The Sword and Shield Chapter of the Pokemon Adventures/Special manga modified Chairman Rose's motives.

The Sword and Shield Chapter of the Pokemon Adventures/Special manga modified Chairman Rose's motives. What do you think?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        Why do typesetters do this?

        • 9 months ago

          Consistent font size and margins maybe, and because japanese is written top to bottom rather than left to right making the bubbles thinner than need be for english.

    • 9 months ago

      Rare Pokespe W

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


      how does not having a magic space dragon mean no water? Everyone else functions just fine and has electricity.
      They tried to add meaning to a moronic motive to make it seem legitimate.

      Rose did what he did because he's a selfish man who vicariously lives through Leon. He wanted to be praised for being a hero over something that was completely unnecessary. He's just a rich guy who wants attention and caused trouble during his midlife crisis.

      • 9 months ago

        This is STUPID it was NEVER about muh 1000 years it was about rose doing it anyway because he's an attention prostitute they turned an butthole who wanted to steal the MC's spotlight during the big day into an actual good man

        Note that in Special, the whole "wait one more day" thing doesn't happen because he doesn't interrupt any tournament.
        The climax was mixed with the post-game royal brothers plot.

        • 9 months ago

          Its bad if special does it anyways.

      • 9 months ago

        >how does not having a magic space dragon mean no water? Everyone else functions just fine and has electricity.
        You need electricity (a lot of it) to operate a modern water treatment plant to run anything from the pumps that bring the water from A to B, to aeration systems that vent out contaminants and gas from untreated water. If Galar suddenly just ran out of energy, since it seems entirely reliant upon the Galar particles to power its infrastructure and urban way of life, they'd be completely fricked. It'd be ten years for Galar to figure out a way to either A. not use Galar particles and reconfigure vital infrastructure to function with other power sources or B. get a lot of Galar particles and then figure out A (or do B in another thousand years). I get that the idea of it being a midlife crisis gone awry and it has its merits, but the writer isn't obligated to follow that plot one-to-one.
        This storybeat is interesting to think about because it would've added mystery ("just how much was he being honest, how deep does his futureproofing go, etc) to the plan that Rose has executed throughout the manga, but this exposition dump at the end of the arc is just way too inorganic to actually be meaningful. Instead, it's really abrupt and jarring based on Rose's conduct in the first half. There should've been actual insights to Rose's mind or goals that were done from the POV of Rose before the Darkest Day, rather than just those who worked with Rose (like the Gym Leaders or Leon) and eventually opposed him when Rose summons Eternatus.
        Kusaka's got a second chance to fix some of these issues in 3-5 years when he starts full volumization of this arc, but he's got to fix the shitstorm that was SM and start with SV and the ten bajillion DLC that will trail that arc like a pack of wild dogs.

        • 9 months ago

          The thing is that the usage of Galar Particles is a very recent development brought about by Rose. And just like that Dynamax usable by humans is a very recent development as well considering Oleana invented the Bands. Galar used coal for it's energy needs before all this stuff happened iirc.
          Meaning that in the past decade or two at max Galar transitioned from coal to galar particles with zero issues. There's no reason at all to believe they cannot do a reverse on that, specially so when the know-how and perhaps the entire infrastructure is still there. It's perfectly possible to do even with the timeframe Kusaka is giving.

          • 9 months ago

            Really? I thought Galar particles were in use for a lot longer than just a few decades.
            If you don't mind the copium I'm about to huff, ten years is still an extremely vicious deadline. It takes decades for a country (such as Sweden switching from coal to nuclear in 20 years) to retrofit existing infrastructure to change to more efficient sources like nuclear; which I guess is the closest to Galar particles. With cities like Spikemuth existing in a fairly run-down state from Galar!deindustrialisation(?), I imagine the transition away from coal was quick and extremely harsh. Who knows how much coal infrastructure (mines, power plants, etc) could be scrounged up, and whether such a less energy-dense option would be enough to keep the lights on. To say the least, it's an exceptionally complicated problem for Rose to solve because there's no one true answer and getting it wrong would be really bad as seen in

            . I wouldn't blame him, or anyone for that matter, for taking the gamble with getting more Galar particles, even with the Darkest Day in mind. He still has to go to prison for the damage he caused though, but I'm glad he at least made sure to avoid causing collateral with his employees and trusted ones like Oleana or Bede in this regard. Copium rant over.
            There's still a few in-universe options that could've been explored, even if all of them would be completely unethical. Lt. Surge managed to hook up a generator with a Zapdos to power his weapons to frick up Red; perhaps that could've been applied (with more electric types) at a mass scale, and Team Flare/Devon Corp used the life energy of Pokemon to power the Ultimate Weapon and the dimensional shifter respectively. I guess with Galar now having 1000 years to figure this shit now, they can hopefully figure it out... or not and just die in 1000 years like a bunch of unreflective morons.

            • 9 months ago

              Biggest issue continues to be why Rose didn't simply try to talk with the important relevant people like the Gym Leaders and Champion to solve the issue.
              In the games? Okay, sure. Rose's a moronic impulsive egomaniac but now here with Kusaka where Rose did nothing wrong and was right all along he looks double moronic for not talking it over with them and pulling a Lelouch instead.

              • 9 months ago

                Rose suffers from the same type of character writing as PokeSpe Cheren, where there is a major shift in personality/goals that intended to provoke interest/moral conflict in regards to their role in the story, but it comes off as strange because it's a massive leap without any events in between to organically develop the reasons from going from A to B. It's strange, because he was capable of doing this really well in the XY arc (where it was also being rushed like SwSh) with Lysandre, but he falters here.
                We can think of many theories: maybe the Royals did a really great job at hiding the truth and manipulating Rose to follow their interests, maybe Rose intentionally designed his plan to avoid the Gym Leaders being accused of directly collaborating with Macro Cosmos to start the Darkest Day while still getting them involved as a third party, etc etc, but those are just theories.
                In the end, it all comes down to whether volume additions will actually fill in those blanks. If they don't, then it remains a major plothole that cheapens this final chapter and undermines Rose's character.

              • 9 months ago

                >We can think of many theories: maybe the Royals did a really great job at hiding the truth and manipulating Rose to follow their interests
                Rose was working with the twins just in case but was wary of them and the second they failed Rose pulled out a Plan B. I'm not gonna say Rose played the nobles but they definitively didn't play a part on how his actions went as or the reasons as to why.

                >maybe Rose intentionally designed his plan to avoid the Gym Leaders being accused of directly collaborating with Macro Cosmos to start the Darkest Day while still getting them involved as a third party, etc etc,
                But that's the thing, Rose is generally well respected as trusted. If he explained things here then he'd have been able to pull the DD with the support of all of Galar. Hell, just rename it as Brightest Day since it'll shine a new future for Galar as a marketing ploy to get it even more accepted by the populace.
                There was no need for himself to pull a sacrifice of this sort at all.

              • 9 months ago

                It's like Pryce all over again kek.
                Not as bad motivation-wise, but still very convoluted.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Pryce was so garbage in the manga

              • 9 months ago

                He was pretty good as a villain as the Masked Man. Super-ominous and had a lot of novel and creative powers that stretched the limits of what Pokemon could do in terms of battle tactics. Great final boss that was the culmination of the story of the Gen1/2 arcs. He's a lot better than Lance or Giovanni in that regards.
                As Pryce... some of the worst media that Kusaka has put onto paper ever. The biggest problem is that his motivations have went from mysterious to absolutely ridiculous. His plan is downright absurd (as in 90% of it was unneeded and he didn't need to be an evil mastermind to make it happen) in terms of what he was trying to accomplish, and then the story expects us to feel sympathy for this guy as well as a redeemed villain of sorts.

              • 9 months ago

                >kidnaps 6 children for no reason
                >promptly undone by two 11 year olds
                >other 4 are useless

              • 9 months ago

                >lose two of your beloved pokemon in a moronic way
                >wish to turn back time so you could revisit them with their child and achieve peace for such a traumatic event
                >find out the GS ball can catch celebi
                >devote next 10 years to acquiring the GS ball and preparing to access the ilex shrine... just kidding
                >kidnap children and brainwash them into becoming loyal soldiers
                >4 of them are worthless, 2 of them went rogue and fricked up your plans by stealing the shit needed for the GS ball, setting you back several years of work
                >reform defunct terrorist organisation as an army of mindless drones
                >thoroughly create advanced alibi so that your absence in an important diplomatic event is unnoted through extensive use of ice magic and radios to create an elaborate decoy while you go get more shit for the GS ball
                >attack important diplomatic event using army of mindless drones between kanto and johto to distract everyone while you go force kurt (spectator in said event) to make the GS ball/give the blueprints to the GS ball
                >fail to accomplish any of your goals, get trapped in time vortex
                why couldn't he have just asked kurt how to make the GS ball normally

              • 9 months ago

                >doesn't look for two missing children in all of that time, even if he found them both once already

              • 9 months ago

                >He's a lot better than Lance or Giovanni in that regards.
                Why do all Pokemon villains suck? Tony Soprano would have taken Silph Co in a month

              • 9 months ago

                >Tony Soprano would have taken Silph Co in a month
                kek nice

              • 9 months ago

                Rose says later in the chapter that he was being impulsive (huge understatement). Seems like he genuinely did not trust anyone but himself to handle the crisis and thought he had to martyr himself by restarting the Darkest Days.

    • 9 months ago

      This is STUPID it was NEVER about muh 1000 years it was about rose doing it anyway because he's an attention prostitute they turned an butthole who wanted to steal the MC's spotlight during the big day into an actual good man

    • 9 months ago

      This whole thing reads like a fanfic written by Oleana

    • 9 months ago

      So, Galar is fricked now that they stopped Rose? What are they going to do?

      • 9 months ago

        The fight with Eternatus got them enough Galar particles to keep Galar running for a long time. It's just a matter of figuring out what to do with Eternatus and how to prevent a future Rose-like person from making the mistakes that were made during the story or better yet, figuring out how to not be Galar particle-dependent as a society.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm sorry was this written by Chairman Rose's.


      how does not having a magic space dragon mean no water? Everyone else functions just fine and has electricity.
      They tried to add meaning to a moronic motive to make it seem legitimate.

      Rose did what he did because he's a selfish man who vicariously lives through Leon. He wanted to be praised for being a hero over something that was completely unnecessary. He's just a rich guy who wants attention and caused trouble during his midlife crisis.

      my feelings exactly

      Note that in Special, the whole "wait one more day" thing doesn't happen because he doesn't interrupt any tournament.
      The climax was mixed with the post-game royal brothers plot.

      Just because someone make the situation a little less stupid, don't make the plan is any less moronic.

      • 9 months ago

        I'd put a ring on her and a baby in her to save her from that life

  2. 9 months ago

    Gee, it's almost like everyone called out how stupid 1000 years was or something?

  3. 9 months ago

    >the convoluted mess of Special has to fix Galar's writting
    Truly the worst games, I'm so glad we got Arceus and SV

    • 9 months ago

      Its clear even people involved think he was moronic. Masters took an alternate route by making him appear even crazier because there was no way to take him seriously.

      That said, these pages read more like Kusaka trying to comment on it than a natural development on a manga(not that people give a shit about drawings though).

      You literally have not read any other manga ever if you think special is a "convoluted mess".

      • 9 months ago

        >Masters took an alternate route by making him appear even crazier because there was no way to take him seriously.
        Never played Masters. How crazy are we talking?

        • 9 months ago

          This. Explain pls I skipped all the cutscenes

        • 9 months ago

          This. Explain pls I skipped all the cutscenes

          Basically instead of changing his motivation they go all in on the lunacy and the other characters comment directly on how crazy it is he's rushing to solve something that will be an issue in hundreds of years. He sees the sync stones(Masters's mcguffin, which basically has every form of energy in the franchise) and at first the owner of the island the game takes places in agrees to work together and research the potential of the stones to solve the "crisis". Rose can't accept at all that anyone can use them for pokemon battling and he agrees to help Giovanni even though he had no reason to and was obvious he was evil. He gets good later though.

          He also tried to get Volkner, Clemont and Sofocles on his side btw.
          Also worth noting is that Gloria and Leon point out that this are versions of Rose and Oleana who didn't undergo the SWSH plot yet which is the odd instance of Masters actually caring about continuity.

          I've read hundreds of manga, unironically, I'm currently reading 7, have over 20 waiting for me to start them and I have like 30 waiting for more chapters to release (yes, I keep check) and the way Special has to make massive gymnastics to connect stuff, even when they aren't really meant to be connected (like ORAS Maxie and Archie) is ridiculous

          >I've read hundreds of manga
          Sure, sure

          • 9 months ago

            >gets btfo
            >"huh... you are lying!"
            >leaves without even trying to defend the absolute shitfest of ORAS Maxie and Archie swaping bodies after being in the distortion world for some fricking reason
            Black person just give up

            • 9 months ago

              I've read hundreds of manga, unironically, I'm currently reading 7, have over 20 waiting for me to start them and I have like 30 waiting for more chapters to release (yes, I keep check) and the way Special has to make massive gymnastics to connect stuff, even when they aren't really meant to be connected (like ORAS Maxie and Archie) is ridiculous

              For me it's the GS Ball
              >oh frick the end of the world finally arrived well luckily the author still had to settle what the GS Ball was for and since Brendan-I mean Ruby is from Johto let's make him own Celebi and use it to revert the apocalypse lol another plot point perfectly solved organically

      • 9 months ago

        I've read hundreds of manga, unironically, I'm currently reading 7, have over 20 waiting for me to start them and I have like 30 waiting for more chapters to release (yes, I keep check) and the way Special has to make massive gymnastics to connect stuff, even when they aren't really meant to be connected (like ORAS Maxie and Archie) is ridiculous

  4. 9 months ago

    Galarrian too numb to utilize alternative power source

  5. 9 months ago

    Swooshie's plot is impossible to salvage short of rewriting it from the bottom.
    Kusaka did his best with what he had to work. Can't blame him for this one.

  6. 9 months ago

    Was he trying to vover up the fact that he had mismanaged the monitoring of their energy source?
    >we need to fix this right now
    >continue to consume everything is fine we have plenty of energy for 100 years but we need to fix NOW

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