This could've been you?

This could've been you, Ganker.

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    no, i was fricked from the get go

    • 6 months ago

      won't be because I'm blowing my head off within the next 5 years unless I magically get a gf (I won't)

      i'm too much of a frickup now to return

      Why are men these days such quitters?

      • 6 months ago

        because blind delusion just make things worse
        >went to Ganker 5 years ago
        >started lifting
        >lost 60lb over the years
        >Gankertest I've ever been
        >no drugs, no booze
        >still don't get matches on dating apps
        >still don't know how to approach women
        getting fit and healthy unironically made my mental health worse because after all the effort, I've nothing to show for it

        • 6 months ago

          You're healthy now! That's something to be proud of!

          • 6 months ago

            sure but pride doesn't get me a gf, pride doesn't make me sociable or likeable

        • 6 months ago

          we're just ugly. i lost 120lbs and am fitter than most men my age but i ended up a 31 year old kissless virgin.

        • 6 months ago

          Dating apps are all down to how good your photos are. You can be a 10/10 chad but a shit photo will make you look like a potato.

          • 6 months ago

            you're nuts. just don't use a shit focal length but even then chads look good dressed like hobos.

        • 6 months ago

          >got in shape for the sole purpose of getting pussy
          fricking pathetic homosexual holy shit you stood no chance

          • 6 months ago

            99% of fit men get fit for pussy. the other 1% are gay, like you. if a man had a huge dick or height or money and didn't have to get fit to get laid he wouldn't. i see rail thin good looking hung twinks have harems and endless casual sex.

            • 6 months ago

              He scouted out all possible paths before him before calling it quits.
              You have never set a single step in your life yet you still call him pathetic.
              No, anon. You are the demons.

              cope you dumb frick
              you're a moron if pussy's the only thing that motivates you to do anything

              • 6 months ago

                Every average, healthy adult male is driven by their lust.
                You are no exception (unless you're suppressing your instinct with female hormones, of course).

              • 6 months ago

                maybe if you're a moron working in retail or any other job that doesn't involve you actually creating something since the only thing you can look forward to is smashing rancid c**t instead of achieving something that will remain on this planet long after you're dead

              • 6 months ago

                >doesn't involve you actually creating something
                pray do tell what your career is, mr. productivity

              • 6 months ago

                >achieving something that will remain on this planet long after you're dead
                you won't achieve that either and 99.9% of this board won't as well.

              • 6 months ago

                cope homosexual, i already did

              • 6 months ago

                was it the award for largest butthole gape?

              • 6 months ago

                it was the award for the biggest mother fricker in the history of europe once i was done raping yours into the grave

              • 6 months ago

                >achieving something that will remain on this planet long after you're dead

                I met a traveller from an antique land,
                Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
                Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
                Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
                And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
                Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
                Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
                The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
                And on the pedestal, these words appear:
                My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
                Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
                Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
                Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
                The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

              • 6 months ago

                poetry is for homosexuals so shut the frick up and stuff yourself with some wiener instead

              • 6 months ago

                Healthy adult male driven by their lust who decides to blow their head off when they can't get pussy. Real healthy!

              • 6 months ago

                Loneliness kills even the sturdiest of men, anon.
                We're not talking about having sex, we're talking about having a relationship.
                You'll understand the difference once you become an adult.

              • 6 months ago

                >Loneliness kills
                Shut the frick up woman.

              • 6 months ago

                You are here on this site for a reason, anon. You'll see.

              • 6 months ago

                i'm here to shitpost when i'm bored and demoralize people into killing themselves. nothing else.

              • 6 months ago

                >you're dumb if the one thing that has kept humanity going since our earliest ancestors motivates you
                not all of us can be gay/autistic like you anon, sorry.

              • 6 months ago

                >if pussy creates world peace then I don't want it!

              • 6 months ago

                You'll end up telling somebody to lift if they can't get a gf, pathetic hypocrite

              • 6 months ago

                >you're a moron if pussy's the only thing that motivates you to do anything
                Why don't you have a nice day then if you don't want kids?

            • 6 months ago

              How do you know how hung those twinks are?

              • 6 months ago

                he personally checked their wieners with his mouth like the homosexual he is

            • 6 months ago

              Its not the 80s anymore, modern fitness is mostly just gays

          • 6 months ago

            He scouted out all possible paths before him before calling it quits.
            You have never set a single step in your life yet you still call him pathetic.
            No, anon. You are the demons.

          • 6 months ago

            Every male does, pretending otherwise is cope. If your sole intention was to be healthy or improve yourself, bodybuilding is not the route you would choose. I hit 1/2/3/4 for reps, I do cardio daily, I quit all my bad habits, everything that you're supposed to do to "become better" and all I got for it was a better body with no utilization.

            • 6 months ago

              >Every male does
              Unbelievable levels of cope, and really sad

        • 6 months ago

          Fricking weak subhuman Black person

          • 6 months ago

            I'm stronger than you will ever be, lardo

        • 6 months ago

          see [...]
          been there, done that
          I even took a "fake it til you make it" approach on happiness and tried to be as positive as I could over the years
          I look my best, I was mentally at my sharpest with the most self-esteem I had, nothing changed

          we're just ugly. i lost 120lbs and am fitter than most men my age but i ended up a 31 year old kissless virgin.

          But are you pretty on the inside? I don't doubt you're smart or at least clever, but do you feel there's nothing about the way you behave that might be off-putting? I don't mean liking games or whatever, there's barely a stigma to that these days. But if you spend a lot of time on this site that's gonna be a red flag to the kind of women you're looking for. Do you call people ____-gays? Trannies? Shit like that just makes for an ugly soul, and no amount of anonymous online social capital can undo that once someone knows. If you've gotten your body to a place you're happy with then that's a genuinely stellar achievement and more than most get to have these days, but the inside is what's going to truly put you on a level with the girl you want. Likewise, even if you're ugly you can absolutely counteract that by having a kind soul and a good sense of humor. This is all easier said than done and I won't pretend like I have it all figured out, but these are still things you should consider before just giving up or writing yourself off.

          • 6 months ago

            the biggest lie society bought is women are romantics who care about what's on the inside. when in reality women are more shallow and heartless than any well meaning man. they'll take the crazy abusive good looking bad boy over the average looking, boring anon any day of the week. women crave drama and uncertainty. they want to signal to the world that the hot guy picked THEM.

            • 6 months ago

              The problem is you and others like you thinking of women as these separate alien beings who are exclusively mysterious and cruel. All the problems listed in this thread are felt by women just as much if not more so than men. They are just humans, same as you. But the more you try to put them on a pedestal (positively or negatively) the more distance you're placing between you. It's making you the monster, not them. And do they contribute to this? Sure, but damning an entire gender for the mistakes of some is psycho supervillain shit, and you're not that.

              • 6 months ago

                women are genuinely heartless and cruel npcs. for every decent woman (who's married out of HS) there's about a million insane roasties.

              • 6 months ago

                NTA, but most women are exactly like that anon described.
                You're probably different. Good for you. But most women won't date an ugly or autistic guy. Why? Because they can literally walk towards any other more attractive guy and set up a date within 2 minutes.
                You don't understand this because you've never been in that situation.

                >You don't understand this because you've never been in that situation.
                This is the worst thing about normies, they genuinely can't comprehend what it feels like to be so socially unwanted and undesirable, they fundamentally cannot view things through the perspective of bottom echelon men.

                Every time you lash out, every time you try to make women out to be anything less than people you've already failed. You can't let previous experiences deter you if you truly want happiness with another person. Is that what you want? Or do you just want transactional sex/companionship? Those aren't the same thing, so figure out what you truly want first and then ask yourself if you're worthy of that experience? If not then get to work. And don't assume I'm some normie or that I've never been where you are. I'm not googling these answers, I speak from experience.

              • 6 months ago

                >If not then get to work
                I already have and have made no progress socially for all of it
                I've already said that multiple times
                why keep working so hard for nothing?
                I've been trying for 5 years, I can only try in vain for so long

              • 6 months ago

                every single relationship involving sex is transactional you absolute moron. unless you're extremely attractive or hung like a horse you have to be well off financially for women to consider you. plenty of broke chads out there they can bang.

              • 6 months ago

                >ask yourself if you're worthy of that experience
                What exactly makes someone "worthy" of unconditional love? A healthy, fit body? An attractive face? A well-paying job? A house? A car? A good sense of humor? Money in your bank account? Zero standards? Lots of standards? Believing in Jesus?

                The only unconditional love you need is for yourself. Everything else is a distraction, and you've let yourself think these shallow things will make you happy. And women do too! A lot of people need to be deprogrammed from this shit, regardless of gender. But the only one you can control is yourself. Once you can accept yourself as a single person for all your faults (perceived and actual) then you can try to connect with someone who is worthy of you and who you are worthy of. Worth doesn't come from tangible things, it may seem that way but you're just asking for a hollow existence if you place too much importance on that, even if you do end up with someone. This thread is full of people who make me very sad, but I really hope they don't give up and stop being so bitter and entitled.

              • 6 months ago

                none of this self love horseshit will stop 80% of women wanting the top 20% of men.

              • 6 months ago

                Oh my god, you are fricking disgusting.
                You are the type of person that would advice someone with chronic depression to "just be happy :)".

              • 6 months ago

                No, you couldn't be more wrong. I would advise talk therapy and maybe medication. Everyone here is accusing me of being a normie or a woman as if I just stumbled on this thread from facebook. I'm just old, I've been here for over 15 years, depressing as that is. None of the stuff I've advised is easy or fun, it fricking sucks shit and is never guaranteed. I struggle with related feelings daily, despite the progress I've made. I just get sad when I see people being so cynical and defeatist, because I've been there plenty and I don't want anyone else to feel like I did/do. I understand the natural urge to get defensive over this but I promise I would just like for your life to get better.

              • 6 months ago

                you are evil.

              • 6 months ago

                >I'm just old
                Ah, there's the missing variable.
                You'd either have to be delusional (unable to see reality), a woman (incapable of seeing reality) or a boomer (living in their own reality) to not see the VERY obvious reasons why more than 60% of young adult males are not in a relationship.

              • 6 months ago

                Ha, well I'm not that old. I'm from the same disillusioned generation that most of this board is and just as susceptible to those feelings. I recognize that there are numerous external material reasons for why young men become isolated and embittered. But only so much good can come from screeching about it on Ganker, it's just as much of an echo chamber as anywhere else. I have not conquered the demons discussed in this thread, I frequently fall victim to them. But if faced with the choice of holding the world to account and nothing changing or holding myself to account and something maybe possibly getting better then I know what I choose. You can (and should) recognize the external forces working against you (as well as many other men and women our age) but you still should probably do what you can to improve your situation however you can.

              • 6 months ago

                Being a boomer is a mindset thing, anon. Not an age thing.
                You are arguing that your personal experience is the true reality when literally everything else says otherwise, which is exactly what boomers tend to do.

              • 6 months ago

                No no, frick no, I would never be so presumptuous or egotistical as to think my way is the only way. I just see a lot of lost and angry men in this thread and hope that maybe at least one of them will read something that resonates. Like I said there are no hard rules for this sort of thing, just some best practices. I know that being hateful and writing off a whole gender has probably not gotten an excess of men laid, let alone gotten them a loving relationship.

              • 6 months ago

                women are not capable of loving men. most barely love their offspring. men are the hopeless romantics and women are far more pragmatic.

              • 6 months ago

                this reads like you maybe didn't have the best relationship with your mom or mother figure. this is the sort of thing you could talk to a therapist about, genuinely. I can't speak for you, but I would rather explore with a professional why I feel this way about women rather than just feeling that way for the rest of my life, alone.

              • 6 months ago

                therapy is a scam that only works for betas with soft w*man brains and w*men.

              • 6 months ago

                >writing off a whole gender has probably not gotten an excess of men laid, let alone gotten them a loving relationship
                You're right. But what you don't realize is that you're basically telling all these people that they have to become delusional in order to fulfill that need they've been urging for all along.
                It's no wonder everyone thinks you're insane.

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                You don't. It's a feel-good buzzword to sell female self-help books.
                You need pussy to be happy, go get pussy.

              • 6 months ago

                literally me. i used to an unapologetic /LULZ/ poster for all of high school and then some, but by the time i hit 21 i grew out of the self pity shit by finding purpose in things other than getting pussy to feel validated. its sad seeing anons going through the same shit but i just assume theyre probably around the age range i was at and will eventually learn to live for themselves.

              • 6 months ago

                I was in the similar boat. Talking with people outside of the internet unironically got me out of the mindset that seems to trap the board. Fairly sure most of the board is still very young, but it's the saddest thing seeing someone insist they're late 20's and posting like they're still mentally 14

              • 6 months ago

                I was in the similar boat. Talking with people outside of the internet unironically got me out of the mindset that seems to trap the board. Fairly sure most of the board is still very young, but it's the saddest thing seeing someone insist they're late 20's and posting like they're still mentally 14

                so you took the blackpill seriously when it never applied to you to begin with and almost became a failed normalc**t but instead just became a normalc**t. good for you. we are not the same.

              • 6 months ago

                >so you took the blackpill seriously when it never applied to you to begin with
                yes anon. and 90% of the people who also believe in blackpill/doomer shit are the exact same. zero self esteem, zero confidence, and thus have a strong need to feel normal but cant because they refuse to accept that they might need to change something rather than everyone else changing for them

              • 6 months ago

                NTA, but is your claim that these people have always been this way from birth?
                Because I can tell you right now that 95% of these people became this way due to a lifetime of negative experiences.
                But you don't understand this. In your worldview, that can never happen. And as such, what I just said must be impossible.

              • 6 months ago

                >95% of these people became this way due to a lifetime of negative experiences
                90% of those people are actively seeking out negative stories online to validate their already negative feelings instead of wanting to be happy. It's crabs in a bucket, they'll do everything to break each other down and wallow in self-pity instead of trying to lift each other up. They genuinely think it's the world's fault and they did everything right.

              • 6 months ago

                >90% of those people are actively seeking out negative stories online to validate their already negative feelings instead of wanting to be happy.
                Where the frick do you get this shit from? Anecdotal experiences? Get out of your goddamned head for once, Jesus Christ.

              • 6 months ago

                I got it from the same guy you got the 95% stat from, he told me.

              • 6 months ago

                Okay, I concede that my figure was made up.
                Your turn. Where are you getting you confidence from?

              • 6 months ago

                >people gravitate towards others who have had the same experience
                wow fricking shocking
                it's almost like when your life has been shit the entire way through, you have to settle for what you can which tends to be commiserating with equally miserable people
                god you normies are so incapable of viewing other perspectives it's comical

              • 6 months ago

                Alright man. You win, the world was against you from the start. I'm not the one to help you, but I hope you do wake up happier.

              • 6 months ago

                society and women both absolutely hate ugly and introverted men yes.

              • 6 months ago

                >I hope you do wake up happier.
                No, you don't, you're as disingenuous as every other normalgay that pretends to relate to people who were born worse than them.

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of that in this thread, which really sucks cause I think there are some people here who are really looking for help or might benefit from the advice. It turns out a random Ganker thread isn't an ideal space to have a productive discussion about mental health and relationships. I think I'm gonna leave (not off to a bright social gathering, probably just to another thread to look at anime boobs), but if you're reading this and you have something resembling hope or a desire for a better life inside you then I urge you to try some of the advice in this thread, what harm could it do? If nothing else just try hating things a little less.

              • 6 months ago

                have a nice day. or stop giving out bad advice to make yourself feel better.

              • 6 months ago

                >try some of the advice in the thread
                >after several people have shared the experience of trying that advice for years and still not being good enough
                god I hate you normies so much it's unreal
                please leave the site you don't belong here

              • 6 months ago

                >NTA, but is your claim that these people have always been this way from birth?
                obviously not since no one is born with a bad self image, but some people will take those problems and wallow in it because thats easier than working on yourself. then theyll find others to wallow with and form an echo chamber that only drags them further down. you dont need to go out and get jacked or have 1000 hobbies but you should find something that makes you feel like anything but a miserable c**t all day and work from there

              • 6 months ago

                >because thats easier than working on yourself
                Oh, so all they need to do is "work on themself" to magically get a girlfriend?
                Wow, I can't believe all those statistics about there being more men than women seeking a relationship are all false!

              • 6 months ago

                >Oh, so all they need to do is "work on themself" to magically get a girlfriend?
                this is the best example of what im talking about homie. you dont work on yourself to get a girlfriend you work on yourself for YOURSELF to not be so sad and depressed. whats to say you get a girlfriend, why would she want to be with someone so negative about themselves? what would you do if your gf isnt around for a couple of hours because shes working or some shit, wait for her to get back?

              • 6 months ago

                >you work on yourself for YOURSELF to not be so sad and depressed
                How is that possible when desiring love is LITERALLY part of being human?
                While I cannot speak for everyone else, I am fit. I eat healthy self-made food. My body is as healthy as can be.

                What you morons are literally incapable of understanding is that none of us think negatively about ourselves.
                The "I am ugly and/or autistic, that is why I don't have someone who loves me" is a conclusion made from comparing ourselves to people who do have a loving partner and subtraction the differences.
                You think we hate ourselves, because to you, the only way for someone to not have a partner would be to hate themselves.
                You think this way because you are a normalgay. Your brain is literally shaped to think this way.

              • 6 months ago

                well articulated but I think it's a wasted effort
                normies are literally incapable of understanding this concept
                if it's not something they have firsthand experience with, all they're able to do is relate to an experience they had (that has absolutely nothing in common) and then try to offer the solution that worked for them
                problem being their solution is the solution to a different issue entirely

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah all the blackpilled people in this thread are doing the exact same thing, they're not these third eye opened secret geniuses

              • 6 months ago

                They're shattering your illusions you identify with. That's why you fight so hard to prove them wrong with countless paragraphs of "just improve/love yourself". You're struggling to keep your normie identity intact.

              • 6 months ago

                Eh, you're right. I guess I'm mostly venting at this point.

                So to all the people b***hing about normies, what is it you want then? Do you see a way for you to stay as you are but also have a happy romantic relationship? What do you think you will become if you suddenly find yourself in such a relationship?

                >what is it you want then
                I want them to stop claiming that getting a girlfriend is guaranteed as long as you "work on yourself" or "go outside".
                People with autism or an impaired sense of self-confidence stemming from their looks are as good as a different species.
                Your rules do not apply to our lives. We truly wish they did, but they don't.

                It's bad enough that most of us will stay alone for our entire lives, we don't also need to be constantly told lies about that we just didn't try hard enough.

              • 6 months ago

                Nothing in life is guaranteed you actual sperg. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try either which is the majority of homosexuals in this thread crying about how its all pointless but for some reason think there is a point in b***hing about it.

                So to all the people b***hing about normies, what is it you want then? Do you see a way for you to stay as you are but also have a happy romantic relationship? What do you think you will become if you suddenly find yourself in such a relationship?

                They won't need to change anything if they started embracing who they are unapologetically WHICH THEY REFUSE TO DO.

                >Happiness starts now, not when you have a vegana to plow
                >just magically not be unhappy when you're KHHV and have no friends and any attempt you make to improve your situation fails miserably
                holy shit what revolutionary advice.

                People don't succeed without failure first. You need to push through if you want change.

              • 6 months ago

                >which is the majority of homosexuals in this thread crying about
                You are literally delusional. This thread is filled with people trying out different things to no avail.
                They b***h about it, because everyone around them are having success through those same methods.

              • 6 months ago

                >The 10/10 stacy won't even look in my direction despite stepping outside for the first time! its over millions must die!
                You have done the bare minimum and expect the best results overnight. This is something you continuously grind not just for a few months.

                >desiring love is LITERALLY part of being human?
                keyword is part. but the people who get so sucked into wanting it are overvaluing it and convincing themselves they wont be happy otherwise.
                >I eat healthy self-made food. My body is as healthy as can be
                and thats good its the first step, but taking care of your body doesnt mean your mind is just as healthy.
                >You think we hate ourselves, because to you, the only way for someone to not have a partner would be to hate themselves. You think this way because you are a normalgay. Your brain is literally shaped to think this way.
                i spent 7 years in this mindset, i know theres plenty reasons for someone not to have relationship. the fact that you keep trying to make yourself out to be different from normies or people with relationships shows that you dont view yourself in a positive light, almost as if you use the difference as a cope for why you cant be happy. how old are you homie?

                >i spent 7 years in this mindset
                Fricking THIS. The problem with you Black folk is that you think we are some normalgays from birth and that we didn't end up getting to the mindset we are in through perseverance. We know exactly how you guys are thinking and why you think it and we are trying to shake you homosexuals awake but you keep insisting its a lie.

                >if they started embracing who they are unapologetically
                homosexual I tried to do that, I told a chick point blank that I was never in a relationship, not in an abashed or ashamed way it was just relevant to the conversation and she laughed at me
                that's indicative of the general response to people like us because this late into life something like signifies that you're not normal, you're dysfunctional and were never able to achieve by adulthood what normal people did as teenagers

                I tried to do that
                You didn't because if you did then you would repeat this after me "WHO. FRICKING. CARES."

                Why do you care a vapid shallow c**t laughed at you? Do you really think she is any happier right now? Do you really think she is living a fulfilling life? Someone who laughs at other peoples relationship status or even cares enough to have a reaction? Get over it. She isn't worth your time. Confidence isn't "they will like me" its "I'll be okay even if they don't"

                You need to stop truly giving a frick about other peoples opinions because if you actually didn't care you wouldn't still be thinking about it and b***hing to some stranger about it on Ganker. You are behind in life? It is what it is. Make do with the card you are dealt. I'm in the same position as you lagging behind in some social aspects and didn't get laid until I was 25. Getting laid didn't fix me or make me happier. I needed to go out and actually learn what real happiness was.

              • 6 months ago

                >just stop having emotions!
                great advice normie, frick me for being hurt when someone laughs at me!

              • 6 months ago

                >>The 10/10 stacy won't even look in my direction despite stepping outside for the first time! its over millions must die!
                You are now at the stage of making up statements about situations that never happened just to try and win a point you made up.
                Will you be addressing anything I stated, or did the disconnect between your worldview and the presented reality break your mind?

              • 6 months ago

                not that guy but
                >Why do you care a vapid shallow c**t laughed at you?
                >why do you care that simply being open about your life situation hurts your romantic prospects
                >Do you really think she is living a fulfilling life? Someone who laughs at other peoples relationship status or even cares enough to have a reaction? Get over it. She isn't worth your time.
                nice cope. She's probably much happier in her life than he is.

              • 6 months ago

                >>why do you care that simply being open about your life situation hurts your romantic prospects
                fricking this
                the only response normies ever have to this is "just lie about it bro!"
                >just be yourself!
                >but not like that!

              • 6 months ago

                >if they started embracing who they are unapologetically
                homosexual I tried to do that, I told a chick point blank that I was never in a relationship, not in an abashed or ashamed way it was just relevant to the conversation and she laughed at me
                that's indicative of the general response to people like us because this late into life something like signifies that you're not normal, you're dysfunctional and were never able to achieve by adulthood what normal people did as teenagers

              • 6 months ago

                >People don't succeed without failure first. You need to push through if you want change.
                push through what? I'm nearly 30 and have never had any interest from women. Nothing i've ever done to try to improve my situation has made even the tiniest bit of difference.

              • 6 months ago

                You're ignoring all the people in this thread who explicitly said it wasn't guaranteed. You certainly know there's no cure for things like autism and other mental illnesses take a lifetime of work (often aided by professionals) to manage. But I know more than a few autistic people who are nothing special visually or financially but still have managed to find love. My point is this shit is possible, the possibility exists that you can claw your way out of the mire of inaction and hate and not have to be called a normie when you do. If you have decided that's not for you that's sad but fine, but everyone who hasn't given up still might figure this shit out. You don't need to be a normie to keep trying.

              • 6 months ago

                >desiring love is LITERALLY part of being human?
                keyword is part. but the people who get so sucked into wanting it are overvaluing it and convincing themselves they wont be happy otherwise.
                >I eat healthy self-made food. My body is as healthy as can be
                and thats good its the first step, but taking care of your body doesnt mean your mind is just as healthy.
                >You think we hate ourselves, because to you, the only way for someone to not have a partner would be to hate themselves. You think this way because you are a normalgay. Your brain is literally shaped to think this way.
                i spent 7 years in this mindset, i know theres plenty reasons for someone not to have relationship. the fact that you keep trying to make yourself out to be different from normies or people with relationships shows that you dont view yourself in a positive light, almost as if you use the difference as a cope for why you cant be happy. how old are you homie?

              • 6 months ago

                >i spent 7 years in this mindset
                I guaran fricking tee just by the way you typed this that you lost your virginity at a normal age and had something resembling a normal relationship in that timeframe

              • 6 months ago

                >that you lost your virginity
                im a 24 year old neet virgin whos only relationship was a week in middle school kek. like i said i know where doomers come from about this shit because its 100% a mindset unless youre horribly deformed like rocky dennis

              • 6 months ago

                >im a 24 year old neet virgin
                so you're in even less of a position to be doling out advice to people who actively have tried to improve their mindset, taken physical steps in self-improvement, tried to talk to women and failed, tried dating apps and failed, yet you still feel like anything you have to say has credence?

              • 6 months ago

                >i'm a neet virgin, here's my advice on how to improve your life and get a gf

                yep. because ive done all of those exact things. the difference is i came to the realization that trying so hard to get the attention of a woman who has 10 other guys doing the same only made me more depressed. im not giving anyone tips on how to get a girlfriend im telling you not to let that consume you to the point that not having a woman makes you suicidal and bitter.

              • 6 months ago

                >i'm a neet virgin, here's my advice on how to improve your life and get a gf

              • 6 months ago

                Good for you for being so abnormal, you do not need to experience love in order to be happy!
                Well guess what, you massive fricking moron? 99% of people do. They "overvalue" it, because it is literally making them depressed.

                You speak like a fricking normalgay. "I can't imagine it, so it can't be real". Absolutely disgusting.

              • 6 months ago

                of course i need love to be happy just like others. the difference is that i dont ONLY need love to be happy.
                >They "overvalue" it, because it is literally making them depressed
                you got that backwards btw

              • 6 months ago

                >i dont ONLY need love to be happy.
                What? What the frick are you talking about? No one is claiming this, you massive fricking moron.
                This ENTIRE THREAD is filled with people who are decently successful in life, they have hobbies, a job, maybe even an apartment if they're lucky, and yet they're still depressed because of a lack of physical contact.
                What the frick is "Yeah, but I feel depressed when I don't have access to food, so take THAT!" supposed to be a counter-argument for?

              • 6 months ago

                >No one is claiming this they only need love to be happy
                >This ENTIRE THREAD is filled with people who are decently successful in life, they have hobbies, a job, maybe even an apartment if they're lucky, and yet they're still depressed because of a lack of physical contact
                these 2 contradict each other.

              • 6 months ago

                They don't.
                Imagine this very simplistic view of human needs: food, hobbies, love.
                None of us would be happy if we had just love. Most of us have food and hobbies. We just lack love.

              • 6 months ago

                i know theres plenty of depressed successful people but the most vocal doomers especially here dont have either but assume love will be enough because they watched a disney movie or anime that told them it would.

              • 6 months ago

                >the most vocal doomers especially here dont have either but assume love will be enough because they watched a disney movie or anime that told them it would.
                Point them out.
                No seriously, I want you to go through this thread and show them to me.
                I don't think there's any other way to convince you that what you think is based on nothing but conjecture.

              • 6 months ago

                >and entitled
       unconditional love? Something every human literally needs in order to not become depressed?
                What the FRICK is wrong with you

              • 6 months ago

                >self love
                you can't think your way out of loneliness
                even if you love yourself, that doesn't change the fact you sleep alone at night

              • 6 months ago

                >ask yourself if you're worthy of that experience
                What exactly makes someone "worthy" of unconditional love? A healthy, fit body? An attractive face? A well-paying job? A house? A car? A good sense of humor? Money in your bank account? Zero standards? Lots of standards? Believing in Jesus?

              • 6 months ago

                NTA, but most women are exactly like that anon described.
                You're probably different. Good for you. But most women won't date an ugly or autistic guy. Why? Because they can literally walk towards any other more attractive guy and set up a date within 2 minutes.
                You don't understand this because you've never been in that situation.

              • 6 months ago

                >You don't understand this because you've never been in that situation.
                This is the worst thing about normies, they genuinely can't comprehend what it feels like to be so socially unwanted and undesirable, they fundamentally cannot view things through the perspective of bottom echelon men.

              • 6 months ago

                You live in a fantasy, just like a woman. Pathetic.

              • 6 months ago

                All anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. Stop covering for your gender's wrongs for once.

            • 6 months ago

              >the biggest lie society bought is women are romantics who care about what's on the inside. when in reality women are more shallow and heartless than any well meaning man. they'll take the crazy abusive good looking bad boy over the average looking, boring anon any day of the week. women crave drama and uncertainty. they want to signal to the world that the hot guy picked THEM
              All of this is wrong. Women don't like sex and they don't want men. They need money and dildos (for that time of the month again).

              • 6 months ago


                How do you know how hung those twinks are?

                normgroid boards where they show off. i have since limited my boards to sfw ones because most of the non 2d porn nsfw boards are normalc**t sex haver central and have been for years.

              • 6 months ago

                You should know better to believe what you see on Ganker. No one posting here is normal, some of us just fake it better than others.

            • 6 months ago

              This. This thread is being raided by normies and femitards

            • 6 months ago

              >they'll take the crazy abusive good looking bad boy over the average looking, boring anon any day of the week
              i can't believe this sort of rhetoric is still being posted in 2023 ahaha. this is like high school level doomerism

              • 6 months ago

                not really. why do you think any woman would take an ugly boring guy over a good looking butthole? do you not know any women?

          • 6 months ago

            >But are you pretty on the inside?
            As pretty as can be after a life of misery. I was raised in an abusive household, worked a fulltime job from 18 onwards, took care of my mom for 3 years while she was battling cancer up until the day she died right in front of me. I'm as socially adjusted as I can be, I don't act like an autist in public and I've gone out with coworkers many times but my relationships never extend from acquaintances to anything more.

            Could you do anything to be better looking? Is there anything you can do to be around women more? You are just going to quit without even trying to place yourself in a situation where you can find someone? How can you be more open to a permanent death than taking 5 seconds to ask a random woman if she is single?

            The few women I've directly asked out rejected me, I go out to concerts pretty regularly but never had any luck. I'm doing college online because my job pays for it so I don't have any social space outside of work to meet someone.

            • 6 months ago

              Then you need to ask more women, maybe see if you can go to college in person. Get social media and ask women out or go on a dating app. There is someone out there that will want you, people worse off than you have done it and you're not an exception

              • 6 months ago

                My job pays for school that's only available in person in another state, they will not pay if I transfer. Like I said already, I don't even get matches on dating apps, I've been trying for two years. Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, nothing.

          • 6 months ago

            Black person there are literal serial killers and child molesters that get pussy and/or are married, don't give me the "beautiful on the inside" argument. Women will stay married to men who beat them for decades, they don't give a shit about your "kindness".

        • 6 months ago

          Could you do anything to be better looking? Is there anything you can do to be around women more? You are just going to quit without even trying to place yourself in a situation where you can find someone? How can you be more open to a permanent death than taking 5 seconds to ask a random woman if she is single?

        • 6 months ago

          You need experience. Go talk to chicks and practice flirting.

          Dating apps are cancer and bad for you. If you're going to use them, at least learn how to optimize your profile with good pictures.

          If you continue to wallow in self pity that's only going to make you feel even worse. Temporary downs are fine, but don't become a perpetual fricking victim.

          • 6 months ago

            >Goes outside
            >Talks to women
            >Finds out that they all mysteriously have boyfriends/husbands
            >There aren't any women that identify as single

        • 6 months ago

          >Muh dating apps
          I habe no idea why you homosexuals invest so much into these things as if they mean anything when it has been proven time and time again that they are rigged by israelites. Here's a funny one for you all
          >Meet girl on hinge i'm 25 at the time shes 27
          >My profile very clearly states my hobbies and political spectrum (conservative)
          >Shes clearly very into me physically and likes my personality
          >Drops subtle hints that she wants to make sure we have "things in common" (wants to see if i'm a beta that will give into her liberal demands just because she has a pussy)
          >Whatever i'm sure everything will be fine
          >Arrive to our date and 20 minutes in she tries asking me about fricking abortion being banned and my opinion
          >Explain i'm against abortion and i'd put an end to it right away if given the chance
          >Already knew this was gonna shit on any chance of us taking this any further and shes trying to do the usual leftist tactics of making the minority of abortions seem like the majority (muh incest and rape babies that make up 1% of abortion)
          >Keep in mind we live in an east coast state that will NEVER ban abortion
          >Eventually that topic ends and I say frick it and ask whats her body count
          >Date ends and I walk her back to her car and says things wont work out (no shit) and we both move on with our lives
          >I go on 2 more dates in the span of a few months and eventually say frick it and delete all the dating apps to go and work on myself instead
          >Come back to hinge 2 years later because now I'm far more confident and grounded
          >While swiping I see that chick I dated and shes STILL on hinge 29 years old and turning 30 in Feb. next year
          >Laugh my ass off and have had the best morning this week

          Women on these things are absolute bottom of the barrel clearance rack of the dating pool. Do yourself a favor and use them casually with 0 expectations cont.

          • 6 months ago

            >as if they mean anything
            Anon, there is literally no other way to meet girls these days.
            They're all fricking online, hooked on social media 24/7.

          • 6 months ago

            Women are losing on these datong apps as well. They might get a chance to frick chad but ultimately they want to lock him down with their vegana and surprise: it doesnt work. Then they end up like the b***h I dated swiftly approaching the wall and her looks are fading rapidly. Now she is becoming more "reasonable" to expand her palette of people before her ovaries expire. Work on yourself and get to the nirvana of not needing anyone to be happy and thats when attraction naturally occurs.

            >as if they mean anything
            Anon, there is literally no other way to meet girls these days.
            They're all fricking online, hooked on social media 24/7.

            Yes but there are still some outside. You should have both an online presence and outdoor presence. Which is why I dont advocate for killing your dating app but rather use it very little just so your account isnt buried and just work on your confidence. By a random stroke of luck you might meet someone on it but you have an easier chance on having an instagram presence.

            • 6 months ago

              outside presence where? you gonna vaguely tell people to "get a hobby" now? same shit as always.

            • 6 months ago

              >You should have both an online presence and outdoor presence.
              It's funny you people always assume every person that doesn't have a partner is a shut-in behind is computer 24/7.
              Almost as if you actually have no idea what you're talking about.
              Also, please answer

              outside presence where? you gonna vaguely tell people to "get a hobby" now? same shit as always.

              , I'm VERY curious as to what your answer is going to be.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes i'm gonna tell you the same shit as always

                Go outside and get a fricking hobby sperg. How else is this supposed to change for you when you refuse to do the basic requirement? Join a dance class (to learn not for pussy), go to gaming conventions, a bar once in a while, stop having groceries delivered to your house, sign up for a gym, volunteer at your local church, get into combat sports

                The list is endless but so are your excuses.

              • 6 months ago

                150+ replies and all you do is spout the same tired shit for the billionth time that only works for extroverted normgroids. you are a literal bot. you are brainless.

              • 6 months ago

                you are talking to failed normalgays who are only here because they need to feel superior to someone

              • 6 months ago

                >I will not do the bare minimum
                Boohoo homie no pussy for you then

                I go outside literally every day.
                I regularly go to a bouldering gym. I take frequent hikes and like to cycle on sunny days.
                I have friends with whom I go out every so often. Including anime and video game cons.
                I can easily strike up conversations, which I often do.
                And yet, in my 25 years of existence, I have not seen a single girl show interest in me.

                Your advice is trash for anyone that isn't a normalgay.

                >>And yet, in my 25 years of existence, I have not seen a single girl show interest in me.
                Because you come off as a needy loser who needs pussy to be happy. Happiness starts now, not when you have a vegana to plow. Once you realize the type of women on dating apps come with a bunch of mental health issues and or are some of the most boring b***hes you will ever meet you will begin to realize no one else will bring you happiness besides yourself. THEN as you begin to shine others who shine will recognize you for who you are and then you get a well adjusted person to grow with.

                You guys are stripping relationships down to a simple "me just want hole to frick" and it simply does not work in todays day and age because women were given choices (Sadly). But the fine line to that is now we get to be more picky as well once we reach that state of enlightenment. So basically women continue to lose while we win.

                Hell I've just been bullying women on hinge and calling them out for their bullshit and thats been netting me better conversations because they recognize I don't give a single frick about them or what they think.

              • 6 months ago

                failed normalc**t detected. stop posting anytime.

              • 6 months ago

                >failed normalc**t detected.
                Have gotten more pussy than you have and even more offers to frick than you have. I go out to bars, social events etc and have a good time and people have a good time when I'm around. Not implying there is anything special about me that makes that happen but natural happiness, authenticity and honesty is like a breath of fresh air to people in a world severely lacking in it. You dont need to believe but you are a fool if you think otherwise.

                Aaaand here comes the "chud" posting.
                At least you let us know you're not arguing in good faith. That counts for something, at least.
                >Happiness starts now
                "Oh you're chronically depressed? Just be happy, man! It's not hard."
                >You guys are stripping relationships down to a simple "me just want hole to frick"
                No, that'd be you. Literally everyone arguing against you morons are talking about RELATIONSHIPS, not just sex.
                If this was about sex, hiring an escort would have solved everything. Alas, you cannot buy love.

                I already gave you the advice on how to get a relationship. Start by having a loving one with yourself which you obviously lack.

              • 6 months ago

                >i'm not a failed normalgay!
                He said, wasting his time on a Korean chicken fight enthusiast forum.

              • 6 months ago

                Good job normalBlack person, do you want a medal? Why are you here and not outside getting pussy?

              • 6 months ago

                > authenticity and honesty
                authenticity is the last thing people want from men who are socially awkward and/or autistic. The only way guys like that can even hope to have a chance is to learn to fake normie mannerisms and responses and that's provided they aren't frickugly.

              • 6 months ago

                Stop giving a frick and do it anyway. I know a kid with aspergers that fricks latina pussy 24/7. I've known him since he was an 8 year old child shitting himself while playing minecraft and little big planet just because he didn't want to have to get up and stop playing.

                >Happiness starts now, not when you have a vegana to plow.
                Are you mentally ill, underage or mentally ill?

                Yes, you need to frick pussy to be happy. Yes you need water to quench your thirst. Yes you need food to fill your belly.
                Why do you say such idiotic things?

                "I NEED PUSSY" You don't need pussy moron you need to start loving yourself and taking care of your own "needs". If you are this horny start taking up hobbies that will relieve that horny-state in healthy ways like the gym and sports. Better yet go outside and talk to women who will frick you and gain confidence because you are getting pussy.

                >People don't succeed without failure first. You need to push through if you want change.
                push through what? I'm nearly 30 and have never had any interest from women. Nothing i've ever done to try to improve my situation has made even the tiniest bit of difference.

                You haven't actually "Tried" hard enough then because if you did you wouldn't still be thinking like this.

              • 6 months ago

                >. I know a kid with aspergers that fricks latina pussy 24/7.
                he probably normiefrauds well and isn't ugly.
                >You haven't actually "Tried" hard enough then because if you did you wouldn't still be thinking like this.
                >If you disagree with me then you clearly haven't tried hard enough because if you had tried then you would agree with me
                what kind of moronic logic is this?

              • 6 months ago

                >start loving yourself and taking care of your own "needs".
                Mentally ill stoic-cuck.
                >If you are this horny start taking up hobbies that will relieve that horny-state
                Why don't you eat some buckshot next time you feel hunger moron? It's way "healthier" to do the completely unrelated thing instead of addressing your issue directly, right?

              • 6 months ago

                >I already gave you the advice on how to get a relationship.
                No, you just said some trite.
                >get a hobby 🙂
                >love urself 😉
                >improve urself 😀
                Is all borderline superstitious moronation. "If a black cat crosses my road after my 46th cold shower and 5th dance class a girl will magically appear on my doorstep".

              • 6 months ago

                Aaaand here comes the "chud" posting.
                At least you let us know you're not arguing in good faith. That counts for something, at least.
                >Happiness starts now
                "Oh you're chronically depressed? Just be happy, man! It's not hard."
                >You guys are stripping relationships down to a simple "me just want hole to frick"
                No, that'd be you. Literally everyone arguing against you morons are talking about RELATIONSHIPS, not just sex.
                If this was about sex, hiring an escort would have solved everything. Alas, you cannot buy love.

              • 6 months ago

                >Happiness starts now, not when you have a vegana to plow
                >just magically not be unhappy when you're KHHV and have no friends and any attempt you make to improve your situation fails miserably
                holy shit what revolutionary advice.

              • 6 months ago

                >Happiness starts now, not when you have a vegana to plow.
                Are you mentally ill, underage or mentally ill?

                Yes, you need to frick pussy to be happy. Yes you need water to quench your thirst. Yes you need food to fill your belly.
                Why do you say such idiotic things?

              • 6 months ago

                >Yes, you need to frick pussy to be happy
                did you need pussy as a child to be happy, what the frick are you talking about moron?

              • 6 months ago

                You don't feel sexual attraction to opposite sex when you are a kid, moron

              • 6 months ago

                maybe you should be more like when you were a kid and stop caring so much about pussy

              • 6 months ago

                CIA or troony?

              • 6 months ago

                nvm, you're beyond help. good luck with the rest of your life

              • 6 months ago

                Did you need water when you were not yet conceived?
                Why are you so stupid?

              • 6 months ago

                I go outside literally every day.
                I regularly go to a bouldering gym. I take frequent hikes and like to cycle on sunny days.
                I have friends with whom I go out every so often. Including anime and video game cons.
                I can easily strike up conversations, which I often do.
                And yet, in my 25 years of existence, I have not seen a single girl show interest in me.

                Your advice is trash for anyone that isn't a normalgay.

              • 6 months ago

                my homie you are the normalc**t. shut the frick up.

                >so you took the blackpill seriously when it never applied to you to begin with
                yes anon. and 90% of the people who also believe in blackpill/doomer shit are the exact same. zero self esteem, zero confidence, and thus have a strong need to feel normal but cant because they refuse to accept that they might need to change something rather than everyone else changing for them

                nah, i'm one of the men where it literally does fit me 100%, not some faker like

                who has a social life and a good job.

              • 6 months ago

                >you are the normalc**t
                I fricking wish. I gave that sort of life a try when I was young, but I quickly got tired of pretending to be someone I wasn't.
                >who has a social life
                My social life is Ganker, you fricking moron. I only see my few real life friends every so often.

              • 6 months ago

                >yeah i have friends and hobbies and good quality of life but i'm a loser like you!!!
                have a nice day.

            • 6 months ago

              >Work on yourself and get to the nirvana of not needing anyone to be happy and thats when attraction naturally occurs.
              This is not always true. I'm sure it is for some but I'm a recluse at heart and no girl is busting down my door. Even at my peak I was a recluse. Here's a cold hard truth: If you really are at that point of not needing anyone else to be happy, you don't even think about women at all (you of course can't control sexual urges, this is a different thing)

          • 6 months ago

            >I habe no idea why you homosexuals invest so much into these things

          • 6 months ago

            >While swiping I see that chick I dated and shes STILL on hinge
            but anon you were "still" on hinge as well

            • 6 months ago

              I came back on after a hiatus and actually working on my life. Initially I didnt want to but its like the lottery. If you dont play you dont win. So it just sits on my phone while I swipe through it once every few days. Meanwhile a female who has billions of likes coming in couldnt find someone to settle down with in a 2 year span and multiple dates

        • 6 months ago

          >Muh dating apps
          I habe no idea why you homosexuals invest so much into these things as if they mean anything when it has been proven time and time again that they are rigged by israelites. Here's a funny one for you all
          >Meet girl on hinge i'm 25 at the time shes 27
          >My profile very clearly states my hobbies and political spectrum (conservative)
          >Shes clearly very into me physically and likes my personality
          >Drops subtle hints that she wants to make sure we have "things in common" (wants to see if i'm a beta that will give into her liberal demands just because she has a pussy)
          >Whatever i'm sure everything will be fine
          >Arrive to our date and 20 minutes in she tries asking me about fricking abortion being banned and my opinion
          >Explain i'm against abortion and i'd put an end to it right away if given the chance
          >Already knew this was gonna shit on any chance of us taking this any further and shes trying to do the usual leftist tactics of making the minority of abortions seem like the majority (muh incest and rape babies that make up 1% of abortion)
          >Keep in mind we live in an east coast state that will NEVER ban abortion
          >Eventually that topic ends and I say frick it and ask whats her body count
          >Date ends and I walk her back to her car and says things wont work out (no shit) and we both move on with our lives
          >I go on 2 more dates in the span of a few months and eventually say frick it and delete all the dating apps to go and work on myself instead
          >Come back to hinge 2 years later because now I'm far more confident and grounded
          >While swiping I see that chick I dated and shes STILL on hinge 29 years old and turning 30 in Feb. next year
          >Laugh my ass off and have had the best morning this week

          Women on these things are absolute bottom of the barrel clearance rack of the dating pool. Do yourself a favor and use them casually with 0 expectations cont.

          >still don't get matches on dating apps
          im surprised that people still use dating apps when tinder insights exposed the reality of it lmao. sure you can probably get pussy if you know what youre doing but look at this shit and tell me its normal

          • 6 months ago

            where do you go to date m8? if a man has no social group and is ugly HOW do you expect him to meet women? nobody meets in bars nowadays, women go there to drink and socialize with their friends. not to be hit on by ugly spergs.

            • 6 months ago

              not dating apps thats for sure. the only real answer is to find a social hobby and meet that way. its moronic but thats just the state of trying to date when girls have an endless pool to choose from

        • 6 months ago

          Dating apps are there to keep you single and addicted to the app. Why waste your time with them. They were good when they first came out and that's about it.

          • 6 months ago

            dating apps have done irreparable harm to this generation. They don't want you to find a relationship and get married, because then you won't watch ads or pay for subscriptions.

            • 6 months ago

              People will never wakeup to that fact and the app never helps you get over your fear of rejection.

        • 6 months ago

          dont lift for the prostitutes, lift for the self

        • 6 months ago

          lol he fell for the meme. if ur in fit your social life is already questionable nerd

        • 6 months ago

          That's why you should lift for yourself, not for the 0.1% chance that a woman might like it. It's just not worth it.

          • 6 months ago

            >lift for yourself
            What the frick does that even mean? Great, I can deadlift 405lb for reps but what does that offer me? Sure I look a lot better than I used to and I don't hate what I see in the mirror anymore, what does that do for me if it doesn't change the way other people view me?

            • 6 months ago

              >What the frick does that even mean?
              Nothing. You're talking to a 16 year old or an actual moron.
              You lift to impress pussy.
              You talk to women to get sex.
              It's that precise and simple.

            • 6 months ago

              >Sure I look a lot better than I used to and I don't hate what I see in the mirror anymore
              You have achieved self-improvement. Isn't that enough?
              I get the feeling you'll never be happy at this rate.

              • 6 months ago

                >Isn't that enough?
                So what? Feeling better about myself is nice, sure, but I'm still as crushingly alone as I have been for the past 25 years of my life. No amount of mental positivity can fill the void of an intimate connection.

                if you're a social failure then how would you get into a relationship

                Are you intentionally being moronic? That's the whole fricking point.

              • 6 months ago

                >Are you intentionally being moronic? That's the whole fricking point.
                well i mean if you consider yourself a social failure, why would you subject another person to a relationship with you? it takes 2 people to form a relationship and it sounds like you're only considering your own welfare there

              • 6 months ago

                Despite what you may think, there's no giant "I AM A LOSER moron STAY AWAY FROM ME" sign following you around that only people you are attracted to can see. Yeah, not having social experiences clearly makes it harder - like anything, practice makes you more comfortable. However that doesn't mean you're totally fricked - there are people who have learned new languages, started professional level jobs, and gotten married for the first time at not just 40+,but 50-60+. Shit you're not doomed, nor will it necessarily take you all that time.

              • 6 months ago

                >no giant "I AM A LOSER moron STAY AWAY FROM ME" sign following you around
                There literally is though, if you ever broach the topic of your lack of romantic experience with a woman, she's almost always going to have a negative response to it because it's indicative of being abnormal.

              • 6 months ago

                It depends on the person. Some people are garbage. But it also depends on how you interact too, even with the people who are not. There are lots of women who lack experience (or much of it, or positive experience etc) too - this is where the anons here who are shooting themselves in the dick saying ALL WOMEN ARE GOLDDIGGER bawdS WHY CANT I FIND A PERFECT VIRGIN FLOWER WHO WILL BE BOTH MOM AND FRICKTOY TO ME while also being like "Oh that awkward cat lady in her 30s/40s/etc who's room is full of fujo posters from 90s and 2000s anime? Nah, forget that I think she said she had like one boyfriend once so she's ruined. Back to 2D! I AM SO FOREVER ARONE". I know this is sort of hyperbole but something similar happens.

                Anyway, finding women who don't care about your lack of romance depends in how you frame it. Some may always be against it,but there's a big difference between
                >Oh anon, I bet you said that to your last girlfriend too?
                >I've never had a girlfriend because I'm pathetic and weak and nobody would ever be...with me...unlesss..? *looks expectantly and says nothing, maximo autismo style with pleading eyes across the table*

                >Oh anon, I bet you said that to your last girlfriend too
                >haha its been awhile so maybe I'm out of practice, but you're smiling so maybe it doesn't show too much? *grin*
                >Teehee anon, well thank you anyway

              • 6 months ago

                >haha its been awhile so maybe I'm out of practice, but you're smiling so maybe it doesn't show too much?
                so lie about it?

              • 6 months ago

                PUA Anon here.
                >so lie about it?
                Yes. Why the frick wouldn't you lie about everything. Results first, who gives a frick about the methods.

              • 6 months ago

                No, you're not lying. You ARE out of practice and it has been awhile since you've been on a date, complimented a woman in the way you just did in that hypothetical etc... Thats the important thing. You're not lying, not even through omission - this wasn't a "How many girlfriends did you have and how long did you stay with each of them" style question - when and if it gets to that point don't lie,but there's a difference from lying or making bullshit up, or presenting the truth with some tact. Yeah, eventually you will have have a "serious" conversation and you can still be tactful whilebehing honest and, you maximize the chance that you and she had a good time together before, connect etc. that your lack of history won't be a deal breaker. For a lot of women, it won'tbe

                PUA Anon here.
                >so lie about it?
                Yes. Why the frick wouldn't you lie about everything. Results first, who gives a frick about the methods.

                I find this shit can become generally repugnant - sure, you can fish with dynamite long enough that you'll eventually get slapped with a fin as it explodes from the water, but that isn't going to help anon's lonliness. Any PUA shit is basically a volume method to hope you find and frick damaged people - if that's all you want, you can be less of a slimeball and get similar outcomes with either some casual fricking style app or hiring an escort. Doesn'tsound like any of that is what anon is looking for however.

              • 6 months ago

                >Oh anon, I bet you said that to your last girlfriend too
                >haha its been awhile so maybe I'm out of practice, but you're smiling so maybe it doesn't show too much? *grin*
                >Teehee anon, well thank you anyway
                your "cool guy" answer is cringe as frick by the way. I don't know if you people giving out this horrible advice realize it, but there's so much garbage advice being touted as the REAL TRUTH FOR REAL JUST DO THIS that if someone actually attempted to follow it they would become schizophrenic. I will give you an example only on this precise subject you are talking about:
                common advice: be yourself
                your true and real advice: just lie but do it in a funny way
                what you wrote doesn't convey the fact you have no experience at a late age at all, you are just lying and eventually you'll slip, or tell her, or she'll realize. Now, try again but this time actually try to find a way to tell her you're a virgin at 28 in your cool guy persona. Bet you can't.

              • 6 months ago

                >Oh that awkward cat lady in her 30s/40s/etc who's room is full of fujo posters from 90s and 2000s anime?
                God, if only those people existed.

              • 6 months ago

                t. non advice giving moron
                >bro just lift for urself XD
                ok I did, now what?
                nothing changes, I am le "improved" but how is that going to get you laid?
                >bro u don't lift for pussy XD bro u fricked up

              • 6 months ago

                >bro I read 1000 books learned 4 languages to enrich my mind but what's the point if I don't get PUSSY?
                come on man, stop being a coomer

              • 6 months ago

                got it, so you went for >bro you fricked up you lifted for pussy XD
                so you got no advice and are just a clueless normalhomosexual
                have a nice day please

              • 6 months ago

                If you can't get women, have you tried being gay? Serious question.

              • 6 months ago

                >just be gay bro
                what the frick is this now?
                I am straight, attracted to women
                why the frick would I try to frick men? are you stupid?

              • 6 months ago

                But women don't want to frick you. Expand your horizons anon, there might be guys out there who could give you the tender loving you're longing for.

              • 6 months ago

                shoo normalgay, never reply to me again

              • 6 months ago

                You won't get anywhere with that attitude.
                Can you get a job in porn if you just want sex?

            • 6 months ago

              >What the frick does that even mean?
              it means stop trying to improve yourself for others and focus on yourself. if your going to lift do it because you want to. if you want to lose weight do it because you want to. living for the approval of others is a miserable existence

        • 6 months ago

          the problem with you is that you base the entirety of your existence and your 'success' on getting pussy
          its exactly what makes you so repellent to said pussy

          • 6 months ago


            You useless frick, I know it's hard for normalgays to comprehend, but to khvgays the virginity is not the issue. It's having missed out on regular experiences that every normal person had in their teenage years while you're still rotting in your adult years, it's not knowing what it's like to have someone WANT to talk to you, to WANT to spend time with you. It's not knowing what it's like to have an intimate connection, not solely sexual, but someone who you can talk about anything with, someone who you wants nothing more from you than your company. Being a virgin is a symptom of the problem, it is not the central issue.

        • 6 months ago

          Dude, frick them b***hes. Also, get off the dating apps. They're demoralizing even for normal dudes that are relationship material

        • 6 months ago

          Women need to lower their standards, unironically. If this isn't enough for them then the problem is with them and not earnest guys like this.

        • 6 months ago

          >Dating apps
          This is your problem. I'm going to oldgay a bit, but I was one of the last ones to take the old school, hard 1600-top-out SAT (it changed to some 2400 thing later an then maybe back to 1600 but its different). The SAT doesn't measure how smart you are or what you know, it measures how you learn to take a particular test with particular tricks on it - that has nothing to do with your actual collegiate success EXCEPT your ability to spend the time, money, learn how to take the test. Its really a shitshow. Dating apps are the same thing - being successful there is a totally different set of skills and worse, a lot of it is not really up to you and doesn't map into interacting with people in real life or especially having a real relationship. Note that this is contextualized for actually getting a relationship - not simply "casual encounters" which is its own, different set of bullshit.

          Once you learn this you either realize its not a game you want to play (smarter in my book) or you at least learn to play it and stop beating yourself up because you are trying to play by the entirely wrong rules which is really hard to take psychologically.

      • 6 months ago

        You talking big for someone who born normal, fker.
        Iam a literally a goblin, 5 feet for height and a face not even a mother could love. The frick am supposed to do.

      • 6 months ago

        normalgays are repulsive to me

      • 6 months ago

        fricked up hands, cant even write or draw anymore

        • 6 months ago

          Train your voice. Learn to dance. Practice breaking bricks with your head.

      • 6 months ago

        Women make them quit. It's not like men are obliged to put up with used up roasties.

      • 6 months ago

        Life doesn't have a pity system

      • 6 months ago

        The Zoomers and so-called "gen alpha" have been taught that failure is death. Thus, the first sign of failure means that their life is already over, causing them to completely emotionally and mentally shut down.

        • 6 months ago

          I'm zoomer and I have seen this from other zoomers. They are such weak homosexuals.

  2. 6 months ago

    won't be because I'm blowing my head off within the next 5 years unless I magically get a gf (I won't)

    • 6 months ago

      Somewhat paradoxically, if you don't find a way to not want to blow your head off before getting a gf then you'll never find a girl who makes life worth living. You have to be worthy on your own before you can truly find mutual worthiness with someone else. Salvation tragically won't come from outside yourself (therapy and medication notwithstanding). This is incredibly frustrating and demoralizing but it is true.

      • 6 months ago


        because blind delusion just make things worse
        >went to Ganker 5 years ago
        >started lifting
        >lost 60lb over the years
        >Gankertest I've ever been
        >no drugs, no booze
        >still don't get matches on dating apps
        >still don't know how to approach women
        getting fit and healthy unironically made my mental health worse because after all the effort, I've nothing to show for it

        been there, done that
        I even took a "fake it til you make it" approach on happiness and tried to be as positive as I could over the years
        I look my best, I was mentally at my sharpest with the most self-esteem I had, nothing changed

    • 6 months ago

      Why waiting so long then? You can at least beat your procrastinating ass and off yourself on Christmas or sooner.

      • 6 months ago

        >Why waiting so long then?
        It's "Why wait so long?", ESL-kun.
        But allow me to answer in that anon's stead: the upcoming sentient AI waifus.

        • 6 months ago

          Merci for not being a fricking butthole. Ich liebe dich anon chan.

      • 6 months ago

        Because that's the arbitrary age I told myself when I was drinking a fifth a week at 18, if I stick to then at least I got one thing right.

    • 6 months ago

      >killing yourself over pussy
      ok so lets say you do get a heckin gf, what then homie? most people who think a girlfriend would fix their underlying issues would be shocked to realize it will only make it them worse if they dont address them. find a purpose that exists independently of another person and youd be surprised how quickly >tfw no gf stops sitting in the back of your mind

    • 6 months ago

      I literally despise you to your core.

      because blind delusion just make things worse
      >went to Ganker 5 years ago
      >started lifting
      >lost 60lb over the years
      >Gankertest I've ever been
      >no drugs, no booze
      >still don't get matches on dating apps
      >still don't know how to approach women
      getting fit and healthy unironically made my mental health worse because after all the effort, I've nothing to show for it

      Holy fricking shit, you worthless piece of garbage. If FAT fricks can get girls and you can't, it's a YOU issue. You fricking absolute brain dead stupid scumfrick.

      • 6 months ago

        personality is genetic and those fat fricks probably never had to struggle with being spergs.

        • 6 months ago

          ban normalgays holy shit.

          You dumb Black folk, I have ADHD and am a self proclaimed misanthrope. If I can go on dates and have sex, you homosexuals are just fumbling the ball and curling up like babies. Yes, loneliness fricking sucks, but that doesn't mean you should have a nice day over it. You really wanna stick yourself to a vapid b***h just to acknowledge you fricked? Better yourself spiritually and mentally, and accept that when it comes down to it, the people you will be able to genuinely trust most at the end of your life you'll be able to count on one hand. Finding a right partner is even more difficult than that.
          Most relationships are centered on perversions they have. A good appearance goes a long way. That's why divorce rates are high, why there's single parents, because one or the other didn't want to get to know them/weren't as good a person as the twisted observer gleamed, it was just a fantasy. When that fantasy hits its limit, they start arguing and fighting. Then they'll come up with some bullshit to salvage it because 1. they don't want to be alone again, and 2. they've already invested time into the relationship. No one wants to feel like they wasted time, but that is how life fricking goes. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's true.

          • 6 months ago

            >self proclaimed misanthrope
            So you're an edgy homosexual and still probably a conventionally attractive normalgay. Why do you think that's at all relatable to anything ITT? Being a virgin into your 20s is social suicide, further than that and women won't touch you with a ten-foot pole. If you could relate (you can't) and had experienced it yourself, you would understand. The last woman I casually mentioned not having ever been in a relationship to literally laughed in my face. I'm only 25 and it's enough of an issue that inherently makes it harder for me to be attractive to women, even if I'm not lacking physically. At 30+ I can't even imagine how much harder it is.

      • 6 months ago

        >it's a YOU issue
        well aware moron, hence the whole "killing myself" part

      • 6 months ago

        ban normalgays holy shit.

    • 6 months ago

      Then become gay, you Black person.

      • 6 months ago

        NTA, but I'm actually heavily considering it just for the physical attention.
        The only problem is that dicks just revolt me, man. Frick I wish I were gay.

    • 6 months ago

      not a reason to have a nice day
      there are some arguably, but not tfw no gf
      that's beta af

    • 6 months ago

      I’m probably a quitter but I feel like doing a yolo year where I try to find some happiness otherwise I just end it as well.

    • 6 months ago

      You will very likely troon out beforehand, and then 41% yourself instead 🙂

    • 6 months ago

      Yup, this the perfect man for a well adjusted, beautiful, virgin, trad girl to randomly fall in love with.

  3. 6 months ago

    wasn't his wife a b***h?

    • 6 months ago

      She was. Kiryu helped him to grow a pair, resulting in him lashing out at his wife, which in turn made her wet.

      • 6 months ago

        You'll never see based quests like this in western video games

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah. He said she was fine before they got married but she became a total b***h after they had a kid and he became a doormat that barely makes ends meat as a tofu seller. After he grew a pair and told her off she softened up.

  4. 6 months ago

    I just want money and be left alone.
    Does he go back to cart racing in the newest game or something?

    • 6 months ago

      >Does he go back to cart racing in the newest game or something?

      In the latest game, he owns a entire cart racing place that comes with a bar. You can race him too.

  5. 6 months ago

    i'm too much of a frickup now to return

    • 6 months ago

      No enter to go but up

  6. 6 months ago

    I really did love his arc. He's great. Even children shit on him, but he refuses to give in.

  7. 6 months ago

    I remember a post calling this series 'silverfoxcore' and I'm keeping that

  8. 6 months ago

    I loved pocket circuit, they should make a whole game out of it.

  9. 6 months ago

    He aged like absolute shit, why did RGG do it to him like that?

    • 6 months ago

      He was 30 back in 10, which means he's 60 in this scene

  10. 6 months ago

    I've accepted the fact that I will be a kissless handholdless forever alone virgin by virtue of having an awful personality. I don't like it, but I've accepted it. There's this one guy that spams his discord asking for femanons to talk about DOA, hgames, or whatever, and that is basically me. I just want to converse about video games, anime, ecchi, hentai, and tabletop RPGs. I've never seen a female that would talk casually about that shit, only other males. Also "transwomen" are not women, so they don't count.

  11. 6 months ago

    Not everyone gets to make it. The system we live in doesn't allow everyone to win.

  12. 6 months ago

    > is a joke character
    > gets promoted as being so important to Kiryu that he even appears in the new trailer for 8
    He's a chad even in meta context

    • 6 months ago

      That joke character actually supported Kiryu at his lowest, and it's normal for Kiryu to not forget his debts. So here go all the people who say side activities aren't canon, right in the garbage bin.

  13. 6 months ago

    "could've"? It still can be

    • 6 months ago

      past 25 a man without a family, house, and a career that gives him full benefits and six figures and a retirement plan can be a bad thing.

      • 6 months ago

        shut up Martin, your wife fricked Rust at the drop of a hat

  14. 6 months ago

    I don't think I'm THAT pathetic, like I have a decent job, I think I look alright, yet when I go outside I see the most ugly motherfrickers yet they still have girlfriends

    what do women want, unironically?

    • 6 months ago

      "Women" are not a monolith. "Women" do not all want one thing. They're as diverse as anyone, it's naive and self-damning to think you can magically crack them by finding the hidden thing they want. Women want all the things that men want, everything listed in this thread. They also want other things. You can't paint people with such a broad brush, that's what will lead you to ruin and loneliness and that will kill you, man. If you just try to be a good person and not expect anything in return, that will help you. If you put yourself in spaces in which women can actually see and hear you, that will help you. If you already do that and it's still not working, then you need to first look inward at why that might be and then try again, tweak some things and just keep trying if that's what you truly want.

      • 6 months ago

        >"Women" are not a monolith. "Women" do not all want one thing.
        sure man

        • 6 months ago

          and yet they have matched more?

          • 6 months ago

            >men more likely to swipe right on women
            >women less likely to swipe right on men
            >ergo, any time a women DOES swipe right, it's likely to be a guy who already swiped right on her

            • 6 months ago

              sounds like they know what they are looking for, not just clicking on anyone out of desperation

              • 6 months ago

                >women get to pick while men have to desperately hope they are the ones picked
                great deduction einstein, you're finally figuring it out

              • 6 months ago

                sounds like losers clicking on everyone but the fatties should be a bit more selective

        • 6 months ago

          Might as well use a Ganker straw poll to make your argument. Tinder is not the entire world.

          • 6 months ago

            >80% of people date online or use apps
            >99% of people are online constantly in some capacity and use social media
            why do people still use this argument? when irl and online are one and the same nowadays.

            • 6 months ago

              All right, keep being delusional and alone instead then

              • 6 months ago

                every woman is online. social media is CONSTANTLY telling them to have a hoe phase and frick the bad boys before settling down with a beta. this is okay though. this is fine for society.

              • 6 months ago

                This homosexual actually thinks womens lives are the ones they fake on tiktok! LMAO!

        • 6 months ago

          most women are ABSOLUTELY a monolith. the only women who aren't are usually scooped up fairly young or are dykes. straight women are some of the most self sabotaging insane people who can choose to ruin your life at the drop of a hat and we allow them to vote.

          >They're as diverse as anyone
          Yeah sure, 0.5% of all women are unique and special.
          How does that help any of us when 60% of men (which are more desirable than us) are interested in those exact women?

          You can throw out whatever graphs or imagined truths you like, I can tell you from experience that these are not hard and fast rules. If you want to write off an entire gender as selfish witches all that tells me is that you're a coward, maybe you got burned in the past or lack self-respect but you're still a coward. It takes actual courage and balls to try and put yourself out there. It will not always work in your favor, but if you want this then that's all you can do to get it, it won't fall in your lap. Seeing you talk like this about half the human population just makes me sad, you could have it so much better if you stopped blaming other people for your lot in life. Even if you're a victim of circumstance, you're presumably an adult and adults take ownership over their situations.

          • 6 months ago

            That's a whole lotta words without any substance.
            All you're saying is "nuh-uh, that's not true!", which is the same as saying nothing.
            You normalgays are all the fricking same.

          • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago

            >I can tell you from experience that these are not hard and fast rules.
            so you're a normie trying to relate to people that are fundamentally different to you
            you can pretend otherwise all you want but I guarantee you're conventionally attractive and can't actually comprehend what it's like to live life otherwise

          • 6 months ago

            >Throw out the statistics
            >Muh experience says udderwise
            >Wemen gud, men bed
            >Improov urself

          • 6 months ago

            >women good, men bad. Thanks for coming to my femiturd-x talk

          • 6 months ago

            Why do you post all this trite instead of a clear and concise manual on how to actually get pussy?
            Give it a try without some bullshit about "improving urself ;)" and "it's a mindset :))".

            • 6 months ago

              if such a manual existed I'd be the first to read it and I'd scan it and share it with all of you if I could. Sadly there is no manual, just what has worked for others before us.

              • 6 months ago

                >Sadly there is no manual, just what has worked for others before us.
                There are a bunch.
                You're just stuck in self-improover masturbatory cult.

              • 6 months ago

                >There are a bunch.
                LIKE WHAT
                I AM BEGGING YOU
                POST THEM

            • 6 months ago

              NTA but what you do changes depending on your situation.
              Are you rural or in a city? Are you in college/university or not?
              Do you have any mental illnesses that make socialising harder like Autism? If so how severe is it as that can be worked around too if you're even a little self aware.

              Do you actually want a relationship or to just frick a girl? Because you need to set expectations. If you're here, typing sentences like this, in this sort of thread then nothing you do is going to make you Chad Thunderwiener slaying b***hes left and right. Well you could just get real lucky but that's out of your control.
              Getting a relationship is always possible you just need to adjust your strategy. If you just want to frick then buy a hooker.
              >But I don't want to frick prostitutes
              Then it's masturbation or a relationship if you're not a chad/lucky.

              Next step is to decide what kind of relationship you're willing to try.
              Exclusively meeting a girl irl? Pretty hard for an anon in your situation but gets easier in cities. Being a friendless loser makes this harder than the online option. Not being able to network through irl friends or family makes the irl option much harder if you're not in college/university.
              Meeting a girl online? Well if you're American/European you have pretty good chances of meeting a girl that isn't on the other side of the globe + chances are a girl you meet online will have a lot more to talk about with you. Distance can be rough but you can make this work easily enough if you're not both poor as shit.
              If you are both poor as shit it can still work if you're europeans.

              Which would you prefer anon?

              • 6 months ago

                Trite again.
                Write PRACTICAL steps. Something you can DO NOW. Not theoretical bullshit or "showering".

              • 6 months ago

                have you tried being yourself?

              • 6 months ago

                Oh so this is just a bot demoralize posting and not an anon actually looking for help, now I just feel silly.

              • 6 months ago

                you dumbass
                learning to shower and not be a lazy piece of shit is the simplest and most effective thing
                you're not gonna fricking make six figures and frick 10/10's after a year of not being a pathetic piece of human garbage once you stop cooming twice a day but you sure as frick won't be an angry subhuman after a year and that's how you stop scaring away girls who are actually worth your time when they no longer smell the cum and mountain dew from a mile away

                all the other shit comes slowly afterwards or not at all

                what matters is you won't give a frick anymore because you respect yourself enough not to give a frick what coomers, homosexuals, pedophiles, israelites, and tankie homosexuals want you to do

                there's a reason jordan peterson's advice worked for useless neets like you, and it's because just being .1% better every day compounds on itself easily and makes you feel better after even a week of not acting like the pathetic person you currently are

                Goddamn you people are helpless

              • 6 months ago

                NTA but you should have a nice day with your non advice fricking normalhomosexual

              • 6 months ago

                More superstitious insanity.
                >shower twice and a girl will magically appear
                You are mentally ill.

              • 6 months ago

                NTA but you should have a nice day with your non advice fricking normalhomosexual

                >subhuman neets get angry at the concept of showering and not being pathetic
                there's a reason you are the way you are
                and it's all on you

              • 6 months ago

                >immediately assumes I'm a neet
                don't reply to me you fricking mongoloid

          • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        most women are ABSOLUTELY a monolith. the only women who aren't are usually scooped up fairly young or are dykes. straight women are some of the most self sabotaging insane people who can choose to ruin your life at the drop of a hat and we allow them to vote.

      • 6 months ago

        >They're as diverse as anyone
        Yeah sure, 0.5% of all women are unique and special.
        How does that help any of us when 60% of men (which are more desirable than us) are interested in those exact women?

      • 6 months ago

        how many women want guys who are broke or short?

        • 6 months ago

          or ugly, or dicklets, or mentally ill and not attractive.

          • 6 months ago

            Are you saying you desire women who are ugly or mentally ill? What are you even saying?

            • 6 months ago

              men won't date ugly women, but plenty of men will date mentally ill women

              having autism/anxiety/depression isn't the sexual and romantic death sentence for women that it is for men

              • 6 months ago

                You need to talk not only to women, but also men outside of the internet. You have literally no grasp on reality.

              • 6 months ago

                i didn't know the internet was some fake reflection of a reality that didn't exist and not something that is literally seamlessly integrated into 99% of first worlder's lives.

              • 6 months ago

                And 99% of what people post online is fake bullshit to make themselves look better. Go outside.

              • 6 months ago

                good I want nothing to do with this circus

              • 6 months ago

                This right here is the circus, you clown, not the outside world

              • 6 months ago

                cope, you are living in a circus and you know it, now dance for me wagie

              • 6 months ago

                >You have literally no grasp on reality.
                you are the one that don't, you think what you see is reality ? wait until you are someone you think is cool and suddenly as he drink he just turn into the most depressive b***h you've ever seen, internet or real life, both have been so integrated into an other that people are willing to live through their life with a mask of lies, all of that for the sake of being accepted or welcomed into society, i don't want any of this, i live as i am and i still make friends, i looked at dating apps out of curiousity and it was the most disgusting shit i've ever seen, people presenting themselves with the same hobbies everywhere almost as if they were using a template, i felt nothing when watching this but a growing sense of hate, i don't blame them, i blame instead social medias themselves and the made up cultures around big cities that are nothing but a glorified mix of sotckholm sindrome and peer pressure.

                the rural migration was a mistake, centralizing too many people into one place only kill them, see the behavorial sink experiment if you want to know more about that subject, i don't mind being without a gf unlike other anons in that thread but i wish people wouldn't lie to temselves and others just to get along, it's really sad to see this honestly

        • 6 months ago

          unironically quite a few. I had some gfs taking care of me when I was broke. well I'm attractive too so that probably played a part, I really do feel sorry for you uggos.

      • 6 months ago

        >then you need to first look inward at why that might be and then try again, tweak some things and just keep trying if that's what you truly want
        It's always you normalgay copehomosexuals that want to create MLK speeches defending and apologizing for women. Always saying that men are the problem for a dating game that is skewed massively against their favor, as if you live in an alternate reality that genuinely doesn't have the same problems. You're not inspiring anyone, just stop talking already. What are you, some woman?

        • 6 months ago

          I don't want to inspire you
          I want you to realize how pathetic you are for blaming animals for acting like animals
          stop desperately whining for pussy
          it's pathetic

          • 6 months ago

            The ones that are ACTUALLY pathetic are the men that sacrifice their male brethren to bend the knee and validate women and their pretentious dating game constantly just so that they could get sex. If one of us can't have sex, none of us should have sex. Men need to stick together and realize women are collectively the enemy. Otherwise we're just at each other's throats improving the status of women while decreasing our status and power in the dating game.

            We don't realize it quite yet, but incels are our heros because of their growing inability to have sex and their growing population that will eventually be big enough to effectively fix the problem.

            • 6 months ago

              This post is truth but not many will recognize as such. Especially this part:
              If one of us can't have sex, none of us should have sex. Men need to stick together and realize women are collectively the enemy.
              The absolute state of women is enabled by men turning their cloaks and accepting women getting worse every year. Sadly I will say, for most men it's actually impossible to reverse course. I have a perfect example in a friend, he has been constantly abused by and has had his life ruined multiple times by women. His latest one literally cucked him with a french immigrant transexual. 2 weeks goes by and he's already trying to find another one, it's ingrained in his mind to be like this.

  15. 6 months ago

    We are all going to make it! Don't give up on your dreams! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

  16. 6 months ago

    >still have a few years left before visible aging and entropy sets in
    >dropped 40 lbs from weight by quitting sugars and regulating my food
    >get a well-paying job with good upward mobility
    >get professional engineer's license
    >bought first house
    >getting back into exercise routine
    >still dealing with money issues
    >inflation going up every goddamn day
    >still haven't gotten a gf yet
    Tell me I'm gonna make it, bros.

    • 6 months ago

      On the positive side, you're probably going to live long enough to unironically experience the singularity and the new technological era that will result from it.
      Immortality is almost within your grasp, so who cares about getting together with a biological human woman in the next 10 years when you can create the perfect sentient companion yourself in 500 years?
      In any case, good job on getting your life together, anon.

      • 6 months ago

        >sticking my brain into the hivemind machine and losing all sense of concious as I meld away into Legion
        I'm on hard times, Anon, I'm not that fricking deep in I'm willing to give up all individuality and sense of self. If I get to live long enough to see space travel, that'd be cool, but keep that Ganker X /x/ shit outta my brain.

        • 6 months ago

          Anon, the concept of a singularity doesn't mean a hivemind, it just means the moment where a self-replicating, scalable artificial intelligence has reached a higher intelligence than the smartest possible human.
          They're not going to be evil, because they're not organic; they have no reason to be hostile unless we program them to be hostile.
          The future is bright. You'll see.

  17. 6 months ago

    Maybe if quitting hentai games will make me get hard for a normal girl again instead of fricked up fetish shit

  18. 6 months ago

    why do Ganker users embrace the opportunity to be off-topic so quickly

    • 6 months ago

      just lonely mental people liking the series about a lonely mental man chad ver.

    • 6 months ago

      Ganker isn't a place to talk about video games, it's a board for people who made video games their personality and are afraid to admit it. So there are likely shared interests. And politics are always free (you)s

  19. 6 months ago

    reminder that you don't have free will and you're not responsible for your achievements and success in life

  20. 6 months ago

    the only people who see reality for what it is are the incels and chuds. the sex havers and normgroids are happy living in blissful ignorance and deny any and all opinions that do not align with their restrictive bubble of reality they refuse to walk out of.
    >hmmm i dunno.. my life is fine. maybe have sex incel lol

  21. 6 months ago

    Why do incels think just because they have a dick women will jump on it? If you’re a shut-in reclusive loser that spends all day doom posting on an imageboard, filled with other reclusive losers of course women won’t even look at you. It’s not societies fault you’re a pussy that just gave up at the first hurdle, why would a woman want a man this fragile?
    >muh genetics
    This argument is shot down when these same guys complain about the ugly frickers that still pull 9/10s

    • 6 months ago

      >when these same guys complain about the ugly frickers that still pull 9/10s
      where? in your imagination?

    • 6 months ago

      why do roasties think any man actually wants to talk to them

  22. 6 months ago

    I'm moronic, was the manager from Like a Dragon Gaiden also Fujisawa? Or a student of Fujisawa? Because he looks about as old and has Kiryu/Fujisawa's picture in the Sotenbori section

  23. 6 months ago

    i just want to stop being in pain

  24. 6 months ago

    this whole "everything will work out in the end" mindset is so dumb. you dont get a wife and good job by accident, you have to make it happen. you can do anything you want if you genuinely work hard for it. but not by sitting around on your ass.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't remember the context of the bottom pick, but he's talking to someone out in the streets who is socializing and likely pursuing those goals, so the odds are pretty good.

      If he was talking to the average Ganker dweller he'd probably say something different

    • 6 months ago

      >did musical theater in HS
      >not really fat or anything, just ugly and mildly awkward
      >surrounded by dozens of girls for an hour or 2 after school nearly every single day for years
      >not one is interested in me in the least or even texts me
      >only one who even seems maybe potentially interested
      >shot my shot and got rejected
      after that any girl i met already had a BF. Tried tinder just trying to match with every profile without looking and after months straight of that all i got was a match with a fat black dude with stubble who was only grouped in with the women because he identified as "nonbinary."

      getting a good job when you have no friends and are a bit socially awkward as an ugly man is way easier said than done. Jobs often judge you by the same standards women do.

    • 6 months ago

      This is true, but people also have different starting points and affinities and normal/normal-adjacent people tend to not grasp how fricking far behind or off the socialization curve weirdos can be. I literally cannot talk to people about anything but work or talk shop. As soon as the conversation turns casual or personal, I completely shut down or run out of steam in about 15 seconds, and I have absolutely nothing to say, largely because I don't have much of a life so there's not much experience to pull from. I can't even talk about movies or shows or games because I forget what happened in them two days later.

      So the only way I see is quitting my job, spending all my savings on traveling the world, "getting a life", or whatever for 10 years, so I can gather life experience and perhaps that will help me communicate with people, so I can maybe, just maybe, have a fighting chance when I'm already too old to matter. It just feels like too fricking big of a hurdle.

  25. 6 months ago

    I feel like the only thing I’m missing in life is a relationship and I’m 25.

    I’ve been on dates before, but nothing’s really lasted and the only people who seem to click with me live miles away from me.

    I don’t want to be alone anymore. I just want a girl who’s compatible with me, but most people around me seem too normie to be more than an acquaintance for me.

    • 6 months ago

      You're doing better than most and I'm happy for you. Just keep looking, look in weird or unexpected places. Or just keep being yourself and if you at least exist in places alongside women then something will probably come your way when you least expect it.

      • 6 months ago

        >then something will probably come your way when you least expect it

        • 6 months ago

          It's a normalgay thing; they think you naturally have a large friend group or otherwise female friends who will hook you up with their friends.
          Relationships are naturally occurring for them, seemingly coming from nowhere.

  26. 6 months ago

    it is literally impossible for normgroids/sex havers to give any advice to less fortunate adult virgins because they refuse to admit their good fortunes in life are due to luck and circumstances. you refuse to admit you lucked out genetically so you have to fling bullshit non advice like
    >b urself 🙂
    >get hobby
    >hang in there 🙂
    you have NOTHING of value to say. shut the frick up.

    • 6 months ago

      Talk to people not on the internet.
      Wear clothes that actually fit and look decent.

      It takes effort to pull yourself out of a self-pitying mindset.

      • 6 months ago

        the average man who has sex is a disgusting slob who barely washes his ass.

        • 6 months ago

          Talk to people not on the internet.
          Wear clothes that actually fit and look decent.

          They don't guarantee you'll be pulling 10's every 5 seconds like the scammers promise. But it'll help you be happier.

          • 6 months ago

            if this was all it took to get laid incels wouldn't exist. if you saw most of the adult virgins on this board irl you'd just try to politely break it to them that they have to accept dying alone.

            • 6 months ago

              You're basing your entire happiness on other people wanting to frick you from the sounds of this thread. Even getting pussy wouldn't make you happy at this point.

              Talk to people not on the internet.
              Wear clothes that actually fit and look decent.

              • 6 months ago

                You useless frick, I know it's hard for normalgays to comprehend, but to khvgays the virginity is not the issue. It's having missed out on regular experiences that every normal person had in their teenage years while you're still rotting in your adult years, it's not knowing what it's like to have someone WANT to talk to you, to WANT to spend time with you. It's not knowing what it's like to have an intimate connection, not solely sexual, but someone who you can talk about anything with, someone who you wants nothing more from you than your company. Being a virgin is a symptom of the problem, it is not the central issue.

              • 6 months ago

                Making 'being lonely' your entire identity probably doesn't help. I don't have the magic words that'll immediately help pull you up out of this slump, because those words don't exist. I keep repeating
                Talk to people not on the internet.
                Wear clothes that actually fit and look decent.
                because those things do actually rewire your brain and make you feel better

              • 6 months ago

                to spite you i will dress like a homeless man and leer at women outside.

              • 6 months ago

                You have nothing to help because you're trying to preach to a section of people you have no understanding of. I've done all of those things. See

                because blind delusion just make things worse
                >went to Ganker 5 years ago
                >started lifting
                >lost 60lb over the years
                >Gankertest I've ever been
                >no drugs, no booze
                >still don't get matches on dating apps
                >still don't know how to approach women
                getting fit and healthy unironically made my mental health worse because after all the effort, I've nothing to show for it

                It doesn't work, "just love yourself" is great in theory but when you've taken all the right steps to do that and tried your hardest, only to fail AGAIN, it does nothing but reinforce the original negative image you had of yourself because now, even after doing everything right and objectively improving, you STILL aren't good enough.

              • 6 months ago

                not the guy you're responding to but you're moronic. Where did he make being lonely his entire identity? That's just shit you made up. Your advice is just worthless.

              • 6 months ago

                ...anon? An enormous part of being human is being with another person.
                People literally become clinically depressed without regular physical contact.
                Having sex is nice, but having a relationship is even better.

          • 6 months ago

            You're basing your entire happiness on other people wanting to frick you from the sounds of this thread. Even getting pussy wouldn't make you happy at this point.

            Talk to people not on the internet.
            Wear clothes that actually fit and look decent.

            thank you anon I did not realize I should shower and wear clothes before talking to you

          • 6 months ago

            Talk to people not on the internet.
            Wear clothes that actually fit and look decent.

            It takes effort to pull yourself out of a self-pitying mindset.

            >wake up with your legs facing east
            >recite "lords prayer" twice
            >put your pillow on the right side of the bed
            >This will magically get you a million dollars in the bank, no I'm not a superstitious moron.

            • 6 months ago

              >pathetic coomer imitates the self-pity that troons have adopted
              there's a reason the both of you have so much in common
              stop being a pathetic homosexual
              you know what it means
              you just refuse to stop doing it
              it's your fault you feel this way

  27. 6 months ago

    how does one get a gf if they're a piece of shit. asking for a friend.

    • 6 months ago

      girls love pieces of shit bro

  28. 6 months ago

    >anon leaves his home only to get groceries
    >wtf y no pussi
    many such cases, many such threads

    • 6 months ago

      >anon leaves his home only to get groceries
      >cute cashier starts small talking and mentions when she gets off
      >cant tell if shes flirting because of autism
      >wtf y no pussi

      • 6 months ago

        >cute cashier starts small talking and mentions when she gets off
        >you meet up later at your house
        >having sex
        >she loves it
        >it gets intense and you coom
        >plan to get married
        >you suddenly wake up before you could marry her
        >checks the fridge

  29. 6 months ago

    if you have friends, and god forbid any FEMALE friends you are a normalc**t and not my homie.

  30. 6 months ago

    You all are such weak homosexuals holly frick. Go read only philosophy and fix yourself crybaby. Epictetus is a good start

  31. 6 months ago

    what is sadder a NEET or a wagecuck spending his day off on Ganker telling schizos to shower

    • 6 months ago

      arguably its the failed normalc**t who thinks he can "make a difference" when all he's doing is trying to convince himself.

  32. 6 months ago

    no i don't live in tokyo where my wife doesn't care if i frick hot prostitutes and doesn't think it's cheating.

  33. 6 months ago

    if you have had sex you should be locked out of posting forever.

  34. 6 months ago

    So to all the people b***hing about normies, what is it you want then? Do you see a way for you to stay as you are but also have a happy romantic relationship? What do you think you will become if you suddenly find yourself in such a relationship?

    • 6 months ago

      I want "normies" to get the frick off my board and kill themselves

  35. 6 months ago

    >tfw autistic and balding
    aside from also being born moronic, i don't think i could have lost the genetic lottery any harder lmao

  36. 6 months ago

    >Pocket Circuit Fighter
    Any other Non-main cast character who is close to Kiryu ? i doubt it's just those four

    • 6 months ago

      >posts on-topic on a clearly off-topic thread

    • 6 months ago

      His "clan" from 6 maybe ?

  37. 6 months ago

    >tfw went from a lab tech making $20 an hour and living with my aunt to my own apartment and car and a six figure job in two years

  38. 6 months ago

    >Fine with being single
    >Do not care if I ever get into a relationship
    >Thought at some point this mindset was going to change but I'm 31 now and my mindset is still the same
    I guess I just value my personal time too much and find relationships in general to just be tiresome that I really don't want anything to do with anyone.

    • 6 months ago

      Your hormones will catch up eventually, anon.
      And when they do, you are going to be extremely miserable from not being able to be a dad.
      Take my advice: get a dog before that feeling sets in so you don't feel guilty about having a dog just to sate your own selfish needs.

      • 6 months ago

        I have a pet, and I really do not like kids. I think the only thing that may get to me is the expectations of society, since I still have to participate in society due to work, but then I ask myself "Why do I even care about what society thinks?"

        • 6 months ago

          >but then I ask myself "Why do I even care about what society thinks?"
          be careful, anon, because before you know it you'll be sending out bomb-filled envelopes across the country

  39. 6 months ago

    Do you know how many homeless people die during winter in america?
    It could just as well have been you.

  40. 6 months ago

    While I do get lonely and it sucks to be a virgin nearing my 30's I honestly think I'm making it out on the positive side when I compare myself to most people in my generation.
    >no debt
    >nobody to drag me down, waste my time and my energy
    >Just have to worry about myself and what I want out of life
    >No kids
    >No divorce
    >Fit and eating healthy
    >Over 50k salary job
    >Can do anything I want up to and including sitting on my ass for hours.

    Just these assets alone put me in a better spot than like 60% of the entire American population and that's not even going into how my outlook on life these days is far more of a practical approach than whatever the frick the mental derangement that society has given itself is.
    I'm completely content with Chad Thunderwiener banging bawds day in and day out simply because I know one day he will catch STDs and that those women, even if they have kids, will live miserable and hollow lives.

    Honestly I used to hate myself for not being a "normie" but nowadays I almost kind of feel bad for them. It's like watching a group of autists shitting in their pants and then asking why it smells but even worse because you would assume these people would be smarter than that but nope. They are all just wrapped up in a deranged social game that is going to bleed them dry of their finances, happiness and life and when they are in their late ages they will look around and wonder where did it all go.

    thx for coming to my ted talk.

    • 6 months ago

      >nobody to drag me down, waste my time and my energy
      except Ganker

      • 6 months ago

        Eh, we all have vices anon and sometimes I just like pissing in someone's cheerios so to speak.

      • 6 months ago

        People would literally go insane without Ganker.
        For most it's the only form of socialization they have.

  41. 6 months ago

    Normal women I meet day to day tend to be pretty nice and pleasant, although they’re normie as frick and most of them are taken. I definitely think that the vapid prostitute types just get more visibility due to being more vocal, but aren’t the majority.

    My biggest question though is how are you meant to get a relationship as a mentally ill autist who doesn’t really gel well with normies and hates socialising? I’m genuinely starting to wonder if I’m just destined for dating other mentally ill people.

    • 6 months ago

      >how are you meant to get a relationship as a mentally ill autist who doesn’t really gel well with normies and hates socialising?
      Please let me know when you figure that one out

  42. 6 months ago

    I'm going to make a serious effort to get laid in the upcoming year. I'm 26 and tired of being a virgin.

    • 6 months ago

      Take up PUA. I recommend Good Looking Loser. It's all practical step-by-step. No supersitiosu bullshit or "mindsets".
      The "mindset" bullshit these kinds of morons

      the only people who ever give out hollow non advice are normalc**ts/failed normalc**ts who never not once had to work for pussy or social networking because it came naturally to them. you're either able to navigate socializing and get laid that way or you lucked out and are good looking but autistic still. there's no inbetween, there's nothing else to be said.

      are spreading won't get you anywhere close to pussy.
      t. virgin until 27, got laid a bunch at 28 through purely mechanical (skill based not delusion based) means.

      • 6 months ago

        so you were a lazy decent looking guy. frick off.

        • 6 months ago

          Not him but The cope haha. Wings of redemption has a wife so can you. Thread is full of weak crybabies that won't put in the effort

          • 6 months ago

            >outlier lolcow gets laid therefore you can
            have a nice day.

            Self-improovers are lazy.
            PUA is all work, all skill, all effort, all directly focused on one precise goal, no delusions about "it just happening", because "you put urself out there ;*~~" and took a completely irrelevant dance class.

            no you just clearly didn't realize how attractive you were, frick off.

            • 6 months ago

              >no you just clearly didn't realize how attractive you were, frick off.
              I'm extremely attractive, yes.
              You still need to be aggressive and entirely direct to get any pussy.
              The self-improovers in this thread are leading anons that could make it astray by telling them to engage in irrelevant time-wasting bullshit like hobbies and "mindsets".

              • 6 months ago

                i'm glad people are admitting you have to be attraction to get laid nowadays now at least. good to know i'm absolutely going to die a virgin because of shit out of my control. really cool. might as well kill myself.

                DSP also has a wife that looks better than wings. Boogie has a young skinny gf. All of them are broke too. All of you are weaks homosexuals that just make excuses.

                >dude X outlier eceleb gets laid so you can too
                you are straight up moronic.

              • 6 months ago

                Keep crying women totally find weak men attractive. Less than one percent of the world works out and less than 10 percent are self aware. You create your own hell

            • 6 months ago

              DSP also has a wife that looks better than wings. Boogie has a young skinny gf. All of them are broke too. All of you are weaks homosexuals that just make excuses.

              • 6 months ago

                some people get really lucky despite their flaws. Some people can do everything right and try their best and never succeed. Life isn't fair. There is no cosmic justice where people get what they deserve. Just because someone is unsuccessful doesn't mean they haven't tried.

              • 6 months ago

                Its because they put themselves out there. If you talked to every girl you see and got over rejection you would find one that would be with you. Those guys are proof. Or cry IDC I ignore people dominated by their own negatives emotions. You control your mind. Seek Epictetus teachings

          • 6 months ago

            Wings of redemption was born with normie facial structure.

        • 6 months ago

          Self-improovers are lazy.
          PUA is all work, all skill, all effort, all directly focused on one precise goal, no delusions about "it just happening", because "you put urself out there ;*~~" and took a completely irrelevant dance class.

      • 6 months ago

        >Take up PUA

  43. 6 months ago

    the only people who ever give out hollow non advice are normalc**ts/failed normalc**ts who never not once had to work for pussy or social networking because it came naturally to them. you're either able to navigate socializing and get laid that way or you lucked out and are good looking but autistic still. there's no inbetween, there's nothing else to be said.

  44. 6 months ago

    Its not hard to have a good life. You are just too weak to try. Read Epictetus if you need guidance or don't

    • 6 months ago

      Epictetus and Nietzsche unironically saved me from ending myself. Once I was finally able to adjust my mindset enough to see that the only thing I can control is myself and that there is power in that recognition alone I realized that to desire or think that another person will bring you happiness somehow was a stupid idea.

      Getting a gf will not make most of the people in this thread happy. In fact it'll probably make them even more miserable and confused. Happiness is fleeting, it's only a temporary state of mind. A much better question/problem for these people to tackle would be "What do I want from and for myself." rather than what they want from others.

      • 6 months ago

        I WANT TO COOM

      • 6 months ago

        Anon, I'm glad you found a way to cope with your crippling loneliness, but please recognize that your now delusional mind no longer has an objective take on reality.

        • 6 months ago

          Frankly I think consolidating the fact that I'm probably not going to get any long term relationships or laid and that I'm fine with that and that there is better things that I want to pursue in life is less deluded than "ME PEEPEE HARD PLZ WEET PUZZY Y NO PUSSY PLZZZZZ"
          Accept your situation and the cards you've been given and see what you can work out to be best in your favor.

          Or I guess you all could just keep slamming your head into the wall and wonder why your head hurts so much. I don't really care other than to tell you that it's not your only option.

          • 6 months ago

            There certainly are people like this out there, but most of us want a relationship, not just sex.
            You successfully managed to disabled the part of your brain that makes a person want a relationship.
            Good for you, but that doesn't mean most of us want to do the same.

            We can either give up and sit down or we can take the chance that some of us actually break the wall down and achieve what we yearn for.

            • 6 months ago

              >We can either give up and sit down or we can take the chance that some of us actually break the wall down and achieve what we yearn for.
              Messiah will not come because you are your own Messiah. You're wrapped up so deeply and tight in your yearn for intimacy that you are failing to look around you and see what those options even are.

              What do you think that magically somehow even if you got a date and sparked interest in someone it's going to naturally develop into a deep and loving relationship? Maybe but that is a very small maybe and by small I mean less than even a 1% chance. Look out your window, look at the stories you see on social media that normies go to. Witness the decadence of society and the misery it inflicts upon them all. Watch them do the same song and dance like insane people over and over again and wonder why they are (in all likelihood) just as depressed as you just with different problems.

              Having a relationship isn't just what you do but what the other person does and is willing to put in and even if you are able and willing to go 100% into it, that does not mean it'll work out anyway.
              Even if whatever nebulous thing you think is preventing you from finding a mate was gone tomorrow it wont make your life easier or better, it'll just make soothing those yearns somewhat easier for a very short amount of time before you realize you probably didn't want to interact with most of these people to begin with.

              Live for yourself, not for others. Yearnings are temporarily. Strife and perseverance will grant you comfort and stability far beyond any normalgay and most Chads could even dream of.

              • 6 months ago

                I get what you're saying, anon. But I'm still not going to give myself brain damage.

              • 6 months ago

                Then you shall die just like the normies you despise. Depressed and alone.

                Not advocating for better conditions for yourself is not morally correct. Women shouldn't have such great leverage over men just because they're women and they can. If conditions can change to be better, they should be strived for. There's nothing wrong with romantically-disadvantaged men wanting more from women that aren't acting rationally and so are detrimentally jeopardizing the well-being of both men and women when they act like they deserve the 'very best' male social capital, even refusing to pair with any male at all if they don't get what they want, as if they're one of the main cast of Sex and the City. There should be an ordered system to ensure that each person is paired with another person at least obligatorily. EVERYONE should be in a good relationship, and it's a crime to the concept of humanity if that isn't so, as well as to the concept of morality which is supposed to advocate our good human needs and similar condition.

                This is only a mindset you can have if you just automatically think every human is innately compatible with every other human. I can only imagine that you have not only not have that much experience with other people but that you have not been paying attention to the collapse of not just western society but society on a global scale. You are not the only one going crazy. Everyone is and forcing crazy people to socialize with other crazy people will only cause even worse problems to arise.

              • 6 months ago

                >Depressed and alone.
                Depressed and alone, but at least not delusional.

          • 6 months ago

            Not advocating for better conditions for yourself is not morally correct. Women shouldn't have such great leverage over men just because they're women and they can. If conditions can change to be better, they should be strived for. There's nothing wrong with romantically-disadvantaged men wanting more from women that aren't acting rationally and so are detrimentally jeopardizing the well-being of both men and women when they act like they deserve the 'very best' male social capital, even refusing to pair with any male at all if they don't get what they want, as if they're one of the main cast of Sex and the City. There should be an ordered system to ensure that each person is paired with another person at least obligatorily. EVERYONE should be in a good relationship, and it's a crime to the concept of humanity if that isn't so, as well as to the concept of morality which is supposed to advocate our good human needs and similar condition.

      • 6 months ago

        It feels like my mind and my body are at odds. I just want to take it easy, but then sometimes I feel like shit for being lonely, and all I can think of is god I wish this body would shut the frick up, you've done this for thirty years and you can go another thirty.

  45. 6 months ago

    I think one thing people need to realize that there is a growing number of people are who just spending their lives single, especially men. There is no point in obsessing about it.

    • 6 months ago

      >just lay down and let chad frick all the women who cares
      very cool.

  46. 6 months ago

    what the frick the point of this character is that he will always be a failure. why did they have to ruin his character like this?

  47. 6 months ago

    All you guys bickering about women and calling each other losers, and I'm just sitting over here in my late 20s not even able to hold a friendship

  48. 6 months ago

    >haven't even bothered to search for a gf
    >think about meeting someone now
    >realize I don't want to live together with someone
    >think about sharing a living space together with someone
    I just get stressed out and go back to playing vidya

  49. 6 months ago

    i think the problem for most of you guys is that you lack the self awareness to really understand what kind of 2 dimensional cartoon characters you come off as. my advice is to grow a sense of humor regarding your situation

    • 6 months ago

      >my advice is to grow a sense of humor regarding your situation
      >grow a sense of humor about people laughing in your face and thinking something's wrong with you when you tell them about your lack of a romantic life
      god I hate you c**ts so much

      • 6 months ago

        thats why you need the sense of humor

        the more seriously you take your comically tragic situation, the more people are going to make fun of you and the more you're going to get mad over it. the only person who can truly make you feel bad about yourself is, in fact, yourself

        • 6 months ago

          What kind of fricked up thought process are you following here? It doesn't matter what YOU think about your situation if nobody will ever take you seriously because of that situation. When you've never been in a relationship at the age of 25+, that indicates to other people (especially women) that you're a social failure. No woman is going to hear you be honest about that and then be like "oh yeah, you know maybe I will date this guy", they think "what the frick is wrong with him" and then keep their distance.

          • 6 months ago

            if you're a social failure then how would you get into a relationship

            • 6 months ago

              you don't.

            • 6 months ago

              Define social failure.
              Are you able to make eye contact with someone when speaking to them?
              Can you say "Hello my name is anon" without stuttering or hiccupping?
              Do you have any irl friends? Even 1 is fine but 0 is playable.

            • 6 months ago

              Being a social failure is a choice. You can always turn it around.

              • 6 months ago

                thats kinda what im getting at. the anon there is giving a good reason why no one should in fact date him. if he thinks he is such a shit person to date, then maybe he shouldn't date. most anons here give no thought to how that relationship with another person would work out, and how they'd actually interact with that person, they just insist they need one.

                most of the people here come off as so insufferable, self-centered and needy that it's hard to imagine them getting into a healthy relationship even if they were 10/10 supermodels

              • 6 months ago

                >i want someone to love and be loved back by
                >omg, you're so selfish!

  50. 6 months ago

    No, not really
    > Lose shop because new boss fricks the company over
    > Doggo get sick and needs to put down
    > Love of my life turns out to be a lesbian
    The game was rigged from the start

  51. 6 months ago

    >decide to finally take the plunge and drop all of my standards
    >try to set up a date with literally anyone
    >have zero success
    what the frick is happening
    at least it's nice to know it wasn't my standards (not caked in makeup and not fat or at least willing to exercise with me) holding me back

  52. 6 months ago

    what the frick is up with these advice giving morons here?
    none of you actually help anyone in this thread
    giving some vague shit advice to take a shower and go outside doesn't change anything
    you will not meet anyone and nobody will strike a conversation with you in public
    if you try to initiate it yourself in some random public space these days while not looking like chad you'll be laughed off and called cops upon
    give specific advice with actual helping info to people here
    oh wait, none of you can or ever will

    • 6 months ago

      Anon, I want you to imagine a room with an open door.
      There is a person in the room. He is walking repeatedly into the wall next to the door.
      You start a conversation and learn he is trying to walk out of the door.
      You beseech him to move a little to the right so he moves out of the doorway.
      He looks at you confusedly and asks you what door you're talking about.
      No matter how much you point towards it, he just can't seem to see the door.

      This is how normalgays see us. It's perfectly clear to them, just move a little and you're out of the room!
      What they don't understand is that there is no door. There is just a wall which we're trying to break through.

    • 6 months ago

      PUA Anon here.
      Here's the manual:
      Grind social skills. It's purely a skill thing like learning a language.
      Omegle/ chatroulette are good and safe places to do this. 3-4+ hours a day.
      After 3 months of that look up Good Looking Loser Approach Anxiety Program. DO IT, don't just read it to gain some "mindset". DO IT PRACTICALLY.
      As for looks, get your male acquaintances to help you buy clothes, I buy bland shit myself and they force me into dressing more colorfully. I can't figure it out myself so I get their help. And trim/ shave your beard. Big beards are cool, but hoes don't like them.

      • 6 months ago

        >male acquaintances
        you were always a normalc**t.

      • 6 months ago

        >get your male acquaintances to help you buy clothes
        >just have friends who will go out and do stuff with you

  53. 6 months ago

    you will never not once. not one time. hear about an ugly wizard sperg suddenly getting laid in these threads. not once. every single sex haver always ends up being
    >always had lots of friends
    you never hear about the truly ugly loner frickups making it. never. sex is absolutely a privilege for the beautiful few men nowadays.

    • 6 months ago

      You never hear about them because they no longer have any reason to be here.
      You do realize that Ganker is a substitute for socialization, right?
      Once you have access to the real thing, there is no longer any need for the substitution.

      • 6 months ago

        no its because they eventually kill themselves or go full uncle ted and go offline.

        • 6 months ago

          Wow, really? Proof?

          • 6 months ago

            i have about as much proof as you do.

            this thread is like 100 people who just need to go work out of something
            go running
            go lift
            do something b***hes

            i lost 120lbs and do cardio often. i am still ugly. women still do not like me.

            • 6 months ago

              >i have about as much proof as you do.
              Then why believe in that version of reality?

              • 6 months ago

                why believe in yours when something like 60% of men are single and sexless and even more will be 30+ year old virgins in the coming years?

              • 6 months ago

                Because it's more logical?
                Claiming that the unsuccessful people become literal terrorists would be easy to prove just by looking for crime reports.

              • 6 months ago

                >we have cold hard stats that more men are sexless and alone than ever before
                >its more logical all these men will magically get laid because... they just will... and stop going on Ganker
                sure, whatever.

              • 6 months ago

                Oh no. Absolutely not. You're not going to ignore your own statement.
                >no its because they eventually kill themselves or go full uncle ted and go offline.
                Do you still stand behind your own words? If so, give me proof. You don't have proof? Then you are delusional for thinking it.

              • 6 months ago

                you're more delusional for thinking everyone here will get laid eventually.

              • 6 months ago

                Not all, but most will.
                Eventually, most people become so desperate once they're 30, 40, 50, that they'll accept a cute little gold digger in their hearts.

            • 6 months ago

              How will running get anyone pussy?
              Are you moronic?

              Explain how pissing in a bottle every 7th day of the month would make you a million dollars you superstitious moron?

              if you get good at it you realize you don't need womyn you morons
              go run a marathon
              powerlift or something
              idk figure your shit out

              • 6 months ago

                will that get me pussy though?

              • 6 months ago

                I mean it will help. having a bigass engine your car means it's easier to go fast, not that you will drive that fast
                but no, you have to do that

                >I want this
                >no you actually want this
                unbearable c**t

                go to therapy

                >just cope alone and let chad get what he's owed by birthright, losers
                why even bother posting?

                mentally ill

              • 6 months ago

                >what you don't like me telling you what you actually want? go to therapy!
                you're the worst type of person

              • 6 months ago

                no legit, go to therapy. have you been?

              • 6 months ago

                >just cope alone and let chad get what he's owed by birthright, losers
                why even bother posting?

              • 6 months ago

                >if you get good at it you realize you don't need womyn you morons
                So you're mentally ill.

              • 6 months ago

                they dont want to here it but its true. if you get good or invested in anything theres less time spent thinking about women who arent thinking about you

  54. 6 months ago

    And it is, succeeding after countless failures is what made me realize that I can actually do it. Mental conditioning is the absolute biggest part of it.

  55. 6 months ago

    Judging by his face, it only took an extra 30 years of hard work. small price to pay I guess.

  56. 6 months ago

    I'm never giving up ever. I'd prefer to die trying than die regretting.

    • 6 months ago

      good goy

  57. 6 months ago

    i don't care about women/pussy

    but i do care about losing my job or otherwise becoming a professional failure

    that would be my reason for suicide, no more vacations or whatnot

  58. 6 months ago

    What is success exactly?

  59. 6 months ago

    >zoomer gf I met while playing online vidya
    >decent wfh job
    >learning to make games in my free time

  60. 6 months ago


  61. 6 months ago


    so you literally got lucky and won the lottery, and? how is that relevant to anyone here? you're the same as a lottery winner telling people to just keep gambling.

    • 6 months ago

      >>how is that relevant to anyone here?
      >How is playing video games and discussing how you met your first gf through video games useful to us?
      If you can't even be bothered to socialize on the games you are playing then you might be hopeless. I did the bare-BARE minimum of socializing with other spergs online and got laid. Hell you even get more bonus points for being decent at the game and having a shred of confidence.

      >He is a decent looking kid
      and there it is.

      He's white, short but has blue eyes and a decent face. And still incredibly autistic. He gets laid but doesn't have any meaningful relationships. Do you guys just want pussy or an actual better half? Be honest.

      >dedicate 5 years of my life to improving my self
      >barely tried
      frick off

      "i stopped trying" found your problem. Keep wallowing in your own piss and shit as if it justifies you being a defeatist.

      >What have you done to improve your situation on self love?
      That's a misleading question, because answering it would mean I agree with that I do not love myself.
      This is false. I love myself. Everyone here loves themselves. You think we don't love ourselves. Please learn the difference.

      No you dont. Go outside, take care of yourself, stop jerking off to porn, stop staying up late and fix your sleeping schedule, stop eating goyslop, stop trying to fit in with morons on a mongolian basket weaving forum, stop making excuses. Start being yourself.

      • 6 months ago

        >i won the lottery and didn't get catfished and fricked a girl i met online
        >therefore you can too!
        you are evil homie. legitimately.

      • 6 months ago

        >"i stopped trying"
        quote where I said this
        spoiler: I haven't
        I still lift every day, I still do cardio every day, I still go out with the same frequency
        that's the entire fricking point
        I keep trying and trying to no avail
        how long am I expected to keep running before my legs give out?

        • 6 months ago

          >I still lift every day, I still do cardio every day, I still go out with the same frequency
          There's your problem. You fell for the self-improover superstition based cult.
          Getting pussy is a mechanical skill. It can be trained. Practically train it like you would train yourself to hit more shots in basketball.

        • 6 months ago

          The point of working out is that people will treat you better and you will be more attractive then you have to do

          >I still lift every day, I still do cardio every day, I still go out with the same frequency
          There's your problem. You fell for the self-improover superstition based cult.
          Getting pussy is a mechanical skill. It can be trained. Practically train it like you would train yourself to hit more shots in basketball.

      • 6 months ago

        >No you dont. Go outside, take care of yourself, stop jerking off to porn, stop staying up late and fix your sleeping schedule, stop eating goyslop, stop trying to fit in with morons on a mongolian basket weaving forum, stop making excuses. Start being yourself.
        Black person, I am

        I go outside literally every day.
        I regularly go to a bouldering gym. I take frequent hikes and like to cycle on sunny days.
        I have friends with whom I go out every so often. Including anime and video game cons.
        I can easily strike up conversations, which I often do.
        And yet, in my 25 years of existence, I have not seen a single girl show interest in me.

        Your advice is trash for anyone that isn't a normalgay.

        What advice is there left for me to follow?

        • 6 months ago

          >What advice is there left for me to follow?
          stop giving a frick about vegana's and getting a relationship. Something you should have started with and set out with in mind in the first place. You are still stuck on "tfw no gf" part.

          • 6 months ago

            if you cant be happy alone why would someone else be happy with you

            >stop caring!
            >years go by
            >anon is 50+ and still a virgin
            >why didn't you care and try!

          • 6 months ago

            >stop giving a frick
            Anon, I am giving a frick because not having had a hug in 25 years is making me horribly depressed.
            I suppose I could take anti-depressants and kill my brain chemistry to get rid of it.

            • 6 months ago

              Well at least you'd be one step closer to being able to relate to women

        • 6 months ago

          Honestly buy an onahole. You will get the urge to frick a woman some times because it's natural but as long as you suppress that around once a week, life's good.

          • 6 months ago

            I've bought one before, but it just made me feel bad.
            As if owning one meant I was admitting that I was never going to have a relationship.
            It didn't take long before I threw it away.

      • 6 months ago

        >He's white, short but has blue eyes and a decent face.
        soo yeah thanks for proving the point. He gets laid because he's attractive but they don't stick around because he's autistic.
        >. Do you guys just want pussy or an actual better half?

        • 6 months ago

          >but they don't stick around because he's autistic.
          Actually he tells them to go frick themselves and moves on to the next because he gets bored of them. Lil heart break kid that sperg is I tell ya.
          Follow a PUA guide for short term pussy. Listen to what I'm saying and research more into what I'm saying if you want healthy relationships. I'm telling you now the former will be fun in the short term but will make you miserable as frick in the long term. I've seen it already.

          >face your legs east when you poo
          >when you walk skip every 34th step
          >think about a blue flamingo atleast once a day
          I FRICKING PROMISE YOU. PROMISE This will get you offers for a relationship.

          It will work you have my word. The real funny part is you will end up getting so many offers to frick or get into a long term relationship that you will need a stick to beat them all away from you.

          • 6 months ago

            >It will work you have my word.
            How can it "work" if you're not doing the thing that you're trying to do?
            How do you program the second minecraft if you spend all your time studying chinese literature?
            You are moronic. The world simply doesn't work like you think it does.

          • 6 months ago

            >Actually he tells them to go frick themselves and moves on to the next because he gets bored of them. Lil heart break kid that sperg is I tell ya.
            okay so even better. The girls want to date him simply because he's handsome and has blue eyes despite him being autistic and a douche. So your advice is just get better facial structure? Yeah I'll get right on that.

            • 6 months ago

              My advice is to not be a frick boy unless that is your goal and cultivate a life you want to live.

              >stopped looking for a relationship years ago
              >your advice is to do that
              >hasn't gotten me into any relationship
              oh gee I wonder why
              frick your moronic advice and go frick yourself you normalhomosexual

              >conveniently ignores the other shit I just said
              Yea anon just do that only and sit at home jerking off to anime and playing shitty video games.

              I've read one of those get-laid books before, namely, The Manual: What Women Want And How To Give It To Them ( It's actually really informative and gets some essential blackpill truths right, but I still stand to say that I still have never had a girlfriend or sex despite reading the book.

              Did you actually keep at it like the book I'm sure suggest?

              Now do the exact opposite anon and get into PUA.
              Self-improovers can suck their own wieners about not "needing to pussy to be happy" all they want and die childless and destitute.
              Get pussy, make kids, outlive the morons.

              Worst part is I'm agreeing with you and they still refuse to even take your PUA advice. Just goes to show they just want to be miserable which by the way anons: is a choice you are consciously making to make yourselves feel better and pretend you are trying or have tried to make it in life.

  62. 6 months ago


    >He is a decent looking kid
    and there it is.

  63. 6 months ago


    >dedicate 5 years of my life to improving my self
    >barely tried
    frick off

  64. 6 months ago


    >What have you done to improve your situation on self love?
    That's a misleading question, because answering it would mean I agree with that I do not love myself.
    This is false. I love myself. Everyone here loves themselves. You think we don't love ourselves. Please learn the difference.

    • 6 months ago

      >Everyone here loves themselves
      no one putting themselves through nu Ganker loves themselves

  65. 6 months ago


    >Self improvement is a superstition and has never worked for anybody
    It can't "work", because you're not doing anything directly related to your goal. You're telling anons to drive across the US by doing donuts in your yard.

  66. 6 months ago

    this thread is like 100 people who just need to go work out of something
    go running
    go lift
    do something b***hes

    • 6 months ago

      How will running get anyone pussy?
      Are you moronic?

      Explain how pissing in a bottle every 7th day of the month would make you a million dollars you superstitious moron?

  67. 6 months ago

    Fujisawa was in his 30s in Yakuza 1. He still made it. So can we

  68. 6 months ago

    having normies try to give you advice is somehow even more blackpilling than actual blackpills
    really wish all you c**ts would go to a website that's more fitting for you

  69. 6 months ago

    Young men are way too fricking fragile nowadays. Why are you gays so obsessed with getting pussy and turning yourself so miserable because of it?

  70. 6 months ago

    >pussy pussy pussy!
    what part of wanting a RELATIONSHIP, not pussy, is so hard for you normietards to understand?

    • 6 months ago

      i used to say this, but it's a symbol of immaturity. it's just pussy you want. otherwise friends would be enough for you

      • 6 months ago

        >I want this
        >no you actually want this
        unbearable c**t

        • 6 months ago

          take your meds, coomer
          there's a reason women don't talk to you and it's because they can smell the desperation
          women are stupid and emotionally stunted, but they still have animal instincts that can detect desperation and subhuman obsession with cooming

          • 6 months ago

            >when u stop thinkeng this thought it will magically make pussies 20 meters aroudn you wet and girls will touch you'rer pp
            >no i'm not a mentally ill superstitious moron
            Can you ealborate anon?

            • 6 months ago

              It's probably what he thinks is the reason he himself is a khv lmao

      • 6 months ago

        You're complete wrong. Friends are friends, but they aren't there to hold and build a life with.

        Also, guy that everyone seems to be talking to - I understand you're feeling frustrated and defensive, but I can tell you have a bad attitude and not very chill. It might be your personality

        • 6 months ago

          >Friends are friends, but they aren't there to hold and build a life with.
          they are if they're good friends
          make meaningful companionships. don't just settle for people at work. cut out people who aren't dependable emotionally

          • 6 months ago

            >Friends are friends, but they aren't there to hold and build a life with
            if that's what you think of them, then they aren't your friends

            Haha are you two serious right now? Have you never had a girlfriend or gotten married? You sound pretty gay, guys, not gonna lie
            >bro... Make the happiest guy in the world and move in and let's build a life together. We can adopt a child and have our own family... No homo, of course

            • 6 months ago

              i'm sad that you've never made any real friends in your life

              • 6 months ago

                I'm sad that you think a man can fill the void left by your lack of a relationship with a woman

        • 6 months ago

          >Friends are friends, but they aren't there to hold and build a life with
          if that's what you think of them, then they aren't your friends

    • 6 months ago

      because ive yet to get an answer about what exactly anyone here plans to do once they get a girlfriend, or what they would even do when theyre not around.

      • 6 months ago

        Because it's a ridiculous question.
        It's like asking how someone how they would breathe if they didn't have a mouth.

        • 6 months ago

          no it isnt. its a question that exposes what people think a relationship is in their head vs reality.

          • 6 months ago

            >that exposes what people think
            Who are these "people"? The people in your mind? Oh yeah, they'll absolutely validate your worldview.
            You believe everyone in this thread to be a specific type of person that you made up, then ask leading questions just to sate your worldview.

            • 6 months ago

              feel free to tell me what you think a relationship is at any point

              • 6 months ago

                That depends on how mature the relationship is and how it came to be.
                I'm not going to describe the entire process of a relationship, but feel free to ask the actual question that you're trying to have answered.
                Seriously, there's no need for all this "gotcha!" bullshit.

              • 6 months ago

                theres nothing "gotcha" about noticing people most obsessed with a relationship have romanticized views of what one is.

              • 6 months ago

                nta but my "romanticized" view of a relationship is somebody who wants to spend time with you
                that's all

    • 6 months ago

      PUA Anon here.
      Get the skill to get pussy, then you can get a relationship.
      You don't go out to win a war if you don't even know how to shoot a gun.

    • 6 months ago

      a woman is in the best case a hole you can frick, they are nothing like your 2d waifu sorry

    • 6 months ago

      You've been given the advice in this thread on how to cultivate actual relationships and I already know the majority of you fricks are just complaining you don't have a pussy to frick. I will say it again: IF YOU WANT A RELATIONSHIP DO THE FOLLOWING

      >Work out
      >Go outside and get hobbies
      >Start treating yourself like someone you love which means stopping bad habits
      >Get therapy if trauma you have is severe
      >Start learning to stop caring about others opinions
      >Even if you hate your job start being the best damn "shit shoveler" in the work area
      >Start walking upright and grooming yourself
      >Treat yourself with respect, stop fapping, stop eating like shit, go to bed on time, get a haircut, get fitting clothes, get rid of nasty habits etc
      >Women see how much self love you have and will want a piece of you
      I FRICKING PROMISE YOU. PROMISE This will get you offers for a relationship. Here's the flipside: once you have done all that you will sincerely realize you do NOT need another person in your life to be happy and you will stop trying to chase relationships in general. I am literally breaking this shit down to a fricking science for you guys.

      • 6 months ago

        >face your legs east when you poo
        >when you walk skip every 34th step
        >think about a blue flamingo atleast once a day
        I FRICKING PROMISE YOU. PROMISE This will get you offers for a relationship.

      • 6 months ago

        >work out
        >go outside and get hobbies
        >Start treating yourself like someone you love which means stopping bad habits
        I don't know what this means but I guess you meant smoking, drugs alcohol etc? done
        >Get therapy if trauma you have is severe
        I don't have any trauma
        >Start learning to stop caring about others opinions
        never cared
        >Even if you hate your job start being the best damn "shit shoveler" in the work area
        not sure what do you mean but I'm doing alright with my job
        >Start walking upright and grooming yourself
        >Treat yourself with respect, stop fapping, stop eating like shit, go to bed on time, get a haircut, get fitting clothes, get rid of nasty habits etc
        I fap 1-2 times a week, rest I'm already good on
        >Women see how much self love you have and will want a piece of you
        ok? hasn't happened
        >promising anything

        • 6 months ago

          If you're doing all that and not getting women then there's something you're not telling us. Do you have any amputations or something? Or other bad genetics like having the incel chin?

          • 6 months ago

            Goalpost? Moved. Normalbros we're so back.

          • 6 months ago

            >If you're doing all that and not getting women then there's something you're not telling us.
            Can you elaborate how doing unrelated bullshit would magically make something else happen?
            How does scribbling on your penis with a black marker revive dead people? Can you explain?

            • 6 months ago

              Nanomachines, son.

          • 6 months ago

            no I don't have anything like that
            I don't know what I'm doing wrong but oh well atleast you tried

            • 6 months ago

              >I don't know what I'm doing wrong
              You're jerking off to self-improover bullshit instead of chasing pussy.

            • 6 months ago

              you're doing nothing wrong anon. it's the world that's wrong

      • 6 months ago

        >want to stop feeling lonely
        >improve yourself for relationships since there's no other option
        >by the time you're good enough, you no longer need others and could live in solitary confinement without issues, which was the original goal
        There's something incredibly ironic about this.

      • 6 months ago

        >Work out
        Already do, I am Ganker.
        >Go outside and get hobbies
        I go outside every single day and have several hobbies requiring me to interact with people.
        >Start treating yourself like someone you love which means stopping bad habits
        I do love myself and my only bad habit is drinking a glass of coke each day.
        >Get therapy if trauma you have is severe
        I have no traumas that I know of.
        >Start learning to stop caring about others opinions
        I can be perfectly social if I want to be, empathizing with people is a skill I acquired early on as an autist.
        >Even if you hate your job start being the best damn "shit shoveler" in the work area
        I have a decent paying IT job.
        >Start walking upright and grooming yourself
        My hygiene is quite good, thank you very much.
        >Treat yourself with respect, stop fapping, stop eating like shit, go to bed on time, get a haircut, get fitting clothes, get rid of nasty habits etc
        I've done all this and more.
        >Women see how much self love you have and will want a piece of you
        Not a single woman has shown interest in me in the last 10 years of my life.

        • 6 months ago

          Stop reading self-improover drivel and pick up a PUA book.
          If you want pussy you need to chase pussy directly.

      • 6 months ago

        I did all this and it did nothing for me on that front. I don't really care anymore but you are just lying to men with grandiose statements like this
        your promise means nothing, I've lived it and if it actually was that easy nobody would have this problem. Please stop running cover for women, thanks.

        • 6 months ago

          >Please stop running cover for women
          Last thing I would ever do is say women are doing fine because they aren't.

          Stop reading self-improover drivel and pick up a PUA book.
          If you want pussy you need to chase pussy directly.

          Fricking this. You clowns just want to get laid but refuse to just read books on how to get laid.

          >Work out
          Already do, I am Ganker.
          >Go outside and get hobbies
          I go outside every single day and have several hobbies requiring me to interact with people.
          >Start treating yourself like someone you love which means stopping bad habits
          I do love myself and my only bad habit is drinking a glass of coke each day.
          >Get therapy if trauma you have is severe
          I have no traumas that I know of.
          >Start learning to stop caring about others opinions
          I can be perfectly social if I want to be, empathizing with people is a skill I acquired early on as an autist.
          >Even if you hate your job start being the best damn "shit shoveler" in the work area
          I have a decent paying IT job.
          >Start walking upright and grooming yourself
          My hygiene is quite good, thank you very much.
          >Treat yourself with respect, stop fapping, stop eating like shit, go to bed on time, get a haircut, get fitting clothes, get rid of nasty habits etc
          I've done all this and more.
          >Women see how much self love you have and will want a piece of you
          Not a single woman has shown interest in me in the last 10 years of my life.

          >work out
          >go outside and get hobbies
          >Start treating yourself like someone you love which means stopping bad habits
          I don't know what this means but I guess you meant smoking, drugs alcohol etc? done
          >Get therapy if trauma you have is severe
          I don't have any trauma
          >Start learning to stop caring about others opinions
          never cared
          >Even if you hate your job start being the best damn "shit shoveler" in the work area
          not sure what do you mean but I'm doing alright with my job
          >Start walking upright and grooming yourself
          >Treat yourself with respect, stop fapping, stop eating like shit, go to bed on time, get a haircut, get fitting clothes, get rid of nasty habits etc
          I fap 1-2 times a week, rest I'm already good on
          >Women see how much self love you have and will want a piece of you
          ok? hasn't happened
          >promising anything

          I already know both of you homosexuals aren't actually putting in 110% of the work required of you just from reading both your post. Re-read your own post and ask yourself "am I really trying my best or am I just trying to convince myself that I am?"

          • 6 months ago

            >read books on how to get laid

          • 6 months ago

            >I already know both of you homosexuals aren't actually putting in 110% of the work required of you just from reading both your post.
            >Shower harder bro
            Not how it works you superstitious moron.

          • 6 months ago

            >I already know both of you homosexuals aren't actually putting in 110% of the work required of you just from reading both your post. Re-read your own post and ask yourself "am I really trying my best or am I just trying to convince myself that I am?"
            ah so you're one of those "give a strong handshake and you'll get promoted" boomers

          • 6 months ago

            I'm just here to laugh at you.

          • 6 months ago

            >I already know both of you homosexuals aren't actually putting in 110% of the work required of you just from reading both your post.
            >just do everything i said, but harder!
            When does the treadmill end, Black person? What exactly do you want to hear?

            • 6 months ago

              >When does the treadmill end, Black person?
              Self-improover retadation is endless, anon.

              • 6 months ago

                He could've gotten tons of high class escorts for that money, wtf.

            • 6 months ago

              >When does the treadmill end, Black person?
              When you want it to end. I keep trying to tell you guys that letting the frick go of wanting to be in a relationship IS WHAT GETS YOU IN HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS. It even gets you pussy but of course go and keep claiming its a fricking myth.

              • 6 months ago

                >I keep trying to tell you guys that letting the frick go of wanting to be in a relationship IS WHAT GETS YOU IN HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS

                Explain how not drinking water quenches your thirst?

              • 6 months ago

                >stopped looking for a relationship years ago
                >your advice is to do that
                >hasn't gotten me into any relationship
                oh gee I wonder why
                frick your moronic advice and go frick yourself you normalhomosexual

              • 6 months ago

                Now do the exact opposite anon and get into PUA.
                Self-improovers can suck their own wieners about not "needing to pussy to be happy" all they want and die childless and destitute.
                Get pussy, make kids, outlive the morons.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm probably gonna take your advice than this

                My advice is to not be a frick boy unless that is your goal and cultivate a life you want to live.

                >conveniently ignores the other shit I just said
                Yea anon just do that only and sit at home jerking off to anime and playing shitty video games.

                Did you actually keep at it like the book I'm sure suggest?

                Worst part is I'm agreeing with you and they still refuse to even take your PUA advice. Just goes to show they just want to be miserable which by the way anons: is a choice you are consciously making to make yourselves feel better and pretend you are trying or have tried to make it in life.

                fricking mongoloid normalhomosexual Black person "advice"

              • 6 months ago

                PUA anon here.
                >I'm probably gonna take your advice than this
                I started at the complete bottom social skill wise at 27 thanks to following self-improover drivel and pretending like I don't need pussy to be happy.
                Fixed it within a year through pure mechanical effort at one goal: getting pussy by any means necessary.

          • 6 months ago

            I've read one of those get-laid books before, namely, The Manual: What Women Want And How To Give It To Them ( It's actually really informative and gets some essential blackpill truths right, but I still stand to say that I still have never had a girlfriend or sex despite reading the book.

            • 6 months ago

              DO NOT read.
              DO NOT self-improove "for yourself".
              CHASE pussy.
              GET pussy directly.

  71. 6 months ago

    fricking kek, the innumerous pretzels normalgays twist into to try to help without actually helping
    best thread on Ganker

  72. 6 months ago

    >everything I do in my life is for approval and finally get a gf : the thread
    Genuinely some of the most pathetic replies I've ever seen on this website.

    • 6 months ago

      yep, normally I'd report this kinda thread, but it's been great for a laugh. normalgays deserve it.

    • 6 months ago

      we have had these exact same threads for over a decade newbie

      • 6 months ago

        Yep, I'm a newbie. Which means I haven't wasted decades of my life in this shithole, and I will leave while your kind stays and wallows upon itself.
        >y-you're here forever
        Whatever helps you cope.

        • 6 months ago

          good for you, now get out

  73. 6 months ago

    My relationship ended 2 years ago, it was the longest relationship I had ever had and I was getting ready to propose, even had her parents approval, and then she left me for a mutual friend.
    I've given up on dating and feel like I'm better off alone

    • 6 months ago

      let this be a lesson. all women are prostitutes, yes even her. your ability to keep a woman is by how well you can keep her natural prostitute instincts at bay.

  74. 6 months ago

    >becomes a living initial d reference in his third appearance
    sasuga, nagoshi-san...

  75. 6 months ago

    thank god i escaped the endless loop of ""no pussy"" sadness while still being a khv. looking from the outside in i cant believe i would have posted stuff in this thread

    • 6 months ago

      opposite though, i'm reading this stuff and realizing it was me several years ago
      it's surreal. you really don't know until you know

    • 6 months ago

      sure you did and that's why you have pictures of Mercy on your computer.

      • 6 months ago

        i said escaped the sadness. the other stuff is still a work in progress

        • 6 months ago

          so you lied.

          Not all, but most will.
          Eventually, most people become so desperate once they're 30, 40, 50, that they'll accept a cute little gold digger in their hearts.

          those older women are still picky and usually just become crazy cat ladies. also that is assuming everyone here has a good job to get a gold digger to begin with.

          • 6 months ago

            >those older women
            No, anon. They're young. A lot of younger women (under 30) go for older men exclusively because they have money to burn.
            >everyone here has a good job to get a gold digger
            You will save money. And if not, you will burn whatever you earn on her.
            Remember, they're desperate.

            • 6 months ago

              most of the virgins here are broke ugly loser NEETs. the STEMcels who will get an asian gold digger are a minority.

              • 6 months ago

                >most of the virgins here are broke ugly loser NEETs.
                Wow, really? Proof?

              • 6 months ago

                no you're right anon everyone here is some tall, hung, rich chad virgin who is just lazy.

              • 6 months ago

                So you don't have any proof?
                Then how come you believe that it is like you described?

              • 6 months ago

                i mean you know better right? clearly everyone here is some misunderstood rich giga chad with LE AUTISM!

              • 6 months ago

                Stop deflecting and answer the question.
                Why do you believe in something that you have no proof for?
                Self-reflect, homie! Self-reflect!

              • 6 months ago

                no i am clearly the outlier and everyone else here is some amazing chad who can't even get laid so then why should i bother? thanks for opening my eyes anon!

              • 6 months ago

                Stop deflecting and ANSWER THE FRICKING QUESTION
                >Why do you believe in something that you have no proof for?

              • 6 months ago

                nta but you're basically asking people to post pictures of themselves on one of the most reviled websites on the internet to prove your point

              • 6 months ago

                That would be the only way to know for certain what people on Ganker look like, yes.
                But my point isn't that I want proof, I want that anon to realize that what he believes to be true is based on nothing but conjecture and projection.
                He's probably here because he's a failure, so surely everyone else here must be a failure too, right?
                Unfortunately for him, this place had already become normalgay central since 2016.

              • 6 months ago

                so then why are you getting so upset about me accepting that not even normalgays can get laid nowadays? you've just given me yet another reason to give up and not bother ever. i am thankful. i will never improve because i would be in the same spot regardless as an ugly man. you opened my eyes.

              • 6 months ago

                Normalgays are getting laid, just not those under 30.
                The older men get, the larger the pool of available women becomes.

              • 6 months ago

                i'm 31 and a virgin and just getting uglier and older.

              • 6 months ago

                Just wait until you're 50.
                Go on Tinder and you'll have plenty of gold diggers to choose from.
                It;s a good thing they don't care about looks, ey?

              • 6 months ago

                that's not a solution to wanting to be loved

              • 6 months ago

                I agree, but it's the best most of us are going to get.
                The alternative is a loveless marriage because a no longer desirable (nor attractive) woman you met at some backwater bar wanted kids or just simply staying alone for the rest of your life.

              • 6 months ago

                >just simply staying alone for the rest of your life.
                This should get easier with time, no? For me the worst of it was when I was 20-23, peak of my life in terms of achivements, career, fitness, social life and it wasn't happening anyway. I fell off hard after and it's only gotten easy on that front, I have other problems now.
                t.26 year old writing this out on his birthday from his dad's apartment after owning a house

              • 6 months ago

                self-improving for women is a false idol. I will not lie to you: it won't matter. The way women choose men is superfluous and changes with time, essentially they are playing a game and only go for the men who base their entire personality around playing the game (pleasing the women). You should self-improve it for the sake of it, it's an intrinsic reward. If you can't find the motivation to do anything if it doesn't result in women, then I'm sorry.

              • 6 months ago

                >If you can't find the motivation to do anything if it doesn't result in women, then I'm sorry.
                >I'm mentally ill and proud of it

                I've read one of those get-laid books before, namely, The Manual: What Women Want And How To Give It To Them ( It's actually really informative and gets some essential blackpill truths right, but I still stand to say that I still have never had a girlfriend or sex despite reading the book.

                k troony.

              • 6 months ago

                no you have steeled my conviction to die a virgin now because not even men physically and mentally better than i can get laid. once again i thank you anon for truly shattering my last iota of hopium. you saved me. i will lay down and accept my life of solitude now.

              • 6 months ago

                can you start another thread to continue this topic? this one is near the limit

              • 6 months ago

                Why are you so intent on deflecting instead of just ignoring me?

              • 6 months ago

                why can't you accept that you successfully kicked a less fortunate person while they're down and won?

          • 6 months ago

            >so you lied
            nope. i simply dont get sad about "missing out" anymore or being "alone"

    • 6 months ago

      You trooned out?
      Only way to escape "no pussy" sadness is to either get it or troon.

      • 6 months ago

        that explains why there are so many trannies these days, normalgays are funny

      • 6 months ago

        so you just woke up one day and stopped your natural biological instincts through pure will? or chopped off your wiener?

        no i weaponized my autism towards something that i would make me happy and that i could achieve without the need of another person

    • 6 months ago

      opposite though, i'm reading this stuff and realizing it was me several years ago
      it's surreal. you really don't know until you know

      so you just woke up one day and stopped your natural biological instincts through pure will? or chopped off your wiener?

      • 6 months ago

        nah man, i've struggled for 6 months and still am. but now i'm aware of my needs as a meat sack, the problems so many people i see in everyday life (this is crucial; self-loathing stops once you realize the struggles everyone is going through and their coping strats), etc

      • 6 months ago

        >stopped your natural biological instincts through pure will
        It's called not being a teenager anymore. You'll understand once you're in your 20s.

        • 6 months ago

          i'm 31 and a virgin.

          Just wait until you're 50.
          Go on Tinder and you'll have plenty of gold diggers to choose from.
          It;s a good thing they don't care about looks, ey?

          i will kill myself before then.

          • 6 months ago

            >i will kill myself before then.
            You won't. People that talk like you do rarely kill themselves.
            Besides, want to know how I know for certain that you won't have a nice day?
            Heh, I'll be keeping that a secret.

            • 6 months ago

              kys glowie

    • 6 months ago

      I think those feelings of regret and missing out largely come from normalgays coming around circles like these and telling us to feel that way. You'd see a whole lot more people happy to remain virgin if virgin men weren't society's most socially acceptable punching bag who everyone can attack when they're feeling mean. Normalgays don't actually want to fix "the incel problem"; they work to create it by berating men for trying to be happy without sex.

      • 6 months ago

        >they work to create it by berating men for trying to be happy without sex.
        So sad, normalgays also made me be unhappy when I don't eat. How do I stop feeling hunger?

      • 6 months ago

        you are coping so hard holy shit. this is one of the most pathetic things i have read in one of these threads.

      • 6 months ago

        other around way. people think theyre missing out because from high school to real life youre bombarded with happy couples doing happy things in media and wish that were you.

    • 6 months ago

      It's amazing, isn't it?

  76. 6 months ago

    so basically
    >b urself 🙂
    >take shower 🙂
    >go outside 🙂
    >get hobby 🙂
    >cope alone loser you don't deserve anything 🙂
    the thread. same as always.

  77. 6 months ago

    if you cant be happy alone why would someone else be happy with you

    • 6 months ago

      Hey bro I'm also 14, how do you like Ganker :DDDD

    • 6 months ago

      >be unhappy because you are lonely
      >actually you are lonely because you are unhappy chud, just don't be lonely lol
      Humans are SOCIAL animals.

  78. 6 months ago

    >mindlessly do things for approval and not yourself
    >face rejection
    >retreat inwards and blame everyone else
    i believe in you anons ive been there

  79. 6 months ago

    I'm at the point in my life that I'm embarrassed that I used to be one of the anons in these thread crying about not having a gf or relationship because I thought I was somehow uniquely autistic or something.

    Like christ, I can't think of something more shallow to be prideful in. And yes, it is pride making these anons act like this. They find pride in suffering in their own thought-up unique form of misery. All of you people doing this need to either bite the bullet instead of crying about it on Ganker Ganker and /b/ or do better for yourselves. It will get easier and better if you actually just sit down and think deeply on yourself and actually put in work to make yourself content with your living situation.

    • 6 months ago

      >And yes, it is pride making these anons act like this.
      Oh hey, yet another normalgay acting like the people in his head are the same as the people in this thread.
      I would have accused you guys of being schizophrenic if I didn't know any better.

      • 6 months ago

        So why else do you choose, willfully and consensually, to drown yourself in your own misery? Do you like feeling miserable?

        • 6 months ago

          Aren't you aware that diddling little kids is a crime? Why would you ever commit a crime like that?
          See? I can also make misleading questions! This game is fun, do another one!

    • 6 months ago

      >I'm embarrassed that I used to be one of the anons in these thread crying about not having a gf or relationship
      I don't do it anymore but I'm not embarrassed by it. it's a real problem and I wouldn't judge anyone (which includes myself) for bemoaning it.
      >I thought I was somehow uniquely autistic or something
      I do still believe this. I actually sat down and thought what a relationship for me would even be and I came to the conclusion that I'm too dysfunctional/anormal/neurodivergent/whatever you want to call it for it, so I haven't sought it out at all. I have had one opportunity in my adult life with a decent looking girl (not fat, no physical deformities, I would describe her as a plain jane but with a nice face) and I didn't go for it for the reason above and I'm fairly sure I hurt the girl in the process but frankly that's on her for trying to get me.

  80. 6 months ago

    Something tells me the anon who keeps saying he's working out and eating healthy and working a full time job but is always miserable and can't find happiness in himself is lying.

    No, couldn't be. Someone lying for attention on the internet? Jeez that's such female behavior. I sure hope a man isn't partaking in these actions.

    • 6 months ago

      How would doing all that shit magically get you pussy?
      But first please explain how looking at the moon on the 47th day of the nomad would make aliens land on earth?

      • 6 months ago

        You talk like a female. Maybe that's why you don't get laid.

        Aren't you aware that diddling little kids is a crime? Why would you ever commit a crime like that?
        See? I can also make misleading questions! This game is fun, do another one!

        If you're so desperate for a relationship then go to the nearest ghetto in your area and start flirting with the black women there. I promise you will get a self-announced girlfriend within a few days at most.
        You're not going to do that though because you're either too scared to do so or you don't actually want a relationship, you just want sex with women who are above your league.

  81. 6 months ago

    >unironic seething incels
    >PUA artist spammers
    worst thread of the year candidate

    • 6 months ago

      you mean best

  82. 6 months ago

    I'm just waiting for my parents to die so I can take all of their wealth and drink myself to death tbh

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