There, fixed him for the upcoming Let's Go! Togepi and Marill. Now he actually uses Johto pokmon

There, fixed him for the upcoming Let's Go! Togepi and Marill

Now he actually uses Johto pokémon

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    wow OP REALLY hates Chikorita
    >shuckle with rest at level 15

  2. 3 months ago

    I'm not fighting a Bullet Punch Scizor or a Shuckle at that point in the game.

  3. 3 months ago

    >sticky web on hER last pokemon

    • 3 months ago

      Like in HGSS, Scizor will always start with U-Turn and will be sent out again as the last pokémon

      • 3 months ago

        hmmmm very well

    • 3 months ago

      stupid gaynigtroonyfatpoor

      wow OP REALLY hates Chikorita
      >shuckle with rest at level 15

      >one's of Jasmines Magmemite get replaced with Lanturn or Corsola
      >One of Morty;s Haunters is replaced with Misdreavus (pure ghost instead of ghost/poison)
      >Johto starters get movepool buffs to deal better with type disadvantages

  4. 3 months ago

    Bugsy is allright in HGSS. Scyther hit like a truck and both Metapod and Kakuna work in order to use U-Turn properly. Scyther also has Focus Energy so using Charm and another attack debuff moves are not a consistent answer for him. They just needed to give him something that can deal with Geodude without much problems and would be perfect. Geodude is the only real weak point of this Gym. Neither Flaffy or Quilava are totally great answers given the fact they can´t resist a lot of blowns from Scyther.

  5. 3 months ago

    Fricking moron. Go back to your Reddit Drayano difficulty hacks.

  6. 3 months ago

    >dude just give them super strong moves and types the player won't have access too!
    do you enjoy radical reddit too?

  7. 3 months ago

    The shuckle should have Deep Yawn

  8. 3 months ago

    Too try hard.
    This is way better with going into kaizo tier autism.

    • 3 months ago

      >Pineco to fill the coccoon role while beign more interesting than Metapod or Kakuna
      >Ledian because of the hive badge
      >Keeps Scyther since its one of the few KANTOOO Pokemon that wasnt shoved everywhere in gen 1 and even now really isn't shilled much, fits bugsy's aesthetic, and anyway had such a strong presence on his team that removing just because its a KANTOOO pokemon would be souless and dumb, especially since Scyther got an evo in Gen 2 any so it should at least somewhat fit thematically as a "Johto" Pokemon for people obsessed with that sort of thing
      >All get decent moveset with solid synergy but nothing so overpowering like OP since this is still a game for children and not a smogon tournament
      >Scyther even gets Cut since you get Cut in Azalea

      You are supposed to pick Cyndaquil
      Not every starter is meant to be chosen. Gamefreak didnt' want people to pick Chikorita and nobody picks Totodile because it's ugly


      I feel like they expected Misdreavus to be a pretty big deal just off the design alone, plus as I mentioned this was high off the heels of the RBY rumor mill with Bill's garden and the Mew under the truck - a Pokemon you can only catch at night in certain rooms of the final area of the game sounds like a recipe for success!
      I like how it looks a lot and I appreciate the way they hold off on it, but its rarity in the game coupled with very little anime appearances meant nobody really cared about it much so never bothered going out of their way to find it outside of diehard dex completionists.
      Mew at least had the privilege of being the first Pokemon in the intro and then having a whole movie about itself, but Misdreavus never got that kind of luxury.

      >I feel like they expected Misdreavus to be a pretty big deal just off the design alone
      Design can only go so far. even the best designs need at least some level of promotion or else it just becomes overlooked cult classic at best. Misdreavus (and many Gen 2 pokemon) end up in a weird situation where people who actually engaged with them like them, but the average fan just sees Misdreavus and many other Gen 2 Pokemon as background filler, and because TPC panders to the lowest common denominator, Gen 2 Pokémon are usually the first to get shafted when it comes to shilling or merch or being in spinoffs.

  9. 3 months ago

    I feel like a lot of people kinda miss what the Johto games were going for and have their judgement too clouded by the design philosophy of future games.
    The fact that every Pokemon game starts with a cursory introduction to the world of Pokemon by a professor, hell the fact that there's a professor present in the games at all, is kind of taken for granted nowadays, but back then the whole idea was that these games revolved around the research and discovery of Pokemon.
    Battling was a part of it obviously, but it was a means to an end - you needed to battle to get further into the region where more Pokemon dwelled - it was never your main goal, your main goal was completing the Pokedex. Hell in Red and Blue nobody tells you anything about gyms during the game's first hour and your rival never really gloats about gym badges at all, it's all about the Pokedex.
    Which brings us to Gold and Silver and the way it handled the inclusion of its new Pokemon, where the idea was to put a lot of them in weird, obscure out of the way locations so that it'd feel even more rewarding when you found them - an actually rare Pokemon that nobody else in the game has feels like a true discovery, which is what Pokemon was all about back then.
    Red and Blue didn't have any rumors of secret boss fights, but it did have tons of rumors of where and how to catch new kinds of Pokemon in really obtuse ways, which is what GS played into.
    These fan team reworks giving every gym leader new Pokemon - especially stuff like giving Morty Misdreavus, one of the rarest Pokemon in the game - just robs the game of that sense of discovery.

    • 3 months ago

      >Red and Blue didn't have any rumors of secret boss fights, but it did have tons of rumors of where and how to catch new kinds of Pokemon in really obtuse ways.
      Blatantly untrue. There are exactly three methods of evolution in the first gen and even trade evolutions are mentioned by multiple NPCs. Plus Red and Green story outright ends with you defeating your rival with Cerulean Cave being self-used.

    • 3 months ago

      I can understand your point, but why Misdreavus specifically, a brand new ghost type Pokémon had to be rare? I can perfectly understand Larvitar being that rare, but not Missy.

      • 3 months ago

        I feel like they expected Misdreavus to be a pretty big deal just off the design alone, plus as I mentioned this was high off the heels of the RBY rumor mill with Bill's garden and the Mew under the truck - a Pokemon you can only catch at night in certain rooms of the final area of the game sounds like a recipe for success!
        I like how it looks a lot and I appreciate the way they hold off on it, but its rarity in the game coupled with very little anime appearances meant nobody really cared about it much so never bothered going out of their way to find it outside of diehard dex completionists.
        Mew at least had the privilege of being the first Pokemon in the intro and then having a whole movie about itself, but Misdreavus never got that kind of luxury.

      • 3 months ago

        You know how Whitney is commonly cited as too strong? Imagine that happening four times in a row where the gym leaders have guys far too powerful for you to deal with.

  10. 3 months ago

    get well soon

  11. 3 months ago

    Scizor is too strong for the second gym

    • 3 months ago

      same BST as Scyther and Quilava destroys it

      • 3 months ago

        And for people who didn't pick Cyndaquil?

        • 3 months ago

          You are supposed to pick Cyndaquil
          Not every starter is meant to be chosen. Gamefreak didnt' want people to pick Chikorita and nobody picks Totodile because it's ugly

          • 3 months ago

            I picked Totodile. Am I nobody, anon?

      • 3 months ago

        Bug/Flying is an awful typing. Bug/Steel has only one weakness.

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