The old world was made to fail

The old world is a mathmatically designed scapegoat to kill fantasy battles forever and have it cast aside from warhammer's lasting history.
>Look we bought it back and it flopped (no releases for 3 months)
>Look at the amazing scripture about the old world (reprint books about the settings fiery deletion, not new books about the setting)
>keep the world ending as cannon, killing many casuals interest in the setting (could have just never mentioned end times as its so far away from the old world)
>mathematically chose the time period when casuals would be least interested in the game (8 years after vermintide, 7 years after total war warhammer, total war warhammer 3 was not well received as the series got staler and was full of factions nobody cares about)
>lead the games reveal by talking about the factions nobody cares about
>the factions that draw people in (empire, orcs, undead, skaven) are not given any publicity and in fact undead and skaven are legacy armies
>make the 2 WORST selling fantasy factions the only ones to get updated models and make them the face of the setting (what could go wrong)

They want people to stop talking about fantasy, to see it as a failed, of its time old fashioned failure, and to embrace their original setting, age of sigmar.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Age of Sigmar is just a better game overall, although the female Stormcast Eternals are moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      >although the female Stormcast Eternals are moronic.
      They are fine.
      >but muh wahmen
      Then don't play them, not every faction is meant to appeal to you.
      Just play any other faction.

      • 4 months ago

        >muh dieversity
        Imagine being such a homosexual you can only play a game if it fits within your ideology

        • 4 months ago

          >Imagine being such a homosexual you can only play a game if it fits within your ideology
          I'd ask if you realised the irony but I'd wager you have more chromosomes than brain cells so I think I know the answer already.

  2. 4 months ago

    >implying GW can stick to a plan

    • 4 months ago

      They've stuck to End Times and End Times 2: Electric Boogaloo (40k) pretty well

  3. 4 months ago

    Did you forget to take your meds again anon?

  4. 4 months ago

    >design TOW to fail
    >it doesn't
    >it turns out that rules, fluff and models designed to support a tabletop wargame make for a better tabletop wargame than ones designed to support a control-freak IP centered on worthless characters in highly derivative pastiche settings
    I just hope they embrace success instead of doubling down on trying to become Marvel and failing pathetically

    • 4 months ago

      Agree. I’m part of an entire batch of dudes from my FLGS who are busy getting our armies ready (despite the dogshit gw stocking).
      Right now we have:
      >Brayherds / Tomb Kings (me)
      >Wood Elfs / Chorfs
      >Warriors of Chaos
      >Vampire Counts
      For me, personally, I was poor when WHFB was a thing so it’s a really exciting time to get to at least touch a version of it with my friends and have some fun. We had been doing morheim but so many people became turbocompetitive archgays or super salty losers that that well dried up.

      • 4 months ago

        >We had been doing morheim but so many people became turbocompetitive archgays or super salty losers that that well dried up

        what makes you think that the exact same thing isn't going to happen to TOW.

        • 4 months ago

          It already is infected with the same "is this viable" AOS/40k bullshit, observably. The truth is most of the playerbase of GW don't want a wargame but Pokemon boss battles couched in a wargame setting.

  5. 4 months ago

    It would be funny if they tried to milk nostalgiagays dry and still underestimated them.
    More people feel the call of goblin green than ever since WFB ended. Once metal orcs hit the store, 'ere we go.
    >Verification not required.

  6. 4 months ago

    its just a fact WFB is superior to AoS

    • 4 months ago

      I like this theory simply because it is crazy, but I will not repeat it.

      They are both overrated. If you're over 29 you should be playing one historical wargame by now

      • 4 months ago

        Why can't you historical homosexuals understand that not everyone wants to play in a historical setting? That a large part of the appeal of Warhammer (and similar games) is the fantastical setting? I swear you guys are fricking dense. It's not that hard to understand. Not everyone wants to LARP as some Prussian general. I like history, a lot, but I don't want to fricking play historical tabletop. As a setting for a tabletop game I'm more interested in fantastical settings. I can't explain this any simpler to you. I hope you'll be able to understand, it's really quite a simple piece of information to digest.

        • 4 months ago

          This. I love playing Blood and Valor (Hapsburgs 4 lyfe) when I want to fight with bayonet and gun through the killing fields.
          I want to play warhammer to have my wizard shoot magic missiles from the back of a chariot at a giant ogre holding a cannon.
          It’s truly not that hard to understand.

        • 4 months ago

          >That a large part of the appeal of Warhammer (and similar games) is the fantastical setting?
          Most fantasy gays main defense of their dogshit rules and pun-based role is being historically realistic, so you are simply wrong, warhammer fantasy particularly exists specifically for people who should be playing Historicals, but are too moronic for them

          • 4 months ago

            >warhammer fantasy particularly exists specifically for people who should be playing Historicals, but are too moronic for them

            Based beyond belief

      • 4 months ago

        do the perry napoleonics have any support from a good napoleonic wargame in 28mm?

        The old world is a mathmatically designed scapegoat to kill fantasy battles forever and have it cast aside from warhammer's lasting history.
        >Look we bought it back and it flopped (no releases for 3 months)
        >Look at the amazing scripture about the old world (reprint books about the settings fiery deletion, not new books about the setting)
        >keep the world ending as cannon, killing many casuals interest in the setting (could have just never mentioned end times as its so far away from the old world)
        >mathematically chose the time period when casuals would be least interested in the game (8 years after vermintide, 7 years after total war warhammer, total war warhammer 3 was not well received as the series got staler and was full of factions nobody cares about)
        >lead the games reveal by talking about the factions nobody cares about
        >the factions that draw people in (empire, orcs, undead, skaven) are not given any publicity and in fact undead and skaven are legacy armies
        >make the 2 WORST selling fantasy factions the only ones to get updated models and make them the face of the setting (what could go wrong)

        They want people to stop talking about fantasy, to see it as a failed, of its time old fashioned failure, and to embrace their original setting, age of sigmar.

        I've been enjoying Old World. My FLGS usually has two tables of people playing every Friday-Saturday. And the discord server for the store is active enough that I can usually get a game in on the weekends. I've been able to take my Slaves to Darkness from Age of Sigmar and get a second game in with them. And that inspired me to buy a bunch of oldhammer Warriors of Chaos specifically for Old World.
        Personally, I think it's doing well. It's just about showing up at this point, and actually playing the game. If you can handle that, Old World will succeed.
        I see it as a game to accompany Age of Sigmar. A distinct retro game that will bring out the beardy guys to have fun with the newer crowd.

        • 4 months ago

          Weird question, use whatever rules you like. I quite enjoy General d'Armee by Reisswitz Press.

          Why can't you historical homosexuals understand that not everyone wants to play in a historical setting? That a large part of the appeal of Warhammer (and similar games) is the fantastical setting? I swear you guys are fricking dense. It's not that hard to understand. Not everyone wants to LARP as some Prussian general. I like history, a lot, but I don't want to fricking play historical tabletop. As a setting for a tabletop game I'm more interested in fantastical settings. I can't explain this any simpler to you. I hope you'll be able to understand, it's really quite a simple piece of information to digest.

          Ok manchild, keep ruining the game for young adults and teens by pricing them out and turning it into tourneygay shit. You took Lego from rhe poor little blighters...

  7. 4 months ago

    Honestly who even cares if it dies again. I say that as someone who exclusively loves WHF. We survived a decade without "official support" and realistically the more GW touch the IP of TOW/WHF the worse it'll get; more troony shit, more blacks, more Marvel style quips, more AoS centrepiece garbage models, etc. The fact they already legacy'd half of the armies and are trying to force-meme TKs and Brets is enough, nevermind the fact that dragons are incredibly OP and the new magic system sucks.

    I mean I'll play TOW and I'm sure I'll have fun with it but I won't be shedding a tear if GW drop support for it (again). 6th edition will live forever and if you need a change from that, WAP is always there. Though I highly, highly doubt that GW will drop support for TOW. The fact they brought it back in the first place is a subtle admission of failure; canning the game/setting AGAIN would be a double-fail. So yeah, stop dooming (or shit-stirring, whatever your agenda is) OP, TOW isn't going anywhere. For better or worse.

  8. 4 months ago

    I'd play it if they revamped the Helf line, but then again they'd probably frick it up.

    • 4 months ago

      Not much needs revamping. There's beautiful lords, captains, plastic for most things. Restocking is needed though.

  9. 4 months ago

    >>lead the games reveal by talking about the factions nobody cares about
    People have been talking about missing Brets and TKs since End Times ended, although I always put it down to just that 'grass is greener' feeling of having missed out since they were the two big factions that didn't get to cross the bridge to AoS. Looks like I was right
    Seriously, why the frick did they not just go Empire Vs Orcs?

  10. 4 months ago

    >Look we bought it back and it flopped (no releases for 3 months)
    Hasn't the game been out for like a month though?

  11. 4 months ago

    Meds, pronto.
    This shit is what happens when your base your entire personality on a persecution complex and then one day it just snaps.

  12. 4 months ago

    Don't forget filling the new BL (Boy Love) books with gays and women to chase off nostalgic oldgays.

    • 4 months ago

      >Bum Landings
      >Biafran Language
      >Bad e-girl
      >Brian Loughnane

      Yeah its all making sense now

  13. 4 months ago

    GW should just retcon the End Times and say it never happened.
    Have the TOW actually move forward unhindered by some gay chaos homosexualry is for the better.
    GW can just keep AoS around but just say it is some parallel timeline/universe or whatever.

    • 4 months ago

      End Times was the best thing to happen to Warhammer and GW was hinting toward it since forever, and had said as much that Chaos winning was inevitable for WHFB.

      • 4 months ago

        End times was good, ending the world wasn't and no they didnt hint it forever.
        In fact plenty of evidence suggested an edition after end times.
        Frick off with revisionism

        • 4 months ago

          >Frick off with revisionism
          Storm of chaos and Tamurkhan were supposed to be big re-visions of the setting, gw has been planing to reimagine fantasy for as long as Fantasy was irrelevant slog noone was playing (since 2000).

          Also, End times and Tamurkhan were really cool, had interesting lore, and campaign rules, the problem is Fantasy crowd never was made up of people who apreciate such things, all these morons ever did was "2 obscure 2 impass 2 forests" waacgay terrain

          • 4 months ago

            NTA ngl I liked ET game-wise. Lore-wise it wasn't good. Some characters were butchered by it, for example Malekith and Morathi being good out of sudden. Dark Elf would never ever ally themselves with HE. Hell, Malekith tried to destroy the fricking vortex, invaded Ulthuan at the side of fricking chaos warriors and unleashed daemons upon it.

            • 4 months ago

              Do people really use lore as anything except a guideline?

    • 4 months ago

      >TOW actually move forward

    • 4 months ago

      this, though I would use the opportunity to consolidate the pre-6th stuff that was cool and lost over the years

  14. 4 months ago

    The old world is just an excuse to bring the old models into production. As that, it succeeded. It was never intended as anything else. GW has always been a miniature over gameplay company, always will be, always stated it.

  15. 4 months ago

    I honestly didn't know it had came out. Have there been any new units? Is it square bases or more AoS geared rule set? Will I finally get my new fricking rats?

  16. 4 months ago

    The real world was also designed to fail.

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