The Dota 2 International 12 Prize Pool Is Historically Low

Dotabros, what is happening to our game?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Saudi arabia will save us

    • 8 months ago

      payers are just tired of trash and the ones that are unscrupolous just go to the gambling venues instead

  2. 8 months ago

    the frog is gone
    Campo Santo replaced him

    • 8 months ago

      He has come back from that other project.

      Dotabros, what is happening to our game?

      No hats, no money. People enjoy watching esports but won't fund shit themselves without actual shit they want aka skins. BRING BACK AGHS LABYRINTH YOU COWARDS

  3. 8 months ago

    if you'd bother even half assedly reading the text from your pictures, you'd know what is happening.
    like seriously. did you even try? it literally explains what is happening. you fricking idiot waste of space.

  4. 8 months ago

    No more hats.

  5. 8 months ago

    No hats in the compendium as most people myself included bought it solely for those

  6. 8 months ago

    The compendium is barren and is not worth the money right now, so no one's buying it. That's pretty much it.

  7. 8 months ago

    Dota doesn't get the amount of support it deserves. More hats, more alt. seasonal game modes and events, bring back Aghanim's Labrynth ffs and update it.

  8. 8 months ago

    mobas are finally dying, thank frick

  9. 8 months ago

    They said that doing FOMO shit every year made development stagnate so they shifted their focus to other things instead like actual game updates.
    Now naturally Ganker will spin this as a negative because this place is composed of literal bots.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think people expected the 2 choices being updating the game and killing the pro scene. At this rate you're going to have to be in the semi-finals to win the equivalent hourly wage of an illegal immigrant cherry picking.

    • 8 months ago

      Bullshit. This year we got even less amount of content than years before.
      Like 1 big patch, 1 big balance patch and 1 hero (Where is the second one?).

      And if you think there will be no FOMO battle pass you deserve my laughs. Just wait 1 week after TI ends.

  10. 8 months ago

    Do people even care about e-sports anymore?

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think so after how many godawful shitty battle royale lootershooter gaas shit games have flopped one after another.
      Esports leagues were also just marketing department freelancers. None of them play none of that shit without a paycheck. Esports is inorganic shilling.

  11. 8 months ago

    Valve is notoriously lazy and greedy. Despite all of the wienersucking 'le based gaben' gets him and valve are just as bad as literally any other company.

  12. 8 months ago

    >League gays cry that the prize pool is too big and not enough is being done gameplay wise
    >DotA starts to ease off stagnant ass cosmetics and into fixing Dota+, Battlecup, updates, and other shit
    >League take this to mean the money dried up
    They could throw out the 1000+ levels worth of cosmetics and go back to 40M+, but im sure there'd be no winning there either

    • 8 months ago

      No one mentioned league before you did schizo

    • 8 months ago

      >and not enough is being done gameplay wise
      what the frick are you talking about. Everyone complains that too much is done and all of it is shit

  13. 8 months ago

    so is 2gd unbanned or what

  14. 8 months ago

    I honestly don't know why they would release a compendium with literally zero features.

    I think they want to sunset professional dota 2.

  15. 8 months ago

    MOBA as a genre is dying. After all those years majority of morons start to realize, that this shit is nothing but a stress-fueled feedback loop, playing which results in net negative emotions, regardless of how good you are at it. Pretty sure MOBA is the worst video game genre ever conceived.

    • 8 months ago

      the game is fine the problem is that MMR systems refuse to treat bad players poorly because that's bad for business

      you can play your heart out and lose and then go feed down mid the next game and guess what

      you're gonna lose the same amount of MMR regardless of your performance, MMR systems always suck ass.

      • 8 months ago

        >the game is fine
        >followed by description of the game causing player to completely lose his shit
        >followed by complains that the game doesn't stomp player who lost his shit down into LP sewage pit even hardrer than it already does
        Lmao read what you just typed again. And don't tell any tales about how you're ackshully a robot with infinite composure homosexual. Humans are not made of metal, they have limits to how much stress they can handle, and just by its formula MOBA inflicts 20 times more stress on player than the next most competitive and intense video game genre, while combining it with "just one more game you will surely win this time" addition induction.

        This shit looks like it was designed by a very competent (but not burdened by any ethical inhibition) team of psychologists, for the sole purpose of abusing people to the point of giving them brain damage.

        • 8 months ago

          dota is just a custom map made by a few hobby nerds bro

        • 8 months ago

          >moron thinks the gameplay is what's killing the game and not how the game refuses to punish bad players

          you think players would get mad if they would only lose 10 MMR while the dead weight anchor on their team is going to lose 50?

          • 8 months ago

            >Well 40-60 minutes of my time getting wasted down the shitter because of things I've no control over won't make me mad because it got wasted just a little haha
            Holy shit I hope you don't actually believe this, because otherwise it would mean that you've been completely buck broken into seeing matchmaking casino as a legitimate entertainment.

        • 8 months ago

          I was saying it for years, Dota 2 and League are basically casinos barely diaguised as games made SPECIFICQLLY to prey on gambling addicts

        • 8 months ago

          This, I remember all those times a bunch of guys on an IRC channel would play DOTA together for like an hour and then spend three hours on the channel going absolutely fricking apeshit at each other because they lost some pub match. It never seemed like they actually had a good time with the game, they just could not walk away from it like some rabid red eyed gambling addicts fighting each other for a scrap of bread in a Vegas gutter after the casino threw them out for the night.

        • 8 months ago

          the fact that I can remain calm during mobas and not lose my shit at other people, even when I occasionally would but have improved at it and especially when dealing with people shouting at u has had an immensely positive impact on my life and how I handle people irl.
          the surprising amount of times people have started to flip out and I would calmly handle the situation as if it was nbd and then move on only to have people come up and comment to me on how well I can handle people acting like that.
          Its also very helpful when u have a job that involves u constantly working on a team and people act like petulant children and you can deal with these people without further care or issue on your end and move on after dismantling the insane shit they say has been a huge benefit for me.

          I do not at all think the few thousand hours I have in dota taught me nothing, I gained a lot of valuable skills for dealing with absolute mongloids and got some real experience on how to direct teams to do what you want without upsetting people even if they don't want to do what you want

          • 8 months ago

            You wasted a few thousand hours tard wrangling for free and you're proud of it?

            • 8 months ago

              yeah I had fun playing the game and I got some actual useful skills out of it
              good time + learning shit is a pretty good combo

  16. 8 months ago

    >dead game is dead

  17. 8 months ago

    so youre telling me theres not enough man power to make hats (accept workshop shit) and to update the game
    and everyone is just ok with this and doesnt see it as a problem

    • 8 months ago

      le based gaben xD

      it's a wonder the battlepasses lasted so long since they're quite possibly the greediest of battlepasses that, unlike even the battlepasses of shitheap diablo 4, encourages you to spend and not play at best you can get a free 60ish levels out of a battlepass, and that's only if you manage to complete the stupid shit in it like winning a game with every single hero in the game

    • 8 months ago

      They make more money releasing paid cosmetics outside of the international so that's what they are going to do from now on. They will probably move to online only international next year, and then close it down after that.

  18. 8 months ago

    Economy is in the shitter, it was already in the shitter pre-covid so it will just get 10x worse.

  19. 8 months ago

    It's still 10x bigger than the League 'Majors'; they get less than 100k split between their team for 'winning'. The last-place (30th) losing team in Dota gets nearly 5x more than the 'winning' team in League.

    Also, don't forget that Valve pays the winners DIRECTLY, not via some organization that syphones 60%; the winning PLAYERS have total control.

    Also League is 100% owned by Tencent China. Is 100% pay to win. Imagine doing ranked and not having all champions LOL. The game is decided before you enter the game, picked wrong rune/skill tree thing? You lost. Picked wrong summoner skills? You lost.

    In Dota everything is 100% free with no exception. The game is fully balanced and fair, nothing 'outside' the game will influence your chance to win, there's no skill tree or talent shit that you have to pick outside the game.

    League is also an Anime WEEB GAME. With in-game weeb storylines, images, art, skins, anime for each champion. In-client mini games, tekken-like weeb fighting game, YIKES. I thought you guys hated weebs?

    Oh, one more thing. Dota 2 bans smurfs instantly and any account on the same IP that logged in with another account. It doesn't matter if you're a top esport player, you smurf, you're banned. If you want easy mode, pretending you're good playing against 'new' players that just installed the game, stick to your weeb league game.

    • 8 months ago

      >whatabout league
      People seem to forget that most dota players are russoids lmao

    • 8 months ago

      >It's still 10x bigger than the League 'Majors'
      by what metric?
      prize pool?
      literally irrelevant when league players get paid massive salaries
      TI is smaller than worlds by every other conceivable metric

  20. 8 months ago

    yeah its a good change
    the game had a lot of issues that needed to be resolved but couldn't be since unless the update fit into the compendium/battle pass it wouldn't get done
    decoupling these things has been nothing but good for how the game has went since they have done that

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