The rest of the Fallout series:

The rest of the Fallout series:
>Exposes black and white war morality and propaganda as a lie, shows every side with nuance and even shows compromise is necessary in order to make a better future for everybody.
Bethesda Fallout:
>Barely any nuance, every faction is just stupid instead of morally ambiguous, your only choices are between being angelically good or cartoonishly evil, no compromise, factions must be wiped out

Did Fallout become the thing it was satirizing?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Fallout 4 is trash but it's pretty fun as an open world game.

  2. 2 years ago

    nma thinks a psycho blob you share like 6 lines of dialogue with at the end of the first game "exposes black and white morality"

    fallout never had deep writing and the only reason it's even remembered at all is because of bethesda. proceed to sneed and cope

  3. 2 years ago

    Shamus Young did a video called "Bethesda NEVER understood Fallout" where he went in depth about how the series pretty much became a parody of itself thanks to Bethesda not really understanding it's themes and messages. Bethesda in general has a problem with properly writing any nuanced characters or factions, so it's not really surprising. Whatever problem their Fallout and Elder Scrolls games have, will easily apply to Starfield as well.

    • 2 years ago

      >Shamus Young

  4. 2 years ago

    Fallout 4 was good. You’re just a nerd.

    • 2 years ago

      >Terrible factions
      >Dumbed down skill system
      >Almost empty map with the occasional gunner or raider encounter (Two factions you can't join or roleplay as)
      >Boring quests with zero repayability or differences in how you progress through them
      >Countless retcons, pre war jet, t60 and X-01 power armor
      >Isn't even consistent with its own rules, Ghouls now don't need to eat or drink (another retcon) yet Ghoul settlers take up supplies in your settlements. Loading screen says that X-01 power armor was made after pre war yet can be found in several pre war locations and in Nuka World
      >Almost no unique weapons and instead a shitty skyrim rip off legendary system
      >Countless amounts of bugs that haven't been fixed to this day (Yao Guai Roast giving you 500% more damage) as an example
      >Zero different ammo types, having to downgrade and change an automatic reciever to get armor piercing
      >Voiced protagonist
      >Mediocre story
      Just some of many problems

      • 2 years ago

        becoming a raider warlord and capturing the wastelands for yourself is pretty fun though, you have to admit.

        • 2 years ago

          There's barely anything to it, and it doesn't integrate into the base game well at all.

        • 2 years ago

          You can do this in fallout 2 without a dlc and 5 wasted hours of your time.

  5. 2 years ago

    I don't want to get into political bullshit, I'm not even American, but if it's about the tone and setting then it's like this
    Original Fallout
    >unironically anti-nationalist, it is rejected in its entirety
    >more progressive themes
    >more secular
    >anti-Chinese scare was portrayed as entirely unjustified
    >future US portrayed as entirely evil and tyrannical

    Bethesda Fallout
    >nationalism while parodied is still implied to not be entirely bad
    >not anti-progressive but put less effort into such themes.
    >contained Christian themes and even openly Christian characters
    >anti-Chinese scare while exaggerated, was justified as Chinese agents within the US were real.
    >US dictatorship while bad was a likely outcome of geopolitics

    That's how I see it. It might even be some interesting regional variation within the US, with Old East Coast Americans having some residual patriotism while East Coast are completely Then again, I'm not American.

    • 2 years ago

      Also anti-slavery themes in Fallout 3 and 4 are presented in a patriotic light.

    • 2 years ago

      And that is why Bethesda's vision was much truer to life and better however more poorly realized.

  6. 2 years ago

    Well to be fair, Fallout 4 is a good shooter. As an RPG, it's fricking abysmal. I actually want to strangle the fool who came up with the stupid ass SPECIAL pamphlet thing that lets you choose all of the perks. It's like Bethesda doesn't even know what an RPG is.

    Meanwhile, Interplay made the best Fallout games ever, and there will likely never be another to rival them. (I'm including New Vegas in the Interplay Fallouts because Obsidian had a lot of the guys from Interplay and Black Isle).

    Fallout 2 is my personal favorite because it plays like a table top RPG but it's still Fallout and it has more content than Fallout 1 + The Enclave.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Exposes black and white war morality and propaganda as a lie, shows every side with nuance and even shows compromise is necessary in order to make a better future for everybody.

    The original Fallout has some of the most black and white morality I have ever seem in any videogame. The main enemies are literally LOTR's orc tier stuff. Play the fricking games before talking about shit you know nothing about.

  8. 2 years ago

    To me I always saw the stupidity of the Bethesda fallout factions to be a blessing in disguise since it shows how all the fighting they do and ideologies they hold is absolutely ridiculous and pointless. Its pretty stupid but its the only way I can cope with how shitty Bethesda's writing is.

  9. 2 years ago

    >"shows every side with nuance"
    >somewhat of a NCR favoritism since the second game
    >positing compromising with the unjust as a good thing
    By Presper's name, there's literally nothing wrong with honest, highest good.
    Morally aware people don't need to be ambiguous, they will act and you'll deal with it, meatbag.

  10. 2 years ago

    The mission in Fallout 3 to convince the residents of Tenpenny Tower to accept ghouls into their community is the perfect response to your "compromise is necessary" rhetoric. Not everyone can be made to get along, sometimes there are damn good reasons why conflict is both inevitable and necessary.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Did Fallout become the thing it was satirizing?
    Yes. Bethesda even turned the Vault Boy into the icon of the game and made him into a business entity which is what the original game mocked.

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