The best Castlevania? Heh...Juste leave it to me

The best Castlevania? Heh...Juste leave it to me

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I think it's actually pronounced something like "yoost".

  2. 2 years ago

    Need FM samples.

  3. 2 years ago

    Haven't played this one since I was a kid, but the alraune and succubi in this game were my sexual awakening.

    • 2 years ago

      I think you're thinking of Aria of Sorrow, or maybe CoTM since, well, that game technically had those. HoD doesn't have either in any capacity.

  4. 2 years ago

    >abandons epic life calling to decorate a room

    name a more based Belmont

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >western remake

        • 2 years ago

          Would you?

          • 2 years ago

            Let's be honest. Souls games are literally 3D Metroidvanias with different spells, weapons and level design that loop.
            Only thing missing from ut are shortcut abilities and Michiru Yamane music.

      • 2 years ago

        He deserves be in Smash Bro Melee along with his rival.

  5. 2 years ago

    I don’t know how anyone could enjoy the heavy back tracking of castle A and B. Such a lazy callback to SotN and the main character is a goddamn pussy. Please have a nice day if you put this game above any castlevania besides the GB game.

    • 2 years ago

      It's literally the best game in the series

      • 2 years ago

        Don’t even pretend to understand true castlevania kino until you’ve played this

        • 2 years ago

          Weak bait. HoD is true Castlekino.

          • 2 years ago

            Look we all have childhood favorites but don’t piss and shit yourself just because I said the game is bad, HoD had a great soundtrack, but most of them do

            • 2 years ago

              >My 3D jank is better like DMC!
              Whatever helps you sleep at night sweaty

              • 2 years ago

                Ohh it’s the 3D that bothers you. Well I can just as easily put any 2D castlevania game above HoD, but maybe some day you’ll see for yourself why the story, level builds, combat and bosses are among the worst in the series.

              • 2 years ago

                >you’ll see for yourself why the story, level builds, combat and bosses are among the worst in the series.
                I played HoD after Aria, SoTN and the DS games. It blows them away in quality. It's the closest IGAvania to Classicvania, which is superior to the metroidvania games.

                You're a fake fan with no taste. I'll accept your concession. Go play 64

        • 2 years ago

          The best Castlevania? Heh...Juste leave it to me

          these are ironic shitposts, right? HoD is universally panned and CoD is linear corridor simulator #125464 and the weakest 3D Castlevania ever made.

          • 2 years ago

            >HoD is universally panned
            No it isn't, it's actually got a strong cult following. Lots of us can see the merits of a IGAvania with a focus on just a belmont with a whip and subweapons in a castle with fun level design and not a convoluted, bogged down collect-athon of low drop chance souls and worthless weapon grinding

          • 2 years ago

            Ah but HoD being universally panned is a fact, CoD being the worst 3D castlevania is just an opinion spewed by someone who literally never played it if they think it’s a corridor simulator.

            >HoD is universally panned
            No it isn't, it's actually got a strong cult following. Lots of us can see the merits of a IGAvania with a focus on just a belmont with a whip and subweapons in a castle with fun level design and not a convoluted, bogged down collect-athon of low drop chance souls and worthless weapon grinding

            >cult following
            Weird cope but ok

            • 2 years ago

              CoD isn't even a real Castlevania. It's some jank shovelware. I'm guessing you thought Lords of Shadow was great too?

              • 2 years ago

                They’re not even remotely the same game and the fact that you keep saying jank assures me you’ve never even touched the game.
                Juste have a nice day my man

              • 2 years ago

                c**t CoD is a fricking hacknslash 3D action game
                That isn't Castlevania

              • 2 years ago

                Yes it, Lunatic fool.

              • 2 years ago

                But it really is.

                >Ah but HoD being universally panned is a fact, CoD being the worst 3D castlevania is just an opinion spewed by someone who literally never played it if they think it’s a corridor simulator.

                I literally pre-ordered CoD from my local Gamestop and played it day 1. It's shit, and you'd have to be absolutely blind to not see the copy-pasted corridors. The level design is absolute trash. The only redeeming part is Trevor mode.

                >t. didn't get to infinite corridor, aiolon ruins, dracula’s castle or even complete garibaldi temple
                I’m disappointed in you

              • 2 years ago

                >>t. didn't get to infinite corridor, aiolon ruins, dracula’s castle or even complete garibaldi temple
                how the frick do you think you unlock Trevor mode you moron?

              • 2 years ago

                I can hardly believe you played it at all if you think it’s a corridor simulator. 2D castlevania is exactly the same but instead of unique levels with a few shortcuts to other levels, it’s one big level comprised of smaller color palette swapped levels and lots of shortcuts you need to backtrack for hours to get to.

              • 2 years ago

                you know what 2D vanias have over Curse of Darkness? An actual height dimension. CoD is absolutely shit because the platforming is basically non-existent and every room is basically either a long poop tube or a rectangle of some kind. The rare times you "platform" you use an ID gimmick to get across. It's not even comparable, idk how the frick you can be so disingenuous.

              • 2 years ago

                Castlevania isn’t defined by its platforming you genuine aspie.

            • 2 years ago

              >Ah but HoD being universally panned is a fact, CoD being the worst 3D castlevania is just an opinion spewed by someone who literally never played it if they think it’s a corridor simulator.

              I literally pre-ordered CoD from my local Gamestop and played it day 1. It's shit, and you'd have to be absolutely blind to not see the copy-pasted corridors. The level design is absolute trash. The only redeeming part is Trevor mode.

    • 2 years ago

      Weak bait.

    • 2 years ago

      Every Metroidvania is lazy callback to SotN. No innovation just different flavor.

      • 2 years ago

        This one is special. Not only is Juste a bad attempt to replicate Alucard (face, hair, trailing aura when you walk), but they also brought in the alternate castle which isn’t even different aside from colors and some new enemies, and tried to copy the cheesy effect of story SotN had but without voice acting and genuinely unlikable characters. I am astounded by people who play this game on purpose.

  6. 2 years ago

    Holy cross!

  7. 2 years ago

    Name any other game where you can pimp out a room in Drac's castle.
    I'll wait.

  8. 2 years ago

    >even gaygier Alucard
    No thanks

  9. 2 years ago

    It could be the best castlevania, but it's EASILY the worst starting level of any castlevania

  10. 2 years ago

    Harmony of dissonance is pretty bad. More backtracking than any other game I can think of

  11. 2 years ago

    Actually second best after SotN. Have all the vibes of SotN, have interersting soundtrack, just a bit of a horror moments.

  12. 2 years ago

    It's one of the blandest Castlevanias. Level design is flat and uninteresting, bosses are stupid easy, graphics are ugly, and the soundfront is grating despite the songs themselves being composed well. It is definitely a game.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        I've beaten it plenty of times, anon. I see it for what it is: bland and uninspired. It's basically a downgraded version of Symphony.

        • 2 years ago

          nah its a straight upgrade without any of the RPG cancer

  13. 2 years ago

    Kojima's art in this was nice it was basically a pretty bad rehash of SotN
    The bad soundchip didn't help too.

  14. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      He filtered millions…

  15. 2 years ago

    Never owned one back then so I have to ask:
    how extreme is the graphical difference between HoD being played on an original GBA with no backlight and an emulator?
    I can't help but feel that most "looks like shit" opinions come from it being played on later models or on PC/Virtual Console.

    • 2 years ago

      It doesn't even look bad. It's a very beautiful and detailed game. Aria is a downgrade.

    • 2 years ago

      The overall lighting and color pallet do look much better on a non-backlit screen. However, a lot of the sprite work is still ugly as frick and poorly animated. See Juste, Maxim, and Death for examples. There are still a few good looking and well-animated enemies, but on the whole the quality is all over the place.

      It doesn't even look bad. It's a very beautiful and detailed game. Aria is a downgrade.

      >Aria is a downgrade.
      I suppose Aria is visually "flatter" than HoD, but I think the art is on the whole better and certainly a lot more consistent. It looks less cartoonish.

      • 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    HoD is fine, it's just that the music is ass.

  17. 2 years ago

    never a big fan

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