The only positive thing about being born in Brazil is that I didn't start playing TTRPGs with DND.

The only positive thing about being born in Brazil is that I didn't start playing TTRPGs with DND.

I might have toxoplasmosis but at least my brain hasn't been eaten inside out by the DND fungus.

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  1. 12 months ago

    You didn't start any TTRPG on your budget third worlder.

    • 12 months ago

      my daddy bought me some weird LOTR RPG and VtM when I was 11 tho try again

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Why the frick do so hues play Vampire?

        • 12 months ago

          A world ruled by literal parasites is more attractive than the world rule by figurative parasites that they live in.

        • 12 months ago

          First officially published RPG, same with GURPS there.

      • 12 months ago


        Why the frick do so hues play Vampire?

        Canonically what major clans are in Brazil/South America?

    • 12 months ago

      >you need money to play imagination games

      • 12 months ago

        Brazilians can only afford to play pen and paper games through theft

        • 12 months ago

          Based pirates. Anyone who shells out for rulebooks for anything even remotely mainstream is a moron.

        • 12 months ago

          That's cyberpunk as frick

  2. 12 months ago

    Maybe, but is it much better to be playing some horrible combo of AD&D + Anime from the 2000s, brozilian?

    • 12 months ago

      played lots of 3d&t with my weeb neighbours

      also fapped to their Dragão Brasil magazines coolface.jpg

      • 12 months ago

        holy shit, I have severe PTSD from the goddamn 3D&T system. A friend started a slightly homebrewed urban fantasy campaign with it, which started getting increasingly homebrewed, and then I, in my utter foolishness, carried over from his system modifications for a follow-up campaign. Wasn't my first time GM'ing, but I severely underestimated how utterly broken the whole thing was. I'm about to finish the campaign, thankfully, but I don't want to ever see this bloody system again. Yeah, it's our fault we let the whole thing spiral out of balance to the point where torching it is faster and more efficient than salvaging it, but still.
        If anything, it at least made for a very memorable combat encounter where an auto-resurrection spell was cast on a party, and it only went off _five in-game years later_ on a different campaign with the same characters, because the fricking spell didn't have a time limit, and even the GM had forgotten it happened.

        • 12 months ago

          wait, people still play it????

          it was my first system way back in 2000 but after I started playing VtM I never went back

          dont even remember the rules, just that it was quick and easy and we started 20 different campaigns but never went past adv 3 on any

          which is probably good since you are saying its gets more and more broken the further you go

        • 12 months ago

          I really love 3d&t, it's the perfect beer and pretzels system, but i've seen countless times people trying to do more with it and obviously never works...even the "official" supplements always tried to do this, like adding spells as in your example

  3. 12 months ago

    Meh i disagree.
    AmeriBlack folk in the dnd, wod and gurps generals are only NOW coming up with systems that Tagmar developed way back in 1991 and Daemon in ~1996-1998

  4. 12 months ago

    >at least my brain hasn't been eatenout by the DND fungus
    Even if you'd started with DND said fungus would have starved to death from a severe lack of brains, you being bruhzilian and all.

  5. 12 months ago

    >ANOTHER anti-"DND" troll thread
    Fricking hell, did someone in your family die and you're feeling particularly lonely right now?

  6. 12 months ago

    > gets shot

  7. 12 months ago

    The only difference between you and 5e players is they chose brazilianism while you were born with it.

  8. 12 months ago

    Dunno, anon. I'm Polish. Our starter game was WFRP 1e, or rather re-interpretation of WFRP.
    The only thing that happened on the positive end of things was that once 3e arrived, it got mocked and has a status akin to 4e in Poland. 4e was almost entirely skipped. But on the negative point, JG almost killed the hobby entirely, so I don't really see this as a win

    • 12 months ago

      >it got mocked and has a status akin to 4e in Poland.
      Not really. It was reasonably popular, in part thanks to Neverwinter Nights, it just wasn't all consuming like it was in America.
      Saying it endured wide-spread mockery is stretching the truth a bit. If you're just saying "it was mocked" like you heard one person mock it, sure, but the same could be said about your penis.

      • 12 months ago

        >It was reasonably popular
        Ask me how I know you are from Warsaw, Tri-City, Kraków or at the very least the Silesian urban area (and if so - very well-off).
        Outside those, 3e was a complete bomb, simply because it was too expensive to get into legally and in the same time printed in such a way, making a xero was rendering half of the text unreadable.
        The actual game that was popular in that era was home-grown Neuroshima. Which had a true, all-consuming, if short-lived hype. But what was the "3e golden period" was a "DnD whimper" in Poland.
        >b-but one of the best selling rulebooks ever in Poland
        Yeah, given what are the other candidates to that title, selling 8k books must be truly impressive, especially since expansions tanked completely, as they were overpriced and made everyone realise what's up with the system and why the basic version barely works.
        I mean shit, it was early 00s in Poland. If your game required expansion to even bother, you've fricked up big time. And if it was made to sell those - you were done.

    • 12 months ago

      >It was reasonably popular
      Ask me how I know you are from Warsaw, Tri-City, Kraków or at the very least the Silesian urban area (and if so - very well-off).
      Outside those, 3e was a complete bomb, simply because it was too expensive to get into legally and in the same time printed in such a way, making a xero was rendering half of the text unreadable.
      The actual game that was popular in that era was home-grown Neuroshima. Which had a true, all-consuming, if short-lived hype. But what was the "3e golden period" was a "DnD whimper" in Poland.
      >b-but one of the best selling rulebooks ever in Poland
      Yeah, given what are the other candidates to that title, selling 8k books must be truly impressive, especially since expansions tanked completely, as they were overpriced and made everyone realise what's up with the system and why the basic version barely works.
      I mean shit, it was early 00s in Poland. If your game required expansion to even bother, you've fricked up big time. And if it was made to sell those - you were done.

      The actual joke is that 3e tanked as a project, left no real inprint, 4e was a financial disaster... and 5e is out of the blue a massive hit, where you are easier to find groups for it than any other game. In the same time, people are completely indifferent to the brands, and when they run, they still run it with the classic JG-like bend, so it's DnD in WF setting 9 out of 10 cases.

    • 12 months ago

      I thought you polcucks worshipped at the altar of Cyberpunk 2020?

      • 12 months ago

        It was somewhat big in certain areas in mid-to-late 90s, but nothing explosive nor nation-wide. Think of it as "closure to a list of Top 10 Picks", rather than something overwhelmingly popular.
        Had a bit of resurgence in mid-00s, when Neuroshima was fading and people were looking for a working (since Neuro is utterly broken) game that has cybernetics and heavy-duty firearms in it. Faded within a single year.
        THEN had another resurgence between all sort of wanna-bes that tried to project themselves as old grogs with tonnes of experience, despite having their ID number starting with 9 (so born in the 90s) and being in kindergarten during the golden era of Polish TTRPG scene. And that was related with the initial announcements that CDPR is going to make a Cyberpunk game.

        Still, if you were playing in the 90s, you were playing either:
        - WFRP 1e or its homebrew "fixes"
        - CoC 5.5e
        - VtM
        - Crystals of Time (homegrown game, dog-shit bad crunch, but with super-memorable art)
        And in that exact order. Anything else than those four was "yeah, I've heard about it", but chances were, nobody was playing it in your area.
        And DnD in particular had a pretty bad reception, since it was considered "a game about nothing but hacking and slashing your way through hordes of monsters".

        • 12 months ago

          damn bro you are a sage of polish rpg history

          name me some original polish rpgs so I can try to find them in english later

        • 12 months ago

          >CoC 5.5e
          >playing wiener 5.5"
          hehe gay

  9. 12 months ago

    As a gulf arab i have the opposite problem, my life is heaven compared to others including westerners but the people here are so fricking opposed to ttrpg (they think its childish) yet pull out a deck of cards, dice, or board and stones and everyone wants to teach you the game his family created and perfected over generations (its indescribable joy to easily beat them at their game because you are just smarter).
    Basically i am stuck playing online with americans and british people

    • 12 months ago

      > As a gulf arab i have the opposite problem, my life is heaven compared to others


      • 12 months ago

        Where are you from? Unless you are scandinavian or swiss i dont understand you.

    • 12 months ago

      >my life is heaven compared to others including westerners
      >gulf arab

      • 12 months ago

        Do you not know what a gulf is?

  10. 12 months ago

    So all the d&d hate threads plaging this board were just this brazilian ESL moron all along?

    • 12 months ago

      >HYTNPDND has just been thirdie poorgay cope this whole time

      I dont know why you seem unable to understand, but d&d (specially 5e) is a shit game and most people who have played other systems never went back. The reason there is a lot of d&d hate is because it is equated with the hobby and its gives new players a bad impression of the hobby as a whole, this bad impression causes players to be less likely to play other games, which makes it harder for them to find people to play with.
      In other words d&d (and 5e specially) is hated because it drives potential players away from the hobby.

      Also there are people like me who burst a vein everytime someone tries to homebrew d&d5e to do anything but high fantasy superheroes (its easier to learn a new game.)

      • 12 months ago

        this, except replace shit game with shit player culture
        fivee is a mediocre game that seems incomplete with how much houseruling you would have to do to have a game about anything other than kicking in monster closets on your way to godhood

  11. 12 months ago

    >HYTNPDND has just been thirdie poorgay cope this whole time

  12. 12 months ago

    Argentine superior Master race here. I started with ICE LOTR back in 1998. Good times.

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