The game unironically filtered 90% of players. The game's themes deal with 1984, manipulation, and lies.

The game unironically filtered 90% of players.

The game's themes deal with 1984, manipulation, and lies. Everything surrounding the game is a lie. It was announced by a fake studio, as a fake game, for a different franchise. The trailers lied about what the game's story about, mostly through the use of words/subtitles written in the trailer to guide your thinking towards a specific conclusion, despite many scenes from the trailers appearing verbatim in the final game. ("Words to control the subconscious" - Ocelot). The briefing for nearly every mission you are given in the game is a lie, set up, or cover story- which you discover either through completing optional objectives or as a mid/post mission twist. Even the character you are playing as is one giant walking lie. Not only that, but several sequences are specifically designed in ways so that you can't definitively determine where the truth ends and the lies begin. How much can you really trust is real when entire sections of the game are hallucinated? When events and characters on screen and dialogue you hear can't be trusted? Kojima took this so far that even the game's structure lied to you- It lied to you that there was a Chapter 1 and a Chapter 2, giving you the implication that there was more, when in reality you have a main story and an epilogue.

We know from interviews and datamines that there were some things cut, but in the end the only things of substance that were cut was Kingdom of the Flies, Chico as a boss fight/buddy, and Battle Gear as a buddy. That's pretty much it. 99% of the game is already there, and always has been.

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  1. 5 months ago

    >coping this hard about an unfinished game, thinking it was meta commentary.

    Dude, just relax. None of us got what we wanted out of this game.

    • 5 months ago

      I got what i wanted from this game

      • 5 months ago


        I get it, but it's still unsatisfying and badly written.
        How did Miller not know that Venom was a fake when the doctor in Colombia told him the medic got the shrapnel stuck to his head?
        Exactly what is the race theme part of the game? The linguistics?

        There is a lot of inconsistencies. Miller should have know shit was up when "snake" couldn't speak Russian and required a captured translator.

        The Medical stat should have been a tip off as well. naked snake had no medical background or formal training in medicine.

  2. 5 months ago

    I get it, but it's still unsatisfying and badly written.
    How did Miller not know that Venom was a fake when the doctor in Colombia told him the medic got the shrapnel stuck to his head?
    Exactly what is the race theme part of the game? The linguistics?

    • 5 months ago

      Miller is blind when you rescue him in the first mission. He couldn't see it.

    • 5 months ago

      >Exactly what is the race theme part of the game? The linguistics?
      race is a double entendre. yes, partially about language and tribal affiliation, but also about nuclear arms race.

  3. 5 months ago

    yea yeah shut the frick up MGS2 did it better

  4. 5 months ago

    The game wasn't 100% complete because of your sheer perfectionist autism Kojimbo. No amount of coping will convince people otherwise

  5. 5 months ago

    Yeah I got filtered by the tiny bases and braindead AI.

  6. 5 months ago

    don't care
    gameplay was too heavily divided from what Metal Gear Solid had established as a franchise
    should have been its own new title instead of being a skinwalker of an existing one

    • 5 months ago

      Fricking this. All kojimbo had to do was make a prequel to metal gear that basically showed big bosses corruption and fall from grace.
      Instead we got the biggest side fricking story in gaming history with a literally band of who's and some reoccurring characters wedged in awkwardly to retain the name of the series. I was so hyped up to the release because I thought they couldn't outdo solid snake until they introduced big boss, but man I said frick this series after this one

      • 5 months ago

        Big Boss is a morally bankrupt idiot in Peace Walker and in V he's straight up a cowardly c**t. His games are side stories and the main course is Solid Snake and Otacon fixing the clown world their dads left behind.
        If you agreed with his and Miller's plan to turn MSF into a nuclear nation in anything but name then you're unironically just as moronic as them.

        • 5 months ago

          This is the fricking point though in MGS-1 you're playing the fiddle for solid snake who's used by the government, and it goes so deep. You see his arc continue in MGS2. But then with snake eater you see big boss at his start, it's amazing. But by the end of his arc in 4 You're like this guy fricked up. It's further developed in V.

          Nearly similar paths for both of them but solid snake takes the high road. It doesn't mean you still can't appreciate the roller coaster of Big boss's arc.

          It just would have been nice to directly see instead of v being " lol ur le puppet clone, I'm busy off screen"

  7. 5 months ago

    shutup gaspipe

  8. 5 months ago

    They pussies out on the execution. It should have been about Big Boss creating the Taliban for the CIA to fight the Russians. It’s all there but they fumbled it hard.

    • 5 months ago

      > pussied

    • 5 months ago

      I mean you still kinda do that. Several missions are about helping mujahideen fight the soviets. It's just in that it takes a backseat to the main conflict and becomes a background detail rather than being shoved in your face like Peace Walker's sandanistas.

  9. 5 months ago

    Why have 'jeets put so much emotional currency into Ganker liking random AAA games from the last few decades? Isn't it enough that you like the game, Raju? Why are you telling us this?

  10. 5 months ago

    great game.
    the only downside i have with this game is that you have to replay certain missions on extreme if you want to complete the main story.
    other than that it's a lot of fun.
    mgs 1,2,3,4,pw are still better, but when you're comparing mgs tpp with other titles in the industry, tpp is great

    • 5 months ago

      You don't have to replay them and the fact that people keep saying this 9 years later just shows how ignorant they are about the game.

  11. 5 months ago

    Could have been so much better

  12. 5 months ago

    Every single Metal gear game has had this exact same twist at the end, but they always managed to do so while having an engaging action movie plot wich exciting setpieces on the surface. MGS5 just has you frick around in the desert as the plot happens around you (if you're lucky that is, half the plot happens off screen.)

  13. 5 months ago

    >"you want good game? ok I give to you"
    >"just kidding I lied rmao"
    he can't keep getting away with this

    • 5 months ago

      He can do it until he dies as long as the production values stay absolutely top class, which is really hard to accomplish over and over again

  14. 5 months ago

    Even after all these years bros it still fricking hurts.

  15. 5 months ago

    People are still having trouble comprehending the fact that MGSV came out the way it did was because Kojima saw that Konami would put him on gatcha garbage after release. He was planning on leaving anyway after TPP so he got in bed with Sony to make his and the team's firing more pleasant. He did so by focusing half of the TPP budget on PT (tech demo for Sony, not Konami) and Hollywood celeb hangouts (also to get them on board for the Sony game) and by the time the release came near there wasn't enough time to implement certain features and missions.

  16. 5 months ago

    It's an extremely compromised game no matter how much you cope.

    >Unfinished Fox Engine and Last Gen held back the team massively. Devs begged Konami to let them cancel the last gen version
    >Open World is empty as frick with very little NPC's or dynamic events to stop the game from being a total slideshow
    >Mission 51 was meant to have a gigantic battle with help from Diamond Dogs, same with OKB Zero, too demanding for last gen
    >A third map in the Soviet Union was planned that was tighter with more indoor locations, got cut because performance
    >The Skull Face jeep ride originally wasn't awkward as frick, and had you going underground into a Metal Gear factory.
    >Motherbase expansion was originally totally customizable, and you could even race Diamond Dog members
    >The game was going to ship with a level editor (they actually showed this off, but it's not in the final game)
    >The game was going to have co-op similar to Peace Walker in the free open world

    The only thing that remained mostly unchanged was the story. Venom Snake being (You) was always the plan, but there was more focus on the building of Outer Heaven at one point.

    • 5 months ago

      >the game started development on the 7th gen, with 7th gen limitations in mind, 8th gen versions are just ports
      >true but you also can make your own dynamic events
      >made up bullshit, 51 was cut because Kojipro were pissing around making PT
      >made up bullshit
      >half true, the jeep ride was going to showcase more stuff along the ride during the song segment like corpses and an army roundup but got cut down due to time
      >Motherbase is still fully customizable, racing is made up bullshit, the actual cut feature is the mess hall and several voicelines from Snake when assigning staff around
      >misinterpretation of the FOX Engine showcase, the game never had a level editor planned for release
      >made up bullshit, the game was going to feature 3 more buddies (adult Chico, Battle Gear and a Diamond Dog soldier of your choosing, as well as a regular dog skin for DD) but they were cut for various reasons

  17. 5 months ago

    - Member Of Dead cell known as "Old Boy", a hundred year old soldier and Big Boss' former mentor was cut

    - Member Of Dead cell known as "Chinaman", a Vietnamese swimmer and skilled Illusionist was cut

    - A Codec radio support team member known as "Max", a teenage girl who loved William Shakespeare and saved player's data and provide information on sensor equipment and the radar was cut from the game

    - A Codec radio support team member known as "William Doc Wilson", a scientist who developed Arsenal Gear's AI and offered various information about marine wildlife and the environment was cut from the game

    - A Codec radio support team member known as "Ed", a young man who was a reference to Ed Brown from Policenauts was cut from the game

    - Raiden was originally able to explore the entirety of Big Shell by swimming through a complex system of underwater hallways and observe the daily lives of soldiers who were going to have a lot of dialogue, interactions, and different events that allowed the player to know more about them

    - Raiden Was Going To Have A Psycho Mantis Mask That Allowed Him To Read NPCs Thoughts

    - The scene of Arsenal Gear crashing into Lower Manhattan was cut due to 9/11. It was planned as a pretty brutal sequence, with Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty being toppled like bowling pins

    - Final Boss fight was originally Raiden and Snake joining up and battling Ocelot and Solidus in the middle of manhattan as the crowd of rooting civilians and mounted policemen looked on

    • 5 months ago
      Mental illness

  18. 5 months ago

    i liked the meme about it actually being about post 9/11 america invading Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11 and the entire context you're given is a lie

    >go fight in us prison camps where sexual torture occurs
    >Your towers fall, never forgetti
    >So you shoot dudes in the desert to get revenge
    >Plot lines about them making dirty yellowcake uranium bombs
    >enemy believes you're trying to make the world america

  19. 5 months ago

    >so much cope
    >the lengths morons go to justify liking a shitty third person far cry 2 knockoff

  20. 5 months ago

    >Because by the same standard that was used to tar and feather MGSV, the revered masterpiece MGS2 is also shamefully incomplete and a permanent blot on the records of everyone involved


    • 5 months ago

      >shills his shitty blog

    • 5 months ago

      >Lastly, the interview talked about the idea of MGSV being ‘unfinished’, as many are claiming. Yano had this to say about it: “I think there were two stages to this. First, you had a certain number of players who finished Chapter 2 not long after the game came out and went, “What? This Snake wasn’t the real Big Boss!?” It’s similar to the way people reacted to MGS2 (laughs). Some players couldn’t accept that there was a new main character, Raiden, and they got really angry. But now MGS2 is considered a masterpiece. MGSV is a much longer game than MGS2, so it’s like its length amplified that feeling.” He also feels that the absence of Kingdom of the Flies (Mission 51) is not a direct cause of this. “Up until Episode 46, The Man Who Sold the World, players experience the story as Snake, but then they suddenly have the rug pulled out from under them. They find out that they themselves were Big Boss. Then it becomes their story. They themselves participated in the massacre on Mother Base, Quiet’s disappearance, Huey’s exile. I think The Kingdom of the Flies became an outlet for venting all the unease and confusion that followed that revelation. But really, this fits right into what Kojima-san wanted.”

      >The sensation of ‘phantom pain’, so to speak, ties into the Moby Dick references as well. “This is a slight digression, but this feeling of MGSV not being over, this feeling of things being unresolved, these are also present with Moby-Dick

      Said by the co-writer of Death Stranding and writer of Metal Gear novels

      >If the mere existence of cut content is proof of The Phantom Pain being unfinished, then practically every game is unfinished by that standard. Beta versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 featured several zones not seen in the final game, though one of them reappeared as an Easter egg in the mobile version remaster. Halo 2 infamously ended on a cliffhanger, not due to artistic reasons, but because Bungie ran out of time and couldn’t wrap up the story with a final level, leaving players to wait three years and buy a new console to “finish the fight.”

      >Unlike Halo 2, however, The Phantom Pain ended as Kojima intended. It just wasn’t the ending many fans wanted.

      >It’s fine to be disappointed or wish that Kojima had done things differently with his final game in the series. However, if your concern was genuinely that Kojima was unable to finish The Phantom Pain as he intended, then worry no more. Based on the available evidence, the game that shipped on disc, day one, is the game Kojima intended. For better or worse.

      Are these bot posts?

  21. 5 months ago

    >Lastly, the interview talked about the idea of MGSV being ‘unfinished’, as many are claiming. Yano had this to say about it: “I think there were two stages to this. First, you had a certain number of players who finished Chapter 2 not long after the game came out and went, “What? This Snake wasn’t the real Big Boss!?” It’s similar to the way people reacted to MGS2 (laughs). Some players couldn’t accept that there was a new main character, Raiden, and they got really angry. But now MGS2 is considered a masterpiece. MGSV is a much longer game than MGS2, so it’s like its length amplified that feeling.” He also feels that the absence of Kingdom of the Flies (Mission 51) is not a direct cause of this. “Up until Episode 46, The Man Who Sold the World, players experience the story as Snake, but then they suddenly have the rug pulled out from under them. They find out that they themselves were Big Boss. Then it becomes their story. They themselves participated in the massacre on Mother Base, Quiet’s disappearance, Huey’s exile. I think The Kingdom of the Flies became an outlet for venting all the unease and confusion that followed that revelation. But really, this fits right into what Kojima-san wanted.”

    >The sensation of ‘phantom pain’, so to speak, ties into the Moby Dick references as well. “This is a slight digression, but this feeling of MGSV not being over, this feeling of things being unresolved, these are also present with Moby-Dick

    Said by the co-writer of Death Stranding and writer of Metal Gear novels

    • 5 months ago

      It feels unfinished not because of its length but because it leaves a bunch of plot threads just hanging and the ending comes abruptly without any solid pacing.

      >but we wanted it to be shit and unresolved so you feel the phantom pain haha
      frick off

      • 5 months ago

        Only plot thread left was Liquid
        And we know that Mantis just removes the parasite and flies away with Liquid while the island gets bombed and DD takes back the remains of Sahelanthropus. This was meant to be a DLC mission that got scrapped, not the ending to the game. You can see the cutscene on youtube.
        Would it be cool to play? Probably. But it's not some mystery that needs to be solved.

    • 5 months ago

      Seek help

  22. 5 months ago

    >If the mere existence of cut content is proof of The Phantom Pain being unfinished, then practically every game is unfinished by that standard. Beta versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 featured several zones not seen in the final game, though one of them reappeared as an Easter egg in the mobile version remaster. Halo 2 infamously ended on a cliffhanger, not due to artistic reasons, but because Bungie ran out of time and couldn’t wrap up the story with a final level, leaving players to wait three years and buy a new console to “finish the fight.”

    >Unlike Halo 2, however, The Phantom Pain ended as Kojima intended. It just wasn’t the ending many fans wanted.

    >It’s fine to be disappointed or wish that Kojima had done things differently with his final game in the series. However, if your concern was genuinely that Kojima was unable to finish The Phantom Pain as he intended, then worry no more. Based on the available evidence, the game that shipped on disc, day one, is the game Kojima intended. For better or worse.

  23. 5 months ago

    didn't care for the story
    the gameplay was what I bought the game for and it was super cool
    a bit too much on the easy side for me, but fortunately the Hardcore Mod was released like a month after the game's launched and after that I sunk like 300+ hours into the game
    good times!
    very fine gameplay, wish there was a Far Cry 2 spiritual successor (in terms of setting and atmosphere) but with MGS5 gameplay and AI quality
    can agree with people that 3 is overall a better game and more fun to replay, but at least on a mechanical level 5 is the best in the whole series

  24. 5 months ago

    The execution is so fricking bad though. Imagine if instead of Star Wars' Revenge of the Sith you got the Clone Wars season 7 finale with no prior context of the previous 6 seasons. It would be mostly fine I guess but you're missing the main course of what a prequel should deliver.

  25. 5 months ago

    was fun as frick

  26. 5 months ago

    >OH NO, NOT ME

  27. 5 months ago

    MGSV was actually a perfect setup for MGS6 with the real Big Boss.

    While all the other characters are busy with Venom and following up on Peace Walker the real Big Boss would be free to just meet Gray Fox, Sniper Wolf, Solid Snake etc. and have his own grand adventure without any other bullshit to deal with. But there is no one to do it now.

  28. 5 months ago

    what are you trying to accomplish here by typing all that?

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