The only playable Hearts of Iron game

The only playable Hearts of Iron game

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    HoI 3 Is infinitely better
    >Actual OOB's
    >More provinces
    >AI can control army's/groups
    >better economy
    >Better ui and map
    >Naval battles more realistic
    I can go on. Don't get me wrong Darkest hour is kino and better than hearts of shit 4 but HoI 3 with the downfall mod is just perfect mix of realism and gameplay unlike black ice where its non stop clicking through 1000 event pop ups and dont even get me started on the god awful music.

    • 2 years ago

      hoi3 has too much autistic micromanagement, there's a reason it kind of gets "skimmed over" between 2 and 4

      • 2 years ago

        >hoi3 has too much autistic micromanagement, there's a reason it kind of gets "skimmed over" between 2 and 4
        Smooth-brain take.

      • 2 years ago

        The only people who skip 3, especially in favour of 4, are complete brainlets. And I'm not even being snide here. There is some argument to be had on virtues of DH vs. 3, but it boils down to preferable playstyles and game mechanics, rather than level of autism needed.

        • 2 years ago

          That's a lot of brainlets, considering how before HOI4 came out everyone who wanted their WWII fix played Darkest Hour instead of HOI3.

          • 2 years ago

            >Source: trust me, bro

        • 2 years ago

          HoI3 is too tedious for me or I'm too autistic for it, just can't have long term fun with it.
          As an example, you can't tell the game the naming convention for units and how they are assigned. So it's infantry division one of corps two and not division 326 and that's ignoring my brigade naming autism.
          Every time I spend the entire game just organizing.

          >boils down to preferable playstyles and game mechanics
          Yeah feels that way for me too. DH has a lot less warfare and more state building going for it.

          >Is the system shit
          >or is it still shit
          How is it even a question?

          The new supply system is pants on head moronic. The gist of it
          >AII doesn't understand the system at all
          >AI doesn't expand supply infrastructure at al, unless via focuses
          >AI doesn't value supplies at all, nor supply routes or hubs
          >Purpose-build rail with purpose-build trains (which you have to research!) carries supplies
          >Infrastructure of the state is just a modifier to how efficient it is
          >Supplies can only be distributed from purpose-build supply hubs (no supply depos), which are near impossible to build once the war starts
          >Supplies themselves are an abstract resource, which is always produced automatically in sufficient quantity and can't run out of, but the transport capacity is the choke-point for it
          >Supply requirements of units are all over the place, which renders tanks almost impossible to use (that without bringing the sucject of tank designer being introduced)
          So you have AI that can't use suppies at fricking all, along with all its previous faults, making it 10x weaker than it was prior. As for MP: a total and complete stalemate, with dead-locked fronts, because both sides destroy enemy's supply system and units can't fight for shit.

          tl;dr what else did you expect?

          >Supplies themselves are an abstract resource, which is always produced automatically in sufficient quantity and can't run out of, but the transport capacity is the choke-point for it
          Why do they always do these things? I hate nu-paradox devs.

      • 2 years ago

        >hoi3 has too much autistic micromanagement
        And that's why I love it. I love to assign 'V' and 'VII Corpo d'Armata' to the '8a Armata' which will be sent to Russia while I deploy 'XIV Corpo d'Armata' to North Africa as reinforcements. It makes the game so much more engaging than just: 'send 12 unnamed divisions to unnamed army line in Russia',

        • 2 years ago

          You have been able to do that since HOI2, if not HOI1..

          • 2 years ago

            Alright cool, but HOI3 was my first HOI game I played so I only have that as reference. I was just implying that I love the 'autistic micromanagement' of 3 compared to 4.

        • 2 years ago

          Hoi4 Divisions don't feel special or valuable. They're just easily replaced blobs. 4 suffers from having every nation having 3 million divisions. 3 really made very unit feel unique with the commanders and COC system as well as being harder to replace,

          • 2 years ago

            >Paradrop in 3 goes sideways
            >FRICK, I'm done, I will probably won't get another for next year
            >Paradrop in 4 goes sideways
            >Who cares, that was just a single battalion, existing solely to take over empty provinces without fight

    • 2 years ago

      What does it do, when compared with HPP and BIce?

      hoi3 has too much autistic micromanagement, there's a reason it kind of gets "skimmed over" between 2 and 4

      But that's like 90% of what makes 3 fun.

    • 2 years ago

      tried it and HPP is better.

    • 2 years ago

      I opened HOI3 for the first time in like 6 years today and got bored after like an hour. DH is the best.

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks, HPP is just plain better in terms of "vanilla+". Downfall is that awkward place where it's too far away from vanilla, but not really adding anything new or big, so it plays like a prototype for an overhaul mod.

    • 2 years ago

      What about Blacker Ice?

    • 2 years ago

      i like the OOBs in 3 but i fricking hate the sliders. every time i boot up that game i just see that screen of sliders and nope out

  2. 2 years ago

    I wish there was some middle ground between DH and HPP for 3. There is bunch of mechanics I love in DH (DH specifically, rather than just 2) and there is bunch of shit I like in HPP (HPP specifically, not just vanilla 3).
    If only they could have sex and have a beautiful child...

    • 2 years ago

      I'm still mad HPP doesn't start in '33, like DH. Imagine the absolute kino of having 4th and 5th encirclement campaigns using HoI3 engine. Or maybe even being allowed to keep the 4th going, rather than being barred from winning by event, even if you overrun the Jiangxi Soviet completely.
      And it would be even better if you were given a 1924 start. Man can only dream about such excellent things.

      • 2 years ago

        >Warlord China anon is back
        Won't say I've missed you, but good to see you alive

  3. 2 years ago

    I’m sure all these old Hois are better than Hoi4, but I discovered the series with hoi4, and I can’t be arsed playing a 2003 game just because it’s more autistic
    Am I actually missing out?

    • 2 years ago

      >I can’t be arsed playing a 2003 game
      No, you aren't missing anything. Neither are we with your lack of presence

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah bro these graphics aint be bussin fr fr

    • 2 years ago

      The only really obnoxious thing about it is convoy management for overseas supply, it can be utterly braindead if left automated.

    • 2 years ago

      4 was also the first one I played, but I really dislike how simplistic and dumbed down it is. shame that the earlier games have none of the QoL stuff, because I really like hoi 3

  4. 2 years ago

    Darkest hour runs like cancer on my modernish computer. Lags and stutters non stop, menus and buttons register multiple seconds after I clicked them, just horrid lag and delay for everything in darkest hour. You need a really shitty computer with an ancient single core processor to get DH to work right. Weirdest thing is I can run hoi1 hoi2 base just fine, but not DH.

    I have 1k+ hours in hoi3 though, the actual best hoi game.

    • 2 years ago

      Works on my machine

      • 2 years ago

        Okay paki, not exactly something to be proud of still running windows XP.

        One of these days I’ll find a garage sale ancient pc to use for darkest hour. Until then I’ll just play base hoi2, hoi3, and 4

        • 2 years ago

          Based moron

          • 2 years ago

            I’m sorry I don’t have a single core pentium 1200mhz processor from 2003 in my rig.

            I’m literally just not as poor as you and have better hardware, cope about this however you need to.

            But like I said, I reckon I can get some shitty windows 2000/xp pc with super old and slow hardware for like 20$ at some yard sale. I’ll be able to enjoy darkest hour the same way you do soon.

            • 2 years ago

              Nah, YouTube ruined the old hardware hustle. Guys are still asking 1k for teslas and quadros

        • 2 years ago

          I’m sorry I don’t have a single core pentium 1200mhz processor from 2003 in my rig.

          I’m literally just not as poor as you and have better hardware, cope about this however you need to.

          But like I said, I reckon I can get some shitty windows 2000/xp pc with super old and slow hardware for like 20$ at some yard sale. I’ll be able to enjoy darkest hour the same way you do soon.

          Oh, hey! It is the moron who bragged about having a incredibly expensive PC, and how he would need to play DH on his grandmother's shitbox, cuz DH bad. Do you feel like posting your PC stats this time around?

          • 2 years ago

            >Do you feel like posting your PC stats this time around?
            No, You don’t understand how little desire I have to take time out of my day to screenshot a page for you. I don’t have time to entertain your third world ass.

            I run total war warhammer 3 on ultra 60fps though as a benchmark for you to check yours

            • 2 years ago

              Lol, how is that a benchmark for anything other than your shit taste?

              • 2 years ago

                Lmfao your Pakistani toaster can’t run it hahahahahahah

                aw bro I’m sorry but that’s cool you have vista tier specs and can run DH

              • 2 years ago

                I don't know or care if I can run WH3, I don't like Total war post Fall of the Samurai, nor do I think that it was really all that of a good series before Fall of the Samurai.

              • 2 years ago

                That’s fine but you can google what the recommended specs are for that game and see what kind of computer he has rather than crying about it for 6 threads

              • 2 years ago

                That doesn't tell me anything, as he does not have 1:1 the specs on the recommended list.
                And this is the second thread I have seen him in, so stop being a b***h, and let us have our fun making fun of this moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Idk bro you literally looked up his specs than chose to ignore them after you saw what it takes to run warhammer 3 total war on ultra lmfao pathetic

                just enjoy your classic windows games working perfect on your poverty box

              • 2 years ago

                >Idk bro you literally looked up his specs than chose to ignore them after you saw what it takes to run warhammer 3 total war on ultra lmfao pathetic
                I didn't, but ok lol.

        • 2 years ago

          I’m sorry I don’t have a single core pentium 1200mhz processor from 2003 in my rig.

          I’m literally just not as poor as you and have better hardware, cope about this however you need to.

          But like I said, I reckon I can get some shitty windows 2000/xp pc with super old and slow hardware for like 20$ at some yard sale. I’ll be able to enjoy darkest hour the same way you do soon.

          • 2 years ago


            Yeah, my processor is much higher end than that pos lmfao. I’m glad your shitbox processor can work for older games. Atleast I kinda know now how much(or little) money I really need to spend to get DH running right.

            I reckon I can use an I5 and build a system similar to yours for less than the msrp of my processor! Might be the way to go, never have much luck at yard sales, it’s mostly old laptops that are fried.

            Wish me luck bro! As you already know, I’m enjoying hoi2 base as we speak!! Runs great on my system, I’ve been racking up hours. Darkest hour is clearly better than base, but it just sits, damm eurojank, sometimes I wish paradox released darkest hour, it would run better.

            Hoi 1 runs perfect with no compatibility mode. Played it off the disk and downloaded, no issues. Something fricky with that darkest hour, game made by a few friends, only likes to run on shitty hardware that released around the time of the mod. Maybe paradox themselves added a patch to base hoi2, explains why it runs perfect. but I’ve ran hoi1 offline off the disk with zero patches, says it’s only for old windows and hoi1s processor specs are slightly worse than darkest hour, but it works fine for some strange reason. Darkest hour is special.

            • 2 years ago

              Post your specs bro

            • 2 years ago

              >he thinks the power of the processor is determined by the marketing name
              no wonder this moron can’t run DH

              • 2 years ago

                >number is twice as big
                >GPU is approx twice as fast

                checks out for me

    • 2 years ago

      Worked fine on every computer I've ever run it on. Perhaps you're just dumb?

      • 2 years ago

        DH Worked fine on my windows vista laptop from like 06.

        I haven’t been able to get it to work on my first windows 7 64bit rig(exponentially overbuilt for DH), not even my current modern build that allows me to run every new title at 60fps ultra.

        You running a 32 bit system by chance? Man I wish I could put something together as weak and slow as what you guys got, it would probably run DH great, but I just can’t seem to find any hardware for sale slow enough to match DH specs. Again, HOI2 runs perfect on my computer, it’s just darkest hour is low budget eurojank that only likes to run on ancient hardware around the era the game came out. Studders on every high end processor.

        • 2 years ago

          Not sure if bait, moronic, or both
          The level of technological incompetence people display, despite being born after internet was already a thing never cease to confuse and scare me

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah it’s weird, hoi1, ck1, hoi2, ect all run fine.

            Not even compatibility mode can teach darkest hours retarted coding to use modern hardware.

            Again, I’m glad you have like a pentium 4, but understand that shit is getting hard to find in good condition for people like me with expensive systems that can’t run old games without weak slow hardware like you are using

            • 2 years ago

              My 10900kf runs darkest hour just fine do you have some weird amd processor or intel 12th gen that's supposed to give issues with older sfuff

        • 2 years ago

          DH came out in 2011, you’re just dumb.

    • 2 years ago

      I've never had these issues and the last time I tried playing DH I was on my Ryzen 5600x build

  5. 2 years ago

    I’ve tried 3 and 4, 3 was more micromanagement than I’m interested in and 4 seemed like it was built for morons with the hilarious “focus tree” shit where you hit a button and wait 70 days to make America communist

    • 2 years ago

      As anyone gives a flying frick about your worthless opinion.
      Causal tardfricks like you with the attention spans of goldfish and the intelligence of insects should be banned from playing any game more complicated than Snakes and Ladders.

  6. 2 years ago

    True, also ironically only one not made by Parashit

  7. 2 years ago


    I am a native English speaker and have racked up 1,129 hours of playing DH over the past 6 years.

  8. 2 years ago

    HoI4 has a supply system now apparently. Is the system shit or is it better than how it was represented in HoI3? Basically is hoi4 ok now or is it still shit? I find the focus tree system gay af and the devs pushing for automated combat really bad but maybe the new mechanics make up for that?

    • 2 years ago

      >Is the system shit
      >or is it still shit
      How is it even a question?

      The new supply system is pants on head moronic. The gist of it
      >AII doesn't understand the system at all
      >AI doesn't expand supply infrastructure at al, unless via focuses
      >AI doesn't value supplies at all, nor supply routes or hubs
      >Purpose-build rail with purpose-build trains (which you have to research!) carries supplies
      >Infrastructure of the state is just a modifier to how efficient it is
      >Supplies can only be distributed from purpose-build supply hubs (no supply depos), which are near impossible to build once the war starts
      >Supplies themselves are an abstract resource, which is always produced automatically in sufficient quantity and can't run out of, but the transport capacity is the choke-point for it
      >Supply requirements of units are all over the place, which renders tanks almost impossible to use (that without bringing the sucject of tank designer being introduced)
      So you have AI that can't use suppies at fricking all, along with all its previous faults, making it 10x weaker than it was prior. As for MP: a total and complete stalemate, with dead-locked fronts, because both sides destroy enemy's supply system and units can't fight for shit.

      tl;dr what else did you expect?

      • 2 years ago

        Don't forget it costs 20k to build a supply hub which takes MONTHS! God forbid there isnt a pre placed supply hub near the front. Tanks run out of steam super quick because they outrun supply hubs within 3-4 tiles depending on where and arbitrary "hub" is placed.

        Captials also have near unlimited supply so an enemy can easily keep 3-4x the units there while your armies starve because its all abstract and random.

        The way railways work is dumb too. As long as there is a rail connection of a certain level to the capital your hub gets that level of supply. One section of railway could supply 10+ hubs if you wanted it to (and it commonly does).

        Theres also an option to supply by truck, but all it does is slightly increase the range of supply hubs and the trucks don't even use fuel. The only cost is that occasionally one "breaks down" and needs to be replaced. You can max out truck supply in the east and still only use about 800-1.2k trucks which boils down to about the cost of about 5-6 infantry divisions.

        I'm sure there's more but its so bad its not even that much fun to shit on it.

        • 2 years ago

          The worst part is that the rail system by itself isn't bad idea and like grand majority of mechanics that make IV, it at least on paper appears to be a great idea.
          But hey, on paper, the air combat system is also fantastic, so go fricking figure.

          >filtered by the supply
          the state of brainlets today

          >If you consider the shit-tier suppy system of IV to be poorly implemented, it means you got filtered
          Black person, I helped organise BIce supply autism.
          HoI4 simply has bad and ill-concieved supply system. It COULD work, but that would require two things that PDX will never do:
          - giving a singe flying frick
          - not relegating it to be a DLC bubble floating in perfect vaccum
          Also, keep in mind that the fact you have two brain cells to rub together and just advance your offensives along the supply rail system and capture local hubs doesn't mean AI even knows what those things are. In 3, AI simply handled supplies and when it could spare IC, it was expanding at least main trunks of infrastructure. In 4, it doesn't even register supply as a deciding factor.

      • 2 years ago

        >filtered by the supply
        the state of brainlets today

  9. 2 years ago

    HOI2 Iron Cross

  10. 2 years ago

    >still no 1.06
    a-any time now, right bros?

    • 2 years ago

      Is there any need for 1.06?

      • 2 years ago

        No not really. It's fine as it is.

  11. 2 years ago

    easily the gayest conversation on this board

    • 2 years ago

      then hop off your boyfriend's lap and try following the conversation without his black dick up your ass.

    • 2 years ago

      I strive to provide discussion of the highest quality.

  12. 2 years ago

    >play dh for 10 years
    >still dont know how to build a navy that doesnt instantly disintegrate on contact with the enemy

    • 2 years ago

      One thing. Air Carriers. I found them to be absolute beasts that slaughter literally everything as long as you keep CAG up to date and have a few other ships with them to take the damage.

      • 2 years ago

        You don't really need the up-to-date CAG, because the reasons why carriers are such a beast is their range.
        For all purposes, an aircraft carrier outfitted with a CAG operates like a battleship that has a gun with range of 200-700 km (as opposed to 25-40) and deals damage with air attack, rather than ship attack. Even if your CAG is completely outdated, it's going to out-range whatever guns the other navy will have, thus at the very least being dead-locked in a battle forever, and if the air attack is at least 1 point higher than air defense of the ships in the enemy fleet, then it will grind them down.

    • 2 years ago

      The same as in all HoI games

    • 2 years ago

      Nah HOI3 has the confusing naval combat.

      In DH you just build CVs with screens and wins. Or in the WW1 scenario: a shit ton of DDs

      • 2 years ago

        Except the only difference in naval combat between 2/DH and 3 is how the stacking modifier is counted for the fleet and that CAG is now an actual airwing (so it can bombard land targets), rather than an attached "brigade". Other than that, the mechanics are exactly the same and unlike DH, there is no real way of defending against CVs, since you can't skyrocket your air defense.

      • 2 years ago

        >HOI3 has the confusing naval combat.
        You ever read the hoi3 wiki page that explains it?

        There is multiple viable naval strategies and builds, you aren’t stuck with one meta like in hoi4, you can just as easily win with light cruisers and battlecruisers as you can destroyers and battleships. I conqured the UK here without a single carrier. Read the stats on naval units. Gonna fight CAGs? Built high AA navies with ships that can fire long distance (heavy cruisers, battleship, ect, every ship has its own firing range)

        • 2 years ago

          Every time I play hoi3 I fall more and more In love with the naval aspect.

          If you build a competent navy, you can encircle wherever the hell you want. If you have a competent navy, you can get away with ZERO garrison troops at your ports(maybe leave a brigade for rebels), ships set on intercept will delete enemy divisions attempting to land.

          I get more satisfaction sinking enemy warships than I do deleting divisions now a days. I know these fleets take years and years to build in hoi3, you lose half you fleet during a “naval” play through your save is 100% bricked because it’s gonna take 6 years to rebuild that navy. Ships are super valuable and hard to replace, seeing multiple battleships sunk by inferior cruisers always gets me hard too.

          I also lol @ the friendly fire kills in hoi3 naval combat. It’s kinda how they balanced doomstacks, send a naval doom stack that’s got more than 15 ships, they’re gonna start hitting each other accidentally during night time, and the poor screen penalty means you will take much more damage doomstacking naval.

          Still don’t get air combat though. I literally have 800 hours in hoi3 but can’t figure everything out.

          • 2 years ago

            Air combat boils down to 4 things, really:
            >CAS to mutilate frontline troops and THEN hit retreating unit, micro'ed to Hell and back
            >NAV destroying ships for pocket change, don't even need to be advanced models if you don't need some super-long flight
            >Intercepting only when your heartland is within the reach of enemy planes (rarely) and you can't simply conquer pronto said enemy
            >CAG if you are a carrier guy (I'm not)

            • 2 years ago

              This guy gets it.
              The only plane you need in 2/DH is CAS. Everything else is of secondary importance, and both TAC and STR are waste of resources and research. So are all the gimmick planes, like rocket interceptors. This also means you don't have to research escort bombers, since you aren't using TAC nor STR. The only HoI where CAS weren't the only plane needed was the original, but it had fricked air combat and even more useless planes, so go fricking figure, so you were basically better off pretending there is no air combat whatsoever than sink IC to research and build useless planes.
              Hell, you are better off researching (and doing so ahead of time) floatplanes in DH than even considering STRs - even as the UK

          • 2 years ago

            in hoi3 you can ignore air combat with the sole exception of CAGs. Its never worth the investment. If you think you need to build air units then you are just doing it all wrong. Dumbfricks will tell you otherwise, but that's because they are dumbfricks. The sort of dumbfricks who keep missing the toilet bowl.

            • 2 years ago

              To play devil's advocate, he did brought mods. Majority of mods make various planes significantly cheaper to build, without decreasing their capacity for pummeling enemies, so instead of having 5-6 "planes", you have 5-6 air wings, 3-4 "planes" each.
              But yeah, in vanilla 3 air combat is fricking useless, unless you are really annoyed with AI bombing your factories.

  13. 2 years ago

    I only play it with KR
    >play Qing
    >conquer all of China
    >wait for either Mitteleuropa or the syndicalists to conquer all of Europe
    >convert my army to 100% helicopters
    >start a giant war against all of Europe, stalling at the Urals until the enemy runs out of MP

    • 2 years ago

      >I only play it with KR
      Then no matter what you have to say is automatically irrelevant

      • 2 years ago

        I learned the game (was my first wargame) in vanilla, does that count? I just hate the MP system, I prefer HoI2 style regenerating MP

      • 2 years ago

        Shut the frick up DH with KR is great

  14. 2 years ago

    Do you need KH or any other mod for the first DH playthrough?

    • 2 years ago

      No, because DH is a mod by itself - a massive overhaul on the game and few systems, along with adding extra elements. Ironically, KH dumbs the shit out of the game and railroads you hard into le visual novelle, but gameplay itself is dog-shit and inferior to even vanilla HoI2.

      • 2 years ago

        >but gameplay itself is dog-shit and inferior to even vanilla HoI2.
        anon the gameplay is mechanically identical, how can it be 'dumbed down'

        • 2 years ago

          >Less technologies, thus less unit gradient
          >Bunch of modifiers bumped up to make them far more powerful
          >IC coming out of vaccum, like ifricking HoI4
          >Event-modifiers that further casualise everything
          >OP and super-tailored research teams, so you always have all techs with all related fields for majors, minors and even some regionals
          Something like that

  15. 2 years ago

    People who think that medium and heavy bombers are useless have never used the logistical bombing mission. Once you have air superiority you can basically buttfrick and entire frontage without as much as taking damage.

    Soviet heavy armour is unbeatable? Just frick up their supplies and fuel. Now they can't attack.

    Medium bombers (in mods) are also far more effective against infantry and mandatory in certain areas because the air bases are so far apart and so rare that CAS, with its limited range, can't really do much.

    Heavy bombers are also only required in low numbers. If you hit all of Germanys rare provinces continuously then they will bleed. The same applies for their rich metal and coal mines. Eventually they all run dry. You have to sustain that though and that's the hard part.

    Naval bombers are also great for convoy raiding. They can only be hurt by carriers so that's a massive amount of military resources that England has to dedicate to the Atlantic if Germany conquers Spain and is allowed to freely bomb any ship that passes by.

    By building a few radar stations and having good intel one can use them to basically cripple the UK without having to build even a single submarine.

    The AI that creates convoy routes is somewhat intelligent though. Eventually it will reroute all the convoys so they don't go through there.
    That just means that the fleets have to operate in the middle of the Atlantic, far away from their ports of origin and safety.
    A clever player can use this to hunt down the British fleets.

    • 2 years ago

      You are aware that logistical bombing can be done by a CAS... right?
      Hence why any bomber bigger than a CAS is completely useless, at least for land operations (NAVs are worth every penny when it comes to sinking ships).

      Also, if you plan to invest resources into crippling the UK, you might as well just invade it. Same price, far, far, FAR more enjoyable experience (and I'm talking proper invasion, not some bullshit metagame loophole) than just regional bombardments with bunch of STR

      • 2 years ago

        >You are aware that logistical bombing can be done by a CAS... right?
        >Hence why any bomber bigger than a CAS is completely useless

        CAS have zero logistical strike capability…. Atleast now I know you’ve never played the game.

        Cas have 0 strategic attack. As in, you can assign them on a logistical bombing run, they just won’t do anything. Here’s cas stats pic related it goes by year. Never has cas ever has logistical or strategic bombing capabilities in any non modded HOI3 build. If you’re a black ice player I get the confusion, pretty sure bice gives CAS the ability to do everything.

        Medium bombers start with 4 strategic attack in 1916, and top out at 7 strategic attack in 1948.

        Cas start with 0 and end the game with 0 assuming you have all cas technologies.

        Thanks for playing, but there’s much to learn about hoi3, kiddo. Your hoi4 stats don’t carry over…

      • 2 years ago

        Logistical bombing uses the strategic attack stat. CAS absolutely suck at it.
        They also often don't have the range to perform the attack at the points where the supply lines are short.

        Are you playing vanilla? It might be different for it but in mods like BICE there are definitively lots of uses for non CAS.

        >Also, if you plan to invest resources into crippling the UK, you might as well just invade it. Same price, far, far, FAR more enjoyable experience (and I'm talking proper invasion, not some bullshit metagame loophole) than just regional bombardments with bunch of STR

        I'm somewhat biased because I engage them with a multiplayer mindset where the UK is usually well defended enough to repell attacks that don't have naval supremacy.

        in hoi3 you can ignore air combat with the sole exception of CAGs. Its never worth the investment. If you think you need to build air units then you are just doing it all wrong. Dumbfricks will tell you otherwise, but that's because they are dumbfricks. The sort of dumbfricks who keep missing the toilet bowl.

        Air units allow you to decimate your opponents manpower for an IC cost. That is their main advantage. You are basically trading your IC for your limited manpower.
        If you have problems at a certain part of the front where you and your enemy are evenly matched then air power can also offer you the necessary edge to win.

        Thanks mate, but I'd rather build submarines than planes for sinking convoys. Cheaper. Way fricking cheaper. And with far greater range.

        Submarines definitely serve their purpose. They are very prone to destroyers, frigates etc.
        Naval bombers only enemy are land bases interceptors that often don't have the range, especially in the Atlantic, and CAG.

        >You are aware that logistical bombing can be done by a CAS... right?
        >Hence why any bomber bigger than a CAS is completely useless

        CAS have zero logistical strike capability…. Atleast now I know you’ve never played the game.

        Cas have 0 strategic attack. As in, you can assign them on a logistical bombing run, they just won’t do anything. Here’s cas stats pic related it goes by year. Never has cas ever has logistical or strategic bombing capabilities in any non modded HOI3 build. If you’re a black ice player I get the confusion, pretty sure bice gives CAS the ability to do everything.

        Medium bombers start with 4 strategic attack in 1916, and top out at 7 strategic attack in 1948.

        Cas start with 0 and end the game with 0 assuming you have all cas technologies.

        Thanks for playing, but there’s much to learn about hoi3, kiddo. Your hoi4 stats don’t carry over…

        CAS, in BICE, have very limited strategic attack. Just barely enough to destroy a few supply crates but not much else. You are basically correct about the rest though.

        >sub sea attack(as in an on an enemy surface ship): 2.0 in 1942

        >naval bomber sea attack in 1942:8.5, next year tech takes it to 10.25.

        So you basically have subs, really good at sinking convoys, but bad at everything else.

        and you have naval bombers, really good at sinking convoys, but good at everything else.

        statprostituteing aside, we can all play How we like. I prefer building battleship navies even though carriers are better In every way. Totally get how subs are more satisfying, but navs are better considering the ic and all it’s stats.

        Lol also NAVS get sub attack with depth charges, get fricked you can’t touch naval bombers but they can Rape you.

        Most planes also have submarine attack. Ingame you can only see that stat when trying to license the plane.

        In BICE CAG have literally negative sub attack, CAS have very low sub attack and NAVs have about as much as they have sea attack.

        NAVs truly are the land based work horse of the naval combat.

        • 2 years ago

          >BICE Black person brings his overhaul wisdoms
          Modders and mod players get the rope.

        • 2 years ago

          Which Darkest Hour (you know, the game OP and everyone else is talking about) mod is this?

          • 2 years ago

            I was replying to someone who was replying to someone who posted a hoi3 screenshot you massive brainless homosexual

            • 2 years ago

              So you are talking about the wrong game, got it
              As expected of HoI3babbies

              • 2 years ago

                Not my fault no one plays DH and people started talking about the actual good classic hoi.

                Maybe post darkest hour screenshots?? All I see in this thread are hoi3 screenshots… you darkest hour gays do actually play right?

              • 2 years ago

                >Not my fault no one plays DH
                Then why come into a thread about it? Go talk about your casualized """wargame""" in any of the 50 threads normalgays make about it constantly

              • 2 years ago

                Lmfao darkest hour is a fisher price kids toy of a wargame next to hoi3 kys sweaty moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Not my fault no one plays DH and people started talking about the actual good classic hoi.

                Maybe post darkest hour screenshots?? All I see in this thread are hoi3 screenshots… you darkest hour gays do actually play right?

                >Not my fault no one plays DH
                Then why come into a thread about it? Go talk about your casualized """wargame""" in any of the 50 threads normalgays make about it constantly

                Lmfao darkest hour is a fisher price kids toy of a wargame next to hoi3 kys sweaty moron.

                >GoY$ Black folk trying to one-up another who's bigger poser

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks mate, but I'd rather build submarines than planes for sinking convoys. Cheaper. Way fricking cheaper. And with far greater range.

      • 2 years ago

        >sub sea attack(as in an on an enemy surface ship): 2.0 in 1942

        >naval bomber sea attack in 1942:8.5, next year tech takes it to 10.25.

        So you basically have subs, really good at sinking convoys, but bad at everything else.

        and you have naval bombers, really good at sinking convoys, but good at everything else.

        statprostituteing aside, we can all play How we like. I prefer building battleship navies even though carriers are better In every way. Totally get how subs are more satisfying, but navs are better considering the ic and all it’s stats.

        Lol also NAVS get sub attack with depth charges, get fricked you can’t touch naval bombers but they can Rape you.

        • 2 years ago

          What a weird slide to do
          >Anon says NAVs are good for sinking convoys
          >Point out subs are way cheaper and even better for that
          >Anon starts talking about other capabilities of NAVs
          Look, I get it, you like bombing things, but here is a thing: that was a really fricking moronic slide.

        • 2 years ago

          >statprostituteing aside, we can all play How we like
          Ironic, given you are shitting on everyone for not playing how you like.
          And subs are way, way better at sinking convoys, for they allow something that NAV can't do: area coverage. Good fricking luck patrolling middle of Atlantic or Pacific with a NAV

          • 2 years ago

            >And subs are way, way better at sinking convoys

            Subs travel between 10-19 Mph.

            Naval bombers travel between 200-400 mph in the game.

            Which one of those units do you REALLY think covers a larger area when convoy raiding?

            The naval bomber covers exponentially more naval regions than a sub can in a week.

            I’ll give this to you. Submarines are much much more useful if you don’t have naval supremacy and the enemy has tons of cags to counter your Naval bombers at sea.

            Japan/UK with its massive fleet should absolutely every time build naval bombers for convoy raiding over subs. They can scramble carrier air groups to support naval bombers if they ever got caught. Germany, with its non existent fleet, is much better off going for subs than naval bombers.

            • 2 years ago

              Aktuallshally you are both doing it wrong.

              Superior players do not bother building either subs or navs. Superior players just invade whatever country annoys them.
              Want to destroy the enemy's convoys? Invade and conquer them. That puts an end to them.
              Someone's strategic bombers hammering your factories? Invade and conquer them. No country = no airforce = no bombing
              Someone's subs/CVs/BB etc sinking your ships? Invade and conquer them. Sort of hard to have a navy when their country no longer exists.
              There is not one single instance where invading and conquering is not a viable and better long term strategy. To that end a superior player just focuses on invading and conquering everyone. Because in the end everyone is a c**t who deserve it.
              Even if they go GiE they are so fricked as to be utterly insignificant.
              Then following record breaking world conquests you realize that the AI is incapable of putting up any sort of challenge. Even on very hard difficulty. You can pull off the most improbable gamey shit. Like invading Japan with Nationalist China in 1938. Using one transport, guarded by one LC, to ferry over one division at a time while the IJN continues sailing around off Guam.

              So then you start introducing all sorts of house rules to restore some semblance of plausibility, which you set before the start of the game. Nope you can do gamey shit. Cos you said so yourself. Unfortunately this means you have now railroaded yourself back into IC and stat whoring. At this point you embrace the prostitute within you. Yes. You have become what you most hated. A FILTHY DIRTY LITTLE STAT prostitute.
              STAT prostitute!!!!
              My God...
              Your family disowns you. Your dog runs off to the animal shelter. homeless people give you dirty looks.
              Despondent, you now wander alone, slumming in Runescape, afraid to show your face in any serious strategy game. Even starcraft players dont want to know you.
              This is the fate of all superior hoi3 players.
              It's tragic.

              • 2 years ago

                one of the most beautiful posts I have ever read

              • 2 years ago

                While I agree on principle, here is an important note:
                I don't HAVE to invade Japan as Nationalist China, and that's even more beautiful. I can force them to surrender just by taking over Korea. Meaning I don't even need that single transporter and single LC or any other bullshit. Even better, Japan will continue to do whatever the frick it wants to do, while I can focus on removing communists once more.

                t. warlord anon

              • 2 years ago

                I dont know what game you are playing where you can force surrender on Japan by just romping their Korean vps. But I do know one thing. You are a dirty little STAT prostitute! Yes, you are. You love being a STAT prostitute! Pouring over spread sheets and comparing attack values, supply consumption, manpower requirements. Yeah. I bet you look up stuff like officer and fuel requirements, drooling over things like range, soft attack and speed. Dont deny it! I bet you get all dressed up in a pair of filthy ripped old jeans and one of those loose fitting but warm and comfortable sweat shirts and sit down at the computer and STUDY STATS! AND THEN WORK OUT OUT THINGS LIKE BEST ECONOMIC USE OF INDUSTRIAL CAPACITY! YES YOU DO! YOU DO! YOU STAT WHORING LITTLE STAT prostitute YOU! Ohhhhh.... Yes.... God.

              • 2 years ago

                >I dont know what game you are playing where you can force surrender on Japan by just romping their Korean vps
                DH. You know, the game this thread is about.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah? Well I was replying to a hoi3 comparison. It was a while ago, somewhere in this thread. Probably in this thread. Or it might have been another thread. On another board. In an alternative Universe. Or maybe not at all. BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER! Besides we all know that hoi3 is vastly superior to DH. We hoi3 players just tolerate your kind. THAT'S RIGHT! While you are busy being a dirty little STAT prostitute, running around all over town in your skimpy little sweat shirt, dropping tank destroyer hard attack values like the tramp you are, us hoi3ers have been busy doing shit liek waging war as Australia against both the Axis and the Allies! AND GETTING OUR SHIT KICKED IN! What do you say to that, huh?? Huh??? Betcha dont get those sorts of antipodean thrills in your cute little DH games. No, I bet you dont. Tramp.

              • 2 years ago

                >DH. You know, the game this thread is about.
                Idk senpai, half the posts here are 100% about hoi3, I can understand your confusion though

            • 2 years ago

              >Here is me comparing stats that don't matter for convoy hunting, just to pretend I know better
              Weird slide is getting weirder

              • 2 years ago

                >”speed means nothing for convoy hunting”
                Hey moron, a units speed directly correlates with how many convoys they can catch in a day.

                Lol you’re stupid and never played the game, stop replying to me and go back to your hoi4 you’re bad and don’t know what your talking about it’s hilarious actually

              • 2 years ago

                >don't matter for convoy hunting

                >Submarine kills one convoy.
                >Destroyers on patrol reach them in a day
                >Submarine dies


                >NAV bombs a convoy
                >NAV bombs a convoy again
                >NAV continues to bomb convoy
                >Destroyers can't do shit

                With as basic of an understanding as yours I recommend HoI 4

              • 2 years ago

                >Convoy route is outside of air reach
                Oh wow, imagine if something so basic could frick your master plan.

              • 2 years ago

                >Convoy route is outside of submarine reach

              • 2 years ago

                You would have to be based in Bergen and trying to hunt below equator for that to be true.
                Meanwhile, 80% of places a NAV can get, a fighter can reach it there, so you've just recreated the sub vs destroyers scenario, only at ten times the price tag.

              • 2 years ago

                Destroyers can be based wherever the Allies want. Just position them closer and they are done.

                NAVs could kill the destroyers by themself. In fact if you don't have NAVs flying to kill any enemy ships that come to stop you then you aren't doing it right.

              • 2 years ago

                >submarine, 1940
                >range: 15000
                >destroyer, 1941
                >range: 8000
                >naval bomber, 1941
                >range: 1500
                plus of course
                >submarine, 1940
                >convoy attack 7, another 9 from torpedo, totaling 16
                >naval bomber, 1941
                >sea attack 6, no convoy attack, so effective convoy attack is 3
                and most importantly
                >submarine, 1940
                >IC of 1.2, 215 days of construction
                >naval bomber, 1941
                >IC of 14.4, 144 days to finish, escort fighters not included (they would cut the range to mere 600, anyway)
                Thus for a price of a two (2) NAVs (in any gearing configuration) I can build 11 submarines and reach places the plane can't even dream about, while being over 5 times more efficient at hunting down convoys
                NAVs are great, but they are a terrible, terrible waste of resources when it comes to hunting down convoys. They can be, however, used to great effect to shred the surface fleet and thus allow your submarines thrive even without micro needed to keep them alive.

                You were saying something about your experience only coming from HoI 4, weren't you?

              • 2 years ago

                Coorection, since I've looked up wrong number:
                Sea attack would be 11 for the NAV, which still gives us effective convoy attack of 6. Still pretty bad.

              • 2 years ago

                >post a list of stats
                >includes IC days
                >then makes an analysis
                Ohhhhh yesss.... ohhhh...ohhhhhh..... God....yes....ohhh..., filthy little STAT prostitute you.

              • 2 years ago

                >player builds a frick load of submarines
                >AI majors just start supplying from air with transport planes

                Good job moron lmfao
                >muh submaweens

              • 2 years ago

                >By yes, I don't even know how this game plays, how could you tell
                You forgot to post a gayman image.

                Destroyers can be based wherever the Allies want. Just position them closer and they are done.

                NAVs could kill the destroyers by themself. In fact if you don't have NAVs flying to kill any enemy ships that come to stop you then you aren't doing it right.

                It's like you are ignorant for a purpose or still didn't figure Atlantic Gap

              • 2 years ago

                >yes, I don't even know how this game plays, how could you tell
                We all already know you have no idea how the game works bro, you build submarines lmfao.

                Also you don’t even know about the air supply mechanic of hoi3 lmfao, BACK to 4 kiddo.

                You are totally fine as any major nation just keeping your starting subs for convoy raiding. Building ships that can also damage other surface ships while convoy raiding at much higher speed will always be better.

              • 2 years ago

                >AI is totally using air supply!
                >And it can reach so far away, it can replace convoys!
                >Not to mention the amount of materiel moved!
                And the best part is you've missed the memo the discussion is about DH, bringing HoI3 out of the blue.

              • 2 years ago

                >discussion is about DH, bringing HoI3 out of the blue.

                Hey moron, I’m not sure if you know how to read, but check what posts I was replying to. Than check what the last post was about. Than before that.

                This has always been a hoi3 discussion, the fact that you have poor reading comprehension changes nothing. Just makes you look dumber.

                Thanks for confirming you never played any given HoI game

                >post info from the wiki because you were unaware of a mechanic
                Yeah you clearly never played


              • 2 years ago

                >but check what posts I was replying to
                Ironic, given you replied to

                >submarine, 1940
                >range: 15000
                >destroyer, 1941
                >range: 8000
                >naval bomber, 1941
                >range: 1500
                plus of course
                >submarine, 1940
                >convoy attack 7, another 9 from torpedo, totaling 16
                >naval bomber, 1941
                >sea attack 6, no convoy attack, so effective convoy attack is 3
                and most importantly
                >submarine, 1940
                >IC of 1.2, 215 days of construction
                >naval bomber, 1941
                >IC of 14.4, 144 days to finish, escort fighters not included (they would cut the range to mere 600, anyway)
                Thus for a price of a two (2) NAVs (in any gearing configuration) I can build 11 submarines and reach places the plane can't even dream about, while being over 5 times more efficient at hunting down convoys
                NAVs are great, but they are a terrible, terrible waste of resources when it comes to hunting down convoys. They can be, however, used to great effect to shred the surface fleet and thus allow your submarines thrive even without micro needed to keep them alive.

                You were saying something about your experience only coming from HoI 4, weren't you?

                , which has DH stats

              • 2 years ago

                >And subs are way, way better at sinking convoys

                Subs travel between 10-19 Mph.

                Naval bombers travel between 200-400 mph in the game.

                Which one of those units do you REALLY think covers a larger area when convoy raiding?

                The naval bomber covers exponentially more naval regions than a sub can in a week.

                I’ll give this to you. Submarines are much much more useful if you don’t have naval supremacy and the enemy has tons of cags to counter your Naval bombers at sea.

                Japan/UK with its massive fleet should absolutely every time build naval bombers for convoy raiding over subs. They can scramble carrier air groups to support naval bombers if they ever got caught. Germany, with its non existent fleet, is much better off going for subs than naval bombers.

                is hoi3 stats moron.

                Look who everyone was originally replying to fricking mudbrain

                Kys illiterate third worlder

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                You are upset. You should dilate. Then you will not be so b***hy and irritable.

                >He's having a seizure.
                They get really emotional and upset when they miss a dilation. Things get gummed up and they cant urinate properly. They become very irritable. Sort of ironic since they wanted to be women.

              • 2 years ago

                You will never get laid if you continue acting like such a spastic.

              • 2 years ago

                You talk like a frickwit

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks for confirming you never played any given HoI game

              • 2 years ago

                Destroyers can be based wherever the Allies want. Just position them closer and they are done.

                NAVs could kill the destroyers by themself. In fact if you don't have NAVs flying to kill any enemy ships that come to stop you then you aren't doing it right.

                Also, shit like this make me miss the old forum. "Just pretending" to be stupid was a great way to get banned.

        • 2 years ago

          I like it. I cant wait to use it.
          "YOU YOU YOU.....YOU DIRTY LITTLE STATprostitute YOU!"
          *licks lips*
          I have found a fine accessory to accusations of IC whoring. Shame I found it ten years too late.

    • 2 years ago

      I demolished the Soviet supplies which starved them to death. Didn't even need an army.

  16. 2 years ago


    >send the entire IJA paratrooper force over Gibraltar
    >4 divisions
    >only 1 is left standing when the battle is over.

  17. 2 years ago

    Gentlemen please. Stop this unseemly squabbling.We all know that DH and HOI3 are both vastly superior games to hoi4. That should make DH and HOI3 players BROTHERS IN ARMS!
    There is no need to be calling each other "morons" or 'babies". That is uncalled for. Calling each other FILTHY LITTLE STAT prostituteS is fine though, since that acknowledges dedication to the finer aspect of the games.
    Secondly, this is a DH thread and we should respect the right of OP and other DH posters to talk about DH. At least they aren't playing the childish cluster frick that is hoi4, right? And there is a HOI3 thread up at the moment. Where we can go and discuss 3x inf 1x art builds and call each other noobs and morons.

    DH and HOI3 BROTHERS! We should all be having backyard BBQs and inviting each other over to share beers and frick each other's ugly sisters. We should be holding sweaty football matches and tearing off each other's shirts and embracing in brotherly hugs then saying "no homo" and laughing while remaining deeply suspicious becasue the other guy held the hug for just a bit too long! We should be crashing on each other's couches and leaving the kitchen sink jammed with our dirty plates, cigarette butts, and used condoms when we leave the house!

    • 2 years ago

      >tearing off each other's shirts and embracing in brotherly hugs
      I dunno about that part but the rest is correct.

  18. 2 years ago

    Darkest hour is bestest hour

  19. 2 years ago

    Too bad the ai cannot properly understand it should defend certain places more than others. It will defend pointless provinces to the death while you overrun their capital. Still put hundreds of hours in.

    • 2 years ago

      I find it way more comfy and fun to just have a big frontline that you slowly push, breakthroughs just means the AI suicides

      • 2 years ago

        It happens with ai vs ai too.

  20. 2 years ago

    Does anyone have any guides for how battles works in this game? I'm still learning this game but don't want to end up wasting research on placebos every campaign.

    • 2 years ago

      Infantry with artillery is pretty much all you will ever need for entry-level gameplay.
      If you can afford it, you could get yourself a d6+1 of motorised divisions for their insane speed (fastest land unit in DH) and DON'T put artillery on them
      If you are a newbie, ignore airforce and especially navy.
      If you are a newbie, DO NOT research into tanks, unless you're Germany
      DO NOT research marines if you don't plan some extensive and elaborate landing, never research mountaineers (total waste) and as a newbie, ignore parartoopers.
      Since you are new, ignore militia, too, which is good for exploits, but only when you know what the frick you are doing
      Read up wiki on how to use HQ properly, they are a godsend
      NEVER research into doctrines you don't have half-decent team for. Skill 5 and at least 2 related skills are pre-requested, and anything below skill 7 and at least 3 related skills is shit anyway

      tl;dr infantry with artillery is all you will ever need, token mobile force is nice, but not necessary

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, and this is especially important in DH: whenever situation allows for it, you should be upgrading at least units that are two techs behind.
      To elaborate
      Infantry '26 to '31 to '36 to '39 means you are paying full price each time
      But infantry '26 to '39 means you get discount: '36 will be at half price and time, and '31 will be at quarter the price and time.
      A common newbie mistake is to push upgrades non-stop, especially in the pre-war setup. Don't do that. Stall the upgrades as much as you can. It will save you a frickload.
      >b-but battle
      Don't fight, unless your infantry is at the very least '36 and preferably '39

    • 2 years ago

      That's basically all you will ever need to play HoI - not just HoI2, but any HoI. And since DH is HoI2++, go fricking figure. However, important note: ignore their remarks on brigades. They are for vanilla HoI2, and don't hold any fricking value whatsoever to DH. Especially since it flags two of very solid brigades as "worthless" due to completely different stats and impact on combat. Brigades in DH were reworked and re-stated to make them more than worthwhile, and a combo of artillery and engineers is particularly potent, for they are cheap as frick, while allow your infantry to move at unpenalised speed and overcome any sort of terrain obstacles

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, I'll take a look

  21. 2 years ago

    Arsenal of Democracy's combat simulation beats anything else. Darkest Hour is reddit af.

    • 2 years ago

      >Exact same combat resolution, with near-identical modifiers, the main difference being DH's naval combat sucks slightly more and its air combat sucking slightly less
      >LE REDDIT
      If you just wanted to bump this thread, at least do everyone a favour and don't do so via blatant bait.

      • 2 years ago

        i survived german invasion as poland by putting all my units into my capital. AoD is combat perfection, DH is a mess.

        • 2 years ago

          You are aware you can do that in every single motherfricking HoI game... right? I'd say HoI3 makes it the hardest, since provinces can only have 10 IC each, which isn't enough to supply stack big enough to pull this.

          • 2 years ago

            you sure as hell cant do it in AoD

            Started playing AoD. Having a blast. One thing I don't understand why is my production line cluttered with all sorts of shit?

            It's pre production plans for AI.

            • 2 years ago

              >you sure as hell cant
              >source: trust me, bro

        • 2 years ago

          That's historically plausible. Part of the reason the German offensive was so successful (before the Soviets came up from behind) was poor positioning of Polish troops across an indefensible line.

          • 2 years ago

            >i survived german invasion as poland by putting all my units into my capital.
            Yeah, sometimes you can get away with doing cheesy shit like that. Its a game after all.
            >That's historically plausible
            So wait. You are claiming that sticking the entire Polish army into Warsaw is a HISTORICALLY PLAUSIBLE war winning strategy. Just hold out against the Wehrmacht until they call it quits. Maybe counterattack through the sewers and rout their armies with cavalry.
            >>That's historically plausible
            Turn every house into a munitions factory and grow crops on top of the roof tops.
            >>That's historically plausible
            Wait until the Germans run out of artillery shells, bullets and bombs and then charge out and bite them to death.
            >>That's historically plausible
            Jesus Christ. Your mother's boyfriends must have run a train on her while you were still in her womb. All those penises prodding into your fetal head for hours on end caused you irreparable brain damage. Because there is no other explanation for you thinking the Polish army should have simply concentrated in Warsaw and held out until they somehow won.

            Gentlemen. This drooling subhuman imbecile can vote. His vote can make a difference in the way an entire country is governed. This is why democracy is bad idea. But that is not the worse part. He consumes oxygen. He consumes water. He occupies space. But even that is not the worse. The worse is the fact that one day, by accident, this cretin might breed and so create a whole litter of barely sentient dolts. Furthermore you tax dollars will likely make the major contribution towards their upbringing.

            • 2 years ago

              >Yeah, sometimes you can get away with doing cheesy shit like that. Its a game after all.
              Cheesy shit like this, combat results feel inferior in DH to AoD. I've played all Hoi 2 variants extensively but the combat in DH just feels off, and me ruining german Ai by sticking 30 divisions into warsaw is an example of that.

            • 2 years ago

              Why do hoi3/DH threads always have the worst schizos of this entire board (which is saying a lot)

              • 2 years ago

                have a nice day you bumping homosexual
                have a nice day second time over trying to refuel a dead quarrel

              • 2 years ago

                Why are there people spamming this in multiple threads?

    • 2 years ago

      I want to try it but its map looks so ass

      • 2 years ago

        Just like your mother then

  22. 2 years ago

    Reasons to like DH
    1) DH players are distinguished fine Gentlemen. Whereas hoi4 players are mostly children, and far too many hoi3 players are buttholes who were abused as children.
    2) Stat whoring. Who doesn't like stat whoring? Frick yes, all superior players love stats. Okay, it might be said that hoi3 also has stat whoring, but the difference is that hoi3 stat whoring contains way too much fluff which is completely unimportant.
    3) DH players are usually well educated and intelligent. They have good reading comprehension and attention spans longer than ten seconds. A hoi4 player couldn't have read this far before being hopelessly distracted by the LED lights of his computer. A hoi3 might be able to read this far but thinks he is reading the instructions for using a microwave oven.
    4) DH doesn't give you any STDs, whereas hoi4 not only gives you AIDS but also doesn't have the goddamned decent courtesy to give you a reach around as well.
    5) DH is like getting a blow job from a stunningly gorgeous woman who later makes you a tasty dinner. Hoi3 is like getting a blow jobs from your fat and ugly grandmother. Hoi4 is like getting a blowjob from a bearded transsexual midget who not only farts loudly while doing it but also secretly films the act and then shows everyone.

    There, I hope this sums up why everyone should like DH

    • 2 years ago

      you totally have this wrong

      HOI4 is the hot girl that looks good, but is boring as frick in bed and doesn't even give good head

      HOI3 is that mediocre looking girl that can ride you like a fricking animal and gives u dyson level suction.

      HOI2 is like an older woman who you used frick a while ago and while she's still pretty good. Time has definitely taken its toll and it just isnt quite as good as you remember.

      • 2 years ago

        Hoi4 is trying her best okay

        • 2 years ago

          Hoi4 is that entitled little b***h who had rich parents and grew up expecting everyone to pay her attention. She got everything she wanted without once making any effort. She grew up lazy and entitled. Of course she attracted a swarm of thirsty stupid little boys who were impressed becasue she dressed and acted like a bawd, but personality wise she was vapid, ignorant, and devoid of any imagination. No wonder she is a really bad in bed. She cant be bothered making any effort and is too selfish to try. She is more used than a piece of gym equipment, but those who use her come away feeling dirty, degraded, and unsatisfied.

      • 2 years ago

        >HOI3 is that mediocre looking girl that can ride you like a fricking animal and gives u dyson level suction.
        Why are 5/10s such semen demons?

    • 2 years ago

      Literally all you do is make doomstacks in DH and steamroll the ai where they are least prepared.

      Hoi 3 Is infinitely better i think your just a smooth brain who cant learn how to set up a proper OOB

      • 2 years ago

        In hoi3 Germany doesn't even need to build a proper fleet or gain air supremacy to invade UK.
        >MAH SUPERIOR HOI3!!!!!
        Why are hoi3 tards like this?
        The answer is simple. Hoi3 tards had mothers who smoked too much crack while they were in the womb. Then when the hoi3 tards were born the black pimp who delivered them dropped them head first on the ground. As if that wasn't enough their mothers bottle fed them ethanol instead of milk.
        Once you know this it becomes much easier to understand why hoi3 tards talk drivel and constantly ape out.

        • 2 years ago

          its this moron again

          • 2 years ago

            What the frick are you talking about? This is well known. Frick off back to hoi4 noob.

            i like the OOBs in 3 but i fricking hate the sliders. every time i boot up that game i just see that screen of sliders and nope out

            filtered by sliders, lmfao

            • 2 years ago

              Nta, but sliders in HoI are just moronic, given you can move them grand total of 10 times through the game and you always want to go full Hawk anyway (regardless of your country), cutting it to even less moves to make.

  23. 2 years ago

    Ah yes, my first Grand Strategy. I cant remember how many times I played with my country and never cared about the major powers.

  24. 2 years ago


    I get butthurt when morons like you somehow see it as a mark of pride to speak a literal mongrel language like English natively.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't get it, there is nothing wrong with not being born in Canada, the UK, Ausfailia, or New Zealand, so unless it is an American from a few certain states who teases you, you have really nothing to care about.
      t. ESL


      • 2 years ago
  25. 2 years ago

    Started playing AoD. Having a blast. One thing I don't understand why is my production line cluttered with all sorts of shit?

  26. 2 years ago


    I don't get it, there is nothing wrong with not being born in Canada, the UK, Ausfailia, or New Zealand, so unless it is an American from a few certain states who teases you, you have really nothing to care about.
    t. ESL

  27. 2 years ago

    Let's get the facts straight.
    DH is a game played by classy Gentlemen with impeccable manners and good taste.
    HoI3 is played by uncouth bully boys who like to hang out in gangs and mug strangers.
    hoi4 is a playground inhabited by drooling imbeciles and children.
    Its really that simple.
    Now, with those facts established, lets discuss DH and talk about unit statistics.

  28. 2 years ago

    I started a DH campaign and I'm realizing I sort of prefer HOI3 the scale is much more grand

    • 2 years ago

      The problem with DH is how inconsistent the scale is. You in the same time have provinces that represent half of state AND some "tactical" speck on the map, that's enlarged and then further divided on sub-provinces (I'm looking at you, Iwo Jima). That's fine and dandy, but buildings cost and units move the same regardless of the scale of the object, which gets super fricking annoying in zero time.
      Still, '33 start as KMT... man, that's fun as hell.

      • 2 years ago

        >The problem with DH is how inconsistent the scale is.
        >he doesn't know

        • 2 years ago

          Way to fricking miss the fricking point. morons gonna moron, I guess...

          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              >Continues to miss it
              Black person, I helped to port FODD on this map. Which part of "inconsistent scale" you didn't get the first time around?

              • 2 years ago

                Dunno why you're so mad about funny screenshots

        • 2 years ago

          >Maps has more provinces
          >They are still in random shapes and require random amount of time to cross over

  29. 2 years ago

    It's not entirely dead. AC talking in other threads about taking suggestions for stuff like JAP-SOV war.

  30. 2 years ago

    What is the ideal wing size that you guys use in Blacker Ice, 3 or 4?
    Is there a point where the stacking penalty is worth it for extra squadrons?

  31. 2 years ago

    Going to reinstall DH and HOI3 after reading this thread spent many years playing them and they both have much more SOVL than shitty hoi4 with mods

    • 2 years ago


  32. 2 years ago

    This is hilarious. morons actually consuming the propaganda.
    Germany destroys Russia in 1941 if there is no invasion of Greece. Infact, if Italy did not commit itself everywhere and simply focused on the south and not over extending against Greece, both Greece and Yugoslavia would have been axis-friendly nations as Spain was. They would not have played any significant part in the war.

    In that case the invasion of the Soviets can be expedited by around a month or two, and that would have allowed Germany's strategic objectives to be fulfilled even faster. Moscow would have fallen and in all likelihood with an even quicker advance so would Leningrad. At that point Stalingrad would fall in 1942 without any overextention and the Allies' operations in the Mediterranean would be irrelevant. Without the soviet union the UK comes to the diplomacy table and surrenders.

    • 2 years ago

      >muh muh muh Greece doesn't matter and soviets pull something out of their ass! Russia strong!
      Nah. Germany encircled and extended as much as you could even feasibly imagine in a single spring campaign. Their logistics were insanely stretched to their limit.
      The strategic errors taken in 1942 would never be the case if their initial 1941 aims were reached. Blaming Germany for their pre-war ally Italy causing inconceivable frick ups in diplomacy and wars is the point you get past stupidity and just begin to lie to yourself though.
      The combined might of the allies was barely enough to beat the Germans on their worst day. Barely.

      absolutely braindead

      • 2 years ago

        What's your retort? Frantically trying to postulate that the Germans were teetering on collapse and that their skeleton of an economy was being powered only on stolen gold, all gleaned from the insightful and helpful observations of a dirty israelite?
        How do you explain the literally hundreds of battles where Germans overperformed and outdid their enemies? Or that the Russians themselves admitted they were on the brink of collapse and had gotten down to the last dregs of their manpower pool?
        A single extra spring week would have saw another million ruskies in the fields dead or encircled and captured. That's just obvious.

        You don't have to constantly eschew reality to try and project your homosexualry in every conceivable scenario. There's a reason why every HOI game is ruined, it's because of flaming Black personloving queers like you that are incapable of simply admitting basics and instead quiver behind established norms and mannerisms that your fellow discordtroony grooming fellows have convinced you is right and proper.
        Feel free to respond with another limp wristed gawking. Get off this board Black person.

        • 2 years ago

          You seem mad.

          • 2 years ago

            you will never be a woman

            • 2 years ago

              Get behind me Satan.

  33. 2 years ago

    >muh muh muh Greece doesn't matter and soviets pull something out of their ass! Russia strong!
    Nah. Germany encircled and extended as much as you could even feasibly imagine in a single spring campaign. Their logistics were insanely stretched to their limit.
    The strategic errors taken in 1942 would never be the case if their initial 1941 aims were reached. Blaming Germany for their pre-war ally Italy causing inconceivable frick ups in diplomacy and wars is the point you get past stupidity and just begin to lie to yourself though.
    The combined might of the allies was barely enough to beat the Germans on their worst day. Barely.

  34. 2 years ago

    >schizo moron doesn’t understand the concept of a slow board

    • 2 years ago

      >Thread is completely fricking dead
      >Finally hits page 11 after few days of inactivity
      >Instantly bumped with moronic bait post
      >S-slow b-board
      Here, get the (You) and go frick yourself with it.

      • 2 years ago

        Every hoi3 or DH thread always gets at least one miserable little butthole who constantly shitposts. Probably a filtered hoi4 player who gets bullied a lot irl.

  35. 2 years ago

    >DH thread
    >hoi3 gays shit up the thread
    >hoi4 zoomers false flag
    I just wanted to talk about my favorite country. China in DH feels leagues better than hoi3/hoi4 it feels like a war of attrition and resistance. The initial debuffs hit you hard but if you focus enough men, have dug in, and have forts you could still hold the Japanese off. Hoi3 is too easy to abuse and hoi4 made division spam so east that losing a division hardly feels like a loss since they are so replaceable. HoiV should take more inspiration from DH than hoi4 and hoi3.

  36. 2 years ago

    I picked the first Hearts of Iron game from a bargain bin and my dad bought it for me for 5€ or something when I was a kid. I didn't know how to play it, then with HOI 2 I became a certified autist and remain so to this day. The eternal Swede still hasn't added a Finnish focus tree to the fourth game 😀 at least there's riveting South-African and Mexican etc. WWII gameplay

  37. 2 years ago

    I think we can all agree that DH is like a fine three course dinner, created by the most skilled chef and served up to you by buxom b***hes scantily clad in the sheerest negligees. They giggle and wiggle their asses as they put the embossed plates on the solid oak table.
    By comparison hoi4 is the leftover slops from an orphanage's kitchen. Which the alcoholic cook urinated in. Served from grime encrusted buckets. Fit only for pigs. Which is why hoi4 fans eagerly lap it up, since they are in fact pigs.
    Hoi3 is just a rather plain, but nutritious, meal cooked for you by your mother when she is feeling particularly tired. It fills you up, it tastes okay, but you dont feel like it was anything special.

    • 2 years ago

      The only thing that it's possible to agree upon is that you have mental illness, with n-th variation of the same post being made.

      • 2 years ago

        You simply have no creativity. You will never be able to write creative prose like that. Its beyond your capability. You lack both the intelligence and the education. You are a peasant. You know this to be true. A peasant who is envious and mad because superior people like me are so obviously superior. Now eat your slops. Peasant.

        • 2 years ago

          >Shitposting and low quality bait
          Pick one

          • 2 years ago

            You will always remain low born and rather stupid. Much like a pig. Such is your envy at my superior intellect and upbringing your writhe with anger. I enjoy your anger. It is amusing. Stay angry and may deign to drop some trinkets for your efforts.
            I do say, you do understand such terms as "deign" and "trinkets", dont you? But of course not! Why, I should expect pond scum to have a better grasp of the English language!

  38. 2 years ago

    Paragraph spamming intelligent autist anon, we salute you!

    • 2 years ago

      I can see that you are a superior person with refined tastes. You are Gentleman of fine breeding. Now after we give the guttersnipes a jolly good thrashing with our canes, lets hit the town and sire some bastards with the local peasant girls. Then afterwards we could enjoy quaffing a few Brandies at the local tavern while betting on the nightly bare knuckles fist fight. Its rather fun to slum it with the riff raff sometimes. Wot.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Absolutely spiffing idea my dear chap!

  39. 2 years ago

    do you guys think the new HoI 4 dlc is going to allow planes to attack army units. You know, like we had 10 years ago in HoI 3

    • 2 years ago

      >go to fitgirl
      >decide to torrent HoI4
      >pick South Africa
      >play for a while
      >eventually independent from UK
      >attack UK for land since they're dealing with germany in europe
      >get ass raped

      How do people have fun in this game? What the frick are you supposed to do?

      jesus is this seriously how it's setup? Took me ages to figure out what I needed to do in order to use planes. Why the frick can't I just focus army units with the planes??? It's just an area of effect? What a lazy fricking way to implement it and super boring worst strategy game ive ever played

    • 2 years ago

      >go to fitgirl
      >decide to torrent HoI4
      >pick South Africa
      >play for a while
      >eventually independent from UK
      >attack UK for land since they're dealing with germany in europe
      >get ass raped

      How do people have fun in this game? What the frick are you supposed to do?

      jesus is this seriously how it's setup? Took me ages to figure out what I needed to do in order to use planes. Why the frick can't I just focus army units with the planes??? It's just an area of effect? What a lazy fricking way to implement it and super boring worst strategy game ive ever played

      >Samegayging your own post
      There are already three (3) other threads dedicated to b***hing about HoI4 and its upcoming DLC

      • 2 years ago

        not me mate this is the first hearts of iron game that i've played but if previous games have that functionality I'll try them out instead

        • 2 years ago

          I can switch my IP, too, you know

          • 2 years ago

            first time I've said this but meds now

            • 2 years ago

              You mad that I bumped the hoi2 thread schizo troony?

              I can switch my IP, too, you know

              >Samegayging your own post
              There are already three (3) other threads dedicated to b***hing about HoI4 and its upcoming DLC

              Why do spastics have to ruin a perfectly good thread with their chimping?

          • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        You mad that I bumped the hoi2 thread schizo troony?

  40. 2 years ago

    Superior people play DH.

  41. 2 years ago

    HoI3 is the best but I got tired of it crashing all the time. I lost my USSR ultra-autistic hard Soviet game after it kept crashing when I'd try to save in December 1941. So I pirated 4 instead and it only crashes when trying to load a game 🙂

    • 2 years ago

      >HoI3 is the best but I got tired of it crashing all the time.

      Games probably running out of memory. I had issues like that too, random crashes when saving/corrupted saves but that all went away when I got podcats exe (allows base game to use double the ram) I’ve even played into the 50s waging war on the soviets as a victorious allies

      • 2 years ago

        I was already using podcats .exe. It wasn't as bad a problem in other campaigns and something was probably bugged but it was the final straw for me. I was tired of taking a gamble every time I had to save the game

        • 2 years ago

          That sucks. And I totally know exactly what issue you expirence with the trying to save crashing the game.

          I used to SEETHE when my one year autosaves got corrupted, because it was an instant crash and essentially an inconvenience that made most playthoughs kill. Start over rather than re do the same shit again.

          But surprisingly, those issues completely disappeared when I got the podcats thing. Even BICE and it’s bloat fail to crash the game, even in the fricking 50s!

          Hoi3 is weird it’s becoming witchcraft to run on newer and newer systems. The game hates most modern processors, and who knows.

          maybe it crashes a lot more with modern ram than with ddr3 or whatever was around for XP?

  42. 2 years ago

    Why can’t I get around DH lag issues? When I run it in windowed it straight up doesn’t work. I can do smaller campaigns like the Poland one without much headache, but if I try to open a normal scenario my game gets incredibly slow. The game is fun but I literally can’t play it at this point.

    • 2 years ago

      You actually need a single core pentium processor from the 00s to run DH well.

      My quad core works great for hoi4/hoi3, even base hoi2. Hoi1 also runs with no lag and no compatibility mode on my windows 8 no issues. I can run hoi1 from the disk or from my hdd, none of the issues that appear in my steam darkest hour.

      Darkest hour is literally a mod and is full of eurojank. DH was developed on polish computers with incredibly poor hardware in the mid 00s. It won’t run on anything that’s not similar to the computers it was developed on.

      If you don’t have an old computer you simply can’t run the game properly.

      I have a very weak windows vista laptop that I have disconnected from the internet. It can run DH fine.

      My pc that’s exponentially more powerful in all metrics? No. Crashes and unbearable lag.

  43. 2 years ago

    Inferior people are incapable of appreciating the superior game play of DH. There really should be a separate board for DH, just to keep the riff raff out.

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