The only good xcom right now. Can't wait for 2. I really digged the cold war aesthetic.

The only good xcom right now. Can't wait for 2.

I really digged the cold war aesthetic.

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  1. 2 years ago

    It sucks ass and the cold war aesthetic is a waste of fricking potential because you literally never do anything even remotely related to the Cold War like picking a side or getting helped by either the commies or HATO.

  2. 2 years ago

    >The only good xcom right now
    Did you forget about the originals?

  3. 2 years ago

    i like it, its my first xcom type game and i like the cold war aesthetic too.
    But 22.99 on steam is rally steep.
    Does it ever go on sale??

    • 2 years ago

      gog-games com

    • 2 years ago

      gog actually gave it away for free some time ago, you can go and download the gog version somewhere with a clean conscience

      • 2 years ago

        yeah, i have downloaded it, but the fricking thing keeps crashing.
        I don't even know if it is the latest game version

        gog-games com

        Its the same price in both stores

        • 2 years ago

          >Its the same price in both stores
          Did you even enter the one i linked?

          • 2 years ago

            I see.
            I usually get them form other pages, thanks though.

    • 2 years ago

      It's on sale right now on gog. 6 Bucks.

      • 2 years ago

        I got it for free and it wasn't worth

  4. 2 years ago

    >bring shields, throw flashbangs
    I think you confused x-com and police.

    • 2 years ago

      And its based, there is nothing better than breeching alien UFO hull, throwing bunch of flashbangs and smoke grenades inside and rushing 6 guys with riots shields and batons to beat up aliens senseless

      • 2 years ago

        Turns out that its better to bring back aliens alive for research and not damaging the ships to reverse engineer is better than outright killing them.
        >The plasma projectiles would be shot at a speed expected to be 3000 km/s in 1995 and 10,000 km/s (3% of the speed of light) by 2000. A shot has the energy of 5 pounds of TNT exploding. Doughnut-shaped rings of plasma and balls of lightning exploded with devastating thermal and mechanical effects when hitting their target and produced pulse of electromagnetic radiation that could scramble electronics, the energy would shower the interior of the target with high-energy x-rays that would potentially destroy the electronics inside.
        Hmm, Wouldn't the game be more fun if we actually fought alien with extremely destructive weapon right from the getgo?

        Why shouldn't X-Com use basic breach and clear principles?

        You guys miss main thing.
        Police's work is *suppress* humans - weak, soft creatures.
        And x-com's work is *fight* vs aliens - with different biology, different senses, psy-abilities etc.

        Why even flashbangs should work on enemy with psy-abilities?
        Why even tactical gear (include shields) should stop enemy guns or 200kg battle monster?
        It's all pure nonsense.

        • 2 years ago

          1, because game balance. Any depiction of aliens is nonsense from the get go because we have no basis in reality to compare to.
          2, because X-Com and Xenonauts go for understandable aliens. Through research we become able to comprehend and exploit their biology and technology. This generally necessitates that they are understandable to us, so the aliens trend towards mundane depictions rather than incredibly 'alien' depictions. So similar methods of sight, hearing, etc.
          3, better to have a shield than not, it represents desperation IMO. Clinging onto whatever you can to hopefully have a bit of protection against such advanced weaponry. Something the program should either grow out of, or develop into much more effective versions depending.

          • 2 years ago

            >because game balance, so bring shields, support grenades and knock aliens in melee is easies and safest way compare to have dedicated snipers and fire supports
            Yeah, i now. But it's still nonsense.

        • 2 years ago

          You make a good point. Game made a lot of assumptions there and just rolled with them lol

        • 2 years ago

          You also miss the thing, if aliens are so dangerous and Xcom is supposed to be such an epic spec ops organization then why they dont just deploy nerve agents in the first game?
          Why you cannot just napalm the whole landed ufo from far away wit mortars? Why when there is a city defense mission you cannot deploy with IFVs and air support?
          Because the game is abstracted, it doenst make sense, and bringing shields and clubs to a sci-fi fight is cool as frick

          • 2 years ago

            >nerve agents
            diffrent biology
            >napalm the whole landed ufo from far away wit mortars
            Space ship should must be able to withstand extreme temperatures and explosions. Also, since x-com deploy with small aircrafts, there's can be problems with carry and deploy mortairs.
            Any another pathetic excuses?

            • 2 years ago

              >Also, since x-com deploy with small aircrafts, there's can be problems with carry and deploy mortairs.
              Yeah, I mean there's no way a chinook would ever be able to carry a crew served weapon, there just isn't enough space, and the extra weight would exceed the maximum load.

              • 2 years ago

                >there just isn't enough space, and the extra weight would exceed the maximum load

                >>The CH-48 Charlie is a twin-rotor transport helicopter based on the reliable CH-47 Chinook. It serves the Xenonauts as a dropship, ferrying up to eight men and their equipment to combat zones almost anywhere in the world.
                >>The Charlie has been heavily modified for Xenonaut use. The operational range of the craft has been vastly increased, allowing it to reach almost any destination in the world on a single tank of fuel (it can also be refuelled mid-air if the local government are feeling sufficiently cooperative). It has also been fitted with heavier armour, as our strike teams are expected to "hot drop" into combat areas and may come under fire immediately - losing our dropship to ground fire during landing / the subsequent mission would hardly be ideal. Though necessary, this has unfortunately reduced the carrying capacity down to eight men.

              • 2 years ago

                Having a single helicopter that takes you anywhere in the world is either an abstraction for practical purposes (of multiple airbases and transferring flights) or science fiction.

                The chinook couldn't carry the amount of fuel it would need to travel even halfway around the world and even if it could it would be hopelessly slow compared to something like taking a jet most of the way.

        • 2 years ago

          >Why even flashbangs should work on enemy with psy-abilities?
          You do realise flashbangs do a lot more than just make a bright light?

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, it's also have sound, impact and etc.
            But flashbangs with all those things still need only for sensory overloading.
            Now, tell me how you can overload psyonic senses with fricking flashbang.
            Hell, psy-guys can even be totally blind and deaf, and it can explain why they have their psy-abilities.

            • 2 years ago

              Lets see how disorientated you are after I deafen you with a loud bang and rattle you with pressure.
              You've still got your eyes bro, you've still got one sense, what you getting all disoriented for

        • 2 years ago

          >ESL is soulless materialist
          >news at 11

        • 2 years ago

          >Why even tactical gear (include shields) should stop enemy guns or 200kg battle monster?
          Because riot shields stop at most 2 energy shots before breaking apart, then you unlock at the end game the good riot shields that stop...5 shots? plus your first armor sets are massive plates used to decrease the energy and heat from plasma then fall to the ground to avoid getting burned more than you should and call it a day.

          • 2 years ago

            >Because riot shields stop at most 2 energy shots before breaking apart
            >riot shields stop at most 2 energy shots
            >aliens so much moronic for bring in invasion weapon, which need 3 shots to get damage for target with even not bullet-proof shield
            Look like old 7.62x51/54mm ammo is unattainable level for this poor wildmans. How even they get their space travels?
            Just lmao.

    • 2 years ago

      Turns out that its better to bring back aliens alive for research and not damaging the ships to reverse engineer is better than outright killing them.
      >The plasma projectiles would be shot at a speed expected to be 3000 km/s in 1995 and 10,000 km/s (3% of the speed of light) by 2000. A shot has the energy of 5 pounds of TNT exploding. Doughnut-shaped rings of plasma and balls of lightning exploded with devastating thermal and mechanical effects when hitting their target and produced pulse of electromagnetic radiation that could scramble electronics, the energy would shower the interior of the target with high-energy x-rays that would potentially destroy the electronics inside.
      Hmm, Wouldn't the game be more fun if we actually fought alien with extremely destructive weapon right from the getgo?

    • 2 years ago

      Why shouldn't X-Com use basic breach and clear principles?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah it was fun.
      But I wish the optimal play wasn't to just use (non-harmful) chemical warfare.
      If I made one of these games I'd either make it so that you get told when there's a new thing to tag and bag (and you only need to do it once) or to make only one room in the UFO important (powerplant/energy core).

      >t. doesn't SWAT the ayylmaos whenever their parties get too loud

      It sucks ass and the cold war aesthetic is a waste of fricking potential because you literally never do anything even remotely related to the Cold War like picking a side or getting helped by either the commies or HATO.

      >I really digged the cold war aesthetic.
      Too bad it was completely unused in the gameplay. You couldnt even start with AK47 despite game taking place at the height of cold war

      >really digged the cold war aesthetic
      Imagine if it actually mattered though:
      NATO command starts its own force in secrecy, Pact nations start a separate one after activity increases in their lands. Your job is to navigate probing and preparing for the alien threat while also avoiding the Kremlin's eye lest you confirm their worst conspiracies about what the West is planning and ignite a hot war.

      You have to balance your development and operations both against the aliens and the clandestine Pact forces, eventually decided whether or not to force the matter and take them over hostilely or join together and cooperate against the looming menace.

      This is why I was so excited about Terra Invicta, but who knows if that will ever come out with half the goals they claimed to be aiming for.

      They could have done more but it was a nice enough backdrop.
      I'd prefer it to be a joint/international operation where you have to play "both sides" to not only expand bases in their areas but have access to manpower. So your soldiers and support staff would be one of four "nationalities", US, Soviet, Imperial (or Western Europe if post decolonisation), and Non-Aligned, the first 2 being most of your staff and the last 1 being immune to political boycotts where every so often you will be forced to upset one side such as with salvage rights, work contracts or public announcements.
      I'm not fond of just making X-COM partisan unless it's where you pick one of the superpowers and you're only expected to defend their lands until the game ramps up and you're granted the other side's base because they're shit at their jobs, like a natural tutorial.

  5. 2 years ago

    >I really digged the cold war aesthetic.
    Too bad it was completely unused in the gameplay. You couldnt even start with AK47 despite game taking place at the height of cold war

    • 2 years ago

      ik. such a missed opportunity. i think 2 is not doing cold war anymore...

      • 2 years ago

        Based dev admitting their mistakes

        • 2 years ago

          That's something I really appreciate with Xenonauts. Chris has been extremely transparent and honest with the game development process.

      • 2 years ago

        At least he admits it. Gives me hope for 2.

    • 2 years ago

      I modded in Easter block firearms and rushed second base
      I eventually made 3 teams operating from their own bases - USA+misc, Wester Europe and Soviet
      Was pretty fun, wish I had a reason to do that besides roleplay.

      • 2 years ago

        sounds great

  6. 2 years ago

    Is Xenonauts 2 vaporware? I swear this game was supposed to come out 5 years ago, but it's still in development. A shame too, I really enjoyed the first game, even though it lacks a lot of content from original XCOM.

  7. 2 years ago

    Wrong, it's the only decent X-COM being worked on today that's not a mod for Open, but it's not a good XCOM at all. I'll never understand why people don't think there's room enough for XCOM and X-COM - they're really different.

    1 had a lot of faults. I'm glad they realized they were going a bad direction and basically scrapped 2 before restarting work on it, and I'm eager to see what they do.

  8. 2 years ago

    >really digged the cold war aesthetic
    Imagine if it actually mattered though:
    NATO command starts its own force in secrecy, Pact nations start a separate one after activity increases in their lands. Your job is to navigate probing and preparing for the alien threat while also avoiding the Kremlin's eye lest you confirm their worst conspiracies about what the West is planning and ignite a hot war.

    You have to balance your development and operations both against the aliens and the clandestine Pact forces, eventually decided whether or not to force the matter and take them over hostilely or join together and cooperate against the looming menace.

    This is why I was so excited about Terra Invicta, but who knows if that will ever come out with half the goals they claimed to be aiming for.

    • 2 years ago

      i wish to play as Soviets against american MiB

      • 2 years ago

        Same here, maybe when Xenonauts 2 finally comes out ill make a mod just for that

        • 2 years ago

          > when Xenonauts 2 finally comes out
          Xenonauts 1 came out 10 years ago. I don't understand how a studio can put out nothing for 10 years and remain operational.

          • 2 years ago

            I've waited for Bannerlord. I'm hoping we are nearing the release... eventually. Nu-xcom is simplistic to me.

            • 2 years ago

              >I've waited for Bannerlord

              • 2 years ago

                Frick that looks like fun, shame my toaster can't run it.

              • 2 years ago

                can't run warband?
                truly a toaster

            • 2 years ago

              >I've waited for Bannerlord
              Don't even get me fricking started
              >Fix minor bugs
              >Break something
              >Fix minor bugs
              >Remove gameplay
              >Fix minor bugs
              >Javelins are now worth 40,000
              What the frick are these dirty fricking turks even doing?
              Just release your shit already and let modders fix your fricked game you wankers.

  9. 2 years ago

    >play game
    >have a ton of fun
    >literally unable to down an alien ship
    >eventually lose all my funding and brick my save by losing jets everytime an alien arrives
    >repeat 4 times
    i'm about to play this game for a 5th time. i'm an rpg grug so what the frick do i do when it's time to deal with aliens on my own? I can never get them to crash

    • 2 years ago

      unable to down an alien ship
      how is this possible? what are you (not) doing in the air combat minigame?

  10. 2 years ago

    OG XCOM had soul in so many ways that Xenonauts lacked. The blurry pixel art, non-flash looking animations, MIDI+ sound track, bizarre base designs, 3D terrains with flying aliens ambushing you from some tree, it all had a great horror feeling.
    Xenonauts just felt too clean, too crisp, too smooth. I doubt anyone can truly remake OG XCOM. The soundtrack alone was just so perfect.

    • 2 years ago

      I play Xenonauts because I can't deal with the interface of the original. Xenonauts is the closest thing to the original I know and plus I really liked the 'realistic' feel to Xenonauts instead of the blatant star wars/marvel stuff in xcom 2

      • 2 years ago

        play open x com

      • 2 years ago

        Does anyone remember the spawn comic where the cyber punk gangs have a rumble and they have all this high tech weaponry? OG xcom is going for that look. I was 14 at the time so it was right in my wheelhouse

      • 2 years ago

        is it strange for me to like the capeshit in og xcom more than the reboot

        • 2 years ago

          There wasn't any?
          Everyone dresses up like the X-Men if the uniform was purple but you're using guns and quickly transition to being space marines in bomb suits.

          • 2 years ago

            >he doesn't know about the long tradition of tacticool cape shit
            Modern capeshit is not the whole of it.

            The issue is that it's actually your firing score added up, not an actual percentage. Remove the percentage and it will make more intuitive sense to you.


            Fascinating. They should have worded this better in game or expounded upon it in the manual. Calling it accuracy rating or grouping rating instead of chance to hit.
            The more I read about the voxel set up and internal 3d engine the more impressed I am by X-com. To think he went on to make that firaxis meets amplitude tier game.
            Any thoughts on that one by the way lads. Seems a bit too over wrought for my tastes

            • 2 years ago

              What, Phoenix Point? Excellent design doc ruined by Bulgarians. It's just good enough to ruin XCOM 2 for you if you get into it, but not good enough to actually be good.

              • 2 years ago

                >but not good enough to actually be good

              • 2 years ago

                I have over a thousand hours in it. AMA.

              • 2 years ago

                Should I buy it if I love the original '94 Xcom?

              • 2 years ago


                You won't necessarily like it, it's very janky, but it has a solid core and is quite enjoyable if you got really mad at nuCOM's hit percentage system.

                It has a ballistics system instead. Think Valkyria Chronicles for the interface.

            • 2 years ago

              >the long tradition of tacticool cape shit
              Anon at some point if you start calling everything capeshit, it's not even about capes anymore.

              • 2 years ago

                >shield isn't capeshit
                >cable isn't capeshit
                >leifield isn't cape shit
                Bruh. I'll admit the first anon specified capeshit where he could have specified comics but those aesthetics are alive and well in cape shit, especially the Xtreme 90s stuff. From the leotard all the way up to the techno suits.

              • 2 years ago

                >where he could have specified comics
                I would have accepted this without batting an eye.
                I just think of Ganker having a meltdown over gay brown women or tie ins when I read the word capeshit, and that only really modern capeshit even attempts to be like pulp Sc-Fi comics... in specific line ups like Ultimate... and the rest are just two OCs fighting, one using neon beams and the other fists.

        • 2 years ago

          It's pseudo-capeshit sci-fi vs pseudo-sci-fi capeshit

  11. 2 years ago

    Redpill me on this game
    It's a newer old xcom game?
    Is it good for a complete newbie like myself to try it or should I try something else?

  12. 2 years ago

    What mod or mods would you guys recommend if I want to get a more in-depth experience?
    Like a Vanilla+ or something.

    • 2 years ago

      Xenonauts Community Edition

    • 2 years ago

      Community Edition is the only mod worth playing, since it's a megamod that adds a lot of new features and bugfixes. Don't listen to anyone who tells you to play X-Division, because it's shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >Community Edition
        I can't even remember what vanilla plays like

      • 2 years ago

        What's so bad about x-division. Currently playing community and lieking it.

  13. 2 years ago

    Xenochads even Russian pirates are making fun out or vaporware kino

  14. 2 years ago

    Oh hey I was literally thinking about making a thread about this game asking what went wrong. From what I've seen of it, it should have been a hit. But my understanding is 2 is vapor ware, and the original is still buggy and prone to crashes almost 10 years on. Is the game just shallow and repetitive? Why didn't it make a bigger splash? Was it before its time?

    • 2 years ago

      its boring and chore to play

      • 2 years ago

        Was that not the intention? It's a ufo defense clone

        • 2 years ago

          its somewhat worse than it

        • 2 years ago

          But Ufo defense is fun and a joy to play

        • 2 years ago

          Despite being a clone, it lacks the tactical depth of UFO defense simply because you cannot destroy the village to save it.

      • 2 years ago

        It's fun in the first missions where everyone gets a shotgun, grenades and a stick of C4
        Becomes more tedious in later missions

    • 2 years ago

      It could have been a really great game, but did not capitalize on its scenerios(alien invasion, cold war time, poor modding community, ect.) It could have been such a great but feels incomplete, just like most indie games. Xenonauts 2 should have hostile human forces, alien sabotages, alien guns should be disgustingly strong, it should have a customizable armor, weapons, aircraft, ammo, and tanks. It should have plenty of maps, night and day, weather(sandstorms, hurricanes, snowstorms.) It should have water bases, artic bases, mountain bases. Aliens shouldn't have one hit kills on tanks or anything but they should deal great damage late game. And most importanly, it should have an avatar for selfinserters. Anything less and the game will fail.

      • 2 years ago

        >it should have an avatar for selfinserters
        I wouldn't even go that far I think it just needed more customisation for ya troops
        like yeah there's a bit but I can't just stick my family and friends in the game and cuss them out irl when they frick up like I can with Battle Brothers, XCOM, or even Darkest Dungeon to a degree
        this was really driven home to me by playing The Last Spell recently, where the customisation was fine in terms of scope, but tedious long term with no way to add people to the pool or save them as prebuilts without saving them in a .txt and copypasting them at least, which is still tedious on run start
        I really do think that's one of the big keys to nu-com's success overall

    • 2 years ago

      >Why not a hit?
      It was a heavily copied XCOM without the soul of the original series, with some neat bells and whistles (like air combat) tossed in.
      I played it a good bit, but found it less enjoyable than the original game. Having new maps was nice, but they should've leaned into that a lot more and given a far wider array of assets and map types and variety. In the end, the maps felt almost as repetitive and unvaried as the original's set. That was 50% of the reason to play an XCOM clone.
      Also they couldn't figure out 3D terrain for some reason. A game made 10 years ago had worse tech than one made 25+ years ago...
      Polished graphics (not necessary and detracted from the soul of the experience) and "new!" was all they had going for them.

      Basically, OG XCOM was a perfect game for its day, and Xenonauts was a mixed indie game for its day that couldn't live up to the original beyond adding some QoL stuff and better mod support.

      • 2 years ago

        I will not say Xenonauts is a good game or even a good X-COM clone, but I want you to know that X-COM was an absurd game that had an entire 3D engine under the hood to properly simulate cover and ballistics.

        • 2 years ago

          Speaking of, can someone explain this. I kept looking into what the hit%s actually meant in open-x and people just kept saying it was percentage to hit the exposed target so nothing else mattered.
          That makes it sound like cover and ballistics are completely fricking worthless.

          • 2 years ago

            In simple terms, it is deviation from path to target. So if you can't actually hit the target from your position, even with 100% hit-chance you will not hit.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, this means that even with a 100% (or greater) chance to hit, at very long range, there is always a possibility to miss an exposed target.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, this means that even with a 100% (or greater) chance to hit, at very long range, there is always a possibility to miss an exposed target.

              These two statements are incongruent. Range doesn't make a target impossible to hit.
              The initial statement implies it measures some kind of trigonometry deviation from the path between the exposed enemy (assuming the enemy is exposed). This would mean, unless the enemy is completely obstructed you should hit 100% of the time if they are exposed in anyway. Maybe the exposed stuff is wrong and it targets the center of the voxel where the target is most exposed? That would mean deviation would be advantageous if only a small part of them is exposed and 100% or more is no longer a guaranteed shot at any range.
              The second statement is just fricking moronic because it implies that range adds deviation inherently as opposed to revealing deviation due to the relative distance between shooter and target making deviance more apparent.
              This is why I moved to Xenonauts of a little while (still intend to go back to open) - I fricking hate when things aren't properly explained. Same thing with people explaining how smoke works in open. Just gibberish without any actual math.

              • 2 years ago

                The issue is that it's actually your firing score added up, not an actual percentage. Remove the percentage and it will make more intuitive sense to you.


    • 2 years ago

      Coming from a guy that loves the original Xcom-games, Xeno just isn't that fun to play. I booted it up and was immediately dissapointed by the soulless corporate-tier graphics. But fine, graphics aren't everything (but they do severely impact the atmosphere of the game, of which there is basically none). But then I played it and kept being sniped from out of my line of sight on every map, had aliens walk right into my squads, shooting, then walking back without reaction fire (I had set up a prepared ambush), and I got the sense that the aliens knew where I was all the time and kept trying to attack my rear even when it would make no logical sense for them to know which way my troops were turned (or where they were hiding).

      • 2 years ago

        >graphics aren't everything (but they do severely impact the atmosphere of the game, of which there is basically none)
        > yfw Remnants of the precursors
        what that demented boomer was thinking

      • 2 years ago

        Xenonauts went for the realistic art style. Which is very different from cartoon nuxcom and the oldie artstyle of the original. And I personally wish XCOM in general went for a more grounded setting.

        Like this guy looks way menacing than alot xcom enemies ive seen.

        • 2 years ago

          Sevillans are the only ones who look "decent" tho.
          Caesar salads are just greys
          The Autists act like robots
          The robots are too humanoid that they don't feel alien at all
          Wraiths are just frogs with big heads
          Praetors literally shit themselves if capture
          And the Chryssalid-copy feels like 40k Tyranid reject

        • 2 years ago

          I don't agree. I think the graphical style can best be described as corporate, like something you'd see in a McDonalds game or something. Extremely bland.

          • 2 years ago

            McDonalds XCOM when

        • 2 years ago

          Hard disagree. All I see when I look at that doofus is pic related. The enemy design in general is bad.

          • 2 years ago

            This. The enemy design is very uninspired overall. Look at the fricking grays man, they look like nerds at a star-trek convention wearing alien halloween-masks.

            • 2 years ago

              >remember that humans can wear dark glasses and red t shirts
              I dunno why i started a small laugh from reading that.

        • 2 years ago

          >Realistic art style
          It's repackaged straightlaced midcentury schlock with Apple aesthetics.
          The definition of modern corporate soullessness. The opposite of horror.
          The original was sort of 90s cape schlock, reminiscent of GI Joe or Batman Returns mixed with 50s B movies, but with intense horror vibes and a dark, oppressive feeling. While its art style wasn't revolutionary for its day, it also wasn't in line with corporate advertising designs, and it did actually fit the themes and vibe of an alien invasion game (including sound design, which Xenonauts fumbled just as hard), and it did have some sort of stylization.
          It doesn't hold up so well 28 years on, but for the mid 90s it was high tier pixel art with some unique designs (DOOM's were definitely better on both counts).

          Xenonauts: Extremely generic enemies. The snakemen didn't even slither, they had legs with a dino tail.
          The pic doesn't even look menacing, the look in the alien's eyes is more like dull staring than menacing.
          It's like they took all of the alien designs of the original and asked "how can we make this as bland as possible?"
          Sure, the art quality is higher than anyone could expect from a low budget indie, but the entire art/sound direction of the game was totally misaligned and uninspired.

          • 2 years ago

            I think it looks fine. Good even, for what it is.
            It's not some masterpiece or passion project nor is it a triple A polished product. It's just an autismo 'true indi' project. Look at the art style of Shadow Empires on release. You just hate Sovl, little artgay. The art merely needs to be serviceable. It's the game itself that matters.

            • 2 years ago

              The problem is that the artstyle of the game severely lacks soul

  15. 2 years ago

    This looks interesting, anything I should know before picking it up?

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing, jump on it
      get your ass kicked, and come back

    • 2 years ago

      >anything I should know
      Look over your shoulder

  16. 2 years ago

    Xenonauts was my first X-COM-like.

    I played the originals afterwards.

    Trust me, it's not as good as the originals.

  17. 2 years ago

    OP here. Still stand by saying this is a good remake of the original xcom.

    • 2 years ago

      It's faithful, just lackluster. Good for a playthrough or two, certainly. I'd rather rerererereplay og xcom than return to xeno though.

    • 2 years ago

      I will call you a moron

    • 2 years ago

      It's basically a less soulful clone.

  18. 2 years ago

    Anyone here play the After[blank] series?
    Am currently starting up the second one.
    They're real time with pause, not turn based, but they're pretty inspired by xcom.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, I've played all 3 and they are really good. Well, they are janky, but somehow they press all the right buttons for me.

    • 2 years ago

      I am playing afterlight
      the one with limited crew on mars
      its shit, like seriously, its shit

  19. 2 years ago


    Ufo aftermath, aftershock, afterlight

    • 2 years ago

      Anyone here play the After[blank] series?
      Am currently starting up the second one.
      They're real time with pause, not turn based, but they're pretty inspired by xcom.

      Having looked into it I can't say I'm too compelled to play them but I am interested in your opinion on them. Care to share?

      • 2 years ago

        They're xcom offshoots that have real time combat with pause on demand. If you've ever seen a Total War game, it's basically like that.
        Hit percentages don't matter because you're shooting fairly often.
        Here are some out of order random things about Aftermath, which is the only one I completed so far :
        *Setting is a post-apocalypse. Rather than invading the earth with cover-based-shooting, the aliens launch a bioweapon that kills most of the people, and turns the majority of the rest into horrific, last of us style zombie monsters.
        *"Xcom" starts out as a ridiculously understaffed and underpowered military project. No buying rookies, you only have basic earth guns to fight with.
        *There are only 2 types of enemies. The "transgenants", the mutated monsters that roam the maps, and the Greys.
        * The aliens do not frick around in this game. They have extremely high tech weapons from the get-go, wear biotech armor that gives them shielding, get psy-guns later.
        *Base building does not exist. You only pick between the base type: military, engineering and research
        *air combat is RNG only. You literally can't do anything whilst it's happening.
        *You can research and use a lot of crazy alien guns like automatic railguns, warp-guns that phase through armor, mobile deployable plasma turrets.Or you can finish the entire game using human tacticool realistic weaponry. The game has a plethora of damage types to exploit, and "tech levels" are only vague, not enforced.
        *The game has a plot with a rather grim twist halfway through. Without spoilers , I can describe the gameplay effect as...similar to the Avatar Project countdown in Xcom 2. But a lot more dangerous.

      • 2 years ago

        They're xcom offshoots that have real time combat with pause on demand. If you've ever seen a Total War game, it's basically like that.
        Hit percentages don't matter because you're shooting fairly often.
        Here are some out of order random things about Aftermath, which is the only one I completed so far :
        *Setting is a post-apocalypse. Rather than invading the earth with cover-based-shooting, the aliens launch a bioweapon that kills most of the people, and turns the majority of the rest into horrific, last of us style zombie monsters.
        *"Xcom" starts out as a ridiculously understaffed and underpowered military project. No buying rookies, you only have basic earth guns to fight with.
        *There are only 2 types of enemies. The "transgenants", the mutated monsters that roam the maps, and the Greys.
        * The aliens do not frick around in this game. They have extremely high tech weapons from the get-go, wear biotech armor that gives them shielding, get psy-guns later.
        *Base building does not exist. You only pick between the base type: military, engineering and research
        *air combat is RNG only. You literally can't do anything whilst it's happening.
        *You can research and use a lot of crazy alien guns like automatic railguns, warp-guns that phase through armor, mobile deployable plasma turrets.Or you can finish the entire game using human tacticool realistic weaponry. The game has a plethora of damage types to exploit, and "tech levels" are only vague, not enforced.
        *The game has a plot with a rather grim twist halfway through. Without spoilers , I can describe the gameplay effect as...similar to the Avatar Project countdown in Xcom 2. But a lot more dangerous.

        Here's a let's play you can skim through to see if you might enjoy it

        I am playing afterlight
        the one with limited crew on mars
        its shit, like seriously, its shit

        I'm only at aftershock, but I too was kinda put off by afterlight just by the art style. It's "low talent pixar" with exaggerated proportions

        • 2 years ago

          Forgot to yt link cause i'm brainded :
          The let's play :

  20. 2 years ago

    I kind of like the shield concept but it should be something that comes in mid game made from alien alloys. Early game UFO should involve humans vaporizing when sneezes at by aliens

    • 2 years ago

      I thought shields were goofy. But like some another anon said, they are really fun to use with stun batons

  21. 2 years ago

    shit wasnt too buggy, but holy frick did those bugs run me the wrong way

  22. 2 years ago

    Interesting looking game, what's the catch?

    • 2 years ago

      It's never getting released.

  23. 2 years ago

    I like nuXCOM 2 but I want something a little more involved with a slower progression and higher skill cap, and I was thinking of getting Phoenix point with the humble choice this month. Should I just try out some original XCOM mods instead? I enjoyed XCOM 2 as a set of spectacles you got to see over a campaign but playing through it on long war or on legendary felt like it'd be a huge chore. I'm not sure it'd be worth the time investment once you've seen all the aliens and what all the buttons do, and redoing the alien rulers seems like it'll suck. I played a decent chunk of piratez but I ruined my first run and never got around to doing a second, good fun but a bit much for me on a first try.

    • 2 years ago

      >long war or on legendary felt like it'd be a huge chore
      >time investment once you've seen all the aliens and what all the buttons do
      Stick to mobile games. OG XCOM and Xenonauts are not for you.

    • 2 years ago

      >I like firaxiscom, should I actually try playing real videogames
      That's a big step bud.

  24. 2 years ago

    I loved it with the Xenophobia mod. It felt really cool early game where your ops are running in jackals armed with FALsAKs and the upgraded earth firearms later on. Although I tend to drop all my runs in any x-com-like game around the early middle stage. The amount of UFOs and missions is becoming too overwhelming for me. X-Com Files felt the worst because of this, I didn't even manage to get to the D-Day of alium invasion. Cleaning whole military bases of collaborating insurgents and Serious Sam tier safaris of mutant-monster-zombie hunts evaporate all the will to move on. With this I always stopped right before Promotion III lacking a single research to unlock it. Same happened with Xenonauts around the time when your cover most the planet with bases, unlock advanced interceptors and start slapping UFOs like mosquitos.
    On the other hand I really like all the researches that become available around this stage. So I end up time skipping in favor of reading research articles just to lose because of low rating or enemies becoming over buffed for me. I wish there was a button for either auto battle or a research to outsource such stuff to local govs for a little paycheck or simply stop punishing the player for ignoring "minor" operations at some point.
    In the end I feel like a casual not because haven't managed to put up with combat or economic difficulty but because I have lacked the expected stubbornness to tolerate the repetitiveness.

    • 2 years ago

      >that pic
      All I see is that dumb cop guy from half life lol

    • 2 years ago

      X-COM Files legit has a huge pacing issue. I love the idea of it and what they're going for, but they end up not learning the lessons from X-COM. It's kind of sad that a coom mod is unironically the best improvement on the classic formula, but so it goes.

      I haven't tried the Xenophobia mod for Xenonauts, but eh, I'll give it a shot. I am tired of replaying LWotC at this point.

      • 2 years ago

        >huge pacing issue
        Reminded me of this

  25. 2 years ago

    I want to play modded Xenonauts, should I get Xenophobia or X-Division? How good are those mods compared to XCom Files?

    • 2 years ago

      X-division is long war of xenonauts and hard

    • 2 years ago

      Xenophobia, its an older mod but doesnt suffer from excessive bloat and lack of assets/sprites like X-division.

      • 2 years ago

        Hmm. I'm trying to win on community edition first. I'm wondering if I will go X-Division afterwards or Xneophobia.

  26. 2 years ago

    The Xenonauts forum is down, how am I supposed to download the Community Edition mod?

    • 2 years ago

      Steam workshop, but then you gotta pay.

      • 2 years ago

        pay for what?

        X-COM Files legit has a huge pacing issue. I love the idea of it and what they're going for, but they end up not learning the lessons from X-COM. It's kind of sad that a coom mod is unironically the best improvement on the classic formula, but so it goes.

        I haven't tried the Xenophobia mod for Xenonauts, but eh, I'll give it a shot. I am tired of replaying LWotC at this point.

        >coom mod
        you mean piratez? Tried it once but there is like a million things on the beginning of the game, it really put me off.

        I'm playing hardmode right now, but frick me, it is super hard while the original x-com felt way too easy for me.

        Also, anyone who hates xcom2 has shite taste, yeah the game is consolized af but I still like for what it is.

        • 2 years ago

          Who said anything about hating XCOM2?

  27. 2 years ago

    It seems that all the aliens are now equipped with shields, making rifles/pistols useless
    Would it be a good idea to give every single soldier a rocket launcher or an HMG? I also just tried the flamethrower and I'm tempted to go hard with 8 fast flametroopers and delete everything in 2 turns

  28. 2 years ago

    I really can't get over how bland the art style is, I'm sorry. Whenever I look at a screenshot I think that it looks like a mock-up from the devs instead of the actual thing itself.

    Does it meaningfully improve upon openXCOM? Apart from the new intercept mechanics, which do indeed look cool.

    • 2 years ago

      the blandness is what sells the game anon. just traditional xcom. no modernization or anything of the sort

      • 2 years ago

        No you don't get it. Traditional XCOM had a fricking style. And not just because it was limited by the tech of the time, the designs, art, and aesthetic all had its own unique flavor. When I look at Xenonauts, I don't see a unique flavor, I just see extremely bland art.

        Don't get me wrong, the game could definitely still be great, but looking at it makes me not want to play it. Maybe I'll get over that someday

    • 2 years ago

      Why do the graphics matter? It's the gameplay. Xenonauts has good gameplay and very nice air war mechanics that no other xcom-like has achieved.

      I will agree the artstyle is alittle to artifical and going for the realist approach. But if that stops you from playing the game, you are really missing out.

      • 2 years ago

        The distinction between graphics and artstyle really needs to be made here. Graphics I don't give a shit about, considering I highly enjoy the original X-COM. The artstyle is what I care about.

        I agree that I'm probably missing out on a great game though. I'm the same way with Slay the Spire, fricking hate the artstyle even though I've heard the gameplay is great. Maybe I'll get over it someday

        • 2 years ago

          oh yeah dude STS is frickin tops
          I haven't really played it in a year or so but it was a daily driver since release before that
          unironically what helped me stomach the art better is enabling "playtest art" in the options, which is much rougher but absolutely chock full of soul

        • 2 years ago

          >The distinction between graphics and artstyle really needs to be made here

          This. The graphics are fine, objectively better than the original Xcom games. The artstyle, which adds a whole lot to the atmosphere of the game, is beyond bland. Some decisions are just objectively bad and baffling (that they chose to make the soldiers look like janitors with the light-blue fabric uniforms and contruction helmets, the alien designs are generally bad, etc), others are more hard to pin-point but are probably a result of the above problems but strewn all around the game in the art-style (I can't shake the feeling that the game looks like some lifeless corporate architectural plan)

  29. 2 years ago

    The steam sale is here and I have 1 question
    Should I get this or xcom:enemy unknown as a complete beginner to these types of games?

    • 2 years ago

      Definitely XCOM:EU
      Get Enemy Within while you're at it

      • 2 years ago

        They're both beginner friendly, I would just go with whatever one you look the look of more. You might as well play Enemy Within rather than Enemy Unknown though (it's the same game, just with extra content).


        Just play OpenX and pirate Xeno

        can't be bothered fricking with clunky shit anymore
        >inb4 zoomer
        don't care

        • 2 years ago

          >WHICH ONE IS IT
          Enemy Within is literally just Enemy Unknown + an expansion & some extra gameplay features, there's no reason to play EU over EW.

          • 2 years ago

            I was asking whether I should get XCOM or Xenonauts

            • 2 years ago

              XCOM if you never played other turn based tactics
              Xenonauts if you played original X-com, liked it and want to play a modern game following the same formula

              • 2 years ago

                So XCOM it is then

              • 2 years ago

                So I should just not play EU and go for EW?

            • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      They're both beginner friendly, I would just go with whatever one you look the look of more. You might as well play Enemy Within rather than Enemy Unknown though (it's the same game, just with extra content).

    • 2 years ago

      Just play OpenX and pirate Xeno

  30. 2 years ago

    >Gets mogged by the original XCOM games
    >Gets mogged by XCOM 2's moddability and accessibility
    There's literally no reason to play Xenonauts

    • 2 years ago

      No shit, it was basically 1 guy passion project.
      But you just wait, Xenonauts 2 is gonna surpass Xcom and wipe the floor with fireaxies "xcom" games for simpletons

      • 2 years ago

        >first game doesn't do voxel physics
        I don't think so - and I like Xeno. Unless he remakes xcom from the ground up technically then iterates from there it's just more autismo project stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        >But you just wait, Xenonauts 2 is gonna surpass Xcom and wipe the floor with fireaxies "xcom" games for simpletons

  31. 2 years ago

    >I really digged the cold war aesthetic.
    Do I get to enjoy it and shoot aliens with conventional human weaponry or does it quickly devolve into everyone having ray guns and shooting plasma everywhere, completely ditching the aesthetic by mid game.

  32. 2 years ago

    I started my first Xenonauts game on Xenophobia Insane after reading this thread, took a while to get all the legacy stuff needed (shit's from 2014 from god's sake)

    And it's pretty fun... except for the numbers balance.
    Here's me maybe 7 days from start taking on my 3rd UFO of something like 15 NOT!mutons with grenades and plasma and my team is made up of... 6 guys with no armor, weilding 5.56 and 7.62 ballistics and a WW2-era armored car (now blown)

    In what moronic world will aliens invade earth and so regularly outnumber the 5.5 billion inhabitants who are their with their clowncar ships? What organization facing an unknown alien enemy armed with vastly superior technology look at a team smaller than what LAPD would send to take out 1 active shooter, and think 'yeah, that's enough, send them in.'
    Why can I only take so few people to assault this medium scout when It's so obviously a threat, I rushed building a 5th hangar, chinook, and 2nd team so I can have 2x the firepower for big ships at least?

    Why can't I do my oldCom tactics of rookie human wave blaster soakers and stun baton martyrs?

    It seems they took the spirit and game systems of oldCom but decided on taking the arbitrary tactical-arcade balance of nuCom, without even a sensible narrative reason like infiltration to justify it. Which is pretty fricking gay and stupid; if the player chooses to invest significant campaign resources to take 2 choppers to the alien site, there shouldn't be some magical barrier or limit that only allows him to take 1. Also, frick these shitty modded ridley scott aliens leaving their immune-to-5.56 eggs fricking everywhere.

  33. 2 years ago

    So... uh... are these immune-to-7.62, +44 regen per turn, unkillable mega-chrysalids supposed to appear on mission 4?

    • 2 years ago

      Ur fricked

    • 2 years ago

      that's a big lad

  34. 2 years ago

    And now I'm getting corvettes filled with tough, grenade-lobbing war robots on September 20

    Something seems off about the balance in Xenophobia 1.5

    If I'm getting all this new, really hard-to-counter stuff already in the first month, what's gonna happen in the next 11 months?

  35. 2 years ago

    Can I control interceptors?

  36. 2 years ago

    I heckin' love my heckin' AA-12

    No homosexual lasurs for me, no sir

    • 2 years ago


  37. 2 years ago

    >Spend most of September and most of my scientists convincing the US government to supply the good shit, F15 eagles and sparrows instead of the shitty-ass F17 condor trainers and sidewinders you start with
    >Start fricking the aliens hard with BVRAAM
    I don't think I'm even gonna research any of the fanfiction fighters at this point. Just gonna get me more F15s

  38. 2 years ago

    I just let a ufo get to close to my base and they invaded my main. my aircraft were still rearming...

    i lost like half of my grunts. rockets saved me. wtf. might have to restart my run since it was kinda crippling.

  39. 2 years ago

    >finally get to railfuns after fully decking plasma weaponry on my base
    >suddenly rest of the world is giving laser weaponry to normal soldiers and cops

    NOICE, i legit once saw a random soldier use the laser lmg to kill 3 aliens, sadly i wasnt able to reach the stairs that lead to his back to protect his window on the second floor of a house.

  40. 2 years ago

    how do I use a medpack?

    • 2 years ago

      equip in primary slot and "fire" at wounded or downed soldier. Pretty straightforward

  41. 2 years ago

    how do you do, fellow xcoomers?

  42. 2 years ago

    is there a good co-op campaign in any of the games?

    • 2 years ago

      Someone made a co-op mod for XCOM 2. Don't know how well it works though.

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