The problem with "Style" based games is that they try and fail to abscribe a score to skill and flashyness, legitimate gameplay feats such a...

The problem with "Style" based games is that they try and fail to abscribe a score to skill and flashyness, legitimate gameplay feats such as sniping and snapping, movement and dodging or playing with the enemy are not accounted for, instead eventually being broken down into a formula of combos and moves to maximize score output.
Genuine human gameplay is phazed out in a system that naturally herds players into an algorythm's heuristic of enjoyment.

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  1. 5 months ago

    I just don't really care much for "gotta go fast" FPS games these days.

    • 5 months ago

      Fair, but these are the first FPS games I've enjoyed since the first couple Halos.

  2. 5 months ago

    >, legitimate gameplay feats such as sniping and snapping, movement and dodging
    Headshots are a thing.
    Near misses are a thing.
    Both should not be rewarded, this is simply playing competently.

    Keeping a combo up requires actual skill and is completely intrinsic, as style should be.
    You just suck.

  3. 5 months ago

    In "style" based games reaching a good score is usually trivial and mostly just serves as an incentive to explore your toolkit
    It's not suppose to be something that requires only the finest gameplay to max

  4. 5 months ago

    i jump in air
    i shoota da coin
    bing bing wahoo like (You) should know what to do
    also, buttplug game

  5. 5 months ago

    It insists upon itself.

  6. 5 months ago

    keep talking that shit when you hit a mid-air chargeback, dork

  7. 5 months ago

    What game is this? Also what ever happened to

    • 5 months ago

      >What game is this?

      • 5 months ago

        Getting hit takes away style and there are several style bonuses for funny kills (MAURICED, FRIENDLY FIRE, environmental kills).
        This is a game about stacking corpses as high as they'll go and stacking them quickly with the full fury of your arsenal gives you the most score.
        OP is a gay and sucks Mindflayer dick in Hell.

        ignore the style meter gay, real style is intrinsic.
        >into an algorhythm's heuristic enjoyment
        No it doesnt. you just ignore the general big style farms and do whatever is more effective and cooler. theres no way you get low style while playing poorly, the style for hard damage reduction in this game is basically free and getting enough style to P-rank is insanely forgiving

        its a really good shooter because it has far more creative weapons and mechanical combos than (basically everything else) and probably the only good bosses in the genre
        i think style should just be intrinsic
        if playing effectively in a very powerful manner doesnt look great, then the combat system holds the problem and not the meme style system
        if playing stylishly is more about doing superfluous shit that doesnt really contribute to the win much more than doing the most braindead shit ever (basically recent dmc games) then theres a problem with the combat system

        homie you can basically kill everything with projectile boosts and railcannon and get a S in style. Pick a level and ill do it for you

        when it's supposed to come out, based on the intervals between updates?
        i want to play it but i refuse to buy early access games in principle

        • 5 months ago

          rest of act 3 which is basically completion of main game : probably about a year, maybe more maybe less
          the third "prime sanctum" (superboss level) and the new difficulty settings : at the very minimum 6 months after they release the final story levels. Unless the higher difficulties come together with the final story levels
          >but i refuse to buy early access games in principle

          with that said, i'd say this game has genre-mogging substance even before it leaves EA. I recommend playing act 1 -> P-1 -> act 2 -> P-2 -> act 3 (unfinished)

          • 5 months ago

            I agree that it’s one of the rare EA games I don’t regret buying, and that’s likely because I think it actually will come out OF EA. But it definitely has “birthmarks” from it; the disproportionate amount of secret/bonus content crammed into the earliest levels is clearly a result of its episodic release structure.

    • 5 months ago

      ignore the style meter gay, real style is intrinsic.
      >into an algorhythm's heuristic enjoyment
      No it doesnt. you just ignore the general big style farms and do whatever is more effective and cooler. theres no way you get low style while playing poorly, the style for hard damage reduction in this game is basically free and getting enough style to P-rank is insanely forgiving

      its a really good shooter because it has far more creative weapons and mechanical combos than (basically everything else) and probably the only good bosses in the genre

      It’s a shortcoming of DMC’s design that playing unstylishly is not punished with failure. Yeah, you can choose to be stylish entirely for fun, but the game would be objectively superior if it actually had an incentive structure that rewarded you for being stylish and punished you for not being stylish

      i think style should just be intrinsic
      if playing effectively in a very powerful manner doesnt look great, then the combat system holds the problem and not the meme style system
      if playing stylishly is more about doing superfluous shit that doesnt really contribute to the win much more than doing the most braindead shit ever (basically recent dmc games) then theres a problem with the combat system

      you seem to imply that lame formulaic gameplay can be given a high score
      send a webm or youtube video of lame formulaic gameplay that has consistently an S+ rank throughout

      homie you can basically kill everything with projectile boosts and railcannon and get a S in style. Pick a level and ill do it for you

      • 5 months ago

        > theres no way you get low style while playing poorly,
        meant to say while playing effectively

      • 5 months ago

        The two should be aligned in goal, that’s my point. Being stylish SHOULD make you more powerful/survivable, and being unstylish SHOULD cause you to fail. It doesn’t have to be just about some score or meter. It still stands that DMC suffers from the design flaw that being stylish (either in terms of how the playerbase views it, OR how the style meter/rank system views it) is mostly orthogonal to dealing high damage and taking low damage.

      • 5 months ago

        lets see a lame and boring looking gameplay video of P rank 5-3

        • 5 months ago

          lame and boring is one thing that i cant deliver, its literally IMPOSSIBLE for MY gameplay to be lame and boring. But i can indeed do a formulaic thing of using 1 or 2 things over and over and getting P
          recording now

        • 5 months ago

          this was almost twice as much style than is required for a S rank

          • 5 months ago

            Video isn’t ready yet but preemptively: rank also refers to damage taken AND time spent. Actions which farm style points at the expense of TTK and damage risk may not actually prove the point you were trying to prove

            • 5 months ago

              i have all the style i need, have no issues with health, i was not even close to the time limit, and i only lost the P rank because i missed 1 kill as a result of (i just checked) devs somehow breaking the pathing of one of the soldiers that tries to come out of the room

      • 5 months ago

        >if playing stylishly is more about doing superfluous shit that doesnt really contribute to the win much more than doing the most braindead shit ever then theres a problem with the combat system
        >he says that while his troony game can be beaten with a pistol and has braindead shit like sawgun that just rapes everything

        • 5 months ago

          i didnt say ultrakill did not have this problem
          the sawgun is disgusting

  8. 5 months ago

    Getting hit takes away style and there are several style bonuses for funny kills (MAURICED, FRIENDLY FIRE, environmental kills).
    This is a game about stacking corpses as high as they'll go and stacking them quickly with the full fury of your arsenal gives you the most score.
    OP is a gay and sucks Mindflayer dick in Hell.

  9. 5 months ago

    you seem to imply that lame formulaic gameplay can be given a high score
    send a webm or youtube video of lame formulaic gameplay that has consistently an S+ rank throughout

  10. 5 months ago

    Help me come up with an algorithmic method for measuring that a user has done actually skillful FPS things, and I will implement score-rewards for them in my game. I have an algorithmic method for measuring
    >360 noscope
    >accurate recoil pattern compensation
    >shots from a long distance
    >shots while using advanced movement, scaled by player speed
    >leading a moving enemy with a slow projectile effectively
    >hitting an enemy you cannot see, with a projectile that curves or penetrates surfaces

    Anything you think would be interesting to reward the player for, if I can come up with a non-exploitable way of checking for that game state, I will award bonus points for it.

    • 5 months ago

      The problem with "Style" based games is that they try and fail to abscribe a score to skill and flashyness, legitimate gameplay feats such as sniping and snapping, movement and dodging or playing with the enemy are not accounted for, instead eventually being broken down into a formula of combos and moves to maximize score output.
      Genuine human gameplay is phazed out in a system that naturally herds players into an algorythm's heuristic of enjoyment.

      Actually I think I can algorithmically measure snap-to-snipe. When camera-angle-to-enemy first enters some threshhold (say 90°) start a brief timer (0.25s, maybe) and if an enemy suffers a headshot in that time, check the distance to the player, if it’s greater than some trivial value (to avoid doing it from right up next to the enemy), award the bonus

  11. 5 months ago

    You can beat DMC or Bayonetta just mashing XXX and dodging the entire time
    Its no about being optimal its about fricking around with all the shit you can do

    • 5 months ago

      It’s a shortcoming of DMC’s design that playing unstylishly is not punished with failure. Yeah, you can choose to be stylish entirely for fun, but the game would be objectively superior if it actually had an incentive structure that rewarded you for being stylish and punished you for not being stylish

  12. 5 months ago

    HYPER DEMON does the "style" chasing and punishes you for not "styling" baked in the game pretty good. Well, the "style" is really just efficiency, but efficient runs in the game looks mindmelting. Also it help that the game is a highscore kind of game.

    • 5 months ago

      >gameplay that boils down to learning spawns until u can instakill all enemies right as they spawn

      • 5 months ago

        Yes it is style. Enemy spawning is a mechanic. You have many ways to approach it, based on your proficiency. The hardest one is the most flashy, risky and efficient.

      • 5 months ago

        I forgot if HD has a determined spawnset like it does in Devil Daggers, but you definitely don't have any time to mind what's going to spawn next after centipede, you just try your best to chain kills as long as possible in all the chaos. It's definitely not boring, absurd to watch, maybe.

  13. 5 months ago

    fair argument but if you want actual style you do it on your own, because the thing is, style is a subjective metric varying from person to person, you can't measure it and build gameplay around it. nevertheless ultrakill offers pretty fun chain comboing gameplay, yes the word style is not entirely correct but it's a in-game term not actualy meaning style, if you don't find it fun you, indeed, probably just suck as second poster implied

    • 5 months ago

      You can measure style. It’s not straighforward but you can absolutely measure it
      >average actions per minute
      >average action diversity
      >average reaction time
      >average precision

      I don’t have to watch gameplay videos to know that someone who does an average of 75 unique/200 total actions per minute, has a 97% shot accuracy rate, and took no damage is playing more stylishly than someone who averages 4 unique/30 total actions per minute, has a 71% shot accuracy rate, and took 150 points of damage

      • 5 months ago

        so having adhd is stylish? naaah

        • 5 months ago

          If you want to enable (or encourage) the slow-is-smooth-smooth-is-fast approach to gameplay you can develop heuristics for that too

          >heavily weight accuracy and reaction time in calculations, to encourage players to only act with precision and in the last possible instant
          >use a system like Vergil’s concentration meter that penalizes rapid movement
          >overbias scoring toward complex actions, to encourage using a single powerful maneuver in place of a litany of smaller, safer options chained/cancelled together
          >award bonus points, again the Vergil style, for allowing long animations to conclude fully without engaging an interrupt action

          What is meant by “stylish” is context-dependant, it differs from game to game, BUT as a designer if you can imagine what stylish play would be, you can measure it. You just have to decide what kind(s) of play you want to incentivize

          • 5 months ago

            so having adhd is stylish? naaah

            Or put another way:

            In a perfectly designed game, you would be able to show two gameplay clips to a random sampling of players, and that group’s consensus about which player was playing better would be a totally accurate predictor of the scores/ranks/grades assigned to each player. If there is a strong consensus that A played better than B, A should score much higher than B. If the results are divisive, A and B should have nearly identical scores. Achieving a scoring/ranking algorithm that can do this is theoretically perfectly possible. In practice it isn’t easy but it’s still worth trying.

  14. 5 months ago

    I'm hardstuck on 2-2, I'm just not getting enough style points, and not even by a small margin but by like 1-2k.

    What the frick is the secret to Style points in this game?
    I parry, try to maintain air time, try Interrupts and constantly switch between weapons, but I'm still getting fricked. Even eventually get that S-SS eventually on some encounters. What is the secret?

    • 5 months ago

      sliding and coins and projectile boosts

    • 5 months ago

      if you're aiming for P-ranks getting hit does deduct a bit of style and rank for each hit you take
      you getting hit often?
      Also going between enemy encounters fast and getting multikills is good for style too
      if it wasnt on an old version and shit i would link you my P-rank run too

    • 5 months ago

      you typically get more than enough style by just doing whatever makes sense and is more effective, but i can give you some tips to guarantee a ton
      >do a bunch of coins to kill enemies
      >dont constantly swap weapons for meme reasons, unless you overuse one weapon for really long then theres no way the freshness meter will hurt you
      >explode a lot of small enemies
      >you can explode soldiers by pulling them with the whiplash and firing a rocket, goes for any small enemies and its super effective against anything ever

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