This company is currently working on, as in there are Japanese employees RIGHT NOW whose job it is to create new metal gear solid, castlevania, and si...

This company is currently working on, as in there are Japanese employees RIGHT NOW whose job it is to create new metal gear solid, castlevania, and silent hill games. How do you think they'll turn out?

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  1. 2 years ago

    nah they probably all got let go after the crypto crash caused the NFTs that konami pays them with to become worthless

  2. 2 years ago

    Doesn't exist without Kojima
    probably based off that trash netflix show
    >silent hill
    Goblina gets ptsd from cyber bullying

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    They're working on Bomberman, Bombergirl updates, Momotaro, retro collections, eBaseball, etc.

    I find it hilarious that clueless gaijins think that Konami is just over there smoking pot with their legs on the desk

    • 2 years ago

      This. Konami is making games for the people that actually play their games, japs go to the arcades, they play rhythm games, ygo, they buy the figurines, cards and art, they spend a lot in merchandise and stuff from them, mostly waifu/e-girl shit.
      Western audience is too busy censoring art and otaku culture to even bother. Why risk some twitter user doxxing them or going full schizo because he saw a photo of Aqua, just to appear in western TV as "le anime bad, sexualizing minors, etc."

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly it's surprising to see the amount of care they put into yugioh.
        I can't say they do a great job at it, and lately they haven't been terrible, but they really care about it, to the point it almost feels like a passion project despite being one of their biggest cash cows.

        • 2 years ago

          it's their equivalent of pokemon, it would be surprising if they DIDN'T do what they could to keep it floating

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah but that's the point, if it was their pokemon they would just milk it with the safest and blandest shit imaginable.
            Yet most archetypes in recent years have been almost schizo-core weeb stuff you would have seen in the early 00s.
            And with a lot of dicky, and not even stuff for ironic e-girlcons like megumeme but fully sexualized dicky like pic related.
            There's a JK mech girl archetype.
            There's literal dragon maids.
            There's 2 main popular cute chibi e-girl archetypes with ghostrick and madolche.
            And it's not like they have stopped making "rando needlessly badass warrior/mage" or "pointlessly edgy dragon/demon who may or may not also be a mech dragon/demon" archetypes either, those are still there too.
            Unlike shit like genshit that needs tons of characters/archetypes to survive, yugioh still feels soulful.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Konami is making games for the people that actually play their games, japs go to the arcades, they play rhythm games, ygo, they buy the figurines, cards and art, they spend a lot in merchandise and stuff from them, mostly waifu/e-girl shit.
      Western audience is too busy censoring art and otaku culture to even bother. Why risk some twitter user doxxing them or going full schizo because he saw a photo of Aqua, just to appear in western TV as "le anime bad, sexualizing minors, etc."

      daily reminder westoids ruin everything

      • 2 years ago

        Westoids are normalgays with all the money. Nips are safe money

        • 2 years ago

          westoids don't give money to japanese games unless it's extremely mainstream shit like metal gear or persona
          because westoids don't respect japanese games, they buy it years later at a 70% discount (or pirate it), play it for half an hour, refund, then complain about the game for the rest of their lives
          the worst thing is they tend to do the same with other westoid games, which is exactly why everything moved to live service shit
          again, westoids are entitled b***hes that ruin everything

  5. 2 years ago

    Have you ever heard a new album by a band that used to be good 30 years ago, except now all the members have gone except for 1 guy nobody likes?

    Remember when Final Fantasy used to be good? But then all the people that made it good in the first place left but because it made so much money, the publisher kept pumping them out by hiring a bunch of "director for hire" nobodies?

    Remember star wars in the late 70s/80s etc?

    • 2 years ago

      Stop following brand names and logos and "ip's" and "franchises" you clowns

  6. 2 years ago

    Absolute trainwrecks
    I will extract much joy from watching them crash and burn

  7. 2 years ago

    There is no mgs without kojimbo. Hopefully we will get a mg1&2 remake someday

  8. 2 years ago

    after seeing all the monkey's paw remakes that have come out in the last few years, my expectations are at rock bottom

  9. 2 years ago

    >Konami Arcade Collection
    >Castlevania Collection
    >Contra Collection
    >Castlevania Advance Collection
    >TMNT Cowabunga Collection
    >hasn't let YGO get pozzed yet
    >took a page from SEGA, realized they have no internal talent left for legacy IPs, and started hiring from outside
    >despite Bombergirl being blatant coomer bait, it's actually a damn good game
    Do they deserve all the flak they get? Absolutely. Are they at least trying? Yes they are.
    Of course, you can disregard all of this if you're a Metal Gear or Silent Hill fan, you'll always hate them.

  10. 2 years ago

    It's entirely possible that the in-house Metal Gear team is making a new Metal Gear game. But the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake is being outsourced.

    Silent Hill 2 remake is by Bloober.
    There's an episodic SH thing coming by Annapurna Interactive.
    There's a new mainline SH with a free playable teaser by an unknown Japanese studio.
    All these SH projects are aiming for 2023 as is the new Christophe Gans Silent Hill film which is location scouting and casting currently. The playable teaser might drop in October.

    There's a new Castlevania coming that's being made in-house, but we don't know anything about it. Possibly multiple games.

    I have no clue how they'll turn out, but I'm hoping for the best.

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