The Clunky thread

You all know it, you've all played it, in many a ways you have all encountered THE CLUNK
Pages of tables
Calculating countless variables
Slowing to a crawl

We all have one of those games that are just a mess and sometimes borderline unplayable (sometimes even full-on unreadable). Yet some of us keep playing them.

-What is your clunky game?

-What makes it clunky?

-Why do you love it?

Mine is Fallout 2d20, by modiphius

The combat is the clunky part with it's 2d20 system and some clunk that comes from it's d&d dna.

I love it cause it's fallout and I love the franchise, also it has very nice artwork

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  1. 2 years ago

    My homie, what you are describing is a tabletop game. Tables, variables, calculations, that's what tabletop games *are*.

    Seriously why don't you and your homosexual pals just frick off and join the local amateur dramatic group? You'd get to flail around pretending you're an ACK-TOR to your homosexual heart's content, and people who actually want to play *games* would be free of your perpetual moaning when you have to remember anything, think about anything, or do anything except ponce about. Everyone would be happy, but instead your sort persist in showing up to *game* nights all over the world and then whining like little babies when there's a game to be played.

    • 2 years ago

      >My homie, what you are describing is a tabletop game
      Some are better than others. For example both FFG 40k and Riddle of Steel/Song of Swords have location based lethal damage, but FFG 40k damage tables are easily navigable while ROSSOS is a dumpster fire.

      And then there's the big two, D+D and Call of Cthulhu. Both systems have a moronicly clunky subsystem that's almost an entirely separate minigame from the rest. For Call of Cthulhu 7th it's the Chase system and for D+D it's the combat system. Both games would be dramatically improved if these subsystems were either brought to the same level of simplicity as the rest of the game or better yet, cut out entirely.

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly, thank you.

        That's the kind of thing I was asking. Of course subjectivity comes into play, so i also asked for games people LIKE instead of HATE in hopes for a bit less biass in that regard

      • 2 years ago

        >For Call of Cthulhu 7th it's the Chase system
        >better yet, cut out entirely.
        Didn't CoC introduce its chase system in 7e? Or at least laid out in its 20 pages of autism form what is basically "draw a line with 10 dots on it"?

      • 2 years ago

        > bring the D&D combat system to the same level of simplicity as the rest of the system
        Bruh. What system?
        Outside of combat, D&D in its modern form is improv with the occasional die roll to pretend you're playing a game.

        • 2 years ago

          >Outside of combat, D&D in its modern form is improv with the occasional die roll to pretend you're playing a game.
          Add a board game turn order for exploration and that is all D&D has ever been.

          • 2 years ago

            To expand on this, in pre-WotC D&D you were expected to play-act your way around making rolls. Just look up any roleplaying v rollplaying discussion from the last 40 years. The game of D&D is literally just play-acting with a bad boardgame tacked on to handle moving between combat, and an even worse skirmish wargame.

      • 2 years ago

        What systems have non-clunky chase rules, but are more complex than "just make a single opposed skill check for the entire chase lol"
        Pic related

    • 2 years ago

      You clearly didn't understand the post and just want to edge and preach.

      I know what tabletops are, I've played them well over 2 decades now. What I'm asking is what games are overtly complicated whith their systems yet this or that anon still love,

      There are evident more steps and clunk to some systems than others,

      And I bet there might even be some even YOU b***h about because how inneccesary this or that is.

      But I am not complaining that games are complex, I am asking for the players guilty pleasures. I mentioned Modiphius 2d20 in the OP cause I think it has inherent clunk in it, yet I still love it and will keep playing it. It is not my favourite nor my only gaming system, I find less clunk in MgT2e, but that opinion might vary for other anons.

      Mi point being, learn to read before you try to preach.... or write for that matter

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe that anon hasn't seen the absolute clunk that is FATAL?

        As for my experience with clunk, I suppose it was back in the innocent and wide eyed days of first reading through GURPS and grabbing shit from its splatbooks willy nilly. I'm glad I grew out of that phase of over representing the minutae of my games though.

        • 2 years ago

          He probably has only ever played dnd for years and is offended by the reference to the system's clunky dna in the OP, but yeah, there are clunky games out there. He probably never tried to build a robot with mongoose's "robot handbook" for their first edition of traveller.
          That thing was indeed unreadable and even less playable

    • 2 years ago

      You know that game design has evolved since the 70s, right?

      • 2 years ago

        Not far enough apparently

    • 2 years ago

      You’re describing a sim. Gamers don’t enjoy crunch either (although they’ll tolerate a lot of it for an engaging system), it’s only autistic masochists who like calculating everything to the inch.

    • 2 years ago

      Kek, what a shit take.
      Going to screencap this to share it later and have a laugh.

  2. 2 years ago

    Play Battletech or any non-popular historical.

    • 2 years ago

      I've heard Battletech is clunky, but please, do elaborate on it's clunk a bit. From what i've heard (might be wrong though) it is 3d6 based...?

      • 2 years ago

        So, the wargame is a little infamous for the autistic level of detail it's prepared to simulate but it's really only as complex as you want it to be since the rules are generally modular.
        On the simpler side, you'll track your ammunition, heat levels, terrain rules and roll on shit tons of tables for every attack, sometimes tracking each individual missile you fired.
        At its most complex you have three different tables depicting the simultaneous land, air and orbital battles each with their own rules and quirks.
        My favorite example is firing into some woods has a chance to set the trees on fire, the fire produces smoke that can conceal forces, and also the wind will push the smoke into other hexes.

    • 2 years ago

      I've heard Battletech is clunky, but please, do elaborate on it's clunk a bit. From what i've heard (might be wrong though) it is 3d6 based...?

      Battletech the miniatures game or the rpg? The Minis game is clunk as hell, but thats its USP. It's granular and not 'Streamlined'. It's good fun.

  3. 2 years ago

    -What is your clunky game?
    -What makes it clunky?
    -Why do you love it?
    Powerlevel over 9000

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, i've heard horrors from the clunk for anima and praises for it's setting.

      Battletech the miniatures game or the rpg? The Minis game is clunk as hell, but thats its USP. It's granular and not 'Streamlined'. It's good fun.

      In my case I've only heard about the ttrpg. And wargames are usually a bit more clunky than ttrpgs starting with the fact that many units per player are involved.
      Skirmish wargames do reduce this to some extent but it takes away from the magnitude of the match.
      It is one for another with wargames I guess. I'm personaly a skirmish type player since i don't care much for large army games.

      • 2 years ago

        The setting is also clunky.
        Since they pushed literally anything in it. From warhammer fantasy styled witch hunts to orbital cannon space stations or the swimsuit contest at the disneyland that was secretly designed by jigsaw.
        Still if you take each of those things by themselves they are usually pretty cool.

      • 2 years ago

        Battletech takes the honour of only having 4 or so mechs a side but having more rules and talking longer than a full 2k game of 40k. I love it though.

  4. 2 years ago

    Try filling out a w-2 to calculate your resources and population growth for each turn. Keep in mind that this was made before personal computers and smartphones, so you were doing this on paper. The game actually runs pretty smoothly once you set up a spreadsheet.

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