The Legend of Twin Peaks

Reminder that Mark Frost confirmed that he gathered with Nintendo staff and gave them ideas for Link's Awakening, effectively making it the closest to an official Twin Peaks game.

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  1. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      What's so special about this one? Why should I play it over, eg, Link to the Past?

      Play it and find out. It's a great game. It's sort of like a sequel to ALTTP, development started as a GB port of it and then evolved into an original game. You can play both games.

      • 4 months ago

        Kek, this is the worst thing I've ever read. And this is your source. Fricking pottery, classic nintendrone. It actually has near to nothing to do with Twin peaks and even the "twin peaks" part isn't in twin peaks. Kem

  2. 4 months ago

    What's so special about this one? Why should I play it over, eg, Link to the Past?

    • 4 months ago

      smoother sword gameplay

    • 4 months ago

      its a bit quicker, being a handheld game
      i like the pacing a lot more than LttP
      that games back half drags like crazy
      with LA youre pretty much always unlocking new bits of the map at a consistent rate.
      some fun items that, for whatever reason, didnt make it off of the GB(C), like rocs feather

      theres a ton of really cool music too
      everyone goes gaga over the switch remakes re-orchestration. and while they did a great job not over-arranging it, the OG is just very well done given how limiting the GB was
      clever use of the GBs echo/reverb to try and make it sound more full

      i wish the swordless music had more time to shine

      • 4 months ago

        >some fun items that, for whatever reason, didnt make it off of the GB(C), like rocs feather

        Nintendo hates the idea of Link jumping volitionally.

        • 4 months ago

          tbf you have to then design the entire games map and all its dungeons around it
          its also kinda OP, especially when combined with other items, like the boomerang for ex
          as a kid id always stop using my shield after dungeon 1 and just use rocs feather defensively instead

        • 4 months ago

          miyamoto really didn't want platforming elements in zelda

          mario is the jump game

      • 4 months ago

        >Sword Search
        Man what a great tune

      • 4 months ago

        >Sword Search
        Man what a great tune

        Don't forget about the theme that plays when you recover the sword.


  3. 4 months ago

    >3 Zelda threads on page 1

    • 4 months ago

      Go off the internet for a bit.

    • 4 months ago


  4. 4 months ago

    I went to a Twin Peaks once during Halloween. The bartender was dressed like Catwoman, with a skin-tight black spandex suit and everything. The ass was fat. That is all.

    • 4 months ago

      I get mad when I see a fat ass and I'm not allowed to instantly start undressing her

  5. 4 months ago

    >Link's Awakening
    sounds pretty gay

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        stupid sexy link

    • 4 months ago

      >Link's Awakening
      >sounds pretty gay

      Link after his awakening

    • 4 months ago

      it's a zelda game so yeah

      • 4 months ago

        Frick Zelda (I would)
        Frick vasedtendo
        And more importantly, FRICK video games!

  6. 4 months ago

    Mark Frost and David Lynch played Mother 1 and it inspired them to make Blue Velvet 2: TWIN PEAKS

  7. 4 months ago

    Mizzurna Falls is actually the closest we have to a Twin Peaks game. Just because one guy helped with some ideas, doesn't mean LA has anything to do with Twin Peaks story wise or input wise. You're grasping at straws so hard you went and pulled a tendon, tendie.

    • 4 months ago

      tbh im pretty sure opie is just entirely full of shit and wanted to start a LA thread

      iirc the guy who was making LA originally said in an interview that he was a big fan of twin peaks and its what inspired the overall weirdness/dreaminess of the game. thats all.
      like another anon said, he was initially supposed to be doing a LttP remake for GB, but kept adding things afterhours and eventually some higher up saw how good it was and gave him the resources/time he would need to make an original game

      • 4 months ago

        >tbh im pretty sure opie is just entirely full of shit
        I already posted the source.

        Kek, this is the worst thing I've ever read. And this is your source. Fricking pottery, classic nintendrone. It actually has near to nothing to do with Twin peaks and even the "twin peaks" part isn't in twin peaks. Kem

        There's definitely more than just the "it was all a dream" aspect. Also it is actually part of TP, although it happened 25 years later.

        • 4 months ago

          im not clicking a twitter link fricking ever dude
          if you wanna show anons something from there, fine
          but do it like a non homosexual

          Kek, this is the worst thing I've ever read. And this is your source. Fricking pottery, classic nintendrone. It actually has near to nothing to do with Twin peaks and even the "twin peaks" part isn't in twin peaks. Kem

          • 4 months ago

            Frick off I linked Frost's very own Twitter account.

            • 4 months ago

              lol idc dude
              that sites front end is a mess
              and its backend is a botnet
              id rather saw my wiener off with a spoon

              just post the pic
              were on an imageboard ffs

              • 4 months ago

                I don't give a frick about Twitter either but it's the direct source from the guy himself.
                I would post a screenshot if you asked nicely, but get fricked.

              • 4 months ago

                oh pls opie
                no ones gonna ask you nicely for anything on here.
                get over it ya gay

    • 4 months ago

      Just thought this was an interesting fact.
      Also read again, I said closest to an OFFICIAL TP game, because of Frost's involvement. Also LA has actually a lot in common with TP, which makes sense because the staff working on it were huge TP fans (as was a lot of people in Japan at the time), and Frost confirming he actually gave them ideas all makes sense.
      Read better before replying with your co sole war shit from Ganker.

      • 4 months ago

        No, I read through the article it's 5th grade writing and logic trying to make LA look like it's super inspired by twin peaks, but it's superfluous and doesn't shine through the game as inspired by twin peaks. Where as mizzurna Falls actually feels like twin peaks the videogame. I love LA, I own both og and dx versions... and the switch remake, but this is the most soulless rewriting of history. Just because quintin terantino gives you some pointers, doesn't mean you're making the next pulp fiction or that it's even inspired by pulp fiction. Frost said himsef in his tweet that he gave the ideas, but he doesn't directly say he gave twin peaks inspired ideas at all. He even said he never played it so he wouldnt know if they even used his ideas. You're a stupid double homosexual triple Black person. Get butt fricked up the dick, nintendrone.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm a bit confused by your anger.
          First, again, I never said this is a TP game or even the closest to a TP game. Just said it's the closest to an official TP game because of Frost's involvement.
          Second, I don't care about some internet random's own judgement about something being shallow or not. Your opinion is uninportant over the fact that Mark Frost straight gave out ideas to the LA devs (who were TP fans)
          Third, you claim to be a LA fan and owning every version, but use Ganker console war language... I say some dude doing console wars is more like the 5th grade logic than anything else here, no offense.

        • 4 months ago

          lol im that other guy whos calling him a gay too

          but tbf it IS by far the most surreal feeling zelda game. i agree on that 100%
          not the least of which because the island and everyone on it literally ISNT real
          most zelda games are incredibly straightforward save-the-princess type affairs. nothing wrong with that, but LA adds that subtle layer of confusion that lynch and other surrealist artists of various mediums are fond of. the whole game does have a very hazy, dream-deferred kinda feel imo. especially so if you were playing this as a small child (i did)

          not that the "twist" was particularly clever, well-prepared, or even executed that well in terms of its reveal. iirc it literally tells you directly in that mini-dungeon before the 4th or 5th main dungeon. barely halfway through.
          an odd choice, but maybe accidentally brilliant. i definitely remember getting to that point as a kid and stopping and thinking but what if i dont wanna leave the island?
          it gives you a lot of time to then go around and have that second glance at everything/everyone, to where you start to notice the cracks and seams in the illusion

          • 4 months ago

            >you start to notice the cracks and seams in the illusion

            like what, the Mario (and other) character cameos?

            • 4 months ago

              mostly marin with the cucco
              wtf was that all about

              • 4 months ago

                look, Marin is just a sadist at heart who secretly enjoys watching Link attack apparently helpless poultry.

              • 4 months ago

                look, Marin is just a sadist at heart who secretly enjoys watching Link attack apparently helpless poultry.

                What are you guys talking about?

              • 4 months ago

                Boot up Link's awakening, and when you are at the part where Marin follows you around, keep attacking a cucco

              • 4 months ago

                Man I really need to replay this game.
                Alright, I'll remember that once I get to that part.

              • 4 months ago

                dig with a shovel, throw pots, and take her to the Crane Trendy Game

              • 4 months ago

                Suddenly, this scene

                Mr, Wright being a hikkikomori who exchanges love letters with the goat girl reminds me of that one character who was a hikki and had a house full of plants inside

                makes sense in a Twin Peaks way

              • 4 months ago

                Holy shit.
                I really need to rewatch Twin Peaks and replay Link's Awakening

  8. 4 months ago

    >Game starts with someone being found at the shore
    Never realized this.
    What other similarities are there?

  9. 4 months ago

    OP, you've been making this thread every month for like 2 years. I spew a bunch of autistic shit on this board so I get the mindset, but why shitpost about this instead of anything else? Do you just really, really like both LA and Twin Peaks or something? Why is making a connection between these two things so important for you? I am legitimately curious.

    • 4 months ago

      When I was a child, I was playing link to the past on my Gameboy while my parents were watching twin peaks. I don't remember what started the argument but it was the first and last time I ever saw my dad hit my mom. She took me and her sister and left my dad a few months later.
      Also, I'm not OP. But this game and twin peaks put together ruins lives, I can confirm

      • 4 months ago

        *My sister

    • 4 months ago

      OP here, I'm just a big fan of both things yeah.

      When I was a child, I was playing link to the past on my Gameboy while my parents were watching twin peaks. I don't remember what started the argument but it was the first and last time I ever saw my dad hit my mom. She took me and her sister and left my dad a few months later.
      Also, I'm not OP. But this game and twin peaks put together ruins lives, I can confirm

      Sorry to hear that anon. Luckily I watched TP with both my parents back in the 90s, while also playing LA on my GB, really comfy memories. Didn't ruin my life quite the contrary.

  10. 4 months ago

    Not LA-related but playing EarthBound again recently made me think of Twin Peaks when this theme played

    Is it just me?


    • 4 months ago

      All the similarities are purely coincidental. I mean, the first game in the series came out before Twin Peaks and had already established that vibe. Plus Itoi only watched Twin Peaks sometime between Earthbound and Mother 3

      • 4 months ago

        Hmm but Itoi didn't compose the music for Mother 2.

  11. 4 months ago

    Reminder that posting the same thread over and over is schizo shit and if you think it legitimizes the information you are posting know that it does the opposite.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't see you complaining on all the various actually daily threads baiting for console wars, emu vs hardware, etc etc
      This thread is harmless, if it for some reason irks you, hide it. But again, strange you don't lash out on all the other actually schizo shitposting threads that make up more than then 50% of the board.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't mind this because he seems earnest in his replies and contemplations. Autistic, but harmless. Plus I find it kind of interesting

      I don't see you complaining on all the various actually daily threads baiting for console wars, emu vs hardware, etc etc
      This thread is harmless, if it for some reason irks you, hide it. But again, strange you don't lash out on all the other actually schizo shitposting threads that make up more than then 50% of the board.

  12. 4 months ago

    Why did Twin Peaks resonate so well with Japanese audiences compared to the states? It had a cult following here but in Japan it seemed like it was as big as The X-Files, arguably even moreso.

    • 4 months ago

      No joke, because each character was weird like in anime and the show also that 'denpa'/lolsorandumb vibe. So yeah, not even trying to meme here, Twin Peaks is anime as frick

  13. 4 months ago

    Someone should interview Koizumi or whoever else worked on LA and ask him about their encounter with Frost.
    If Frost actually meant the japanese guys and not some people from NoA (but considering the japanese were the TP fans...)

  14. 4 months ago

    Mr, Wright being a hikkikomori who exchanges love letters with the goat girl reminds me of that one character who was a hikki and had a house full of plants inside

    • 4 months ago

      What's this? The border thing I mean.
      Is that LA on a CRT?

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, looks like someone took a picture of LA on a Super GameBoy connected to a CRT.

        • 4 months ago


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