the Red Dead Redemption II will be free on Epic Games for 24 hours.

the Red Dead Redemption II will be free on Epic Games for 24 hours.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    I almost bought it at the Steam sale, but i saw on the Steam forums, it's full of people complaining about crashes.
    R*'s PC ports are usually shit in that sense.
    Glad i skipped it then.

    • 5 months ago

      never crashed for me

    • 5 months ago

      The port is good, the last bad port they made was GTA4 in 2009.
      Frick sake so many idiots still think it's not 2023.

    • 5 months ago

      The game only crashed on me when I was playing the pirated version, when I bought the game never crashed.

      It is still a slog of a game and not worth tho, emulate RDR on switch and you will have a better time.

      • 5 months ago

        >RDR on switch
        is the switch version the best version?
        i still have my ps3 and RDR and undead nightmare in a box somewhere but the ps3 version has sub 30 fps and no AA and texture popup problems.

        • 5 months ago

          The best version is PS4's on PS5 but there are mods out there to make the Switch version 60fps with little to no pop ups, I play on console because I'm not fixated on the fps, I find the carry on experience more valuable so yeah, IMO the Switch version is the best.

          • 5 months ago

            thx, going to look in to the switch version.
            RDR1 played like a true spaghetti western, RDR2 played like a pretentious lefties idea of what the wild west was.

    • 5 months ago

      t. trying to run it on Ultra on a GTX 760

      • 5 months ago

        I have a 3070, but how come there are so many R* dick riders on here?
        Anyway, if it's free i'll get it ans see for myself.

    • 5 months ago

      I have a 3070, but how come there are so many R* dick riders on here?
      Anyway, if it's free i'll get it ans see for myself.

      kek you can't even pretend to be a contrarian right

      • 5 months ago

        >If you don't blindly buy every fricking game you're a contrarian!
        Seek mental clarity, friend.

    • 5 months ago

      >Listening to Steam forums

    • 5 months ago

      i spent over 100h in past month in RDR2 and got not a single crash

    • 5 months ago

      works on my machine 🙂

  2. 5 months ago

    It will be always free on the seven seas.
    And that version you can actually own and it will not be broken by the online balance patches.
    >that warm clothing camp bug in SP that was unfixed for almost a year on the buycuck version
    Fricking kek.

  3. 5 months ago

    >tfw paid 20$ for it last year
    >tfw it tortured me with the always online stuff
    i will never buy a rock* game ever again

  4. 5 months ago

    Have the latest pirate version, played it for a while but lost all intrest around the time the gang moved to the canibal cave.
    Game is boring as frick.

  5. 5 months ago

    WE GONA GET Faraday Protocol
    . SO OP IS GAY butthole

  6. 5 months ago

    I would never ever want to play RDR2 again

    • 5 months ago

      i would but on steam

  7. 5 months ago

    >installing 100+ GB for a days gaming

  8. 5 months ago

    can't wait to play ride a horse while some dumb b***h talks and fail missions because i do what i'm told to do!

  9. 5 months ago

    When is RDR1 out?

  10. 5 months ago

    The problem with this game is that whenever people talk about it, they mention it being "immersive" in a way that sounds to me like Death Stranding and whenever I enquire on whether it actually feels meaningful like Death Stranding, I get no answer either because everybody is moronic and can't articulate shit, or because it's not. So that's my only thoughts on this game. Probably not worth a shit.

    • 5 months ago

      Lol death stranding is even worse than red boring redemption

    • 5 months ago

      rdr2 has the best open world out there, its not like death stranding that is just all looks and moronic interactions with the people that reside in the stations
      in rdr2 besides the undeniable good looking world, you'll find a lot of content that makes the world feel actually alive, even the smallest encounters (that dynamically generated) are written in a way that they feel meaningful

      here's a quest from the "strangers stories" its one of my favorite side quests. I found the window randomly at the edge of the map totally didn't expect this quality.
      There are many more quests and locations that when you find them they feel like you stumbled upon them by mere coincidence.
      For example there's another side quest that if you complete, you'll get a full blown cinametic near the of the game that builds more on Arthur's character arc.

      • 5 months ago

        Links unironic movie game tier sequence and cinematic. Calls the world more "alive" compared to Death Stranding where the entire game is centered completely around the gameplay, so much so that the gameplay itself in a way IS the story.

        Thank you for confirming to me that Ganker is moronic and never understands anything remotely meaningfully enough to make any judgments worthwhile. This reply could have intrigued me if you didnt try to suggest something so moronic about Death Stranding but kek hahaha. If I know that Death Stranding can filter morons this hard but they STILL like something like Read Dead Redemption 2, then I know for a fact to avoid this game like a plan.

        Thank you. Genuinely thank you for being so stupid that you gave me the clarity to understand to never play this game. I genuinely appreciate it. It's so rare to have such clarity about this sort of stuff. In a're almost brilliant in your stupidity to be able to help me with this. 😀

        • 5 months ago

          what makes a world feel alive is MEANINGFUL CONTENT and that is something death stranding lacks, your reward for going from point A to B in that game is worthless inconsequential to the narrative info exposition from a npc that you give 0 fricks about and here i am linking you a side quest from the game and you go le movie game
          Also from the way you wrote this post i can tell you're just a worthless troll, not wasting my time on you anymore, hell you probably didnt eve play death stranding either lol.

          • 5 months ago

            >Also from the way you wrote this post i can tell you're just a worthless troll, not wasting my time on you anymore, hell you probably didnt eve play death stranding either lol.

            Lmfao. This board is actually so superficial and unbelievably pathetic. Genuinely. HAHAHA. It's honestly funny how stupid people are on here that I'm genuinely laughing, but they will NEVER know how stupid they are. Seriously, that's how stupid they are, zero self awareness, zero genuine capacity for thought. If anybody here was in my shoes and knew the experiences I've had recently, you'd truly understand what responses like this mean. When you're so hurt and backed into a corner that you literally need to make up and impression of reality that makes you feel more comfortable, we are in leagues of delusion and stupidity so extreme that it doesn't even matter. Anymore.

            Reading stuff like this. I wonder why morons this stupid and shallow, that don't actually care about discussion or anything they say, even bother responding, but I guess that's just a feature of being stupid I guess? Making an argument, getting any pushback, accusing somebody of being a troll, insisting, very intelligently, with zero knowledge, critical thinking or basis that they didn't play the game, then fricking off as if you're actually justified in anything you said AHAHAHAHAHA MAN IM STILL LAUGHING. I literally cannot believe it. Tears are actually coming out of my eyes. I can't believe being this blatantly stupid and pathetic with zero self awareness AHAHAHAHH FRICK MAN FRICK. I'm so stupid for ever being honest and taking this board seriously hahaha, everyone here is so dumb kehehe.

            Try reverse image searching that btw, if you need to sleep sound tonight kehehahaha

  11. 5 months ago


  12. 5 months ago

    you wish poorgay

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