>There is still no book of blood ravens and trazyn competing to steal some ancient object

>There is still no book of blood ravens and trazyn competing to steal some ancient object
If black library hired a good writer surely the the book would sell quite well and would be one of the best 40k books

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Unfunny dogshit my homie. Back to 1dGanker you go

    • 12 months ago

      That's what's selling today.

      >golden age /tg/ would have loved the idea and this thread would have spawned at least a few greentext shorts exploring the idea
      >nu-/tg/ scoffs, mumbles, and groans
      What in the frick happened to this place?

      People are sick and tired of one specific poster I won't mention because the mods mollycoddle their shit.

  2. 12 months ago

    I just wish there was a book where was a book where clonegrim wasn't stuck as a figma on trazyns shelf. Unless there is ans I didn't know about it

    • 12 months ago

      >Jimmy space is bringing back primarchs
      >DA, Ultras, SW, and BA are the only imperial ones that matter enough to get a codex
      >IF, RG, IH, Salamanders, WS just don't sell
      >Bobby and Simba are back, Russ is still alive to be brought back, Sanguinius is dead as frick
      >Jimmy needs another loyalist primarch to balance out the four chaos aligned primarchs
      >perterabo see IF and company
      >clonegrim gets rescued
      >cawl reveals he used traitor legion gene seed and has an EC chapter ready for clonegrim
      >Bobby checks him out and OKs clonegrim as genuine primarch, sends him to Nihilus to help Dante
      >Snake tit fulgrim has a show down with clonegrim and it's very dramatic
      Could happen. Probably won't. I like my fan fic though.

      • 12 months ago

        I like your fanfic too, anon

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, basically go down something like that.

        • 12 months ago

          He reminds me of Tamers12345 for some reason.

          • 12 months ago

            Clonegrim calling his guys "kiddos" makes me feel unbelievably warm and fuzzy inside

            I could go for a fulgrim redemption arc. No glory and forgiveness, just the primarch coming around to what he's done. Would be better if he loses to the demon version of himself. Meeting Dante wearing his brother's death mask, or IHs carrying the broken relics of Ferrus. RG and Salamanders who haven't forgotten Istavaan V. Just have him keep getting kicked down by almost everyone until all of the pride that defines him is gone and he can rebuild himself into someone different. That might be a bit too much character development for GW to pull off.

            >Long is the way, and hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light
            t. milton, paradise lost

            I feel like if he gets a proper redemption arc, they'll just kill him off at the end. Which I kinda get why, like it probably wouldn't be an awful decision with clonegrim around, but I would just personally be salty.

        • 12 months ago

          >Jimmy space is bringing back primarchs
          >DA, Ultras, SW, and BA are the only imperial ones that matter enough to get a codex
          >IF, RG, IH, Salamanders, WS just don't sell
          >Bobby and Simba are back, Russ is still alive to be brought back, Sanguinius is dead as frick
          >Jimmy needs another loyalist primarch to balance out the four chaos aligned primarchs
          >perterabo see IF and company
          >clonegrim gets rescued
          >cawl reveals he used traitor legion gene seed and has an EC chapter ready for clonegrim
          >Bobby checks him out and OKs clonegrim as genuine primarch, sends him to Nihilus to help Dante
          >Snake tit fulgrim has a show down with clonegrim and it's very dramatic
          Could happen. Probably won't. I like my fan fic though.

          I could go for a fulgrim redemption arc. No glory and forgiveness, just the primarch coming around to what he's done. Would be better if he loses to the demon version of himself. Meeting Dante wearing his brother's death mask, or IHs carrying the broken relics of Ferrus. RG and Salamanders who haven't forgotten Istavaan V. Just have him keep getting kicked down by almost everyone until all of the pride that defines him is gone and he can rebuild himself into someone different. That might be a bit too much character development for GW to pull off.

          >Long is the way, and hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light
          t. milton, paradise lost

          • 12 months ago

            >RG and Salamanders who haven't forgotten Istavaan V.
            It was ten thousand years ago. He's not going to be meeting any veterans from those battles. If Caesar was brought back to life today, do you think he would be ashamed to be in presence of French because he killed a third and enslaved another third of Gaul?

            • 12 months ago

              They wouldn't be meeting heresy veterans, but this will be the same person that they've been hypnotically indoctrinated to hate and space marines get moronic over grudges. 10,000 years and the Dark Angles are still rabidly hunting fallen, Wolves have their duel with Dark Angles whenever they meet, and Fists still have a rabid dislike for the Iron Warriors. I think ego crushing would be pretty light given the setting.

              He reminds me of Tamers12345 for some reason.

              Oh neat! The guy did a whole series.

          • 12 months ago

            >Jimmy space is bringing back primarchs
            >DA, Ultras, SW, and BA are the only imperial ones that matter enough to get a codex
            >IF, RG, IH, Salamanders, WS just don't sell
            >Bobby and Simba are back, Russ is still alive to be brought back, Sanguinius is dead as frick
            >Jimmy needs another loyalist primarch to balance out the four chaos aligned primarchs
            >perterabo see IF and company
            >clonegrim gets rescued
            >cawl reveals he used traitor legion gene seed and has an EC chapter ready for clonegrim
            >Bobby checks him out and OKs clonegrim as genuine primarch, sends him to Nihilus to help Dante
            >Snake tit fulgrim has a show down with clonegrim and it's very dramatic
            Could happen. Probably won't. I like my fan fic though.

            if any traitor is gonna be redeemed I think it would have to be fulgrim. "lmao, he touched a cursed sword" is so fricking stupid as the justification for falling to chaos, when all the others have orders of magnitude greater betrayals and reasons like magnus, morty, and angron all being wayyyyy more committed. If there's an entire legion of Primaris Emperor's Children sitting in a fricking basement somewhere then that also solves one of their longstanding problems and removes pretty much any reason to keep being traitors running around stealing cummies from other chapters.

            I don't think it will happen within the next decade, but I do believe at some point GW will want to make a big deal and do a "what if a traitor primarch was redeemed" storyline especially because among marine players "my chapter is actually a loyalist descended from traitor legions" is THE number one donut steel backstory

            • 12 months ago

              >if any traitor is gonna be redeemed I think it would have to be fulgrim. "lmao, he touched a cursed sword" is so fricking stupid as the justification for falling to chaos
              I'm pretty sure that in-canon even, Fulgrim falling literally caught everybody off guard, even the Emperor, and Horus too. LITERALLY nobody saw it coming, even Slaanesh was all "wait what oh shit great didn't see that coming".

              • 12 months ago

                It's kind of a dumb detail about the lore, given Fulgrim is a narcissist obsessed with surface aesthetics and satisfaction from perfectionism.

              • 12 months ago

                So we're all of them to some extent. Fulgrim's legion being the EC was all about the loyalty until it wasn't. Think it has something to do with how Jaghatai was supposed to fall, but didn't.

              • 12 months ago

                The best characterization of him I've seen is in the Palatine Phoenix by Josh Reynolds

  3. 12 months ago

    Unfunny meme shit

  4. 12 months ago

    Why are Warhammer fans here now so mad and serious?

    • 12 months ago

      Idk, but I'm morose about my favorite primarch not getting a bunch of cool books like he deserves

      • 12 months ago

        You marvelgays killed 40K

        • 12 months ago

          Marvel? How's that related?

          • 12 months ago

            Primarch homosexualry is just capeshit with bigger shoulderpads

            • 12 months ago

              Not sure what you're trying to say. "Liking characters is bad"?

              • 12 months ago

                Bigger badder superheroes that entire story revolves around.
                Turnining 40k into pure capeshit like marvel.

              • 12 months ago

                How does reading the primarch centric novels effect the rest of 40k? The franchise is hardly a monolith.

                Either pretending to be moronic or actually moronic. Hard to tell with primarchtroons

                Maybe moronic, definitely a bit new to 40k. What's the issue?

              • 12 months ago

                The 30k novels are divisive, to say the least.

              • 12 months ago

                How does reading the primarch centric novels effect the rest of 40k? The franchise is hardly a monolith.
                Maybe moronic, definitely a bit new to 40k. What's the issue?

                Horus Heresy has a few really good books, and a lot of complete dogshit.

              • 12 months ago

                That explains why I always feel like picrel when I bring it up lol

                Horus Heresy has a few really good books, and a lot of complete dogshit.

                Oh dang, that's not encouraging haha
                I recently started Fulgrim, and it's... well, I don't hate it yet. Any ones I should just steer clear of?

                >primarchgays buy primarchslop
                >ho boy, that's a LOT of primarchslop
                >and they're still buying
                >suddenly an exec gets a brilliant idea: Let's do a soft 40K End Times by bringing primarchslop into 40K!
                And now we have primarchs prancing about 40K being the same massive homosexuals they were in 30K and twice as many space marine releases thanks to the primaris homosexualry.

                And the worst part is I can't even get mad at GW for it since marinegays paid hand over fist for primarchs and primaris. GW spit in marinepiggies' collective and then spread their cheeks and told them to get licking, and those marinepiggies went trufflehunting like their life depended on it. It was an objectively good idea for GW but frick me if it doesn't ruin 40K.

                So what I'm gathering is that primarch content is divisive because GW is making primarch/marine stuff and not other stuff as much? I guess it's frustrating when your favorite guys aren't as popular as you wish. I get the feeling

              • 12 months ago

                >Any ones I should just steer clear of?
                Most of them. I don't know which ones specifically because, well, do YOU read complete garbage just for the possibility of one day being able to tell random strangers on a Cantonese lobster trapping forum that it sucks with the veracity of a researched professional? Horus Rising and False Gods are great. Flight of the Eisenstein is good. The First Heretic is very nice, and I can't tell you much about everything else. I assume it runs the gamut between "Alright" and "Why the frick would they publish this?" with the mean being "Inoffensive and forgettable."

                The rest of the 40k books have their ups and downs, here's some of the ones I recommend:
                >the Ciaphas Cain Series
                Flashman in 40k with a mile-long streak of dry wit and an subversive undercurrent. An extremely strong series and a great introduction to the 40k universe. Think of it as being the 40k equivalent to Gotrek and Felix.
                >Night Lords trilogy
                A neat, in-depth showcase of the post-heresy Night Lords that really shows why they are the way that they are, what makes them tick, and what makes them unique. Has a very strong character focus and shows what the tenuous bonds of brotherhood between renegades look like.
                >Black Legion Duology.
                Same author as the Night Lords trilogy, and same general 'goals' as the Night Lords trilogy, but showing an in-depth slice of the Black Legion and it's band of brothers instead, focusing on their founding and the struggles they overcame in the early years before and during the First Black Crusade. It's not AS strong as the night lords' series since the main character is a bit of a mary sue and the author's 'chaos wank' tendencies were bleeding into the story a bit, but it's still a fun read.
                (1/2 because frick me this went on a while)

              • 12 months ago

                Chronicles the rise of the Blood Angel's chapter master, all the way through his career and starting with his origin as a regular kid in the salt-flats of Baal Secundus. It's a very nice, in-depth look at him and the influences that made him who he is today.
                >Eisenhorn and Ravenor series
                Focusing on the Inquisition, specifically from the perpsectives of the (eventually radical) Inquisitor Gregior Eisenhorn and his (eventually former) Apprentice, Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor. I haven't actually read it but I've heard it's good so if it interests you it may be worth checking out.
                >Gaunts Ghosts series
                Like with Eisenhorn but focused on the Imperial Guard instead, following Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt and his regiment, the Tanith 1st and only. It's another series I haven't read that's considered good so again check it out if you like the guard.
                >All Guardsmen Party
                NOT an actual black library series, it's a long fricking story (still in progress!) chronicling a fat/tg/uy's game of Only War turned Dark Heresy. It's a very fun story and more light-hearted than most Black Library stuff (barring Ciaphas Cain which is already pretty light-hearted too) and you'll find the style of humour pretty familiar if you're a fan of Terry Pratchett (some of the characters are outright references to his work, too)

              • 12 months ago

                >do YOU read complete garbage just for the possibility of one day being able to tell random strangers on a Cantonese lobster trapping forum that it sucks with the veracity of a researched professional?
                I'm absolutely not the best example, but point made lol
                Thanks for all the recs! These look great and I'm putting them on my list

                >So what I'm gathering is that primarch content is divisive because GW is making primarch/marine stuff and not other stuff as much?
                Not just that, but diverting the entire tone and focus of 40K to revolve around the primarchs as if it was just Horus Heresy 2 instead of its own setting. They're the Poochie of 40K, essentially.

                My understanding was that 40k was such a vast ip that there was at least a little something for everyone. Sorry for diverting things, I just wasn't sure where else to talk about it.

              • 12 months ago

                >40k was such a vast ip that there was at least a little something for everyone.
                Yeah, was. Now they're wrapping up any and all non-Primarch related events and plot threads or else finding a way to divert them into Primarchhomosexualry.

              • 12 months ago

                I thought the horus heresy was a pretty central part of the plot and setting, but is it actually more of a side thing?

              • 12 months ago

                It happened 10,000 years prior so it's like how Ceasar's conquest of Gaul, calendar reforms, and assassination are all important and affect your daily life but they aren't something you spend a lot of time thinking about or basing your immediate decisions on.

              • 12 months ago

                That's like calling the fall of Ancient Rome a central part of the current conflict in Ukraine, except the events are 10 times further away from each other by time alone.

                That makes sense realistically, but I'm not sure I'd call 40k realistic. I haven't been in thia fandom long though, so I guess I wouldn't know if it was better before.

                It is. It's the foundational point of the series. Like how The Clone Wars are the foundational point for the OT.
                Except where they fricked up was taking what had been established in lore as this very mysterious shadowy event ten thousand years in the past of which little records or artifacts survive to the present day, and fleshing it out to destroy all the mystery and intrigue the series had, and turning it into superheroes IN SPAAAAAACE! People aren't (mostly) pulling shit out of their ass when they call the Horus Heresy "Capeshit" or "Marvel Cinematic Universe-tier."

                That could all be forgiven though if it was good. But it's not. And By God did it drag out for a long ass time. It's been going since fricking 2006 and only now are they wrapping up the siege of Terra.

                More mystery sounds really interesting, especially since I like to speculate, but I also like knowing. I don't know if I'm missing a legit connection or a joke aboit this whole superhero thing. Maybe I'm just being too literal, but I don't get all this superhero talk. Is it just because of abilities and stuff?

              • 12 months ago

                >Is it just because of abilities and stuff?
                its because primarchs fill the same role as superheros in marvelshit. they are super duper special and super duper powerful, and literally everything has to revolve around them and only them. everyone else is basically just redshirt henchmen

              • 12 months ago

                >Maybe I'm just being too literal, but I don't get all this superhero talk. Is it just because of abilities and stuff?
                no it's because the Horus Heresy moved the focus to a relatively small recurring cast of characters and their interactions with one another. previously, you'd have characters, yes, but those characters lived in their own little worlds, their plots didn't intersect much, and their actions generally had very little significance outside that world.

              • 12 months ago

                Pretty vastly different tones, for sure. Different strokes for different folks, yeah?

              • 12 months ago

                The problem is GW is hamfisting those different strokes into 40K at the detriment of 40K's own strokes.

              • 12 months ago

                >but I'm not sure I'd call 40k realistic.
                What a stupid fricking nonstatement. You asked how directly related to 40K the HH shit was and we gave you rough IRL analogies, it has nothing at all to do with MUH REELIZM. HH was an important event to the Imperium (and only the Imperium) whose details had been lost to time and mythologized, but ever since GW did their prequel HH game all those details gave been filled in with the stupidest fricking explanations imaginable. And more importantly (and more stupidly), GW has been dragging 40K into the same muck as HH by "continuing plot threads" from HH in 40K and even porting over HH characters wholesale. Not just the primarchs either, random fricking mortals from 10K years ago keep popping up too. Great for the people who love space marines angsting at other space marines about space daddy, terrible for literally everyone else.
                >I haven't been in thia fandom long
                >in the fandom
                God I hate this phrase. Nothing good comes of the sort of people who use it.
                >Maybe I'm just being too literal, but I don't get all this superhero talk
                Yeah, you're more than a little autistic. It's a colloquialism because the story was reduced from grand, sweeping stories about massive armies and a few key figures to the same 20 chucklefricks crying about daddy issues despite being hundreds (or now tens of thousands) years old, written with all the quality of a Marvel comic. The moronic superpowers that got tacked on thanks to HH does them no favors in the comparison either.

              • 12 months ago

                Okay, sorry.

              • 12 months ago

                >all those details gave been filled in with the stupidest fricking explanations imaginable.
                this is important. one of the biggest problems with the Horus Heresy is that the quality is wildly inconsistent and even the characters themselves vary massively between books depending on who wrote them

              • 12 months ago

                It is. It's the foundational point of the series. Like how The Clone Wars are the foundational point for the OT.
                Except where they fricked up was taking what had been established in lore as this very mysterious shadowy event ten thousand years in the past of which little records or artifacts survive to the present day, and fleshing it out to destroy all the mystery and intrigue the series had, and turning it into superheroes IN SPAAAAAACE! People aren't (mostly) pulling shit out of their ass when they call the Horus Heresy "Capeshit" or "Marvel Cinematic Universe-tier."

                That could all be forgiven though if it was good. But it's not. And By God did it drag out for a long ass time. It's been going since fricking 2006 and only now are they wrapping up the siege of Terra.

              • 12 months ago

                lol, grogs are the biggest babies in the fricking world.

              • 12 months ago

                That's like calling the fall of Ancient Rome a central part of the current conflict in Ukraine, except the events are 10 times further away from each other by time alone.

              • 12 months ago

                >So what I'm gathering is that primarch content is divisive because GW is making primarch/marine stuff and not other stuff as much?
                Not just that, but diverting the entire tone and focus of 40K to revolve around the primarchs as if it was just Horus Heresy 2 instead of its own setting. They're the Poochie of 40K, essentially.

              • 12 months ago

                >primarchgays buy primarchslop
                >ho boy, that's a LOT of primarchslop
                >and they're still buying
                >suddenly an exec gets a brilliant idea: Let's do a soft 40K End Times by bringing primarchslop into 40K!
                And now we have primarchs prancing about 40K being the same massive homosexuals they were in 30K and twice as many space marine releases thanks to the primaris homosexualry.

                And the worst part is I can't even get mad at GW for it since marinegays paid hand over fist for primarchs and primaris. GW spit in marinepiggies' collective and then spread their cheeks and told them to get licking, and those marinepiggies went trufflehunting like their life depended on it. It was an objectively good idea for GW but frick me if it doesn't ruin 40K.

              • 12 months ago

                Either pretending to be moronic or actually moronic. Hard to tell with primarchtroons

    • 12 months ago

      >golden age /tg/ would have loved the idea and this thread would have spawned at least a few greentext shorts exploring the idea
      >nu-/tg/ scoffs, mumbles, and groans
      What in the frick happened to this place?

      >fat neckbeard board ages
      >turns into a bunch of curmudgeonly old miserable homosexuals who don't even like the setting or the game anymore
      >becomes more concerned with gatekeeping (and failing) than enjoying the hobby
      This bloated, rotting carcass of a board is driven not by fun and gaemz but by fear, hate and ignorance.

      Maybe /tg/ was the real imperium of man, a board that was in a golden age that hit a schism and fell to shit

      A combination of [...] and [...], 2016 drama, teenagers coming to visit after their favorite youtubers talked about how heckin epic the memes are on this site, and astroturfing from companies and their paypigs that didn't like not having direct control over dialogue here. It hit this board slower than others, but the final nail in the coffin was COVID. There are a few neat generals and project threads, but it's nothing like it used to be.

      Ganker in general is declining. This place was never good, but it was better. /misc/ is by far the highest traffic board on the site now and most new users introduction to it. The only thing /misc/ rewards is screaming louder and being the more disruptive so that's what new user learn. Then they branch out to other boards and bring their bad habits with them. Slowly the quality of conversation decreased and as older users start flaking out a feedback loop forms and the post quality rapidly declines. /misc/ adjacent boards like Ganker and /k/ are changing fastest, but it's hobby boards as well.

      >why is /tg/ getting mad we redditors and twitter trannies are co-opting their hobby?

      gee I couldn't imagine why, between D&D, MTG, 40k and now Battletech I can't imagine why a group that's been around since 4th, 5th, 6th or even older suddenly don't like you invading and shitting it up with late millenial or zoomer homosexualry and current politics in a relentless pozz jihad of a medium you don't even like.
      Secondly old /tg/ is the same humor and content that started reddithammer and most of those homosexuals became furries, trannies or other genetic deadends, don't act like they were doing anyone a favor by existing. you're pinkn tinted glasses seems to ignore that there's still good content being made today, Expedition Agartha is one example, not that you browse the board to know you homosexual top-thread skimming tourists. It's just not many have the spark of enthusiasm to put in that work. secondly mentioning /misc/ is a litmus test to know if you're a redditgay tourist or oldgay.

      • 12 months ago


  5. 12 months ago

    >golden age /tg/ would have loved the idea and this thread would have spawned at least a few greentext shorts exploring the idea
    >nu-/tg/ scoffs, mumbles, and groans
    What in the frick happened to this place?

    • 12 months ago

      >fat neckbeard board ages
      >turns into a bunch of curmudgeonly old miserable homosexuals who don't even like the setting or the game anymore
      >becomes more concerned with gatekeeping (and failing) than enjoying the hobby
      This bloated, rotting carcass of a board is driven not by fun and gaemz but by fear, hate and ignorance.

      • 12 months ago

        Maybe /tg/ was the real imperium of man, a board that was in a golden age that hit a schism and fell to shit

      • 12 months ago

        I don't want to fud, but I've lost faith in corporate franchises a long time ago, and the more I learn about Warhammer, the more I think it's pretty much only made turns for the worst since its creation. Bro I can't even think of a franchise that got better with time in any medium. Greek Gods maybe, but look how that turned out. Dead franchise.

    • 12 months ago

      Wacky shit as fan fiction is fun, canon fan service for reddit memes is bad

      • 12 months ago

        /tg/ references in the RPGs disagree.

        • 12 months ago

          what RPGs?

    • 12 months ago

      A combination of

      >fat neckbeard board ages
      >turns into a bunch of curmudgeonly old miserable homosexuals who don't even like the setting or the game anymore
      >becomes more concerned with gatekeeping (and failing) than enjoying the hobby
      This bloated, rotting carcass of a board is driven not by fun and gaemz but by fear, hate and ignorance.


      Maybe /tg/ was the real imperium of man, a board that was in a golden age that hit a schism and fell to shit

      , 2016 drama, teenagers coming to visit after their favorite youtubers talked about how heckin epic the memes are on this site, and astroturfing from companies and their paypigs that didn't like not having direct control over dialogue here. It hit this board slower than others, but the final nail in the coffin was COVID. There are a few neat generals and project threads, but it's nothing like it used to be.

      • 12 months ago

        Ganker in general is declining. This place was never good, but it was better. /misc/ is by far the highest traffic board on the site now and most new users introduction to it. The only thing /misc/ rewards is screaming louder and being the more disruptive so that's what new user learn. Then they branch out to other boards and bring their bad habits with them. Slowly the quality of conversation decreased and as older users start flaking out a feedback loop forms and the post quality rapidly declines. /misc/ adjacent boards like Ganker and /k/ are changing fastest, but it's hobby boards as well.

        • 12 months ago

          And you think /b/ being the starting point for most users pre-2016 taught better manners? Don't delude yourself anon, the problem is more people are engaging obvious trolls and the homosexual mods arent addressing the behavior

          • 12 months ago

            Unironically yeah. I prefer kids being stupid and posting moronic memes and acting like dumbasses over politicial shitflinging, and I'm a fascist.
            I don't wanna be mad at the state of the world 24/7. It's bad for the soul.

        • 12 months ago

          And you think /b/ being the starting point for most users pre-2016 taught better manners? Don't delude yourself anon, the problem is more people are engaging obvious trolls and the homosexual mods arent addressing the behavior

          >more people are engaging obvious trolls
          I was going to say essentially this, conversation is constantly disrupted and every board is being shilled to within an inch of its life, so there's no reason to bother.
          It's popular to blame /misc/ but most of the trolls are as far from /misc/ as you can get.

          • 12 months ago

            To add to that, there's no way anything going on in /k/ is organic board culture, due to certain ongoing international events it's basically two competing teams of shills.

            • 12 months ago

              >two competing teams of shills.
              that's the entire website

        • 12 months ago

          The INTERNET in general is declining. Ganker is like Nassau in the twilight era of the age of piracy, or a wild west town on the fringes of being "civilized". All the fun and wild shot is getting paved over and smoothed out for the sake of safety and mass appeal, killing the very appeal of these places for the original settlers of them.

        • 12 months ago

          How much of the constant drama and newhomosexualry would be gotten rid of if we just delete /misc/?

          • 12 months ago

            None, it's a containment board.
            (They've tried like 3 times. You'd already know that if your weren't a newbie)

      • 12 months ago

        The 2016 election and the /misc/ification of Ganker has been a disaster for fa/tg/uys

        2007. We had a few of good years after that before getting outnumbered by phone posters. Death of quests was the end of having nice things.


        • 12 months ago

          You're right, thought I still think 2016 was the killing blow

          • 12 months ago

            2014 was the fatal blow. It just took until 2016 for euthanasia to be applied to an already dying Ganker.

    • 12 months ago

      Well then by all means mr.ideas please greentext away.

    • 12 months ago

      Same shit as with every other board. Rampant contrarianism and hipsterism where admittinh you actually play games / enjoy anything is showing weakness

    • 12 months ago

      It was funny when it was harmless fan content, not so much when GW took the entire setting in that direction. When corporations adopt memes, the meme instantly dies and becomes unfunny. See also: the Family Guy Rule, once a meme makes its way to Family Guy irs officially dead.

    • 12 months ago

      The 2016 election and the /misc/ification of Ganker has been a disaster for fa/tg/uys

  6. 12 months ago

    Having said that I own Hasbro stock, and think it will continue to be worth more and more as time goes on. Plus they got a pretty good dividened. Please keep supporting this product so my children can go to college.

  7. 12 months ago

    Big fan of how they turned ominous and mysterious entities into whacky dementia grandpas. Very cool.

    • 12 months ago

      Remember what they took from you

      • 12 months ago

        >Remember what they took from you
        ....chaos androids built by chaos squats?

    • 12 months ago

      Remember what they took from you

      Oh yeah the tyranids in metal version, really a big loss

      • 12 months ago

        objectively better than totally-not-humans-with-a-gimmick race #9001

        • 12 months ago

          Lol no, nu-crons it's definitely still better than the space terminator copy

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah, the space terminator copy that 3rd edition introduced which had eldritch horrors and ominous fluff told from the perspective of the Imperium. Haha, just because they're skeletal robot looking things means they're terminators. Hoho. They definitely had nothing going for them before WHACKY DEMENTIA GRANDPA ADVENTURES XD XD ISN'T THIS EBIN REDDIT UPVOTES TO THE LEFT

  8. 12 months ago

    In the end, that ancient object turned out to be a chaos trap to attract blood ravens and trazyn, so they both have to join forces to defeat the demon prince angron

  9. 12 months ago

    gw would never let a book be written about a chapter that made them lose money

  10. 12 months ago

    Never going to happen after DoW3 shat the bed and nuked the Blood Ravens' rep

    • 12 months ago

      If there will be an age of sigmar rts it is impossible that there will not be a dawn of war IV

    • 12 months ago

      What happened? I stopped at 2.

      • 12 months ago

        They shrimplified the game. Relic turned over about half their staff in a restructuring between 2 and 3. With that they lost a lot of the people who understood how to build complex animations, experienced game designers, and the people who understood how to use the setting to make a popular game that fit into the wider tone and narrative of 40k. They also had a massive replacement in the voice actor roles due to an ongoing VA strike in the US. They also reoriented the game to a more casual and beginner friendly RTS.

        All in all, it was just not a very good game and looked especially poor when compared to the preceding titles. The plot was weaker, the game itself was weaker, and it did a lot of shit that didn't fit into the lore. DoW 1 and two moved ~6 million units each and won plenty of awards. DoW 3 only managed to move like ~300k units and got mixed reviews. It was basically a franchise killer.

        • 12 months ago

          What happened? I stopped at 2.

          I will always stand by that DoW did a lot of things right, presentation being among them, and a lot of good ideas. But with that said, it was also clear they didn't know what idea to actually stick with and just sort of went with all of them, letting none of them be properly fleshed out.

          The story was weak no matter how well it was presented, the game play chased e-sports like every other game did at that time, it was abandoned far too quickly as it seemed not even Relic had any faith in it, and the fricking grinding model was beyond atrocious, I mean, holy frick was it bad. Stuff like doctrines could have been really cool and made for some interesting gameplay changes, but half of them was locked behind grinding and many was just kind of generic. Faction gimics where cool (still love the Orks scrap mechanic) but it feels like they didn't really know what to give the Eldar so they kind of gave them a shitty version of DoW webway gates. The game seemed rushed in some ways, as they only had three factions ot launch (which while unfortunate wasn't really a problem) and all of them felt like they kind of just was missing something. The heroes was cool, I still remember how fricking good it felt to bring in an Imperial Knight, but the system was clunky and some felt less than heroes and more like elite units you really should just have been able to build late game, not to mention it easily turned into "wait for all heroes to be available, dump all heroes, slug it out" which got old fast. The customization got gutted with some colours locked behind grinding, and no custom emblems because that e-sports chase. I can go on for hours about how much potential there where but you get the point.

          All in all, the game ended up not really having an identity, and when it didn't perform they didn't want to fix it and just abandoned it instead. DoW could have been great. It could have stood on it's own like how 2 did with one. It didn't.

          • 12 months ago

            I should clarify that I mean DoW3 when I say DoW and not the DoW series as a whole, and that I kind of messed up. I'm curently operating on 3 hours of sleep so you'll have to forgive me if I forgot to add the number.

          • 12 months ago

            Elites were shit.
            While idea of better units was cool and commanders of dow 1 and 2 were nice, elite unique good units, not too overpowered, dow 3 elites were straight up insane op shit.
            Case and point, sm commander, in dow 1 and 2 he was elite unit that could be upgraded, it could take on entire squad but it would take time, dow 3 commander beside chewing through units like madman had 2 buttons with cooldown to wipe out entire units by one click, one of this click to wipe unit was terminator frontflip superjump.

            There also was point of bad campaign, bad artstyle and it being absolute clusterfrick

    • 12 months ago

      Relic fricked up Company of Heroes so they might be desperate enough.

      • 12 months ago

        Really? That's news to me. Was CoH3 no good? It seemed like it could be fun, but I haven't had the chance to get it, and I wasn't super happy with how 2 turned out. And while I'm asking, does 3 have a better monitization model than 2? Because frick me, I didn't know Relic could do worse than they did with DoW3's monitization model, and yet they somehow managed with CoH2.

  11. 12 months ago

    Commander, why did Gabriel order us off our Penitent Crusade to retrieve an Eldar sex toy?

    • 12 months ago

      you wouldn't get it

    • 12 months ago

      Our "glorious" Chapter Master Angelos is following in the foot steps of Imperial Regent Guilliman and his Eldar Waifu Yvraine

      Most likely the the Evervirgin will receive the toy and a new title in the coming weeks

      • 12 months ago

        Guilliman plays a dangerous game, the Eldar are treacherous and should not be trusted.

        An Eldar once eagerly offer themself to me in exchange for their life but there was no pussy there, he almost seemed confused when I shot him for it

        • 12 months ago

          You'd received a head wound Sergeant Tarkus, he had offered you "bussy" and you had misheard him

      • 12 months ago

        Guilliman plays a dangerous game, the Eldar are treacherous and should not be trusted.

        An Eldar once eagerly offer themself to me in exchange for their life but there was no pussy there, he almost seemed confused when I shot him for it

        The mission has been a success, brother of battle

        • 12 months ago

          Finally we can stop wasting on time on pointless busy work

          • 12 months ago

            The chad anon not complaining but delivering.
            Why would anyone want machss dried up spinster crone pussy tho

            • 12 months ago

              Force Commander this is Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos.

              I have received word that a citizen talked shit about my waifu here

              Join me while I go make my displeasure known

              • 12 months ago

                Hide while you can Gabriel.

                I will find you and I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!

    • 12 months ago

      Our "glorious" Chapter Master Angelos is following in the foot steps of Imperial Regent Guilliman and his Eldar Waifu Yvraine

      Most likely the the Evervirgin will receive the toy and a new title in the coming weeks

      Guilliman plays a dangerous game, the Eldar are treacherous and should not be trusted.

      An Eldar once eagerly offer themself to me in exchange for their life but there was no pussy there, he almost seemed confused when I shot him for it

      god i love these guys, i just want to see cyrus again in some deathwatch game.

  12. 12 months ago

    i just want to see these guys in a vidya again, i honestly miss them

    • 12 months ago

      Personally am hoping they have a repeat appearance in Space Marine 2

  13. 12 months ago

    Force Commander, the Chapter Master has ran away out of fear of losing his life to his insatiable xeno witch

    While the Devastator Squads distract her you must find the Chapter Master and his attending Apothecaries Marine

    You must hurry the Devastator Squads are already down five members because of casualties and its only been two days

  14. 12 months ago

    >Silently handles the latest Blood Raven frick up and GTFOs

    • 12 months ago

      what's the secret to Blood ravens stlyish hair instead of being bald 90% of the time?

      • 12 months ago

        You just need to be a Blood Raven that people are a fan of

        • 12 months ago

          Everyone loves Tarkus though and he's bald as shit.

      • 12 months ago

        Their face is their shield.

      • 12 months ago

        Magnus also had long hair so i imagined that's why some Blood ravens like Cyrus have long fabulous hair

  15. 12 months ago

    he did nothing wrong

    • 12 months ago

      He was a crappy loyalist for betraying and he was a crappy chaos guy for being someone's stooge and not getting any accomplishments himself.

      He did everything wrong.

  16. 12 months ago

    More 40k games should have a journal of their protagonists

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