the imagination and time travel theories

So did we ever come to a consensus on what theory is the least shitty and full of holes? Do we have infographics on both I can easily show my friends to have their opinion on the matter?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I hope it's left completely ambiguous and/or Terapagos isn't related to Paradox Pokemon at all
    Frick you Black folk

    • 12 months ago

      There's no way Terapagos isn't related considering how the machine and AI professor heavily rely on its crystals

      • 12 months ago

        There's literally nothing that says the crystals come from Terapagos bro
        Stop letting autistic /vp/ fanfiction worm itself into your head

        • 12 months ago

          The book litterally talks about Terapagos, says Tera energy comes from him in some way, Terapagos is clearly made out of something crystalline, it's litterally fricking called "TERA"pagos?

        • 12 months ago

          it’s always the 3rd legendary somehow powering the random battle gimmick each generation has. eternatus is somehow less loosely connected to however the frick dynamax energy works and was never really explained. at least we can start to piece together how terapogos resting in Area Zero is somehow causing the terastallization and paradox phenomenon

          • 12 months ago

            iirc the explanation is that Eternatus IS the source of Dynamax Energy and power spots/wishing stars are parts of its body that fell off

        • 12 months ago

          >There's literally nothing that says the crystals come from Terapagos bro
          >Stop letting autistic /vp/ fanfiction worm itself into your head

          There is literally a document in one of the labs mentioning the crystals with the Pokémon's name blanked out. That shit didn't come from a Walking Wake or the bike lizards.

        • 12 months ago

          >There's literally nothing that says the crystals come from Terapagos bro

      • 12 months ago

        The battle frontier project has started bros...
        Project AZOTH bros...
        It all comes together bros...
        Ultra Megalopolis bros...
        Galar PWT(Galar star tournament) bros...

        • 12 months ago

          This, what the other anon was trying to say was correct even if he wasn't saying it well
          There's no indication the DLC is going to tidy up every mystery that you think it will and there's a very good chance it goes into some random unrelated direction on half baked ideas that no one gives a shit about

          • 12 months ago

            Unlikely considering pic rel has tera crystals in her hair,

            Last trailer showed us that whole place what have mixed biomes and apparently it all works just because there are terra-crystal linings everywhere to stitch it all together.
            It looks pretty bizarre so I am still believe what terra-crystals are basically have ”make impossible - possible” power, hence paradoxes from random old novel and now also multi-biome out of nowhere etc.

            the blueberry academy biomes have tera crystals on them, and lastly the DLC is literally called the treasure of area zero, meaning we're not done with the area zero plotline in paldea.
            Why would they officially reveal Terapagos alongside the DLC and then not do anything with it?

          • 12 months ago

            every pokemon generation has to shoehorn in the 3rd legendary somehow and give it some time in the spotlight. so it's either the one-and-done eternamax moment or just like putting zygarde on life support and throwing it a bone during the following gen with zygarde-complete. probably not getting any boxart treatment like Black/White Kyurem or Giratina since the 3rd legendary is just being thrown into DLC now.
            so now it's terapogos' turn and at least they have a decent amount of buildup this time around

            • 12 months ago

              what connection did zygarde had to mega evolution 🙂

              • 12 months ago

                how about you tell me about necrozma and eternatus first? 🙂

              • 12 months ago

                >ignoring the question
                >acting like eternatus is the third legendary when it’s clearly supposed to be calyrex
                I accept your concession, autistman

              • 12 months ago

                can't argue with a raging moron like you who doesn't believe terapogos with a body made out of crystals with the type insignias plastered all over its shell is somehow not related to terastallization.
                pokemon has a tradition with 3rd legendaries getting alternate forms and gimmicks and even your calyrex even has 2 separate forms so thanks for shooting yourself in the foot there too. go ahead and continue deflecting

              • 12 months ago

                Ah yes, because zygarde totally could change form in gen 6 🙂

              • 12 months ago

                nta but kind of a flimsy argument considering gen 6 got cut off early with no 3rd title, we actually do see the whole zygarde cells and 100% zygarde in the XYZ anime so its pretty obvious they were going to do something with it then cut Pokemon Z for Gen 7.

    • 12 months ago

      >and/or Terapagos isn't related to Paradox Pokemon at all
      You're a fricking moron, both Paradox Pokemon and Terapagos are documented in the Scarlet/Violet Books. They're inherently related.

      • 12 months ago

        Me and your mother are documented in this very post. That must mean we're inherently related, which I guess is true considering I fricked her brains out last night

        • 12 months ago

          >hehe your mom xDDD
          You need to be over 18 to post in this site.

  2. 12 months ago

    Both are terrible. Heath didn’t make anything up, but it definitely was not Time Travel that caused the Paradox Pokemon to exist before a time machine was made.

    The ‘Time Machine’ is some god-engine that Terapagos maintains and uses to create Paradox Pokemon. Terapagos is just the power source though, so it takes an intelligence, human ideas and human minds, that allow the creation of these things to be made.

    For example the Imaginary Paradoxes. Ignoring the website which states they are ‘exactly’ like the Pokémon described in Heath’s journal, because it is an out-of-universe source; the Journal, specifically the Professor’s copy explains why they ‘exist’ now. The AI took the Copy of the book, full of human ideas and the new ‘imagined’ Pokémon which were only written about after Heath’s team were leaving the crater, with it when it ‘time travelled’. What the A.I actually did was get reabsorbed by the machine into pure Tera energy, along with the book, upon which new ideas were introduced and so new Paradox Pokemon were made.

    People came before Heath expeditions, which explains how Paradoxes existed before Heath traveled there; they were just the first team to return.

    • 12 months ago

      My personal theory is that both imagination and time-travel are correct, in different ways.

      Paradox Pokémon didn't exist.. at first. Heath did make them up at the time the S/V Book was released, the Professor found the book, became engrossed in it, and resolved to find these Pokémon, creating the "fabled time machine" to that extent.

      The twist I believe in is that the time machine does work, but it doesn't pull from the current timeline S/V takes places in. Terapagos' power enabled it to pull from alternate timelines/universes, something we know exists since ORAS, and it ended up pulling from a timeline that corresponds to what the Professor envisioned : a future full of robots, a past of dinosaurs, rather than being from this world proper.

      • 12 months ago

        That is the basic explanation that would explain everything, sure, most people go for this simple explanation. But there’s a problem I have with it.

        Why fake an injury why fake photos of a Donphan covered in tin-foil or cardboard spikes; it Heath’s expedition was not unsuccessful, he didn’t get everything he wanted, but they discovered and recorded Pokémon in the crater, a new type of metal we can verify exists in the crater as a plate, and even brought back Herba Mystica.

        If Heath faked his experiences, what does that mean for the lost and scratched out page?

        • 12 months ago

          They weren't photos, they were drawings. Some of them are still inaccurate compared to catchable Paradoxes. The injuries they talk about don't have to be fake, but can be misattributed, on accident or purpose (maybe they got attacked by a normal Donphan and made up it being a Paradox to look less like cucks in front of people?).

          Also I still have a doubt about their talk about Herba Mystica - We don't even see Herba Mystica in Area Zero ourselves, nor the giant Pokémon they're associated with.

          No explanation on the rest though. I'd need to reread lore.

          • 12 months ago

            Did you totally block out the fact both Scarlet and Violet books have both photos and sketches?

            • 12 months ago

              I didn't remember talk of photos, genuinely. I was probably only remembering the fused legendary, which is explicitely a drawing. However you're still talking like photos can't be doctored, even without Photoshop

              • 12 months ago

                I understand doctored photos are again the easiest explanation, but it would still require something to have been made and spliced into the original photo. Most doctored photos before the digital age were just cut and paste on top of an image, to manipulate the photo; the work it would take for the layered effect in the Scarlet and Violet books just seem… excessive to em.

              • 12 months ago

                They also could have simply dressed up a donphan before taking the photo, that one poster who said they just took donphan and slapped spikes onto it might actually be right on the money.

              • 12 months ago

                The only problem is that both the pictures on

                Did you totally block out the fact both Scarlet and Violet books have both photos and sketches?


                I understand doctored photos are again the easiest explanation, but it would still require something to have been made and spliced into the original photo. Most doctored photos before the digital age were just cut and paste on top of an image, to manipulate the photo; the work it would take for the layered effect in the Scarlet and Violet books just seem… excessive to em.

                descriptions do not describe something that looks like Donphan, and the facial features are clear enough to see Iron Treads is definitely what we see it as in the present, and with Great Tusks it’s size is incomparable, not only it’s body with the spikes and tail, but the literal naming factor: the great tusks, are not something you can just dress up on a Donphan, as they’re pointing upwards when they would be pointing out outwards on a Donphan as sort of seen with Iron Treads.

                Overall this just doesn’t prove time travel or doctoring of photos because it was ‘imagined’. I simply think 5ere is a third option neither side is c spidering, that answers all of this.

      • 12 months ago

        I don’t get the “it’s actually pulling them from other dimensions” thing. It makes the Paradoxes UB ripoffs. At least being created from someone’s imagination is somewhat original

  3. 12 months ago

    I don't feel like a version of the gymnastics meme for time travel v imagination.
    >time travel needs all these extra hoops to jump through to make it make sense on how Heith was able to see the Donphan clone
    >imagination just is that some autist who liked Donphan got close to Terapagos and it made the Donphan clone real
    Sad that imagination doesn't have any holes in it cause... It's just magic.

    • 12 months ago

      Imagination theory has plenty of inconsistencies and holes too. For example the fact that the drawings in the books of the Donphans are slightly different looking than the real thing. Why would that happen if they were born from someone's imagination based on that drawing?

      • 12 months ago

        I don't think that's really an inconsistency or hole in the logic when imagination is personal and can result in different interpretations of the same thing, and when individual Pokémon can look different within the same species

        • 12 months ago

          >and when individual Pokémon can look different within the same species
          But the drawings have completely different legs. It's not just a slight difference.
          Another thing is that were only 2 Raidons. Why? The professor clearly liked them, so how come there weren't more than 2?

          well if you wished bigfoot or the loch ness into existence based on obsessing over a blurry 180p photo and making a schizo headcanon what hot bigfoot yiffing would be like in your imagination, you’d figure it would turn out differently
          >turo sees a blurry photo of a donphan that can vaguely have mechanical parts
          >his imagination runs wild and iron treads is the result

          See above and pic, there wasn't just the photo, there was a drawing too.

          • 12 months ago

            >But the drawings have completely different legs.
            i'm wondering how the frick did someone missed such crucial part of tread's design since they're specifically made to tuck inside the body and roll around this design is clearly bullshit iron tread's can't roll with these
            >muh donphan legs
            donphan's legs also looks smaller enough to tuck in and roll it doesn't have massive dialga's legs like in that pic

          • 12 months ago

            >>and when individual Pokémon can look different within the same species
            >But the drawings have completely different legs. It's not just a slight difference.

            oh yes because some Pokémon having completely different formes depending on where they live, their gender, what you fed them, what phase of the moon it is, how much cum they have inside their butthole while staying the same species is absolutely something that has never been seen ever and has absolutely no precedent

            >Another thing is that were only 2 Raidons. Why? The professor clearly liked them, so how come there weren't more than 2?

            Imagined the past/future version of his bromon as a rare and powerful legendary? Maybe just didn't get lucky in the "catch a paradox mon" gacha? How in the world does only seeing 2 of a mon mean only these 2 exist?

            >See above and pic, there wasn't just the photo, there was a drawing too.

            Drawing can be full horseshit, drawing can be based on the photo and the artist invented the legs since he couldn't see them, artistic license, etc. Besides even an artistic depiction can be reinterpreted and reimagined, on purpose or not

          • 12 months ago

            Honestly, the reason I suspect ‘limited’ ‘Raidon’s, is because of the fact something cannot be made from nothing. Energy is as much Matter as much Matter is Energy. If Terapagos is limited to the amount of energy within it’s network of Tera Crystals, it likely couldn’t use more energy than it had make the ‘powerful’ Koraidon and Miraidon, whose abilities are quite literally generating their own energy to further power up the regular, base Paradox Pokemon once they were separate from Terapagos. While Koraidon and Miraidon are powerful in their own right, their own internal energy is obviously not infinite, as they seem to need to ‘recharge’ on Herba Mystica to regain their most powerful ‘battle form’, after their energy reserves are depleted.

      • 12 months ago

        well if you wished bigfoot or the loch ness into existence based on obsessing over a blurry 180p photo and making a schizo headcanon what hot bigfoot yiffing would be like in your imagination, you’d figure it would turn out differently
        >turo sees a blurry photo of a donphan that can vaguely have mechanical parts
        >his imagination runs wild and iron treads is the result

  4. 12 months ago

    Maybe it's a bootstrap paradox?
    >Professor learns about paradox mons from book
    >becomes obsessed with them
    >imagines them into existence
    >sends them back in time
    >Heath sees these Pokemon
    >documents them in book
    >Professor learns about paradox mons from book
    Rinse and repeat.

    • 12 months ago

      Time travel theorists tried this in the first week of the debate. The problem is that doesn't begin to guess *how* it's a paradox, or provide any evidence. It's just saying, 'well if it was actually time travel it could be a paradox" and skipping the "actually time travel" step.
      There is no mention in the game at any point of enough pokemon being sent to the past to exist for Heath to see, especially in Violet where they supposedly come from the future, and it also doesn't explain how there was nothing in the crater after the expedition when others returned to check. You would have to go the full schizo route and claim (again, without any evidence) that the AI actually intentionally created the paradox by sending pokemon to the past and not saying anything depsite wanting to shut down at the end of the game, or something equally as random.

  5. 12 months ago

    The anime pretty much put the nail in the coffin for Time Travel - that whole thing with Mini-Terapagos fabricating a Terastallized Rayquaza out of nowhere more or less proved Terapagos is fabricating what people are wishing for/imagining. It's no coincidence that all the arguing one way or another died down as soon as the episode aired.

    • 12 months ago

      The anime also always plays by it’s own rules, having to form episodes on half-truths and data that the Games team likely gives them. There’s too little info in the anime, about the Rayquaza, the Ancient Pokeball’s, and what Pokémon Liko’s Pendant is, to even draw any conclusions.

      • 12 months ago

        >the literal first appearance of Terapagos in official media shows it doing exactly what the imagination theory posits
        >"noooooo it doesn't count it's from the anime"

        cope harder timetroony

        • 12 months ago

          >Terapagos in anime
          Uh, where?
          I have yet to see it show up?

          >The anime also always plays by it’s own rules
          like what? are you saying anime dialga isn't the time pokemon and anime palkia isn't the space pokemon? and legendaries stay consistent in what they usually do but the moment terapogos comes up you don't want to admit your time machine theory was flawed so now you're backpedaling and hoping that game terapogos does something completely different?
          it's all a demiurgic wish-making gnostic turtle god that uses imagination powers to make fictional things a reality. should've gotten that vibe from how psychedelic Area Zero was anyways and all the weirdness from the Scarlet/Violet book

          Well A: I don’t think it’s a Time Machine, and B: I’d actually agree with this theory of yours, over it being pure imagination, but my question is if it shapes ‘Chaos’, would that not mean that Terapagos is causing some kind of actual Paradox to have the energy it needs to make these things happen, so that means the Time Machine is a Time Machine, and that Terapagos isn’t a wish granting deity?

          As for my point about the anime, Terapagos has yet to show up in the anime to have anything said about it. Yes a Turtle creature has appeared from Liko’s pendant, but there’s nothing connecting that Pokémon to Terapagos as of yet. The Anime has already introduced these “Ancient Pokeball’s” that don’t show up in the games after all, I don’t see how this ‘anime original’ Macguffin/plot device, potentially connected to Terapagos but has only been seen interacting with Liko’s Pendant, isn’t proving my point?

          • 12 months ago

            >but there’s nothing connecting that Pokémon to Terapagos as of yet
            Why are you even trying to die on this hill? Official sources already link it to Terapagos, either it's a pre-evolution, an alternate form, or some kind of smaller Terapagos bit like the Zygarde cells, either way we know 100% it has the same kind of power Terapagos does on top of also being a little gem turtle that works off Tera Crystals, come on, dude.

            • 12 months ago

              I specified Liko’s version; we know the Pokémon in-game has some connection, but by your own picture it simple says it’s ‘splendid aura’ is reminiscent of Terapagos. Again, a Pokémon we haven’t even acknowledged in-game yet as even existing beyond the pages of a book. And again your picture is coming from an out-of-universe source not even talked about in-game.

      • 12 months ago

        >The anime also always plays by it’s own rules
        like what? are you saying anime dialga isn't the time pokemon and anime palkia isn't the space pokemon? and legendaries stay consistent in what they usually do but the moment terapogos comes up you don't want to admit your time machine theory was flawed so now you're backpedaling and hoping that game terapogos does something completely different?
        it's all a demiurgic wish-making gnostic turtle god that uses imagination powers to make fictional things a reality. should've gotten that vibe from how psychedelic Area Zero was anyways and all the weirdness from the Scarlet/Violet book

    • 12 months ago

      >ashnime minus ash

      • 12 months ago

        Ash was an uninteresting cuck,and because of him the anime couldn't go anywhere

  6. 12 months ago

    i think the consensus is that pokemon doesn't put enough skill nor effort into its storytelling to hint at something that isnt explicitly there

  7. 12 months ago

    If fan fiction tier was 1 out of 10 in terms of writing, multi-verse/time travel is 0.5 out of 10. It's pure garbage and always cheapens the overall story and it's characters.

  8. 12 months ago

    No, and in the games we probably never will since it looks like they dropped the paradox plot to focus on tera instead.
    In the anime its imagination.

  9. 12 months ago

    >supposedly from the past
    >doesn't come from the time machine
    >comes out of a tera raid instead
    >i already turned off the time machine when it appeared in the game
    Truly paradoxical

    • 12 months ago

      Quoting from my earlier comment

      Both are terrible. Heath didn’t make anything up, but it definitely was not Time Travel that caused the Paradox Pokemon to exist before a time machine was made.

      The ‘Time Machine’ is some god-engine that Terapagos maintains and uses to create Paradox Pokemon. Terapagos is just the power source though, so it takes an intelligence, human ideas and human minds, that allow the creation of these things to be made.

      For example the Imaginary Paradoxes. Ignoring the website which states they are ‘exactly’ like the Pokémon described in Heath’s journal, because it is an out-of-universe source; the Journal, specifically the Professor’s copy explains why they ‘exist’ now. The AI took the Copy of the book, full of human ideas and the new ‘imagined’ Pokémon which were only written about after Heath’s team were leaving the crater, with it when it ‘time travelled’. What the A.I actually did was get reabsorbed by the machine into pure Tera energy, along with the book, upon which new ideas were introduced and so new Paradox Pokemon were made.

      People came before Heath expeditions, which explains how Paradoxes existed before Heath traveled there; they were just the first team to return.

      >The AI took the copy of the book, full of human ideas and the new ‘imagined’ Pokémon which were only written about after Heath’s team were leaving the crater, with it when it ‘time travelled’. What the A.I actually did was get reabsorbed by the machine into pure Tera energy, along with the book, upon which new ideas were introduced and so new Paradox Pokemon were made.

      We never actually turned off the machine, we supposedly just removed the Key that left the door open to make or bring about more Paradox Pokemon.
      I still say it was all within the plan of whatever controlled the AI’s, because it allowed the crystals making up the AI to be recycled into energy, and that is when 6* and 7* raids started to appear.

  10. 12 months ago

    Last trailer showed us that whole place what have mixed biomes and apparently it all works just because there are terra-crystal linings everywhere to stitch it all together.
    It looks pretty bizarre so I am still believe what terra-crystals are basically have ”make impossible - possible” power, hence paradoxes from random old novel and now also multi-biome out of nowhere etc.

  11. 12 months ago

    Why do you care?
    Both are stupid ideas for Pokemon that don't fit the franchise.

    • 12 months ago

      ...anon gen 2 literally had a time travel pokemon

      • 12 months ago

        Frick off. Celebi isn't an ordinary Pokemon, and it didn't come from x time period.

        • 12 months ago

          you think the new turtle pokemon is an ordinary pokemon too?

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