There is no a single video game character as well written as aizen. Not one.

There is no a single video game character as well written as aizen. Not one.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Didn't he job to a chair?

    • 8 months ago

      Did you really lose if you are immortal and the sentence is a light 20 thousand?

    • 8 months ago

      He IS the chair.

    • 8 months ago

      He created the illusion of that chair, it didn’t actually exist.

    • 8 months ago

      You think that's a chair?
      That's what he wants you to see, dumbass

    • 8 months ago

      It's a very comfy chair. You're just jealous.

    • 8 months ago

      he molded the chair

    • 8 months ago

      Since when were you under the impression that there was a chair?

  2. 8 months ago

    why does the bleach wiki has all these manga panels with no text? its fricking weird

    • 8 months ago

      >with no text
      To skirt copyright

  3. 8 months ago

    Oh yeah?

  4. 8 months ago

    What yaoi game is this from?

    • 8 months ago

      Blue Archive

  5. 8 months ago

    what makes him well written?

    • 8 months ago

      Not OP, but if I had to guess, it’s his character foreshadowing how the Soul Society and the Gotei 13 along with Squad 0 are literal warmongers who, after establishing their empire, dismembered one of the most powerful individuals (Soul King) and used his mutilated body-parts to keep the worlds separated (Earth, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo), with the biggest warmonger Ichibe essentially creating a quasi ethno-monarchy after massacring (with justifiable reason) the quinces under ywach. Aizen’s goal was to kill the Soul King because his biggest issue was being controlled by anybody (ironic considering his shikai), and in the process of trying to find a way to fulfill his goal, ultimately created Ichigo who would eventually kill the Soul King, ultimately fulfilling his wish and why he was okay with fighting Ywach - he didn’t want to be controlled by anybody, and since he’s immortal, he’ll simply wait out his sentence.

      • 8 months ago

        >and in the process of trying to find a way to fulfill his goal, ultimately created Ichigo
        no one really created ichigo
        no one could have forseen the circumstances involved
        he had a hand, but it was not his intention

        • 8 months ago

          While not literally and wholly creating Ichigo, he is directly responsible for his Hollow powers through his conception and Black’s ‘imprinting.’ He is also kindle responsible for his quick growth as well due to Ichigo having to rise to meet the occasion, including his quick formation of his shikai, bankai, hollowfied, and mugetu(?) forms.

      • 8 months ago

        >Aizen’s goal was to kill the Soul King
        Uh, no, his goal was to fight someone as le strong as he was.

        • 8 months ago

          wrong. he explicitly states his goal was to create an ouken, gain access to the palace, and kill the soul king

        • 8 months ago

          This is patently false, his entire goal from the getgo was to reform Soul Society in his image as he was disgusted with how it functioned at the whim of the Soul King, AKA Ichibe since the former is essentially a corpse at this point. While his methods were questionable, one of the larger points of TYBW and CFYOW is how utterly terrible the Gotei 13 and Squad 0 were, and how Aizen might not of been the worst in comparison when looking at the whole instead of the parts. The reason why Ywach and the quincies getting genocided is questionably justifiable is that their resulting world view could possibly lead to the collapse of the worlds into each other causing untold chaos and death, though this is also possibly questionable due to how the Soul Society ultimately benefits from their position as Justiciars of the world order.

      • 8 months ago

        that sounds more convoluted than well written IMO, thanks for the answer though

        • 8 months ago

          To be fair this is cramming a shitload of written manga into a paragraph, but there are definitely threads where you could see Kubo was going from the beginning. While there are parts that are messy, and TYBW was rushed by it’s end, most of the manga structure has decent foreshadowing (Ywach’s influence in Ichigo through Zangetsu, “White Ichigo” being Ichigo’s true shinigami powers a la vizored, Getsuga Tensho’s color’s differing between Ywach and White’s influence (blue vs red), Aizen’s speech at his defeat, etc.) and some of the Anime-exclusive arcs do a good job at showing how the Soul Society isn’t necessarily the “good guys” but aren’t the worst - a justifiable force.

  6. 8 months ago

    Greatest anime/manga villain of all time, you can not debate this, as bleach is peak fiction anyways

  7. 8 months ago

    Kubo unironically made one of the most bleak/grim dark shonen world out of the big 3 due to him not giving a frick about worldbuilding. You die as a human and hope some butthole with a sword comes to make you pass on to soul society or you turn into a monster playing Social Dwarnism for the rest of your life in a desert. That is unless you get devoured by other hollows then eventually EGO death as your soul along with the others form into a hivemind for the soul that is most dominant. The funniest thing is that even if an arrancar is killed/purified, the souls that make up their body are forced to follow the their fate. So all the poor bastards that make up Szayelaporro are now in hell for eternity.
    Soul Society is only marginally better in that you're stuck in Feudal Japan but all the buttholes at the top are now immortal and have power to back it up. Your only choice is to live in poverty or hope youo are strong enough to become a soul reaper. Then it's just easily sailing but you have to keep yourself mediocre because it's revealed captains and people strong like that don't get to reincarnate due to their big soul. So they get fricking sent to hell anyway good or bad.

    • 8 months ago

      >Soul Society is only marginally better in that you're stuck in Feudal Japan
      >he doesnt know

      • 8 months ago

        This is going off from the main series. Literally no clues on the state of the West Branch besides some info on their military. I wouldn't doubt Kubo not caring enough about fleshing it out and making it that every Westerner who dies goes to a British afterlife. Which would be hilarious if it happens

      • 8 months ago

        What the hell, since when was this a thing? Are there soul knights going around wielding zanpakuto longswords slaying hollow dragons 'cause that's cool as frick

        • 8 months ago

          >Burn the Witch CH 50

          Also West Branch seems to be split into different teams that use completely unique weapons compared to SS. You got offbrand Harry Potter squad with wand guns, a fricking spray can team, and the saber squad which uses swords specifically Napoleonic style sabers. There's a bunch of other ones that haven't been shown yet only mentioned like the "Billionaire" squad that handles money

      • 8 months ago

        How nice of them to help out against world-ending threats that would have fricked them over just as much.

    • 8 months ago

      And Urahara getting banned is supposed to somehow be a bad thing?

      • 8 months ago

        Urahara got banned because he was a fall guy, though funny enough some of the anime-exclusive arcs paint him as more culpable in some questionable ethical choices. That being said, Kenpachi title is worse than anything Urahara did

    • 8 months ago

      >be human
      >pa’s a captain reaper
      >ma’s a pure-blood quincy
      >some fricker made me part hollow, enough to vasto lorde and destroy Hell’s chains
      >also get blessed by Hell itself in a side movie, but that’s not here nor there
      >speedrun ronin/Mexican Devil divinity
      >get nerfed, become fullbringer (sad that mom died club), then get buffed again
      >defeat artificial god
      >defeat pseudo-god twice
      Simple as

  8. 8 months ago

    When are shonen hispanics still allowed threads here

  9. 8 months ago

    >shonen antagonist
    >well written
    At least post an actual well written shonen animanga villain like Meruem.

    • 8 months ago

      >reddit x reddit

      Not even toGODshis best villain

      • 8 months ago

        Both are better than Aizen, only supporting my point.

      • 8 months ago

        Which one? There's six of them, you know.

  10. 8 months ago

    I think Project Moon’s antagonists have been pretty good considering their entire IP is essentially Korean SCP

  11. 8 months ago

    Did Aizen luck the frick out with his Shikai and was basically enabled by it to pull off his plans? How did this literal who become so powerful in Reiatsu that he could solo every Shinigmai except maybe Yamamoto and Shunsui? All without any kind of training to actually secretly grow his power as far as we are aware

    • 8 months ago

      That + the hogyoku making him immortal essentially cheated the system. In the end, shikais, bankais, and sternritter letters are essentially luck-based superpowers. The only reason Ywach didn’t get BTFO’d is because of The Almighty being a universal “undue” of literally anything

    • 8 months ago

      Thanks to the explanation by Oetsu we know each Zanpakuto is representative of the soul that made it. It's not just a partner. It's you. It's why new Soul Reapers have to walk around with naked ones until their own soul bleeds into it. It's why Yumichika gets almost nothing out of his zanpakuto while he pretends to be something he isn't. It's why Bankai requires you to overcome yourself just to use it.

      In the case of Aizen he was always a deceptive snake by nature. So of course he got the sword that lets him deceive everyone he encounters.

    • 8 months ago

      Thanks to the explanation by Oetsu we know each Zanpakuto is representative of the soul that made it. It's not just a partner. It's you. It's why new Soul Reapers have to walk around with naked ones until their own soul bleeds into it. It's why Yumichika gets almost nothing out of his zanpakuto while he pretends to be something he isn't. It's why Bankai requires you to overcome yourself just to use it.

      In the case of Aizen he was always a deceptive snake by nature. So of course he got the sword that lets him deceive everyone he encounters.

      Would be poetry to see that his bankai goes against his nature which is why he never uses it over Shikai

      • 8 months ago

        It's funny because the characters that go through the most turmoil have the hardest time actually using their swords. Kenpachi has never given a frick about anything other than the fight itself. For most of the series his Zanpakuto was just a thing you used to bludgeon your enemies until you die. With Ichigo it's obvious. The hollow was his Zanpakuto. The hollow was always able to use Zangetsu more efficiently than Ichigo. Like taking advantage of the cloth to use the sword like a flail and attack from multiple angles at once. But Ichigo didn't know who he was and he was entirely motivated by the death of his mother anyway therefore he was using bootleg Quincy powers up until he got his sword reforged. Ikkaku refuses to live up to his potential. Hozukimaru has to be goaded into waking up.

        I do think Kubo fricked up in one area though. Renji's Zanpakuto Spirit was a monkey. But the reforged Zabimaru looks more like the version from the filler Arc. And you can't say those designs are totally non-canon because the canon version of Katen is the exact same from the filler arc too. So am I to believe this is representative of Renji's spirit?

        • 8 months ago

          Curse of filler arcs, for every good or great concept introduced there’s a pitfall somewhere else. Ultimately it’s fine as the good outweighs the bad IMO, though if they ever were to do a remake of the anime it would be neat to see specific changes like mentioned and some fat trimmed where it’s not needed. While I quite like some of the filler arcs and the themes they expound upon (Zanpakuto and Bount), there are some that could be fully cut or merged with other arcs and not much would be missed

          • 8 months ago

            I think the most frustrating thing for me comes from a lot of the designs being too safe. I know Zangetsu has to be a wise old man because protagonist but I really liked Zabimaru being a baboon with a snake tail. That was cool. I like Ashisogi Jizo being a butterfly that can't speak. What's that about? I'm not saying I think it's wrong for most of the Zanpakuto to be humanoids but most of them end up falling into waifu or husbando territory. And that's so boring when you're talking about spirits that can look like anything.

  12. 8 months ago

    >best of the Big Three
    >hasn’t had a mainline game since the PS3

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