The golden age retro computer stuff is currently in can't last forever.

The golden age retro computer stuff is currently in can't last forever. After the boomers die there will be no software, no new peripherals, no discussion of these machines ever again. Younger autists like me may continue to be somewhat interested in them but the 40-years expertise of the boomers will be gone forever.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Damn. You’re right.

    Shame they decided to frick the younger generations and not teach them any of this vast knowledge they accumulated or write it down.

    • 7 months ago

      >Shame they decided to frick the younger generations
      I love this midwit Reddit nonsense as if the average boomer had any control and it wasn't the government fricking everyone over the same way it's happening today. Zoomers are the most pathetic and worthless generation ever, what are future generations supposed to think about you?

    • 7 months ago

      >teach them any of this vast knowledge they accumulated or write it down.
      I can't tell if this is a joke or not but these machines are extensively documented. The real problem is that no one besides the boomers has any interest in them. Latin is extensively documented, but how many people in 2023 speak it fluently?

      • 7 months ago

        This. The great thing about the 8-bit micros was that they were very transparent with documentation, the C64 came with handbooks detailing everything (well every 'standard' feature anyway). I'm a bit worried that new hardware peripherals and stuff like that would stop being made if more and more people lose interest in these things, but the documentation will still be there.

        And early micros were made to be understandable.
        It was a smart move by Intel to keep their hardware backwards compatible and probably helped the PC and compatibles to absorb the market, but it also meant their hardware gradually became more and more opaque to understand for the average consumer.

      • 7 months ago

        >The real problem is that no one besides the boomers has any interest in them
        But is that a real problem?

    • 7 months ago

      I am 20 years old and I will never understand how you can be such a victim and give a whole generation the fault, that you are still living with your parents

      • 7 months ago

        have a nice day zoomer nametroony

        • 7 months ago

          How the frick is he a trantoon?
          Damn you, The majority of the housing crisis is largely the Baby Boomer's fault. But labeling the social, economic woes. all on one Generation or nearly so is idiotic, baby brain failed abortion. Zoomers tend to be just barely worse than Baby Boomer on average.

  2. 7 months ago

    Boomers don't give a shit about any of that. It's mostly millennials and Gen X'ers keeping retro software alive.

  3. 7 months ago

    Dont worry. Not all zoomies are useless like you.

  4. 7 months ago

    Apple II series still has a loyal following with LOTS of new software, peripherals, entire recreations from scratch, accelerator boards, etc. being turned out constantly. The Apple IIgs just got an update to its system software for the first time in like 28 years or something, bugs were fixed, enhancements made, etc.

    Other platforms like the C64 are not as popular for some reason, there's a small ecosystem though still pumping stuff out for 'em. I have the MSSIAH which is brilliant.

    IBM PC is likewise coming back in a big way, people are starting to enjoy these old machines and they are only going to get more expensive and rare as time goes on.

    All of this old stuff is just better documented every year too, it's like you're living in an alternate dimension. If you get some old computer working, you can usually even use a PC to transfer software to it over the cassette port if it's super old, or the serial ports, or something. There are easy to run software packages aimed at helping you get up and running. It's never been more accessible to get into retro computing especially with the great state of emulation.

  5. 7 months ago

    I think there's a new Amiga clone too but which fits on a more standard PCI-based chassis so you can use any old PC case. Like a project for the board and maybe smd's already installed? something

  6. 7 months ago

    AI will pick up the tab, write the software and have chats with you about your Commodore 64. you wont be able to tell the difference as a senile 80 year old

  7. 7 months ago

    Ok zoomer.

  8. 7 months ago

    What does it matter? I love these systems because I have nostalgia but I honestly don't see what the appeal could be to a millennial.

  9. 7 months ago

    Who cares, the MSX is the only 8-bit micro worth preserving for posterity

  10. 7 months ago

    These machines were made by the silent generation. Boomers were in their diapers or in college at the latest when this tech was made.

  11. 7 months ago

    My grand daddy included in the will that we dismantle his private vintage penny arcade collection. He couldn't sell it when he was alive and didn't want us getting undercut so it was only fair that we trash them. It had to be done in front of the lawyer and his friend (if he was still alive, he wasn't).

    Also, old people are fricking weird. He didn't wanna be the first to call up his old buddies because he thought he would be bothering them. We never knew his buddies to at least go visit them on his behalf and see if they wanted to hang out. When we did find his old ass address book, one of his buddies was 1 hour away by car; my stomach still sinks thinking seeing my grand daddy feeling like a burden to his friends.

    • 7 months ago

      >My grand daddy included in the will that we dismantle his private vintage penny arcade collection. He couldn't sell it when he was alive and didn't want us getting undercut so it was only fair that we trash them.
      This is insane.

    • 7 months ago

      >be old as frick
      >get pissed off every time your dumb friends annoy you with bullshit like dying, which your old friends are tend to do
      >don't want to be an butthole back at them
      Based grandpa

    • 7 months ago

      Your grandpa sounds like a homosexual and I'm glad he's dead.

    • 7 months ago

      >He couldn't sell it when he was alive and didn't want us getting undercut so it was only fair that we trash them.

      >literally being an unironic "I know what I got" meming boomer

      Holy shit, never thought these kinds of people actually existed.

    • 7 months ago

      Most entertaining larp of the week. You win 1 internets.

  12. 7 months ago

    Had an ST, C64, IIe, Amstrad, countless 386/486 clones growing up. Literally could not possibly care less about plastic shit today. Who fricking cares? Everything worth playing can be emulated. I have no need of putting another hunk of ancient outdated garbage on my desk again. Nothing is being "lost". Grow up and move on.

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