The "unova" DLC

>zero characters from Unova
>zero locations from unova
>Pokémon selection doesn't draw from Unova more than any other gen
>"omg it's the heckin Unova expansion. We're going to Unova"
Why are people like this?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Blueberry academy takes place in unova speedreader

    • 5 months ago

      Off the coast /= in the contiguous Unovan region moron.
      Thought you'd be aware of THAT one due to Puerto Rico being a thing.

      • 5 months ago

        So Abyssal Ruins isn't in Unova?

        Briar EXPLICITLY says it's an academy IN Unova. Not even "near" it. It's offiially a part of Unova, extending what we consider "Unova". Stop digging your heels in to make yourself seem like an even more massive moron.

        • 5 months ago

          Abyssal ruins was clearly Unova, being situated a gnat's c**t-hair off the coast, taht we could surf into the bay and dive to it. Point out on the map of Unova where Blueberry is, given we're surrounded by water with no land in sight, you fat little spastic.

          • 5 months ago

            >off the coast counts, therefore abyssal counts
            >blueberry doesn't count because you can't see unova
            I can't see the rest of unova from Abyssal Ruins either. The only argument you have is that of "We didn't see it in the originals and everything is new, including characters" all of which apply to shit like Virbank and Humilau in BW1.
            >b-but it's even farther!
            Doesn't matter. Do you consider Hoenn's water routes not a part of Hoenn because it's the water?

      • 5 months ago

        it's canonically in unova moron speedreader 🙂

        • 5 months ago

          Cool, show me on the map of Unova where it is, given there's no land in sight in the pan-in to the entrance gangway moron-chan.

          • 5 months ago

            The game says the academy takes place in unova therefore it's IN unova

            • 5 months ago

              And it's clearly off the coast of Unova, given there is no land around for miles to put it closer. Sorry you can't read maps or context clues. All this proves is the US in the pokémon world isn't actually a united country (Unova region, Alola region, Unovan regional waters, given BB is siituated there, orre region if you want to include spin-offs).
              It's like you're utterly moronic or just realgayging the universe. So what is it smoothie? Because it's been proven many times to not be a 1:1 reflection of the real world here.

              • 5 months ago

                >Game: it's in unova
                >Some moron: NO ITS NOT ITS NOT ITS NOT REEEE

              • 5 months ago

                When did that anon even mention the real world? Are you okay? It's a simple logic that IN-GAME it was stated explicitly to be in Unova, therefore our definition of Unova extends to it.

                I will say that Hawaii is a good example to demonstrate this point, seperate from your mention of Alola. You can't see California from Hawaii, but countries/regions are allowed to have pieces detached and relatively far from their mainland. This especially apples to Blueberry Academy all the moreso because it's not anchored to one spot and was probably built closer to Unova yet moves around, but would still be a part of Unova because of that.

    • 5 months ago

      Anon you forgot to reset your namefield

    • 5 months ago

      Eat your flight snacks, Agias.

  2. 5 months ago

    >>zero characters from Unova
    based, they sucked

  3. 5 months ago

    Probably the most moronic post of the last decade.

  4. 5 months ago

    Thinking that you need old characters to return in order for the games to be set in a familiar region aside, OP does have a point with the fact that they could have said that the Terarium could be in literally any region and it would not have mattered whatsoever.
    Pokemon from the Terarium which should be marked as such in HOME still state that they are from Paldea, so in actuality stating that BBA is even in Unova could have just been an afterthought about halfway into development to get Unova on people's minds again for the remakes which may be next.

    • 5 months ago

      They're not happening 'till Gen 10 dude. Accept it. Switch is getting replaced this year, after Peach, there's no new nintendo-made games for this system slated, just ports and remasters (because why bother making a new game for a soon-to-be-retired system and why mislead people by thinking they were continuing to support a system they intended to replace), which means Game Freak are going to spin their wheels and draw out this Gen until Gen 10, when the kiddy update for the new system comes along and they can celebrate the 30th anniversary with the latest evolution of the Pokémon game series, before releasing their traditional paired Gen remake games to drive the new system's sales, like all the other remakes did with their individual systems.

      • 5 months ago

        >switch getting replaced this year
        >therefore we'll get a remake instead of a new game
        >the only discussion being had is remake 1 vs remake 2
        What did schizo anon mean by this?

        • 5 months ago

          >lead gen pair games get remade and released one-a-system
          >G1 on GBA
          >G2 on DS
          >G3 on 3DS
          >G4 on Switch
          >smooth-brain thinks they'll make G5's remake for Switch, much less for a system getting binned in late '24
          Remakes are there to drive system sales of the current system, not try and push a limping machine past the retirement home in the eyes of normalgays. That's why Pokémon never launches new Gens until after Nintendo make a kiddy redux of the new system (DS Lite, 2DS, Switch Lite). I've no doubt they'll do a manchild retread of Johto, like LGPE next year to get adults buying SwitchUps in preparation for 2026, but they won't start making VBDW until they're finishing up on Gen 10's dev cycle. Historical precedent points too hard in that direction for me to entertain any other outcome seriously.

          • 5 months ago

            Oh, so you're a patterngay. Got it. Can't wait for Pokemon Day.

            • 5 months ago

              Me either. Gonna be hilarious watching you keks melt down over the return to Johto. You're opatterngayging too just so's you know. But with less ground to stand on (they hinted at Unova so the next game just HAS to be Unova).
              See you Pokémon day, may the best patterngay win.

              • 5 months ago

                Legends literally came out in 2022, why are the expecting Unova remakes in just 2 years if they're supposed patterngays?

  5. 5 months ago

    >nothing from unova

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