the time has passed

now the clock strikes another year, and we have old world models to compare with age of sigmar, how do you think they hold up?
Do you think the old Bretonian stuff holds a candle to the modern computer assisted designs of cities of sigmar?

I think its a good comparison, games workshop chose both to have a similar red and dark scheme in their promotional photos.
So did we get better or worse?

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  1. 3 months ago

    CoS releas didn't force GW to cancel all announced new factions for its game like tow launch roster did, so i think that's an L for Bret re-releas

    • 3 months ago

      haha but I meant sculpt, artistry, design, paintability, fun-ness. That sort of thing.

      • 3 months ago

        I feel like GW has become needlessly overreliant on tacking on unnecessary bits and bobs to their models in order for them to stand out or as

        >Do you think the old Bretonian stuff holds a candle to the modern computer assisted designs of cities of sigmar?
        Yes. Pure CAD mentality results in excessively busy models visually because the designer thinks that every single surface has to have some sort of greeble. Older models worked better simply because in general no superfluous detail was thrown on them, just what was necessary to the sculpt to convey the model's story or purpose. The methodology of putting together a faction or new addition to an existing faction has changed for the worse too. Instead of working out a cohesive aesthetic and what sort of models are necessitated for the intended play style of the army, they instead have someone write some keywords down and throw them to designers to make whatever the frick they feel. Then once kits are approved they tell the lore and rules writers to figure it out. It is all so ass backwards now.

        said, the designers have this bizarre obsession with making the surfaces of the vast majority of their models too busy for no real reason. Busy-ish models are fine if they're centerpiece models or named figures, but rank-and-file models should look more akin to the left of the OP instead of whatever junkyard-scavenger frickery occurred to make the right side of the pic happen.

        • 3 months ago

          It is a pretty common and easy trapping of CAD design to fall into. Something along the lines of hyper focusing and thinking each part needs to contribute to the story of the model, rather than leaving the extra details and greebles to just areas that make sense. You can always tell which of the 3D sculptors have a background in physical sculpting because they have restraint. Part of though is also getting lost in the scale because you aren't physically holding the model, and it becomes easy to think you are adding some key detail or focus on the model without realising it is like a 2mm square surface that is out of the way.

    • 3 months ago

      What are you talking about?

      • 3 months ago

        GW cancelled Cathay and Kislev. Factions that were the first to be announced for TOW and have lore sections in the rulebook.
        Seems like management frickery to me, since TOW sells out so fast they can't even keep it in stock, rather than a failed launch.

        • 3 months ago

          Might have been kind of a knee jerk reaction.
          >design new kislev stuff, which comes down to AoS models with ToW fluff
          >grogs (the main customers for ToW) hate it
          >hurr they just want the old models, so lets give them what they want

          • 3 months ago

            What reaction between tow launch and last week would have make them abandon the most ambitious plan for tow support?

            • 3 months ago

              internal conflict if you want to listen to the rumors

            • 3 months ago

              It was obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense that the (correct) descision to bin Kislev and Cathay was taken the second they started showing off Brettonian and Tomb Kings models rather than the TTW-looking ass models Kislev and Cathay would have gotten.
              The fact that a warcom goon made it clarified that descision to the thick headed copium addicts who still thought Catay and Kislev were going to get models in "two more weeks!" last week doesn't mean that's when the descision was taken, come on bruh.

            • 3 months ago

              I mean between the first Kislev previews ages ago and the ToW launch.

              internal conflict if you want to listen to the rumors

              This makes a lot of sense actually. And while I'm glad that I can get a lot of the old models and think that there is demand for ToW, I still think that business wise it is definitely not an optimal choice to go back into it at all.

        • 3 months ago

          That's probably got more to do with Gworiwous Russia committing all sorts of warcrimes and geedubs doubting if that sort of thing was going to sell particularly well given the above than some instrisic quiality of the bret range.

        • 3 months ago

          >TOW sells out so fast they can't even keep it in stock
          I don't get this moronic argument. Stores receive 2-3 boxes of new shit nowadays. GW is underprinting everything to keep the FOMO at the highest level possible and Ganker kids are the perfect example it works.

          • 3 months ago

            If you sell more than you make and your products are in constant demand it probably has an audience.

        • 3 months ago

          My store sold I think one box of the TK army set. Everything else is still on shelves.
          'GW sold out!!!!' means frick all now, they are deliberately underproducing to keep the FOMOgays hyped for product so they can consume then get hyped for more product

  2. 3 months ago

    The technical sculpting has gotten better but the actual designs have not. Some of the CoS stuff is okay but most of it looks moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      So much this. Like I can appreciate the level of detail their models are getting but most of the latest designs (past 2-3 years) in both aos and 40k are complete garbage. Some of CoS models are dumb, sure, but the whole range from those swamp orcs is hideous, and not in a good way

  3. 3 months ago

    >Do you think the old Bretonian stuff holds a candle to the modern computer assisted designs of cities of sigmar?
    Yes. Pure CAD mentality results in excessively busy models visually because the designer thinks that every single surface has to have some sort of greeble. Older models worked better simply because in general no superfluous detail was thrown on them, just what was necessary to the sculpt to convey the model's story or purpose. The methodology of putting together a faction or new addition to an existing faction has changed for the worse too. Instead of working out a cohesive aesthetic and what sort of models are necessitated for the intended play style of the army, they instead have someone write some keywords down and throw them to designers to make whatever the frick they feel. Then once kits are approved they tell the lore and rules writers to figure it out. It is all so ass backwards now.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      It is a pretty common and easy trapping of CAD design to fall into. Something along the lines of hyper focusing and thinking each part needs to contribute to the story of the model, rather than leaving the extra details and greebles to just areas that make sense. You can always tell which of the 3D sculptors have a background in physical sculpting because they have restraint. Part of though is also getting lost in the scale because you aren't physically holding the model, and it becomes easy to think you are adding some key detail or focus on the model without realising it is like a 2mm square surface that is out of the way.

      A lot of words to say you're entierly out of touch with customer demands.

    • 3 months ago

      > instead of (load of words)
      Lmao GW literally bever did that in the old days anyway. They designers just sculpted whatever the frick they wanted and then the models were given to the rules team to do something with.
      Where did this bullshit of "
      'Cohesive design' fricking come from? The ass of your favorite youtuber eceleb you worship?

      • 3 months ago

        dumbass, jes goodwin has literal books about how he would carve out the identity and culture of factions through iterational sketching.
        You can see eldar evolve in real time through his sketches, and even the models he didn't sculpt tried to stay within the boundaries he set. Gary Morely sculpted some wacky eldar for 3rd edition but it all referenced back to Jess's outline

  4. 3 months ago

    With people now familiar with AI generated images, surely now more and more will wake up to the fundamental ugliness of CADshit? Not just us boomers moaning about soullessness?
    Just look at the silhouettes, goddamnit

    • 3 months ago

      We have a 24/7 thread on this board of people just posting AI generated art at each other, anon. If history has proven anything, it's that people (as a group) will always pick cheap slop over better products. This dates back to at least Assyrian pottery (unironically) and the invention of the fast wheel. Shout out to my Assyrian artisanal pottery bros back in the 8th century BCE getting assmad as frick about how this new technology is fricking up the craft.

  5. 3 months ago

    >Do you think the old Bretonian stuff holds a candle to the modern computer assisted designs of cities of sigmar?

    • 3 months ago

      >Old Bretonnia stuff
      >Posts picture of new, CAD Bretonnia stuff
      Sure anon, whatever floats your boat.

  6. 3 months ago

    I'd rather watch a VHS copy of Lord of the Rings than a 4KHD copy of Rings of Power.

    • 3 months ago

      The LOTR film is complete slop, it's ugly as sin, the designs suck, the cinematography sometimes do fkn montages to pump up the actors, it's so fkn bad.
      Fkn millennial morons will truly defend shit just because it came out when they were kids.

      • 3 months ago

        t. 200iq Rings of Power enjoyer

        • 3 months ago

          Spoken like a true Marvel consooming zoomie

          > t. actual millennial morons not realising there's stuff outside of their mainstream consoom sphere
          Y'all deserve nothing and will get nothing.

          >captcha: G0YMT

          • 3 months ago

            >complaining about mainstream consumerism
            >in a thread about a comparison between two of GWs model lines
            absolutely braindead

          • 3 months ago

            By all means, zoomanon, tell us what is in your opinion a quality sci-fi/fantasy movie or TV series?

            • 3 months ago

              Legend, Excalibur, Conan the Barbarian, Jason and the Argonauts, Deathstalker, Zardoz, The Room, etc...

              • 3 months ago

                Even in terms of fantasy movies of that era it's pretty shit. Watch The Warrior and the Sorceress.

              • 3 months ago

                You shut your prostitute mouth, Deathstalker is awesome.

              • 3 months ago

                >the rape film is awesome
                FBI? Yes. This post here.

              • 3 months ago

                It's better than the Beastmaster films. Also, bold of you to assume the three letter agencies hold any power over me.
                Seriously, go watch Deathstalker again. It's great. Then again, if "rape" was the impression you got from it, you might not be mature enough to understand it.

              • 3 months ago

                Deathstalker is a movie where nothing happens 95% of the movie and the hero is a plank of wood. The Sorcerer is very cool I will give you that, and if you were 15 and have no access to porn the breasts are great, but it's very weak as a fantasy movie. It only has name recognition because there's four of them. Seriously watch The Warrior and the Sorceress aka an actually interesting film. Hell it even has nearly as many breasts, but they're attached to a better movie.

                It's better than the Beastmaster films. Also, bold of you to assume the three letter agencies hold any power over me.
                Seriously, go watch Deathstalker again. It's great. Then again, if "rape" was the impression you got from it, you might not be mature enough to understand it.

                >It's better than the Beastmaster films.
                Beastmaster 2 definitely but Beastmaster 1 blows it the frick out of the water.

            • 3 months ago

              >complaining about mainstream consumerism
              >in a thread about a comparison between two of GWs model lines
              absolutely braindead

              Look at

              Legend, Excalibur, Conan the Barbarian, Jason and the Argonauts, Deathstalker, Zardoz, The Room, etc...

              Glad there's not only mainstream sloppers here
              I'd also add that y'all should read and pick up non Anglo shit for once.

              • 3 months ago

                How does it refute

                >complaining about mainstream consumerism
                >in a thread about a comparison between two of GWs model lines
                absolutely braindead

                exactly? The thread is about discussing the difference between GW models from the pre-CAD low fantasy era, to the CAD high fantasy era. How is "both are trash" are relevant or meaningful contribution to that discussion? Plenty of companies make different or cool miniatures, but that was NOT the topic being discussed.

              • 3 months ago

                I talked about the Peter Jackson LOTR, not GW.
                As far as I'm concerned there's good and bad shit in both CAD GW and hands handsculpt GW. But that was not what I talked about

              • 3 months ago

                Okay, so you don't understand what an analogy is?

      • 3 months ago

        Spoken like a true Marvel consooming zoomie

      • 3 months ago

        It has slop moments (that get worse in 2 and 3) but 1 is pretty damn solid

  7. 3 months ago

    The stuff on the left looks good, and easy to paint well.
    The stuff on the right?
    Ehh its all pretty busy. It looks more like a traditional artwork, but thats not entirely a good thing.

  8. 3 months ago

    Just want to point out that about half the 'AoS' range is actually WHFB stuff, they just...refuse to acknowledge this for some reason.

    • 3 months ago

      It’s only been a few weeks since the AoS general stopped using WFB art.

    • 3 months ago

      Not anymore, theres only savage orks and basic goblin infantry left

  9. 3 months ago

    people here are obsessed with digital sculpting, yes they could make models like the ones in old world digitally, digital sculpting is just a tool, the problem is the art director, yes that's not what the people want usually.

    • 3 months ago

      The models on the left were sculpted digitally anyway, so thats just moronic

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