The problem with the souls series is that it forces you to use a guide. Take DS1, for example.

The problem with the souls series is that it forces you to use a guide.

Take DS1, for example. Rolling with i-frames is a big part of the game, so much so that they made it a central part of the series.

But there’s no tutorial that tells you rolling makes you invincible. No item description hints at it. No npc tells you about it. It’s not logical or intuitive to try it. If anything, the logical thing to do is roll away from enemy attacks to dodge them.

Rolling away from attacks can kind of work in DS1, but if you try that in DS3 you’ll die in seconds.

I-frames are the elephant in the room for the Souls series. They are a hidden mechanic that the game doesn’t acknowledge, yet the code of the gameplay revolves around it. This kind of approach creates a situation where you basically have to look up guides on how to play the game, since a major game mechanic (arguably the most important combat mechanic) is completely hidden from the player.

This forces you to watch youtube videos, read wikis, etc., and that degrades the magic and wonder of the game. Don’t tell me you never looked up a video or guide on Dark Souls or Demon’s when they first came out.

What the series should do is distance itself from I-frames, like how sekiro did. Sekiro revolutionized the series’ combat system and improved it in every way, yet Elden Ring unfortunately regressed back to the exact same combat present in Dark Souls 3. This makes it hard to be optimistic about the future of the series.

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  1. 2 years ago

    You're a fricking idiot Jesus Christ, and then you b***h about bad faith arguments like you expect anyone to actually want to honestly discuss shit with your fricking brainlet self.

    • 2 years ago

      Can you refute a single point I’ve made, or will you stick with your immature knee-jerk ad hominem reaction?

      • 2 years ago

        You definitely used the internet at some point to find out about i-frames. Don’t lie to yourself.

        I read the first sentence you wrote and that's all I needed.
        I played dark souls 1 when I was fricking 14 after my friend saw his brother playing it and I worked out that dodging had iframes without anyone telling me when I was in the tutorial how fricking stupid are you

        "Press X to dodge"
        "Oh okay when a guy swings his sword I should press X"

        Frick you've made me so unreasonably angry just at your stupidity. Dark souls is normiecore and mediocre anyways so I'm not even seething and the game it's just that you're fricking stupid frick

        • 2 years ago

          >I found out about i-frames because my friend saw his brother (who probably watched a guide) playing it
          See, this kind of just proves my point that the game should just tell you rolling makes you invincible. You act like it’s so obvious yet you accident admit you only knew from a friend of a friend. It’s bad game design to hide such a core mechanic so that it took a friend of a friend to make you aware of it, since it clearly was not indicated in the game itself.

          • 2 years ago

            >dark souls invented iframes
            Can you just admit your 16 so you can get banned and focus on your schoolwork

    • 2 years ago

      >wahhh someone criticized my heckin’ secret club game from Ganker he must be acting in bad faith!
      Lmao dilate soulstroony

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Elden ring is by far the worst game on the entire series and I’ve platted them all. You’re either underage or a homosexual rēddit bandwagoner if you think elden ring is good.

          • 2 years ago

            Learn to play issue

  2. 2 years ago

    The problem with souls games is that they always build off the previous games and design the maps and difficulty based on assuming you've played the previous games.

  3. 2 years ago

    Never used a guide for the first game, you're bad.

    • 2 years ago

      You definitely used the internet at some point to find out about i-frames. Don’t lie to yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        I beat this game as 12 year old around the time it came out. never looked up anything about the game until I had beaten it.
        However I do agree that this mechanic should have been explained in game

        • 2 years ago

          I think the reason From has never explained I-frames in their games is because the mechanic itself is weird any goofy. Why does somersaulting make you ethereal / invincible?

          I would accept it if it was tied to magic or something, but it isn’t.

  4. 2 years ago

    >This forces you to watch youtube videos, read wikis, etc., and that degrades the magic and wonder of the game
    Ok, how do you figure anyone would be remotely interested in this genre without first having seen gameplay of it?
    The first word of mouth they'd get is that Dark souls is a game where they die a lot, hardly a ringing endorsement

    • 2 years ago

      > how do you figure anyone would be remotely interested in this genre without first having seen gameplay of it?
      Because it had knights and monsters and fantasy and looked like a cool game that could be fun. I’m not sure how old you are but back in 2011 people didn’t always watch gameplay videos before buying a game.

      Let’s just grant your argument and assume everyone watches gameplay trailers before purchase. I just re-watched the Dark Souls gameplay trailer from 2011 and it does not show any rolling at all, so your point is moot in terms of expecting players to know what I-frames are.

  5. 2 years ago

    rolling was pretty intuitive to me, but that's because I learned to roll IRL and use the i-frames to avoid my dad

    • 2 years ago

      But he still caught you anon, admit it

  6. 2 years ago

    Most people played using a shield. DS3 is the only one, besides ER, that revolves around iframes. You can walk around and dodge away from enemies and you don't need iframes for that. Knowing about the existence of iframes actually cheapens the experience and makes the game worse. iframes are indeed stupid and over powered. DS2 sort of fixes this because you can play the game without an overpowered amount of iframes, but this moron fanbase is dumb and complained.

    • 2 years ago

      Souls I-frames are far weaker than DD, Monster Hunter and DMC i-frames
      have a nice day

      • 2 years ago

        You're literal fricking moron. Monster Hunter iframes are way less lenient than dark souls. dark souls has an obnoxiously generous iframe window

    • 2 years ago

      I think it’s because the fanbase worships bloodborne, which is the most i-frame dependent game in the series (try playing bloodborne by actually dodging and without using I-frames, lmao) so From has been catering to that play styleever since.

      Bloodborne does not at any point, in any cutscene, dialogue, or item description, tell you that you are invincible during part of a roll or dash. And yet this is the most crucial core feature of the gameplay. Why do people worship Bloodborne again?

      • 2 years ago

        >try playing bloodborne by actually dodging and without using I-frames
        People have done it several times. For every FromSoft game.

  7. 2 years ago

    I'm playing DS:R rn and I'm not getting summoned for Capra demon at level 21. This game dead online now?

    • 2 years ago

      I was getting lots of action twinking in undead parish on PS4 last weekend.

      You’re probably getting no action because your weapon is over leveled. They did some really weird changes to the remaster in an attempt to combat twinking.

    • 2 years ago

      Does anyone use summons for capra?
      I replayed the original 360 version of dark souls a few months ago and I was genuinely surprised at how many summons signs I saw.
      Hell I got invaded in undeadberg before I had even gotten to the taurus demon.

  8. 2 years ago

    I picked up ds1 on xbox only knowing that everyone says it's really hard. I beat it without looking up anything, you're just a moron.

    • 2 years ago

      >reading comprehension
      Nowhere in my post did I discuss difficulty. My point is that a crucial component of the game and core feature of the combat is completely secret and hidden, which is bad game design.

      • 2 years ago

        If you had to look up that rolls had I-frames you are actually clinically moronic.

        • 2 years ago

          How did you know that rolls had i-frames? You definitely didn’t find that out from the game. People act like this is common knowledge yet the game doesn’t tell you at all, so those people are 99% likely to be guide watchers.

          • 2 years ago

            >dodge attack at the right time
            >don't eat damage
            >dodge attack to late or early
            >eat damage
            I guess intelligence was your dump stat

            • 2 years ago

              You are clearly someone who has watched guides from the start or played other games with i-frames, because the way you would intuitively dodge should be to dodge AWAY from enemy attacks. Doing this would not rarely, if at all, demonstrate that you are invincible for part of a roll.

              • 2 years ago

                (You) have already established you have no powers of perception and now you're just being an argumentative moron.
                You do know when this game launched there were no guides for it.
                Not to mention, if an enemy is doing a big sweeping attack that covers the area you would roll out of there's no other direction than to dive under it.
                All of the enemy attacks are very well telegraphed.
                Not to mention you can add +'s to your NG= infinitely so you have all the time in the world to explore and collect everything in the game.

          • 2 years ago

            Have you never played a single action game with a dodge mechanic? I-frames aren't some obscure thing that dark souls invented.

      • 2 years ago

        It's only bad game design to give the player that many iframes. It's not a core feature of the game you have to use. You don't need that many iframes. Players who don't know about iframes can still intuitively backpedal, sidestep, and dodge away from enemy attacks. Or players are using shields and blocking. It's only DS3 that revolves around iframes otherwise you aren't dodging anything.

  9. 2 years ago

    Anyone still playing ptde or is it just me?

    • 2 years ago

      Didn’t they shut down the entire online servers permanently because it got hacked or something?

      • 2 years ago

        Don't know anything about it

      • 2 years ago

        Only on PC. Console versions still work.

  10. 2 years ago

    > Sekiro revolutionized the series’ combat system and improved it in every way, yet Elden Ring unfortunately regressed back to the exact same combat present in Dark Souls 3. This makes it hard to be optimistic about the future of the series.

    This is the only part I agree with.

    I beat dark souls with a shield. It's not important to understand invincibility frames, I beat ds3 and elden ring by spamming magic from afar

  11. 2 years ago

    I played through each Souls game without having had any prior knowledge on them, never looking at a guide or wiki until I'd finished 1, 2, and Bloodborne since all three of those were out when I'd started, and then continued that tradition when 3 came out later that month. I didn't let my friends give me advice or help, I didn't know about how I'd have to trek all the way from the Depths to the top of the Belfry Gargoyle tower to get a purging stone, I had no fricking clue Darklurker was a thing until well after I'd beaten 3 and taken a peek at DS2 covenants elsewhere, and I certainly didn't know what the frick was going on with Chalice Dungeons.

    But I still found things that a lot of people think are too nebulous for a first playthrough, like the return to the Undead Asylum or Ariamas, the entrance to AotA DLC, Sunbro covenant despite 0 co-op, I found and beat every boss BUT Darklurker in DS2 and got all the crowns combined and the Giant Souls, and I figured out the Blood Stone from the brain of Mensis in Bloodborne (thanks messages). It's not that hard, and it's disingenuous to say that people need a guide for basic shit like "your buttons do things when you use them" for anyone other than an exceptionally casual player. Not even derisively casual, just someone who plays games maybe 3 hours a week at the absolute most.

    If you want to complain about things that are nebulous and difficult or not explained to the player, why not talk about how the first three games basically never explain weapon upgrading or its value, or how stat scaling works, or how to help the player make optimal builds by giving them information that must either be intuited slowly in steps or sought out online like stats with hard caps, or stats with secondary functions that matter a great deal like ADP in DS2?

  12. 2 years ago

    So many zoom zooms ITT admitting they were like 12 when DS1 came out LMFAO

  13. 2 years ago

    >Rolling with i-frames is a big part of the game
    So is 90% of Japanese action games. What is the point of this moronic post?

  14. 2 years ago

    >Play mage
    >Hardly need to dodge ever

  15. 2 years ago

    It's actually part of the gameplay, as illustrated by Myiazaki daring players to make sense of the lore. It's expected of you to use a guide.

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