The dexcut is actually a good thing.

The dexcut is actually a good thing. There are too many pokemon and most of them are shitmons anyway, I would cut everything past gen 2 except some of the cross-gen evolutions.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Fully agree. Only autists want 1000 Pokémon in a Pokédex. Completely pointless.
    >inb4 "but i wanna use my fav pokemon!!"
    As I said, autism. Use new Pokémon like you're supposed to. Find new favourites.

    • 8 months ago

      >The dexcut is actually a good thing.
      >There are too many pokemon and most of them are shitmons anyway,
      Except the Dexcut doesn't preferentially target shitmons,, hell they still make new shitmons meaning any benefit from cutting old shitmons is lost
      >I would cut everything past gen 2 except some of the cross-gen evolutions
      Why go through the trouble of cutting anything? Dexcut didn't improve the game

      Why cant they just have a regional dex of new Pokemon, but let people bring in old ones after?

      • 8 months ago

        >Why cant they just have a regional dex of new Pokemon, but let people bring in old ones after?
        That's pretty much exactly what they did in SV, no? I see Pokémon from other dexes all the time in raids but I don't know if only legendaries are allowed or something

        • 8 months ago

          That's what they did in Gen 7, for SS and SV they add cut pokémon through the DLC areas, if you don't have the DLC, you can transfer in any old pokémon that were added back in the DLC

        • 8 months ago

          And yet, they're not all in, so I will not be buying your game.

    • 8 months ago

      Why is other people being able to use whatever pokemon they want a problem for you? None moron answers only please.

      • 8 months ago

        Why would it be an issue for me? Im not the one who made the dexcut, Gamefreak did. Maybe email them and ask that?

        • 8 months ago

          Clearly it is an issue for you otherwise you wouldn't bother making excuses for gamefreak in a dexcut thread.

        • 8 months ago

          Well, you didn't say "I don't care about Dexcut"; you actively expressed approval of it, which means that you must have some thoughts about it.

      • 8 months ago

        Because they are the Pokémon equivalent of picky eaters. You're supposed to use different Pokémon every time - and there's still like 400 mons in every dex, fricking SURELY you'll find some of your favourites there. It's a monster collecting game with a lot of choices, so why the hell would you make the same choice every time? How do you not get bored? Especially people who literally just port their Level 100 mons they used since gen 4 or some shit and then just roflstomp the whole game. How autistic do you have to be?
        Go make some new experiences. It's fun.

        • 8 months ago

          >this person i don't know and will never meet offline won't eat broccoli and somehow this effects me personally

          • 8 months ago

            It's more like
            >this person I don't know ONLY eats fries, chicken nuggets and white bread and considers themselves an adult
            In the end people can do what they want, but I do not respect people like that at all. In my eyes, they are childish and small-minded. If you deliberately derive yourself from new experiences that much, I consider something being fundamentally wrong with you.
            Again, it's just my personal opinion. People like that exist and will always exist, but it doesn't change the fact that I do not respect their opinions.

            >food analogy
            Anon already said he is okay with a restricted dex for the main story, but wants to transfer mons after everything is donr. Following your analogy that's like telling someone they have to eat from a certain menu, but never allowing them to eat their favourite foods ever again.
            >le level 100 mons to roflstomp the game
            No one does this, and the games would actively prevent it by locking the ability to transfer to the postgame. It's only with Home that we have this issue. Even if someome did do that, so what? It's a singleplayer game; you're the one being autistic saying it HAS to be played a certain. specific way.

            >Anon already said he is okay with a restricted dex for the main story, but wants to transfer mons after everything is donr
            Yeah, that's fine, I personally wouldn't care but if GF would do that, I wouldn't complain. I mean all the people who are like "I will not play this game unless [Pokémon] is in the dex!!!"
            >No one does this, and the games would actively prevent it by locking the ability to transfer to the postgame.
            First of all, you'd be surprised. I've seen many screenshots of people playing mid-story posting their all Lvl100 teams that they imported all the way from Ruby or some shit. People definitely DO it, but they're a minority of course. Also what are you talking about? Trading isn't locked until postgame.

            Dexext only stops you if your favorite is some obscure shit like the elemental monkeys. I have a friend who has used lucario on his team in every game that allows it since gen 4, including in scarlet. So people are still making teams mainly comprised of their old favorites.

            Yeah, that's pretty much what I mean. If you don't have enough favourites to at least get SOME on your team out of ike 400 available mons, then you're just way too fricking picky.

            • 8 months ago

              Okay but I will ask again. Why does some people eating like that means we should take those foods away from everyone? How is it a good thing to have less options?

              • 8 months ago

                These people need to expand their horizons. Or they can stay whiny children and not eat until they get their nuggies I guess, I don't care. But they have no right to complain in my opinion. There are more than enough options, and if none of the options appeal to you, you're the problem.

                >I don't like that I'm unable to use my favorite Pokemon due to Gamefreak removing a staple feature of the franchise for no good reason
                Deep down, Galarvae understand that the Dexcut was an intensely, unambiguously horrible decision. But since admitting that would mean admitting that SWSH introduced one of the worst changes in the history of the franchise, they instead desperately claw for idiotic excuses and strawman non-arguments in a feeble, vain attempt to pretend otherwise. I almost pity them.

                It is a bad thing, yes.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean I like replaying the games with new teams multiple times so if anything by limiting my choices you're just limiting the replayability for me. There's a reason lgpe is for me, the least interesting of the standard formula games. There's only so many team set ups you can try with 151 pokemon

              • 8 months ago

                I guess if you replay it a lot, then that's a fair point. I haven't considered that since I don't do that. But even then, you could easily replay like 5 times with totally different teams.

                You seem awfully concerned about the dietary habits of people who don't harm you at all.

                It's just annoying and childish. If I went to a restaurant with a friend and they'd complain about how the menu sucks and they don't like anything on it, I'd just roll my eyes and probably never go eat with this person ever again. I'm too old to put up with that shit, at least from fellow adults.

              • 8 months ago

                You have some pretty shallow and shitty friendships if your biggest concern is looking like a big boy and getting annoyed and deciding not to eat with friends because you picked a restaurant they didn't agree with instead of discussing a solution like adults. You're very concerned with the air of looking like an adult, but aren't actually acting like one in the slightest.

              • 8 months ago

                Meh, my decision, I'm just honest with people (and I expect them to be honest with me as well). I think picky eaters are just annoying and need to get over themselves. Also what point is there in discussing a solution when the only solution they are satisfied with is going to McDonalds?
                It's something else if someone is like "I don't like Asian food" or whatever, of course. I mean like really, really picky people who won't eat brown bread, only white bread.

                Anyway, these food analogies are getting ridiculous. I just wanted to use them to get the point accross. I am just saying: There is such a thing as being "too picky", that's all.

                Sure, you've got a masters and you're still sitting on /vp/ arguing over what acting like an adult means and you just HAPPENED to have also done your research on this specific topic. Frick off larper.

                Lol, you really think there is no people here with high education? That's cute.
                Don't forget, you're here forever, dear anon.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh, my mistake, I just realized I was arguing with an ESL the whole time with that last post's grammar.

                It absolutely explains how you can both complain about people complaining about a game for children and your fixation on the appearance of adulthood instead of the functions of adulthood. If you're such a big boy stop playing Pokemon, it's for kids after all.

              • 8 months ago

                That's correct, I'm German and my English isn't perfect (although I did write my Masters in English, with the help of a proofreader).
                However, I do not see how that relates to any of my opinions. Why are you getting so hung up that I, personally, find it narrow-minded when stubborn people refuse to broaden their horizons just a little bit? Do you take personal offense?

                >If you're such a big boy stop playing Pokemon, it's for kids after all.
                See that's kinda the thing - you gotta own up to doing something childish. It is mainly for kids, and I fully recognize that. However, never do I complain about the games not being "adult enough". Do you understand the difference?

              • 8 months ago

                That's been your b***hing the entire time moron. You complain that other people are being too childish in the franchise for kids. And the complaining is that people are frustrated with being lied to for five years straight. That's not even an especially childish complaint.

              • 8 months ago

                >You complain that other people are being too childish in the franchise for kids.
                Maybe it's not clear enough from the way I phrased it, but the childish part (in my opinion) is their stubbornness, not that they are playing a children's game. Those things aren't even related, technically speaking. They could be equally picky about a game specifically for adults, and I'd still find them narrowminded nonetheless and would tell them to get over themselves. If anything, they shouldn't care so much about it in the first place if it's just a children's game.
                But I do wanna add: If people are mad at Dexcut out of principle, then that's something else entirely, and I respect that a lot more than people who can't play without their favs.
                >And the complaining is that people are frustrated with being lied to for five years straight.
                Is that so? I'm not quite sure what you're referring to, to be honest with you.


                Hmmm... I'm bad at picking favs but I'll just name a few: Articuno, Suicune, Noivern, Toxtricity, Tropius, Trevenant, Aggron, Primarina.

              • 8 months ago

                So you're a blind moron. Or just lying.

              • 8 months ago

                You seem awfully concerned about the dietary habits of people who don't harm you at all.

        • 8 months ago

          >food analogy
          Anon already said he is okay with a restricted dex for the main story, but wants to transfer mons after everything is donr. Following your analogy that's like telling someone they have to eat from a certain menu, but never allowing them to eat their favourite foods ever again.
          >le level 100 mons to roflstomp the game
          No one does this, and the games would actively prevent it by locking the ability to transfer to the postgame. It's only with Home that we have this issue. Even if someome did do that, so what? It's a singleplayer game; you're the one being autistic saying it HAS to be played a certain. specific way.

        • 8 months ago

          Dexext only stops you if your favorite is some obscure shit like the elemental monkeys. I have a friend who has used lucario on his team in every game that allows it since gen 4, including in scarlet. So people are still making teams mainly comprised of their old favorites.

        • 8 months ago

          >You're supposed to use different Pokémon every time
          Sounds pretty autistic.

          • 8 months ago

            Doing the same thing over and over again is literally an autistic trait, anon. Autists love doing the same thing because it calms them down. New impressions are very overwhelming for them so they tend to avoid it and go with things they are familiar with.
            Source: I researched autism for my masters degree for almost a year.

            • 8 months ago

              Sure, you've got a masters and you're still sitting on /vp/ arguing over what acting like an adult means and you just HAPPENED to have also done your research on this specific topic. Frick off larper.

            • 8 months ago

              >Doing the same thing over and over again is literally an autistic trait, anon.
              Saying "you MUST play this way" is pretty autistic. Normal people don't force themselves to use different mons every time.

              • 8 months ago

                Normal people don't throw a tantrum over the dexcuts. Don't pretend you're normal.

              • 8 months ago

                Normal people get annoyed that the franchise that had the tagline "Gotta Catch 'Em All" has made it that you can't catch them all anymore.
                Only zoomers who started with Gen VII wouldn't be annoyed, as they didn't even have a National Dex.

        • 8 months ago

          >you are supposed to play it this way

          • 8 months ago

            Their autism.

        • 8 months ago

          >You're supposed to use different Pokémon every time
          Too many of them are shit and worthless

        • 8 months ago

          >More options BAD
          If anything doesn't the dexit only encourage people to invest in training "safe" mons that'll never get axed rather than bothering with new mons that'll probably be removed next game?/

          • 8 months ago

            >tfw Ribbon Master pool is slowly shrinking
            At least Scyther is probably the safest mon in the series when it comes to this

        • 8 months ago

          moron I want to use hundreds of pokemon I like.

  2. 8 months ago

    Pokemon are the only reason anyone plays theses shitty games, if you start cutting then the reason to play disappears

    • 8 months ago

      People forget many actually "got to catch the all"... it's pure autism, but in the past you could sell a new game with like 2-5 new Pokémon/formes and people would buy just to collect the new mons! Nowadays there's no point in collecting them, you will lose them once we abandon the current system for the new one. There's no advantage to a Dexcut, it was made so they can spew new games faster and then sell some old mons as DLCs...

      • 8 months ago

        This, they haven't used the "Gotta catch 'em all" subtitle in fricking ages, it's obviously not the focus of the serious anymore.

  3. 8 months ago

    >I would cut everything past gen 2
    then just stick to playing gen 2 and let the rest of us have fun you soggy c**t

  4. 8 months ago

    There's nothing that justifies dexcut, nothing. You can always argue, if you want, that the reason it exists in the first place is because GF would need more time and money to put all 1000 mons in a single game and make it work, but it's not happening because investors want the the money machine to keep going full speed. But if you unironically think that a pokemon game without all pokemon is good, you're merrickposting on top of being a huge homosexual.

  5. 8 months ago

    The dexcut would be excusable if the games GF put out weren't unpolished shit.

    • 8 months ago

      Dexcut was inevitable because feature bloat. However is why the complaints against it are still valid.

  6. 8 months ago

    People are mad at Dexcut because Pokemon were removed from the games without any tradeoff. The graphics are still weak, the games are still buggy, they still underperform, there is still less content overall.
    None of it really matters anyway. Mainline Pokemon will always sell 10,000,000+ copies anyway on brand name and concept alone. The little hints of proper improvement are usually never recognized and continued into the next game. Alternatively, they are, and are still removed anyway because: "That feature helps [Game] to have its own identity, and feel unique amongst the series :|".

  7. 8 months ago

    >The dexcut is actually a good thing.
    Anyone who believes this is a braindead piece of trash. There are theoretically possible benefits but none have materialized. VGC players b***hed about needing to transfer ursifu. They white knighted the dexcut and didn't get the smallest possible benefit from it.

  8. 8 months ago

    Maybe they can quit making new pokemon?

    • 8 months ago

      then why bother making new games? half the fun is seeing the new pokemon and seeing how the change the meta

      • 8 months ago


  9. 8 months ago

    Dexcut would have been less painful if it were a thing that happened every two generations.

  10. 8 months ago

    Dexcut is a marketing ploy and a way to introduce old pokemon as new for players who have never caught them. Not everyone is a fan who has games all the way from gen 3 or whatever. It's not bad how they go about it so long as whatever new pokemon they introduce are cool

  11. 8 months ago

    murder genwunners

  12. 8 months ago

    agree there are too many pokemon nobody gives a shit and with dogshit designs especially gen 5 its juts a kanto dex copy but drawn james turder and cartoon network

  13. 8 months ago

    >I don't like that I'm unable to use my favorite Pokemon due to Gamefreak removing a staple feature of the franchise for no good reason
    Deep down, Galarvae understand that the Dexcut was an intensely, unambiguously horrible decision. But since admitting that would mean admitting that SWSH introduced one of the worst changes in the history of the franchise, they instead desperately claw for idiotic excuses and strawman non-arguments in a feeble, vain attempt to pretend otherwise. I almost pity them.

  14. 8 months ago

    Honestly I'd just cut every gen 2 mon other than the legends and tyranitar.

    • 8 months ago

      get a load of this fricking buffoon

      • 8 months ago

        That's the only thing of worth in gen 2 anon.

  15. 8 months ago

    A Pokédex cut is fine in theory.
    The idea of each game having a tailor made roster can be good for narrative or game balance. Like, “Only these Pokémon can exist in this ecosystem”. Or maybe, older species have to be removed from the most recent meta game.

    But that’s not what happened!! What happened is they brought old Pokémon “back” through DLC expansions, and continued compatibility between games. They found a way to justify Legendary Pokémon coming back to Galar through Dynamax Raids in the Crown Tundra. They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to have these roster cuts and better defined Regional Pokedexes, but don’t really want to divorce new games from old monsters. It just does not track.

    During the 3DS Masuda said he liked the idea of being able to use whatever Pokémon from any era, in response to a question a question about roster cuts (since they were moving to 3D, some people were expecting it eventually). Everything was still compatible with XY/ORAS no problem. Something changed, and his whole outlook shifted by SwSh.

  16. 8 months ago

    We need to do better roster selections then. I’d like to see the Lucario, Gengar, Gardevoir lines cut for once like how Machamp was gone this gen

  17. 8 months ago

    I would cut Gen 2 specifically, and leave everything else in.

    • 8 months ago

      I would everything from Gen 2 specifically immune to Dexit, and leave everything else up for rotation.

  18. 8 months ago

    just buff the base stats of the shitmon till they're usable, especially ones with shit typing like macargo

  19. 8 months ago

    cumming inside sabrina

  20. 8 months ago

    Dexcut is literally just a practical thing. We're at over 1000 pokemon now. It just isn't feasible to include every single pokemon in every game, especially if they're not even going to appear in the region.
    >waste resources programming in obscure shitmons which will not make a single actual appearance in game so I can import ledian and keep it in a box
    C'mon that's just an unreasonable request.

    • 8 months ago

      i definitely agree witb this, i just think the size of the dexes could stand to be around 650 or so unique species after both dlc drop each game.

      500 initially then +75 and +75 seems pretty solid to me, i feel like the amount in sword and scarlet have been just a bit too little for me

  21. 8 months ago

    I could understand describing it as a "necessary evil" but calling it a "good thing" outs you as a shiteater or baiter.
    Unless they put more effort into side content the dexcut cannot be justified, especially with the jump to hoardware more powerful than the 3ds.

  22. 8 months ago

    You could make a case for this, but
    >they continue to make 100+ mons every gen, most of which are MORE shitmons
    >post dexcut they keep bringing back shitmons from ages past anyway
    >new forms actively obsolete the original forms, turning them into shitmons
    >the entire point of Pokémon is that you can always catch and find your favourite whether they're "popular" or not, whether they're "viable" or not

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