Heroes (+Thunder Jack) [P|GR|R]
        [June 12th ~ 14th] The Nekoluga Family [P|GR|R]
        [June 14th ~ 16th] Elemental Pixies (+Bliza) [P|GR|R]
        [June 14th ~ 16th] Wargods Vajiras (+Hattori Hanzo) [P|GR|R]
        [June 16th ~ 19th] Epicfest (+Thunder Jack) <Special Drop Rate : UR = 9%>
        [June 16th ~ 19th] The Almighties (+Lucifer the Fallen) [P|GR|R]
        [June 19th ~ 21st] The Dynamites (+Cat Tengu) [P|GR|R]
        [June 19th ~ 21st] Iron Legion (+Mighty Carrowsell) [P|GR|R]
        [June 21st ~ 23rd] Girls & Monsters (+Spectral Goth Vega) [P|GR|R]
        [June 21st ~ 23rd] Galaxy Gals (+Huntress Terun) [P|GR|R]
        [June 23rd ~ 26th] Dragon Emperors (+Sea Serpent Daliasan) [P|GR|R]
        [June 23rd ~ 26th] Ultra Souls (+Issun Boshi) [P|GR|R]

  84. 12 months ago

    What's the cutoff point for top 5% in labirynth? I'm at 57 and have cats left, but I'm so tired.

    • 12 months ago


      5% is currently at 69f for anyone doing labyrinth

      that was about a week or so ago so it might have gone up by a few floors since then

  85. 12 months ago

    Got recommended this by a friend. Gonna play it tonight at work. Any tips for a new player?

    • 12 months ago

      >Any tips for a new player?
      Find a new job. I know Battle Cats is one of the "good ones", but you can't trust a guy that would look you in the face and recommend a gacha.

      But straight talk now:
      >Getting Treasures in story mode is important, but not so important that you can't wait for a Treasure Festival when you have a higher chance of a drop.
      >Speaking of which, the 22nd of every month is a Meow Meow Day, you get free shit from the game and there's a Treasure Festival for all of story mode. Don't skip it, that's like leaving money on the table.
      >Speaking of money, there's a bunch of Special Cats you can buy. They're sometimes on sale, wait for that to happen before you do it. But don't hurry, they're not that good.
      >Don't buy anything else from the shop. Why buy something when you can grind for it? Unless you plan on whaling.
      >Once you've did your first pull, your experience will be different than that of the rest of the player base. So it's best to learn how to teambuild fast. The wiki ( is a great help, there's no point busting down doors that are already open.
      >Speaking of pulls, the consensus is to not do a multi-pull unless there's a guaranteed Uber Rare Cat.
      >Another thing related to pulls: make a list of your first ten or so rare pulls, in the order you got them. This will allow you to track your seeds ( and know what pulls will be coming up, which isn't strictly said "legal", but as long as Ponos doesn't actively fight it, I'd say it's fair game. It's up to you though.
      >This is time-sensitive, but currently the Japanese version is in the midst on a collaboration event with Neon Genesis Evangelion. So outside of those ten pulls for the seedtrack, you might want to hoard your tickets and your catfood until it comes to Global so you can get some of that limited shit. Also, with collab events, for the last few days it gives you a guaranteed Uber on a multipull.

    • 12 months ago

      Only spend your catfood on gacha.

      Don't bother spending energy outside of Empire of Cats for a while, I don't think you can beat anything that shows up.

    • 12 months ago

      be aware that anything and everything in this game cat be obtained via cheating

    • 12 months ago

      Oh right, as a new player your energy will be shit.

      If you close the game in the middle of a stage that you haven't died in yet, you can restart that stage from the beginning for free. Does not apply to stages that have "No Continue".

      • 12 months ago

        Does that still even work?

        • 12 months ago


  86. 12 months ago

    Ponos car

    Ponos car

  87. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      I can't believe 2 out of 100 players that even bother with that mode go that deep. wtf?

    • 12 months ago

      nice bro

    • 12 months ago

      My ass barely hit 29% 🙁

    • 12 months ago

      nice. you even have units leftover

      for those of you still grinding labyrinth, the current cutoff for top 5% is reaching floor 74.

    • 12 months ago

      How many units did you start with?

      • 12 months ago

        491 units. Never before have I been so happy to be a dexgay

  88. 12 months ago

    Seed tracker updated.
    >tfw no Fest exclusives until 217

  89. 12 months ago

    >91 units left
    Last time I had to stop at B49 and 16% because I ran out of cheap meatshields. And history might be repeating itself.

    • 12 months ago

      you don't need to use meatshields on every stage you know
      just tank it using jamieras, fishes (in this context it's correct!) or even replace the ms with some 500 cost units

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, I guess.
        Really, what I should do is start topping my team off with an uber or two earlier. That way I would be saving more cheap units for later so my teams aren't so uber-heavy.
        I'm past B58 in the end, top 11% the last time I looked. I still have some units left, but I don't think I'd be able to go much further with what I have now. Especially since I rolled a Metal stage and Ubers aren't for the most part known for fast attacks.
        Gotta give a shout out to Fate's Sakura Uber though, she was part of the team for I assume 14 stages before getting bumped off.

  90. 12 months ago

    Finally got Idi. 4 star really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Though to be fair with all my procrastinating, my rares were like +30 to +40 with dupes. Some of those zombie levels were probably hell for anybody who did this before wushu cat came out.

    • 12 months ago

      4 star is generally easier than 3 star...
      outside of IT catacombs at least

    • 12 months ago

      Good stuff anon. Got mine about 2 weeks ago. Have fun getting walled at Curry Comet.

  91. 12 months ago

    so close. I regret dying those handful of times.

  92. 12 months ago

    >Celebrating 81 million DLs
    Why? We've just had 80M not too long ago. and 81M isn't as round of a number, it's not a multiple of 22, the only real significance is that's it's a square of 9000.
    I mean, I'll still happily take the free shit that comes with it, but I'm confused. Especially since I pulled Yukimura since the last time the times stages were around, so the Black one will be a breeze.

    • 12 months ago

      There's nothing else to celebrate right now, and this is to keep people from rioting until the Next Big Thing

  93. 12 months ago

    God damn it, I forgot to run Bonanza again. I even set it up, and then grabbed a bite to eat and it completely slip my mind.
    And the worst thing is, this was supposed to be my last XP farming before finally getting my last unit up to lvl.30.

    • 12 months ago

      Well, it was twice the cost when running Coliseum, but every unit I own is now at the very least at their max base level.
      So now it's time to grind that XP back up to 99,999,999 for another round of catseye upping.

  94. 12 months ago

    finally reached 20K user rank

    • 12 months ago

      >no new rewards until 25000
      my freebies...

      • 12 months ago

        There's the Z building mats at 20200 and 20300, so maybe they'll put more in as time progresses?

  95. 12 months ago

    Maybe it was just me, but I feel like the difficulty had a sudden spike midway through Aku Research 501. Still, after a few tries I finally cleared the third stage. One more and I'm done with that part and can focus on getting better, because the Behemoth Chick in Archaeology 301 is stomping my shit in.

  96. 12 months ago

    >ALL of the ads I got today were for Always pads
    Are the player demographics for Battle Cats skewing female this hard?

    • 12 months ago

      I usually get antidepressants so probably

  97. 12 months ago

    >No posts for almost three days
    Damn, the discussions are dead when there's no limited events to b***h at, huh. But I guess after close to 10 years there's not much left to be said.
    Anyway, sometime in the last thread there was a discussion about possible new gacha rares/super rares, and an idea popped into my head the other day. Now, I understand we already have Lufalan, as well as more collab units than you can shake a stick at, but hear me out: "Legally Distinctive Anime Cats". For example, "Monkey Boy Cat", with wild bedhair, a tail, and riding a cloud, evolving into "Monkey Boy Cat Z", a buff version, and then TF'd into "Super Monkey Boy Cat", with blonde hair.
    We're all weebs here, right? To varying degrees, at least.

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe we could brainstorm possible TF's for advent cats, trying to fix or not make even more broken them in the process.
      >Stone Cat
      >Pied Piper Cat
      >Calligraphy Cat
      >Jetpack Cat (yet to be released in EN)
      >Cossack Cat
      >Slime Cat
      >Phantom Cat
      >Bakery Cat

      • 12 months ago

        Ponos will probably just add Colossus Slayer and 5% dodge to everything

        Unrelated note, hit 1111hours game time today

      • 12 months ago

        All I know is that Cossack's TF should be called Hetman Cat, learn you guys some knowledge.

      • 12 months ago

        >possible TF's
        Which reminds me, how's that for a Metal Cat's TF?
        >playing off of the usual Cat -> Macho -> Mohawk progression, give him a leather jacket and either a spiky mohawk or long head-banging hair and call it "Heavy Metal Cat"
        >Wave, Surge and Toxic immune, so if you want to damage it, you need to do it up close and personal
        >No extra HP/Attack other than what he'd get from leveling up
        >Like everything else, TF at lvl.30
        I'm thinking some Bombercat-level shenanigans needed to farm Metal Catseyes, and only then only allowing the unit to reach lvl. 30. The only problem I'm seeing with that is the work required to implement what basically amounts to a meme power-up, since it will be useless once you've farmed ten CEs

        • 12 months ago

          >Heavy Metal Cat
          I actually like that one. Traits/talents aside thats a fricking good name.

      • 12 months ago

        simply give him area attack and more hp and he becomes decent. maybe another target like aku or relic could be neat?

        i like to think he could get resistant + a big hp boost to act as like an offensive meatshield??? kinda like those eva collab rares that have massive damage + tough. cant think of any other direction his tf could go besides that frankly cossack is such a fricking weird unit lmao

        a range increase to like 380 would be nice since there still arent any non uber anti angel specialists that outrange chickful a or sleipnir. also increase his piss hp/dmg.

        ive seen other people suggest him getting metal + suicide in tf for a single guaranteed hit, maybe give him a big cooldown increase as a nerf. would also make his first and second forms still relevant so you can choose whether you want a single guaranteed nuke wave every once in a while vs high risk/reward spamability

        • 12 months ago

          Perhaps Cossack could get the dodge ability? If he's going to keep his extremely low range then I think a dodge chance would be a good addition, even if dodge is a finicky ability in general.
          I would love to see Bakery become a good unit, and I honestly think you could expand his curse to all traits and it wouldn't be that overpowered. Although aTF would mean we would actually have to fight Doremi instead of cheesing her.
          I was thinking of adding Z-killer and soulstrike for Slime TF. Z-killer is a straight upgrade, of course, but soulstrike would slow Slime down and allow him to attack more. (Although now that I think about it, that would make slime even more cracked than he already is).

    • 12 months ago

      Eh this board is slow as molasses anyway
      No worries about it 404ing even without a single post in a week

  98. 12 months ago

    Thunder Jack is pretty fun
    He's exactly what I wanted, a fast melee unit with constant attack pattern and just stonewalls until he dies without any knockback

  99. 12 months ago

    >First Legend helper
    Nice. Only 9 more to go now.

    • 12 months ago

      I havent gotten a gold in over a year. I need three more. Fricking bullshit I tell ya.

  100. 12 months ago

    is this a game i could pick up and play today without worrying about the past events i've missed?

    I tried playing nikke, genshin and tower of fantasy and they all played like shit and i had horrible experience because i didnt start day one.

    • 12 months ago

      >without worrying about the past events i've missed?
      The bad news is, there's lots of collab units that have good niches and you'll get irritated when you do research a stage and find out that a collab unit would've been perfect for it.
      The good news is that they usually come back around, eventually. Except Bikkuriman, a single empty Legend spot for many veteran players. Soon though.
      But if you want to join, join now, the Japanese seever just saw the return of NGE collab, so it can't be far behind on Global. And the sooner you join, the more of the freemium currency you'll have to waste on it.

      • 12 months ago

        The game starts slow with you in Empire of Cats 1 and few to no legend events available, not that you have the stats to challenge them. Most Collabs do return and everything else you basically have until the heat death of the universe to grind for. Battle cats is single player, so there's nobody who will be dabbing on you.

        sounds good enough. thanks frens.

      • 12 months ago

        I can't think of a single collab unit that I've ever required outside of Healer for freeze cheeze strats, and thats only because I'm admittedly shit at the game and that was the easiest option when I needed it.

        • 12 months ago

          But they can make life easier. Like right now I'm using M. Bison for the Gauntlet, since he targets all three types in it.

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Eva-00 is the best waveblocker in the game

          • 12 months ago

            Eva-00 is one of the only colab units I find myself using with any regularity, although I think Yami TF fills that niche now too

            just finished up my cotc3 and got my first plat ticket
            kasli, darktanyan or phono?
            they are nowhere close to be seen in fest banners
            dkasli is already aquired
            or get all of them with 2 and 3 star stories of legend?
            how hard would that be?

            SoL 2&3 star is just a big time sink
            Never used Kasli in an actual stage outside of LQ or Labyrinth
            Other two are good

    • 12 months ago

      The game starts slow with you in Empire of Cats 1 and few to no legend events available, not that you have the stats to challenge them. Most Collabs do return and everything else you basically have until the heat death of the universe to grind for. Battle cats is single player, so there's nobody who will be dabbing on you.

  101. 12 months ago

    The glass cat advent stage is absolutely destroying me and I have lvl40 ubers and +50 basic cats.

  102. 12 months ago

    just finished up my cotc3 and got my first plat ticket
    kasli, darktanyan or phono?
    they are nowhere close to be seen in fest banners
    dkasli is already aquired
    or get all of them with 2 and 3 star stories of legend?
    how hard would that be?

    • 12 months ago

      They are all very strong, but I use darktanyan the most since the other two are so good that the game gets boring really quickly when you just swipe through most stages

    • 12 months ago

      I only have Phono, his "frick you from a distance of 1000" beam is pretty neat.
      However, D'arktanyan is the only one of the three that targets Traitless, so it depends on how you're fairing with that.
      Also better check how many shards you have, you just might be able to get a second ticket in time to get to Phono.

    • 12 months ago

      Dasli should be your first choice if you don't have her.
      Out of the 3 you list, phono is the best overall since there are no other can replace his role.
      D.ark Is good for early game when you want to get all Crazed cats. Later can be replaced with spy cat

  103. 12 months ago

    >giant head Pasalans attack animation has him remove his head
    That's kinda different even for this game

  104. 12 months ago

    Damn, the final Mutation stage got hands. After clearing the 9th one first try, I thought I had a chance, but I guess not.

  105. 12 months ago

    The tracker updated, but only about a week's worth:
    >06/26-28 - Pixies and Dark Heroes
    >06/28-30 - Lugas and Wargods
    >06/30-07/03 - Dynamites and Uberfest
    No guarantees

  106. 12 months ago

    Eva when?

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Maybe the leaks are only one week this time because v12.4 comes to Global next Monday and that's also when the collab starts? Hope springs eternal.

    • 12 months ago

      Bikkuriman when?
      Need my last Legend

      • 12 months ago

        The very moment I pull my next legend and then have literally one more for another thousand steps.

        • 12 months ago

          My next Legend is in 4 rolls, then its a 250 ticket gap to my next one. I can't generate that many Gold Tickets if they announce it soon, but with EVA potentially around the corner, I'm going to have to risk it

          • 12 months ago

            Damn, and you get a track swap right in front of it too. That never happens.
            My next legend is 86 spots away, a gap that the Eva collab will most likely help me close. But after that, the next two are 448 steps away from the first, and then 555 away from the second.
            So I'm wondering if I should stop pulling after Eva until I have enough tickets/CF to pull 450 times if need be. I don't even know how long that would take, or how many super-rare collabs I'd miss.

          • 11 months ago

            When EVA does appear, should I use my Legend slot for a dupe, or use it for an EVA uber?

            • 11 months ago

              Depends on what pops up on that spot, I guess. Unless you're a collector.

  107. 12 months ago

    These behemoth stones are annoying I've been short 2 yellow for months.

    • 12 months ago

      agree, at least catfruit stages are somewhat accessible. cubes are shit to grind by comparison

  108. 12 months ago

    When should I start doing zombie outbreaks?
    I finished EoC chapter 1, have everything leveled to 10 and I havent done a single rare pull yet.

    • 11 months ago

      Whenever you feel like it, really. They can only be done one stage at a time which makes them an annoying time intensive task so best you get to them now if you have the units for them
      That said if youre still EoC/early ItF then dont worry about it for a while lol, the reward is increasing your max energy which is nice but not crucial

  109. 12 months ago

    Has anyone actually gotten the scrub brush before

    • 12 months ago

      The sratchcards are back?
      >engaging copium
      Well if they're providing extra source of large quantity of catfood, then the Eva Collab can't be far behind!

      • 12 months ago

        12.4 EN is apparently coming out tomorrow, with bad news for because there's no Eva event data associated with it (and still no Aku Nyandam).

        • 12 months ago

          Cleared all the Carnival stages, for some reason the only one I needed items for was the very first one. Between the CF from scratchcards and the tickets from these stages, it's like they're preparing us for a lot of pulling, right?


          • 12 months ago

            >the only one I needed items for was the very first one
            It wasn't right, so after an embarrassing number of tries I finally rawdogged it.
            I also cleared the duel chellanges after only being able to go about 2/3rds through last time they dropped. The last stage was another pain in the ass though, and also required multiple tries.

  110. 12 months ago

    >cleared all the Cyclone missions
    Wow, and just a few short months ago I would cower in fear of Cyclone stages.
    And now I have enough Legend Catseyes to get all the legends I own up to level 35.

  111. 12 months ago

    12.4 is out

    • 12 months ago

      Don't forget to TF Bean Cats

      • 12 months ago

        First thing I did. Also checked the cost for upgrading Shit Sparrow.
        >3 Aku Fruits and an Epic Seed
        Is it worth it? Did they actually make it a good unit?

  112. 12 months ago

    Oh shit, they've upgraded the in-game calendar.

  113. 12 months ago

    Did they change how much energy you could replenish by watching ads? I remember it filling it up back to full.

    • 12 months ago

      It's been 20% since I started playing.

  114. 11 months ago

    >12.4 introduces two more Eva Collab Ubers
    >Cope not dead
    >brings total number of Ubers to 14, plus 10 Rares/Super Rares
    >Best case scenario I could get a max of 13
    But late 2025 is when I complete the collection.

  115. 11 months ago

    Fuuuuck Wrath of A-Cyclone. Finally fricking cleared it. After several Leaderships my team finally eked out a victory.
    Don't care, I'm more pissed that I had to resort to itemcarry.

  116. 11 months ago

    What's the max Enigma lvl in the game right now?

  117. 11 months ago

    Got 3.2 tickets. Should I get both?

    • 11 months ago

      Kasli definitely
      Emma is really cute but unless her TF is amazing she's kinda meh

      • 11 months ago

        Seconded. I havent used hell warden since I've had her, maybe once or twice for testing. Both kaslis are a must.

      • 11 months ago

        Seconded. I havent used hell warden since I've had her, maybe once or twice for testing. Both kaslis are a must.

        All right, thanks, Kasli's in.

  118. 11 months ago

    The Duel Stages are fun
    Thunder Jack is great here since he has no KB and attacks constantly so he'll always put in work

  119. 11 months ago

    New banner info dropped, double uber/legend chances.
    We just had those like a month ago after not seeing it for God knows how long, so I don't trust it. They're trying to milk our tickets/CF.

    • 11 months ago

      They're milking your tickets before the Eva banner

    • 11 months ago

      >double uber rates
      >no new ubers nearby on the tracker
      my tickets are safe

  120. 11 months ago

    I'm not a fan of CotC. I don't feel like remaking my lineup every three levels nor the large number of gimmick levels. Better than SoL, but not by much.

    • 11 months ago

      oh boy you are in for a surprise once the labyrinth comes back

  121. 11 months ago

    Is Kasli the Bane good? Seed track says it's my first pull with plat tickets and I have a discounted plat ticket offer.

    • 11 months ago

      Pretty much one of the game's best units

    • 11 months ago

      She's amazing
      She's strong
      She's the cutest!
      She's straight up busted

    • 11 months ago

      Both Kasli are great units and have just 1 of them will make your life a lot better. Dual Kasli is just plain disgusting and will melt almost all non-gimmick stages.

  122. 11 months ago

    >EoC2 missions
    Can do all three in one
    >EoC3 missions
    Can do any two missions at once
    Not a single shared map

  123. 11 months ago

    Favorite stage for farming zero legend materials?

  124. 11 months ago

    >White Cyclone as one of the missions
    >Thankfully the cyclone stages are all up so there's no need to wait
    >Just cleared it with a handicap for the event mission, so my anti-traitless team should be enough, even if the cyclone is Floating
    >So confident I don't even check the wiki
    >Clear the stage, where's the Cyclone though?
    >Turns out he's on a timer
    And then I didn't even have the last team that defeated WC saved anymore. I mean, I still did it, it just took a few tries to fine-tune the team.

  125. 11 months ago

    Do I ever have to recalculate my seed? If yes: when should I do it?

    • 11 months ago

      Only if you lose track of it iirc. Once you got it, you're good.

  126. 11 months ago

    I'm not sure if it's been *exactly* a year since I started playing, but it's about that time, and July 1st is a good place, so let's say it has.
    Also, good to know that now I'll get free 10 catfood every month for already having leveled up the pre-Gauntlet f2p units. I remember getting Vacation Queen was a pain for my complete noob ass. I didn't even clear the stage, just replayed the highest map I could beat until she dropped.

    • 11 months ago

      >I didn't even clear the stage, just replayed the highest map I could beat until she dropped.
      And now that I cleared it, I've got another medal.

    • 11 months ago


  127. 11 months ago

    >Four Epic CFs from the shrine
    >9th gold assisstant finally
    Cat God smiled upon me.

  128. 11 months ago

    >Headmistress Jeanne
    >Mighty Kristul Muu
    >Gaia the Creator
    >Kyosaka Nanaho
    >Musashi Miyamoto
    >High Lord Babel
    Who should I get for my first Legend Rare? Or if that's hard to pick out, who should I definitely avoid?

    • 11 months ago

      Babel and Legeluga are considered the worst of the bunch. The rest depends on what you lack the most, since most only target one trait.

    • 11 months ago

      If you don't have any Pixies yet, Lumina.

    • 11 months ago

      Nanaho is the ultimate generalist that can go into any team but only because she comes with a good crit chance to handle metals while still dealing OK damage to everything else

    • 11 months ago

      My favorite is Momoco. She shits on 3/4 of the entire midgame.

    • 11 months ago

      I like nanaho because she shits on the most annoying enemies in the game

    • 11 months ago

      Wonder Momoco is my favorite legend rare. R/B/Ang Lvl8 freeze wave. Absolute solid unit. Emperor cat is good too and has total coverage.

  129. 11 months ago

    The Legend Rare question reminded me of something I wanted to ask, but kept forgetting.
    Some of the Uber banners have a gimmick shared across available units, right? Like how the Lugas are all giant glass cannons with status effects targeting most if not all traits, or how Ultra Souls have the spammable first form and they all target Angels and one more trait. There's more that are obvious: Pixies, Iron Legion, both Fests, and Dark Heroes, in a way. So here's my question: are all banners like that or is it just some? The Dynamites seem like a complete random grab-bag for example, but maybe I'm just too stupid to notice the theme.

    • 11 months ago

      Dynamites is just where all the random ass ideas for uber rares that dont slot in anywhere else go
      Almighties and Galaxy Gals dont have a unifying gameplay gimmick that I can see either, galaxy gals is mostly just the devs being horny

    • 11 months ago

      Dynamites were the first banner in the game I think so it doesn't have a central theme
      The units do mostly share low deployment cost and fast recharge rate though

    • 11 months ago


      Dynamites were the first banner in the game I think so it doesn't have a central theme
      The units do mostly share low deployment cost and fast recharge rate though

      Dynamites is just where all the random ass ideas for uber rares that dont slot in anywhere else go
      Almighties and Galaxy Gals dont have a unifying gameplay gimmick that I can see either, galaxy gals is mostly just the devs being horny

      short recharge time and generally unique mechanics

  130. 11 months ago

    >Green Stone Desert lV
    Why did it have to be cadaver bears

  131. 11 months ago

    Battle Cats the game for those who love freedom

    • 11 months ago

      Also, the discount pulls are back.

      • 11 months ago

        Frick, I didn't use mine up yet. What's the schedule on it refreshing anyway?

        • 11 months ago

          I'm not sure it's set in stone or anything like that. My copium says they do it before major pulling opportunities and that it's another sign that the Eva collab will drop next week for sure this time.

  132. 11 months ago

    I've spent entirely too much time, energyband items on Revenge of the Unholy, aka final Zyklon B stage. But at least now I have Soba. For what little its worth.

  133. 11 months ago

    Best way to farm Exp while under UR 900? I don't have any anti-black units.

    • 11 months ago

      stories of legends or events

      • 11 months ago

        Oof. Its a hard slog to start anon. You really, really want to get jizo & pizza asap to start bringing in some bacon.

        Whatever you do make sure you get bomber (flower) asap.

        Set reminders to get his TF.
        >Although this stage is the easiest in the entire game, it is very hard to access:
        >it is only available on the 2nd and 22nd day of each month, and only for 2 minutes, starting at 2:22pm and ending at 2:24.
        >Additionally, having beatenInto the Future's 3rd chapter is a requirement.

        Once you start beating Merciless XP (even if you can only beat it once every few tries) the game will start rapidly progressing for you. Focus that gained xp initially on improving units to help beat that stage confidently. I clear it in about 10 seconds now for about 1.2 mil at max reward. Early game is a total slog, but it gets much better. Battle cats has a bit of a weird flow to it.

        Anti-blacks are easily priority number 1

        My seed says that I'm not gonna get any good anti blacks for a long while sadly, the biggest problem is that I also have to level up my crazed cats and they eat so much xp but don't really help with increasing UR, I should probably still able to finish all of proving grounds easy though.

        • 11 months ago

          Also I have not started ItF chapter 1 yet, I really don't want to start farming treasures again...

          • 11 months ago

            Ah. I see. Unfortunately you are in the grinder. You really need to reprioritise. Treasures are MUCH more important than any particular unit at this stage. Yes, it is a grind. Theres no shortcuts here. Make sure you are, at the very least, activating your treasures (as soon as you possibly can) by getting a medal from each stage they require. Eg: if brazil will give you a medal that completes a set, you really really wanna grind brazil before you do anything else. Are you familiar with how enemy scaling works in relation to treasures? It's rather signifcant, to say the least.

            Also disregard wiki advice on using radars. If a treasure is pissing you off and you know you can beat the stage just use it. Radars are nowhere near as rare as they used to be, in the early game just make sure to keep a bank of maybe 5-10 radars up your sleeve at all times to get units that are stage rewards. You'll have a shitload of them to blow on xp stages midgame anyway.

            • 11 months ago

              I forgot to mention, grinding will accumulate xp even if it feels like small amounts, but it does add up. Get those treasures anon. Its win-win. Cats get stronger without levelling, enemies get weaker with each relevant treasure, and you'll get that xp you are chasing as a byproduct.

        • 11 months ago

          Also I have not started ItF chapter 1 yet, I really don't want to start farming treasures again...

          How are your anti-Floaters and anti-Traitless? The last stage on the basic vanilla XP stage has a bunch a bunch of white enemies, as well as Bun Bun Black, so you can make up a team that doesn't really go all that hard on anti-black. Of course, you'll still need some, but I think you might squeak through with f2p units.

    • 11 months ago

      Oof. Its a hard slog to start anon. You really, really want to get jizo & pizza asap to start bringing in some bacon.

      Whatever you do make sure you get bomber (flower) asap.

      Set reminders to get his TF.
      >Although this stage is the easiest in the entire game, it is very hard to access:
      >it is only available on the 2nd and 22nd day of each month, and only for 2 minutes, starting at 2:22pm and ending at 2:24.
      >Additionally, having beatenInto the Future's 3rd chapter is a requirement.

      Once you start beating Merciless XP (even if you can only beat it once every few tries) the game will start rapidly progressing for you. Focus that gained xp initially on improving units to help beat that stage confidently. I clear it in about 10 seconds now for about 1.2 mil at max reward. Early game is a total slog, but it gets much better. Battle cats has a bit of a weird flow to it.

    • 11 months ago

      Anti-blacks are easily priority number 1

  134. 11 months ago

    When is EN getting the Aku Researcher TF stage?
    Its gotta be soon, right?
    >Also EVA in next few weeks, cope

    • 11 months ago

      Aku Researcher TF stage should appear on Friday.
      Also 12.5's dropping in the next day if event data's to be believed.

    • 11 months ago

      I see it in my game right now

  135. 11 months ago

    12.5 update is out
    Rentry code is si5tc

    • 11 months ago

      >coppermine and shingen both get zombie typing
      >no z-kill
      damnit pornos

    • 11 months ago

      >skip battle using x2 Cat CPU
      Oh my god

    • 11 months ago

      >More cube farming
      Jesus frick ponos. I'm stll saving for cactus. Give us a break already

      >skip battle using x2 Cat CPU
      Oh my god

      I wonder how this will work, like is there win/lose criteria or can we just skip already completed stages and just reap the rewards?

      • 11 months ago

        >can only skip cleared stages
        >works with XP stages and other items
        >doesn't work with EX stages
        >doesn't give you a score on timed stages
        >uses stage clear limits
        seems pretty useful for farming XP if you're lazy

        • 11 months ago

          >works with xp stages.
          Holy shit. My ~75 leaderships will be gone within the week. I can already taste the regret and disappointment when I blow 200 million xp on maxing out maybe eight units.

    • 11 months ago

      >add skip
      >but it costs cpu

    • 11 months ago

      Two more things:
      The new Gamatoto area has a higher chance of unlocking helpers, and a checkpoint system has been introduced to the baron gauntlets: upon beating the baron (lv20), you will start at level 11 the next time the event starts.

      • 11 months ago

        >upon beating the baron (lv20), you will start at level 11 the next time the event starts
        thank god

      • 11 months ago

        >The new Gamatoto area has a higher chance of unlocking helpers
        Thank you ponos. I've been stuck with these three silver homosexuals for over a fricking year.

  136. 11 months ago

    So from what I'm seeing, when it comes to the double uber chance banners, we've had Galaxy Gals, Iron Legion and Ultra Souls, while Majestics, Girls & Monsters and Nekolugas are on now. In three days Wargods, Pixies and Dragons will pop up. All we're missing are Dynamites, Dark Heroes and I guess Epicfest, so that's the three banners that'll probably drop 12th-15th. After that it's anyone's guess (read: please be Eva, I've been edging for a month).

    • 11 months ago

      Well, I was almost right. Dynamites and Dark Heroes on 12th-14th, then Epicfest and a non-boosted Iron Legion on 14th-17th.

  137. 11 months ago

    I already have trouble on the first stage of Greatest Diablo. Through some random chance I was able to take the Cyclone down to 25% once and I could never recreate it.

    • 11 months ago

      I can only assume the secret was dumb luck. Researchers targeting the right enemy and breaking their barriers at the right time, Thau targeting the right enemies and weakening them at the right time, etc.
      The second stage went smoothly after that, although that might've been thanks to the Rich Cat.

  138. 11 months ago

    Praise the lord, now to wait for the legendary ones.

    • 11 months ago

      Grats you bastard. (Our gamatotos are twins)

      >The new Gamatoto area has a higher chance of unlocking helpers
      Thank you ponos. I've been stuck with these three silver homosexuals for over a fricking year.

    • 11 months ago

      Grats you bastard. (Our gamatotos are twins)

  139. 11 months ago

    i lost my old battle cats account and want to play again, but I REALLY dont wanna do the treasure grind again. what do?

    • 11 months ago

      You could buy the returner bundle, that way at least some of the grind is skipped.
      Or you could go find your account number. You DID have it written down somewhere, right?

    • 11 months ago

      You can pay for Returner Mode that skips EoC giving all Gold treasures, but you'll still neex to grind for the rest

  140. 11 months ago

    Is li'l king dragon cat a viable unit in end game with talents?

  141. 11 months ago

    Welp, I just encountered that Zombie Behemoth Ant for the first time and I hate it.
    Guess I'll have to tf Bear Cat, but since I'm low on anti-traitless ubers (only have Issun, Dhalsim and D.Iz Nuts), guess I'll have to tf Glass Cat just to get through the first of Kappy's Awakening stages.
    At least I've unlocked Mushroom Cat, so I have a better chance of defeating Rajakong. But this fricking ant is already waiting on me in Ashvini 11, so I'm not getting Chief Cat until I've already found a way to dispose of it. Par for the course with Behemoths, really.

    • 11 months ago

      I feel like ants are designed to spook you into making shitty teams geared towards them alone. I try not to focus on them, maximise your dps against everything else, and just go super hard sending units when the ants nuke your front & mid lines. Have you tried metal cat maybe to hold your line?

    • 11 months ago

      >But this fricking ant is already waiting on me in Ashvini 11
      Fricking never mind, I don't even have the levels to keep the Aliens from wrecking my base by the time the first ant becomes an issue.

  142. 11 months ago

    Oh, I forgot to get Nanaho after the recs. Oh well, guess I'll wait for a different legend rare that appeals to me.

  143. 11 months ago

    How does massive damage/insane damage even work against metal enemies? Do they take 3/4 damage now or does it only work if you can also crit? Is it even worth it to use stuff like Phonoa against Metal Hippoe?

    • 11 months ago

      Massive/Insane vs. Metals only applies on crits, yes.

  144. 11 months ago

    Eva when ponos

    • 11 months ago

      Next Monday, I hope.

  145. 11 months ago

    As I make my way to 3* Ururun, I have to marvel at the number of bosses I had in my monthly missions. First Li'l Nyandam, then three separate Cyclones, and now, as my 25th mission, Ururun.

  146. 11 months ago

    So im stuck at ITF1 Floating Continent and was wondering what i should do now.
    I got all Treasures up to this point but have no Anti-Aliens and the bore just runs through my cats.
    So what should be my priorities?
    >farm metal hippoe for normal tickets
    >farm fruits for gacha TFs (altough im not sure if i have any that are Anti-Alien in TF either)
    >farm XP so i can let Ubers carry
    >just do SoL (currently at 5)
    >do cyclones IF im strong enough

    Everywhere i look it tells me to get Crazed Cat but hes not gonna be available for a while.
    Im doing Zombie Outbreaks when they become available but i even usually lose the later EoC3 ones.
    Everything costs so much Energy so i dont really want to waste it.

    • 11 months ago

      Nimoy Bore has been a pain in my dick for the longest time as well. What you want is someone who can reliably freeze him. The usual go-to is SR Seafarer Cat, which is the true form of Surfer Cat, but if you say you don't have any anti-aliens, I guess youdon't have this one either. You could risk with Valkyrie maybe?
      Do you seed track? Double chance Pixies banner is on right now, and they're all anti-alien, so if you know for a fact you can get one, it'll make both ITF *and* COTC easier, especially since they're all warp-immune. Voli can freeze as well, so that'd be killing two birds with one stone.

      • 11 months ago

        I got Surfer Cat at 21A and next Uber at 38A (Gravi), but i doubt i could get that much catfood/tickets before it changes.
        But apparently got Surfer Cat on 1A on the next batch of gachas, so i could just wait for that.
        Picrel are the only "anti-aliens" i have, but Phonoa cant keep up with the bore alone.

        • 11 months ago

          Gravolodon (gravi tf) is instrumental in making me breeze through itf and cotc - he tanks and is immune to warp, deals piercing dps via wave, fricks barriers (crucial for cotc) and is my go to slot whenever I see a troublesome alien on the enemy lineup.

    • 11 months ago

      Sorry if you've tried this, but don't underestimate debuffers like thaumaturge and/or psychocat, once you build a stack they are very effective vs nimoy if you've got no surfer cat. Rover is a pretty important unit to pick up and get levelled - as in "your single most used meat shield for the next 5 chapters" important. Macho legs cat does more damage than you think to aliens. Theres a ton of time at the start to build up cash. Have you got rocker cat yet to maybe stall those angels? Also, see if you can snipe mitre saw cat asap. People shit on it for some bizarre reason, but it fricking tears through aliens even at lower levels, you'll start feeling the real power of him at around lv20+. You will not regret having it for the upcoming chapters.

      • 11 months ago

        The only alien debuffer i have is cat jobs, and he has literally never been useful to me.
        For some reason i have like 8 anti-floating cats but not a single that could be good against aliens.
        I have Ushiwakamaru (lvl10) to stall the angel hippoes, but even with a lvl8 worker and 50 cats on screen by the time i get to the base i still got demolished.
        Ill probably just do SoL/Metal Hippoes now until i get some anti-aliens in the gacha. Was going to do that anyway just wish i couldve gotten the 30 extra energy from ITF1 first, or even the Time machine from ITF2.

  147. 11 months ago

    >New Thai Version
    Reminder that all Legs Cat variants have a dick in that version.
    Also, after getting third prize on the scratcher two weeks in a row, I finally hit the jackpot. Yay.

  148. 11 months ago

    Sometimes this game feels like it thinks salon cat is a basic cat and everyone has it, some stages are way too hard without an area attacker that isn't melee range.

  149. 11 months ago

    >2 Plat tickets
    >Dasli at 48B
    >Princess at 51B
    >Won't have to sacrifice any ubers to get either during my Eva pulls once those pop up finally
    Should I get both?

    • 11 months ago

      The only thing princess has going for her is rarity. If you are collector, go for it.

      On an unrelated note, Jesus h. christ this thing takes a beating. Easy enough win with powerups but I feel bad for people that don't have a good range of anti akus.

      • 11 months ago

        Do you not have barrel cat? Literally makes the stage a joke. And just use any one of your ubers and fill the rest of the slots with MS and Pizza + Can-can. Talented bellydancer helps a lot too and even more so if you've got cactus.

        • 11 months ago

          >Do you not have barrel cat?
          Not yet, I was still saving for cactus when barrel was released. Should I prioritise barrel? Also, frick this cube grind. It's going to take me years to evolve all these fricking eggs.

          • 11 months ago

            Cactus cat is a great meatshield against aku, of course. It's role cant exactly be taken by bellydancer cat, but it can serve as a substitute until you get it.
            Getting a reliable shield breaker is much more important first, it's a huge improvement.

  150. 11 months ago

    Bug fixing update is live, idk what got changed though

    • 11 months ago

      >Bug fixing update is live, idk what got changed though
      Look as if they introduced a gamatoto bug as the primary feature. My game has crashed twice now trying to bring back gamatoto.

      • 11 months ago

        He was going to bring back rainbow followers with him too

      • 11 months ago

        He and all the helpers are on strike

    • 11 months ago

      I had glitched missions. Only one of the four came on the Monday they reset and then the rest rolled in later.

  151. 11 months ago

    So which foundation/style are you all going for first?
    Going for the reduced relic damage sounds like a no brainer

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah for me it's relic > zombie > floating since it's common then I don't know, and the anti-surge style. Weird how there's no anti-aku foundation

  152. 11 months ago

    What would Battle Cats 2 be like when they finally decide it's time to change things up

    • 11 months ago

      I can't imagine Ponos ever risking it. BCJP is 10years old now, and BCEN is over 8, thats a lot of game time and progression that I don't think people will want to give up

    • 11 months ago

      I mean, what would you want added to the game that cant be implemented in the game as it currently is?
      Struggling to come up with something I really want like that

      • 11 months ago

        I dunno watch em reskin yurugege and release it as the sequel. Or meld mainline BC with it into the sequel.

      • 11 months ago

        There's no point in making a new game unless it's actually a new game. Like go up a dimension with 3D sprites moving around a 2D environment, like a mix of chess, X-Com and Fortress Assault Games.

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly Battle Cats is more likely to get some sort of show than a sequel.

      • 11 months ago


  153. 11 months ago

    As a beginner, is there any Uber i should look out for specifically? I splurged on a Platinum Ticket after struggling a bit on ITF1.

    I have Phono, Grateful Crane, Mighty Rekon Corps, Strike Unit REI and Ushiwakamaru.
    Im also apparently on track to getting Lucifer the Fallen once Epicfest starts.

    I was thinking one of the Pixies because i got nothing against Aliens, but im not sure which one to go for.
    Heres the seed if it helps:

    • 11 months ago

      go with the ubers that would be most suited for the current path you are, but you can also take ubers ahead of time and use them when the time is right, if you take into account cotc and aku realm, prioritise anti alienand aku ubers (especially with aku shield break) for steamrolling sol and onward on non 4 stars, take notoriously strong fest ubers, the likes of bane kasli, mitama, you should know that some of the best cats are on advent stages, and usually have rare or sp rarity, making 4 star beatable

      • 11 months ago

        It's also good to stock up on some anti-blacks for XP farming.

    • 11 months ago

      imo most useful uber pixies are voli, bora, or gravi (the latter mostly only in tf though).

  154. 11 months ago

    >Finally finish Excavation 3 yesterday
    >Check the first stage of Excavation 4
    >Red Behemoth Horse
    Guess I'm taking a break from Archeology.

  155. 11 months ago

    So, I'm continually stuck on EoC3's Moon, I've tried like four times now. I feel like I should be able to beat the boss but all my cats outside of my Uber (Kamakura who is 17) are level 20 + a few, I'm using the best team setup I seemingly can for right now, and I have all the HP + ATK buffs for the cats possible at gold on everything. Do I just eat one of the Rich Cat buffs and spam the highest tier stuff I can?

    • 11 months ago

      Your surfer cat?

      • 11 months ago

        Wait ignore me

    • 11 months ago

      If you have literally any anti-Floating use it. Bishop, Fortune Teller, Kotatsu, Swimmer. If you don't maybe use more meatshields (Regular Cat) so your Dragons/Legs and probably Valkyrie Cat can even survive. Stall as much as you can before spawning bunbun and you should be fine.
      Get any cats you use to 20 outside of the Uber.

      Sorry to say but you wasted almost 2mil xp on the Uber that you probably shouldve spend on upgrading your normal/rares/supers.

      • 11 months ago

        I've got Kotatsu so I guess that's where my next XP is going into.
        >Sorry to say but you wasted almost 2mil xp on the Uber
        Really that bad, huh? I got a decent chunk of characters to 20 so it's not a super big deal.

      • 11 months ago

        Just wanted to thank you, it was completely carefree the instant I had two Sadakos on the field. He kept getting knocked back so frequently and was barely able to kill anything it was comical.

        • 11 months ago

          Now the real game begins.

          • 11 months ago

            Where do I even go from here? I'm at The Deepest Abyss or whatever stage it's called in ItF. Do I mess around with events? Getting golds everywhere?

            • 11 months ago

              Star working on zombie stages if yoy haven't already. If nothing else, that's 1440 catfood for all of EoC, not to mention finishing each chapter raises your Energy cap by 50.
              Along with that, start farming treasures if you haven't. In EoC, they all level up your basic stats. Also, if you clear all zombie stages on the maps that drop a part of a certain treasure, the likelihood of getting it will raise by some margin. Enjoy it, because in ItF and especially CotC Treasures buff your units against certain enemy types, so it's a b***h and a half to complete a chapter (therefore unlocking the zombie stages) without having everything gold already.
              Finishing EoC also unlocks Catfruit. Start looking into clearing those and collecting them, they'll become useful once you reach User Rank 1600, unlocking lvl.30 for all your units (except Crazed ones) and, therefore, their True Form evolution.
              You might also want to finish maxing out your base upgrades - if you haven't. Once they're all 20+9, you can trade in the upgrade bubbles for Gold Tickets. And also start farming XP stages.

  156. 11 months ago

    Can someone remind me, do the units on the platinum banner rotate over time? I've got a blue slot at 1a (currently hell warden emma, who I already own). If I wait will she get swapped out or do I have to roll her away?

    • 11 months ago


  157. 11 months ago

    Post winning path to +55 teams please!

    I'm getting fricking stomped and its just humiliating at this point. I just spent 10 rich+sniper and only cracked 88%. I don't know how in the frick you are supposed to keep jamiera back, I just had sniper, jagando, glass and ururun pushing but they all get fricking wiped by waves. All my surge immunes get raped by waves, All my wave immunes get raped by surges. Tf grid iron jumps over aku dogs shield every single fricking time regardless of meatshielding and the only unit that hits reliably is slime, who gets raped by both waves and surges. I don't think I've been this pissed of at this game before (and I've been plenty pissed at this game). Is this a gay puzzle stage or what? Again please post teams because I am obviously using the totally wrong fricking strategy here.

    • 11 months ago

      Rich Cat was the only item I used. Time crystal to knock back the lil jamieras, Hitmans and Jagando to whittle them down and kill the lil legs, and use the rest to kill the Akus. Jagando, Nyandam and Musashi are lvl 40, Crystal is 30, and lil dragon is 50+29 with surge immunity and mini wave talents unlocked and maxed. The rest are lvl 50.

      • 11 months ago

        Thank man. Jusr beat it but I appreciate the reply. I boosted supercat, switched ramen into the party, and added atk up combo and iron wall deco for wave reduction. Jagando+sniper was enough for pushbacks in the end. Fricking ramen of all things MVP as usual. I'm going to take a break for a few days methinks. I've got a fricking massive headache after that shitty stage.

  158. 11 months ago

    No new event data? When was the last guaranteed event?

    • 11 months ago

      new event data just came out
      guaranteed dynamites/june bride, no eva

      • 11 months ago

        >no eva
        OH COME ON
        At least they released Betrothed Balaluga with the June Brides banner, which was added in 12.4 just like the new Eva ubers, so I keep on coping.

  159. 11 months ago

    Finally got one bros

    • 11 months ago

      All I've seen since getting all Gold was paper hats. So congrats, and I'm jelly.

  160. 11 months ago

    >li'l cat +levels go up to 60
    Just how much are they expecting me to grind

  161. 11 months ago

    So I've noticed that the last new "type" of enemies, Behemoths, were introduced a couple months before I started playing (with the last "actual" type, Aku, being almost a year old at the time), and I started wondering what a new enemy type could look like. Tried to come up with a color that hasn't been used before that could also be used for an overarching theme, and when I couldn't figure one out, I thought about Relics, and decided to turn their dark green into neon green, which obviously made me think of The Matrix.
    So, Cyberspace Enemies. Honesty I have no idea what gimmick they could use (or what new one they could introduce), so based solely on the possible esthetics, what do you think?

  162. 11 months ago

    Holy fricking shit I hate the normal gacha so much, Super Metal Hippoe is a shit boring missions and these tickets are only giving me the research upgrade even though I maxed it a week ago, I still don't have a single normal cat TF.

    • 11 months ago

      At least you get to transform base upgrades into gold tickets.

  163. 11 months ago

    >5 strsight hours of no new limited stages in the middle of a Saturday
    >Even if you don't count the ones with holdover Jinfore, it's still three

  164. 11 months ago

    >Still got about 300 energy before bedtime with nothing to use it on, let's try to clear The Old Queen
    >8 tries, 8 Rich Cats, 8 Radars later, and only one instance I managed to get the bug down to 83% because I lucked out and got a non-cursed Phonoa between Prof. A's and the Queen's ranges for a bit: let's not try again
    I feel like I'll be spending the next few weeks farming daily blitz stages for battle items and not much more.

    • 11 months ago

      The queens are very much timing oriented stages iirc, so brute forcing wont get you far. This was the last team I used (I only have 2 wins). I have a feeling that I had to dump a heap of levels into maxim and manic island for this stage in particular, also the whole top row is strong up combos. You might just be banging your head against the wall with the entirely wrong strategy. Trust me, I've been there plenty of times (refer to my rage post)

      Post winning path to +55 teams please!

      I'm getting fricking stomped and its just humiliating at this point. I just spent 10 rich+sniper and only cracked 88%. I don't know how in the frick you are supposed to keep jamiera back, I just had sniper, jagando, glass and ururun pushing but they all get fricking wiped by waves. All my surge immunes get raped by waves, All my wave immunes get raped by surges. Tf grid iron jumps over aku dogs shield every single fricking time regardless of meatshielding and the only unit that hits reliably is slime, who gets raped by both waves and surges. I don't think I've been this pissed of at this game before (and I've been plenty pissed at this game). Is this a gay puzzle stage or what? Again please post teams because I am obviously using the totally wrong fricking strategy here.

  165. 11 months ago

    >ex stage after these new behemoth stone maps
    wtf that caught me off guard and I got FRICKED

    • 11 months ago

      >new behemoth stone maps
      Guess I finally have to beat Doron to raise my Enigma level again?

      • 11 months ago

        yes, except those enigmas only appear after you beat luza. it's much harder but gives way more stones and has a continuation stage for extra rewards.

        • 11 months ago

          >Straight up dropping B.Gems

        • 11 months ago

          Guess I really should progress through UL, only on chapter 33 atm
          Also, Labyrinth is on again, I hope all these Platinum medals do something one day

  166. 11 months ago

    Finally got a gold fruit, what should I do with it?

    • 11 months ago

      Hold onto it until you everything else you need to TF Lasvoss.
      Once you get a second one, I guess you could TF Gold Brick Cat
      After that, record yourself selling one for xp. Not even np.
      After you get bored of the seething, you can use the next one to TF Cat God The Useless.

    • 11 months ago

      I used mine to TF Gold Cat but now that Li'l Mohawk has a talent for wave immune Gold Cat isn't necessarily the best gold fruit candidate anymore

      • 11 months ago

        >Lil' Mohawk has a talent for wave immune
        Well I'll be damned, didn't notice them sneak that in. Also just noticed lil' lion got cost down, surge immune and piercing? Interesting. Might still be shit for akus but could be handy for kappy stages.

  167. 11 months ago

    >June Bride event
    Home... This is where I started last year and pulled Wedding Chronos and Ganglion together as my first ubers

    • 11 months ago

      Ganglion was one of my firsts as well. A godsend, helped both with ItF and Zombie stages.

      • 11 months ago

        He's still pretty good and I bring him on alien stages but that high cost does hurt

    • 11 months ago

      Ganglion was one of my firsts as well. A godsend, helped both with ItF and Zombie stages.

      Oh man, checking the "last cleared" teams on the #1 stages and seeing shit like Artist and Lumbercat (Ramen and Weedwacker's midvolution forms) really takes me back.
      Also, unlike with the classroom cats, Ponos didn't raise Exorcist Cat's +level limit, which is kind of a bummer. Oh well, more NP for me.

  168. 11 months ago

    Was waiting for Ultra Souls to pop up before using my 750 discount pull. Give it to me straight, how bad was it? Vaulter's apparently good, right? My seed also says Issun Boshi is 47 pulls from here which is painful.

    • 11 months ago

      It's one of people's favorite anti-zombies.

    • 11 months ago

      If you're a new player then Vaulter, Salon and Sushi are notably good generic units you want to get. Issun Boshi isn't really good at the moment but it hasn't gotten a true form yet

      • 11 months ago

        >Issun Boshi isn't really good at the moment
        I like him, but he DOES have a very niche use.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, I'm completely new. I only started maybe like two or three weeks ago which is why I have all these basic questions and why I don't know what I'm doing. I started because I wanted to grab the Switch version and a guy said to try out the mobile version before I drop $40 on the Switch version and see if i like it which I do. I'm pretty much winging all the team comps and I have no idea what's good or not which is why I'm so worried about doing any pulls at all. I'm working on zombies like a guy above said to do and also doing the current event for the eggs.

        I also meant Kasa Jizo. He's apparently 270 pulls away which is painful since he's the one I keep reading as one of the best beginner pulls you can get.

        • 11 months ago

          We are a comparatively civilized bunch in these threads anon. Feel free to ask questions. Its a long game, I've put more hours into it than some monster hunter titles, and I play a lot of monster hunter. Jizo is a great unit (pretty much a must have), very specialized to counter black units. There are occasionally guaranteed draws, where if you roll 10 at once you get a guaranteed uber. You really want to hang out for those. For example Jizo might only be a few rolls away on a guaranteed ultra souls banner if you can be patient. Its a hard decision in the beggining - having a wider variety of specials/rares/supers can be more benficial than having random or shitty ubers and you don't want to gimp your versatility by holding out forever (but jizo is a great start)

          I will recommend four basic units that would have made my life much easier as a new player had I known about them earlier - rover cat, rocker cat, viking cat and wushu cat. All very tanky units that also deal decent damage to their respective enemies. Over time (and as they level) they will prove more useful than many ubers.

          Also, I think you will have a better overall experience with the game on mobile rather than the switch. I've put maybe $20 into this game over many (many) years and the content just keeps on coming, you won't find that same value or support on console.

        • 11 months ago

          We are a comparatively civilized bunch in these threads anon. Feel free to ask questions. Its a long game, I've put more hours into it than some monster hunter titles, and I play a lot of monster hunter. Jizo is a great unit (pretty much a must have), very specialized to counter black units. There are occasionally guaranteed draws, where if you roll 10 at once you get a guaranteed uber. You really want to hang out for those. For example Jizo might only be a few rolls away on a guaranteed ultra souls banner if you can be patient. Its a hard decision in the beggining - having a wider variety of specials/rares/supers can be more benficial than having random or shitty ubers and you don't want to gimp your versatility by holding out forever (but jizo is a great start)

          I will recommend four basic units that would have made my life much easier as a new player had I known about them earlier - rover cat, rocker cat, viking cat and wushu cat. All very tanky units that also deal decent damage to their respective enemies. Over time (and as they level) they will prove more useful than many ubers.

          Also, I think you will have a better overall experience with the game on mobile rather than the switch. I've put maybe $20 into this game over many (many) years and the content just keeps on coming, you won't find that same value or support on console.

          Jizo's also available on Uber/Epicfests and - worst case scenario - from Plat tickets, although for a new player that's not an option, to be fair.
          Check the seed for the old banners, since unless there's a new unit added, they actually stay the same. Epicfest is easy to find, since the name's in the name, Uberfests are the ones with Child of Destiny Phono advertised. Who knows, maybe you'll be lucky.

        • 11 months ago

          If you want some free rare tickets go download and play Pogo Cat on the same phone for a bit
          It's a little waster that gives you some freebies in the main game

  169. 11 months ago

    >tfw when no true form Cosmo to dunk on enemies Saint Seiya style
    It hurts

  170. 11 months ago

    >labyrinth again already

  171. 11 months ago

    >Jinfore hasn't dropped a Yellow stone in weeks
    >Only doing SoL when the weekly missions are on, so barely past Musashi
    I've unlocked Supercar Cat's egg, but I feel like I will never be able to hatch it.

    • 11 months ago

      Complaining might be the strongest power in the Universe, because three Yellow B. Stones dropped for me in five days. Now I'm back to zero, but I've also hatched Supercar.

  172. 11 months ago

    I feel like labyrinth would be much more tolerable if you didn't spend more time going through your loadout screen than actually playing the stages

    • 11 months ago

      they really want you to stress your cat collection but making 100 loadouts is just fricking moronic

  173. 11 months ago

    Any suggestions on which Ubers to pull on this guaranteed? Was thinking of Lasvoss and Chronos the Bride.

  174. 11 months ago

    I've been wondering, did anyone ever count how long the seed actually is?
    I figure you could pick a banner with a legend in it (so most of them), the next spot where it appears would pop up right above the table, and clicking on it would transport you further down the track as if you clicked the legend spot itself, updating the line above to the new next legend spot. Keep clicking those and adding the "distances" recorded - adjusting for trackswap - until the numbers start repeating, and then you'd have the total length of the seed.
    I figure someone who's not completely moronic like myself could probably whip out a program that'd do it in like five minutes.

  175. 11 months ago

    Post le'grim line ups
    Up to lv20

    • 11 months ago

      This is what I used for farming. Nono and jizo are only there for the frontier stage.

  176. 11 months ago

    Anyway to farm NP nowadays?

    • 11 months ago

      Only by farming silver tickets and selling the normal cats, I guess.

    • 11 months ago

      I haven't bothered upgrading my normal, axe, flying and cow cats for months now since they're just NP fodder to me

    • 11 months ago

      besides cat tickets, there's farming baron orbs. it's a pain in the ass but 200 energy for an orb is as good as it gets

      • 11 months ago

        What are baron orbs?

        • 11 months ago

          Talent orbs. I guess people call them "baron orbs" because getting them from a continuation stage on a Baron gauntlet was more dependable source than hoping to get an enigma stage? And cheaper than doing "Island of Hidden Treasure" stages, since those cost 300 a pop.

        • 11 months ago

          I mean, talent orbs from baron stages like legrim. you can sell them for NP

  177. 11 months ago

    Sometimes i wish i could just play the game without having to wait 6 hours every 10 minutes.
    How do the people with 99+ Leadership collect em anyway?

    • 11 months ago

      They just kind of accumulate. You get one for every User Rank milestone, you get one for clearing all stages in a chapter/map/whatever, you get one from the Cat Shrine fortune sometimes (or from some of the Big Sack rewards if you get it from the fortune some other times), and they're also peppered throughout other stuff.
      I tell you, the Street Fighter collab was a treasure trove for Leaderships (and catfood), what with those limited stages for every uber unit popping up periodically. 16 stages counting Akuma.

    • 11 months ago

      Its a slow grind game and because newbies have full access to events and advent missions from the start you're kind of front loaded with things to do early on. Just play by the pace your energy allows

  178. 11 months ago

    I fricking hate July Gauntlet 2. Anyone got a good loadout?

    • 11 months ago

      I use this one.
      >Two Monekos purely for the Crit Up combo
      >Gas Mask and Metal for tanking
      >BearCat to deal with black peons
      >Catyphoon for Crits
      >Ebisu for all the debuffs
      >Chun Li to KB the gyaru dog
      >Nanaho for big boy numbers when critting
      >Phonoa for long-distance anti-Black attacks
      You could probably replace the Ubers/Legend with whatever you have.

      • 11 months ago

        Bearcat didn't carry his weight on the last stages so I replaced him with Jizo and it went mostly smoothly.

  179. 11 months ago

    God damn it, 1% on the Angel Cyclone on that continuation stage. I hate it when that happens.
    Maybe I should push myself through the rest of SoL just so I can unlock Growing Epic.

    • 11 months ago

      >Used a Leadership to even try to have a go in the first place
      >Now have almost 1000 energy left to use up
      >Take on some more Legend Quest
      >Get to a copy of this stage:
      >First two tries all my anti-Red units get deleted outright
      >On third try I get rid of the Capies but it took so long Bun Bun is at my door by the time I can focus on him
      I can't do fricking anything right today.

  180. 11 months ago

    Have you guys been farming the ghost chapel stages? Which one do you use?

    I just do Cursed Choir because it's really quick to complete.

    • 11 months ago

      FRICK I forgot about it I've been busy as shit. I gotta roll my crappy clown cat.

      • 11 months ago

        Are these cats any good, or just for completion?

        • 11 months ago

          Just for completion and user rank fodder

    • 11 months ago

      I just do the final stage. Yeah it needs me to actually pay attention, but it's a guaranteed vial with a chance for two.
      Got my clown up to +5, took a break to finish off July Gauntlet II, and now I'm back to farming. My last pull only had items/xp with an Exorcist dupe as the guaranteed one, so it might still take a while.

  181. 11 months ago

    Would I be missing anything by not pulling on the Princess Punt collab banner when it shows up on Global?
    Other than not filling blanks in the cat-alogue?

  182. 11 months ago

    So, should I pull on the second one for Weightlifter Cat and Queen Reika as a beginner? I know the former is apparently one of the best but I don't know about Reika.

    • 11 months ago

      Tough choice. Hiphop is a beast once levelled and Graveflower has a pretty damn decent crit rate in true form (shes not crash hot pre tf but shes still great if you havent got many crit units - when paired with nanaho they absolutely obliterate metals). Weightlifter is a slow tough hard hitter much like hiphop, but is strong vs black and can talent to get the occasional wave attack. It's very common to use both weightlifter & hiphop together, so you'll eventually want both. They're important units. I don't have reika to compare against graveflower. I can't say I've needed her with so many anti zombie units avaiable but she looks a very solid anti zombie unit.. Like I said, very tough choice if I were to play through again.

      Also you've got a guaranteed coming shortly, have you checked that banner yet? What guaranteeds can you pickup?

      • 11 months ago

        Here's what the site says on the next two banners that have guaranteeds but I don't really get how the A/B hopping works.

        • 11 months ago

          >but I don't really get how the A/B hopping works.
          A track swap happens whenever you'd get the same Rare Cat (doesn't happen with Supers or Ubers) twice in a row - when that happens, you get a different, replacement Rare Cat and are moved to the other column, to the first spot after the one overlapping with the swap spot.
          Since every regular banner has the same order of Rares, the only way to avoid it (because like 90% of the time it makes it impossible to land on the unit you want) is to use a Platinum/Legend ticket or pull on the occasional collab banner that has Limited Rare Cats, because it puts the order out of whack. If you do either to avoid the first of the repeating Rares, then the next pull will be the "original" Rare.
          Of course, track swaps can still happen on collab banners, especially if we're talking about banners that ONLY have collab units like the mostly yearly Merc Storia banner.
          Now, for the guaranteed uber track swap: whenever you start a multipull (usually 11, but there's also the much rarer 3+5+7 pull, as well as other even rarer ones you can check when looking through the "simulate guaranteed" option), the pulls follow the track you're on, then swap to the other after the last regular unit (10th on an 11-pull), jumping to the first spot after the one overlapping with the last unit's spot, and grabbing the Uber connected to the spot from which you started.
          Of course, both can happen at once, in which case your multipull first follows your original column, then swaps the track when it reaches the track-swap, follows the second column for the remainder of the multipull, and then jumps back to the original column while grabbing the Uber - still the one connected to the spot you've started from.
          I doubt there would be an instance where during a single 11-pull you'd get more than three wild track-swaps.

        • 11 months ago

          Have this shitty flowchart.

          Alternatively, once you get your track, just click on the name of whatever you rolled, and it will update your track to the current position.

          e.g. You have your track Seed(let's say "2603521599"). According to the track, your next roll in 1A is exhibit A, Omnyoji Cat.

          You roll a ticket, you receive an Omnyoji Cat. Your next roll in the track will be according to 2A, exhibit B - Rover Cat.

          You can click exhibit A(Omnyoji Cat's name) in the track, and your track will now be updated with an updated Seed.
          Instead of "2603521599", the track seed has now updated to "31712255051", and slot 1A will display Rover Cat.

          Now let's go back to before rolling Omnyoji Cat, back to the start of seed "2603521599", 1A is still Omnyoji Cat. But there's a guaranteed Uber going on. If you roll the guaranteed Uber now, you will receive exhibit C, 1A(guaranteed) Mizli Cat for the guaranteed Uber. This will replace your track in the 11th roll, which in this case will be exhibit D, 11B - Welterweight Cat

          Your next roll would be exhibit E, 12A - Wushu Cat. If you click on Mizli Cat's name in exhibit C, your seed will update, and 1A shall be updated to Wushu Cat.

          For the first guaranteed roll on the track, it would go 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A(Rover Cat), and then on exhibit F, 8A - you won't roll Rover Cat, but Stilts Cat, then your next roll in the guaranteed multiroll would be 9B - Hiphop Cat, 10B, 11B.

          After the whole guaranteed multiroll is finished, the track will change again and you'll be at the A track again, specifically position 12A. One track change for the dupe, and one change for the guaranteed Uber roll.

          • 11 months ago

            You can click exhibit C(Mizli's name) in the track, and your track will now be updated with an updated Seed.
            Instead of "2603521599", the track seed has now updated to "1412400258", and slot 1A will display Wushu Cat.

          • 11 months ago

            Oh wait, I think 11B would be replaced by Mizli actually, so instead if welterweight you'd get Mizli I think.

      • 11 months ago

        Reika is amazing for beginners because she trivializes all of Into the Future + Early Game Zombie stages

        Alright, I went with Reika + Weightlifter, thanks guys. I picked Reika because I am stonewalled by ItF right now and Weightlifter primarily because I know his upgrades are fairly solid to rely on.

        >but I don't really get how the A/B hopping works.
        A track swap happens whenever you'd get the same Rare Cat (doesn't happen with Supers or Ubers) twice in a row - when that happens, you get a different, replacement Rare Cat and are moved to the other column, to the first spot after the one overlapping with the swap spot.
        Since every regular banner has the same order of Rares, the only way to avoid it (because like 90% of the time it makes it impossible to land on the unit you want) is to use a Platinum/Legend ticket or pull on the occasional collab banner that has Limited Rare Cats, because it puts the order out of whack. If you do either to avoid the first of the repeating Rares, then the next pull will be the "original" Rare.
        Of course, track swaps can still happen on collab banners, especially if we're talking about banners that ONLY have collab units like the mostly yearly Merc Storia banner.
        Now, for the guaranteed uber track swap: whenever you start a multipull (usually 11, but there's also the much rarer 3+5+7 pull, as well as other even rarer ones you can check when looking through the "simulate guaranteed" option), the pulls follow the track you're on, then swap to the other after the last regular unit (10th on an 11-pull), jumping to the first spot after the one overlapping with the last unit's spot, and grabbing the Uber connected to the spot from which you started.
        Of course, both can happen at once, in which case your multipull first follows your original column, then swaps the track when it reaches the track-swap, follows the second column for the remainder of the multipull, and then jumps back to the original column while grabbing the Uber - still the one connected to the spot you've started from.
        I doubt there would be an instance where during a single 11-pull you'd get more than three wild track-swaps.

        Man, that's extremely confusing but I sort of get what you mean. So for the most part this isn't something to worry too much about outside of edge cases, and if it will happen it's very likely to be stated in the tracker as long as I'm not doing collab banners?

        • 11 months ago

          >that's extremely confusing
          Maybe it's the way I explained it more than anything. I'm not going to pretend it's simple, because I used to bombard the threads with questions about it when I was just starting out, but you'll get the hang of it in no time and then you'll see it's not nearly as complex as it seems at first.
          In short: if there's a guaranteed Uber, you'll get swapped to the other track at the end.
          If there's no guaranteed Uber, you might still get swapped if you land on the spot with a swap on it (like your 15B or I'm guessing 27A - at least before your pulls, now I 'm guessing they're like 10B and 22A?) that happen sometimes.
          Since it happening sometimes depends on the order of Rare Cat units, it changes if there's additional Rare Cat units added, which happens during most collabs. But if you check a collab banner, you will still be able to see where the track swaps are. If you scroll through past events, you can check how it looks like and compare it to your usual banners - Merc Storia, which has *only* collab units, was on in the first half of March, and Fate/Stay was early April.

    • 11 months ago

      Reika is amazing for beginners because she trivializes all of Into the Future + Early Game Zombie stages

  183. 11 months ago

    >Clown Cat's attack animation
    kek confirms it's an IT reference

  184. 11 months ago

    Is Bethrothed Balaluga any good? He has terrible damage and the freeze seems too short to be worth it.

    • 11 months ago

      Um it's a girl luga sweetie
      I heard its multihit and the freeze procs on the third hit making it incredibly unreliable

    • 11 months ago

      Its mostly just a meme, there is some niche applications for it such as when youre early/mid game and you sont have a super backliner yet. Its range and okay DPS can come in handy there
      But otherwise its performance is dissapointing

  185. 11 months ago

    I've been reading the Battle Cats pages on TVTropes to pass the time and I'm happy to announce that the "Nightmare Fuel" tag is as pathetic as you'd expect from tropers.

    • 11 months ago

      Nightmare Fuel pages on TV Tropes haven't been used for actually scary things in a long time. If a character makes a weird face in a moment that's obviously meant for comedy it would still get an entry

      • 11 months ago

        But that's what makes it such a hilarious readthrough.

      • 11 months ago

        >character makes a sad face for even a second
        >quick! put it on the tearjerker page!
        gives me a chuckle every time

    • 11 months ago

      >look up page
      >no mention of Assassin Bear
      Nearly shit my pants the first time I saw one, holy frick.

  186. 11 months ago

    >210 cf for tank cat stacking
    Neat. And I don't even have a facebook account.

  187. 11 months ago

    We have L'il cats, but what if we also had B'ig cats?
    >Overly-detailed jumbo versions of the default units

    • 11 months ago

      We need manic/lil' super feline first

    • 11 months ago

      Gigantic King Dragon Cat but it still has 400 range and indentical stats to the normal one

      • 11 months ago

        Gigantic Titan Cat is the size of a fricking Luga.

    • 11 months ago

      Make boss wave immunity their gimmick

  188. 11 months ago

    I installed the pogo game for some extra goodies, but it's becoming increasingly frustrating. I've been stuck on a single mission for a week. Shit, I already got three gold tickets, maybe I should cut my losses.

    • 11 months ago

      How the hell. I finished that in about an hour.

      • 11 months ago

        Maybe I'm too old, but I just can't seem to reach a 25-jump combo.

        • 11 months ago

          ...and after posting that, I restarted the game again and got one first try. It's like I'm using reverse psychology on the very fabric of reality, I should use this power for good.

    • 11 months ago

      You only really play it for the 3 rare tickets, everything else is fluff. It's still a decent time waster game that I play every now and then. Almost maxed up my Cat Machine since it has the biggest hitbox in the game making it easier to grab stuff on the stages

  189. 11 months ago

    My cat base for Z-Sprockets

  190. 11 months ago

    >roll on the June Bride Guarantee since I have a surplus of cf and want to use up the pull discount before who knows when it'll refresh
    >Mizli, Mizli, guarantee Mizli
    >I already have 3 spare Mizli's in storage
    Thanks for the NPs, found an Ice cat 9 rolls down the seed to make me feel better.

    • 11 months ago

      If it's a bride gacha, why is Mizli there???

      • 11 months ago

        She got invited to the wedding.

      • 11 months ago

        Ganglion was on the banner last year since he looks like a groom in a suit I guess
        Mizlis TF has a frilly veil running down her body like a wedding gown

      • 11 months ago

        cause she cute

  191. 11 months ago

    Do the % on Mygamatoto factor in the gorillion buffs aliens get without the treasures? Or does that get multiplied on top?
    Cause the Gorriliam in the final Ghost Chapel absolutely fricks me up

    • 11 months ago

      The stats shown should account for having all Superior Treasures
      If you're missing treasures, you're gonna need to calculate the difference yourself

  192. 11 months ago

    So how's the clown farming going? I just finished mine, ran the final stage of #1 74 times.

    • 11 months ago

      I haven't seen any continuation stages on the third stretch of maps, supposedly they exist.

      • 11 months ago

        Absolutely not worth it, apparently even the last stage only has a 30% chance of getting one. Got it once when I was going for the 2-crown rewards, and if it didn't drop I doubt I'd try grinding for it.

  193. 11 months ago

    Fuuuuuck, I've spent two Leaderships and 10+ Rich Cats/Snipers to clear Wrath of Carnage (the Hannya Restriction stage), and then cleared Revenge in a single go.
    I hate those restriction stages, I really do. But every one cleared is one I don't have to think about again.

  194. 11 months ago

    The current requirement for top 5% in Labyrinth is floor 67

  195. 11 months ago

    Finally got Lesser Demon Cat
    If there's any unit I should be investing my NP on it's this guy right?

    • 11 months ago

      That single target DPS cant do you wrong
      The cost down talent makes him surprisingly disposable as well, which is always good

    • 11 months ago

      better dump it in can can if you haven't done so yet

      • 11 months ago

        I've already maxed CanCans speed and money talents along with the other usual high priority talents like Jurassic Crit Up and Sanzo Angel target. I haven't started upgrading any units generic attack and defense boost talents however, and I'm thinking Lesser might be my first

        That single target DPS cant do you wrong
        The cost down talent makes him surprisingly disposable as well, which is always good

        Yeah I'm thinking strengthen, cost down and attack up in that order

  196. 11 months ago

    I'm pretty new, is there any point in trying Floating Continent if I don't have anything anti alien besides rover cat and wheel cat? The boar just walks through my army killing everything in one hit.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah. Floating Continent will frick you for a while. Focus on Stories of Legend for a bit. You won't see any Aliens for quite a few chapters and will be able to get unit levels up in the meantime.

  197. 11 months ago

    Second Labyrinth in a row I have to quit out of the fight against starred aliens because I didn't bring anyone to Barrier Break and would've eternally bash my head against the space elephant. You'd think I'd learn.

  198. 11 months ago

    Finally tracked and rolled my first legend rare, wonder momoco.

    • 11 months ago


  199. 11 months ago

    new event data is up
    eva confirmed

    • 11 months ago

      thats what i get for blasting all my CF on the guaranteed ubers

      • 10 months ago

        PONOS played you like a fiddle

        00 is a good ranged wave shield but there are alternatives like tokyo miku, possibly even yamii or spooky neneko, so how good he is will depend on what you already have
        01 honestly felt a bit underwhelming to me, it didn't feel like it did a whole ton of damage before getting strengthened, at which point it's nearly dead. I found it most useful for the guaranteed barrier break
        02 was completely busted when his tf came out because it was literally a better ganesha with red nuking power. quite a lot has changed about enemies and stages since then but it's still one of the better units in the game
        shinji is meh but does come in use from time to time, you can treat him like an alternative baby cat
        6th angel has luga-tier attack rate and survivability with less range than you would think from how it looks ingame. it's still got decent power and great piercing range, but floatings tend to push very hard so I usually use something else

        6th is RNG dependant but if the surge hits a floating boss enemy that fricker is DEAD. I love using it in collab barons since they usually have floating bosses

        • 10 months ago

          I'd get 6th if I could because it looks cool but that 22s attack rate is a bit too much

    • 11 months ago

      Fricking finally.

    • 11 months ago

      Guaranteed ubers are on 10th to 14th

    • 11 months ago

      Dang, I just burned a fair amount of rolls for wonder momoco. And I actually have another legend rare in like 70 rolls, but I might have to burn that to get some all the EVA units.

  200. 11 months ago

    seed tracker got updated as well

  201. 11 months ago

    So now that we're not far away, help me wrap my head around the Eva Ubers as someone who wasn't even here the last time the collab dropped:
    >Eva-00 - best waveshield, must have?
    >Eva-01 - better Ganglion? Must have if still doing story chapters, still useful later on
    >Eva-02 - decent against Reds, but not something to go after specifically
    >Shinji Cat - about as useful as the character
    >Moon Operators - only really useful in early game apparently
    >Eva-08 - anti-floating Ebisu, if your floater team is lacking
    >Wunder - Angel/Zombie nuker, faster attack now that it has a TF
    >Reitama - resists traited, slows, can surge, surge immune, sounds like she'd be good against Aku
    >4th Angel - would help with Black Bores if it wasn't for the abysmal attack frequency
    >Waifu Angel - Great against floaters as long as you keep it safe
    >9th Angel - cleans Aliens when paired up with Aphrodite
    >10th Angel - apparently helps newbies with Angels, not so good mid-to-late game
    And the hot new shit:
    >Asukasli - Cursing surges, Colo slayer, possibly useful Colo generalist
    >Eva-13 - Anti-Aku robot

    • 11 months ago

      So Shinji, Moon, 4th and 10th are the easiest skips, while the must haves are Eva-00, Wunder, Reitama, Cube and the new ones maybe?

    • 11 months ago

      Unit 01 was pretty decent Uber for me in zombie/alien stages. Decent generalist too maybe?

      Unit 02 helped me decently in red stages, but you might have better options.

    • 11 months ago

      00 is a good ranged wave shield but there are alternatives like tokyo miku, possibly even yamii or spooky neneko, so how good he is will depend on what you already have
      01 honestly felt a bit underwhelming to me, it didn't feel like it did a whole ton of damage before getting strengthened, at which point it's nearly dead. I found it most useful for the guaranteed barrier break
      02 was completely busted when his tf came out because it was literally a better ganesha with red nuking power. quite a lot has changed about enemies and stages since then but it's still one of the better units in the game
      shinji is meh but does come in use from time to time, you can treat him like an alternative baby cat
      6th angel has luga-tier attack rate and survivability with less range than you would think from how it looks ingame. it's still got decent power and great piercing range, but floatings tend to push very hard so I usually use something else

  202. 11 months ago

    Man, with two banners, and a heck tonne of Ubers, its going to be a pain in the ass to work out optimal pulls

    • 11 months ago

      I have to do 1 or 3 guaranteed pull since I have to make sure I stay on track B for my triple legend rares at around 40B

      • 11 months ago

        >1A -> 11B Rei Ayanami, Kaworu Cat, Eva Unit-00, (Shinji Cat)
        >11B -> 22A Rei Ayanami (???), Ritsuko Akagi, Eva Unit-02, Mari Cat, (One-Eyed Asuka)
        >23A -> 33B (AAA Wunder)
        >33B Asuka Langley
        My track's pretty good, guess I'm spending cat food for 3 guaranteed pulls
        The other banner with the Angels seems so bad. The Angel units in general seem so outdated or underwhelming

        Sakura Sonic worth a plat ticket?

        Not really. I do bring her to metal stages thanks to her 1-unit combo but she's just a CC unit for the most part since her crit and attack rate are worthless against metal enemies. She has below average DPS and anti wave/surge talents for general use, but Nanaho's the superior generalist (though she is Legend Rare)

        • 11 months ago

          >My track's pretty good
          Well mine's not, wild trackswaps keep railroading me into the worst possible situation.

  203. 11 months ago

    Sakura Sonic worth a plat ticket?

    • 11 months ago

      In cuteness? Yeah
      In usefulness? Unfortunately, no......

  204. 10 months ago

    Fricking relic Ost with the Aku Nyandam. Why?

    • 10 months ago

      That stage instilled a newfound terror for squirrels in my soul

  205. 10 months ago

    Okay, I think I figured out a way to maximize my Eva pulls. Posting here so I can look back at it as I pull. By that time we will probably have a new thread, but I can always check the archive.

    >Pull first guaranteed at 2A on the Angel banner, get 10th Angel
    >2A is also where I get the new Eva-13
    >I also get Super Rare Rei on 5A, Rare Rei Cat and Asuka Cat on 9A and 10A, and Super Rare Asuka on 11A
    >Switch banners to the Eva one, pull second guaranteed on 13B, get Eva-08
    >Also get the new Asukasli from 14B and Eva-01 from 19B
    >Switch banners to the Angel one again, pull third Guaranteed on 25A, get 6th Angel
    >Also Reitama from 27A (and a dupe Rare Rei Cat)
    >Pull a single on 35B, get Rare Kaworu Cat
    >Pull a Plat ticket, get Dark Kasli from 36B
    >Switch to Eva banner, pull fourth Guaranteed on 38B, get AAA Wunder
    >Also from 38B, get Super Rare Mari
    >Start pulling singles, get Super Rare Misato on 49A (also dupe SR Asuka on 51A and RR Kaworu Cat on 53A and 62A)
    >Fifth Guaranteed on 63A, get Eva-00
    >get Eva-02 on 69A (nice)
    >Also get Super Rare Ritsuko on 70A (and dupe SR Mari on 67A)
    >Position myself in front of my next legend at 77B
    All in all, getting 18 out 24 gacha units ain't bad. I'll get the rest in 2025.

  206. 10 months ago

    July 31st boys

    • 10 months ago

      It took me entirely too long to realize why the rebuilds are named the way they are; 1, 2, 3, 3+1.

      • 10 months ago

        I still don't know, but then again, I haven't watched anything NGE since, like, mid 2000s.
        I know that it's some kinda in-universe restart but now much else. Would you care to explain?

        • 10 months ago

          >There are a bunch of different realities
          >1, 2, and 3 are all separate realities
          They occur more or less sequentially, but there are disjoints between them, sometimes minor, sometimes major.
          >3+1 is a direct sequel to 3, so there is no disconnect like the others and also ties together the original ending of reality 1

          • 10 months ago

            Ah, so a Final Fantasy situation.

  207. 10 months ago

    Frick this stage, I lost three times, I will have to actually use one of the heavy hitters like Pizza on it.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't frick around with any of the aku stages in the labyrinth, they are way tougher than the others
      also all the shadow boxer stages

  208. 10 months ago

    Are there any events or anything to farm Behemoth stones as a scrub?(Just got done with Itf3)
    i really want that clown but Gapra gives 30% at best and only once a day too.

    • 10 months ago

      How far along are you on Stories of Legends? Once you get Ururun, you'll unlock Enigma Stages - clearing any legend stage at all will come with a chance of unlocking an enigma (the higher the energy cost, the better the chance, apparently) - they are special stages that pop up at the top of the list and take three hours to "decode". One of those stages is Hunter's Map, which guarantees a B.Stone of a specific color (and at higher levels, even several). But the downside is, it's hidden behind two layers of RNG, so it's far from reliable.
      Your best choice is to go hard on Gapra and the other culling stages, because once you get to the fifth stage, at least one stone is guaranteed. Of course, to have a chance at clearing those, you need a Courier Cat at the very least.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm on the first map of SoL18 but the 3 R.Ost are filtering me. Good to know tho, guess i'll focus on getting urururun.
        And yeah, i'm having problems with both the grapa intermission stage and the first of Ashvini so i'm just doing stage 3 of grapa. No Courier cat without clearing those either.

        • 10 months ago

          I used to be where you are now, I remember.

        • 10 months ago

          I used to be where you are now, I remember.

          Nvm getting filtered, god bless for Uber carry

  209. 10 months ago

    standing nyandam is kicking my ass

  210. 10 months ago

    what a fricking pain in the ass

  211. 10 months ago

    Any of the nonUber Evangelion units worth getting?

    • 10 months ago

      nothing you should really go out of your way for. rei ??? can be ok if you don't have anything that can tank black and apparently reunion rei isn't too bad either, but I don't have her.

  212. 10 months ago

    >Go check out my lineups for Evangelion event (barely play anymore, but I like to grab stuff when I can in the event I decide to come back)
    >Have enough CF for a discounted x11 and a handful of tickets
    >When Guaranteed rolls around, I can grab Kasli Ayanami, 2 of the SRs, and set myself 1 pull away from another UR

    • 10 months ago

      >Kasli Ayanami
      Rei is Mitama, Asuka is Kasli.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, I meant to say Langley, my bad.

    • 10 months ago

      I too look forward to running triple Kasli.

  213. 10 months ago

    Frick's sake, I started working on the new June Bride stages, it all went smoothly until the final map.
    >First try cleared it with 2777/3000
    >Second try I was 1000 units slower
    >Third try I actually lost
    This is ridiculous. Frick Akus.

    • 10 months ago

      I shouldn't get so worked up about 300k XP, but at this point it's about pride.

    • 10 months ago

      Those last 2 stages were actually kinda rough
      Aku Gories just keep coming out and ripping your anti zombie units to shreds

  214. 10 months ago

    >Doing Jinfore
    >my usual strat at my usual map (6, lots of floating and Aku sloth)
    >something goes wrong, the first Mooth doesn't go down when it's supposed to
    >enemies start stacking up
    >second Bun Bun junior starts acting as a meatshield, making sure I don't make any money
    Oh, it's gonna be one of THOSE days.

  215. 10 months ago

    Would a Luga variant based on Giant Rei from End of Eva be something worth pulling for next time the collab returns?

    • 10 months ago

      It's a Luga so it's already terrible/heavily flawed

  216. 10 months ago

    Just beat itf 3 and awakened my bahamut. Now what?

    • 10 months ago

      Start working through SoL.

    • 10 months ago

      SoL, work through more Empire Zombies, and dip your toes into CotC.

  217. 10 months ago

    where new thread you stupid Black folk

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >Have an idea for a new OP
        >Might be funny, might be cringe
        >Wait until this thread slides down to the bottom of page 10

        >This guy shows up while I sleep
        Guess my comedy skills will never be judged

        • 10 months ago

          There's always next time™

          • 10 months ago

            >tfw the next time NGE Collab drops will be when the thread is like 100 posts in and would be long over by the time it slides down page 10

            • 10 months ago

              You could always just make it a regular post instead of the OP.

              • 10 months ago

                I guess.

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