These two excerpts are a decade apart.

What exactly went wrong for Masuda?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    cant wait for him to die so we can go back to peak

  2. 4 months ago

    Haha I don't really know

  3. 4 months ago

    >What exactly went wrong for Masuda?
    XY sold a massive amount compared to the games that required more effort to produce. 2013 was the exact point where Game Freak no longer needed to try.

    • 4 months ago

      > compared to the games that required more effort to produce
      Such as?

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          How does a remake that's made up of 90% reused assets require more effort to make than a fully original game that had to make every 3D model and all the animations from scratch?

          • 4 months ago

            what reused assets?
            at most they reused the engine and the pokemon data, almost everything else in hgss is new

            • 4 months ago

              > what reused assets?
              the dialogue
              the map design
              the sprites
              the animations
              the vast majority of the engine
              the battle frontier

              • 4 months ago

                The dialogue is actually different. They got the new translation group to do it instead of the old one, because they were shifting from an American localization team to a European one. That's why they changed stuff like Tin Tower became Bell Tower. There was actually a huge argument about it at the time and anyone who was old enough to be online at the time would remember how angry that shit made people and would remember the dialogue was clearly different in a lot of places as an adult.

                What I'm trying to say is you're either a moron who can't remember simple shit or a child who was too young to be online when HGSS came out. Which one are you?

              • 4 months ago

                >The dialogue is actually different
                No it isn’t.

                >b-buh the localization
                Doesn’t affect how much effort it takes to develop the original game.

                >y-you’re a moron
                Anyone claiming HGSS requires remotely the amount of effort as XY isn’t in a position to call anyone a moron.

              • 4 months ago

                >I-it isn't because I SAY IT ISN'T! Just trust me!!
                Nice argument gay. Offer some proof and maybe I might not think you're a moron. Probably still will, though.

              • 4 months ago

                Also, map design was completely different in a lot of areas because they had more shit to play with including the stuff where the game goes 3D in some areas. They reused a handful of sprites, but the majority of the sprites were brand new. Almost every Pokemon walking sprite in that game was created specifically for that game. You sound like someone who's never actually played gen 2 or 4, honestly.

              • 4 months ago

                > Also, map design was completely different in a lot of areas

                > They reused a handful of sprites
                Every Gen 3-4 Pokemon front sprite and nearly all the back sprites isn’t “a handful”

                >You sound like someone who's never actually played gen 2 or 4
                Stop projecting.

              • 4 months ago

                Oh god, you really are a moron. Good to know. I try not to argue with the mentally disabled that often, I find it to be a cruel pastime.

    • 4 months ago

      Making 720+ 3d models with all of their animations takes a lot of effort
      gen 5 didn't take as much effort to make

      • 4 months ago

        breaking 600 pokemon sprites into parts and rigging animations on top of creating multiple 3D areas in the overworld still took a lot of effort
        if you want to accuse a gen of being lower effort you should deflect to gen 4 instead of gen 5

        • 4 months ago

          the tweening looks ugly
          It was a waste of time they should have put somewhere else

          • 4 months ago

            whether you think it looks good or not doesn't really matter
            my point is that gen 5 still had more effort put into it than the other earlier gens

        • 4 months ago

          >600 pokemon sprites
          Didn't actually impact development all that much, compared to all the shit that got cut from XY trying to make 721 models a thing though.

        • 4 months ago

          has to be bait

        • 4 months ago

          >breaking 600 pokemon sprites
          Most directly from the gen before it
          >into parts and rigging animations
          distorting a pixel image that's not and no where near making a 3D model from scratch
          >on top of creating multiple 3D areas
          That's literally every Pokemon game after Gen 3
          0/10 too much cope

      • 4 months ago

        >Making 720+ 3d models with all of their animations takes a lot of effort
        most of the models were made for and used during gen 5 and it wouldn't even matter either way as creatures were the ones making them, not gamefreak

    • 4 months ago

      XY barely sold more than BW or RS, there's less a million of a difference.

  4. 4 months ago

    There was genuine concern that Pokemon as a franchise would die back then. Modern GF doesn't have to worry about that, they've perfected the marketing cycle so that they can keep releasing new games forever.

    • 4 months ago

      gotta give him props for being honest about feeding us shit since we are old fans

  5. 4 months ago
  6. 4 months ago

    This must have been what kickstarted Masuda's decline. He wanted BW to outsell DP.

    • 4 months ago

      bw flopped because 3ds game 3 months after it released

      • 4 months ago

        After seeing the 3DS at E3 2010, I thought BW looked embarrassing.

      • 4 months ago

        >flopped when the 3ds itself flopped so much alongside wiiu it got nintendo in the red for the first time ever

  7. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Also burnout.

      This must have been what kickstarted Masuda's decline. He wanted BW to outsell DP.

  8. 4 months ago

    Times changed old man. Kids of the modern have more entertainment options than you who had more entertainment options than 90's kids, who in turn had more entertainment options than me in the 80's growing up.
    They had to adapt, or end up the way of every series that fails to move with the times. Sorry that precluded focusing on people like you as a concern.

    • 4 months ago

      Are you 40?

      • 4 months ago

        Yes. Which is why I find you kids crying about your kiddy toy "abandoning" you for new kids so funny. They always did that, even back in the 90's Gen 2 was a restart from Gen 1, able to be played with no knowledge of the past game or story (such as it was).
        At this stage, you either park your adult sensibilities at the door and enjoy it for the kiddy escapist series it is or get the frick out, because they don't give a frick about changing what they are.

        • 4 months ago

          You are boomergay.

          • 4 months ago


            breaking 600 pokemon sprites into parts and rigging animations on top of creating multiple 3D areas in the overworld still took a lot of effort
            if you want to accuse a gen of being lower effort you should deflect to gen 4 instead of gen 5

            was only my 2nd post in the thread though. Amazing how they keep on vindicating my arse while you kids seethe over what they do, isn't it?

            • 4 months ago

              Shit, not that one. That's the one I replied to.
              This one.

              >600 pokemon sprites
              Didn't actually impact development all that much, compared to all the shit that got cut from XY trying to make 721 models a thing though.

        • 4 months ago

          >Finding modern homosexualry funny
          >Ignoring when it targets our children, our gift from GOD, our future
          I find it even more funny that despite all of this, the people of the world are waking up more and more to what you have done to us for several millenia. You nosebergs are going to burn, REAL FRICKING SOON, for all the blood you have on your hands. You can try to wash it off all you'd like, but it keeps coming back like a curse, because you are a cursed race and have always been.

    • 4 months ago

      It's precisely because of that shit that the Pokemon franchise should probably focus more on older fans. Kids have more options now than ever for entertainment and that means they probably don't really have any interest in playing a Pokemon game. They're a lot more interested in Fortnite or watching people do prank videos on youtube. They aren't stupider than kids in the 90s and they aren't more likely to put something down if they think it's too hard. They're more likely to put something down period. They have less attention to give to something overall because they have more stuff to focus on. And if the game they get isn't interesting, they're especially unlikely to continue to play it. The only people who play all the way through Pokemon games every generation are probably more likely to be adults. Tossing the old fans a bone once in a while is something that should be customary for a franchise like Pokemon, because they only still exist thanks to their older fans.

      • 4 months ago

        The COO of TPCi outright said they don't want to lose sight of how they started. He admitted it'd be EASY to pivot to only shilling at adults, particularly as they have more money (and in fairness, they could abandon all pretence and fully monetise the furry demo by offering proper life-size pokémon sex dolls for thousands), but value kids' opinions more.
        You are the same as the outdated analysts who predicted it was a fad that would die in 5 years, because they didn't understand the devs, the zeitgeist and particular era of the world, in relation to pre-teen child demographics. Game Freak adapted past the golden 5 year fad lifecycle, by doing what it did in Gen 1 and 2 and focusing on kids who were going to play for the first time ever, stunning it's still working today.

      • 4 months ago

        >They aren't stupider than kids in the 90s
        With school standards constantly being lowered, they're definitely not as smart on average as in the past.

  9. 4 months ago

    The world changed, he's right. There is simply no way to have children play RBY today, and if we're honest it's not like everyone was able to finish the game back in the day. It's not just that children are on their phone, it's that their brains need constant reinforcement to keep them engaged. If the game doesn't give them the answer or reward and they can't get it outside the game they will lose interest. Ideally the games would be engaging for people of all ages but the money is in young consumers so that is where the effort goes to.

  10. 4 months ago

    You didn't rike it!

  11. 4 months ago

    Blackrock bought up the company and Masuda is being forced to shovel this shit down our throats, which is why you're seeing rainbow homosexualry pandering and zoomer memes and all the minimalistic, anti-creative slop being churned out, starting from gen 6.

    It is through no fault of the devs, they are forced into two choices:
    >Continue slaving away, out of fear, for the money so they can keep all of their expensive homes, cars, and whatever other debts they need to pay off
    >Rise up like a true pokemon protagonist and just leave the company and let it burn, regardless of whatever loss they face

    Let me be clear about ALL modern slop: These games are all a reflection of their creator. Masuda was once cramming all his heart and soul into the pokemon games, now he's no longer doing so. Does that mean he wills it to be this way? Probably not, but if a company is forced to be all shit and making both the lead devs and their employees do things they would never normally do against their will, then the quality of the games will reflect that.

    The only fix for this is to deparasitize the companies by destroying all the bankers (parasites) in power and destroy/ban all form of central banking and destroy all masonic houses that enable this shit.
    >inb4 /misc/
    Not an argument, these parasites seek to destroy any and all creativity, and anything good and wholesome that makes us feel at home. Japan needs to stay strong despite not having been able to connect with the people of North America to really see what has been going on in the dark. Just as they have done with most of the world, the banking parasites have been trying for so long to subvert and take over Japan to erase their past, their culture, their life. Japan MUST survive and keep their consciousness intact!

    • 4 months ago

      ok /misc/schizo

      • 4 months ago

        >I called out the yid's homosexualry
        >They called me a schizo right from their playbook

        • 4 months ago

          It's called being a decent person

          • 4 months ago


  12. 4 months ago

    >"I know how the world *truly* works"
    >"so i'll sit on the arsehole of the internet on a containment board dedicated to a kiddyshit IP to talk about it"
    Come on frickwad, this is the fake news era, can get a lot more fricking eejits to believe your horseshit if you set your own site up than try here. In case you missed it, we're mostly monsterfrickers here.

    • 4 months ago

      >we're mostly monsterfrickers here
      It's a pedo board anon, get it right

      • 4 months ago

        Not by any metric any poll result undertaken here has returned. It's been a uniform 70-80% monfricker.

      • 4 months ago

        One from the dinosaur days when moderation was an idea rather than a rule.

      • 4 months ago

        Stop responding to boomergay? How many times do I have to tell you?

  13. 4 months ago

    Both of those posts talk about Pokémon appealing to everyone. Masuda has never directed content like the battle frontier or difficulty modes. He wants the games to be accessible, he was there when the 90s fad was dying and people stopped playing.

    You people only really like the “B Team” games by younger staff tbh.

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