The pokemon killer

Everything bad started with this game, the controversy, the dez cut, the hate, the lazyness. It's time to recognise this was pokemon biggest mistake

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  1. 4 months ago

    >inb4 "UNOVA STARTED IT!!!!!"

    • 4 months ago

      Nah. While the 3DS games are still relatively well made for their time, nearly everything wrong with modern Pokémon games can be traced back to Gen 6 and 7. Though one could argue Charizard pandering started at the tail end of the Gen 5 anime. Why else would they bring back Ash's Charizard?

      case in point

      >Its ok when shitnova does it

      • 4 months ago

        >nearly everything wrong with modern Pokémon games can be traced back to Gen 6 and 7
        Give a single example.

        • 4 months ago

          XY fricked up animations of flying Pokémon for 3 generations straight
          ORAS started the trend of butchering remakes, not making them worth it if you have the original games or the third versions
          SM started the trend of making you an npc in an NPC's story
          USUM could've easily been an update to base SM, instead of being it's own 40 dollar game
          LGPE was the first game to introduce dexit and the first attempt to try and get GOgays into the main series

          • 4 months ago

            >XY fricked up animations of flying Pokémon
            How? You not liking the animations doesn’t mean they fricked them up.

            >ORAS started the trend of butchering remakes
            What do you mean by “butchered”? Do you mean not keeping things from the originals and making worse modifications to the game? Because literally all the remakes do that.

            >SM started the trend of making you an NPC in an NPC's story
            This doesn’t actually mean anything.

            >USUM could've easily been an update to base SM
            This could be said about every upper version.

            • 4 months ago

              >How? You not liking the animations doesn’t mean they fricked them up.
              It's not that I don't like them. Take Xatu, a Pokémon known for standing in one place. Not hovering, like how it does in Gen 6.
              >What do you mean by “butchered”? Do you mean not keeping things from the originals and making worse modifications to the game? Because literally all the remakes do that.
              HGSS added loads of content from Crystal and Platinum, and then some. They didn't have to do all of that, but they did, and I'm grateful. Compare that to ORAS not including the Battle Frontier and demoting Emerald to a minor postgame story.
              >This doesn’t actually mean anything.
              Yes it does. Why should a NPC female who's main contributions to the franchise after their generation is done is porn, be considered more important to the character you actually play as?
              >This could be said about every upper version.
              And that's one good thing I have to give SwSh credit for, they stopped third versions.

              • 4 months ago

                >HGSS added loads of content from Crystal and Platinum, and then some. They didn't have to do all of that, but they did, and I'm grateful. Compare that to ORAS not including the Battle Frontier and demoting Emerald to a minor postgame story.
                You can thank director Shigeki Morimoto for wanting to make the best and most content filled games in the series. Why did Ohmori replace him?

              • 4 months ago

                >Take Xatu, a Pokémon known for standing in one place
                It’s a bird. It’s also known for flying.

                > HGSS added loads of content from Crystal and Platinum
                ORAS added loads of content from XY, and then some. I don’t see your point.

                > Compare that to ORAS not including the Battle Frontier
                It’s actually very easy to compare. ORAS lazily copied the battle facility from the game before it the same way HGSS lazily copied the battle facility from the game before it. FRLG didn’t even do that much and it has no battle facility period.

                > Why should a NPC female who's main contributions to the franchise after their generation is done is porn, be considered more important
                They aren’t more important.

              • 4 months ago

                >It’s a bird. It’s also known for flying.
                >They say that it stays still and quiet because it is seeing both the past and future at the same time.
                >Xatu stands rooted and still in one spot all day long. People believe that this Pokémon does so out of fear of the terrible things it has foreseen in the future.
                >Xatu is known to stand motionless while staring at the sun all day long. Some people revere it as a mystical Pokémon out of their belief that Xatu is in possession of the power to see into the future.
                >While it can see the future, it has no desire to change it, which is probably why it remains motionless at all times.
                No mention of it flying in it's Pokédex entries.
                >ORAS added loads of content from XY, and then some. I don’t see your point.
                How do I make Trainer PR Videos and customize my character in ORAS?
                >It’s actually very easy to compare. ORAS lazily copied the battle facility from the game before it the same way HGSS lazily copied the battle facility from the game before it. FRLG didn’t even do that much and it has no battle facility period.
                All Crystal had was the Battle Tower. They could've easily ported DP's Battle Tower and called it a day, but they went and added Platinum's Battle Frontier, and I'd rather have 5 recycled battle facilities than 1.
                >They aren’t more important.
                Then why does SM's story revolve around Lillie? Why does SwSh's story revolve around Hop? Why does Path of Legends in SV revolve around Arven?

        • 4 months ago

          Ohmori became director around that time.

        • 4 months ago

          No BF

          • 4 months ago

            > No BF
            So Gen 5?

      • 4 months ago

        Charizard pandering did start with the Charizard Bridge. That part is undeniable.

        • 4 months ago

          It reflects merchandise sales. GameFreak in its current form doesn't care about selling good games, they only care about selling you the monsters in the game as merch with the games being interactive creature catalogs.

        • 4 months ago

          Charizard was literally the first boxart pokemon, it's as old as pokemon itself

    • 4 months ago

      Anticipating that someone will tell the truth doesn't mean that someone won't tell the truth anyway.
      Because Unova did indeed start it

  2. 4 months ago

    True. Before the Switch all Pokemon games were reasonably well made and well received. Game Freak doesn’t have the time or resources to properly develop HD console games.

    • 4 months ago

      >Reasonably well made
      You gays accepting those garbage games is why we ended up with the switch era. You just kept lapping it up but finally set your foot down when it was too late.

      • 4 months ago

        They were low, but acceptable quality.
        I personally don't like them, but the gulf between these two basically functional, if mediocre and modest games, and the shitshow that has been Let's Go, gen 8, and 9 is undeniable.

      • 4 months ago

        >Reasonably well made
        Correct, they are objectively well made games. Your historical revisionism won’t change this fact.

      • 4 months ago

        SM was unironically really well-polished
        >great graphics for the time
        >map finally felt like it wasn't stuck to a 2D grid
        >all the Pokemon were available
        >best-written human characters in the series TO THIS DAY
        >no massive missing content gaps like Gen 6

        • 4 months ago

          USUM couldve been great game if it didnt exist but was just a dlc for the main game without messing with the story

  3. 4 months ago

    >Its ok when shitnova does it

    • 4 months ago

      When Unova did what

      Laziness started in XY.

      The rest are as old as the first game.

      XY was exponentially harder to make than anything after.

  4. 4 months ago

    It was better than SV

  5. 4 months ago

    Laziness started in XY.

    The rest are as old as the first game.

    • 4 months ago

      XY felt like an unfinished game. It felt like it was supposed to bake something in the post game, but was scrapped last minute

      • 4 months ago

        It only “feels unfinished” because they conditioned you to assume every game is unfinished unless they sell it back to you a second time with a different thing on the box.

        • 4 months ago

          Ultra Sun and Uktra Moon felt unfished too, moron

          • 4 months ago

            > unfished

          • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            At least it had fishing.

            • 4 months ago

              It was the game that had all the infamous 1% on one route fishing encounters
              Hope you like fucjing magikarp

              • 4 months ago

                Just leave and return to the fishing spot after every attempt and the catch rate goes up to 10%. Got a Dhelmise in just a few minutes doing that

          • 4 months ago

            No it didn’t.

    • 4 months ago

      XY is the most ambitious game in the series outside of Gen 1. Calling it lazy is objectively incorrect.

    • 4 months ago

      XY is the most ambitious game in the series outside of Gen 1. Calling it lazy is objectively incorrect.

      It's not lazy in terms of the art team, but it is lazy from a product standpoint when your game is meant to tell a story and the story isn't complete.

      XY would have benefited from an additional 6 months even of dev time, but we can't have nice things when nintendo and shareholders demand their paychecks.

      XY had a lot of things going for it that all felt incomplete, and had TCP actually continued to expand on those concepts instead of this lunacy of 'eVeRy ReGiOn hAs tO Be CoMpLEtly UnIqUe' then gen 7 would have been incredible.

      gen 8 though was the true turning point. While gen 7 actually expanded on characters and gave them more personality and flare (the unnecessary but appreciated details with guzma comes to mind most easily), gen 8 was a step back despite 3d allowing for more expression potential.

      Leon suffered the hardest in terms of character building. They went out of their way in gen 7 for a few characters, yet here they just said ", give him a hat, a pose, and a charizard, good enough".

      gen 9, they listened to those complaints seeing how everyone loved the characters so much who they did give personality to (raihan being the most popular it seems for male characters) and gave us actual depth to Arven and Kiki.

      but it still isnt the kind of quality and world building people need to be immersed in a 3d setting.

      • 4 months ago

        >but it is lazy from a product standpoint when your game is meant to tell a story and the story isn't complete
        The story objectively is complete.

        >XY would have benefited from an additional 6 months even of dev time,
        Literally every game ever made would have benefitted from an additional 6 months of dev time.

        • 4 months ago

          if you define complete as being released and sold, then sure.

          • 4 months ago

            No, I’m defining complete as being complete. And you can tell because this thread has 20 posts so far and not a single person has actually cited a single reference for XY being incomplete.

      • 4 months ago

        XY felt like an unfinished game. It felt like it was supposed to bake something in the post game, but was scrapped last minute

        Honestly I felt bad saying Lazy, but OP is right.

        Every pokemon game starts with big dreams and winds up falling short. All the games are sorta mid and half baked, but they make big flashy distractions so you forget the map is a circle, or there are no good pokemon to catch or the level scaling is bad.

        XY was the first time they just... Didn't. I don't know what else to chalk it up to but laziness on the designer's part.

        • 4 months ago

          It's kinda sad that X/Y are the last games to feature young adult protags like the entirety of Gen 5.
          Also rubs salt in the wound when Serena was aged-down in the anime because they want to hook her up with Ash and a taller older girl hitting on him wouldn't be acceptable. I'm even more salty that there was never a Pokémon Z.

          • 4 months ago

            Keeping Ash as the protagonist of the anime for 23 years longer than necessary left dire detrimental consequences.

        • 4 months ago

          it also has the whole "look at what vidya is capable of now" thing working against it. Pokemon is an incredibly stagnant franchise that makes even the likes of DQ seem cutting edge. Pokemon games are getting duller, less memorable, worse/no dungeons, etc. to go along with mediocre-bad graphics and braindead campaigns as it continues to make 2 steps forward, 2 steps back, 5 in a circle

    • 4 months ago

      No, frick this narrative.
      XY were perfectly fine base games that delivered just as much as all the base games before it.
      Where they did frick up completely and utterly was not releasing Z.
      No Z was the first strike, ULTRA CHANGES was the second, and swooshie was the third strike and out.

      • 4 months ago

        Pokémon Z would have completed that Gen or at least finished what X & Y had planned. Instead they jumped to Gen 7 because reasons
        Zygarde would have had a cool plot

  6. 4 months ago

    Well, I enjoyed it

  7. 4 months ago

    lettuce be honest tho. the dexcut was the one thing that SS did correctly and the only people that bring it up are deranged homegays(but i repeat myself)

  8. 4 months ago

    >it’s another vague “I felt thing” statement about XY with zero references to back it up

  9. 4 months ago

    >slop eaters

    poketrannies have set the bar, gamefreak can release the next game on microsoft excel and the fans would lap that shit up

    • 4 months ago

      Needs a promotional plushie first.

  10. 4 months ago

    It actually started with Ruby and Sapphire, but nostalgiagays will never admit it. Masuda's move to head director was what crippled the games, and then passing the torch to Ohmori who he had groomed to take his place insured they would never get better.

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