The gang's all here!

The gang's all here! Koei general for all your questions, opinions and information on Koei's vast strategy catalogue. Everything from the MSX to the current consoles and PC! The sons of Liu Bei are here to help!

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >The sons of Liu Bei

  2. 2 years ago

    here's to another year of waiting for translations, new games and eventual disappointment

  3. 2 years ago

    Operation europe had some interesting ideas, i want a sequel or remaster with a campaign mode.
    Any walkthrough?

    • 2 years ago

      Have to say, I really like the pc version.

    • 2 years ago

  4. 2 years ago

    I've only recently got into Koei games, but would it really be that hard for them to combine the RPG elements of Sangokushi 13 and the strategy elements of 14? I really, really want to like 13. Dicking about as an officer in Imperial China collecting waifus as I go is titillating yet the strategic side just feels empty. Spent a few days looking into mods and google translating some of the trainers to add unit strength multipliers to damage, or higher mortality and birth rates, but it still feels incomplete. Like an interesting beta that will be excellent when the real game comes out. Alternative example would be Ascension which is immensely unsatisfying to be an officer in as I know nobody else has access to my domain cheat.

  5. 2 years ago

    I always wanted to play Romance or Nobunaga's Ambition but there are like a million games in the sries. Where do you start?

    • 2 years ago

      Seconding this, both series have multiple games

    • 2 years ago

      For ROTK i'd say that 8, 10 and 11 are good contenders, 8/10 for RPG mechanics and 11 for a more straightforward strategy experience.
      Not as familiar with Nobunaga but i know Iron Triangle is good.

      • 2 years ago

        But only XIII and XIV are in english...I found a version of X with a translation patch but the readme started saying stuff like "lol dude just turn off your anti virus trust me"

        • 2 years ago

          sounds completely normal, I had to get into my BIOS settings to set default language japanese just to play certain visual novels

          • 2 years ago

            Why does this happen? Is it just that its coded in jap or what

            • 2 years ago

              Microsoft is moronic. Always did things their own way and alaways fricked up as a result.
              Games which require Japanese locale require it because strings with file paths are encoded in JIS. To an ASCII or UTF-8 (backwards compatible with ASCII so English doesn't encounter the same problem) system, that comes out to nothing but garbage and then the game crashes because it tried to open !#*_(&&#%!*$%81 instead of C:¥¥システム¥東方AV.
              This was a problem for far longer than it should have been because despite being here for ages, Windows only started properly supporting it in Win7. Tons of Japanese games made before or using legacy tools which precede that will in turn just crash today unless you can tell the system to be aware of JIS. And you can only do that fully by setting the system locale to JP.

              • 2 years ago

                Wait a minute, you're blaming Microsoft for being frickuppy mavericks when you're telling us the Japanese were using an encoding system only Japanese people would or could use.

                It's always better if Windows supports more shit sooner, but in your weebiness, I think you've inverted the reality of who was really making it difficult for you to play Japanese games.

              • 2 years ago

                >Wait a minute, you're blaming Microsoft for being frickuppy mavericks when you're telling us the Japanese were using an encoding system only Japanese people would or could use.
                Everyone with a nonstandard encoding system was using something that no one else could and that was because MS gave them those as the only alternative to ASCII, rather than implementing UTF-8 when it should have.

                And while file paths were at least somewhat compatible thanks to these more often than not expanding on the special/unused symbols in ASCII, garbage text instead of proper Czech subs or menu items was the norm and still is if you encounter any scene using older tools.
                There's obviously a minor element of inertia where the blam shifts to the Japanese devs but the origin of the mess lies with Microsoft.

              • 2 years ago

                Very subtle folder name. Thanks for the explenation anon

        • 2 years ago

          XI had a PC release in english, X had a PS2 release in english.

        • 2 years ago

          Most of the older ROTKs had translated console releases that can be emulated pretty well. They come without PUKs though.

        • 2 years ago

          You don't have to turn off your antivirus, just windows defender if you're on 10 because the guy never signed the executable so you get the "unknown publisher" warning. You can go in and look at it all you want.

        • 2 years ago

          >but the readme started saying stuff like "lol dude just turn off your anti virus trust me"
          you must be new to pirating older PC games, that is/was completely standard

      • 2 years ago

        For Romance, start with 2 or 3 for the basics, then 8, 10, 11 and 12.
        For Nobunaga, start with Lord of Darkness, then Rise to Power, Iron Triangle, Tendou if you can find a translation and then Sphere of Influence.

        for romance are steam+english patch good enough?
        I couldn't find it surfing on the webz and only got nobu's sphere so far.

    • 2 years ago

      Seconding this, both series have multiple games

      For Romance, start with 2 or 3 for the basics, then 8, 10, 11 and 12.
      For Nobunaga, start with Lord of Darkness, then Rise to Power, Iron Triangle, Tendou if you can find a translation and then Sphere of Influence.

    • 2 years ago

      The easiest starting point is either XIII or XIV as they are available in English on Steam. XIII is pretty bad by the series standard though, if you want it to be at least average then you need to buy the expansion too. XIV is okay enough if really overpriced. If you can read Japanese or Chinese or know where to find the English patch, then start with the peak of the series with X for individual play or XI with faction play.

      For Nobunaga's Ambition, both Sphere of Influence are Taishi are available on Steam in English and they are both pretty good starting point. If you can read Japanese or know where to find the English patch, then try the peak of the series in Kakushin (Iron Triangle) or Tendou.

      is it feasible to rush as Shimazu early game or any faction for that matter? my first playthrough's going well though I feel I could have done more at the start rather than playing tall.

      The Shimazu is one of the easiest clans to curbstomp early game imo due to them having pretty good clan members and Kyushu is full of shit officers.

      • 2 years ago

        The english patches don't work for the steam releases, but there's a thread saying XI has been patched on the steam forum. I haven't tried it.

  6. 2 years ago

    >Try Uncharted Waters
    >Choose the girl because being a pirate sounds fun
    >Told to attack a merchant fleet
    >Do so
    >Get close to their flagship
    >Captain challenges me to a duel
    >Can't say no
    >Get stomped
    Is there something I'm missing here?

    • 2 years ago

      git gud at dueling or the game is unplayable

      • 2 years ago

        How? From what I could tells there a really big RNG factor.

  7. 2 years ago

    If this isn't the perfect menu music for a new Aerobiz, I don't know what is:

  8. 2 years ago

    is it feasible to rush as Shimazu early game or any faction for that matter? my first playthrough's going well though I feel I could have done more at the start rather than playing tall.

  9. 2 years ago

    Rice dealers are only effective at my home castle right? I don't understand how the price still adjusts according to my money

    • 2 years ago

      Which game? You should be able to trade rice whenever in most games.

      • 2 years ago

        SoI, figured it out after conquering the land twice and getting mad with AI placing rice dealers. Also am I being moronic for thinking the end game for most Koei strategy games is to blob? The early phases seem to be the most fun while the late game regress into slow but steady grinding of established clans/factions. Dunno, maybe I expected more from the series.

        • 2 years ago

          I just do Kessen mode atleast in Rise to Power and just take whole clan territory. Don't play SoI because it's kinda meh.

          • 2 years ago

            Kessen is such a great mechanic and I wish it was in more of the NA games. Rise to Power and IT can be tricky though, because just when you think you have things buttoned up, the AI flips the board and you have to fight an alliance or coalition or the western powers back a powerful rival. Love it.

        • 2 years ago

          >The early phases seem to be the most fun while the late game regress into slow but steady grinding of established clans/factions
          Pretty much. Early game is the most fun because everyone is still trying to establish footholds and good officers are still scattered all over the place so it's a competitive free-for-all. Whereas in end game, major factions are already formed and most often than not, most of the good officers are already under your wings so it's just a slog of you steamrolling the rest of the map the majority of the time, maybe having one or two 2 fun clashing with major factions left before they got too overwhelmed to put up a fight ever again.

          • 2 years ago

            Even at high intelligence and aggression the factions seem to not even put up a fight other than regional powerhouses such as the Shimazu. My Hojo gameplay ended after 15 years of waiting for the province AI to actually do anything and marching troops from Odawara to Kyushu itself to expedite the process. I thought playing as Ashikaga and going against the Hosokawa coalition would be fun but it devolved into methodically taking out the nearest power who joined their coalition while they sat and watched.

            I just do Kessen mode atleast in Rise to Power and just take whole clan territory. Don't play SoI because it's kinda meh.

            After playing through this, I might actually go and play Iron Triangle though I want keyboard and mouse support. Didn't the PS2 have a keyboard and mouse addon?

            • 2 years ago

              PS2 did have keyboard and mouse support.

  10. 2 years ago

    annexation's possible towards vassals right? scared some clans to submission and was wondering if I could annex them

  11. 2 years ago

    I have fond memories of playing dynasty warriors 2 and 3 as a kid and having a lot of fun, but then the games started changing the way battles and everything worked and it became a rather shallow "get on your horse-rush enemy officer-go to the next one" cycle while the older games had officers and troops that could actually hold their own and win their engagements when morale was holding, so there was a kind of tactical side to battles and you could pick and choose where to go instead of rushing everywhere and not enjoying a good scrap. All this said, the battles side of the DW empires is what worries me now and keeps me from trying out the new games.
    Would you guys say the recent titles are worth it?

    • 2 years ago

      I felt that 6 moved back towards the battlefield dynamic that you're after, but the general fanbase disliked it because of the revamped designs and Renbu being a bit annoying, so 7 onwards became scripted ride-to-officer affairs.
      Try 6 and 6 Empires. 6E was only on PS3 and X360, but the PS3 version can be reliably emulated with a decent PC nowadays. Your character can become stupidly overpowered in 6E, but you have to work for it.
      You may like 8E if you stick to defensive battles and raids; some of my fondest memories of 8E was single handedly holding Hefei for two ingame years against Sun Jian. However, larger invasion battles devolve into officer assassination if you have less troops, and steamrolling if you have more. I can't comment on 7E or 9E, but from what I've seen, they're not dissimilar to 8E.

      • 2 years ago

        I pretty much stopped after 5 XL/5E and was confused about the design changes (mostly my brother didn't like some of the weapon changes), since we were already burning out we never really looked into the series after that. I will try and find 8E/9E to take a look, thank you anon.

    • 2 years ago

      If you dislike the flashy one versus one thousand direction the series went with, then I don't think you' d enjoy recent titles much. With that said, I say you'd still should check DW7 out because of its amazing story and excellent characterizations. Who knows, maybe it'd reignite your fondness for the series somehow.

      I pretty much stopped after 5 XL/5E and was confused about the design changes (mostly my brother didn't like some of the weapon changes), since we were already burning out we never really looked into the series after that. I will try and find 8E/9E to take a look, thank you anon.


      • 2 years ago

        It's not the concept of you taking on armies in itself I dislike, you ended up with a very strong character evein DW2, it's the fact that battles became fast, messy affairs where you just ride around to snipe enemy generals to prevent a loss, it's just a race against time where you don't have time to enjoy either a fight against troops or a duel, because you have to farm the weaker officers first.

        • 2 years ago

          In that case, I repeat my recommendation of 6 and 6E.
          9 had a potentially good combat system, but they bungled everything else badly, and I've heard worse about 9E.
          Also, you may as well disregard Samurai Warriors entirely, since it leans very heavily into that officer assassination style. Although Spirit of Sanada was pretty good, and has arguably the best story telling of all the SW games if you don't mind the focus on the Sanada.

          If you dislike the flashy one versus one thousand direction the series went with, then I don't think you' d enjoy recent titles much. With that said, I say you'd still should check DW7 out because of its amazing story and excellent characterizations. Who knows, maybe it'd reignite your fondness for the series somehow.


          To be fair, "a warrior worth a thousand" was the tagline as far back as DW2. It's just that whereas before you had competent allies, now you're Chinese Ramirez, and Sgt Foley doesn't have plot armour.

        • 2 years ago

          >it's the fact that battles became fast, messy affairs
          Fair point, but that aspect only got worse with post-DW6 with the worst offenders being Warriors Orochi 4 and Warriors All Stars where some stages basically force you to marathon between officers to officers or your useless allies drop like flies.

          In that case, I repeat my recommendation of 6 and 6E.
          9 had a potentially good combat system, but they bungled everything else badly, and I've heard worse about 9E.
          Also, you may as well disregard Samurai Warriors entirely, since it leans very heavily into that officer assassination style. Although Spirit of Sanada was pretty good, and has arguably the best story telling of all the SW games if you don't mind the focus on the Sanada.

          To be fair, "a warrior worth a thousand" was the tagline as far back as DW2. It's just that whereas before you had competent allies, now you're Chinese Ramirez, and Sgt Foley doesn't have plot armour.

          I know, but back then, defeating a thousand enemies actually meant something. Nowadays, a single Musou attack could net you almost a hundred kills. Sure it looks cool and is pretty satisfying to execute, but Musou games has been less and less a battlefield simulator and more of a genocide simulator.

          • 2 years ago

            >Nowadays, a single Musou attack could net you almost a hundred kills.
            Oh, it gets worse than that. DW8XLCE on PS4 floods the screen with so many mooks that 150~200 kills per Musou is realistic for any Musou attack with a decent AoE. There's also a weapon skill that fills your Musou gauge by a small amount for every kill, and it can activate from enemies killed via Musou attacks, so you can spam back to back Musou attacks as long as you don't run out of enemies.

          • 2 years ago

            >but Musou games has been less and less a battlefield simulator and more of a genocide simulator.
            That's kinda sad, I remember DW2 and 3 where you had to be careful about picking fights in the first levels since you were weak, and going against a guard unit with high morale was intense as frick because they were very aggressive. I was hoping samurai warriors was better because of the fact enemy units used attack formations but it just never clicked for me like DW did, maybe it was the designs, I don't know.

            • 2 years ago

              Moments from 3 permanently burned into my brain
              >it's always a random ass major killing me. flying in out of fricking nowhere with a run attack/stab only when really low on hp
              >xbow units doing stupid levels of damage
              >getting swatted away by an officers musou on a horse, some how has another the second it gets off the horse.

              • 2 years ago

                AI officers in the PS2 era games 'regenerate' their horses if they spawned on one, get knocked off it, then go off screen and out of Minimap range.
                There's also that trick where AI characters that are off screen, but still on your Minimap, don't do anything at all (IE: the bow trick in duels in non-XL DW4). It's a good way to protect vulnerable allies.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah I remember loving to play Samurai Warriors 2 and the Empires version as your fellow allied officer is competent and your standard infantry could be aggressive. Would like to see if the special troops could be more numerous. I remember the cavalry and musketeers could be very annoying

    • 2 years ago

      My understanding is that the combat of the old Warriors games emphasises the fighting game genre, while the combat of the new Warriors games emphasises the hack 'n' slash genre.

      Personally, I prefer the combat of old Warriors games. The smaller scale of what the player can do makes the battles more involved, even when you obtained the powerful items.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd like Koei to experiment with a new IP that's akin to DW2—no soft magic elements in its combat, just pure melee.
      The common complaint I hear from western fans is that the games are too easy now, which is because of the emphasis on soft magic in the combat. I believe DW5 is the best balance.

  12. 2 years ago

    Which Koei game has the best Zhuge Liang experience?

    • 2 years ago

      Probably legend of Zhuge Liang. Never played the game myself though.

      • 2 years ago

        I’ve never heard of that game. I know of Legend of Cao Cao. Is it like a really old game?

        • 2 years ago

          I haven't played it myself either, but IIRC Legend of Kongming predates Legend of Cao Cao by a few years. Is there even an English patch for Legend of Kongming now?

    • 2 years ago

      Probably Romance X

  13. 2 years ago

    Every Koei cover I have seen on these threads has been absolute kino.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah kinda what drove my interest in those games. I wish more games had those grandiose film-esque covers, they are pure unfiltered kino


      (did i get that right?)
      to the anon that posted Taikou Risshiden V on last thread thanks, it runs and it's mostly translated although first few secons of game i get assaulted by dialoges and some options in moon-runes. Are those important? or just flavour text?


      to the anon that posted that working version of IV thanks, launching the windows batch didn't brick my pc nor ran a crypto miner but It did in fact run rotk IV. How do you not get filtered by something like this is beyond me, maybe Im too much of a zoomer or should work my way backwards.

      • 2 years ago

        events are in JP

  14. 2 years ago

    Does anyone know if this can be emulated on the pc?

    • 2 years ago

      One of the best games ever made. My favorite gaming memory was taking Port Moresby but watching with tears in my eyes as the Yamato sank in the harbor.

      • 2 years ago

        >Losing the Yamato in harbor
        Torpedo attack?

      • 2 years ago

        I wish that Koei would remake it. It did somethings better than 2, such as strategic bombers actually working like they should and each base having it's own unique map.

    • 2 years ago

      There were dos versions of I and II

    • 2 years ago

      is the PS2 game any good?

  15. 2 years ago

    me think we should add all the links from the old thread

    • 2 years ago

      make a pastebin with all links+translations and what not, maybe even starting guides?

      events are in JP

      yup too bad those are impossible to translate and koei little shits wont sell let alone translate the dx version for non gaijins

      what are some good obscure clans that are fun and challenging? also, what are some good battle tips? the AI tend to suicide charge themselves and I get mad seeing my numbers go down

      what gaem?

      • 2 years ago

        sphere of influence

        • 2 years ago

          Suzuki clan on the Kii peninsula. Absolutely sick musket skills. Get a bunch of bodies and guns and watch the fireworks.

      • 2 years ago

        >make a pastebin with all links+translations and what not, maybe even starting guides?
        Yes, but not me. I'm too lazy to do that
        >koei little shits wont sell let alone translate the dx version for non gaijins
        Baka Gajins don't like samurais

        The Chosokabe on the Shikoku island. The island has pretty poor resources and the Chosokabe starts out near very powerful clans in most scenarios.
        The Sanada in later scenarios, has plenty of really cool dudes but starts out in literal suicidal positions surrounded by a bunch of powerful clans.
        That one clan in southeastern point of Honshu island right next to the fricking Hojo
        The Suzuki like [...] said

        >That one clan in southeastern point of Honshu island right next to the fricking Hojo

        • 2 years ago

          >Yes, but not me. I'm too lazy to do that
          >Baka Gajins don't like samurais
          imagine thinking there is no market for weeb grand strategy

          One of my favorite games of all time.

          how is it? it looks like time crisis

          • 2 years ago

            >imagine thinking there is no market for weeb grand strategy
            that's what nips think

  16. 2 years ago

    Liu bei is a gay and Zhuge Liang is an overrated hack

    • 2 years ago

      >being a caoBlack person

      • 2 years ago

        >being a moron

  17. 2 years ago

    what are some good obscure clans that are fun and challenging? also, what are some good battle tips? the AI tend to suicide charge themselves and I get mad seeing my numbers go down

    • 2 years ago

      The Chosokabe on the Shikoku island. The island has pretty poor resources and the Chosokabe starts out near very powerful clans in most scenarios.
      The Sanada in later scenarios, has plenty of really cool dudes but starts out in literal suicidal positions surrounded by a bunch of powerful clans.
      That one clan in southeastern point of Honshu island right next to the fricking Hojo
      The Suzuki like

      Suzuki clan on the Kii peninsula. Absolutely sick musket skills. Get a bunch of bodies and guns and watch the fireworks.


  18. 2 years ago

    god I hate high int ai getting in my way by intervening and sending troops despite not being allies

  19. 2 years ago

    Is this game in english? Because it look really cool. Mouri Motonari: Chikai no Sanshi

    • 2 years ago

      No, unfortunately. The premise of it being a story about Motonari from his childhood to his death sounds really cool too

  20. 2 years ago

    >Doesn't have an alternative quest in ascension where he defeat the Mori and claim all of Chugoku for himself.
    That was dissapointing and sadly I can't write for shit

    • 2 years ago

      I forgot the pic

  21. 2 years ago

    One of my favorite games of all time.

    • 2 years ago

      One of the first cover shooters.

  22. 2 years ago

    do people here mostly play with quests or do some of you turn them off?

    • 2 years ago

      I play with the quests on because I like to read the events, the requirements to complete them aren’t that complicated most of the time and you’d run out of quests to do pretty fast due to either city allocations or officer availability pretty soon after starting the game anyway

  23. 2 years ago

    ROTK X has a "mostly completed" English patch, XI has an English patch as well. There is a bundle that includes X, XI, and XII for around the same price as X and XI if you want to pay for this stupid shit.

    • 2 years ago

      my dumb fricking ass after caving in to koei's
      israeli tacticts and actually buying xi and going over 2 hours just moments ago

      >The last two jobs I've worked have only lasted as long as the /vst/ Koei thread
      S-Slow down guys

      last few of mine lasted half of an average koei thread. I either get the sack of get hired in the next 2 weeks. Wish me luck anons.

      >imagine thinking there is no market for weeb grand strategy
      that's what nips think

      fricking nips

      • 2 years ago

        Good luck Koei bro.

        >The last two jobs I've worked have only lasted as long as the /vst/ Koei thread
        S-Slow down guys

        Time to settledown my man.

        • 2 years ago

          I didn't got it ;_;

          • 2 years ago

            I'm sorry bro 🙁

          • 2 years ago

            There's always next time, don't give up, anon. I wish you the best.

  24. 2 years ago

    >The last two jobs I've worked have only lasted as long as the /vst/ Koei thread
    S-Slow down guys

    • 2 years ago

      get your life together man, geez.

    • 2 years ago

      I hate working too. Once I buy what I want I'm going to stop working for a while

    • 2 years ago

      Changing jobs again fellas

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        New Shinsei's trailer. I'm digging the theme song.

        Get your life together, man. One month is barely an internship.

        • 2 years ago

          Like seriously, I've been looping what little I've heard of the song for almost 30 minutes now, full song when?

        • 2 years ago

          Nice artwork. Some of it is reused, but it still holds up. Going to have to see how the battles hold up.

  25. 2 years ago

    Does doing 12+ combos actually increase the stat buff you gain from the officers or is it placebo?
    Playing DW4 again and it is still hell like I remember

    • 2 years ago

      Iirc it’s only 8+ combo to get a +2 to be a +4 and a 16+ combo to get a +4 to be a +8. Though it’s been more than a decade since I last played DW4 so I could be wrong on that

  26. 2 years ago

    How do you farm items in DW4? Or atleast whats the best levels to farm items in
    I might have a lvl 1 vorpal orb but upgrading it seems to be hit or miss even with a lvl 15 seven star sash

  27. 2 years ago

    Most fun officer to play in RTK13?

    • 2 years ago


  28. 2 years ago


  29. 2 years ago

    Playing sphere of influence right now. How do you end a campaign in this game?

    • 2 years ago

      Conquer every single castle and fortress on the map, or conquer at least 25 castles including the capital of Nijo Castle, then declare War Ban.

  30. 2 years ago

    What's actions you must absolutely do every turn in Rise to Power? Waiting in SoI is basically
    >build castle-expand roads-expand castle
    >hunt officer-keep officer
    Rise to Power seems to keep the population into account like ROTK 11 which I like unlike SoI which just requires you to build 4-story Tenshus

  31. 2 years ago

    How do you play Nobunaga's Ambition? This sounds like an absolutely brainlet question, but I tried playing Sphere of Influence after thousands of hours into various RoTK games and it didn't feel like I was actually doing anything. The battles felt incredibly small and shallow, which I understand might be an intentional game design choice, but what else is there to do?

    This isn't a shitpost, I genuinely want to get into the series but apparently lack the brain cells that are required to do so.

    • 2 years ago

      Start with Lord of Darkness.

    • 2 years ago

      I would try Rise to Power and see what you think. The battles were never really the focus of these games, though the ones in Iron Triangle and Tendou can get pretty intense.

  32. 2 years ago

    Anyone have experience with Taiko Risshiden V? I'm playing the DX version as Hanzo and I feel like I'm doing something wrong. It's just running around aimlessly until Sandayu recalls me to give me some random missions until a historical event happens, it just feels really restricting and I don't know how to advance or what my goal should be. Can't even leave the Iga ninja clan because Sandayu would whoop my ass the moment I dare to suggest the idea.

    • 2 years ago

      play as Hideyoshi first. He's the tutorial guy, I think.

  33. 2 years ago

    I'm not a fan of Liu Bei..

  34. 2 years ago

    Bumping this thread until Taiko Risshiden V DX localization is announced

  35. 2 years ago

    Will the true musou emulation corruption bug in SW2 Empires ever get fixed in the future? Or is it forever unable to be fixed? Every time I get cornered because I get wienery and jump into peons or get outaggro'd by a generic and use true musou I have a 50 50 chance to crash the emulator, corrupt the save, or a second of hitching and back to normal gameplay. This really prevents me from enjoying SW2 Empires more and making me actually play DW5 Empires instead.

  36. 2 years ago

    Does breeding simulation game like Winning Post count as strategy?

    • 2 years ago

      everything koei made goes in this thread, at least while nobody's looking

    • 2 years ago

      Animal husbandry is the grandest of strategy.

    • 2 years ago

      Has anyone here even so much touched those games to warrant posts about it?

      • 2 years ago

        I sure haven't.

  37. 2 years ago

    It's memorial day, please take some time to remember your fallen campaigns.

  38. 2 years ago

    What Koei strategy game should I play if I enjoy collecting women?

    • 2 years ago

      Genghis Khan on PC with the harem option.

      • 2 years ago

        is there an english version/patch yet?

        • 2 years ago


  39. 2 years ago

    >new title teased
    >it's a mobage
    Into the trash it goes, I guess.

  40. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      It's very cool they gave each castle a unique layout

      • 2 years ago

        yeah. Some had very cool layout (sitting on a steep mountain, on a coastland, on a hill overlooking the sea, in a forest, etc).

    • 2 years ago

      The Chad Rise to Power player.

  41. 2 years ago

    Anyone play Kessen 3?
    I love the story, You got invested with the Fool of Owari and experiencing his journey to become Lord of Demon, plus with other Nobunaga friends and their dynamic. The cutscenes is great and You can feel they make effort for it. You fight as an unit and there some sick move with animation. Hope for a more larger battle and non linear battlefield for future installment

    • 2 years ago

      yeah I played this game as a kid so much you wouldn't believe it. It holds a special place in my heart. I will start a new commemorative playthrough today.

    • 2 years ago

      Played it a lot back in the day, absolutely loved the interpretation of Nobunaga.

    • 2 years ago

      Played it way back in the day and loved it. That, a lot of SW2's stories and DW7 convinced me that Koei could do great stories and characters if they want to, and I ended up being massively disappointed for more than a decade since.

      Still waiting for the long overdue Kessen IV.

  42. 2 years ago

    Been playing Taiko Risshiden V DX and I can't help but feel that this game is kinda a wasted potential somehow. It has a lot of good roleplaying elements, it also has a lot of good events and references some pretty obscure fun facts, but the combat is pretty bad and boring.

    • 2 years ago

      >can't help but feel that this game is kinda a wasted potential somehow
      that's every koei game

      • 2 years ago

        Sadly I can't argue with that.

  43. 2 years ago

    Recently tried this. Gameplay is very similar to the old Koei games. You can tax, buy and sell goods to make money, persuade generals to join you and so on...but they key difference is you don't get to decide what kind of action you can take each turn, it's randomly decided for you. Pretty interesting idea for a strategy game.

    Seeing as it's a handheld title, it actually does kind of make sense. You wouldn't want to sit down and think too much while playing during your commute or something.

  44. 2 years ago

    >all the old Koei RTS games are on steam
    >all the ROTK games
    >almost all of the Nobunaga's Ambition games, including some very obscure PS1/PS2 releases, and powerup kits that were never released in English
    >even games from the fricking 1980's are in there
    >Daikoukai Jidai games are also there, including the Porto Estado remaster (with additional content)

    >it's all in fricking Japanese with no Eng. localizations
    I hate Koei so much it's actually unreal. What a moronic company.

    • 2 years ago

      nothing moronic about not wanting to localize niche to begin with games which mostly sell for nostalgia value for dozen of eng only speaking autists so you'll never recoup the cost

      • 2 years ago

        the localizations already exist, brainlet. they didn't bother porting them. usually because there's a PUK with some content that they didn't bother localizing (again, variable).

        there's some games who had very popular global releases in the mix, like RTKXI. If Koei wanted money so bad they'd at least single out those successful games and port their translated versions.

        • 2 years ago

          fair, I assumed it's same situation as with other niche JP only till recent franchises.
          On other hand there can be issue that they can't legally use same translation for one reason or other. At least in an easy way.
          So dozen of projected sales still not enough to bother.

          Honestly logic that "if only you translate it/port it, you'll get all money in the world" is not bullet proof. You can get all the money in the world, or you can go red on your investment.

          • 2 years ago

            The thing is that for all the aggressive greedy DLC business KT has been pursuing over the year, the company seems to really hell bent on not porting/remastering old classics for some reasons, a strategy that a lot of other companies resort to to make some quick bux. Though with the recent Remasters of Uncharted Water IV, Ninja Gaiden and Taiko Risshiden V, maybe they're changing their views about remastering/porting old games.

            • 2 years ago

              >Though with the recent Remasters of Uncharted Water IV
              they didn't port this to English though, and it flopped.
              Koei has some extremely moronic and weird practices. It's identical to the idiocy that used to drive Konami. They clearly want their bux so bad, but they're too helplessly dumb and just have a randomized shotgun approach. Koei's games get discounted like what, once or twice a year?

              • 2 years ago

                >they didn't port this to English though, and it flopped.
                Though while I do think that the chance of the game being localized is extremely slim, I think it's still too early to say anything. Koei's strategy games have always had to wait a few months to a year or two before an English localization is announced.

                >Koei has some extremely moronic and weird practices.
                Agreed, I still don't understand why they have stuck so much with their business of overpriced base game and aggressive DLC business while almost never put their games on sale for so long. Are they just that confident in their monopoly at certain genres or something?

              • 2 years ago

                >I still don't understand why they have stuck so much with their business of overpriced base game and aggressive DLC business while almost never put their games on sale for so long.
                Cause it works.
                "Flopped" is what you assume, do you know hard numbers? No. No one does.

              • 2 years ago

                not him but the Porto Estado remaster definitely flopped. It has negative reviews on steam. Unless if Koei is making some meagre profit off all these flops, it seems like they're constantly in the red. RTKXIII and XIV both had terrible receptions, and so did Nobunaga's Ambition: Taishi, and Shinsei is shaping up to be a flop on PC and console since it's mobage-concentrated trash (which should tell you enough about the future of these franchises).

              • 2 years ago

                >Shinsei is shaping up to be a flop on PC and console since it's mobage-concentrated trash (which should tell you enough about the future of these franchises).
                Is it? I haven't seen anything suggesting that yet but I haven't been paying too much attention to news surrounding it.
                However, I must remind you that Koei does run several dedicated ROTK and Nobunaga mobage plus they've ported a number of their older games there as well. So it's not exactly as if they had to try and start making the mainline games into ones in some weird dash for an audience.

              • 2 years ago

                they are have moronic nip boomers in charge who still thinks its the 90'

              • 2 years ago

                >who still thinks its the 90'
                Sometimes I wish it was..

            • 2 years ago

              Honestly compared to Paradox, KT is actually tame in DLC business.
              At least their DLC don't break their games as far I'm aware.

    • 2 years ago

      get fricked gaijin

  45. 2 years ago

    Playing Way of the Samurai 4, what's the closest style to Mitsuhide's or any SW character for that matter so I can replicate it here?

    • 2 years ago

      >what's the closest style to Mitsuhide's
      getting fricked in the ass

  46. 2 years ago

    By the way, apparently Uncharted Waters Origin is out in English in some sort of Open Beta launch.
    You need Australian VPN tho

    • 2 years ago

      this game looks gacha incarnate

      • 2 years ago

        It's not a gacha game actually.
        It used to be one in the first closed beta test, but they changed to a "grinding" game which probably has its own monetary issues being a Korean game and all

        • 2 years ago

          >Korean game
          Why doesn't Koei bring their games back to their roots.

          • 2 years ago

            licensing your not-very-used IPs is probably just good practice.

            • 2 years ago

              >Ali on the top right
              >Welcome to my rape dungeon. The terror on my wife's face says it all.

            • 2 years ago

              >Ali on the top right
              >Welcome to my rape dungeon. The terror on my wife's face says it all.

              I could write it off as iffy art if it was just the dude's face in the top right, but the wife's face as well tells me they did it on purpose.

            • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              Ali is a psycho?

  47. 2 years ago

    The song used in the new Shinsei's trailer is such a banger.

  48. 2 years ago

    I was thinking about purchasing the Nobunaga's Ambition titles for PS2, but before I do so I was hoping there were Anons in this thread that have played one or both of the games that could give me their thoughts. For those said people, are the games worth it? I saw that the one is a real time game, which I am slightly unsure about to be honest. That said I do want to get into Kessen so it might be a good starting point.

    • 2 years ago

      >are the games worth it?
      Depends on what your expectations are and how inflated the prices of the games have become. I do think both games are worth a play.

      >Rise to Power (the one you posted a screenshot of)
      >Combat is only okay-ish where you try to take over all of the enemy's bases in field battle or the enemy's main keep in siege battle
      >one of the appeals of the game is probably how you can directly choose where to build the facilities which indirectly affect how effective surrounding facilities could be, you could also directly destroy these facilities when you invade an enemy and vice versa of course
      >its biggest appeal to me is its OST and its atmosphere, which has a really nostalgic and tragic feel to it

      >Rise to Power
      >has gameplay quite similar to tower defense where units are sent on set paths to attack a castle, but you can assign multiple officers to a unit, and these officers can chain multiple abilities together to inflict great damage to the enemy
      >unit types, officers abilities, clan technologies are really varied and fun to work out the best combos, though musket-related stuff reign supreme
      >due to the above points, this game and Tendou (which share similar gameplay mechanics) arguably have the best gameplay in the series
      >there are very few limited empty land you can build facilities on, and different facilities may require different lands to be built upon, so figuring out how to balance farms, markets to not go into red and where to put your turrets to defend against the enemy is pretty important (at least for the early game)
      >the Takeda is full of dicks

      Between the 2 games, I think IT is objectively the better game, but I've always have a soft spot for RtP because it's my very first NA game and also because its OST is my definition of how a NA game's OST should be.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the info bro. Your post was very helpful, I'll be picking up both games soon.

      • 2 years ago

        You didn't mention that the General ability Rampage is completely broken, enemies lose morale every SECOND they're engaged with the general, its basically a free win if you activate it.
        Luckily, only two guys, Kagetora Nagao (later Kenshin Uesugi) and the lightning cripple Tachibana have it.
        Otherwise its great, its dissapointing how the Total War games are so limited on factions, I had the most fun in Rise to Power playing as the Akeichi after Nobunaga dies at Honnoji. Beating Hideyoshi felt so good.

  49. 2 years ago

    Question, can I make discussions regarding the Sengoku or the Three Kingdoms here? Or is this thread strictly for discussing the games only?

    • 2 years ago

      Go ahead

      • 2 years ago

        Okay, so I've been playing Taiko V, and the game has one of Mitsuhide's motivations to betray Nobunaga being his want to restore the Ashikaga Shogunate, but it also mentioned that Mitsuhide held from a branch family of the prestigious Minamoto clan, and the funny thing is that the Takeda clan also originated from a Minamoto branch family too.
        So I started wondering whether the destruction of the Takeda clan may have had some sort of effect on Mitsuhide, making him realized that Nobunaga must be killed to preserve the Minamoto bloodline, something that he may have missed earlier because Ashikaga Yoshiaki was only exiled, not killed. Kinda stupid, but hey, it's food for thought, I guess.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought Mitsuhide's mom was held captive and Oda didn't do anything to assist and she got killed, enraging Mitsuhide.

          • 2 years ago

            It is one of the possible reasons, but Mitsuhide's rebellion literally came out of nowhere so no one could have really said what exactly was the trigger. I for one, am a firm believer that Mitsuhide was set up because there's no way he didn't realize that rebelling smacked right in the middle of an enemy's force without securing allies first was an absolutely idiotic idea.

            • 2 years ago

              Weren't there a number of collaborators who promised to aid Mitsuhide before his rebellion, but then got cold feet and withdrew support after he had actually done the deed? Or they decided to sit on the sidelines until there was a clear winner at Yamazaki.

          • 2 years ago

            This story about his mom is probably just a rumor that was created and spread through gossip after the whole thing happened, maybe years or decades later.

            Mitsuhide's betrayal was an act of such magnitude, that whatever his reasoning was, it's likely that he was not motivated by a single factor.

          • 2 years ago

            Falsehood created after the fact.

  50. 2 years ago

    Oh, the other thread died?
    I haven't visited Ganker in months.

    Whatever, I'm about to play Inindo

    • 2 years ago

      The other thread hit bump limit and was archived. Based game by the way.

  51. 2 years ago

    Wubros it's time to restore Wu to his rightful place. Show your ROTK campaign

  52. 2 years ago

    Always thought it would be fun to take an officer with bottom-tier stats and work my way up, but it seems like stat growth is marginal at best in Koei games. Are there any where it would work?

    • 2 years ago

      When I played Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of Darkness on SNES I did just that.

      I started with a weak daimyo called Sagara Haruhiro on that little island in southern Japan partly because I wanted to build up from a weak character on a weak province and partly because I found that name very cool.
      Unfortunately he starts the game in his late 40s so I didn't have much time to work on him and before I understood how the mechanics of raising skills work he died, but I chose a new character with bad stats as daimyo and built him up.
      It was a fun challenge in the beginning but in these grand strategy games once you get a few territories and start to snowball it becomes trivial.

      I'm gonna do another playthrough one of these days and I'll play a strong daimyo supporting the Ashikaga Shogunate, I'll try to build them up by sending tributes and see if they can conquer the map.

    • 2 years ago

      Rot3K X is your game if you're into stats. I tried this strategy with a dirt poor daimyo in the Hokkaido region in Iron Triangle. It was challenging and eventually I got my ass handed to me, but the sea between Hokkaido and Honshu will act as a barrier and give you time to develop.

    • 2 years ago

      ROTK VI has pretty big stats growth for its characters. Those who only just came of age will have very low stats and only slowly grow into their designated stats when they hit their peak, even with top tier characters like Zhou Yu or Sun Ce.

      ROTK XI also has Lu Meng being a bumping idiot with the only good things about him his above average LEA and WAR stats and his personal skills, it's only after triggering the event where Sun Quan urges Lu Meng to read more that he'd gain enormous stats boost and becomes the dadudu that we all know and love.

      Also, sharing an experience playing low-tier I had too while I'm at it. One of my fondest memories of playing ROTK XI is playing as Zhang Xiu, who actually is pretty good with his above average stats, S in Cavalry affinity and Cavalry General for his personal skill, but his force only has 3 officers including himself and he starts right next to very big powerhouses including Cao Cao's force, so early game is a race to recruit free officers and migrate to another place or else you'd be steamroll by your neighbors.

    • 2 years ago

      In RoTK 13, you get hefty stat bonuses from having companions which can lead to some pretty crazy stat boosts, especially in combination with items.

      Not quite what you're looking for, but in RoTK 14, if using the exp boost doctrines, the exp boost from Jingzhou and overall playing quite slow, you can get some hefty bonuses. This is Huang Zhong at the end of a 25 year campaign. He starts with 87 Leadership and 93 Strength for reference.

  53. 2 years ago

    I found a portable version of ROTK XI PK which boots on Windows 10.

    It works with the translation patch on Steam.

  54. 2 years ago

    >can't play the Steam version of ROTKXI on fullscreen
    What the frick? Everything just freezes when I go fullscreen, playing in Windows mode and the game runs just fine. Anyone knows what's the cause and how to fix it?

    • 2 years ago

      Which OS?

      Falsehood created after the fact.

      t. The demon king posting straight from hell
      But seriously, whom fabricated this claim and why?

      • 2 years ago

        The Tokugawa because they're buttholes and have to make everyone except them look like psychos

      • 2 years ago

        Win10, which is weird because I remembered playing it in fullscreen just fine with my old laptop.

  55. 2 years ago

    I accidentally killed Cao Bao. Did I fricked up Liu Bei chain events?

    • 2 years ago

      You just saved the kingdom.

      • 2 years ago

        from benevolence?

  56. 2 years ago

    damn now I killed Tao qian

    • 2 years ago

      Calm your breasts, Cao Cao.

    • 2 years ago

      Please. Somebody stop him for the sake of the Han.

  57. 2 years ago

    Are the old RoTK games worth getting into?

    • 2 years ago

      Start with 2 or 3.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you, I shall restore China to it's former glory

        • 2 years ago

'll be Liu Bei?

          • 2 years ago

            >A big-eared sandalweaver doing anything of the sort

  58. 2 years ago

    operation europe path to victory has been the single strategy game I have owned that I haven't been able to make heads or tails of. I have never seen a break down of what any stats do other than what I have had to logically assume they do and something I have seen in every playthough of it is that someone has been able to consistently give orders to their units throughout a battle which I cannot do no matter what. I can give orders twice and then then no more.

    Is there any real guide for this game?

    • 2 years ago

      If there's nothing on YouTube or gamefaqs, then the only hope is some anon here. I haven't played it since it's NA release in the 90s and I found myself frustrated with the snail speed of the SNES version. If you can, I would try for the PC version. Much faster with more intuitive UI and looks to be a smoother overall experience.

  59. 2 years ago


  60. 2 years ago

    Started to get into Liberty or Death, but having to manage all of those regions from the outset seems super tedious. I'd delegate more if I understood the game better. Maybe I should delegate UNTIL I understand the game better, but I don't quite know who's gonna be good at what. Overall though, it seems to have a lot of good shit going on. I like the option to print a gazette and pick who writes it.

    I got a Miyoo Mini largely to play old Koei games in a format that allows instant sleep/wake. Been poking around at GK2 again and just started a RoTK4 file. Not many good options for Nobunaga for PS1 and back. Lord of Darkness on SNES is imo too ugly when most of the other titles are so nicely done.

    • 2 years ago

      Hey, where did you buy that? Looks nice.

      I agree Lord of Darkness looks ugly, I still play it because I really like how you can micro-manage and "customize" your underlings in it, even grooming one of them into a future lord should your character die.
      I wish you could do that in GK2, sometimes you get an infertile wife and this absolutely sucks.

      • 2 years ago

        I ordered mine on ebay thinking the shipping was quicker and cheaper than ordering it from the official site. Probably didn't make much difference. Thing is like 55-60 USD. If you look for one try to find a "v2" with the 2000 mAh battery. Also recommend using MiniUI custom frontend (for good sleep function if not the straightforwardness)

        GK2 seems simpler overall in a lot of ways than many of the other games, at least in terms of the world map. Guess you have to make some room if you're gonna make three layers of gameplay (map, battle map, unit battle). Honestly I wonder if it's maybe too much

        Just delegate regions that are safety behind enemy lines. Have the locked away regions go full resource production.

        Makes sense. I guess having only 2 factions means you're liable to have clearer frontlines. That might make a lot of the map boring, but I like that it's separated into theaters.

        • 2 years ago

          Liberty or Death is the perfect introduction to Koei games. Not as complicated and just enough challenge to give players a chance at the basics

    • 2 years ago

      Just delegate regions that are safety behind enemy lines. Have the locked away regions go full resource production.

  61. 2 years ago

    helping him is the right thing to do, anon. What are you waiting for?

    • 2 years ago

      For XIV to become a good game.

    • 2 years ago

      >What are you waiting for?
      for new nobunaga's ambition to release and elevate koei above parad*x

  62. 2 years ago

    This was the only Koei game I could grasp. Did they anything else similar?

    • 2 years ago

      Romance of the 3 Kingdoms II and Bandit Kings of China

    • 2 years ago

      I can't find the soundtrack

  63. 2 years ago

    Kill Liu Bei and his moroners sworm brothers.... save china

    • 2 years ago

      Should be the subtitle for the next Rot3K game.

  64. 2 years ago

    Sphere of Influence poster from /gsg/ asking for advice because I haven't dealt with coalitions before
    the Shimazu asked me to join a coalition against the Toyotomi while I was conquering the Uesugi and I thought this would rally the other Clans against Hideyori: instead it just turned the rest of the world (except the 5 base Maeda) against us
    is this recoverable or do i just have to wait 3 years for the coalition war to end while I have to accept that Ieyasu's dozen generals with 100+/100+/100+ stats and 15k armies are going to steamroll me all the while?

    • 2 years ago

      additionally, how do i get my northern provinces to help me: the game says they can only assist in neighboring lands, as "cannot deploy units from this province now," so is there a way i get them to help me at all with all of the thousands of men pouring into my southern border?

    • 2 years ago

      The Uesugi are still in the fight? If so and you're against those Toyotomi forces, it might be time to restart your save file.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, the Uesugi were able to survive because the Toyotomi arrived in time, even when I reduced his walls from 11.5k to just 1.5k. I have a few armies that could compete, but a lot of my manpower is being unused in unrelated provinces

        additionally, how do i get my northern provinces to help me: the game says they can only assist in neighboring lands, as "cannot deploy units from this province now," so is there a way i get them to help me at all with all of the thousands of men pouring into my southern border?

        so I'm just being overpowered by the superior Kanto armies. The game told me to reogranize the provinces so they could help, but they're still out of range of the fight, regardless of what I try.
        I luckily saved in the beginning of July, so I'll probably just go back to that

        • 2 years ago

          it's all been saved. i used the Emperor to make peace with Tokugawa, and then formed an alliance with him, giving me room to conquer the Hojo as I learned how to manage my regents (like have them feed me guns and horses, holy shit) and centralized some of them; while I can't get the northern ones to march with me, my two reformed southern ones are enough, as having the AI supply armies against Hideyori gives me time to breath and think
          it also turns out that you can invite multiple people when you initially create a Coalition, so that just means the Shimazu had just been moronic (not that I knew who else had been invited to join last time)

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, the Uesugi were able to survive because the Toyotomi arrived in time, even when I reduced his walls from 11.5k to just 1.5k. I have a few armies that could compete, but a lot of my manpower is being unused in unrelated provinces
      [...] so I'm just being overpowered by the superior Kanto armies. The game told me to reogranize the provinces so they could help, but they're still out of range of the fight, regardless of what I try.
      I luckily saved in the beginning of July, so I'll probably just go back to that

      it's all been saved. i used the Emperor to make peace with Tokugawa, and then formed an alliance with him, giving me room to conquer the Hojo as I learned how to manage my regents (like have them feed me guns and horses, holy shit) and centralized some of them; while I can't get the northern ones to march with me, my two reformed southern ones are enough, as having the AI supply armies against Hideyori gives me time to breath and think
      it also turns out that you can invite multiple people when you initially create a Coalition, so that just means the Shimazu had just been moronic (not that I knew who else had been invited to join last time)

      what's the anime in your screens? love me some samurai kino

      • 2 years ago

        Hyouge Mono. It's about this jolly fellow trying to be a samurai for Nobunaga but also trying to be an aesthete for Sen no Rikyū, so he gets caught up with Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, Tokugawa, and Masamune in his quest to make tea and acquire bowls. The anime ends in 1591, while the manga includes the Imjin War but isn't fully translated
        it's among my top 3 shows, i love it so much. it's 39 episodes long, but does not feel like it, every episode's packed with a lot of fun historical bits

        • 2 years ago

          >all the fun guys were executed by gayyasu
          why's he such fun killer?

  65. 2 years ago

    I'm getting filtered by fricking Inindo

    Spend too long wandering the overworld, end up ambushed by some ronin or ninja and killed
    Leave a dungeon, ambushed and killed
    Tries to befriend some wandering samurai, killed
    Fighting a monster, get critical hit and killed

    • 2 years ago

      This was my experience with the game as well. Brutal game. And no one wanted to join my party ;_;

  66. 2 years ago

    Just tried Nobunaga's Ambition on the Sega Genesis. Died after just 10 turns because of a peasant revolt.


  67. 2 years ago

    Don't think we're getting NA15 lads...

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        waste of a good rack, shame

        • 2 years ago

          Wu has betters

      • 2 years ago

        Nice breasts

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          why did you kill abe, zhenji?

          • 2 years ago

            I didn't do it.. I didn't love him but I wouldn't do that

            • 2 years ago

              > I didn't love him
              So that's why you did it. You kill him because you didn't love him?

              • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  68. 2 years ago

    warriors orochi 3 just dropped on steam

    • 2 years ago

      This gives me hope that KT is still willing to port and localize old games. Let's see how this goes.

      Lol, lmao even.
      They gave Taishi 36/40 and ROTK XIV got 34/40.

      To be fair, Taishi's combat IS good. It's just that everything else is kinda a mess.

  69. 2 years ago

    Inindo is pretty brutal. You get a few levels and think you are good but the game finds a way to wreck you somehow.

    I had decent level and got partners for the first time. Two battles and one of them is straight up killed in an ambush, he didn't last even one week. I had bought some stuff for him and he's gone.

  70. 2 years ago

    Nobunaga’s Ambition: Rebirth got 37/40 from Famitsu. Looks like ludo's back on the menu.

    • 2 years ago

      Lol, lmao even.
      They gave Taishi 36/40 and ROTK XIV got 34/40.

      • 2 years ago

        Well, taishi is better than rotk xiv, so maybe rebirth will be as good as spere of influence...?

        • 2 years ago

          SoI got 36/40, so aparrently Rebirth is even better :^)
          I'd wait for the Japanese user reviews before getting any optimistic expectations. Famitsu ratings are a pretty bad metric, especially in the case of Koei games which as I've noticed all get strangely high ratings there. Even Dynasty Warriors 9 got 35/40.

  71. 2 years ago

    Which Romance of the Three Kingdoms game is the best in your opinion and why?

    • 2 years ago

      Rot3K 2
      I enjoy turn based combat and when I'm Liu Bei, I like to beg Han Fu for all of his rice and stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      Pleb choice, but X. There was so much freedom in the gameplay, plus its OST is one of my favorites in the series.

      so is there any koei strategy game with actually good combat? preferably turn based? I don't mind whether it's 8 bit or recent.

      Turn based combat: ROTK VII, X and XI, Dynasty Tactics 2 (never played 1), Fire Emblem Three Houses

      Not turn based combat: NA Iron Triangle, Tendou

  72. 2 years ago

    so is there any koei strategy game with actually good combat? preferably turn based? I don't mind whether it's 8 bit or recent.

    • 2 years ago

      Rot3K 3 and 6
      Operation Europe
      Liberty or Death

      • 2 years ago

        Lord of Darkness as well. I enjoyed the castle sieges.

        • 2 years ago

          I enjoyed Lord of Darkness a lot. The ONLY thing barring it from becoming my favorite KOEI game is it not having the same mechanic of GK II where you "spend time" with your wife and produce children who can become generals and possible heirs if male or married to generals if female.

          • 2 years ago

            You don't know how badly I've wanted a new Genghis Khan game. Even an expanded update of GK II with all the harem/family aspects would be great.

            • 2 years ago

              >Even an expanded update of GK II with all the harem/family aspects would be great
              If I knew how to romhack I'd do it

              My changes for a "perfect" GK II version would be:
              Rebalance combat mechanics and units, increasing mobility on all of them as well;
              Make the map where battles take place bigger and with more space to maneuver;
              Make every single nation in every scenario playable, with appropriate character portraits and names for every different culture and ethnicity, using the female portraits cut from the original game and new ones that resemble the style of the originals as much as possible;
              Bring back all cut content from the original game such as the romance minigame and the characters;
              Create new mechanics for family and wife affairs where the player can banish his wife and get a new one from a conquered territory, including the wife of a captured leader, not having to be stuck with randomly generated wives that are infertile or low fertility. Females age and die separately from male characters. Banishing wives makes any sons had with them not loyal to the ruler anymore but still eligible for the throne. The sons of banished wives and generals married to their daughters who are acting as governors are very likely to declare independence if a heir from a different mother is chosen upon the ruler's death;
              Rebalance trading mechanics and values so that they aren't exploitable by trading in the same turn;
              Make disasters more impactful and epidemics highly lethal against characters, mitigated by using medicine with the "give to the people" command;
              Rebalance character stats;
              Create diplomacy and sabotage mechanics like in NA: Lord of Darkness;
              Make the AI play smarter in general.

              I don't know how much work this should be but I'd definitely give it a try.

              • 2 years ago

                It would be an entirely new game with such extensive revisions and a much better game for it. The expanded battlegrounds are definitely a much needed upgrade. As you said, the originals were just too cramped and negated maneuver warfare.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      L' Emperuer

  73. 2 years ago

    I love Uncharted Waters 2 so much, bros. Are there any decent sequels that are translated?

    • 2 years ago

      try uncharted waters online

    • 2 years ago

      I love it too, bro.
      Only really good sequel was Costa del Sol, but it's not translated. I think 2 has a remake with new content on Saturn.

  74. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Is that? Could it be? The Sun Clan??!

    • 2 years ago

      Koei general as in the military designation, hence the Operation Europe cover art to drive the point home.

  75. 2 years ago

    Why is Shinsei region locked on Steam? None of their other games are region locked despite lacking English support.

    • 2 years ago

      Could it be because the game is not released yet? Never bothered checking other games before they're released so I never notice if they're region-locked or not.

      • 2 years ago

        I think older releases did have a store page and English language was later patched in.

        I guess this could mean the game won't be localized. That or they won't dumb gajin going on the Steam forums and whinge about an English release.

        • 2 years ago

          The fact that it doesn't even have a visible price on steamdb for any non-asian currency makes me worried that it won't be available at all for westerners.
          They are also selling digital keys on Amazon
          but purchasing requires you to have a Japanese address. I'm sure one can easily be spoofed since it's just a digital purchase, but I'm worried the key won't work if your Steam account is from the wrong region. The Amazon page doesn't even specify that it's a Steam key, it just has "DRM: yes" listed at the bottom

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah steamdb says the keys are region locked to Asian countries, so right now there's no way to get the game from the west. I don't have much hope that the asiatics will release a crack so there's probably no way to play the game unless they release an English version.

          • 2 years ago

            >but purchasing requires you to have a Japanese address
            do they hate money?

  76. 2 years ago

    What a majestic creature

  77. 2 years ago

    Okay, played Shinsei for about 5 hours. The game actually isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

    >it's basically a mix of Sphere of Influence and Rise to Powre, more obvious influence (pun intended) from the former
    >you can basically only develop the castle the Daimyo is in and the lands surrounding it, for other castles, officers you assign to those will develop the lands on their own
    >you can still build facilities on every land you own though
    >this means a lot less micromanagement compared to SoI
    >though that also mean once you finished developing your castle which should only takes a few years in game, there's nothing more to do in the land management department (you can still freely build and upgrade facilities though)
    >I still haven't figured out how to change the Daimyo's castle
    >game's mechanics are slowly unlocked as you have more territories and unlock more of the "Organization restructuring" policy
    >when you march units out of a castle, all the officers assigned to that castle will form into 1 unified unit and adjutants will give bonuses to the castle lord, like ATK or DEF up, if they have the right affinities
    >the battle that takes place in a small battlefield is basically a more polished but more restrictive version of Rise to Power where you and the enemy race to take over bases and killing each other on the way
    >the amount of bases available are different depending on the number of troops participating in the battle
    >most bases serve as a resting spot to recover the unit's morale, but some bases have special ability to them too, like throwing giant rocks to the enemy under the cliff. These abilities of course have a cool down to them
    >a unit can be taken out of battle early despite still having troops if they run out of morale
    >best way to cut down enemy's morale is flanking them or cutting them off from bases
    >a battle is won when you wipe out all enemy, conquer all the bases, or you morale overwhelm the enemy

    • 2 years ago

      >when you win a battle, you automatically capture the lands surrounding the castle near the place the battle took place
      >other clans will catch win of the victory and may change attitude towards you like be impressed or be more wary about your expanding power, your officers will also become more loyal
      >if you lose then you will receive the opposite effect, like being looked down by other Daimyos or loses trust from your officers
      >the enemy AI is surprisingly aggressive. I was playing as the Oda in the 1553 scenario, when I mobilize troops to attack the Hatakaeyama down south, the Imagawa immediately mobilize to attack me from the rear. Then when I turned back to defend, the Miyoshi crosses the mountain to attack me at the castle I just took from the Hatakeyama
      >it got so bad I needed to get close with the Ashikaga and requested them to meditate truce between me and the Miyoshi to avoid being pincered to death
      >the retainers' advices though, don't look so good
      >they basically just suggest random things when your money and labors allow it, not taking into account of what your current direction is
      >like I was busy dealing with the Imagawa, Miyoshi and Hatakeyama, but my officers keep suggesting me to destroy the Azai's castle defenses
      >on that note, plots have a lot higher success rate compared to previous games as far as I can tell, which is understandable since this game's system rely on you dishing out plots a lot

      So that's it for my mini review of the game. There's still a lot I don't understand so I need to play a lot more before deciding if Shinsei is a good game or not, but I'm liking it so far.

      • 2 years ago

        >the retainers' advices though, don't look so good
        >they basically just suggest random things when your money and labors allow it, not taking into account of what your current direction is
        you have to have something completely borked, so you could sell PUK that fixes it

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the write up. I dislike that land management is limited, but a more aggressive AI and the heavier reliances on plots and morale is intriguing.

      • 2 years ago

        Is it possible to play as an officer?

    • 2 years ago

      >when you win a battle, you automatically capture the lands surrounding the castle near the place the battle took place
      >other clans will catch win of the victory and may change attitude towards you like be impressed or be more wary about your expanding power, your officers will also become more loyal
      >if you lose then you will receive the opposite effect, like being looked down by other Daimyos or loses trust from your officers
      >the enemy AI is surprisingly aggressive. I was playing as the Oda in the 1553 scenario, when I mobilize troops to attack the Hatakaeyama down south, the Imagawa immediately mobilize to attack me from the rear. Then when I turned back to defend, the Miyoshi crosses the mountain to attack me at the castle I just took from the Hatakeyama
      >it got so bad I needed to get close with the Ashikaga and requested them to meditate truce between me and the Miyoshi to avoid being pincered to death
      >the retainers' advices though, don't look so good
      >they basically just suggest random things when your money and labors allow it, not taking into account of what your current direction is
      >like I was busy dealing with the Imagawa, Miyoshi and Hatakeyama, but my officers keep suggesting me to destroy the Azai's castle defenses
      >on that note, plots have a lot higher success rate compared to previous games as far as I can tell, which is understandable since this game's system rely on you dishing out plots a lot

      So that's it for my mini review of the game. There's still a lot I don't understand so I need to play a lot more before deciding if Shinsei is a good game or not, but I'm liking it so far.

      I wanna try it

  78. 2 years ago

    I am here only for the GK2 waifus

  79. 2 years ago

    Played around 10 hours more and finally drove the Miyoshi away from Honshu

    The enemy is too aggressive for its own good. Whenever they mobilize their troops, they will use up like 90% of their troops to go all out. So if I just request 2 or 3 other Daimyos to help attacking some random castles, most of the Miyoshis would spend all of their troops to defend those fronts, leaving the rest of their castles almost unguarded for me to swoop in and take them for myself. The Miyoshi does turn their units around to fight me when they see me approaching, but it's still a little bit too late for that.

    On other notes, the Takeda is back to being a bunch of power-hungry buttholes who expand their domains like there's no tomorrow like back in Iron Triangle. I've been allied with them to avoid being massacred but I probably will need to deal with them soon because it doesn't look like the Nagao is gonna hold out for long.

  80. 2 years ago

    I'm feeling a bit uninspired but want to start another RoTK campaign (probably XIV). Any suggestions for a time period and warlord? I feel like I get stuck stuck in a rut of playing Cao Cao/Wei constantly.

    • 2 years ago

      Liu Bei with the earliest scenario after the Yellow Turban rebellion. He's up in northwest China, just mooch off Han Fu as much as possible.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        That's a cool idea, I almost never do early "hobo years" Liu Bei.

        • 2 years ago

          Gongsun Zan is your boy. Also, keep an eye out for a young talent named Zhao Yun, if you start as hobo Liu Bei.

          • 2 years ago

            Granted it's probs gonna be fun playing Gongsun cavalry, daily reminder that historically he was an evil frick.

            • 2 years ago

              Now I don't feel so bad about ganking his territory in Rot3K 2.

              • 2 years ago

                >Now I don't feel so bad about ganking his territory
                I don't feel bad executing his family

                I like pretty much any of the later Three Kingdoms "rebellions", especially guys like Zhong Hui where I have no idea what they thought they were going to be able to achieve.

                >especially guys like Zhong Hui where I have no idea what they thought they were going to be able to achieve

                Since we're on the topic of Three Kingdoms; what's everybody's favorite scenario/start period? I like seeing some of the hypotheticals they come up with. There's one in XIV that even makes Dong Cheng a major player.

                My faves are usually Guandu, Zhong Hui's rebellion, or anything post Wuzhang Plains.

                He was meme'd post-mortem into being generally rebellious. There's a whole story involving Zhuge Liang, Wei Yan, and Ma Dai but it's not exactly historically accurate. I think the general consensus is that he gets a bad rap semi-undeservedly.

                >meme'd post-mortem into being generally rebellious


              • 2 years ago

                >I don't feel bad executing his family
                or murder the japanese minister

            • 2 years ago

              >Liu Bei friends are evil just like Liu Bei
              WOW WHAT A SURPRISE!

              • 2 years ago

                >Liu Bei

                >I don't feel bad executing his family
                or murder the japanese minister


              • 2 years ago

                HUH! HUH! HUH!

              • 2 years ago


                >zhenjigay defend evil people because he too is an evil person who killed the japanese minister
                Him betraying Yuan Shao is unforgivable.
                Lu Bu>Liu bei
                for the simple fact that Liu Bei betrayed many more people like the ungrateful rat he is.

                >zhenjigay defend evil people
                He's not evil you dolt, at least not by warlord standards. In which case like, by today's standards all of these people should be jailed or killed.
                >Lu Bu>Liu bei
                >for the simple fact that Liu Bei betrayed many more people like the ungrateful rat he is.
                That would be like saying that anyone fatter than Dong Zhuo must have been greedier and evil
                Literally just look at how consistently they treat people (aka reading the historiography)
                >Bù said to Tàizǔ: “I treated my officers well, but my officers in the face of danger all betrayed me and that is all.” Tàizǔ said: “You turned your back on your wife, and favored your officers’ women. How can this be treating them well?” Bù was silent.
                Lu Bu was not good
                >ungrateful rat
                I might argue that Lu Bu was closer to Dong than Liu Bei was to any of these other people, but that's not something I'm committed to rn
                >he too is an evil person who killed the japanese minister
                I'm so confused

              • 2 years ago

                Where's your Zhenji picture?
                >He's not evil you dolt, at least not by warlord standards. In which case like, by today's standards all of these people should be jailed or killed
                I disagreed, we should kill all the people with modern standards
                >That would be like saying that anyone fatter than Dong Zhuo must have been greedier and evil
                That's correct. The fatter one person is the evil and greedier they're
                >Lu Bu was not good
                I didn't say he was good I just said he's better than Liu Bei
                >I might argue that Lu Bu was closer to Dong than Liu Bei was to any of these other people, but that's not something I'm committed to rn
                That's irrelevant! If I help you, you can't just betray me the moment I turn around!
                >I'm so confused
                I don't believe you, why you did it?

              • 2 years ago

                >ignoring how Liu Bei proceeding to betray Gongsun Zan for that sweet Xu province ranking
                >just like Liu Bei betrayed Cao Cao by seizing Xu province from him while pretending to be in his service
                >just like Liu Bei betrayed Yuan Shao after he provided him refuge from Cao Cao
                >just like Liu Bei betrayed Sun Quan by refusing to hand over Jing province as agreed
                >just as Liu Bei betrayed Liu Zhang by attacking him while under the guise of providing assistance against Zhang Lu
                What other betrayals am I forgetting?

              • 2 years ago

                >way less civilian/petty casualties than the other warlords
                >Zan sent him there, also Zan was evil
                >literally Cao Cao's fault
                >too far to really help at all
                >wasn't Quan's province to lend
                >Liu Zhang's family got power by betraying to begin with
                I know it's genuinely tempting to say that Liu Bei or Zhuge Liang are evil or incompetent, from the disappointment backlash of "not the saintgods they were shown to be", it's ok to have that phase, but they were still pretty good people, esp in comparison with the other big guys for China

              • 2 years ago

                To be honest it's really weird how these people get so emotionally invested in some brutal warlords from 2000 years ago

              • 2 years ago

                >have fondness or disdain for certain characters in text or video game narratives, or actual history
                >start to get gradually annoyed over time when game-only, romance-only, or literal youtube-only folks say and continue to insist misinformed or made-up things about people from actual history
                >they refuse to read things
                I'd imagine this would be annoying for any era or genre

              • 2 years ago

                Sounds like a serious case of autism.

                Besides the only reason people have any "fondness" for this historical period is because of the novel. Very few people in the west would care about it otherwise. The games are also based on the novel, not history -- so it's completely reasonable to use them as a reference when talking about the games.

                It's the same with respect to the Sengoku period. Most of the reason people like it as a setting is because of the exaggerated folklore from the Edo period. Is that a problem? Nope. It's more fun that way. We wouldn't have these games otherwise and games are about entertainment.

                Historygays just take themselves way too seriously.

              • 2 years ago

                >swear I responded to this
                >it's not in the archives

                >any "fondness" for this historical period is because of the novel
                Ok? It being an intro doesn't really mean much.
                >it's completely reasonable to use them as a reference when talking about the games
                Game changes and makes things up unrelated to the Romance, e.g. Guan Suo and Bao Sanniang aren't even in the Romance. But anyway, by that logic you can say the Romance is based on the history and it's reasonable to point to it also. Plenty of times I found game-wise "B-listers" endearing for their help, read the small bio and actually looked into how they were in history. Because it wouldn't really make sense to have the Romance as a go-to source for a random minister, right?
                Liking Romance-only or game-only characters/depictions/stories is fine. It's just when you're conflating any of the sources that's a bit confusing, and frustrating when you ignore correction or any citations. ("You" being in the general abstract sense) I like the bean poem even if it's completely fictional, for example.

                >same with respect to the Sengoku period
                Sengoku historiography's a nightmare with many conflicting accounts, and I'm planning to replay SOI just so I can get like, SOME narrative of the era. Ofc I wouldn't take it at face value, but I also have zero idea what the Shimazu did, my first intro to Sengoku was Rance.
                >We wouldn't have these games otherwise and games are about entertainment.
                This is fine, I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud, and it's not like I've read a tremendous amount either. But I do try to look into the citations when I end up making a bogus historical claim. I find DW and TK2010 Wei Yan endearing, but the historical account makes his fate fully deserved. It's just dumb if people are unable to separate the two.

              • 2 years ago

                >but I also have zero idea what the Shimazu did
                They successfully killed a lot of koreans so watch out zhenjibro! They could get you!

              • 2 years ago

                OOF are you for realsies

              • 2 years ago

                >zhenjigay defend evil people because he too is an evil person who killed the japanese minister
                Him betraying Yuan Shao is unforgivable.
                Lu Bu>Liu bei
                for the simple fact that Liu Bei betrayed many more people like the ungrateful rat he is.

            • 2 years ago

              There's a lot of misunderstanding surrounding Gongsun Zan in this thread. The act Gongsun Zan committed against Liu Yu was not evil, it was a fact-checking procedure by the very superstitious Gongsun clans of the north. The Gongsun clans were very loyal to the Han, and perceived the humdrum and petty politics of the conspiring elites to be unbecoming. So Gongsun Zan took it upon himself to, pragmatically (though, arguably necessary due to circumstances regarding sociopolitical of the land at the time,) remove further fracturing of the Han imperial court. While Liu Yu refused, he still presented a threat.

              • 2 years ago

                He was known as a petty and jealous man compared to the peaceable Liu Yu whom even the barbarians loved, and I'm gonna get you

              • 2 years ago

                There's a lot of old propaganda surrounding this subject. Gongsun Zan was known to be a kind and forgiving man, but his conscientiousness was prime, and would act in a way that could be taken out of context. He believed the ends justified the means, which, in times of crisis (even today,) becomes acceptable.

              • 2 years ago

                >mfw this entire post
                Do you have a singular snackalicious citation for this, because I'm staring at the SGZ..
                >his conscientiousness was prime, and would act in a way that could be taken out of context
                >He believed the ends justified the means
                >which, in times of crisis (even today,) becomes acceptable.
                No, in the modern age, anyone with the mistaken belief that they can do ethics with a calculator is tarred and feathered out of all reputable and heterosexual academic circles.

                >[Liú] Yú arrived, sent emissaries among the Hú, informed them of the potential advantages and disadvantages, and asked that they send [Zhāng] Chún’s head.
                >Qiūlìjū and the others heard that Yú had arrived, were pleased, and each sent messengers to surrender.
                >Zàn feared that Yú would have achievement [above his own], and therefore secretly sent people to kill the Hú envoys at the border.
                >The Hú learned of this, and so changed their route to visit Yú. Yú withdrew the garrisoned soldiers, but left Zàn with command of 10,000 infantry and cavalry stationed at Yòuběipíng.
                >[Zhāng] Chún therefore abandoned his wives and children and fled to the Xiānbēi, but was killed by his retainer Wáng Zhèng, who sent the head to Yú. Zhèng was given fief as a full Marquis.
                >[Liú] Yú for his achievement was appointed Grand Commandant and given fief as Marquis of Xiāngbēn.
                Gongsun Zan is petty and horrible. His units are very fun and he's a sympathetic buddy of Liu Bei's in Romance/etc fiction, but that's about it. Can't really say anything good about the guy that you can't say about like, Lu Bu.

              • 2 years ago

                You fell for the propaganda. Congratulations. Do you also believe Liu Bei's state was the continuation of the Han dynasty? Since you easily fall for propaganda, you probably do.

                Let me educate you: Gongsun Zan Did Nothing Wrong. BOOM!!! BRAIN BLAST, homosexual!

              • 2 years ago

                >You fell for the propaganda. Congratulations.
                What's a good source to read then, you nipple
                >Do you also believe Liu Bei's state was the continuation of the Han dynasty?
                I'm fond of him but no
                >Since you easily fall for propaganda, you probably do.
                No bullying!
                I'll destroy you.

              • 2 years ago

                >What's a good source to read then
                Man Chong's (no, not the guy you're thinking of) "Literation and Commentaries of the Records of the Eastern Han Dynasty" is a good, non-biased source of information regarding the later era of the Han dynasty, including its fall.
                >I'm fond of him but no
                Giving you fall easily for propaganda, I'm convinced otherwise.
                >No bullying!
                I'll stop bullying you when you stop falling for obvious propaganda.
                >I'll destroy you
                How can you destroy me when you can't even get your sources right.

              • 2 years ago

                >Literation and Commentaries of the Records of the Eastern Han Dynasty
                Is this real, I can't find it
                This isn't real, is it
                >Giving you fall easily for propaganda
                >I'll stop bullying you when you stop falling for obvious propaganda.
                I hate you I hate you

              • 2 years ago

                You calling me a liar? YOU CALLING A LIAR?! FRICK OFF!!!

              • 2 years ago

                You forgot to call him nipple, YOU FRICKING NIPPLE!

              • 2 years ago

                You forgot to call him nipple, YOU FRICKING NIPPLE!

                You are both nipples and not me

              • 2 years ago

                I'm getting serious nipple vibes from your post…

              • 2 years ago

                I'll vibe your nipples you gay

              • 2 years ago

                You know what else is disgusting? *fart*
                Why would Zhenji do this?

              • 2 years ago

                That was you, you ridiculous gremlin!!

              • 2 years ago

                ME!? ME!? I DIDN'T DO NOTHING AND I DON'T TAKE KINDLY YOUR ACCUSATIONS! Lady Zhen? More like Lady cow because she's fat like one! Guoshi the most beautiful

              • 2 years ago

                More like GuoSHIT
                Zhenji is cute no matter what animal se is:

              • 2 years ago

                There's a lot of misunderstanding surrounding Gongsun Zan in this thread. The act Gongsun Zan committed against Liu Yu was not evil, it was a fact-checking procedure by the very superstitious Gongsun clans of the north. The Gongsun clans were very loyal to the Han, and perceived the humdrum and petty politics of the conspiring elites to be unbecoming. So Gongsun Zan took it upon himself to, pragmatically (though, arguably necessary due to circumstances regarding sociopolitical of the land at the time,) remove further fracturing of the Han imperial court. While Liu Yu refused, he still presented a threat.

                >t.liu bei
                I'm going to get you wienersucker

    • 2 years ago

      Play the glorious Yuan Shao or Sun Jian/Ce. Ma Teng would be a good option too since his position is good at least for me because they can only attack me from one direction

    • 2 years ago

      Liu Biao in 207 is one of the lesser known 10/10 scenarios. You need to take back southern Jing, which is inexplicably independent, and find a lifespan item before Liu Biao dies.

      You start with Wen Pin, Li Yan, Gan Ning and Cai Mao, which are all serviceable generals. Taking Changsha (back) needs to be a priority to recruit Wei Yan and Huang Zhong.

      As it's 207, Liu Bei's Jing officers start to spawn and are free for you to recruit. This includes Ma Liang, Jiang Wei, Pang Tong and a shit load of civil administration officers, which is useful for the early game.

      Liu Bei acts as a buffer against Cao Cao until you get southern Jing in order, after which you will have to decide whether to concentrate on defeating Sun Ce or Liu Zhang first while holding Jing against Cao Cao.

      Played on veteran it's a very fun scenario with lots of options.

  81. 2 years ago

    Shamoke is also cool. He's a bandit king in the southwest. He was in the older games in later scenarios.

  82. 2 years ago

    I always forget Gongsun Zan exists, I unironically remember Gongsun Yuan more often. It's like I don't even have object permanence for him on the map; if I'm not looking directly at him or his territory he just stops existing.

    • 2 years ago

      >likes the Liaodong fellow(s)
      They were underrated, Gongsun Du was autonomous since for fricking ever but nobody talks about that, nor how they were doing well and actually fended off Guanqiu Jian
      Playing as any of them would be a neat challenge!

      • 2 years ago

        I like pretty much any of the later Three Kingdoms "rebellions", especially guys like Zhong Hui where I have no idea what they thought they were going to be able to achieve.

        • 2 years ago

          Didn't Wei Yan try some shenanigans after Liu Bei died?

          • 2 years ago

            Since we're on the topic of Three Kingdoms; what's everybody's favorite scenario/start period? I like seeing some of the hypotheticals they come up with. There's one in XIV that even makes Dong Cheng a major player.

            My faves are usually Guandu, Zhong Hui's rebellion, or anything post Wuzhang Plains.

            He was meme'd post-mortem into being generally rebellious. There's a whole story involving Zhuge Liang, Wei Yan, and Ma Dai but it's not exactly historically accurate. I think the general consensus is that he gets a bad rap semi-undeservedly.

            • 2 years ago

              Favorite scenario is starting as dirt-poor Liu Bei and gathering my all-star team.

        • 2 years ago

          Zhong Hui was sort of a desperation move when he realized Sima Zhao was turning on him. Hui only rebelled when he heard the news Sima Zhao was personally leading an army west by claiming “concerns” that Deng Ai would not submit to being arrested.

          Didn't Wei Yan try some shenanigans after Liu Bei died?

          After Zhuge Liang died. Wei Yan did not get along with the other officers but sort of assumed he would be Zhuge Liang’s successor due to seniority. After Zhuge Liang died he fought with the other officers for authority and lost.

  83. 2 years ago

    Is ROTK14 good yet?

    • 2 years ago

      Not especially? I play it but there's not much special about it that makes it worth playing over any previous entry.

  84. 2 years ago

    >Playing Lord of darkness as kid:
    >Spend several turns developing my state
    >Care about my subjects well being(Low taxes)
    >Don't attack unless I sure that i may take a province
    >Get getting attacked by the IA, eventually lost due to attrition
    >Have a hard time
    >Playing Lord of darkness as a adult:
    >Invest all my money into soldiers
    >Constantly trade Rice for profit
    >Develop very little my provinces unless they are in a safe spot
    >Be very aggressive(Lots of soldiers investments make my conquest safe)
    >Have a FUN time
    That all you have to do?
    Use what i have instead of planning for the future?
    What else I had been playing wrong?

    • 2 years ago

      A little diplomacy helps as well.

    • 2 years ago

      selling rice is also very useful in Sphere of Influence. The AI always prioritizes crafts development, which is dumb. Prioritizing agriculture is key since it also gives you a higher troop cap early on. For some reason selling rice is just key to winning in the NA games.

    • 2 years ago

      The AI in Lord of Darkness has two main problems:
      It prioritizes developing less important stuff like castle and skill when they don't have a powerful army or developed fields and economy yet.

      It splits the army evenly among all the generals regardless of their war skill instead of focusing groups of units under the best general or generals. So, if you attack a province with 100 units and 5 generals, the AI will have each general lead 20 units, making it easy to wipe them out if you have one or two strong generals leading a comparably larger number of units.

  85. 2 years ago

    Been playing RoTK VIII with some friends. Loving the "multiplayer" aspect of it. I've been hearing that X is the best from the PS2 era, but could I still play "multiplayer" like VIII? Haven't found a definitive answer yet.

    • 2 years ago

      No, unfortunately.

      • 2 years ago

        Damn, that's a shame. Thanks for the answer anon! I'll be sticking to VIII for the time being then.

    • 2 years ago

      X had more to do for a solo player compared to VIII, but it also felt like more of a slog. I honestly prefer 7 and 8 compared to 10. 9 is still my hands down favorite one of the PS2 era. I know it lacks the rpg aspect to the game, but I love starting as the barbarians to the north east, and everyone in my faction gets the flying archery skill. Wedge formation + Flying archery = the most versatile unit to use. 🙂

      • 2 years ago

        I really have to put X on the bucket list. I hear a lot of good stuff about it.

  86. 2 years ago

    Another question about Rotk8. How do duels work? I'm not sure when and where to use specific strategies and it feels random whether a parry or a counter is successful, or doing a taunt just gets me rest as the ai just spams attacks and that cinematic critical hit almost all the time

    • 2 years ago

      I'll hit up 8 in a bit and try to remember the dueling formula. It's been years since I've played it, and I know the one I'm thinking about is for X, so I don't want to give you the wrong information.

  87. 2 years ago


    In your opinion, what's the best Rot3K game in the classic, grand strategy style?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not a knower of many things, I've only played 11 and 13, so I would say 11.
      13 is a bit more realistic in like, armies moving in real time, you can't just lug troops or supplies from one end of China to another, etc.... but 11 is just so much more fun. There's some fun challenge in playing "there's no officers and the game nerfed their stats for not being famous or having lost to famous folks" rulers like Liu Yu, Zhang Xiu, or the folks in Liaodong.
      I'm not sure about what 3K games would offer you GRAND strategy like CK2, I'd have to ask and poke around.

  88. 2 years ago


    >learn how to emulator
    What's there to even learn?

    • 2 years ago

      Buddy it took me months to literally get around to unzipping a file and running an installer. Probably a few years to bother taking my dusty Xbox controller and attempt to use it with my computer, just relying on TINY arrow keys for platformers and shit instead. It takes a moronic amount of motivation to try new and simple things.
      Also new controls/hotkeys or whatever. If I have to fiddle with files or do additional work after installing an emulator, I'm not gonna do it..

      • 2 years ago

        zhenjibro btw

      • 2 years ago

        by the sounds of it, even flipping a light switch would be a monumental undertaking for you. Have you thought about seeking professional help?

  89. 2 years ago

    So what's the most important stat?

    • 2 years ago

      varies from game to game. You would have to be more specific.

    • 2 years ago

      War for fighters
      Misc for civilian works

  90. 2 years ago

    >post got deleted


    Iunno look into the archives, page eight Zhenji is great

  91. 2 years ago

    I'm sorry Nobunaga but the Shimazu ARE the best clan on Nipland. Take the Shimazu pill!

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        no lol

        OOF are you for realsies

        Yes, they carried all the deadbeats

        • 2 years ago

          But they still lost

          • 2 years ago

            that was for everyone else, not for them.

            • 2 years ago

              What do you mean, what did the Shimazu gain
              I'm confused... I am a not knower

              • 2 years ago

                >won every battle in which they participated
                >killed national korean homosexual Yi Sun Sin
                >saved everyone in the last battle and returned safely all together to japan
                >rumor has it that they are going to kill zhenjigay soon.

              • 2 years ago

                >won every battle in which they participated
                Oh wow, afaik it was a shitshow, I'm glad-
                >killed national korean homosexual Yi Sun Sin
                1) Oh wow, didn't know it was the Shimazu
                2) Rude
                3) Yeah, WHILE they were retreating, hmf
                >saved everyone in the last battle and returned safely all together to japan
                Fewer casualties are good, I'm glad.
                >rumor has it that they are going to kill zhenjigay soon.
                What why!! What did I do

              • 2 years ago

                >3) Yeah, WHILE they were retreating, hmf
                TACTICAL retreat
                >What why!! What did I do
                You killed Abe

              • 2 years ago

                >TACTICAL retreat
                Because they tactically lost the war lmao
                >You killed Abe
                >tfw was going to jokingly say that it's Hideo Kojima, but two separate people have told me in my lifetime that I look like Kojima

              • 2 years ago

                >Because they tactically lost the war lmao
                Not them! That's why koreans seethe when hearing the name of the Shimazu
                Ok, give me those, your nose and ears. I have an offering to do

              • 2 years ago

                >Not them! That's why koreans seethe when hearing the name of the Shimazu
                Do they...? I'll have to test this out cautiously sometime
                >Ok, give me those, your nose and ears. I have an offering to do
                What did I ever do to you!!!

              • 2 years ago

                >Do they...?
                I don't know I just remember someone in /eagg/ saying this and I like it so I'm going to say that is true
                >What did I ever do to you!!!
                killing Abe and /eagg/

              • 2 years ago

                >I don't know I just remember someone in /eagg/ saying this and I like it so I'm going to say that is true
                I can't tell whether I should laugh or cry
                >killing Abe and /eagg/

              • 2 years ago

                >I can't tell whether I should laugh or cry
                You should play a multiplayer strategy game with me
                you just have to make one thread but you didn't and now /eagg/ is dead. Forever... and Abe too

              • 2 years ago

                >You should play a multiplayer strategy game with me
                What when, where
                >you just have to make one thread but you didn't and now /eagg/ is dead. Forever... and Abe too
                I made threads when eaaghhh was dying and it was dead then too..

              • 2 years ago

                >What when, where
                uhhhh I don't know, how shitty was your PC again?
                >I made threads when eaaghhh was dying and it was dead then too.
                That's because you gave up

              • 2 years ago

                >uhhhh I don't know, how shitty was your PC again?
                A-anon remembers me... uhhh laptop...
                >That's because you gave up
                N-no, I can't just keep making and bumping threads by myself..

              • 2 years ago

                >A-anon remembers me... uhhh laptop...
                of course, I always remember people who I talk with. PC, Laptop, same shit for me and it's shorter to say PC, anyway you can barely run DW8 but I don't know if that's enough for uhhhh DOW
                >by myself..
                You were the nipple guy, the shugay and the fendomvietnamgay?

              • 2 years ago

                >of course, I always remember people who I talk with.
                >PC, Laptop, same shit for me and it's shorter to say PC
                I mean "laptop" as in "can't upgrade graphics card and it wasn't built for gaming to begin with"
                >anyway you can barely run DW8
                I can run DW8 ok I think
                Huh, 40k? The one that fricks up if you alt-tab?
                >You were the nipple guy, the shugay and the fendomvietnamgay?
                Heh GEEZ nah not at all ahahahaha

              • 2 years ago

                >I mean "laptop" as in "can't upgrade graphics card and it wasn't built for gaming to begin with"
                Just buy a new one, you do have a job righ? After all you live in a first world country
                >I can run DW8 ok I think
                No, you cant
                >The one that fricks up if you alt-tab?
                first time I heard of this
                >Heh GEEZ nah not at all ahahahaha
                shut up nipple, I'm going to cut your korean nipples and offer them to the emperor

              • 2 years ago

                >Just buy a new one
                >you do have a job righ?
                >After all you live in a first world country
                >No, you cant
                Y-yes I can
                >first time I heard of this
                >shut up nipple, I'm going to cut your korean nipples and offer them to the emperor

              • 2 years ago

                You're so negative

                Why would Zhen ji do this?

  92. 2 years ago

    What is the best version of Uncharted Waters?
    Is there a windows one I should look for or genesis or? What is the best version of this series?

    • 2 years ago

      SNES is probably best overall. I have a fondness for the PC artwork, though.

      • 2 years ago

        SNES really? Any specific reason why? I played it there first but was curious if there was a benefit on the pc version, if there was a windows port or a later one that is better, etc.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not the other anon, but if you check out gamefaqs, there's a post on the UW:2 board where someone made a random generator for the snes version. Meaning continents, port locations, port goods, etc., are all randomized. So you can't just cheese a few routes and max out your money quick.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh that is interesting. Been long enough that I don't think I'd need it but that is cool to know. Maybe after I play through it again. Good to know, thanks!

  93. 2 years ago

    shinsei-anon, if you're still here, what's your final opinion on the game? Should I order a collector's edition with a sword and an overcoat?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm now on my 3rd playthrough of the game (finished once as the Oda in 1553, gave up mid-way as the Date in 1582 because the Toyotomi got too powerful, now playing as the So clan of Tsushima in 1546)

      If you enjoy aggressive AI and being pushed to the brink, then I think you'd enjoy the game. It's the first NA where I actually have to rely on alliances to keep myself survive. With that said, the things that Koei tried to market as the game's main appeal that is the Living Officers suck in practice as the AI is too stupid to do their jobs properly, and the game outright not allow you to manually do certain things in order to force you to make use of the Living Officers system, which sucks major ass.

      I'd say the game needs to wait for the PUK to iron out some of the janks and make the land development not unfun but otherwise the game is pretty decent. I think the more you can tolerate the bad AI of your officers, and the more you like dealing with the enemy's overtune aggressiveness, the more you'd have fun with the game.

      • 2 years ago

        >With that said, the things that Koei tried to market as the game's main appeal that is the Living Officers suck in practice as the AI is too stupid to do their jobs properly, and the game outright not allow you to manually do certain things in order to force you to make use of the Living Officers system, which sucks major ass.
        As expected.

        >I'd say the game needs to wait for the PUK to iron out some of the janks and make the land development not unfun but otherwise the game is pretty decent.
        The saga continues.

      • 2 years ago

        Typical Koei. Two steps forward. Two steps back.

      • 2 years ago

        Are the battles not complete ass yet? The NA games have always felt shallow compared to RoTK because of the piss poor warfare.

        • 2 years ago

          How did I miss this post, what the heck? I had fun with the game, but the combat is still basically just maneuvering the right units at the right time. I haven't make a comparison, but the unit maneuvering feels even more limitting than back in SoI somehow, which is both the game's strength and weakness as it makes you think a lot more when you finally decide to go on a campaign, (doesn't) help that supply is also supper limitting in this game too, as there's a hard cap of supply you can have at a castle at any given time, and the amount of supply a unit starts out with is all they can have through out their march, they don't resupply at friendly castles.

          • 2 years ago

            This sounds terrible

            • 2 years ago

              It is

  94. 2 years ago

    Can you 2 gays frick right back off to your discord or something? I know the thread is slow but that's no excuse to make it your personal chatroom.

  95. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      YES! IT'S HIM! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! Can you repost classics like "puns are fricking lame"?

      • 2 years ago

        I hate you

        You're so negative

        Why would Zhen ji do this?

        >You're so negative
        >Why would Zhen ji do this?
        She didn't do this!!

  96. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


  97. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        ofirst Abe and now you try to kill our benevolent ruler Sun Ce, it's prison for you

  98. 2 years ago

    >DW autists find the comfy koei strategy thread and immediately ruin it with autism and waifuhomosexualry

    frick off

    • 2 years ago

      >fans of koei's worst franchise
      >a franchise that hasn't had a decent game in nearly literally 20 years

      I have fond memories of playing dynasty warriors 2 and 3 as a kid and having a lot of fun, but then the games started changing the way battles and everything worked and it became a rather shallow "get on your horse-rush enemy officer-go to the next one" cycle while the older games had officers and troops that could actually hold their own and win their engagements when morale was holding, so there was a kind of tactical side to battles and you could pick and choose where to go instead of rushing everywhere and not enjoying a good scrap. All this said, the battles side of the DW empires is what worries me now and keeps me from trying out the new games.
      Would you guys say the recent titles are worth it?

      Dynasty Warriors 3 felt more like a battlefield action game, rather than an anime hack n slash simulator. As others have pointed out, groups of archers on later levels were as lethal as Lu Bu. Soldiers had weight to them and could actually cause you damage.

      If you dislike the flashy one versus one thousand direction the series went with, then I don't think you' d enjoy recent titles much. With that said, I say you'd still should check DW7 out because of its amazing story and excellent characterizations. Who knows, maybe it'd reignite your fondness for the series somehow.


      >With that said, I say you'd still should check DW7 out because of its amazing story and excellent characterizations
      This honestly couldn't be further from the point unless you genuinely consider popular shounen as engaging entertainment. The tonal shift the series took from seven onward is painful unless you're a fan of modern anime.

      • 2 years ago

        >a franchise that hasn't had a decent game in nearly literally 20 years
        Just like ROTK

        • 2 years ago

          RoTK 14 is a good game if you play on harder difficulties and learn how the game mechanics work.

          • 2 years ago

            >ROTK 14
            that's not even funny

      • 2 years ago

        There's some series where the guy that plays Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms show plays Cao Cao.

        • 2 years ago

          The Advisor's Alliance

  99. 2 years ago

    So if you guys had to recommend a scenario/year for a newbie to RoTK, what would it be? I see the mid-190s as Cao Cao recommended fairly often since he has a good starting set of officers and he's surrounded by somewhat fragile factions. Any other choices that you would recommend?

    • 2 years ago

      Depends on the game, but in my view there are three scenarios in particular that are ideal for this.
      >194 Sun Ce
      >194 Cao Cao
      >211 Liu Bei (or whatever date is available as the 'Liu Bei invading Shu' scenario
      The reason for this is that officers are the most important resource in the game by far, and the above all have a great number of quality officers, both military and domestic.

      Sun Ce is probably the best, as you start off as a smaller force that has the fantastic potential to grow with a number of weaker forces in Jiangdong to conquer. Once you've secured Jiangdong, and picked up the officers that can be found there, you have one safe border and can freely expand northward or into Jing.

      Cao Cao is a very similar start, but as you're bang right in the middle, often with an empty Xu Chang and Luo Yang that need expanding into quickly, it's very easy to spread yourself thin. Depending on the game, your military officers can range from 'good' to 'some of the best in the game', which your political officers are the best.

      Liu Bei in 211 gives you multiple cities to manage and experience fighting multiple city, larger forces while being in a secure position. Sun Quan is your ally to the east and you only have to worry about defending against Cao Cao from Xiangyang while invading Liu Zhang. You have the very best selection of military officers in the game and that in itself is fun to experience. In particular, I think this scenario is perfect for RoTK 11, as there are some very fun office and sub officer unit combinations you can experiment with.

      • 2 years ago

        Okay, the 194s I expected but Liu Bei moving in on Shu I hadn't considered at all. I suppose the whole thing about acquiring Jing as a foothold does finally put him in a position to have a reasonable and playable start for once. It's also nice to have a scenario with room to grow your faction while still being set AFTER Chibi and into the actual Three Kingdoms plan.

        • 2 years ago

          Liu Bei in Shu with the five Tiger generals is kino.

          • 2 years ago

            Liu Bei had five tigers as generals?

            • 2 years ago

              yup. Liu Bei was a man who liked big kitties.

              • 2 years ago

                And big breasts

              • 2 years ago

                and big wieners

            • 2 years ago

              He also threw infants.

  100. 2 years ago

    Which ROTK series/movies would you guys recommend? I'm keen on watching the 1994 series as its recently being translated by a fansubbing group, but is yet to be completed. The 2010 series looks good too, but it's quite fricking long and apparently isn't as faithful to the novel as the 1994 one.

    • 2 years ago

      I can't vouch for 94 but I've heard good things. I enjoyed 2010 tremendously just for the presentation of certain characters like Cao Cao and Sima Yi. If you know enough about the distinction between Record/Romance you can survive the changes easily enough, and there's a good reason it gets used for memes and reaction images.

      • 2 years ago

        So is 2010 based on Romance rather than Record or uses aspects from both? Currently reading Romance but I'm not well versed on Records other than fact that it's (supposedly) a factual historical work. So far I've read that 1994 takes elements from both Records and Romance.

        • 2 years ago

          Much like a lot of adaptations I feel like it straddles the line between both, but leans heavily towards Romance in that it has a lot of the major fictitious events and character changes and inventions. Really the main reason I see any traces of Record in it is the generally increased complexity and fairness towards non-Shu characters, the show isn't shy about portraying some of Shu's actions as morally compromised or ambiguous on an equal level of the other factions. It doesn't go the knee-jerk route and farcically make them evil or anything, it just honestly portrays Liu Bei as a good man who makes tragic compromises on his vision. Really only Wu gets kind of a weak portrayal, but that's about par for the course.

          This kind of came out as a ramble, hope it made sense.

          • 2 years ago

            It does make sense, cheers. Know any good sites where I could watch 2010? I could just get the torrent from nyaa but 144gb is way too much lmao.

            • 2 years ago

              It used to be on youtube all over the place, but honestly I downloaded the torrent.

              • 2 years ago

                Right, suppose I'll just download the episodes in batches as I watch them or something like that. Thanks for your answers mate.

            • 2 years ago

              this playlist

    • 2 years ago

      2010 is good except for the dumb duels.

      • 2 years ago

        If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything.

        • 2 years ago

          That's such a fricking reddit thing to say. I like the duel in the series but I can see why someone can be put off by the sudden over-the-top wuxia action in an otherwise fairly grounded drama.

        • 2 years ago

          Calm down Gao Xixi.

        • 2 years ago

          Everything about this is great except the duel and Hua Xiong's rubber head.

      • 2 years ago

        If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything.

        I mean, I get that though. Sometimes they run a little long and they really pretty heavily on editing to make the fights seem over-the-top; there are lots of conspicuous zoom-ins and cutaways to weapons flying around.

        Some of them are just unavoidable since they're big parts of the actual narrative.

  101. 2 years ago

    Started playing NA:SOF:A really like it so far

    • 2 years ago

      What scenario and officer are you playing?

      • 2 years ago

        Struggle for power as Oda, got to Dosans death and stuck there for now recovering forces

        • 2 years ago

          Nvm figured it out

        • 2 years ago

          Cool, I take it Dosan kicking it was an event like ROTK has? I've played very little NA, but I assume Nobunaga goes a lot like early Cao Cao where good shit just keeps happening for you and good officers just fall into your lap (until fire-related shit happens).

          • 2 years ago

            Yes. No idea since i didnt play any other koes games.

    • 2 years ago


  102. 2 years ago

    Was Zhong the legitimate successor to the Han Dynasty?

  103. 2 years ago

    so any news on the shinsei english release

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing I'd like to talk about.

  104. 2 years ago


    "Why is it a gif-"
    I hate you

  105. 2 years ago
  106. 2 years ago


    "Why is it a gif-"
    I hate you

    Why would zhenji do this?

  107. 2 years ago

    Look at this fricking mess. For a game whole entire's gimmick is the AI, Shinsei's AI is a goddamn mess.

  108. 2 years ago

    Thinking about getting into these games (RoTK and NA). Do any of these have dynasty building (king of like the Crusader King games do)?

    • 2 years ago

      Genghis Khan has dynasty building. The other games allow you to chose successors if your leader dies.

      • 2 years ago

        Can your character marry/have children and then choose one of those kids to be the successor in any of those games aside from GK?

        • 2 years ago

          Nobunaga's Ambition Rise to Power and Iron Triangle let you marry, have kids and yes, you can appoint them to command.

        • 2 years ago

          Some of the ROTK officer-play games have that, but it's usually a PUK feature which means the western audience never got that. IIRC ROTK XIII base game has it and it's one of the few games that got a PUK in English anyway.

        • 2 years ago

          Most Rot3K games, especially the newer ones, have this option. You can also use the officer creation mode and have your original creations appear at certain parts of the timeline

          • 2 years ago

            You're not the boss of me!

  109. 2 years ago

    Why is the English version Grey of the Wolf devoid of content? I.e. the harem minigame.
    Is this censorship or one of those cases where they shipped English version first and continued developing the Japanese version several months later?

    • 2 years ago


  110. 2 years ago

    I don't get why ppl like DWs that had strong and durable soldiers with it
    It doesn't fit with the theme of RotK at all. Your heroes are supposed to send hundreds of soldiers flying with one swing or they're not really heroes

    • 2 years ago

      There was enough challenge that it kept your attention without being too hard.

    • 2 years ago

      There's nothing heroic about it when it's so damn easy.

  111. 2 years ago


  112. 2 years ago

    Which games have the most fun RPG mechanics?
    Conversely, which have the best combat?

    • 2 years ago

      Romance X and the Uncharted Waters games have the best RPG mechanics of the translated stuff. Uncharted Waters is completely open-ended.

      • 2 years ago

        >Uncharted Waters
        >latest games are mobile games and an MMO
        Damn, what was the last good one?

        • 2 years ago

          Costa del Sol. But it's not translated. Try New Horizons.

    • 2 years ago

      I think Inindo is just for you.

      • 2 years ago

        The setting looks interesting but I'm not really into standard turn based JRPG combat.
        I'd almost prefer combat abstracted away entirely so I can focus on the RP part of RPG and just develop relationships with NPCs or develop a comfy town but that would be weird in a game about war.

        Uncharted Waters intrigues me because of the setting, though. I get Sid Meier's Pirates vibes, which is one of my favourite games, from the videos so I might give that one a go.

        • 2 years ago

          It's much more extensive in every facet compared to pirates. You can travel the entire globe at your leisure, assuming you have a capable boat, crew and supplies.

        • 2 years ago

          Start with New Horizons

          • 2 years ago

            Don't tell him what to do, dickhead.

            • 2 years ago

              You're not the boss of me!!

              You tell him, sisters!

              • 2 years ago

                Don't tell me what to do! DON'T FRICKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!

              • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            You're not the boss of me!!

  113. 2 years ago

    Hello everybody it's me Zhenji *fart*
    One more for the glory of Wu

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks for the smellz

      • 2 years ago

        HELL YEAH!!

  114. 2 years ago

    >get rotk x with english patch
    >still uses chinese input
    >no resolution settings

  115. 2 years ago

    Unless you can read Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, go for the Moss Roberts translation of Rot3K (2 parts, Unabridged). It has extensive footnotes pointing out some of the propaganda.

    Koei's Rot3K games tend to bounce between Grand Strategy and Tactical SRPG visual novel life simulator...thing (it's more fun then it sounds). Warning: All of the Rot3K games that I've played (as well as Dynasty Warriors) assume that you have either read (or at least watched a TV drama version of) the original story.

    A big part of the appeal of the SRPG's is being able to go ride off to battle with your favorite historical bro's and then get drunk afterward. If you don't already know who Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun, or Guo Jia were, you aren't going to have as much fun.
    X is the last 2D game and is very easy to emulate (PS2 Version). If you are a waifu chaser prepare to be disappointed, there are very few women in the game.
    XIII is available for the PS4 is pretty much a straight upgrade, except for the battles are real-time-with-pause, instead of turn-based. Women are also playable (there is a toggle setting to keep them from being unhistorically sent into battle) One major problem, the start dates are all early. IIRC the latest one right after the Battle of the Red-Cliffs.

    • 2 years ago

      >Grand Strategy
      In the grand strategy games you can only play as rulers (Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian, etc.).
      XI can be emulated and has a very amusing tutorial that provides an alternative look at Liu Bei.

      >Dynasty Warriors
      Dynasty Warriors 1 was a fighting game. All subsequent games belong to a unique genre that can best be described as "peasant slaughtering". Typical missions involve cutting down hundreds cannon fodder troops, a dozen slightly more difficult generic officers, and a couple of named characters. Rinse and repeat. The Empire subseries has strategy component added on top of the action.

      Dian Wei best boy. Xiahou Lingnu best girl.

    • 2 years ago

      >some of the propaganda
      >some of
      Just start reading the translations we have for the historiography...

      • 2 years ago

        >translations we have for the historiography...
        Last time I checked we only have tiny fragments translated.

        • 2 years ago

          There's papers from sinologists you can read and compare, basic reading that would dispel a lot of simple misinformation. And there's been neat work going on for translations if you know where to look/I've linked this prior

          >inb4 "but but tumblr"
          Ok then take the Chinese and google translate it, then compare it to their translations, see if they made anything weird. I've met literal Chinese nationals who insisted that Diaochan was real, people don't have an excuse for willful ignorance anymore. Knowing you don't know things is fine (t. a fellow moron), as is knowingly liking Romance or DW renditions of characters, but the history's been more accessible than you think.
          >but internet translators biased tho
          Then compare translations and appraisals with published papers as well as other people's appraisals (historic commentators, sinologists, and internets), you're aloud to form you're own opinions, just do your best to have them informed.

        • 2 years ago

          Check again.

        • 2 years ago

          There's papers from sinologists you can read and compare, basic reading that would dispel a lot of simple misinformation. And there's been neat work going on for translations if you know where to look/I've linked this prior

          >inb4 "but but tumblr"
          Ok then take the Chinese and google translate it, then compare it to their translations, see if they made anything weird. I've met literal Chinese nationals who insisted that Diaochan was real, people don't have an excuse for willful ignorance anymore. Knowing you don't know things is fine (t. a fellow moron), as is knowingly liking Romance or DW renditions of characters, but the history's been more accessible than you think.
          >but internet translators biased tho
          Then compare translations and appraisals with published papers as well as other people's appraisals (historic commentators, sinologists, and internets), you're aloud to form you're own opinions, just do your best to have them informed.

          PS literally all of the sources named here are on libgen
          >Major chunks of the records have been translated into English
          When did you last check

  116. 2 years ago

    Which RoTK is best for creating factions to fight each other in some shithole (Southern Jing)

  117. 2 years ago

    Fricked up my wording, Sima Zhao claimed that he was concerned Deng Ai would not go quietly in order to have an excuse to lead an army west. When Zhong Hui heard about this, he was concerned that Sima Zhao was moving against him and tried to mobilize against Sima Zhao.

  118. 2 years ago

    Were Shu/Shu-Han/Han moronic in that they believe they could take on Wei?
    Wei had at least 8 provinces, while Shu/Shu-Han/Han had (barely) one.

    • 2 years ago

      No. You can't look only at geography alone to exactly predict a winner. 400 years before Shu-Han, Liu Bang's Han conquered the empire from the same starting position as Shu. 1200 years after Wu, Zhu Yuanzhang's Ming would conquer the empire from Wu's starting position. 1400 years after Gongsun Du/Kang/Yuan, the Qing would conquer the empire from Yan's starting position.

      • 2 years ago

        Those other states were against weakened states. Shu/Shu-Han/Han was against Wei, which was in its prime.

        • 2 years ago

          >Zhuge Liang's Northern Expeditions: 228-234 AD
          >Incident at the Gaoping Tombs: 249 AD
          >Jiang Wei's Northern Expeditions: 240–262 AD

        • 2 years ago

          >barely controls the north
          >doesn't control Liaodong
          >Gorea is at their border
          >still have tribes on the border
          >Cant invade Wu worth shit
          >Cant invade Han worth shit
          >taken over by gentry clans easily
          >royal family locked up
          >constant revolts
          >deposed emperor
          >murdered emperor
          >child emperor

    • 2 years ago

      Shu Han had the fertile riverlands and was highly defensible. Unfortunately, Liu Bei blew it when he invaded Wu as retaliation for Guan Yu's death. Zhuge was able to keep it together for a bit longer.

  119. 2 years ago

    Lu Stinky in this game is actually cracked. I'm currently fighting off Yuan Shao for Papa Bu through the timeless method of capturing all of Yuan Shao's officers until he's stuck using literal whos. Who do I marry?

    • 2 years ago

      >Who do I marry?
      Marry Lu Bu.

    • 2 years ago

      Xiahou Dun

  120. 2 years ago

    >tfw I'm the only person who really liked rtk14
    The only thing I hate is the micro during big battles is awful

    • 2 years ago

      I loved RTK14, it let you really make the most of otherwise mediocre officers through the confidant and area cores mechanic. It's just a shame the game is basically easy to the point of being unplayable unless you're on Veteran difficulty or higher.

      • 2 years ago

        RTK14 three visits scenario as liu bei on hard+ is pure kino, probably the most fun I've ever had in the series. Definitely never play as the dominant force in a start date or as one of the main 3/lu bu in the heroes across time scenario though, you will absolutely faceroll it. A lot of the minor warlords are a lot of fun though and everybody feels like they have a reason to play as them, e.g., Han Fu with Zhang He and Xin Xianying and Xin Pi or obligatory Kong Rong with Taishi Ci putting China on his back.

        • 2 years ago

          Dude, Liu Bei is cringe. Why do you want to play with cringe for? Fricking goddamnit, bro. I bet you unironically believe Liu Bei's rebel state was the official continuation of the Han.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm a Yidegay

    • 2 years ago

      I loved RTK14, it let you really make the most of otherwise mediocre officers through the confidant and area cores mechanic. It's just a shame the game is basically easy to the point of being unplayable unless you're on Veteran difficulty or higher.

      I liked some of the stuff about 14 but it felt painfully slow moving so many units so far and so often, which ruined my enjoyment of the other parts of the game

      • 2 years ago

        Keep your front line cities under your direct control and give everything else to viceroys telling them to support you, they'll automatically send transports with troops gold and supplies to your frontline cities. Also when you're attacking into the south always keep a couple fully stocked transport units behind your army so they can enter after you capture. Then you can instantly move on to the next city. Supply lines are the only learning curve in 14.

      • 2 years ago

        The game is already ridiculously fast paced for the setting, slowing things down was an intentional game design. I have only played one campaign that lasted long enough for Deng Ai to spawn, and that was a scenario starting in 207.

        • 2 years ago

          It was more the tedium of moving shit around. I wish I could just move my metric shit ton of troops as a group and only manually organise them once I've marched into battle range. Also I really wanted to be able to queue move orders to just tell troops to move somewhere over multiple turns but maybe it was just bugged for me and that's actually in the game, I only played it shortly after release.

          Keep your front line cities under your direct control and give everything else to viceroys telling them to support you, they'll automatically send transports with troops gold and supplies to your frontline cities. Also when you're attacking into the south always keep a couple fully stocked transport units behind your army so they can enter after you capture. Then you can instantly move on to the next city. Supply lines are the only learning curve in 14.

          I somehow missed that this was a thing

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