There's no way this is real

There's no way this is real

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    That's actually what Miami is like, anon.

    • 6 months ago

      My personal favorite has been the random fricks online pretending like Florida people are somehow offended.

      • 6 months ago

        It's conciet. Peoole so obsesed over getting offended over other peoples' behalf removed their ability to understand that some people just don't get offended.

        Kinda gross, if you think about it.

  2. 6 months ago

    i also have my own reaction: you are a dumb troony for supporting nu-rockstar

    • 6 months ago

      >you are a dumb troony for supporting nu-rockstar
      no idea what it is, but ive been in a bad mood all day. maybe its the shitty weather, lack of sleep, whatever it is, your post just broke the camels back. unlucky, guess life isnt fair. but your little transphobe post out of the millions in this cesspit just pissed me the hell off for some reason. this is very very unlucky for you, because unlike a lot of you homosexuals, I didnt come here in 2016. not even 2012. not a trumpbabby, a gamergate babby, a chanology babby or even a /b/day babby. no, I am an SA goon, and if youre smart that scares you. I was breaking government tier encryption and swapping scripts with some real clever nasty dudes before you got out of diapers, you little incel zoomer homosexual. bet you thought all that anonymous shit was just legends, guys who were never real or moved on. nope. some of us still browse here on occasion, and you basically just made the unfortunate mistake of pissing off the interweb equivalent of a former SAS commando. i can do scary scary shit to you and right now im feeling like doing it on a whim. pissbabies like you dont deserve the luxury of time, so whether you are in the thread still or not I do not give a solitary frick. you will apologise for the transphobic comment (i will know if its your IP), or your extended family ill be alerted that you are a pedophile and your face will be plastered over this board for a fricking month. savvy? 10 minutes.

      • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Can't believe my post from yesterday is already a pasta

      • 6 months ago

        shit...shit shit shit SHIT SHIT SHIT IM SORRY IM SOOOORRRYYYYYYYYYY !!!!! dude im just having a rough time and destressing by shitposting on Ganker i know its toxic dude I KNOW but I don't mean anything by it really I don't dude I'll stop ok please dude i really mean it I'll stop just don't tell my family anything or post my face on Ganker dude please ok I'm serious I'll stop just please please PLEASE don't do any of that shit

      • 6 months ago

        You know what always amazes me? It seems no matter how liberal some European is, no matter how welcoming they are to immigrants of all kinds of super diverse places like Somalia or whatever they are, they somehow instantly turn into Nazis the moment gypsies come up. Either they're openly just "well frick those particular guys" or they desperately try to change the subject immediately.
        Someone somewhere said nothing creates tolerance and understanding like exposure, and while true, I can tell you hatred is built up the exact same way.

        I actually have a more poignant example though.

        There were a good number of meetups I went to for game communities, pub crawls, etc. Just people coming together to hang out, drink, share stories, and have a good time as people. I found that conversation almost never strayed to the topic of the game that brought us together. If it was a game that goons had a presence in though, you always knew. If goons showed up, they were almost always autistically trying to bring up some inane drama from in game no one cared about, they never meshed with the other people there, and if there was more than one, they always huddled together.

        • 6 months ago

          Gypsy culture, specifically Romani culture, is inherently at odds with Western values. One might say the same thing of Muslims, or of some African peoples, but these people eventually adapt, even if it takes years upon years.
          Gypsies don't adapt. They have nothing in mind but short-term gains. They steal and rob and scam, and they are proud for doing so, it's actively encouraged. They take pride in living in filth and are taught from birth to abstain from modern society.

      • 6 months ago

        You know what always amazes me? It seems no matter how liberal some European is, no matter how welcoming they are to immigrants of all kinds of super diverse places like Somalia or whatever they are, they somehow instantly turn into Nazis the moment gypsies come up. Either they're openly just "well frick those particular guys" or they desperately try to change the subject immediately.
        Someone somewhere said nothing creates tolerance and understanding like exposure, and while true, I can tell you hatred is built up the exact same way.

        I actually have a more poignant example though.

        There were a good number of meetups I went to for game communities, pub crawls, etc. Just people coming together to hang out, drink, share stories, and have a good time as people. I found that conversation almost never strayed to the topic of the game that brought us together. If it was a game that goons had a presence in though, you always knew. If goons showed up, they were almost always autistically trying to bring up some inane drama from in game no one cared about, they never meshed with the other people there, and if there was more than one, they always huddled together.

        In the fullness of time, communities in the country began talking about something referred to as "goon sweat," where you could typically pick out goons because they were always sweating like they were coming down from a high, they were always shifty and nervous, and they were always, always awkward. It became clear that at best most people would merely tolerate them, and at worst people would actually grow hostile to their attitude as nights wore on. Goons would never buy rounds of drinks, goons would never go in on food, goons would always complain that the beer garden wasn't as "authentic as that time their grandparents took them to Germany." Goons would typically wear ill fitting tshirts that had been washed too many times, or button up graphic shirts and shorts that were always size 46+ or higher. You might well accuse me of painting with a broad brush or making generalizations, but I'm not. Pre-troon, this was the goon culture and reality. If they cleaned up they could be presentable, but their entire motif revolved around an almost complete lack of self-care, from basic shaving to exercise to picking out clothes that could be assembled into something akin to a style.

        You might find it insane, but they had a body type. They had a distinct culture. They had the same attitude. They had a kind of "aura" that you'd eventually learn to pick up on. Much like the European learned over time to detest the gypsie, so did these average people learn to hate the goon, even if they didn't know what a goon was, or what Something Awful was. Goons never enhanced any group or event, they could only drag it down. Over time you figured out they spent the entire time talking about the dumb games they played because they had no hobbies to share, no work experiences to relate to, no careers to complain about.

        Goons are the gypsies of the internet. That's what it is.

        • 6 months ago

          This explains a lot. The description of a goon fits me 100% and so does the way people treat me. I've always wondered why.

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Ah sweet, a new marine copypasta

      • 6 months ago

        >i was dumb enough to pay 10 bucks for a forum
        GameFAQs/LUE > SA
        good new pasta

      • 6 months ago

        Trannilla warfare pasta

  3. 6 months ago

    Rockstar doesn't really cheat when it comes to visual fidelity in their trailers.
    They do "cheat" with animations. The npcs aren't going to be nearly as dynamic in the final game.

    V trailer was the same, graphically the final game lived up to that first trailer more or less, except when it came to the NPC stuff.

    • 6 months ago

      This, they clearly scripted/mocap a couple of NPCs just for this trailer, the the behavior of NPCs is generic af in the end product, probably just with a few extra dialogues compared to other generic open world games.

      • 6 months ago

        to be fair though, RDR2 has much more lively NPCs.

        • 6 months ago

          That's true, but you still can't deny they sorta embellished the gta5 trailer. there's no reason to believe they won't do it again.

      • 6 months ago

        ofc it´s scripted mocapped because they always use some intro from a mission as their bullshots for the first trailers.
        the jogging gals & gays is also from a cutscene mid mission.

        you can bet your ass that we´ll see the same scene from OP, somewhere midgame when we´re about to start a mission.

        • 6 months ago

          Lol no

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah but trailer aside, if they're animated even a little better than RDR2, I will be fine.

    • 6 months ago

      This scene shows a heat haze effect which is not present in any of the versions of GTA 5. Rockstar is no stranger to graphical downgrades.

  4. 6 months ago

    i am confused by this because it doesn't look visually better than cyberpunk. of course it was gonna look like that in game

    • 6 months ago

      It is, you're just used to Cyberpunk. In reality GTA6 sweaps the floor with it, which it should considering we're comparing a 2025 game with a 2020 game that had some visual upgrades over the years

      • 6 months ago

        why does the GTA6 b***h have so many moles? looks ugly

        • 6 months ago

          isn't Florida the skin cancer capitol of the country?

      • 6 months ago

        >cutscene vs gameplay
        Actual GTA6 gameplay will be a blurry TAA mess.

  5. 6 months ago

    Look at those fricking nails, the bleached hair


    • 6 months ago

      Agreed. I like my women to look like they’ve just crawled out of a dumpster. I want their slit to stink to high heaven when I jam my wiener in that filthy hole.

      • 6 months ago

        aaa good news for your mather is right there cuck!

  6. 6 months ago

    I don’t understand. Demon Souls Remake had better graphics than GTA6 trailer

    • 6 months ago

      No it didn't.

  7. 6 months ago

    cool, is she going to pose like that every 48 minutes too?

  8. 6 months ago

    Yeah that's the issue, the game looks like shit

  9. 6 months ago

    man jaw havin b***h

  10. 6 months ago

    Literally looked like a game from 2016 did you even play RDR2, that looks better

  11. 6 months ago

    it doesn't look insanely good. death stranding character models look better and it came out 4 years ago

    • 6 months ago

      frick you!

  12. 6 months ago

    digitalfoundry already confirmed the '4k' video is 1440p internal resolution upscaled using FSR as it has the give-away artifacts and aliasing. The trailer is the game running on a current gen console at 30fps
    what's not going to look like the trailer are the scenes with heavy crowd density that all have unique scripted animations during normal dynamic play, those scenes are almost definitely from missions
    the nightclub scene was also from a mission that was in prior leaks

  13. 6 months ago

    It looks like GTA 5

  14. 6 months ago

    RDR looked amazing, even on last gen consoles, so why not? Say what you like about Rockstar, but they really can push consoles to their limits, even more so than other dev.

    • 6 months ago

      erryday a new gender but do i gaf? no! so why tf are you?

  15. 6 months ago

    >"No way, broski, it's gonna look exactly like the trailer, just trust us :)"
    >dumb gamers preorder in their millions only to seethe on launch day when it does not, in fact, look just like the trailer
    How do you morons keep falling for this shit?

  16. 6 months ago

    What unreal do you see here?

  17. 6 months ago

    >game releasing 7 years after RDR2 will look MODERATELY better than RDR2 which was already basically at the peak of where realistic graphics can go

    No way!!!!

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