There is no such thing as "soul", forced, artificial or otherwise.

There is no such thing as "soul", forced, artificial or otherwise. "Soul" is an unquantifiable buzzword used by Gankeridiots to be contrarian and claim their favourite electronic toy is somehow superior to everyone else's because of some mysterious unfalsifiable bullshit property that is somehow objective despite being completely undefined and usually being applied to suggest things are better than blatantly, objectively better versions/alternatives. This usually revolves around how shittier graphics, lacking QOL features or jankier controls are "ackchyually better" than good graphics, improved QOL or tighter controls because "SOUL".
Anyone who uses "soul" as a factor in an argument for or against a game is a braindead moron, a disingenuous troll, or both.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Grolton is the dog.

    • 12 months ago

      No, that's Hovris.

      • 12 months ago

        What? No, Hovris is the man and Grolton is the dog.

  2. 12 months ago

    Bro you’re on Ganker. Buzzwords are the board culture.

  3. 12 months ago

    Souless post

    • 12 months ago

      All posts are soulless because soul doesn't exist.

      • 12 months ago

        Of course a soulless person would say that

        • 12 months ago

          All people are soulless. Souls aren't real.

      • 12 months ago

        >t. Hylic

  4. 12 months ago

    I hate that soul became a buzzword. It totally fricking exists it just means the people who make something did it for more than money. Why is it so hard for people to for people to get that?

    • 12 months ago

      That doesn't mean the product is actually good, though.

      • 12 months ago

        That’s true something can have soul but also be unplayable. Like YIIK. It’s just that 8 times out of 10 if someone tries it means they’ll make something likable.

    • 12 months ago

      It was always a buzzword for people who didn't like something but couldn't articulate why.

    • 12 months ago

      Lol soul has nothing to do with the artist’s intention. Soul just means a unique atmosphere that appeals to the SOUL. It can come from the most corporate sloppa ever

  5. 12 months ago

    you just don't get it

  6. 12 months ago

    >things are better than blatantly, objectively better versions/alternatives.
    I'm going to need examples.

    • 12 months ago

      More or less every remake/remaster that comes out. There are shit remakes but even really good ones get shat on because

      • 12 months ago

        Tell me what a good remake is and I'll tell you how your taste is lacking.

        • 12 months ago

          Metroid: Zero Mission.

          • 12 months ago

            fricking have a nice day

            • 12 months ago

              >Great soundtrack
              >Great spritework
              >Actual save system
              What's wrong with Zero Mission?

              • 12 months ago

                >most free and open-ended game in the series is made into one of the most restrictive and guided games in the series
                >all alternate paths and sequence breaks are based on arbitrary breakable blocks instead of secrets that can be more naturally found without looking up walkthroughs (compare early Kraid in Super Metroid to early Ridley in Zero Mission)
                >game is balanced around the idea that you might fight the bosses in the wrong order so if you fight them in the intended order they're all piss easy including Ridley
                >even if you so go out of order the bosses are still too easy, just slightly less so
                >physics are heavy and Samus' movement is way too snappy in the worst way
                >entire post-Mother Brain sequence
                >Samus canonically learns the Shinespark technique from the birds in Super Metroid but Zero Mission is full of Shinespark secrets despite being set 2 games earlier in the timeline
                Zero Mission does nothing but shit all over the legacy of the original and it's a stain on the series in general.

              • 12 months ago

                >most free and open-ended game in the series is made into one of the most restrictive and guided games in the series
                Good, makes it less of a slog.
                >all alternate paths and sequence breaks are based on arbitrary breakable blocks instead of secrets that can be more naturally found without looking up walkthroughs (compare early Kraid in Super Metroid to early Ridley in Zero Mission)
                Who cares, only speedrunning trannies care about sequence breaking.
                >game is balanced around the idea that you might fight the bosses in the wrong order so if you fight them in the intended order they're all piss easy including Ridley
                And the problem is? IT HARD SO IT GOOD is a view usually held by brainrotted individuals who have wasted their lives on video games.
                >even if you so go out of order the bosses are still too easy, just slightly less so
                No such thing.
                >physics are heavy and Samus' movement is way too snappy in the worst way
                Sounds like a you problem.
                >entire post-Mother Brain sequence
                Haven't gotten to that bit, elaborate.
                >Samus canonically learns the Shinespark technique from the birds in Super Metroid but Zero Mission is full of Shinespark secrets despite being set 2 games earlier in the timeline
                Who gives a shit, it's an excuse plot anyway.
                >Zero Mission does nothing but shit all over the legacy of the original and it's a stain on the series in general.
                The NES Metroid was the worst game in the series. Didn't even have a save system and thus isn't worth playing unless you're emulating with savestates.

              • 12 months ago

                >Good, makes it less of a slog.
                Metroid 1 isn't a slog. The fact that you can go literally anywhere except Tourian after getting missiles and bombs is part of the fun of the game and makes it extremely replayable.
                >Who cares, only speedrunning trannies care about sequence breaking.
                Again, replayability. Zero Mission's style of sequence breaking is tailor-made for speedrun trannies who look up guides and practice 10 minute long pixel-perfect shinespark sequences, but Metroid 1's openness and Super Metroid's various shortcuts and sequence breaks are all very natural and fun to discover intentionally or accidentally. It's very rewarding to think, "Hey, can I get over there early with this trick I figured out?" and then actually do it.
                >And the problem is? IT HARD SO IT GOOD is a view usually held by brainrotted individuals who have wasted their lives on video games.
                Zero Mission Ridley can be beaten by standing in one spot, angling your gun up, and spamming missiles until he dies. I'm not advocating for extreme challenge, I'm advocating for the game not being completely fricking braindead. I'd like Ridley to be at least as challenging as he is in Super Metroid when you fight him in the intended order.
                >No such thing.
                See above. When you get to Ridley early you have to interrupt your missile spam to walk to the other side of the platform every now and then. Still just braindead easy, if you get to him early it should actually be hard.
                >Haven't gotten to that bit, elaborate.
                It's the zero suit stealth section with a tacked on robo-ridley fight. It's just boring and kills the pacing of the game for no reason.
                >Who gives a shit, it's an excuse plot anyway.
                Just a little cherry on the shit sundae.
                >The NES Metroid was the worst game in the series.
                It's a great game and well worth playing. The password system is more than sufficient and you can always emulate the FDS version if you want an actual save function (and working item drop RNG).

              • 12 months ago

                >Metroid 1 isn't a slog.
                Yes it is. You're dumped in the middle of nowhere with basically no indication of what to do or where to go, due to being made in the era before games became worth playing. Also no save system = instant garbage.
                >Again, replayability.
                Literally irrelevant. Unless a game has actual new content that is unlocked by playing more than once (such as NieR: Automata) there is no reason to replay a game once you've finished it.
                >Zero Mission Ridley can be beaten by standing in one spot, angling your gun up, and spamming missiles until he dies
                Good. Thanks for the tip.
                >I'm advocating for the game not being completely fricking braindead.
                Games should be as easy as possible. They are just dopamine dispensers, and making them harder makes them less suited to their intended purpose (cheap fun). A hard game is like a screwdriver that sucks at driving screws.
                >It's a great game and well worth playing.
                Tried it and got bored 10 minutes in. It sucks, like 99.9% of NES games.

              • 12 months ago

                Christ almighty, please be a troll.

              • 12 months ago

                >Good, makes it less of a slog.
                Metroid 1 isn't a slog. The fact that you can go literally anywhere except Tourian after getting missiles and bombs is part of the fun of the game and makes it extremely replayable.
                >Who cares, only speedrunning trannies care about sequence breaking.
                Again, replayability. Zero Mission's style of sequence breaking is tailor-made for speedrun trannies who look up guides and practice 10 minute long pixel-perfect shinespark sequences, but Metroid 1's openness and Super Metroid's various shortcuts and sequence breaks are all very natural and fun to discover intentionally or accidentally. It's very rewarding to think, "Hey, can I get over there early with this trick I figured out?" and then actually do it.
                >And the problem is? IT HARD SO IT GOOD is a view usually held by brainrotted individuals who have wasted their lives on video games.
                Zero Mission Ridley can be beaten by standing in one spot, angling your gun up, and spamming missiles until he dies. I'm not advocating for extreme challenge, I'm advocating for the game not being completely fricking braindead. I'd like Ridley to be at least as challenging as he is in Super Metroid when you fight him in the intended order.
                >No such thing.
                See above. When you get to Ridley early you have to interrupt your missile spam to walk to the other side of the platform every now and then. Still just braindead easy, if you get to him early it should actually be hard.
                >Haven't gotten to that bit, elaborate.
                It's the zero suit stealth section with a tacked on robo-ridley fight. It's just boring and kills the pacing of the game for no reason.
                >Who gives a shit, it's an excuse plot anyway.
                Just a little cherry on the shit sundae.
                >The NES Metroid was the worst game in the series.
                It's a great game and well worth playing. The password system is more than sufficient and you can always emulate the FDS version if you want an actual save function (and working item drop RNG).

                Also before you try to whine about grinding for health, did you know that health drops in NES Metroid are worth more the deeper you go into the levels? Brinstar health drops are worth 5, Norfair and Kraid's Hideout are 10, Ridley's hideout are 20, and metroids drop 30 health in Tourian. So if you back out to Brinstar when you die you'll have to grind for health 5 at a time, but if you just sack up and continue into the game you'll pick up bigger health drops and end up filling up your health quickly without even trying (other than just playing a bit more cautiously at low health).

              • 12 months ago

                Shouldn't have to grind for anything. Games should feel effortless to play. If I can't immediately pick up a game and instantly enjoy playing it the game sucks.

      • 12 months ago

        You're a clown, soul refers to exceptional atmosphere almost all of the time, very quantifiable

        See above, because in doing so it radically alters the atmosphere. Not bothering with all the small details? Atmosphere crumbles. Re-design because it's easier? Atmosphere crumbles. Don't do your fricking lighting by hand and just let nvidia shitbag whatever automate it for you? Hey look, atmosphere crumbles.
        People want their remakes to have the same atmosphere, identically. The exact same shadows, the exact same lighting, the EXACT same area, structure and character designs without design changes or skipped parts, merely at a higher fidelity.
        And they're correct to want that, because it is the only way the game will retain its atmosphere and soul, otherwise it will just feel like some garbage ikea plastic piece of shit

        • 12 months ago

          Atmosphere is not quantifiable. It is a subjective quality entirely down to opinion. Only objective, quantifiable qualities (such as running at a stable framerate without crashes or bugs) are important. Anything else is subjective fluff.

          • 12 months ago

            >It is a subjective quality entirely down to opinion.
            Yeah, and your opinion is fricking wrong whilst mine is right because I can see when an atmosphere is wildly different from the original :^)
            What you consider important is meaningless, I don't care if it runs flawlessly and takes 0 resources to do so if it does not have the same atmosphere which made it good in the first place.
            Hint, atmosphere is what makes all games actually good.

            • 12 months ago

              Then your priorities are skewed and you are unable to appraise games objectively. This is the reason lazy half-finished games keep getting released in a buggy incomplete state; soulhomosexuals who excuse badly made games because MUH SOUL. See: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, a horrendously glitchy piece of shit game that shouldn't have been released yet has people defending it because "S-Soul".

              • 12 months ago

                >yet has people defending it because "S-Soul".
                It has no soul moron, there's zero atmosphere in any modern pokemon game and they're all dogshit soulless plastic garbage. Very few modern games have any atmosphere or soul whatsoever, because everyone working on games now is a dumbfrick.

          • 12 months ago

            Atmosphere is not quantifiable, but it IS QUALifiable. Subjective experiences can be described and substantiated and when it comes to any sort of media they can't simply be disregarded.

  7. 12 months ago

    Wrong answer.

  8. 12 months ago

    "Soul" is when you can tell the developers put in effort to try and make the game good.
    "Soulless" often means the developers making a lazy cashgrab or even making it a middle finger to players.

    • 12 months ago

      then why is "soul" used to describe games like mario 64 where they didn't even put in the effort to check a single box in the compiler

  9. 12 months ago

    sounds like something someone with no soul would say

  10. 12 months ago

    Zoomers will never understand SOUL because they grew up in a soulless era.

  11. 12 months ago

    the term is overused and made into a joke but the concept of soul is real. I don't use the term myself but anyone with passion knows what it is.

  12. 12 months ago

    Don't you be using the boys for your shite bait posting

  13. 12 months ago

    I had a black gf that was obsessed with this show and JRPGs. I sometimes miss that freak.

  14. 12 months ago

    It's an easy way to handwave an argument.
    Same way religion and spirituality devolved from metaphorical explanations of emotion and self-fulfilment like heaven and hell being states of being (euphoria and anxiety/madness/etc) to literal places because religious fricknuts took it too literally.
    "Soul" only works as a word when you explain what you mean by it.

  15. 12 months ago

    >I can't quantify it, therefore it doesn't exist!

  16. 12 months ago

    >wojak poster can't make a solid argument so he devolves into childish insults.
    c'est la vie.

  17. 12 months ago

    PROTIP: "Vibe"-based praises such as "soul", "comfy", "kino", etc. are all codewords for "I played this in middleschool".

  18. 12 months ago

    No sometimes there is real soul and fake soul

  19. 12 months ago

    This thread is full of zoomers who grew up with soulless dogshit unable to understand so they’re trying to handwave it away. Identical to women hand
    waving away having an internal voice. You will never understand soul, you will never know a life without TikTok, you will always be on SSRIs and adderall, you will always be a mutt.

  20. 12 months ago

    You used the word "disingenuous" correctly.
    Good job, Now I'll rape your dick.

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