The Starfield backlash is the best thing that could have ever happened to ES6.

The Starfield backlash is the best thing that could have ever happened to ES6. Now Bethesda has to do some soul searching. I have my doubts that they'll actually pull that off, but at least now the game has a chance, however small...

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  1. 5 months ago

    we don't know if the game exists all they've shown is a cinematic

    • 5 months ago

      Of course it doesn't their making it now

  2. 5 months ago

    Todd is literally too old to reinvent himself anon

    • 5 months ago

      This. If Bethesda wants any chance of succeeding in the future, they've gotta fire him.

      • 5 months ago

        and bring in some diversity hire negress with zero relevant background? morons, Todd is the only one holding this thing together

    • 5 months ago

      Him and all the others in his clique. Bethesda is being strangled at the top, creatively speaking. They need to clean house of all management and replace them, they're the issue here.

    • 5 months ago

      54 is not old. Men are in their prime intellectually.

  3. 5 months ago

    They've been working on ES6 for a while OP, I'd say they're like 60% done with it at this point, and changing the core mechanics and gameplay would require rebuilding the game from scratch. They have to run with what they already have and hope it sticks.

    • 5 months ago

      More like barely done with pre-production
      >Traditionally, exiting pre-production means you've figured out (and proven!) the basics of what your game's about, and now are moving on to actually implementing that stuff (of course things change as you're making them). That's not where they are with TES6, from what I've heard from folks I've spoken to...

      • 5 months ago

        That shit's illegible.

      • 5 months ago

        What the frick is this handwriting??? Can I get a translation please?

      • 5 months ago

        some cool ideas but then we got skyrim. wtf todd?

        Skyrim had a few things that were either unfinished or repurposed to be something else where it didnt really fit and normies fricking ate it up anyways. bethesdas soul searching should have been after that game, it needed another year of development.

      • 5 months ago

        >Arena: the World
        >Daggerfall: me
        >Morrowind: places
        >Oblivion: Pepe
        >Skyrim: connected

        does Todd suffer from brain damage?

        • 5 months ago

          What the frick is this handwriting??? Can I get a translation please?

          That shit's illegible.

          Arena established the setting of The Elder Scrolls. "The world"
          Daggerfall was the first Elder Scrolls game Todd was part of, and its greatest strength was player expression in constructing a character. That's a double meaning he probably found funny.
          Morrowind introduced the deliberate ground up design of locations that has been a staple of BGS games until Starfield
          Oblivion was focused on making NPCs who had more depth to them than many NPCs have had in games since, having schedules and relationships to other characters in the world that happen even when the player isn't present. Oblivion's focus was on the people you interact with.
          Skyrim was focused on building on that Radiant AI system to implement factions and wider reputations between NPCs and each other and between NPCs and the Player. This didn't quite work out in the way this document shows was their intent. This is probably a consequence of the main story and narrative context of the game being split between the civil war and Return of Alduin, with neither getting the necessary attention to fully integrate.

    • 5 months ago

      If it's based on procedural shit, and they can't put more effort into having the tech actually work, and generate different dungeon layouts ect. Then yes, it actually is worth it to start from scratch. Doubling down on a failure isn't exactly smart

    • 5 months ago

      Source? I made it up.

    • 5 months ago

      >I'd say they're like 60% done
      those morons put all their eggs in one basket with starfield

    • 5 months ago

      It was in preproduction since 2018 when they teased it, but they didn’t start actually working on it until after Starfield came out.

    • 5 months ago

      Whatever you say Todd.

    • 5 months ago

      >I'd say

    • 5 months ago

      >60% done
      still going to be released unfinished

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >changing the core mechanics
      youre going to run around with a sword/fireball spell no matter what. nothing fundamental needs to change, they just need to make sure theres no black people

    • 5 months ago

      All they've said is that they're using the same engine for ES6.
      It's still in the conceptual stages in case you haven't been paying attention to the adquisition documents

    • 5 months ago

      >They've been working on ES6 for a while OP, I'd say they're like 60% done
      They literally just started a few months ago and even that is uncertain

  4. 5 months ago

    don't you mean "the final nail in the coffin for bethesda"?

    • 5 months ago

      It's going to be one or the other. This is do or die for their biggest style of game.

      • 5 months ago

        oh I thought you were the schizophrenic that pretends to care about bethesda games and then spends the rest of the thread samegay shitting on them

        • 5 months ago

          No, I generally like them. Elder Scrolls setting/lore can generally make me ignore a lot of glaringly bad decisions they've made because I just like it a lot. But I really don't want ES6 to be a polished up Skyrim coming out 20 years later.

          • 5 months ago

            >I really don't want ES6 to be a polished up Skyrim coming out 20 years later.
            I would be exceptionally pleased with that but there's no reason to think it'll be anywhere near the quality of skyrim- itself a mediocre game.

    • 5 months ago

      More like the final spadeful of dirt

  5. 5 months ago

    No. It will sell because it has elder scrolls in the title. Why bother trying if it will sell regardless?

  6. 5 months ago

    Soul searching with this guy?

    • 5 months ago

      >Soul searching with this guy?
      Sometimes you need to look deep inside and remove the demons you've been harboring.

      • 5 months ago

        He sold his soul to fail upwards, get promoted and lose a bunch of weight

    • 5 months ago

      > woow this corporate slopp is going to BLOW your minds!! prepare to soiface like your life depends on it!!
      why are Americans always like this?

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >Emil PagliaBlack

  7. 5 months ago

    By the time this comes out it will be an older RPG by 2030 standards and will get mogged by Baldur's Gate 4.

  8. 5 months ago

    Yeah thats not gonna happen. Bethesda is nepotism central. Friends with friends in positions of power that they do not have the skills to be in. They'd need to get rid of their directors and writers and after the recent fallouts and starfield? Get rid of their concept artists too. Every single thing they do is bad. So essentially just give elder scrolls to a better company.

  9. 5 months ago

    Can't wait to use hammershouts and experience the kino aesthetic that is mountainpunk

  10. 5 months ago

    no they wont.
    internally, they will just claim it was a small group of haters that dragged their game down.
    es6 will just be Skyrim with half the content pruned and a gimick system for marketing.

  11. 5 months ago

    I'd rather they do some Soule searching instead.

    • 5 months ago

      The game is already half doomed because of this. it brought tons of bad karma on the company too, especially if hes innocent

      • 5 months ago

        Its not about the allegations but instead about his paycheck and deadline schedule. The allegations just came at a convenient timing.

  12. 5 months ago

    is going to be medieval starfield

  13. 5 months ago

    >FO4 backlash is the best thing that could have ever happened
    then they release FO76
    >FO76 backlash is the best thing that could have ever happened
    then they release Starfield
    >Starfield backlash is the best thing that could have ever happened
    You are here

    • 5 months ago

      This tbh, they dont have to care, their games will sell regardless

      • 5 months ago

        They have to care if they want their studio to have a future. TES6 is their last chance before they've destroyed all their popular IPs, if it's another Starfield situation then their studio will be cannibalized by MS management. The useful devs get moved to other studios in need, the rest get severed, and Bethesda only releases user-generated CC mods for the rest of time.

        • 5 months ago

          Bethesda produces a shit ton of games. Just because they don't make games doesn't mean they aren't going to continue raking in the cash with stuff like doom and dishonored and prey.

          • 5 months ago

            good for them! but those guys are owned by microsoft now. it does no good for BGS who have to be a viable studio on their own.

        • 5 months ago

          i have heard the "oh no bros this is ACTUALLY the end for bethesda" line so many fricking times im starting to think you morons have a memory span of one year at maximum. just cope and accept that the average xbox owner will automatically purchase the largest name on their screen for shits and giggles and think nothing of it and this is exactly who bethesda's audience is.
          morrowind was a (positive) fluke and bethesda has never made a good game. its time to wake up anon

          • 5 months ago

            I wonder what the end means to you.
            Bethesda last released a groundbreaking RPG in 2011. Kids these days may never play or care about Skyrim, so the BGS brand is only meaningful to gamers who are 20yo+, skewing towards 30yo. BGS need an amazing new game to bridge the gap and build a brand among the younger generation. Starfield wasn't it, so TES6 has to be the game.

            In the case of a less-than-amazing TES6, Bethesda only has its core audience of 30-40yo boomers, with a release cadence of 5 years! That makes it a target for budget cuts, layoffs, and inter-studio reshuffles. To me that's the end.

        • 5 months ago

          corporations don't think that far ahead, all they think of is the next paycheck

    • 5 months ago

      This is the correct assessment. Even if you didn’t prefer Oblivion or Skyrim over older entries, they weren’t F4 onwards bad, and it’s only degraded with each new release

    • 5 months ago

      The Fallout 4 backlash was pretty mild, all things considered, and they learned from it for Starfield, although that lesson came a little bit too late for the consequences of that decision to totally disappear. The protagonist in Starfield still has limited responses and the same voice actors they were planning to use for the protagonists had to be shifted over to Constellation's companions.

  14. 5 months ago

    Holy cope. They will double down. TES6 will be all of Tamriel made solely by procgen, all quests will be radiant and all dialogue will be written by an ai. Screencap this, I predicted Starfield being a billion little boxes and "space exploration" consisting of standing still in front of planet pngs a year before launch. Skyrim was the last acceptable game from Bethesda, and it already was a huge downgrade

    • 5 months ago

      >Screencap this
      I'll get dementia by the time TES6 releases

    • 5 months ago

      Daggerchads we are back!

      • 5 months ago

        Fake fan spotted. I think you mean to say ARENA CHADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 5 months ago

      So Daggerfall then?

  15. 5 months ago

    I wonder what variety of somethingborn we'll be in ES6. Skyrim had the dragonborn. Starfield has the starborn. Can't wait to see what hot new innovations Betheseda has in store.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Something to do with sword singing

    • 5 months ago

      HoonDing, sword-born

    • 5 months ago

      It's going to be Hammerfell with Sword Singing, Bethesda are hacks.

      • 5 months ago

        What options even are there at this point?

        • 5 months ago

          Plenty. We could go dwelving into the deep dark swamps of Black Marsh to interact with Hist and go fricking crazy with trans-kalpic communication with all the water memory. We could go to Elswyr and go crazy with the Khajiits over the moons and interact with all the different types of cat folk before having to go into the radioactive chernobyl exclusion zone that is the Hall of the Colossus. We could visit Summerset Isles and see the real poetic architecture and butt heads with the bat-shit insane hyper conservative eugenics cult that is High Elf society and culture, sometimes getting freaked the frick out by a towering skyscraper-sized robot monster blinking into existence in front of you and blinking out just as fast. Or they could retcon the shit about Green-Sap rooting down and have some crazy adventures in Valenwood riding giant moving tree cities and maybe having to deal with grotesque cronenberg beasts that are leftover from wild hunts still stalking the treeline. There's plenty of fun shit to do in Tamriel, and way back in the day they had the idea that every third game would be weird, which makes it even more appropriate to go to a weird place. But, it'll be Hammerfell. We'll go dungeon-dwelving in the Dwemer ruins there and find the weapons they made since they were war-focused and maybe get some lore about the dwarves that absolutely did not fricking want to ascend, but that'd be the most interesting thing.

          • 5 months ago

            Its because they're not ambitious enough to actually try. Imaging making moving cities on their engine. lol.

            >can't max out both
            >takes a long time
            You can max out both and they really don't take that long to do either.
            >At this point I'm starting to think you didn't play skyrim
            I'm talking about bethesda games in general. The perk system you can just choose whatever it doesn't matter.

            There are games with class systems that have multiple playstyles per class. You have to roleplay as that character. A master wizard shoudn't be able to do the same shit a warrior could do. You're taking the role play out of role playing game.

            >You can max out both and they really don't take that long to do either.
            Except it does unless you specifically exploit the game mechanics

            >the perk system you can just choose whatever it doesn't matter
            It has literally never worked like this in any bethesda game including fallout 3. You're just a moronic homosexual redditor who wants to seem intellectual for shitting on bethesda without any actual critiques or opinions of your own.

            >you have to role play as that character
            This is usually called a jrpg, as in japanese. The japanese rpgs, have huge focus on you playing a character that already exists. Elder scrolls is a western rpg, the focus is for you to create your own unique character with your own backstory and morals ect ect

            • 5 months ago

              I think the main issue with the moving tree cities would be loadzones and memory limitations. It'd be a b***h trying to run the game on a potato if you have these giant wooden lumbering buttholes wandering close to you and crashing your game.

            • 5 months ago

              I think the main issue with the moving tree cities would be loadzones and memory limitations. It'd be a b***h trying to run the game on a potato if you have these giant wooden lumbering buttholes wandering close to you and crashing your game.

              Imprecision of floating point numbers makes any anything more elaborate than moving platforms a b***h to simulate. It's technically infeasible for any engine to create an entire moving city.

            • 5 months ago

              >This is usually called a jrpg
              What the frick are you even talking about. Western RPGs are mostly based on DnD. Which is all about classes and limitations and different playstyles. Or roguelikes, which again force you to play a certain way based on what you rolled.

              You just are afraid of choice and want to do everything at once. Bethesda has to cater to idiots like you because they are afraid you'll become confused when your character has to make a choice.

            • 5 months ago

              >that entire jrpg section

          • 5 months ago

            Most of this stuff is more interesting if it's kept subtle and mysterious. The more you show off, the more you ruin it. You have to be slow and measured with the dosage.

            • 5 months ago

              There is no mystery to anything in TES its all explained either by schizos who formerly worked on the franchise, books or devs. You have an idyllic view of what you see as mysterious but people have known it all for ages now. Its just not shown in-game, with dungeons and random enemies for you to whack.

              • 5 months ago

                You know this is all make believe, right? Who cares what some former dev says in an unofficial capacity. Franchises can, should, and do retcon and change things to suit whatever installment they're working on.

          • 5 months ago

            Based dreamer looking to go places where Todd and co. aren't paid enough to tread in.

          • 5 months ago

            >ywn have a philosophical debate with a altmer about whether argonian females have hist sap in their breasts while your khajit hooker is crooning off of moon sugar and ranting about her moon goddess with six breasts
            why even FRICKING live bros

            • 5 months ago

              >You will never see the primal beauty of Wood Elf structures made entirely from animal
              >You will never scour the outright fossil record of failed adventurers that died in Black Marsh and loot perfectly preserved artifacts from the lost and forgotten eras of Tamriel history
              >You will never crack under the insanity of reality and babble about the corpse of a god orbiting around your world with a bunch of stoned cats
              >You will never see the banners, banners, banners, listing every High Elf ancestor all the way back to the Dawn Era
              It's so fricking over.

              • 5 months ago

                >ywn colonize a redguard women only for her to phase you into the next kalpa when she sneezes
                >ywn sail into atmora with Nord gf only to see dragons stuck in the sky t-posing because their god put time on pause
                >ywn eat a salad in valenwood to do a little trolling
                >ywn meet the multiple sheogoraths that currently exist including Irish sheo who’s chilling with the numidium in not-space
                >ywn dreamsleeve that everything after 2005 is non-canon in-canon because (You) are the dream not the dreamer is you are the dreamer is not the dream is the
                >ywn impregnate a khajit only for her to give birth to a house cat because the moon is a waxing gibbon or some shit
                >ywn find out what altmer decided to create the rapebabies known as br*tons
                it’s so joever

          • 5 months ago

            If they did Hammerfell/High Rock, you could get some pretty cool side stuff with the Orcs, you could have Akaviri invasion ruins/lore added too, since they hit that region first when they tried to conquer Tamriel. You could also do something with the main quest involving the Sload, while still having interesting bits from the Dwemer and whatever else (Sea Elves maybe?). You could do a lot with the region and make it really varied and cool, but as I'm writing this I'm realizing they probably won't do any of that other than the Dwemer shit.

            • 5 months ago

              >since they hit that region first when they tried to conquer Tamriel.
              No, the Akaviri invasions affected Morrowind, Skyrim, Cyrodiil and Elsweyr. They were never in Hammerfell/High Rock at all. I assume you're confusing the Akaviri with the Yokudans, who were just the Redguards before they renamed themselves.

  16. 5 months ago

    lmao theres no way bethesda is going to rebuild their engine from the ground up. they are simply fricked. ES6 will release and get SHITTED on so hard because of that fact that its an elder scrolls game. like if you though the starfield backlash was bad, wait until elder scrolls 6 comes out. It will be the final nail in the coffin and bethesda/fallout/elderscrolls will end up like volition and the saints row franchise.
    It was a good run. bethesda made some great games in the past. i for one and looking forward to their end, because i really don't want to see elderscrolls become something like assasins creed or call of duty

  17. 5 months ago

    It will have a shitty parkour/climbing system.
    That's it.

  18. 5 months ago

    Starfield was the Xbox GOTY. Cope.

    • 5 months ago

      >the only Xbox game to win actual TGA award was Hi-Fi Rush
      >still won more than Sony

    • 5 months ago


  19. 5 months ago

    >now bethesda has to do some soul searching
    No they don’t lmao
    Bethesda fans are the most whipped betas in the industry. They could straight up do a press conference the week before launch saying it’ll be more buggy and unfinished than fallout 76 and starfield combined and it’d still top sales charts.

    • 5 months ago

      Damn, you'd think the rest of the industry would notice this and try to copy their Chad world sim design instead of that loser movie game shit.

  20. 5 months ago

    The Fallout 76 backlash is the best thing that could have ever happened to Starfield. Now Bethesda has to do some soul searching. I have my doubts that they'll actually pull that off, but at least now the game has a chance, however small...wait.

    • 5 months ago

      You and another person said a similar thing, but the difference is that wasn't a big mainline thing. It was also very rushed, where Starfield, FO(mainline stuff), and Elder Scrolls games usually are delayed and given more time, even if they are still really buggy. They could eat the FO76 stuff, because Starfield was still their big thing coming out. Now that game is eating shit, and they don't have anything to fall back on.

      That all being said, I think you guys are probably right. I don't have any hopes for ES6, it will probably just be a nicer looking, more boring Skyrim.

  21. 5 months ago

    Backlash only ruins Bethesda’s vision. Remember when Emil had an uncompromising vision for Fallout 3’s ending with a strong message and theme, and then it got butchered by DLC retcon made due to backlash?

    • 5 months ago

      Cannot believe they even added the option to ask a very logical question only to be told 'No it won't kill me but I think you should die because DUUHHHHH-stiny

      • 5 months ago

        They wrote the main story arc before they finished the companions. Possibly even before the deal to buy the Fallout IP was set in stone. They probably weren't planning on a Super Mutant companion and had to bullshit it to make it fit.

    • 5 months ago

      This honestly. Fans don't want to admit that their feedback is actually what's ruining the games.

      >we want bigger cities
      Completely effed up development trying to optimize for these things to run on consoles.
      >we want more dialogue
      Quite literally added zero value to the quests and just made everything more tedious
      >there's too much dungeon crawling
      replaced with boring ass fetch quests
      >we want Will Shen to write the next game.
      The entire main quest is just boring fetch quests with some shitty puzzles (just like Far Harbor).
      >Skyrim/FO4 opening are too over the top
      Starfield has a super boring opening
      >lol stealth archer gameplay too ez
      Starfield stealth filters everyone
      >everything is too close together on the map
      POIs in Starfield are miles apart

      Bethesda was at their best when they told all the critics to go frick themselves and just made the games they wanted to make.

      • 5 months ago

        What are you smoking? They've never reacted to the fans aside from that one Fallout 3 DLC, and that's because even they realized how ridiculous their original ending was.

        Everything else is just coming from their own ideas, paired with the philosophy of cutting features in order to somehow hone the game's design.

        • 5 months ago

          b***h every single one of these ideas is something I heard verbatim from critics. Gamers are vermin with shit ideas and absolutely no idea what they want. That's why smart developers ignore them. Accept it. Internalize it.

          • 5 months ago

            The things people have problems with are plotholes, inconsistent lore, and in a specific case the dialogue wheel with a voiced protag. People want more options and variation in how quests can be completed, how dialogue can be resolved, a good story, good side content with interesting factions, etc. Bethesda has never even tried to tackle this stuff, instead doubling down on their current design philosophies. You are arguing with strawmen you made up in your head.

            • 5 months ago

              >storygay starts storygayging

              • 5 months ago

                NTA, but I can deal with mediocre stories and quests if it means they're vector for really good gameplay.The Problem is that Bethesda's game design is getting increasingly insipid and disjointed with each release. As a result you're just getting something that has both a bland story and bland gameplay, hence starfield winding up but boring.

              • 5 months ago

                bethesda games have never had good gameplay even for their time. Wrong yet again. You have no understanding of why the games are popular.

              • 5 months ago

                this is factually untrue

              • 5 months ago

                No, its not. Skyrim released around the time of dark souls. They combat in morrowind was notoriously janky even when it just came out. Fallout 3 didn't even let you aim down your sight when that was an industry standard for years before its release. Fallout 4 was still more janky then far cry games that came out a decade earlier.

              • 5 months ago

                >muh skyrim
                shut up moron

              • 5 months ago

                Dark souls has shitty gameplay though. That is why it isn't as popular as The Elder Scrolls
                > Being popular is a bad thing
                It really isn't.

              • 5 months ago

                >dark souls had shitty gameplay though
                No. You're so fricking moronic.

              • 5 months ago

                If the gameplay is so good why don't more people like it?
                It is a niche game for a niche audience. There is not a single lesson TES can learn from it.

              • 5 months ago

                oh oh oh oh oh thisp post is making me so ANGRYYYY .... grrrrOOOOOOOOOWWll

              • 5 months ago

                i look like this and say this

              • 5 months ago

                me too

              • 5 months ago

                >why don't more people like it
                Most people do like it, you fricking moron. Besides, popular doesn't equate to good.

                >there's no lesson TES can learn from it
                Other then making spacing, movesets and dodging/blocking a more important aspect in combat.

              • 5 months ago

                Skyrim 60 million
                Dork Souls 33 million for the entire franchise.

                The facts in evidence do not support your conclusion.

              • 5 months ago

                ER already sold 20M copies. Are you telling me thtat the remaining Souls games only sold 13 million? That's impossible.

              • 5 months ago

                Even if the souls games only sold 13 million between them that's pretty successful, especially for a medium sized studio like from software.

              • 5 months ago

                those are claimed sales to wholesalers and I don't even think it has an actual source, nobody's bought 20m copies of elden shart

              • 5 months ago

                Are you asking why Elden Ring sales aren't counted as Dark Souls sales?
                The same reason Avowed from Obsidians sales won't count towards TES sales.

              • 5 months ago

                >defending basedrim
                look who’s the dork now, doofus

              • 5 months ago

                Weird choice of bait, more believable about a decade back

              • 5 months ago

                Roll Roll Roll your boat

              • 5 months ago

                People were talking about the gameplay in skyrim as a slight upgrade to fallout 3's melee combat system which it was.

                I'm pretty sure chivalry released like two years after skyrim too, showing the world that first person swordplay doesn't have to be so boring and bad.

              • 5 months ago

                Why do you keep bringing up worse games as exemplars?

              • 5 months ago

                > Never had good gameply
                Do you have a study by scholars or a mathematic formula to support that claim?
                I believe you when you say you don't like it but it is far from a universal opinion.

              • 5 months ago

                I was alive in and conscience in 2014 with access to the internet.

              • 5 months ago

                That covers you. If you have nothing to support your assertion it is ok to just not respond.

                It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to post and remove all doubt.

              • 5 months ago

                No, please provide a source on your claim that skyrim was considered to have innovative and great combat for the time.

              • 5 months ago

                Why would I feel the need to defend a claim I did not make?
                I know you are doing poorly defending your own assertion so you should just stop posting.

              • 5 months ago

                Bethesda are way better at designing progression systems than basically any other RPG. The only other games I've encountered with similarly satisfying design are typically either management sims or survival crafting games. Civilization is also up there.

                Most RPGs go one of two directions
                1) copying some table top system and only utilizing 10% of it to any meaningful extent
                2) literally just a standard adventure game with a stat treadmill stapled onto it

                In Bethesda games it's actually fun to frick around and just play/build your character. That's why everyone memes about playing hundreds of hours without beating the main quest. Most RPGs tout their storytelling because the progression systems are frankly not strong enough to carry the game by themselves.

              • 5 months ago

                >Bethesda are way better at designing progression systems
                TES games past Morrowind had the most crappy progression system you can imagine. Level scaling means the very nature of character progression is almost pointless. They could've salvaged this moronic design choice by making good and interesting gear/items, but most of it is boring trash.

                The reason why Skyrim kept your brain entertained when you were 12 is because it floods the player with an abundance of activities without any real payoff most of the time.

              • 5 months ago

                >le level scaling
                are you that aspie that's been crying about bugged oblivion level scaling that was fixed right after launch for years?

              • 5 months ago

                I don't care about Oblivion or its "broken level scaling" (whatever the frick that means). Every level scaling is shit. It's an illusion of character progression meant to fool midwits.

              • 5 months ago

                Oblivions level scaling is still fricking moronic to this day. There is no defense for it. It ruins the game in so many ways. Exploring is pointless because the loot will always be the same shit you're leveled for and all the enemies will be wearing top tier armor and weapons the higher the level you are, Not to mention you need to pick the right attributes to level with or you will find yourself fricked.

                Oblivion was a shit game then and it's a shit game now. It was a terrible disappointment after Morrowind.

              • 5 months ago

                The Level Scaling in Oblivion, even after it was "Fixed" still feels bad. You're never really getting the feeling of growth, you can't go back to an earlier part of the game and actually see your progress. Everything you do just feels like you're barely keeping up, especially if you decide to level non-combat skills. It would have been much better to have different regions of the world have differently leveled enemies. They even reimplemented this design in Starfield. Every star system has a firm but flexible level ceiling.

                HoonDing, sword-born

                I don't think having a foreigner be the manifestation of a nominally Black culture's god would read well. It's begging controversy. And you can't be HoonDing anyway because he's actually Malacath. Maybe as Shivering Isles chasing DLC.
                The fact they've stuck to the names they've assigned to Redguard Culture, even in pretty recent ESO content is a great sign, because it means they might not make the horrible mistake of equating Redguards with real world Africans for their superficial similarity. If they're going to draw parallels, it should be done with Khajit or Argonians.

              • 5 months ago

                Frick 'em, they can controverse my balls

              • 5 months ago

                >you can't be HoonDing anyway because he's actually Malacath

              • 5 months ago

                HoonDing is the Redguard presentation of Malacath. He does the same things as Malacath, he's the ethnic protector deity of the Redguards.
                He "makes way" for them giving preferential treatment and even enabled them to claim Hammerfell in the first place. He gave them Orichalcum The only other deity who does those things (for the Orsimer) is Malacath.
                >But HoonDing fought against the Orsimer
                At that time the Orsimer were powerful and acted as tyrants. In doing so they displeased Malacath and lost his favor.

              • 5 months ago

                Malooc is the Redguard representation of Malacath
                And he was first encountered by them when they fought goblins, not shit elves

              • 5 months ago

                What if I told you that Goblins are a deliberate dysgenics program implemented on Orcs by Molag Bal and that Malooc is actually Molag Bal.

              • 5 months ago

                I would tell you that gobs have existed longer than poomer, having been on Summerset before the Aldmer arrived

              • 5 months ago

                Hounding is the yakuubian warriorgod of the Redguards in the previous world state / kalpa, cmon man that’s like 4 games back gotta keep up

              • 5 months ago

                I know what Hoonding is.

                There are way less gods than you think, potentially only 2, potentially only 1, depending on your interpretation how deep this shit goes. Imagine if all the abrahamic religions IRL were "right" and their god was real, but it was still just the one god but they interpreted it differently and thus each got something different out of god. That's how this shit is.

                I know what the "aspects" thing in TES lore is (and you did a terrible job of explaining it). i imagine even lore newbies do, considering that it's important to Skyrim's main story ("he ent Akatosh!").

                HoonDing is the Redguard presentation of Malacath. He does the same things as Malacath, he's the ethnic protector deity of the Redguards.
                He "makes way" for them giving preferential treatment and even enabled them to claim Hammerfell in the first place. He gave them Orichalcum The only other deity who does those things (for the Orsimer) is Malacath.
                >But HoonDing fought against the Orsimer
                At that time the Orsimer were powerful and acted as tyrants. In doing so they displeased Malacath and lost his favor.

                >He does the same things as Malacath, he's the ethnic protector deity of the Redguards.
                But that's not "the same thing." He's the ethnic protector deity of the Orcs. I assume you mean "same thing" by playing the role of "ethnic protector deity of the specific race", but will you next say the Hist are Malacath?
                >He gave them Orichalcum The only other deity who does those things (for the Orsimer) is Malacath.
                Sauces? I'm pretty sure "orichalcum" wasn't defined as an Orc-specific thing until Skyrim, and even then, only in the materials used for "Orcish" equipment.

              • 5 months ago

                >(and you did a terrible job of explaining it)
                Well eat shit Black person. Go ahead and explain it better.

              • 5 months ago

                No other Et'ada has been shown to take sides in ethnic conflicts in the Elder Scrolls. HoonDing doesn't correspond to any other culture's gods and stands out in that capacity as most other gods in the setting have some counterpart in other cultures.

                I would tell you that gobs have existed longer than poomer, having been on Summerset before the Aldmer arrived

                That's according to Altmer historical accounts, who have a vested interest in not being native to the Summerset Isles as they appear to be. If their histories say "there were already goblins here when we got here" it adds legitimacy to the notion that they were displaced from Aldmeris.

              • 5 months ago

                The Al(t/d)mer came from Pyandonea, not Summerset

              • 5 months ago

                That's where the Maomer originated, allegedly after being expelled from Aldmeris.

                it sold well thy aren't gonna do shit

                But they were embarrassed at the Game Awards and by Baldur's Gate 3. My hope is that Todd decides to put aside the "No Blockers" philosophy for TES 6 because of BG3 proving that it isn't necessary.

                >No other Et'ada has been shown to take sides in ethnic conflicts in the Elder Scrolls.
                Shor did that for the Nords at the battle of Red Mountain before he got his throat kicking in by the Dunmer equivalent in the Nerevar. The Bosmer have Y'ffre as well blessing them with the Wild Hunt which they will employ anytime Valenwood is directly threatened. If you want to add the Hist in there too they will occasionally step in on behalf of Black Marsh especially during the Oblivion Crisis when most of the other gods were silent outside of Akatosh after Martin called him in to hobo toss Dagon out of Cyrodiil.

                The Nords had to use the Thu'um to open a portal to Sovngarde to resurrect Wulfharth. That doesn't sound like direct support.
                Nerevar was just a very successful political figure, ultimately subordinate to Azura.
                Y'ffe was responsible for all wildlife all across Nirn and has cognate figures in several other cultures besides the Bosmer. And the Wild Hunt is much more a curse than a blessing. The Hist and Argonians by extension are a remnant of a prior cycle and follow different rules. It's not even clear that the Hist were even a deity scale structure in that world and that it's not just happenstance that they fulfill that role in the current Kalpa. An aspect of Akatosh was contained in the Amulet of Kings, which was fated to be released to repel Mehrunes Dagon from Nirn from the beginning of time.

              • 5 months ago

                It's where all elves originated, and the Maormer weren't the ones expelled, the Al(t/d)mer are

              • 5 months ago

                >the "No Blockers" philosophy
                what is this?

              • 5 months ago

                Todd Howard doesn't like to put systems or content in his games that are mutually exclusive, that you have to play more than one character to experience. He considers this to be an obstacle that stops many players from seeing all of the content.

                I don't know why he has this opinion when Fallout New Vegas was designed around that principle and is their number one product in terms of reputation and continuing relevancy, it's still making them money, regularly having 10,000 publicly accessible Steam accounts (which excludes those set to private, the majority.) playing in any given month, and usually having 4000-8000 in most other months, a significant proportion of whom are new purchases. Assuming that the data for these public accounts are representative of the whole Steam userbase, That means FNV constitutes a noticeable revenue stream despite being more than a decade out of support. The same is true of Morrowind, to a much lesser extent, usually seeing a spike in sales when a popular Youtube video is published about it. 20 years out from end of support. Of course Skyrim has also seen this effect to a much higher degree with its continued direct support packages. Bethesda's old games are working out to be better investments than their newest ones. With the Remaster of Oblivion upcoming imminently they will also be seeing even more high efficiency revenue through another legacy product. It's in their long term interest to continue making games which achieve that long tail of relevancy. They were expecting to find it with Starfield but failed because their strategy requires a well written and constructed product that plays to their historical strengths. Frankly, from a business perspective, they ought to just take the PR hit and have Jeremy Soule, Michael Kirkbride and as many of the core Elder Scrolls staff return as they can get.

              • 5 months ago

                >No other Et'ada has been shown to take sides in ethnic conflicts in the Elder Scrolls.
                Shor did that for the Nords at the battle of Red Mountain before he got his throat kicking in by the Dunmer equivalent in the Nerevar. The Bosmer have Y'ffre as well blessing them with the Wild Hunt which they will employ anytime Valenwood is directly threatened. If you want to add the Hist in there too they will occasionally step in on behalf of Black Marsh especially during the Oblivion Crisis when most of the other gods were silent outside of Akatosh after Martin called him in to hobo toss Dagon out of Cyrodiil.

              • 5 months ago

                There are way less gods than you think, potentially only 2, potentially only 1, depending on your interpretation how deep this shit goes. Imagine if all the abrahamic religions IRL were "right" and their god was real, but it was still just the one god but they interpreted it differently and thus each got something different out of god. That's how this shit is.

              • 5 months ago

                What a shit take. Your progression as a character is great, perhaps enemy level scaling wasn't the best but even then you act like its shit when its not. The majority of perks you choose don't simply make your character stronger but give you new ways to play. When you level up destruction magic for example you get the perk that stammers enemies when you dual cast making combat a frick ton easier regardless of the enemies level.

              • 5 months ago

                oblivion would royally frick you if you chose the wrong attributes as your main because of the level scaling.

                They fixed this by making character customization not matter at all. You can be a master warrior or wizard at the same time. There are no character classes anymore. They did the same thing to the fallout games. You can basically max out all your stats so it doesn't matter. It's fricking lazy and casual as frick. The quests take the same route.

              • 5 months ago

                >character customization doesn't matter
                lol, no it does. Try sneaking through a town with 15 sneak.

                Skyrims system is really well done as you start as blank slate. Practicing skills is character customization and role playing rolled into a single thing. You sneak around a lot and thus your character becomes good at sneaking.

                Unless your issue is you can't start the game as an overpowered monster, which it doesn't seem like it since your b***hing about the lack of difficulty.

                Also I don't see any issue in not having a level cap, especially when that actually achieving such high levels would require exploitation of game mechanics, a frick ton of time investment or cheats.

                Maxing out all your stats is again not a real issue in fallout 4 either because you start with less special skills. Maxing out your stats means neglecting perks for like 30 levels which will frick you over. Again, if you're able to max out your character in fallout 4, you've already done nearly every quest or spent far too much of your life grinding xp.

              • 5 months ago

                >lol, no it does. Try sneaking through a town with 15 sneak.
                which you can max out no matter what other choices you make. You're not customizing your character if you can master every skill.

                Theres no reason to create more than one character since that one character to do everything.

              • 5 months ago

                >which you can max out
                Why is this bad, read my full post. You can max out like 5-8 skill tree's before you've practically done everything the game has to offer. But maxing out the skill tree's is also practically pointless, it gives just slight boosts to the skills. Even when you reach level 81, maxed out every skill you only have 81 perks which is still not enough to get every perk in every tree.

              • 5 months ago

                >people now defend Bethesda gameplay
                this is a new one

            • 5 months ago

              No, and you're moronic. People want atmospher. They don't care if its not logical a character can hold his breath for 5 minutes without training. You're so fricking stupid and the said thing is you actually believe your smart because you can find "plot holes" in stories.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm talking about the FO3 ending moron. Doesn't take a genius to see that one. You don't know what you're talking about.

              • 5 months ago

                Then go play anything else. The writing in a lot of these games is moronic, and it's not that insane to ask for something a little more immersive or better thought out. Lore absolutely 100% matters, and if you don't think so you'll just play anything. The gameplay has been nothing special since conception.

            • 5 months ago

              While I partly agree storyfren, the issue is that all the other systems also suck. It’s not that Emil has single-handedly ruined TES/FO/SF, it’s that Bethesda doesn’t know how to make good games anymore, hence why they outsourced TES to zenimax

      • 5 months ago

        >Completely effed up development trying to optimize for these things to run on consoles.
        Get a better engine
        >Quite literally added zero value to the quests and just made everything more tedious
        Get better writers
        >replaced with boring ass fetch quests
        Get better writers
        >The entire main quest is just boring fetch quests with some shitty puzzles (just like Far Harbor).
        Get better writers
        >Starfield has a super boring opening
        Get better writers
        >Starfield stealth filters everyone
        Not a problem
        >POIs in Starfield are miles apart
        Wrong, all thousand planets have POI literally 500 meters from any landing zone. Which also suggests all the planets have already been visited by previous people, meaning there's nothing you really explore, you'll never be the first to set foot on a world.

  22. 5 months ago

    The three products with the longest sales tail and most enduring reputation that BGS has ever published were Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas and Morrowind. I don't know where this idea has come from that player-centric, aesthetics first world building and storytelling are the way to go. I get that your market research shows that the vast majority of your player base never engages deeply with the narrative and plays for short durations on one character.
    But the players who drive the long term success of these products are the ones who do care a lot about the world and story and build their characters around different archetypes and skill sets. Giving players a lot of good, mutually exclusive options for gameplay and roleplaying is good and the greatest strength of both of the most well regarded products and the reason they continue to make you money. None of the people you're trying to appeal to and accommodate will be put off by making a game which appeals to the most hardcore fans. Hopefully, they'll take the right lessons from Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield.

    • 5 months ago

      Why bring up Skyrim when its arguably even less like that than Oblivion?

      • 5 months ago

        It's the outlier that anchored the bias and changed Todd Howard's priorities. The reason Starfield has no skill levels in favor of perk points is because they saw The Outer Worlds do the same thing. What they need to realize is that the best thing they can possibly do to make a product that gives them value on par with their biggest successes is to let some strategies fail and some succeed. Not every build needs to be viable and it's ok for some choices to lock you out of others. If some people never see parts of the game, that's fine. They still bought it and if you manage to induce a long tail of enthusiasm, they'll come back on someone else's recommendation to see it.

        Bethesda are way better at designing progression systems than basically any other RPG. The only other games I've encountered with similarly satisfying design are typically either management sims or survival crafting games. Civilization is also up there.

        Most RPGs go one of two directions
        1) copying some table top system and only utilizing 10% of it to any meaningful extent
        2) literally just a standard adventure game with a stat treadmill stapled onto it

        In Bethesda games it's actually fun to frick around and just play/build your character. That's why everyone memes about playing hundreds of hours without beating the main quest. Most RPGs tout their storytelling because the progression systems are frankly not strong enough to carry the game by themselves.

        What do you think of how they handled it in Starfield?

        • 5 months ago

          Starfield is still pretty good but they flubbed the resource distribution. They're too equally utilized and spread out. There needs to few super common high use staples so you always get something from a dungeon run. Then they need rarer resources to be distributed by biome/planet/star type so you can strategize about where to find stuff. And obviously nerf shopkeepers.

          >Bethesda are way better at designing progression systems
          TES games past Morrowind had the most crappy progression system you can imagine. Level scaling means the very nature of character progression is almost pointless. They could've salvaged this moronic design choice by making good and interesting gear/items, but most of it is boring trash.

          The reason why Skyrim kept your brain entertained when you were 12 is because it floods the player with an abundance of activities without any real payoff most of the time.

          Level scaling was really well done post-Oblivion. Dungeon enemies scale with your level to keep things interesting but there's still a smattering of low-level enemies for your power fantasy. Your overall level is biased towards combat skills. Overworld enemies aren't very effected by it save for a few special encounters. It's genuinely a better system than leveled areas but Oblivion PTSD triggers people whenever they notice it at all.

          oblivion would royally frick you if you chose the wrong attributes as your main because of the level scaling.

          They fixed this by making character customization not matter at all. You can be a master warrior or wizard at the same time. There are no character classes anymore. They did the same thing to the fallout games. You can basically max out all your stats so it doesn't matter. It's fricking lazy and casual as frick. The quests take the same route.

          Classes are the stupidest thing in a single-player game that grognards only insist on because of sheer genre momentum. That, or they suffer from choice paralysis so bad they need the game to make build decision for them.

          • 5 months ago

            >Classes are the stupidest thing in a single-player game that grognards only insist on because of sheer genre momentum. That, or they suffer from choice paralysis so bad they need the game to make build decision for them.
            Games like Diablo 2 have multiples classes with multiple playstyles for every class. It makes the game replayable rather than being able to max out every stat and be every class at once like in bethesda games. Or a game like Deus Ex where there are multiple builds with a gameworld designed for all of them and each of them viable.

            It's called good game design, something bethesda desperately lacks.

            • 5 months ago

              No, thats not really good game design. Its mediocre game design. A industry standard.

              • 5 months ago

                the reason the new diablo's suck so much is because you can change your characters skill on the fly without any thought to your character build.

                The same can be said about bethesda games. You don't have to think about your character builds at all. You can just dump points into whatever you want and max them all out. You're not making any meaningful choices. There are no consequences and it's casual as frick.

              • 5 months ago

                I seriously think the reason why some people are so against the perk system is because it's too mentally taxing. With a traditional class and skill system all your build decisions are frontloaded but progresses pretty much on autopilot after that. Contrast with classless perks where you have to make vital build decisions every level. Bethesda should really implement build guides directly into the UI.

              • 5 months ago

                What the frick are you morons talking about? They literally did exactly as you're describing in skyrim and they were one of the first to do it. I don't know if its actually been done again yet?

              • 5 months ago

                >ou don't have to think about your character builds at all.
                this isn't true at all, its just a more natural progression, like real life immersive fantasy setting that actually exists. If you start a game you can't just max out destruction, you have to make the very intentional choice of using destruction magic rather then swords.

                No, you can not just max our both. It takes a long as time to max out both. You can max out both but its not as easy as specializing in one or the other.

                >you just dump points.

                At this point I'm starting to think you didn't play skyrim at all and you're just referring to fallout 3. You can't dump points anywhere, you earn every single point in skyrim. As for perks, no you still can't just dump perks everywhere you need to level up the skill first.

              • 5 months ago

                >can't max out both
                >takes a long time
                You can max out both and they really don't take that long to do either.
                >At this point I'm starting to think you didn't play skyrim
                I'm talking about bethesda games in general. The perk system you can just choose whatever it doesn't matter.

                There are games with class systems that have multiple playstyles per class. You have to roleplay as that character. A master wizard shoudn't be able to do the same shit a warrior could do. You're taking the role play out of role playing game.

            • 5 months ago

              >It makes the game replayable rather than being able to max out every stat
              I can't tell if you guys are being disingenuous or somehow this autistic. I have never come close to even halfway maxing out all the skills. I usually start a new character long before then after I achieved the goals I set out for the previous one. Impose your own level cap if it bothers you that much.

              Classes are an entirely constructed mechanic. There's no reason a fighter can't start doing druid things if they train for it. And if the player wants to experiment with out-of-the-box builds like that, they should be allowed to. Classes were designed for multiplayer or party-oriented games to encourage teamplay.

              • 5 months ago

                classes were designed for roleplaying. A wizard isn't a warrior. A paladin isn't an archer. You shouldn't be able to become the master of every fricking guild in a single play through. Old school RPGs let you role play a certain character and limited your choices to add immersion. If you wanted to play a different class you just rolled a different character and played the game differently. It added replayability and let you see different parts of the game.

                Now you can just do everything and none of your choices have consequences.

              • 5 months ago

                >you can't just be really good at sports in high school and then become an expert programmer
                >that just doesn't work
                >You have to fulfill your role as a jock
                >its not heckin fair you gave me wedgies in high school and are now a better programmer then me

                This is you.

              • 5 months ago

                actually I'm a master artist. I'm a concept artist. You don't see me programming because I don't have the time to do both.

                A plumber isn't an electrician. A boxer isn't an MMA fighter. A Navy Seal doesn't fly f35s.

                You're a casual. This is you.

              • 5 months ago

                >A plumber isn't an electrician.
                Actually as a plumber I needed to get a journeyman electrical license in order to install hot water cylinders in my country, and I personally know several people with master certifications in both trades

              • 5 months ago

                >I don't have time to do both
                >literally spends hours on Ganker

                Yeah ok then bud. I really suggest you go out and talk to people. People in trades such as plumber and electricians can often do many other contractor jobs.

                Boxers become mma fighters all the fricking time. People change careers.

              • 5 months ago

                >Boxers become mma fighters all the fricking time. People change careers.
                name one. Or are you going to say the mcgregor vs mayweather fight was even close.

              • 5 months ago

                >no I can't just learn a foreign language and be really good at art
                I'm sorry man but the more I think about it, you're serious loser.

              • 5 months ago

                where exactly did I say you couldn't learn more than one skill. In fact, I have said multiple times that there are games that have class systems that have multiple branches.

                The problem is when you can do everything and your choices don't matter. It's lazy game design.

              • 5 months ago

                >You shouldn't be able to become the master of every fricking guild in a single play through.
                You are literally the dragon born, the reincarnation of the strongest known beings on nirn.

                I don't see how preventing a character from joining both the mages guild and theives guild has anything to do with leveling.

                Are you saying I shouldn't be allowed to be a theif because my character has a knack for illusion magic?

              • 5 months ago

                >Now you can just do everything and none of your choices have consequences.
                And see, that's why Starfield won the Most Innovative Gameplay award. Not only can you do everything, you can do everything MULTIPLE TIMES by going through the Unity!

              • 5 months ago

                This is such an autistic thing to be obsessed about. You can homebrew your own limitations. This one of the easiest things to mod into the game. I make scrappy limited characters all the time. For some reason you're upset that the deliberate escapist power fantasy offers too much of an escapist power fantasy.

              • 5 months ago

                He doesn't want to make a mod, he's too busy as an artist. He has already chosen his class in life. Don't even bother.

              • 5 months ago

                games have rules. It's called game design. The fun is working within the limitations of the rules. If anything goes then you just do whatever is easiest because why not. Why have leveling systems at all then. Fricking tard

              • 5 months ago

                ...every game rule is already made up by someone. Bethesda's just one of the few video game devs cool enough to bring homebrewing into the AAA world by giving you access to basically their entire game api and build tools. Are you such a passive leach that you're unwilling to bring any of your own creative effort to the table?

              • 5 months ago

                Relying on mods doesn't really say much about Bethesda's competency

              • 5 months ago

                A mod because you're too autistic to stop yourself from max leveling or joining multiple guilds. I'm just saying it's possible to fix despite your autism.

              • 5 months ago

                and to you this is somehow a defense for bethesda. You're literally admitting it needs to be fixed.

              • 5 months ago

                Its not broken. You've yet to explain why this mechanic is bad.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, New vegas was a really shitty game.

              • 5 months ago

                None of Bethesda's Fallouts has been any more than a 7/10 imo. They're entertaining but always leave me wanting. Any TES is better and feels more complete.

              • 5 months ago

                All fallout games are shit, Obsidian is the most over rated gaming company. They made two decent games and have been living off that ever since.

              • 5 months ago

                >you can finish the game for bethesda however you like

              • 5 months ago

                We're still acting like you couldn't do every faction in Morrowind?

              • 5 months ago

                >pseud opinion
                Letting the player do everything he wants when he wants is THE genius idea that made Bethesda an industry giant, and it's the one thing it would be a bad idea to change (as seen with Starfield's NG+).
                The issue with modern Beth games is that what you can do is very limited in variety and challenge offered, for example Skyrim's college of magic questline can be completed easily by a non-mage PC with just a handful of low level spell casts.

              • 5 months ago

                > People can play the game wrong.
                Why do you care if other players become arch mage with no magical skill? It is their game and has no affect on yours.

  23. 5 months ago

    Bethesda literally has an ignore all criticism policy, it's a lot more likely for them to double down on everything then mock all detractors through the next incarnation of M'aiq the Liar

    • 5 months ago

      >M’aiq likes walking. But Mai’q still doesn’t undestand why some would want to walk so far that they would come around to the same spot from the other side. Boring, boring. M'aiq thinks they are idiots.

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >double down
      Triple down rather, TES VI will be the 4th time a game of theirs fails to get the universal praise they expect

    • 5 months ago

      >Bethesda literally has an ignore all criticism policy
      If they just ignored criticism everyone would move on after a month. The problem arises when they try to argue with people about why the game is actually good which, while incredibly funny, only further agitates their playerbase.

    • 5 months ago

      >M'aiq is a redguard now
      >face modelled with an AI trained solely on vidya implementations of Debra Wilson

    • 5 months ago

      >uses funny Black personman self insert to shit on their fanbase because no one can ever be mad at Khajiit

  24. 5 months ago

    >at least now the game has a chance, however smal
    It's been over a decade since Skyrim (original release 2011), bro. How much time do they need?

  25. 5 months ago

    My fear is, that they're going to take away the wrong lessons from Starfield. Skyrim is still their biggest success to date, and that saw massive reduction in the rpg elements. Fallout 4, Starfield, and even 76 have all had rpg elements brought back to some extent. I'm afraid Bethesda now has every incentive to play it safe and make TES6 just Skyrim 2.

  26. 5 months ago

    Nothing will change because the core problem is the old BGS boomers that have been in charge for the last 20 years. All the talent left and they have been coasting by on old merits now for ages

  27. 5 months ago

    They already did their soul searching and concluded actually Starfield is the best game ever and the players are just wrong. And yes, they will debate you on this so just stop hating on the best game ever already.

  28. 5 months ago

    I'm not sure what people expect to happen. Assume someone went in and fired Emil, Todd, they replaced the engine with UE5 and all the shit anons want. Why would you expect their replacements to turn out anything but generic ubisoft open world slop? It would just regress to the mean of the rest of the industry.
    Is that what people want? Hogwarts legacy set in the elder scrolls universe? People just want the IP used to make some generic cinematic open world game?

    Hate him all you want but you'll miss Todd when he's gone.

    • 5 months ago

      what exactly do you think Todd does

  29. 5 months ago

    >Bethesda has to do some soul searching
    The time for them to do this was after 76.

  30. 5 months ago

    People said that about Fallout 4... then 76... now Starfield. It's embarrassing.

  31. 5 months ago

    Just bring Kirkbride back

    • 5 months ago

      Just putting them out of their misery is probably a mercy at this point. Bringing in the guy that killed Telltale to just finish them off might be the right call.

      Toygh but fair call anon.

      • 5 months ago

        >thinking Kirkbride was what killed Telltale
        He didn’t kill them, he just couldn’t save them
        >no Wolf Amogus 2

  32. 5 months ago

    The focus on the building crap was the beginning of the end.
    Go back to sending the player on adventures as your only guiding principle.

    City planning is not adventurous.
    Eating and sleeping is not adventurous.
    Designing vehicles is not adventurous.
    Tedious travel is not adventurous.

  33. 5 months ago

    Remember all the soul searching Bethesda did after Fallout 4/76 for Starfield? lmao

    Bethesda is dead and Starfield killed it. Unless mods can fix the core game design issues it has, there's no reason to play it beyond an initial run through.

  34. 5 months ago

    >morons said the same thing after fallout 4
    >get fallout 76 which sucks
    >morons said the same thing after fallout 76
    >get starfield which sucks
    >morons said the same thing after starfield
    YAWN frick off bethesda has been washed up for almost 2 decades now

  35. 5 months ago

    >no, no, no, hear me out, NOW it's going to be actually good
    >after Fallout 4
    >after Fallout 76
    >after Starflop
    Yeah, kiddo, no one's falling for that. I'm not saying Bethesda can't do right anymore, just that people are actually suspicious of whatever they come up from now on. It's the same with CDPR. They basically fixed the game, did alright in the end, and I love The Witcher franchise and CB77, but frick that I'm trusting them immediately after going through all that shit.

    • 5 months ago

      Don’t even bother.These morons think Xbox fails on purpose.

  36. 5 months ago

    >They can't even bring the composer from TESO


    Soule isn't even their to save their game anymore, Todd should just frick off with his moronic decision

  37. 5 months ago

    I want to believe

  38. 5 months ago

    Gamebryo is like the achilles heel of bethesda. Call it the creation engine or whatever the frick they want to but it's all based on the same ancient shitty tech.

    It's like Source 2 is still based off quake. The limitations are real.

    • 5 months ago

      you're mentally moronic and post this every day

      • 5 months ago

        enjoy your loading screens gay boy.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm on pc so I don't have loading screens in bethesda games

          • 5 months ago

            Every time you enter a building it loads. Every time you enter a city it loads. Every time your spaceship takes off it loads. Every time you run into the invisible wall you have to take off and land again. It's all cell based. It's how gamebryo works.

            The awkward animations, the shitty lighting, the godawful looking npcs, all of these are limitations of the engine.

            I can't believe there are people that actually defend gamebyro. You have to be fricking moronic.

            • 5 months ago

              I don't even care about gamebryo or loading screens I just wanted another TES, not some moronic space game

              • 5 months ago

                Skyrim uses gamebryo, even though they call it creation engine now (I can only assume for PR purposes). It's the reason the cities have like 10 fricking buildings in them. It's also why all the cities are walled off with only a couple entrances. It has to load the cell by itself and every building has it's own loading screen. They've been using the same fricking tech for 21 fricking years and it's holding them back.

                It just annoys the frick out of me. TES6 is just going to be skyrim like fallout4 was just fallout3. They aren't going to make any advancements because they are stuck using a shitty game engine.

            • 5 months ago

              >it loads instantly so it's a loading screen
              that's not how games work nogbert

              • 5 months ago

                >fades to black
                >loads new interior
                It's a loading screen fricktard. Just because it does it fast doesn't mean it isn't loading. This is why you can't look out any of the windows. It is it's own little world. The outside world isn't loaded.

                It disconnects the immersion factor.

              • 5 months ago

                >assets need to be loaded before being used
                >n-nooooo, my immersion!!
                >I don't care if it only takes a second or 2!
                >play an unskippable animation of my character squeezing through a crack instead, I can wait!
                zoomers were a mistake

              • 5 months ago

                meanwhile there are games where you can go from sea level to outer space seamlessly or walk into shops and entire cities without any noticeable loading at all.

                I'm sorry you have no standards are desire for progress I really am. The limited number of NPCs, the limited city sizes, the janky animations, and just overall ugly ass graphics thanks to people like you that will buy skyrim on 5 different platforms are the reason games like fallout and starfield fricking suck

                They won't change engines or design philosophy because fricking morons like you settle for mediocrity.

              • 5 months ago

                Yet, somehow, if you go back and look at the best classic games, they all have loading screens and they were great anyway. Almost like loading isn't the issue. It has to happen whether you try to cover it up or not, and all the methods to hide it have their own downsides. I swear zoomers fixate on the dumbest shit.
                Oh I can just hear it now
                >b-but that was then, we've moved on, modern games don't have them!!!

                yeah and they're mostly fricking dogshit, because hiding loads with animations, long elevator rides or walk-n-talk cutscenes doesn't actually make your game better. In fact it makes it worse by forcing everyone to wait as long as it takes the slowest console to load.

  39. 5 months ago

    They didn't do it with Fallout 76. Their engine is still fricking being used, which could be tolerable if they weren't such a revolving door.
    My faith is not even clinging at this point.

  40. 5 months ago

    I want a big world. A really fricking huge world.

    • 5 months ago

      play Starfield
      gorillion unique planets

      • 5 months ago

        I hate scifi

        • 5 months ago

          >hates sci-fi
          >posts the cyborg sent from the future
          ye best believing’ in ghost stories lass, yer in one!

  41. 5 months ago

    >you lived to see people finally giving Bethesda the shit they deserve
    They deserved it back in 2006 but morons didn't listen. It took them nearly twenty years, but they finally realized how bad they are.

    • 5 months ago

      it's mostly one samegay, he'll get bored and move on to some other series eventually

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah bro all the negative YouTube vids with hundreds of thousands of not millions of views are all just one guy.

  42. 5 months ago

    I'm looking forward to the day 1 horse armor DLC.

  43. 5 months ago

    Holy cope. All of the talent left Bethesda either prior to or during the Starfield fiasco. The only real writer they've got left is Emil and he's almost singlehandedly responsible for the butchery we've seen of late. It's fricking dead.

  44. 5 months ago

    I'll still accept you when you finally come around and say that Starfield was not only good and misunderstood, but it's one of the best Bethesda games ever made. I'll be waiting for you.

  45. 5 months ago

    >yhinking bethesda are actually capable of doing better
    They aren't. Starfield is honestly the best they can do.

  46. 5 months ago

    >The Starfield backlash is the best thing that could have ever happened to ES6.
    Yes, because now all they have to do is to release Skyrim 2.0 and their moronic followers will say they have surpassed any and all expectations for an RPG.
    Your honestly just as moronic if you actually think Bethesda will suddenly stop doing what makes them money for the least amount of effort.

  47. 5 months ago

    >microshit only
    I wont touch this trash with a 40 foot pole.

  48. 5 months ago

    Bethesda fans are like hippies in the 70s, still waiting for the next Woodstock moment. It wasn't as good as you remember, so move the frick on.

  49. 5 months ago

    As someone who's never gotten into Bethesda games can someone who does like them explain to me what a good game for them is actually like? I know lots of people like them but I have a hard time understanding the appeal. I tried Skyrim and got bored within like 4 hours.

    • 5 months ago

      I beat Skyrim and was moderately entertained by it. Strong points are the world, which still looks fantastic and is fun to explore (just don't expect to get awesome rewards for your exploration). It's unironically a good walking simulator with some mild gameplay elements to mix things up.

      The world building is nice too. By that I mostly mean the things you can read in books in-game. TES lore goes deep. The plot is pretty garbo and not worth paying any attention to, though. Then there are mods to spice things up.

      Ultimately, It's an okay babbies first CRPG. You can't frick up anything and never get frustrated by your decisions because they don't matter at all. It offers a glimpse of what RPGs can offer, as shallow of an example Skyrim is.

      • 5 months ago

        Honestly I think skyrim had better exploration than you give it credit; it's just nostalgia glasses have made people overlook the relatively good twists that occur on a blind first playthrough. Anything that's a spoiler becomes boring on a second plsythrough so players hyperfixate on the item rewards, but some of the randomly discoverable side quests were truly great.
        >help a beggar and get transported into the mind of a dead monarch for a Daedric prince
        >eavesdrop on a housekeeper dark elf and her ward and discover a dark brotherhood questioned where you murder the emperor
        >handful of unique mini bosses scattered throughout the map like dragon priests
        It's not mind blowing stuff by today's standards, but skyrim had some pretty good "oh shit" exploration moments where you got rewarded for just turning random corners. It's only gotten more bland as people have replayed it over the years, but it holds up to blind new players amazingly well. It's a good exploration game.

  50. 5 months ago

    >learning from their mistakes

  51. 5 months ago

    >The Fallout 76 backlash is the best thing to happen to Starfield...
    Cope harder

  52. 5 months ago

    just like they learned their lesson after fallout 76? no this is just like bioware. they just kept shitting out turds, and I expect the same will be true for bethesda.

  53. 5 months ago

    Bethesda has been on a downward trend after oblivion. They haven't made a "good" game in 13 fricking years. Don't be stupid.

  54. 5 months ago

    TES6 has no frickin chance whatsoever. Bethesda will never match Elden Ring, FromSoftware has Bethesda by the balls now.

  55. 5 months ago

    Bethesda don't care about their games anymore, modders do a better job for free on their games than the actual fricking paid devs who work for them.

  56. 5 months ago

    Todd, to me, feels like the kind of guy that will just copium himself into oblivion.

  57. 5 months ago

    >no Jeremy soule
    DOA, sorry anon

  58. 5 months ago

    >Soul searching
    >0 chance Emil gets canned
    Good luck with that

  59. 5 months ago

    They’re not doing any soul searching, I’ve personally spoken to current and ex-bethesda devs (yeah ‘cool story bro’ but it’s true, but believe me they never told me any leaks or anything compromising) and Bethesdas top devs, writers and leaders live in an echo chamber of praise. They believe they can do no wrong and look at their big shelves of old game awards trophies and big sales numbers to justify never listening to their now ‘niche’ older fans. It’s narcissism and nepotism city up there in Maryland, some of their real talent left to work for other companies, even Obsidian

  60. 5 months ago

    its been 15 years since skyrim. its never coming out

  61. 5 months ago

    They don't have to do that because there is a million idiots who will pay $100 because there are no competitors in the genre

    People buy FIFA and call of duty every year

  62. 5 months ago

    I think it pushed ES6 even further. If Bethesda already takes one decade to make these games when they just rehash their formula, imagine now that they need to change everything of their game design. This game wont happen before at least 2030.

  63. 5 months ago

    bethesda does not have a soul to search

  64. 5 months ago

    Let it go. Bethesda won't make any game marginally above Starfield in quality ever again. The company got too big, the real creatives were drowned out by new hires that just didn't bring the same energy.
    I haven't liked any of their games since Morrowind/Oblivion. The game will most definitely be more like Fallout 4 and Starfield in execution. If you liked those, you'll be satisfied.

  65. 5 months ago

    it sold well thy aren't gonna do shit

  66. 5 months ago

    Bethesda's art direction has always been on point. No different with 76 or Starfield.

    • 5 months ago

      The art direction in FO4 was shit. All the vehicles and guns looked moronic. Most of the buildings looked moronic. Ghouls looked crap compared to FO3. And the whole thing was super bright and colourful which didn't fit the setting.

  67. 5 months ago

    >The Starfield backlash is the best thing that could have ever happened to ES6.

    >Now Bethesda has to do some soul searching
    Bethesda ignored backlash and feedback for decades.
    Every time doubling down and making simpler and dumbed down games.

    • 5 months ago

      to be fair they have tried making their recent games more RPG like and listened to feedback about lack of NPCs in f-76.

      • 5 months ago

        Starfield has less build variety and roleplaying opportunities than Fallout 4 despite what the entirely almost superficial backgrounds and traits in character creation might suggest

      • 5 months ago

        Or maybe Microsoft Zenimax Bethesda sees F76 as a failed multiplayer game and they just returned to the singleplayer and doubled down again on the simplification and consolization and casualization.

    • 5 months ago

      >Every time doubling down and making simpler and dumbed down games.
      They launched 76 as a survival PvP Rust clone. The space and stealth gameplay in Starfield legitimately filtered half of all players. The "dumbed down" narrative is out of date from boomers that are still angry about spell crafting.

      • 5 months ago

        Morrowind was simpler than Daggerfall but thats because the later was extremely overcomplex and Morrowind got a true modern full 3D engine and that sweet spot of scope and complexity under the hood.
        >this is great make more of this

        Oblivion had no spears and no levitation.
        >this is good but dumbed down and casualized for the Xbox 360 crowd
        Fallout 3 was Oblivion with guns simpler in a way as it had no magic spells and that side to it.
        >this is good but Fallout 1 and 2 and tactics gays are right to say it is more simple and weaker in RPG mechanics
        Skyrim has no attributes and classes.
        >this is too simplistic
        Fallout 4 is a shooter. HATE NEWSPAPER
        >this is just a shooter with call of duty tier perks
        Fallout 76 is what it is.
        >ok you totally lost me now

        And then Slopfield comes as the culmination of the doubling down.
        With [Flirt] click here to suck space explorer Black person dick and stronk womenx nigress of colour girlbosses girlbossing you from the first scene too close to the sun.

        • 5 months ago

          >Oblivion had no spears and no levitation.
          The Radiant AI adds an order of magnitude more dynamism to the world than these two gimmicks. Press `tcl` from the console if you're so nostalgic.
          >Skyrim has no attributes and classes.
          Attributes are redundant with skills, like mathematically so. You can literally express every single stat modifier with just skills as you can with both attributes and skills. It's literally just flavor text that pseuds love for the illusion of complexity.
          You literally have more build options without a class system than with one.
          >Fallout 4 is a shooter.
          And low skill arrpeegee with bad reflexes/fine motor control reveals himself.
          >t-the game expects me to aim... at fast enemies???
          Yes despite the fact that stats are by far the biggest determinant in battle, the game is a shooter and therefore still expects a marginal amount of skill from the player. Or you could just play a VATS build.
          >Fallout 76 is what it is.
          Well it tried to be a Rust-clone and wound up filtering the entire fandom in the process.
          >With [Flirt] click here
          Every RPG is like this. I think video game romances are cringe personally but y'all asked for this Bioware relationship drama type shit.

          • 5 months ago

            No levitation has the implication that towns are instances you cannot just levitate over the walls into Imperial city.
            No spears has the implication that reach of melee weapons is replaced by melee weapons hitting when they shouldnt have, and that overall combat is more simplified.
            Radiant AI as implemented isnt as amazing as the beta of it was and it brought with it the GPRS arrow pointing to exact location of npcs and quest related locations.

            You took the bait hook line and sinker. I will not respond or read the rest of your attempts at redditsplaining.
            Coroprate slave.
            >inb4 some bullshit
            Reality checks will come again with TES6 as they did with Slopfield.

  68. 5 months ago

    >Oblivion backlash over being a dumbed down morrowind means bethesda will make their next game amazing for sure, cant wait to see how they tackle Fallout
    >Okay fallout 3 wasnt great but now that New vegas is out and everyone is praising its writing and quests, surely they'll take a page out of that book, Skyrim will be amazing!
    >Well they dumbed down skyrim even more than oblivion and the quests were all computer generated but surely now they are going to emulate New vegas design and ace Fallout 4
    >Okay fallout 4 had the same shitty quest system and the writing is even more shit somehow but surely..

  69. 5 months ago

    Like how Fallout 76’s failure fixed StarFailed, oh wait…

  70. 5 months ago

    they need to cancel we wuz dragonborn and fix starfield instead to redeem

  71. 5 months ago

    ES6 would sell 50 million copies even if it crashed on startup and was effectively unplayable. It's a Bethesda franchise sequel, it'll be praised five years and 200gb of patches and mods later just like Skyrim and Fallout 4. The brand slaves can't help themselves.

    • 5 months ago

      See that's what people were saying about Starfield. Even I thought I'd pick it up around launch yet I still haven't bought it.

      • 5 months ago

        Starfield wasn't a made brand, and never will be at this rate. All it had going for it was Bethesda itself.

      • 5 months ago

        >Even I thought I'd pick it up around launch yet I still haven't bought it.
        Same for me, though I was also in the middle of playing BG3 at the time, so by the time I was done with that there was already a lot of negativity going around.

    • 5 months ago

      not just brandslaves but also people/normies newer generations who will come in contact with this series as tes6 will be their first game and just like the games before they will try to alienate the former playerbase with each game, should sound familiar right ?
      >t.daggerfall player who has been with the franchise since 1998

  72. 5 months ago

    Human on palico khajiit breeding secx will be canon mark my word

  73. 5 months ago

    They learned nothing from FO4 and FO76, they'll learn nothing from Starfield too.
    Bethesda is going down the Bioware/Arkane route, there's no hope of recovery.

  74. 5 months ago

    It's going to be absolute dogshit too, stop kidding yourself

  75. 5 months ago

    Microsoft needs to fire Todd and Emil or force them to quit.

  76. 5 months ago

    They are probably scrambling to change a metric frickton of the foundation after BG3's sucess, expect it to be alright at best and pretty good once mods are out for it same as always

  77. 5 months ago

    whatever they're doing with ES6 is probably locked in at this point anyway, if it was soulless before it's gonna be soulless after

  78. 5 months ago

    >some soul searching
    Dude Starfield WAS the "passion project" for Todd and look how that turned out. TES6 is their obligated Skyrim 2 and is doomed to be fricking crap but hell at least it'll be more 'iconic' than Starfield just on the basis of people discussing the moronic parts of the lore they raped. I can already see the future Ganker shitposts

  79. 5 months ago

    >now they have to do some soul searching
    Like they did for F76?

  80. 5 months ago

    In an alternative universe, what happens if TES6 is actually really good? Will it redeem him?

  81. 5 months ago

    You could have said the same about fallout 76, bethesda is long done making any effort

  82. 5 months ago

    does anybody know enough about the engine to explain the difference in HANDLING and FEEL between oblivion and skyrim?

    in oblivion it felt like the world was the world, and you were you. you could run omnidirectionally, jump omnidirectionally, swing while doing it - raise acrobatics and agility and speed and make huge leaps over rivers to perfectly land on the very edge of a rock, then jump and land perfectly solid again on a fence. it felt like everything was SOLID. you felt like you were actually moving through a world with weight and could, through leveling, overcome certain limitations while still being able to enjoy operating in an environment with functional physics

    whereas skyrim felt FLOATY and SHITTY. aside from the fact agility, speed, acrobatics, and athletics were completely gutted - the jump was weak as shit, running felt weird, moving in any direction that wasn't forward/back or side to side felt weird, and then combining those with swinging, using magic, shooting a bow, was actually horrible. the swings are weightless, the people are weightless, the world is a paper mache facade with little connection points for your doll man to do an animation. IT'S FRICKING ASS.

    WHY IS THAT. are they not the exact same engine, as it's been since like morrowind? how did they get WORSE?

    • 5 months ago

      The movement parameters don't change in Skyrim. In Oblivion, your jump could still be arbitrarily high if you really wanted it to be and you could also run and swim as fast as you wanted as well. In Skyrim they're tuned so that you never outrun the streamed worldspace and see the low LODs. And they're also designed around the addition of the sprint mechanic which is the worst of both previous systems combined.

      • 5 months ago

        it's not just movement parameters though, there's something inherently restrictive and fake about the movement and interaction you have with the world in skyrim. if oblivion had the skyrim sprint, you would hold the button down and just FLOOR IT in any direction you were moving in - your character wouldn't have to enter this homosexual fricking sprint animation that can only go forward and has the "icy floor" delay after you stop holding the button that's been a problem in games since like 2005

        • 5 months ago

          There are both a 'walk' and a 'run' mode in Oblivion. You can press a key to toggle them.
          Most players got frustrated by what seemed like the normal movement speed in Morrowind draining your stamina, so it was changed in Oblivion, but then there was no reason to ever walk at the base speed. They "fixed" this by adding a third movement state which has the illusion of momentum baked into it so that it feels faster than it is.

          • 5 months ago

            you are fundamentally not getting what i'm saying. i can't explain it any better than say go play both skyrim and oblivion totally vanilla for 20 minutes and see what i'm talking about

    • 5 months ago

      No idea what the hell you're talking about because it's Oblivion the one that feels floaty as shit

  83. 5 months ago

    I doubt it will help.

    • 5 months ago

      TES6 is Todd's last game. The fact that this last passion project he had in Starfield has been poorly received is a clear message that he's not always guaranteed a huge hit, and that he would do well to actually be challenged on some of his priorities and preferences. The streamlining mass market changes he's made in every game he's directed have, up to this point been massive successes. He has never outright failed before. He's smart and he genuinely cares about the product, so I have good reason to expect him to reevaluate his priorities in order to make the best product he can.

      To save TES 6 they need to completely drop the minecraft shit. It takes up far to many manhours for what it provides.

      The chances of this are slim because they have invested so much into it they can't back out now.

      The "minecraft shit" has been in all of Todd's games since Morrowind, slowly developing into his true vision for those systems in Fallout 4. That's why you can collect resources from rocks and stuff in every game even though they're mostly useless. Every game was going to be "the one" where they finally did it. Until they ran into hardware limitations and had to cut it back.

      • 5 months ago

        The minecraft shit started with Fallout 4. That is the clear break point in the drop in quality of Bethesda games.

        People want to go on adventures not have a second job in a video game.

        • 5 months ago

          You could "build" a settlement in Morrowind as a vestige of a more involved base building system that never got implemented. There were multiple player houses you could upgrade and customize in Oblivion and that system was expanded on in Hearthfire for Skyrim. And expanded upon again in Fallout 4 and Starfield. It has been there in some form from the beginning.

          • 5 months ago

            Not even close to the settlement building crap from Fallout 4. Stop being this disingenuous.

  84. 5 months ago

    >he will not be present in the next game

    • 5 months ago

      Shouldn't go around raping people.

  85. 5 months ago

    To save TES 6 they need to completely drop the minecraft shit. It takes up far to many manhours for what it provides.

    The chances of this are slim because they have invested so much into it they can't back out now.

  86. 5 months ago

    >The Starfield backlash
    was literally just a bunch of moronic Spics, I enjoyed Starfield

    • 5 months ago

      It's okay. There's some good writing and interesting takes on a few concepts. The game design gets in its own way though. The fact that the engine can't load cells seamlessly and hard requires loading screens makes it incompatible with the way most players are playing the game. The fact that they chose to forego having a fully designed world in favor of having 1000 procedural planets means that a lot of the same locations spawn over and over again instead of a large number of unique ones. There could be more variety, but the spawning conditions for a lot of points of interest are extremely specific and those common points of interest are still in the pool for those planets where other spawns are possible. Some require a specific terrain feature to be aligned to the grid in a certain way and a specific climate and atmosphere to spawn. It seems like they did originally intend for planets to be continuously traversable in vehicles, but ran into engine limitations. Exterior cells in Starfield are the absolute maximum size they can be without crashing the game, so it's definitely not an arbitrary decision. Todd's reputation hurts Bethesda's ability to question his choices. When Todd said "If we can do a dozen planets, we can do 1000," somebody in the room should have pointed out that the engine cannot handle that scale effectively. That it forces a choice between having a million little clutter items spread around for immersion and having seamless planets which stream in the surface around the player as they move the origin point around with them. A choice between moving to a different engine to meet the design goals and falling short in order to preserve the modding capabilities. No one said "I'm sorry but we can't do everything you'd like to have within these constraints." They said things like "It would be easier and more efficient to do things this way instead." And Todd assumed that meant those goals could be achieved with enough time and effort.

  87. 5 months ago

    >10 years
    >Morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, fallout 3
    >12 years
    >fallout 4

  88. 5 months ago

    they are to big to fail, never back pedal, never seek forgiveness, always double down.

  89. 5 months ago

    Bethesda received a bunch of backlash for Fallout 76, and also received significant backlash for Fallout 4 (particularly at launch) yet they still blundered again with Starfield. Realistically I don't think this will change anything

  90. 5 months ago

    People though that after 76 and Starfield still turned out like shit Bethesda are literally incapable of doing anything good again as long as Todd and co stay at the helm.

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