The last 4 characters you played form a party

How do they fare?
>redneck swampboi ranger (picrel)
>1920s Doctor
>assassin droid
>lightly armored two-handed swordsman
Could be worse

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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  1. 4 months ago

    >Grizzled Old Soldier
    >Alcoholic Degenerate Halfling Rogue with a Gambling Addiction
    >Preppy Sorority Mage Girl at a Wizard's College
    >Bitchy Sarcastic Female Rogue

  2. 4 months ago

    >Dungeon Master (Homebrew system)
    >Dirigible Maestro (Other homebrew system)
    >Game Master (Cyberpunk)
    >Generic Pirate Character
    Several hours of autistic shitflinging about obscure tastes and dynamic lift. At the end we're all either dead or putting the finishing touches on the greatest game system ever before seen. Also there's a pirate.

  3. 4 months ago

    >scheming Witch from a Fate game whose Servant is a russian mob hitman
    >vainglorious hobgoblin ship captain that grapples people with a hook-chain
    >space-gladiator with a particle sword who acts like a noble samurai but is actually just a bloodthirsty sociopath
    >brutish Irish mobster with a talent for fiddling and an honest heart

    They kill each other within minutes unless circumstances demanded that they work together to survive. And even then, I wouldn't trust the samurai.

    Man, I've been playing a lot of evil characters lately.

  4. 4 months ago

    >male human fighter
    >male human fighter (brother of the above)
    >male human fighter -//-
    >male human fighter -//-
    individually they had average survival rate of 2 sessions
    together they may be able to pull 3 or 4

  5. 4 months ago

    >dark age Romano-british gladiator harem builder
    >crazy German scientist Destiny warlock guardian
    >evil manipulative changeling sorcerer/bard
    >honorable moronic mutant half-orc barbarian (has a squid for a head)
    The changeling takes charge of the group and tries to use their strength to gain power. He empowers the warlock to invent newer and greater technology (to use for evil). Upon learning of the desire for evil the barbarian (the most powerful of the four) killed the changeling. The warlock may protest but will be killed in the process. The barbarian and the gladiator at that point will probably become bros slaying monsters and bedding wenches

  6. 4 months ago

    >Seneschal (spy) turned rogue trader (starship captain) from the 41st millennium with a single-minded obsession toward finding a way to bring the dead back to life (well, one particular dead person).
    >A gallant but naive knight from a pseudo-medieval world, previously low-fantasy but now grappling with the emergence of magic, on a quest to rescue his father from the king's dungeons following a failed plot by parliament to depose said king.
    >A fanatical street samurai/paraglider from Neo-Hamas obsessed with wreaking vengeance for the death of his sons, trying to hold off a pair of cyber zombies so that the rest of the team could make it out of the Zionist Blood Magic laboratory with the documents needed for the ICJ.
    >Human druid, devotee of the sea god with a sweet-ass water elemental companion, caught up in some Cthulu-esque shit
    They'll pull together alright. Hard to say what the party ends up doing though, it all depends too much on whose world they end up in.

  7. 4 months ago

    >A pair of vassal knights (father and son) from Pendragon. One a legendary holy knight and perhaps the template from which chivalry is made, the other a dutiful son, only a few years a minted knight but already famously one of the pendragon's guard
    >A terrified little goblin and twilight cleric, doesn't know who is answering his prayers but just hopes he doesn't die horribly
    >A tired old mercenary forcefully converted into a full borg with enough weaponry to level a city block

    Either the full-borg keeps the effects of the plot AI that fixed his borderline cyberpsychosis, or it eventually wears off. I don't think the knight's magical shield is gonna do much against 90 points of damage from a point-blank AP round. The goblin can scream, cry, run, hide, nearly piss himself and bust out his broken channel divinity RAW, but his stealth is -1 nor can he run fast enough to escape the cyborg's jump jets. If he gets to keep his sanity, the Borg might actually enjoy teaching the knights how to gun, and they would help the Gobbo find his courage.

  8. 4 months ago

    >Half-deaf wild west prospector with a knack for metalwork, an addiction to morphine and a build focused around using pistols... as melee weapons
    >Unflappable Dwarf groundskeeper with a stoic, wooden demeanor that whallops things in the face with a barging pole and other improvised weaponry
    >Half-Orc technodude with a bit of inspiration from Casey Jones and multiple drone devices. Big and brawly, but tries to have a little levity about it.
    >Obsessive fey-hunter gish in constant threat of erupting into a singularity by his unnaturally-obtained destruction magic

    Luckily, the Half-Orc is wearing a mask so the Dwarf won't immediately try to kill him. The fey-hunter would continually push the group to go searching for faeries. The prospector would wonder why he wants to board a ferry so badly. The Dwarf has little to say or do without his noble's orders. As soon as the Half-Orc's identity is revealed, the Dwarf (racial prejudice) and the prospector (natural western prejudice against anything freakish) would bumrush him and get gunned down by his vastly superior tech. The fey-hunter is ambivalent to the others' fates, as Orcs are not considered faeries in his setting and actually have a history of being slaves, which the hunter can relate to. The two remaining would then go on a buddy-cop (minus any formal authority) adventure butting heads on occasion as to whether magic or technology can solve the issue at hand better.

  9. 4 months ago

    >Long-suffering tech guy and occasional medic to a sociopathic galactic mercenary. Likes to make things go faster until they blow up in his face. Swears their constant bad luck isn't their fault.
    >Enormously buff, illiterate and socially clueless but actually quite mousy wood elf barbarian. A long way from home, more inclined to carve through whatever is in her way back.
    >A fantastical gumshoe and a seeker warlock, fancies wielding his mind as a weapon more than a sword or fireballs. Impeccable English gentleman.
    >A cantankerous and foul-mouthed gold mining woman from the Nevada wasteland with a hidden golden heart. Wields a huge pickaxe and an LMG with a 2x4 for finishing moves.
    I think they'd fare great in a more modern or scifi setting. I imagine #2 would take a liking to heavy firearms so we have #1 as the support, #2 and #4 as the DPS and #3 as the skill monkey and mission control. As for personal relationships, #2 will largely just go along with whatever, #3 will rein in #1's antics and #4 will act like a huge tsundere for a while before dropping her guard. They'll get along fine in the end.

  10. 4 months ago

    >moronic zoomer jock with a penchant for 80s movies and his blue dragon that punches shit
    >GAMER zoomer and kunoichi bug lady
    >hackerman ultrazoomer who fricking died and big tiddy snake lady with a frickoff huge sword
    >Sans RWBY who has floating laser drones and can fuse terrain from a different place into where he is and has like 5 types of dust/magic at his fingertips

    Nah, they'd win.

  11. 4 months ago

    >Osirian Monk with sick desert kung fu
    >1920s Corsican Heroin Dealer
    >Duergar Ranger who survived the death of his hold
    >Saxon Huscarl and his sidekick / shieldbearer
    Seems like a fun, if kind of low power group. The idea of Ælric of Mercia and his giant moustache shouting in Old English the whole time and no one else knowing what the frick he’s saying is hilarious.

    • 4 months ago

      To be fair, I don't think the Duergar, Corsican and not!Egyptian will be able to understand each other either.

      • 4 months ago

        You’re not wrong. There’s no saying that Mystara Common and Golarion Common are even mutually understandable.
        Pretty funny clusterfrick of a group at that point

  12. 4 months ago

    Mmh... let me think
    >A bog standard necromancer (who's also slightly necrophobic) modelled on Nicol Williamson as Merlin in the Excalibur 1981 movie
    >A water-magic themed Sorcerer based on Rudeus Greyrat from Mushoku Tensei mixed with Kevin Bacon in Footloose
    >literally !Rincewind
    >A Kabbalist rabbi in 19th century London with whom i managed to not spent a single dime for the entirety of the campaign
    The israelite and !rincewind will be coward-buddies, the necromancer will stare at things automatically and the sorc will sight internally at the prospect of having to babysit a bunch of weirdos.

    • 4 months ago

      I meant *autostically
      Fricking phone autocorrect

  13. 4 months ago

    My last four characters wouldn't get along.

    • 4 months ago

      >midget tokusatsu biker with a napoleon complex and a gun (homebrew cyberpunk campaign)
      >jaded middle aged chinese irs agent with a thick accent(delta green)
      >necromancer skelly who was a meathead warrior in previous life but thought magic was neat when it revived him (homebrew dnd)
      >good for nothing rogue who autistically hid his face in a cloak the entire campaign and turned into a sort of piccolo goodnatured "villain" with heart of gold(dnd 3.5)

      I'm imagining a delta green or world of darkness campaign that turns to chrono trigger time traveling save the world plot with these bumbling idiots

      That's where the fun comes in moron, imagine a situation that would force them to.

  14. 4 months ago

    >pic related battlemaster fighter
    >Banshee mind control magician
    >Coriolanus inspired Paladin
    >Pirate decker
    I hate that I only have shadowrun and 5e characters in my last 4

  15. 4 months ago

    >ace artillery mech pilot
    >just a genuinely good guy in a support mech
    >literally a burning tree man
    >a western scam artist tiefling sorcerer
    this would be a strange party.

  16. 4 months ago

    >Polish college hockey player with a .30-06
    >Dragon mage with so much latent power she's basically a goddess
    >Paladin of an Anatolian war god
    >Post Apocalyptic tribal with a Bren Gun on a quest to find more Grognak comics
    So basically pic related.

    • 4 months ago

      I know that feeling, I'm struggling to come up with a good story that could allow both the human scale and the monster scale characters to shine.

      Like, not to say that the Stygian thief isn't good at thief-ing, or that the highschool kid isn't good at being persistent and doing schoolwork, but like, it'd be hard to make that matter in a story where the Ogre and Garou's talents also matter.

      • 4 months ago

        I figured if they were ever in a party, the 3 'normal' people would go around solving problems while the dragon mage-goddess just sits back and watches. Occasionally she'll get frustrated with the three of them failing to solve something, roll her eyes, wave her hand and destroy the entire local galaxy cluster before creating a new nearly identical one in which the problem has already been solved by someone else. Mostly to remind the other 3 why they keep her around.

  17. 4 months ago

    >self-righteous paladin/warlock/rogue who hates dragons and can't talk to women despite his high charisma
    >a "philosopher" pirate who solves all his problems with fists, occult magic and more fists
    >a military engineer from the planet of Space Poland, currently planning to develop a railgun that fires shells with entire batteries as explosive payload for bonus rape, ammunition costs be damned
    >a gnome who seeks to push the boundaries of alchemy by stealing spells from other classes and brewing them into potions

  18. 4 months ago

    >a black crusade heretek
    >a cyberpunk nomad
    >a french chef pirate ship's cook
    >a roman dwarf fighter
    they'd kill each other after 5 minutes

  19. 4 months ago

    >post apoc cowboy cannibal clown
    >racist goblin from boston
    >scottish cyberpsycho mercenary
    >mute jester bard

    Self centered, morally bankrupt, gang.

  20. 4 months ago

    >Sorcerer Gem Dragonborn who was a scholar
    >abandoned tiefling goblin orphan girl who practiced Necromancy
    >bumbling Kobold Urd Shepherd Druid Bounty Hunter
    >Moon Druid Harengon who wants to fight people who also owns a skull mask that turns him into a monstrosity

    The Gem Dragonborn is gonna be doing a lot of moral straight man heavy lifting/tard wrangling here because two of his party members is a scumbag and an idiot while also playing father figure to the Tiefling Goblin girl
    The Harengon and Kobold can summon creatures and entities to help them fight and the Orphan girl can Animate Dead whoever they kill for extra man power without concentration while the Gem Dragonborn has to convince them all to prep before each encounter

    It'll be an absolute struggle each and every time but I think they can manage

  21. 4 months ago

    > Syrian Half-Elf Jezzail sniper with a teutonophile streak
    > Generic Knight Guy with no neuroses
    > Buff warrior nun with the 'tism
    > israeli Cleric with no organs
    Absolutely no chance at all these guys would get along whatsoever

  22. 4 months ago

    >Skittish tracker/former slave
    >Werewolf that was imperfectly "cured" of his condition
    >The most obviously shady swindler on the planet
    >Bored Finnish combat medic
    I feel like most of them would at very least be united in their dislike of the team's smelly con artist, but they could probably get shit done all the same.

  23. 4 months ago

    >Good Christian Knight
    >Elephantman Druid
    >R2 Unit
    >Snapping Turtle Barbarian
    The Knight would freak the frick out since a beeping metal contraption and what look like two demons are with him. The Druid and Barbarian spend most of the time trying to calm him down while R2 tries to figure out what planet he's on. The Knight will probably curse out Merlin for getting him involved in this but grit his teeth and move forward while the Beastmen will be trying to find a powerful wizard to cast some kind of magic to send them all back. The R2 is just complaining the entire time since all their tech is primitive as hell and he can't really do anything, until it comes time to shoot something or fly.

  24. 4 months ago

    The GM tells me to frick off and that I can't play four different characters in his low level D&D game at the same time, especially when one is in power armour armed with a RAM auto grenade launcher.

  25. 4 months ago

    Well I' more of a Gm and I played oneshot as players so my characters in this time period:
    >DnD LE Cleric of Bane, Leonid the scarred a cleric with a battlemace and a rape face
    >Zombie game(premade campaign): Girl survivor a middleaged lady who was the camp cook, the mission was saving our daughter (we were a family).
    >Goblin Tinker from Warcraft RPG, Flint McDoubleclick, a goblin tinker who loves explosion and machines and exploding machines
    >Elf Medic from the Witcher, I was cursed I had a strange curse from a wizard that made us switch hands, So I have the hands of a wizard and sometimes when I wave it stuff happens (not always like once a day I cast AARD)

  26. 4 months ago

    >power hungry wizard with questionable morals
    >elven wizard longing for the good old days
    >knight deeply involved in politics
    >paladin on crusade against the darkness
    rather light on the healing side, but if they manage to get along, they can probably get some shit done and dish out solid damage

  27. 4 months ago

    Let’s see…
    >Tiefling Lawyer Cleric that handles cases across different planes
    >Used Car Salesman type Goblin that sells fake magic items so he can make easy gold
    >Halfling Farmer with a giant rabbit animal companion
    >Dhampir monster hunter trying to find a cure for his vampirism using the gun he built

    I don’t know how well this would go, but damn if it wouldn’t be fun

  28. 4 months ago

    >Guardswoman who escaped Necron stasis (Wrath & Glory)
    >Big barbarian lad with a taste for finer thing & a israeliteeler by trade (DnD5e)
    >Fat 12 years boy in middle school (Savage World Pinebox)
    >Landsknecht tomboy who larp as a Paladin (Pathfinder)
    All good natured, so their biggest hurdle would be to protect the fat kid. All martial inclined and prone to choosing violence to solve problems. The fat kid really brings nothing to the group besides a decent aim with nerf gun or attempting to do wrestling moves

  29. 4 months ago

    >40k Interrogator from the Ordo Chronos
    >90s era grad student who has survived lovecraftian horrors
    >Toreador primogen from the 8th century
    >!israeli blood mage and merchant
    Decent party composition, all things considered, but the Interrogator by far has the most combat power.

  30. 4 months ago

    >A super genius, charismatic, attractive doctor lady from a post apocalyptic universe that never failed and is a hardcore pacifist who's also a total cougar.
    >A depressed, angsty, edgy Inquisitor half vampire who follows the god of protection that believes in the need to protect a child's innocence because his parents literally wanted to make him and his twin sister into perfect meat puppets so that they'd get immortal bodies that aren't weak to sunlight.
    >A literal fricking skeleton wearing full plate armour and throwing magical lasers left and right.
    >A Polish metalhead dude that finished a Religion-P.E. themed highschool but he wasn't good enough to be a paladin so he was just a rogue-cleric combo that threw prayer cards at demons and devils to exorcise them, unless he could get them to agree to just leave for a bottle of vodka.
    I think they will do just fine

  31. 4 months ago

    >ryan gosling in space
    >a paladin who larps as a bird
    >hobo cleric
    >an attilan from 40k
    they're fricked

  32. 4 months ago

    >Mechanic/pilot who isn't cut out for this shit and barely managing to cope
    >Ex-soldier with minor precognition who uses it to cheat at cards and horse races
    >Grumpy dwarf inventor with a small automaton constructed from a beer keg
    >Sell-sword haunted by the spirit of his closest friend
    After flailing around for a bit and probably bonding over their various traumas, I feel like they could make a decent team. Grumpy dwarf would probably also develop a "if anyone hurts my boy, it's going in the fricking Book" attitude toward the other techie.

  33. 4 months ago

    >violently fanatic cleric built around healing and fire damage
    >libertarian bard specializing in negotiation and theft
    >indefatigable fighter focused on tanking and
    decent spread actually, real serviceable party

  34. 4 months ago

    >Almsivi, Elven Wizard and alleged detective. Would have spent more time crafting things if his party were more patient. Believes that raising undead is evil, but other forms of necromancy are awesome.
    >Soshi Kurita, Bayushi Bushi, clever dick, mad he can't talk to the kami, takes it out on everyone else. The Soshoro owe him a favor and he causes the kind of trouble where he might need it. Recently got the news that his clan champion made an attempt on his emperor's life and he's not sure how to proceed with his life.
    >Gideon, Half-Elf Warlock and patron of an unknown god. It's good, he thinks, probably. He's only read the first part of the book he got and he's kinda sorta skimming it. That Cain guy is a dick though.
    >Gudrun the Wanderer, Northman and hunter of artifacts and men. He's like if Indiana Jones were a bounty hunter and a viking. Last I saw him he died and became a Spirit Detective.

    Gudrun leads and it kinda plays out like YuYu except there's two kuramas and Heyei and Kuwabara are the same person.

  35. 4 months ago

    >1) Half-elf wild mage too curious for their own good, stuck in a vicious cycle of fricking shit up by accident and fixing it with some bullshit, a walking library of knowledge with little social skills
    >2) Motherly human healer priestess with mental and emotional issues, due to following a repressed faith, merciful and avoids violence, great negotiator
    >3) Human witch hunter / paladin with übermensch qualities and divine blessings, but is seemingly followed by horrible misfortune, gained powers by consuming part of eldritch horror (the character basically developed into a full-blown Gary Stu over time)
    >4) Almost naked tribal dwarf barbarian following the totem of the boar, loves to drink, eat, laugh and hunt the biggest prey they can find
    The group gets along fairly well, in part due to some pre-existing connections between 1) and 2), and 1) and 3), but also because 1), 2) and 3) are decent people, and while 4) is indecent, they're super chill and not rude on purpose. The only weaknesses when it comes to the party's skill set is roguery, though 3) has some aptitude, which could be further enhanced by the magic and familiar of 1), and the party's long range capabilities are limited to magic. The primary strain in the party will be 3) having a hard time tolerating the volatility of 1), and it'll have 3) making endless contingencies for 1)'s random bullshit.
    1) is stressed out about 3), tries not to frick up - still does, willing to help 3) get back home
    2) is overjoyed about being in company of 1), takes care of everyone
    3) will seek out way back home, somehow less stressed than with his original party, mostly kept sane by 2)'s presence
    4) does boarbarian things and has a jolly good time

  36. 4 months ago

    >Autistic elven Alchemist.
    >Human Techie specialising in land vehicles.
    >Human Cleric (Forge Domain).
    >An illusionist whose entire existence is a web of lies.

    All from different systems and different settings, they'd probably all scramble to figure out how the hell they ended up together in this bizarre situation, but once that part's sorted they'd probably make a decent team.

  37. 4 months ago

    >Barbarian Druid
    >Wood Elf Ranger
    >High Elf Ranger
    >Desert Dwelling Beduin Druid
    They might get along

  38. 4 months ago

    >half-elf magus (pf1e)
    >human ranger (pf1e)
    >zabrak soldier into elite trooper (star wars saga edition)
    >human ranger (dnd 3.5)

    we've got all the ranged damage one could possibly hope for, and one of them can even pilot any ship them come across. now if it's the last 4 i played in fantasy settings, i play a dwarven cleric in 3.5 before that 3.5 ranger and he was sort of the party face on top of being the healer/tank

  39. 4 months ago

    >halfling cleric of odin, somehow survived death like 5 times due to lucky rolls, one of the funniest characters ive made but ruined due to a shit gm and a somewhat shit group i used to play with
    >absolute gigachad half-elf warlock, handlebar moustache, helped take down a whole ass empire simply because he didn't like it, hes an npc in the current gm's campaign, married, yet he cares more about his friend (tiefling sorceress), who disappeared due to a mishap, than his own wife
    >dwarf cleric of iomedae, the only thing carrying her build is good dice rolls and gm's unawareness of the tremendous buttfricking his 10-hour creation of a bbeg is gonna receive once she hauls out a few k worth of gold and loot
    >soviet scientist from kiev who was employed as a spy, destroyed a nazi facility with the help of spaniard prisoners, gave 0 fricks, somehow survived after he got rekt by one of the enemies

  40. 4 months ago

    >Unusually swole Wood Elf Barbarian and wannabe Casanova (5e)
    >Guilt-ridden Dwarf Cleric who used to be a nurse (PF1e)
    >Chaotic Evil Human Warlock based on Occultist from Darkest Dungeon (5e)
    >Big-brained Bigger-tiddied Human Witch who uses more bombs than spells (PF1e)
    They have pretty good synergy, with the Witch being the brains and providing explosives to the team, Barbarian being the main frontliner with his big pecs, Cleric being jealous that said pecs are more durable than his armor and shield, and also being the medic (when aforementioned explosives inevitably blow up in their faces) and Warlock just wants a cut of the action and the loot, as he was a one-shot character.
    It will somehow end in a wedding because it's a meme in our group that every adventure starring the barbarian ends in a wedding.

  41. 4 months ago

    >a little boy who got mollested by a witch
    >a little boy that got raped by a demon lady
    >a little boy who was enslaved by an orc matriarch
    >and a flesh shaping monster that is basically organism from the thing
    I smell shenanigans...

    • 4 months ago

      >The shota brigade escape their dommy mommies
      >Adopt the Thing and go to adventure

      • 4 months ago

        NGL, I'd watch it

  42. 4 months ago

    >female goblin ranger/rogue with extraordinarily sticky fingers
    >female elf druid who is both uptight and terse
    >male dwarf warrior who is racist against elves (I couldn't help myself)
    >male human cleric that is as pure hearted and good as a bastard like me can pretend to be

    They'd tear each other apart after one session.

  43. 4 months ago

    > Smart and gentle yet gullible bookworm human girl wizard of Transmutation
    > Strong ass and serious yet noble and brave Centaur Warrior
    > Shy yet very kind human girl Life Cleric
    > Strong and scary yet kind-spirited Half-Orc Woman Barbarian
    He-he standard modern D&D party goes brrr

  44. 4 months ago

    >Kitsune rouge that is only good at backstabbing
    >LE female mercenary fighter who throws daggers
    >Human ranger who's cows have been stolen by evil spirits
    >a very bored obese noble with a sniper rifle
    No magic but otherwise well rounded. A high chance for treachery too. Probably a fun group though.

  45. 4 months ago

    >Old granny
    >Sherlock Holmes tier shapeshifting hobo
    >Bollywood aragorn
    >William Taft
    Feels like a combat light campaign to me

  46. 4 months ago

    From most to least recent:

    >Kareema al-Nar (N Fire genasi wildfire druid)
    >Cara Ii'ilmerias (LG Half-elf arcane archer)
    >Talas (N Yuan-ti glamor bard)
    >Lucretia Vex (LE human warlock of the fiend)

    Not actually a bad spread in terms of abilities. No real front-line fighter, though. They're gonna depend pretty heavily on kiting and illusions. Also this is a really pyromaniacal party...

    Small problem in that Vex is an absolute c**t, though. There's almost no chance that either Cara or Talas wouldn't kill her before the week was out. Hell, before the *day* was out.

  47. 4 months ago

    >Traumatized, paranoid ranger looking to cure his vampirized daughter. Really fricking hates monsters for ruining his life when he actively tried not to look for trouble
    >Fresh meat soldier indoctrinated by imperial propaganda about the war of conquest but deserted due to moral integrity about war crimes
    >Optimistic and earnest spear-fighter willing to try anything once, whose enthusiasm outweighs her smarts (which she has a complex about)
    >Utilitarian and secretive changeling noble who believes in the greater good even if it makes her unpopular or requires dirty business
    Interactions would be interesting, to say the least.

  48. 4 months ago

    >Tryhard sophomore student with a cochlear implant trying to keep their parents from divorcing by getting good grades
    >cellphone addicted highschool bully turned ahroun daughter of wienerroach
    >The Child-Eating Ogre of the southern mountain exalted of the Earth Dragon
    >Busquing street performer and acrobat thief from the streets of Stygia

    The Ahroun takes control and that works until it doesn't, with the two humans falling in line and the exalt putting up with it until he decides it's more important to do his own thing.

    • 4 months ago

      frick are we doing pictures?
      Thank you to Kris for doing character art for two of them.

  49. 4 months ago

    >middle-aged wizard trained in the style and aesthetics of a blacksmith
    >scifi elf doctor turned world traveler/petty thief with mono whip in cyberarm
    >tall and gaunt mutant aristocrat skilled in guiding spaceships through hell
    >good-natured trust fund baby college girl visually designed after Baphomet
    Amusing the most out of their league character is the most visually distinctive/odd.
    First two would buddy up immediately, forth would have to be babysitted by them the whole campaign, third would basically do nothing not directly in his interest and refuse to talk to any party member who can't trace from memory the last thousand years of their lineage.

  50. 4 months ago

    >Dwarf Druid on a pilgrimage tour of the standing stones of the land
    >Hotshot space pilot who can fly or drive whatever he gets his hands on
    >A 2000's coroner who is suspiciously good at first aid and is developing a split personality from investigating for Delta Green
    >Dwarf Alchemist specializing in healing potions and bombs, fond of investigating

    We are going to be a very heavily medicated crew, at least

  51. 4 months ago

    >middle aged stern, no-fun-allowed cleric
    >middle aged burn out acolyte turned back alley doctor
    >young paladin trying to balance a bad temper with her oath
    >warlock with an astral brain parasite and an almost suicidal sense of curiosity

    Not a bad party balance (front line fighter, skill monkey, two flavors of magic man), though they'd have a rough personal dynamic.

    >cleric thinks the paladin is a frustrating youth who needs guidance, the doctor is a worthless drunk who needs help, and the warlock is an idiot
    >doctor thinks the cleric has a 50 ft stick up his ass, the paladin is a moody little shit, and the warlock is an idiot
    >paladin thinks the cleric acts like he's her dad, the doctor is an overly opinionated layabout, and the warlock is an idiot
    >warlock thinks everyone else is nicer than they seem

  52. 4 months ago

    >Human Sorcerer (Dragon-blooded), PF2e
    >Human Science officer (lieutenant), STA
    >Droid Bounty Hunter/Pilot, FFG SW
    >Dwarf Paragon Ratcatcher, Dungeons the Dragoning
    Well, that is one hell of a spread...

  53. 4 months ago

    > Divination wizard high elf who's a devout priest and very crafty, but super socially awkward.

    > Ex KGB spy who's now a gun crazy commie grandma, good with mechanics and willpower, shoot first asks later.

    > big brute barbarian type guy with magic horns

    > kind and charismatic town guard who just wants to protect innocents. Super extroverted, absurdly fast for a guy in heavy armour, unable to stealth.

    Huh pretty diverse party.

  54. 4 months ago

    >11 year old tomboy
    >Albino child soldier with PTSD
    >Mute barbarian
    >An abjurist who is a gay homewrecker

  55. 4 months ago

    >Brotherhood of Steel knight who has seen too much goddamn shit. Good at melee, explosives, and generally assembling/disassembling random gizmos also he's a talking horse lmao but we'll leave that aside.
    >a centipede girl who got so big and strong she could probably devour a grizzly bear with no fuss. Has an insane healing factor. Also she's an Anglican and pretty mild mannered.
    >an undead girl with a crystal doll arm who craves flesh and could rip a bear limb from limb. Also pretty mild mannered. Likes jazz.
    >a bombastic showboat of a specops soldier who's highly skilled with explosives and CQC. Is probably panicking a little bit from the loss of his technical immortality (assuming the scenario removes it). Quite a bit more grounded than he normally lets on.

    Uhm... they're probably fine tbh. It kinda depends on where they get stuck because the Nechronica characters are on their own power scale. They're going to get along well enough, can all bond over shop talk/empathize over each other's fricked up backgrounds/are used to working in a team when things go to shit.

    Encounters are either going to get talk-no-jutsu'd or they are going to explode.

  56. 4 months ago

    >Pure suffering rogue
    >goody two shoes celestial warlock
    >death cleric
    >necromancy wizard


  57. 4 months ago

    >overclocked battle droid with a disruptor rifle that can 360 noscope a fly while doing somersaults and is sneaky enough to basically turn functionally invisible and is also a skilled pilot but
    >gank heavy weapons gall whose social skills consist of intimidation and is most likely to become the party leader
    >street urchin splicer girl who is clearly the most intelligent and charming in the group and the only one who isn't a psycho
    >unsanctioned psyker whose bad day kept getting worse until he became a tripple double mutated pseudo-daemon whose mere presence forces fear rolls but is borderline incapable to taking care of himself
    Gank and street urchin will have to tard wrangle the two others.

  58. 4 months ago

    >Absentee single father exotic caravan guard
    >His too-smart-for-her-own-good drunken investigator sister
    >A rank-obsessed church enforcer
    >A kindly hedge alchemist with minor ties to the fae
    Honestly the 3rd one is the odd one out. 1 2 and 4 would make a great little trio. 3 would weird them all out.

  59. 4 months ago

    >Lovecraft's Catgirl (her name is elvish for Black personman)
    >World's Nicest Flagellant
    >Scumbag Hobgoblin (out for money and b***hes)
    >Space Scientologist hackerman

    Somehow, the catgirl is the glue that holds them all together, as the other three have wildly differing morals.

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