This fixed literally everything wrong with D3.

This fixed literally everything wrong with D3. The only people saying otherwise are spastic autists who miss their screen vomit of numbers and bright colors or complete contrarians who hate it because they want to and not for any real reason. Or you're a scorned ex Blizzard fan, in which case I understand because they've fricked the dog for years. Either way, im a moron for almost believing you whiny homosexuals. Stop being terminally online and go touch grass, you probably haven't launched any game besides a waifu simulator since 2016.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    Damage numbers do not belong in Diablo

    • 11 months ago

      Agreed, they did the right thing to provide the option to disable them

  2. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago
  3. 11 months ago

    the game sucks, it's boring af
    worse than d3

    • 11 months ago

      real money auction house version or set items does 10000% damage version?

      • 11 months ago

        >set items does 10000% damage
        still better build varieties than d4

        • 11 months ago

          summoner barbarian or summoner monk or summoner wd or summoner necro or summoner wizard? oh you must mean hold down a button to win strafe dh, whirlwind barb, tempest rush monk?

          • 11 months ago

            D4 has like literally 2 builds that don’t feel like complete shit to play, so yes.

            • 11 months ago

              skill issue

              • 11 months ago

                Damage control with “skill issue” in a babbs first arpg is some serious cops.

            • 11 months ago

              So just like Diablo 2 then.

            • 11 months ago

              >like literally
              You talk like a little fricking girl

          • 11 months ago

            >strafe dh, whirlwind barb, tempest rush monk
            hold a button down sets aren't even that strong anyway, sets like Raekor and Tal Rasha are consistently at the very top but you kinda need to press quite a few more buttons to use them well.

            • 11 months ago

              so 2 builds that the devs outline what buttons for you to press to do 100x damage and damage reduction. gotcha

              • 11 months ago

                No one is forcing you to use set armors bro. You can always use whatever legendary with LOD if you so desire.

              • 11 months ago

                >meanwhile D4 barb uses 3 different shouts in every single build that doesn't suck
                D4 is better than D3 how?

              • 11 months ago

                not having set items handhold smoothbrains like you. not having gameplay loop of farming "legendaries" to be recycled. not having paragon levels for morons like you who enjoy infinite treadmill to farm +0.5% main stat

              • 11 months ago

                Oh don't worry set items are going to be a thing in D4 soon and they will make all your current gear irrelevant mark my words, imagine playing the biggest normie slop thinking you can refuse blozzard's handholding. You already paid $70 Black person thanks for being a loyal customer.

              • 11 months ago

                Kek the paragon levels is literally designed for morons like you that refuse to use set items because "muh handholding". I'm sure with 10k+ paragon levels even your zero synergy, random armor duct-taped together angry hex chicken 3000 trash build can finally match a new player's set build in Rift clear speeds. At least you have that option in D3, I can't say the same about D4.

          • 11 months ago

            Um, D4 cuck. Barb has like one, maaaybe two viable builds right now. The build diversity in D4 is total dogshit. I wouldn't throw stones if I were you.

            • 11 months ago

              My double swing build seems viable enough.

        • 11 months ago

          >can't enjoy arpgs without developers telling him what to build

          • 11 months ago

            >doesn't know LOD builds exist

      • 11 months ago

        >set items does 10000% damage version
        This one, because it's just a fun beat em up.

    • 11 months ago

      Frick off Jake you british asexual cuck I know its you
      This is Jake everyone, call him a plant

  4. 11 months ago

    I agree. Are you a Diablo dad too OP?

    • 11 months ago

      No but my dad was a diablo dad

  5. 11 months ago

    You can save different builds in D3.
    You can't save different builds in D4.
    D3 wins.

    • 11 months ago

      >d3 caters to my autism
      >d4 does not
      >d3 objectively better
      I think you're just shit m8
      Maybe if you have to set up your build every time you change it you'll understand it better instead of just copying from some meta website and forgetting how it works when you're dying over and over in mid game content

      • 11 months ago

        >argues about meta builds instead of QoL features that should have been in the game
        cool strawman, bro. try learning to read instead of making up something to argue about next time

        • 11 months ago

          >doesn't read post
          >replies accusing poster of not reading

    • 11 months ago

      Seriously. They couldn't put this in D4 at all? So now you have to spend millions of gold to respec a high level character just to try out another build. That's bs.

  6. 11 months ago

    Let me tell you straight:

    I'm an absolute blizzard shit eater.
    - I took days off for dragonflight
    - My wow account is always active in cas eI want to frick around
    - I got w3 remastered, d2 remastered, I even bought sc2 and never played it
    - I've spent countless hours on every diablo title
    - I've spent thousands on hearthstone

    Here's the result :
    My friend list is full of shit eaters like me
    NOT ONE of them, or me is still playing that trashfire of a game

    It is a colossal L

    • 11 months ago

      Then it sounds like you're a dumb fricking blizzdrone who, by your own admission, has been eating the same shitslop they've been feeding you for years and you don't like that its different. If anything, the fact that you think its a trashfire is a glowing testament for its quality.

      • 11 months ago

        The only thing glowing in this thread is the obvious marketing

        Your edgy posts are on part with the dragonflight cringe twitter videos a few months back.

        How much does community manager pays at lactaction entertainment?

        • 11 months ago

          I can't imagine being so unraveled by public opinion. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill.

      • 11 months ago

        It’s crazy they’re still telling the jeets to say that D4 is some crazy improvement. It’s certified modern blizzard slop. The only improvement over d3 is the aesthetic, and even that falls way short of the originals.

        • 11 months ago

          Firstly, refer to

          Soul vs Soulless

          This alone should tell you everything you need to know about how much better this is than DS3
          Secondly, if you weren't such a raging contrarian edgelord you wouldn't be trying to discourage blizzard from good behavior, i.e. getting rid of mindless fricking pigfeed game mechanics and cash shops

          • 11 months ago

            What good behavior, exactly? This game has more wrong with it than D3 and that’s quite the feat. Absolute shit dungeons, F- itemization, complete and utter lack of balance, vuln/crit/DR lul, build variety being bottlenecked by what aspects exist, again - DOGSHIT dungeons, clunky combat problems, shit mob density, terrible inventory system that makes managing aspects excruciating, whatever the frick the post-50 gear progression system is where you find heaps of -100 ilvl shit for everyone piece that’s actually, potentially usable to you. And these are just the problems with the very core gameplay.

            • 11 months ago

              >This game has more wrong with it than D3 and that’s quite the feat.
              You actually fricking what?
              Diablo 3's itemization on launch, and even now, is utter dogshit.
              The whole endgame system is trash.
              The game was balanced FAR worse than d4 on release outside of the absolute worst case scenarios like the ww glitch.
              Certain enemies and shit would just fricking end hc characters and there was all kinds of shit with disconnects that made me just not play my characters half the time.
              What drugs are you on?
              Did you even play the game?

              Don't even get me started on how they nerfed drops to push everyone to the RMT store, this is such a fundamental problem it blows the frick out of anything diablo 4 has done wrong thus far and you absolutely swept it under the rug.

              Clunky combat? Do you wanna talk about all the spells and skills in d3 that totally root you on cast? Shit mob density?
              You mean like the actual irrelevant hordes in d3 that you mow down in the screenflashing add lootfest? That game is practically harder to read than PoE with cosmetics and I only say practically because of that dumb tower defense mode PoE had for a while that utterly spammed the screen with shit.

              I have no idea how you can seriously believe any of the shit you post, CURRENT d4 is more fun to play than finished product d3, and I have played both relatively recently.
              Have you?

              • 11 months ago

                Sorry, I asked what good behavior, exactly?

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not the person you asked that question of, he didn't respond to you at all. Just the same way you didn't respond to my own post's content.

              • 11 months ago

                >Just the same way you didn't respond to my own post's content.
                Literally what I just said about you. If you don't want to defend anon's point maybe don't reply. This is not an argument about D3 being good.

              • 11 months ago

                I was still addressing your post.
                I couldn't care less about his point, I'm not going to defend him but knowing you won't defend yourself is hilarious to me.

              • 11 months ago

                >I was still addressing your post.
                Black person all you said was that D3 bad, which I agreed with in the part you greentexted.

                Oh, I'm sorry, you did almost make an argument with "d3 balance worse than d4". If you want to say why one pile of shit smells a little better than another in this one particular aspect you can go ahead. Though you are arguing in defense of a game that has but 3 not-totally-shit builds so put back into it.

    • 11 months ago

      Same but I’m not a blizzard shit eater, just friends with some. They stopped after about 2 days. I keep trying to play but I make it through one single dungeon or Helltide and get bored and close the game.

      • 11 months ago

        >I keep trying to play but I make it through one single dungeon or Helltide and get bored and close the game.
        Frick bros this is the same exact thing happening to me. Something about the level scaling just makes everything feel boring as frick. And the builds are actual garbage. WW barb was created to just troll the player it seems. The thing where you can't play ww barb because of fury generation issues is so unthinkably idiotic. They should add a mechanic where barbs in-game play diablo 4 to become more furious lol.

    • 11 months ago

      >shit that never happened
      kek pathetic PooE cucks are seething and pretending to be blizzfans.

      D4 master race.

      • 11 months ago

        >d-din't happen!
        >also p-please come back, game is totally fixed
        >1 month after release
        Holy shit the cope is unreal, get a grip drone lmao

    • 11 months ago

      My friend list is the same way and all of them are playing it.
      Do you even blizzard shit eat?

    • 11 months ago

      I'd say the fact that any of you regularly play what blizzard has been shitting out for the last decade is a point or two against taking your opinion seriously, rather than the opposite.

    • 11 months ago

      out of curiosity I checked and it's the same on mine lol

    • 11 months ago

      >Autistic moron wowdrone likes one live-service grindfest over the other
      Wooooooow. Im so surpri-wooooooow.

  7. 11 months ago

    d4 is a $100 vampire survivor skin with less content

    • 11 months ago

      This is slander to vampire survivor. I don't remember having to spend half my time using generators in VS and I can run a bunch of different builds.

    • 11 months ago

      Bullet heavens really did kill most arpgs. They do the do the addictive power ramp just as well if not better than ARPGs with none of the tedium. The only thing that an arpg can offer about them is depth in building but Diablo is pretty simple without a lot of build variety anyway. So in the end it offers nothing beyond graphics.

  8. 11 months ago

    Is there even a reason to play D4 right now at pre-season knowing all your efforts and time spent will be wasted as soon as s1 launches in just a few more weeks?

    • 11 months ago

      Seasonal play is for milk drinking frickwits

      • 11 months ago

        I would rather be a milk drinking frickwit and play seasons with exp modifier and level twice as fast than grind for hundreds of hours just to get a char to 100 in base game.

      • 11 months ago

        This anon has a point. If there is not an interactive economy with a lot trading going on, what is the point of seasons?

        • 11 months ago

          there isn't but seasons usually have some kind of modifier or mechanic that helps you level up faster so unless you have all characters already maxed out like an autist then it is objectively better to wait until season starts and start your new character in it

    • 11 months ago

      Is there even a reason to play when season 1 starts when I’m already bored to tears after getting one single character to level 70?

      • 11 months ago

        i'm seconding this,really cant do more than ywo nightmares dungeon before being bored to sleep

    • 11 months ago

      >Is there even a reason to play D4 right now at season 1 knowing all your efforts and time spent will be wasted as soon as s2 launches in just a few more weeks?

  9. 11 months ago

    d4? more like diakino 4 🙂
    also frick d2

  10. 11 months ago

    I watched a bit of D4 streaming to check it out
    I looks incredibly simplistic and boring
    I cant go back to that shit after years of Path of Exile. It's like someone offering you a Smirnoff Ice while you're enjoying some brandy and a cigar.

    • 11 months ago

      hard liquor sucks ass and there's zero reason to drink it. smirnoff ice is a billion times better and tastes a billion times better, as well.

  11. 11 months ago

    Soul vs Soulless

    • 11 months ago

      Soul vs Soulless

      • 11 months ago

        imagine unironically hating inventory tetris, a ring should never take up the same space as a big chest armor

        • 11 months ago

          It's not just inventory tetris but it's easier at a glance to see what's on the left, armor = big, rings = small, etc. Right is just a mess, you can't tell if swords are one hand or two hand.

        • 11 months ago

          This one really gets me. Man has always loved inventory tetris. Why would they abandon it? For what reason?

          • 11 months ago

            >Why would they abandon it? For what reason?
            most likely because it's easier to use on controllers, but I could also be possible that they are just moronic and did it for any other reason like it's easier to develop or whatever

          • 11 months ago

            They removed it in D3, and probably to streamline the game even though it was a cool aspect of things.
            Loot matters so much less individually in d3, and even in d4 by endgame especially that you just pick up shitloads of it and vendor it or scrap it only finding a replacement every full inventory for one piece of gear or so by midgame on.
            It's just very different, you wouldn't be able to use that design philosophy with an inventory that's so committed, but I'd much rather have more meaningful items and a more committed inventory with management than just the generic bag we have now.
            Part of casualizing the game I guess, you can bet your ass they'll never introduce it again now that PoE uses it, because they need to differentiate and want to pull the casual crowd.

          • 11 months ago

            >Why would they abandon it? For what reason?
            imagine giving a "hard" feature for braindead "people" that are the modern diablo audience
            you people keep underestimating how downright dumb most normies are

          • 11 months ago

            Like mentioned it's probably for the inevitable console port

        • 11 months ago

          It's not just inventory tetris but it's easier at a glance to see what's on the left, armor = big, rings = small, etc. Right is just a mess, you can't tell if swords are one hand or two hand.

          STALKER already solved that problem. Items still have a grid appearance for quick recognition of item size/type, but the grid is unlimited so the constraint is mass rather than volume.

    • 11 months ago

      this is why poe is still the best
      There's plenty of items that go
      >wow that's shi-
      >wait a second
      >that's actually fricking great for me
      >wait what if I annul this and-
      >oh shit if I multimod this
      >OH SHIT
      vs d3/d4
      >oh hey i got the item I need-
      >frick it rolled bad

      • 11 months ago

        More like
        >what's this?
        >oh this is neat I could sell this for something actually useful, maybe 1 ex?
        >frick it hasn't sold yet, I want my gear what the frick?

        • 11 months ago

          >be moron tradebab
          >shit at pricing items

          • 11 months ago

            That's the fricking game unless you want to play solo self found, in which case good luck planning out any build before you get shit, or have fun trying to farm those div cards.

            • 11 months ago

              >That's the fricking game unless you want to play solo self found
              No its not, you're just bad a trading and don't know what the economy wants. I was able to sell shit for multiple divs constantly this league in the dead HC economy with like 10 players.

      • 11 months ago

        Gear and progression in PoE is generally worse on every account. The ground is drowned in shit, and you barely ever need to pick up anything apart from base items you want to craft yourself, or currency. Yellow items are shit in almost all cases, and the game is just teasing you with a plethora of item modifiers, but never delivers up on it. And over the yeas, defensive modifiers are not only preferred, but outright mandatory and giving you little room for anything interesting. What's the item complexity worth it, if the game never delivers?

  12. 11 months ago

    Reminder to the pajeets and their handlers that native advertising content without clear and conspicuous labelling that it is an advertisement is ILLEGAL under United States law.

  13. 11 months ago

    >game came out last month
    >already has to pull the GAME IS FIXED PLEASE COME BACK

  14. 11 months ago


  15. 11 months ago

    When is season one coming? I went back to my backlog to not burn out on it before.

  16. 11 months ago

    does anyone actually like characters like this?

    why are they in every form of media now

    • 11 months ago

      Empowerment. They can salvage her and turn her intto a Mephisto follower or something

    • 11 months ago

      She's the weakest part of the story. You don't care about her or her mother. If you contrast her story with Donan and his son you realize how weak of a character she is.

    • 11 months ago

      Because if you refuse to put characters like that in your game ~~*investors*~~ will pull out citing your low ESG scores

    • 11 months ago

      Taissa is another character like that. You save her life and she keeps saying how she vows to repay her debt of saving her life. Then when you run into her later in the swamp she's like "why should I help you".

      • 11 months ago

        >doesn't even get ripped to shreds when Andy shows up
        Taissa is the worst character in the game by far

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          Taissa is another character like that. You save her life and she keeps saying how she vows to repay her debt of saving her life. Then when you run into her later in the swamp she's like "why should I help you".

          I experienced so little of the story whole playing the game, I didn't even realise this kekmao

    • 11 months ago

      her and taissa are the biggest 'who the frick cares'
      why the frick does this random chick seem to know everything about the horadrim and their language despite them being a dead cult and then just get to walk away with mephisto's soulstone who we already know will corrupt her
      why the frick is taissa such a ungrateful b***h when you find out she's a witch
      why the frick does donan get killed by a wall
      why the frick did lilith say she wanted to end the eternal conflict and then bring demons/eternal conflict to sanctuary AGAIN after the reaping??
      the whole game is a joke

    • 11 months ago

      The whole campaign was fricking gay
      >No mommy Lilith was actually the good guy
      >Nyrelle will be Diablo Sylvanas who becomes "corrupted" but will be saved!
      Blizzard has created the same story 3 times for all their major IPs

      • 11 months ago

        >No mommy Lilith was actually the good guy
        Nobody said this, she literally lets her own closest henchmen get butchered like trash and throws demons out that slaughter the people she's supposedly trying to "protect"
        >Nyrelle will be Diablo Sylvanas who becomes "corrupted" but will be saved!
        Probably, Blizzard is a little predictable.

      • 11 months ago

        >>No mommy Lilith was actually the good guy
        Literally said by no one ever lmao.

    • 11 months ago

      >mary sue Young Adult Woman who's always right over people with decades more experience than her despite being a literal who
      >steals a highly-corrupting prime evil soulstone and runs away on her own
      >We can't go after her... this was her choice!
      >reminder we had just cut down thousands of demons and cultists and corrupted people to contain evil
      >reminder that she was very nearly killed by a small handful of Drowned, when she had both her arms and was 10 feet away from you

      I was tolerating her up until deep voice man said that line. So fricking stupid, all the blood that's been spilled to keep evil at bay I wouldn't say you're above cutting that b***h down to get the stone back, much less just taking the stone from her and telling her to frick off.

      • 11 months ago

        She's a Womyn and you WILL NOT question her actions EVER.

    • 11 months ago

      at least Leah was hot

  17. 11 months ago

    what kind of moron designed lucky hit?

    it's like a dice roll, then another dice roll for the lucky hit effect, because lucky hit does nothing on it's own and if that's the case why the frick is it there? why the unnecessary maths?

    • 11 months ago

      It's pretty lame how dps numbers are a statistical consideration over a long time duration. A range is fine, but they've really fricked it up with all the conditional modifiers. Lucky hit exacerbates this and also has a stupid name.

  18. 11 months ago

    Still too expensive and barebones to cost $70

    They don't even have the original Diablo 1 and Warcraft 1+2 on Bnet, have to buy them on GOG Galaxy

  19. 11 months ago

    >seething PooE cucks spreading lies

    frick you
    here it is:'t%20lose,name%20in%20the%20main%20menu.

  20. 11 months ago

    you are such a moronic maggot
    I wish you contract every illness

    • 11 months ago

      you mad PooE gay? xD stay mad and poor, you will never afford D4

      • 11 months ago

        you are typing "xD"
        shut up subhuman

  21. 11 months ago

    Dropped at lvl50. One of the worst arpgs I've ever played, has potential to be good but it's definitely not currently in that state.

  22. 11 months ago

    Diablo 3 was crap, why would I buy another one? That's not how this works.

  23. 11 months ago

    I've hit an absolute wall with this game and it's not even S1 yet. I finished the campaign, have done a few nightmare dungeons but honestly am just burned out. My gear is okay and I'm running meta spec for my class like everyone else... but I don't know what else there is to do aside from the repetition of pop CD's, go in and cast 2 spells, rinse and repeat. I really don't understand the broad appeal of this game aside from the brain rot serotonin fix of + green numbers on gear. At least in WoW whenever I got bored I would just jump on my main and go world pvp or something. I just don't care anymore and I have no drive to just keep going. What am I missing?

    • 11 months ago

      >whenever I got bored I would just jump on my main and go world pvp

      are you frickin moronic?
      there is frickin PVP in d4.
      go to the two red sand areas on your map you frickin idiot.

      • 11 months ago

        there is PVP
        frick you PooE Black person we all know you're seething

        I tried it and it was so dull. I used my 2 attack spells, waited for my CD's, and that's it. There is no excitement in that. Again, WoW is shit but there was much more excitement to world pvp and you could actually frick around with people for a laugh.

    • 11 months ago

      >What am I missing?
      Nothing, the game is deeply flawed with a short campaign and nothing after. Anyone pretending the game is fine or complete is a shill.

      • 11 months ago

        there is PVP
        frick you PooE Black person we all know you're seething

        • 11 months ago

          Your argument is like you pointing at a plastic hamburger calling it food.

          • 11 months ago

            I tried it and it was so dull. I used my 2 attack spells, waited for my CD's, and that's it. There is no excitement in that. Again, WoW is shit but there was much more excitement to world pvp and you could actually frick around with people for a laugh.

            >LE is not same pvp meme bawwww whiny whiny little b***h
            sounds like you're old and bitter and need to frick off from my video game loving board.

            • 11 months ago

              So just like Diablo 2 then.

              Kek the paragon levels is literally designed for morons like you that refuse to use set items because "muh handholding". I'm sure with 10k+ paragon levels even your zero synergy, random armor duct-taped together angry hex chicken 3000 trash build can finally match a new player's set build in Rift clear speeds. At least you have that option in D3, I can't say the same about D4.

              I've seen some Blizzard shills in my time but holy frick. You really represent that image of the man eating shit served up by Blizzard asking for more servings. Pathetic kek.

              • 11 months ago

                Diablo 2 is the shit you delusional boomers keep eating. You can hate Diablo 4 all that you like but it does everything better than that game.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't have to install Blizzard's launcher or rely on a server to play D2. That alone infinitely makes it a better game.

              • 11 months ago

                Hello grandpa. go play bingo in an elderly home.

              • 11 months ago

                sad bait

              • 11 months ago

                D2 has trade, rune system and nice itemization.
                Come back when d4 has something like those.
                The inventory with every item that occupies 2slots and the non existant stash space is ridiculous considering the one you had in d3.

              • 11 months ago

                trading is not a positive, the fact you rely on trading proves ARPGs are not for you

              • 11 months ago

                >Noooo! Don't interact with other people and exchange items!
                >Also the game is an alway-online "mmo" and that's a good thing!

                Trade is a good thing, just because PoE fricked it up doesn't mean it's always bad moron.

              • 11 months ago

                Trade is always bad.
                There, I said it.
                Whenever trade exists, you will get your power through economy, from someone else.
                Much less fun than earning your power through your own feats.

              • 11 months ago

                Trading is pay to win boomerslop that ruined ARPGs.

              • 11 months ago

                Anyone not piggybacking their identity off blizz could predict the d3 revisionists would slink out of the woodwork to defend their slop. When d5 comes out it will be the d4 cretins turn and the shill cycle will churn on. We can only pray life is extinguished in some cosmic reset.

              • 11 months ago

                >d3 revisionists
                What is getting revised about D3? Serious question, I never played it.

              • 11 months ago

                I mean it's relatively re-envisioned in the wake of the underwhelming release of d4. There was pretty much unanimous agreement that d3 was trash but since the release of d4 many have championed the game on the grounds that it's better than d4.

              • 11 months ago

                And while we may find categories between d3 and d4 where they exceed one another there is no reason to do so because they are both not worth your time and we know at this point that blizz will not learn from their mistakes.

    • 11 months ago

      >What am I missing?
      nothing you beat the game. you can reroll another class, another spec, try hardcore or wait for season one. this isn't a live service mmorpg. if you didn't enjoyed the game well that sucks but diablo games never really had an endgame and thats a good thing.

      • 11 months ago

        >this isn't a live service mmorpg
        That is quite literally what the game is and what it has been marketed as for years. Blizzard is just really bad at it/only going half way because they're afraid of butthurt from old single player Diablo fans.

        • 11 months ago

          but it's not? they didn't really marketed it as an mmo either. the only live service aspect are the minor changes during seasons and the season pass skins. glad it's this way. i want the game to be the same when i jump to it in a few years again same as diablo 1,2 and 3. maybe one expansion pack but thats it.

  24. 11 months ago

    I enjoyed D3 more because it had more skills on top of 5 runes per skill on top of better legendaries with better legendary powers that were actually build defining.

    • 11 months ago

      >d4 sorc
      >literally all of the 4 meta builds use 3 defensive skill a spender and generator

  25. 11 months ago

    D4 is fricking boring. PoE, Grim Dawn, Torchlight 2, Diablo 2 and 3, Last Epoch, Victor Vran, Van Helsing, and Titan Quest are all better games.

    That makes Diablo 4 one of the worst games in the genre, lmfao.

    • 11 months ago

      last epoch is absolutely not better, that game is dogshit

      • 11 months ago

        Neither is victor vran van helsing titan quest or torchlite, or even poe but that anon is seething and was just listing all the arpgs he could think of

        • 11 months ago

          You're fricking high. PoE, Titan quest, and torchlight 2 are all way better than d4

  26. 11 months ago

    Can someone help me with this? When I go to blacksmith and select
    >salvage all
    there are still items that he won't salvage, usually legendary ones. Why is that? Am I supposed to unlock something first?

    tfw level 43 and still no mount because I am doing dungeons and optional shit in first area lel. I basically did no main quests after I got to Kyovashad
    Nilcar fight (at level 29) was the worst mistake I ever made. I don't want to say how many times he killed me.

    • 11 months ago

      Legendaries need to be manually selected to salvage since they're more valuable. You go through your inventory and press space to junk the stuff you don't want which speeds up selling, though. Also, you may want to do the campaign soon, enemies stop scaling past level 50 in world tier 2.

  27. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      go back to having fun then, kid. this discussion is for intellectuals with good taste in games

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      This, but unironically. PoE homosexuals are too deeply invested with their money and time to ever admit any other game is fun. Think about the thousands of hours and dollars that went into their accounts.

      • 11 months ago

        >This, but unironically.
        What makes you think that I posted it ironically?

        • 11 months ago

          >This but unironically
          It's just a posting style that used to be fashionable/going around in the past.

          • 11 months ago

            That phrase was used when someone was being ironic though not just thrown around randomly at any post like it's just meaningless noise.

    • 11 months ago

      I stopped having fun in D4 pretty fast. D3 is way more fun.

      • 11 months ago

        A more damning statement of D4 has never been uttered

      • 11 months ago

        t. Spaz

        • 11 months ago

          Not him but D1 is more fun and the combat in that is as simple as it gets. There is something seriously off about D4. Everything in it feels like tedious crap. Even walking from place to place in the world is tiring.

          • 11 months ago

            No shilling or Ganker spite infused argument, this really must be one of those "one man's trash" moments because i feel real cozy running around the countryside as a druid.

            • 11 months ago

              It feels like a really generic MMO but everyone else is antisocial as frick. The side quests are boring. The music is boring when you bother to notice that it's even there. The combat itself is the best part but feels like slow motion Diablo 3 in a bad way. The level scaling and itemization in general is ass, too. I can only see someone liking this if they either never played an ARPG before or haven't played one in 20 years.

              • 11 months ago

                that's the shit they inherited from diablo immortal. slow pace of game with low volume of enemies

  28. 11 months ago

    Why yes, I love having inventory size that is more limited than the one in classic Resident Evil game because I hate collecting new gear.

  29. 11 months ago

    does d4 allow me to replay the story missions and side content in NG+ or is there no NG+ cycle
    i would have to have to relevel a chharacter just to experience that stuff again
    d2 and 3 let you reset the game world right?

  30. 11 months ago

    >let's try and make a better a better product than 3 but frick up by inviting half of the Immortal dev team, delay it by over a year, and do last minute changes
    Bravo Blizzard

  31. 11 months ago

    3 rupees by mail to you sirs
    doing the needful

  32. 11 months ago

    Grim Dawn is better than D4 in every conceivable way. Blows my mind that people actually payed Bl*zzard $150 to play literal dogshit. I don't consider these "people" human

    • 11 months ago

      How would you know if it's dogshit if you haven't played it, turd worlder?

      • 11 months ago

        It's made by blizzard ergo you are an idiot if you need further explanation.

    • 11 months ago

      So you just decided to hang out with people you don't consider human because you're a masochist?

    • 11 months ago

      grim dawn is a game you play once, it has no endgame no replayability and the itemization and gearing is boring sterile dogshit outside of the relic system
      its not a bad game its just not even competing with games like poe and d4 that are being designed as live service seasonal games

      • 11 months ago

        >unironically implying live service seasonal games are good

        genuinely fricking have a nice day

        • 11 months ago

          Why are you opposed to games getting continual support? Diablo 2 got one expansion pack and the nothing for 20 years. That game sucks ass, too.

      • 11 months ago

        >it has no endgame no replayability
        Objectively wrong, not only does GD has way more replyability than all 4 Diablo games combined, if you count in mods it has way more replayability and endgame than PoE too. Best part of all that is that you can play any GD version you want, from vanilla 1.0 to the latest update, which is something that will never be possible with always online mobile-tier games like D4 and PoE, and you will still be able to play it long after those shitty games will be shut down permanently.
        >and the itemization and gearing is boring sterile
        Again wrong, GD has objectively the best itemization in any ARPG so far, the combination of monster infrequents with different tiers of prefix and suffix mods, epic items, legendaries, set items, faction gear, relics, components and augments is so far ahead of anything else in the genre it's not even funny. PoE is the only game that could come close if it wasn't designed like a mobile gacha game.

      • 11 months ago

        people will mention that grim dawn has replayability simply because your forced to either go through the whole game again or grind for reputation to hammer out the last few quests available
        also the main campaign isn't enough to get you to max level, even if you do the DLC's afterwards so they honestly expect you to grind or play through it multiple times and the game just isn't good enough for that shit

    • 11 months ago

      Payed? Isn't it paid?
      (me ESL so English bad)

    • 11 months ago

      Do people actually play grim dawn?
      I lost interest less than a fifth through the game and I played through the entirety of Titan Quest, even it's later DLC's barring atlantis.

  33. 11 months ago

    Stop sending me emails, Blizzcuck, I'm not buying your slop.

  34. 11 months ago

    >terminally online
    >touch grass
    please anon you have to stop saying these dumb fricking buzzwords PLEASE

  35. 11 months ago

    >D4 story is just a long ass string of woman moments
    Not even referring to Lilith.

  36. 11 months ago

    Just play Grim Yawn if you want clicky clicky loot loot arpg with plenty of builds to choose from you gaygitlords

  37. 11 months ago

    D4 is really fricking boring right now. Hopefully future seasons and dlc fix it but for now I'm going back to grim dawn and d2.

  38. 11 months ago

    >Wanna play D4

  39. 11 months ago

    As a poorgay disguised as a patient gamer that don't care about le current thing D3 only costs $20 while D4 is $70 so that already makes D3 a better game by default, but since grim dawn is even cheaper that makes it an even better game.
    Checkmate D4 homosexuals.

  40. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      45 bucks is still too much

    • 11 months ago

      45 bucks is still too much

      • 11 months ago

        Once upon a time, this could have been a joke that you should never buy video games.

  41. 11 months ago

    I think it just comes down to people don't really know what they want out of a Diablo game/ARPG anymore. There's too big of a divide between the casual player and the grinder players.

    • 11 months ago

      PoE I understand, even grim dawn, they have their own virtues and flavors. But how anyone who isn't a turbo autist could prefer D3 is beyond me.

  42. 11 months ago

    Ahh yes, yes, yes Indian work hours how are you doing sir?how shilling for shitty product is going today? Is blizzard paying well? Can you afford your own toilet?

  43. 11 months ago

    And people who play poe

  44. 11 months ago


  45. 11 months ago

    >always online
    No they didn't

  46. 11 months ago

    I enjoyed the campaign but I'm already bored after seeing how horrendously bland the legendaries are. there's zero depth
    gave PoE a try and I already have a more interesting and fun minion build after two hours of playing

    • 11 months ago

      PoE is great fun once you can pierce the layers and layers of autism. I think most of the people here that hate it with a passion quit as soon as they opened the passive screen and didn't give it a chance.

      • 11 months ago

        it isn't even nearly as bad as it seems, I just searched "minion" in the tree and planned a path

        im gonna play a minionmancer in the season

        I don't recommend it, most of your damage comes from shit like bone spear, army of the dead and corpse explosion. necromancer is more like a sorcerer with a few mediocre buddies

        • 11 months ago

          minions get 30% of your stats but inexplicably get 100% of your vuln damage, so that is the play for every build right now. nothing really competes with boners but i dont want to play it.

  47. 11 months ago

    >season pass for a PvE game
    >Liver service for a PvE game thats mostly played single player
    >Boosts for a PvE single player game
    >Cash Shop
    Nah have a nice day you moronic fricking Black folkhit

    • 11 months ago

      I wish people would be honest and just say this+that it comes from modern blizzard is why they hate it.
      It has literally 0 to do with the game's quality or not, it's just something they already want gone and hate.

      • 11 months ago

        You honestly think there is nothing wrong with the gameplay itself? Even people that are in love with the game generally admit that it doesn't feel completely finished.

        • 11 months ago

          I think some things need to be ironed out.
          Balance is poor, but that tends to be the case near release with ARPGs.

          The most damning thing about the game right now in my opinion is content post 70, there's a massive gap between getting ancestral gear and taking on echo of lillith.

      • 11 months ago

        I mean those are the reasons I hate it and refuse to play buy my friends who do play it say half the classes feel awful to play and you cant even hit max level organically because blizzard are obviously planning to incentivise people to pay. Also I hear the plot is awful

        • 11 months ago

          >blizzard are obviously planning to incentivise people to pay
          Naturally, Dragonflight sold like dogshit

        • 11 months ago

          >because blizzard are obviously planning to incentivise people to pay
          I'm not sure, I think endgame is just legitimately unfinished, though I wouldn't say the levelling process is.
          There is a datamined tier 5 that is likely coming in season 1, so that's probably a large part of the gap, but who knows what else will happen.

          • 11 months ago

            I'd append that 1-50 already feels better than diablo 3 to me in it's entirety, and is FAR better than that game on release.
            I don't know how many people here were actually there for that shitshow.

          • 11 months ago

            >saying that diablo 4 has seasons with a straight face
            I dont want to live in this world anymore where Single player focused games have fricking seasons

            • 11 months ago

              Ok, then don't buy it.
              morons like you who hate specific payment methods or want conventions stuck to are the kinds of people who doomed hitman 2016 despite it being the best in the series, I have nothing but contempt for you but absolutely vote with your wallet and do whatever is fun for you, this is a game I enjoy more than d3.

              • 11 months ago

                new payment conventions are not innovating gameplay or advancing videogames you greedy israelite wiener gobbler

            • 11 months ago

              Diablo has not been single player in 20 years.

              • 11 months ago

                I never said it was single player illiterate moron I said single player focused

              • 11 months ago

                It's not though. It's a MMO-lite. You're the moron.

              • 11 months ago

                I'd argue that's one more reason he doesn't like it.

                new payment conventions are not innovating gameplay or advancing videogames you greedy israelite wiener gobbler

                It is better than diablo 3, it tries to innovate by better integrating an open world and social aspects into the arpg formula which was already very social by nature.
                What the frick more do I need to like it?
                What does it need to do, what do you fricking expect out of it? I doubt you even have a concrete standard for what you think is innovative or not, I already think you don't like it because it changes things and is different from what you're used to already, how the frick could you handle actual innovation if you're this much of a fricking traditionalist little b***h to begin with? You don't fricking know what you want.

              • 11 months ago

                Not him but most people are comparing D4 to contemporary ARPGs like PoE. If it feels like the game is lacking and/or boring compared to PoE, most are going to think it's trash. PoE's point A to point B connecting zones feel far better than D4's open world sprawl of generic crap. Diablo 2, Titan's Quest, and Grim Dawn also have a world that feels better. D4's open world works against it IMO.

              • 11 months ago

                PoE has been utter SHIT for a while now.
                It's a bloated mess that they have no fricking clue how to wrangle in and turn into something with an actual fricking idea of what it wants to be, it's irritating.
                I have two thousand hours in the game but I haven't remotely held interest in it in probably at least a year, it was just complete shit by the time I quit, it's like they've learned nothing.
                It has all the problems of a long running mmo, content bloat, watered down design, power creep that breaks content, a mass audience that comes in and turns the game into something it wasn't to begin with.
                I don't genuinely see how anyone could enjoy PoE as it is now unless they haven't played it at all or have nothing better to do, ie diablo 2, 4, I'd practically rather play titan quest over again.
                Zoom zoom 1 move skill 1 clear skill blow up the screen rush to endgame is not fun, especially doing the same goddamn campaign that they seemingly don't give a shit about for the fiftieth time in a row.
                Don't even get me started on how fricking boring it is buying your gear instead of farming it from drops, and don't even mention ssf as if the game is fricking balanced around it, it isn't.
                Same way it isn't balanced around HC anymore either, and hasn't been for goddamn years. Frick PoE, it's worthless until they unveil what they've actually been working on with PoE2 and by that point it may be too little too late.

                The only reason to build on the rotting carcass that is PoE instead of making something entirely new is profit, and the game will likely carry all the same baggage and problems that already make PoE so much worse than it used to be as an experience.

              • 11 months ago

                I played PoE recently as a newb and had a fricking blast. It mogs D4 so hard that it's not even funny. You're just bitter because you put in 2,000+ hours. Any game will seem like shit if you no life a game that hard. I didn't even do nearly all of the content but I was doing yellow T16 maps with ease before I got bored. I'll be returning for the next season or PoE2 whichever is first.

                I dont get why you gays are like this. Im a stickler for world aesthetic and I am very much enjoying the zones in d4, meanwhile PoE felt like it was on rails like some kind of gay FPS.

                >on rails
                You mean like any other ARPG? D4 is the first one that you've ever played, isn't it?

              • 11 months ago

                >It mogs D4 so hard that it's not even funny.
                It really, really does not.
                In the same way you don't really see the biggest issues with d4 till you've hit 70-100, you don't see the biggest issues with PoE till you've tried something off the basic path of rolling some first new character with no perspective and trying just your first few baby white maps.
                The game is optimized to death and so trade focused it sucks the soul out of the game, there are fricking losers who spend 90% of their time sitting in their base scalping items and that is often far better than running content.
                The best way to actually play the content is to stack moron damage on skills that are so powercrept that you can just blow up the fricking screen with half of the newer ones, the game barely resembles PoE beta whatsoever or any of the things that originally made PoE good. It has nothing to do with hours, it's just not fun.

              • 11 months ago

                I followed a RF Juggernaut build which is probably the most newbie thing ever lol. I was blowing up screens going nothing but running around and spamming fire trap. It was much as you described (entire screens exploding) but I had a ton of fun doing it as a newbie--definitely way more fun than I had playing D4 and I always felt like there was shit to do and crafts to farm. I did get bored once I hit level 97. Also, I didn't trade for anything so I couldn't do the end game bosses either.

              • 11 months ago

                >Also, I didn't trade for anything so I couldn't do the end game bosses either.
                Yeah, that's one of the major problems with the game that you saw even playing it casually like that, everything you find after a certain point is either money, or is only worth anything as money.
                It all comes down to the trading, and that can be a good or a bad thing I guess depending on personal taste, I prefer something where the items I find matter more personally.

              • 11 months ago

                >It all comes down to the trading, and that can be a good or a bad thing I guess depending on personal taste, I prefer something where the items I find matter more personally.
                I guess when I want this, I just go and replay Diablo 2 again. When I played Diablo 4, all that I could think of was quitting the game in order to fire up D2R instead. Playing D4 only made me crave D2/a different ARPG. If I want crazy zoom zoom screen exploding madness with a billion different things to do and currency to farm, I'll play PoE casual or not. D4 feels like a passing fad to me.

              • 11 months ago

                >When I played Diablo 4, all that I could think of was quitting the game in order to fire up D2R instead
                I've played them both within this year and while I love the atmosphere in d2, more than d4 even, nothing else holds up.
                It's just 1 skill spam, basically, or maybe a little more than that.
                It's just a fraction more complex to play than PoE, which kind of falls below what it would take to keep me playing.

                What is it that makes the difference for you?

              • 11 months ago

                Diablo 2 has better music, a story that isn't obnoxious, no annoying cinematics every 5 seconds pulling me out of the game, the itemization is more rewarding, the drops are god tier--nothing beats horking a ber or jah from trav. The UI doesn't look like mobile garbage. There aren't random morons herding mobs when I step out into the blood moor. Diablo 2's one on one PvP is also more coherent than D4's mosh pit and you can hostile people any time anywhere and laugh when you hear them talk shit in the chat. You can scroll through specific games in Diablo 2 and join them. You can make a closed game or single player game in Diablo 2. Frick man I can keep going on and on.

              • 11 months ago

                >Diablo 2 has better music
                >a story that isn't obnoxious
                >no annoying cinematics every 5 seconds pulling me out of the game
                I guess that's fair, but the ones it does have blow the frick out of the ones in d2.
                >the drops are god tier--nothing beats horking a ber or jah from trav
                They're good, I wouldn't say anything special, it's amazing how we're still at this point where just basic solid gearing is considered something amazing even now.
                I think I like d4's more because of the legendary aspects, though the base gear itself is obviously far less interesting.
                >The UI doesn't look like mobile garbage
                >Diablo 2's one on one PvP is also more coherent than D4's mosh pit and you can hostile people any time anywhere and laugh when you hear them talk shit in the chat
                It's hard for me to comment because I haven't gotten to pvp in either game much.
                >You can scroll through specific games in Diablo 2 and join them.
                Server based multiplayer is just the worst.
                I actually hate wasting time on something that should be as basic and fundamental as that.

                >Frick man I can keep going on and on.
                Go ahead, I don't see anything here that really makes it heads and shoulders better like people act like it is.
                Hell, the controls were SHIT until the remaster with everything locked on f1,2,3,4 etc then you cast them with I forgot whichever button it was.
                God that system was awful, did you even force yourself to use that shit? Practically unplayably bad.

              • 11 months ago

                You sound like a casual shitter, honestly. I have no idea how you put in 2,000 hours in PoE when D2 filters you that hard.

              • 11 months ago

                ARPGs as a genre are really not particularly hard.
                Especially when they drop the mechanics down to just having enough health and defensive stats to tank, using a move skill to dodge things and spamming a skill that hits everything everywhere for a billion damage then popping your logout macro if you have the fraction of a chance to die.

              • 11 months ago

                >D4 feels like a passing fad to me
                it all depends on how blizzard will support the game. If they release new mechanics and fix what doesn't work they may be able to get a decent amount of player returning like PoE. But considering it's blizzard I feel the game is pretty much complete and will never improve enough to be worth coming back every season

              • 11 months ago

                >it all depends on how blizzard will support the game
                he same way they do with immortal; skins on the battlepass, shuffle op builds every season or so and pay a few grand for some streamers to talk about the game to get people back in for a week
                rinse and repeat

              • 11 months ago

                Completely agree. The only people liking the state of the game are homosexuals who came late to the game, in example coming after 2019 or so.
                I also expect their promised PoE2 not bringing that much to the table for people who have been with the game since ages or returners. The game was good on accident, but not because they knew what they were doing, and over the years they patched out a lot of fun.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, I'm beginning to believe it was all a fricking accident, they tried to copy d2 and move things forward a bit and struck gold then fricking ruined it with their own meddling and lack of vision over time.
                That and didn't see the effect the newer, snappier skills were having every next league, a little more convenient, a little more aoe, a little better mechanically, all good things
                But they needed to design the game around a certain point and stick with it and balance the game, it just slid out of control.
                I think they eventually realized it but I think they have no fricking clue what they're doing solving the problem, even if they know it's a problem now.

                PoE2 is really make or break, I suspect it won't fundamentally change much, but the gem rework looks cool at least.
                Multiple usable, good skills is definitely something PoE could use though I'm not sure the fixes they have in store will necessarily do much for that.

                One other thing that bothers me is how gems used to be for mechanical changes, cool twists that change how you play a character or make a skill totally different.
                Now 80% of them are just damage increases and maybe melee splash or conc effect or inc aoe if you're lucky.

              • 11 months ago

                I dont get why you gays are like this. Im a stickler for world aesthetic and I am very much enjoying the zones in d4, meanwhile PoE felt like it was on rails like some kind of gay FPS.

  48. 11 months ago

    Only homosexuals who haven't played it long enough to get their build online hate it. I bet they couldn't even kill Elias the shitters

    • 11 months ago

      This, unequivocally. I was having trouble getting into it, seemed really dull. Then my build started connecting together, then I got a couple aspects, then I was a woodchipper, etc. The climb feels good then.

      • 11 months ago

        No one sane is going to put in 50 hours before a game gets fun.

        • 11 months ago

          >50 hours
          It took maybe 3 before the build started to roll. Stop being such a dishonest homosexual.

          • 11 months ago

            I put in 20 hours before I refunded. I gave it a fair shot and it was still shit.

  49. 11 months ago

    im gonna play a minionmancer in the season

  50. 11 months ago

    Post whirlwind skill usage I want to laugh at D4's build "diversity"

  51. 11 months ago

    >Stop being terminally online
    but enough about diablo 4

  52. 11 months ago

    I havent gave a shit about blizzard since the disappointment that was diablo 3 after being addicted to diablo 2 in my middle school days. Diablo 4 is honestly great, my only issue is going to have to do alters of Lilith every season. Most of the people who complain about d4 vs d2 seem to not of even played it very hard back in the day. As much as I adore the game it was just hammerdins everywhere and endless baal runs. Anyone worth a damn botted and we all ran maphack. The one thing I do really miss about d2 was all the scamming your could do.
    >you probably haven't launched any game besides a waifu simulator since 2016.
    frick off, I love waifu shit

    • 11 months ago

      I think D4 is a pile of shit and I have a stash filled with HRs in D2R right now. People still play D2 and you'd know that if you weren't another "but I used to be hardcore" casual shit that probably sat in free item games for an hour a day.

      • 11 months ago

        >People still play D2
        I think you mean they play d2jsp

        • 11 months ago

          No, people actually play and find HRs. I found a Lo today on my WW barb and rolled another grief. The fact that you think it's some unobtainable thing to do without botting or paying for it tells me that you're another eternal newb.

    • 11 months ago

      You don't have to do altars of Lilith every season. The stats and altars carry over from the Eternal Realm.

      • 11 months ago

        That's based. Only need to do the renown grind once and you give yourself a 10 level headstart

        • 11 months ago

          >it's BASED that you only have to do this pointless time-wasting memetic cancer once
          fricking end yourself, or if that's beyond your abilities get someone else to do it

  53. 11 months ago

    I am enjoying it, I think there should be more avenues to upgrading glyphs than just nightmare dungeons though

  54. 11 months ago

    I’m still waiting for them to fix everyting wring with D4.

  55. 11 months ago

    why do people say helltides are so fun? it's just nothing but the same camps of enemies but now they drop currency and there are some chests you can open

    did i miss something?

    • 11 months ago

      They people doing that shit are comparing it to launch D3 for some reason. Anything is fun compared to launch D3.

    • 11 months ago

      I think they're fun the first few times, chest rng needs to be tweaked because that if anything is what kills them a bit.
      It's a cool idea, but it needs tweaking to hit the point where it does what they want it to do.

  56. 11 months ago

    I hate hate HATE the stupid renown and altar grind, and the fact that I'm locked into completing it on ONE character because the rewards are shared with alts but not the renown itself.

    • 11 months ago

      Just get the skill points from it and forget about it again. They are either meant to be collected over multiple seasons, or they will rework it entirely.

      • 11 months ago

        I can definitely see them reworking it, along with a lot of other things. But it will probably take them a year + or until whatever expansion comes out, as usual.

    • 11 months ago

      What I dislike about the renown grind is that sc and hc grinds do NOT carry over.
      I like playing HC so most of my progress is there and I have to do EVERYTHING over again on softcore for my pvp characters.
      It needs fixing.

  57. 11 months ago

    >play game until ending
    >now the REAL game starts
    >REEEE why no content after end credits
    Why are Diablo fan like this

  58. 11 months ago


  59. 11 months ago

    Don’t care, game isn’t fun, OP is a homosexual.

    • 11 months ago

      Works on my thinking machine

  60. 11 months ago

    >play burn damage sorcerer
    >there are ZERO legendaries to up your damage besides incinerate aspect
    >incinerate blows through your mana in two seconds
    >equip every single resource increasing aspect you can
    >still not enough mana
    >hope against hope that a unique will drop
    >20 levels later and your only damage increases have come from the paragon board
    >Cold damage gear drops over and over and over
    >quit the stupid fricking game and go play something fun
    Even if you play a crit damage fire build there are NO legendaries that increase fireball damage. You have no option except going crit meteor or waiting until level 90 to get a fireball unique. Game sucks.

    • 11 months ago

      It's also fricked up that even if they do add a bunch of good legendaries on season 1 what about the fricking ruined new game experience? Me and my buddy wanted to just level and find cool gear along the way now we are waiting for some stupid patch notes that say "we added these 6 pieces of gear for each character!" frick that. The game has already been experienced. I wish I waited.

  61. 11 months ago

    imagine being such a massive homosexual that you play diablo 4. a game made by homosexuals for homosexuals for the sole purpose of making money and keeping the player hooked. not a game made for the sake of being a game. you can bet blizzard had all sorts of nefarious studies while making this shit on how to more efficiently brainwash the cattle. blizzard is evil as frick. their marketing for this game is literally unironically satanical as frick. hope all those involved in the making of this shit never have a chance to create anything for the masses ever again

    • 11 months ago

      The game doesn't make you hooked though. In fact it does the opposite and makes you want to play it less with how annoying and boring everything is.

      • 11 months ago

        >The game doesn't make you hooked though
        That really is the funniest aspect of the game. I came into the game fully willing to get hooked and aware of my addiction only the find out the game is like cocaine cut with so much flour you could open a bakery

  62. 11 months ago

    i just hate blizzard, to be honest. and i'm perfectly entitled to do so, as well.

    • 11 months ago

      You are, they've earned hate.
      I hate them too, but I don't see the point in hating good games because of publishers or drama or politics, games are games.

      • 11 months ago

        what do you mean? didnt trannies and other purple hair homosexuals not work on this game? it still deserves not to ever be touched.

        • 11 months ago

          I literally could not care less who works on a game, I only care about the game itself, but if that's your view of things I imagine you don't play very much.
          If a bunch of minorities and trannies make a good game, by all means, I'll praise it.
          If they make shit, I won't touch it with a ten foot pole, the only reason I'd touch something Blizzard made is because it looked interesting and better than the trash they've been putting out for a while now.
          If you want to live your life through the lens of politics that's your choice but it seems like a rather sad and hopeless way to live, especially when your ideals are slowly getting stamped out.

          • 11 months ago

            oof, wat a homosexual. dont need to live a life constantly thinking about politics to see this game is pure homosexualry satanical propaganda you big massive homosexual. enjoy it. its for you

            • 11 months ago

              >to see this game is pure homosexualry satanical propaganda
              Point me to it if it's so abundant, I played through the whole campaign without seeing it, but I'm not a sensitive little culture warrior snowflake of either tribe.

              • 11 months ago

                youre a homosexual

            • 11 months ago

              >game about demons
              >whines about satanic propaganda
              I fricking hate trannies and israelites and the Twitter mob and EVERY politician and EVERY corporation and am looking forward to the upcoming Civil War
              And even i think you're a pearl clutching queef

          • 11 months ago

            >to see this game is pure homosexualry satanical propaganda
            Point me to it if it's so abundant, I played through the whole campaign without seeing it, but I'm not a sensitive little culture warrior snowflake of either tribe.

            >especially when your ideals are slowly getting stamped out
            >but I'm not a sensitive little culture warrior snowflake of either tribe
            Uh-huh, I'm sure you're very neutral on this topic.

            • 11 months ago

              I'm not neutral, I hate both you and your enemies. You just happen to be right here.
              I'm not fricking blind, I just would prefer to play videogames than throw my life away in some stupid power struggle that'll get co-opted regardless of who "wins" and would prefer to enjoy escapism, videogames.

              youre a homosexual

              whoooaaaa you sure showed me

            • 11 months ago

              >i am... LE RESISTANCE

              • 11 months ago

                Thanks for proving my point.

  63. 11 months ago

    >Stop being terminally online and go touch grass, you probably haven't launched any game besides a waifu simulator since 2016.
    As if I needed any more proof that D4 players are moronic normalgays.

  64. 11 months ago

    its great

  65. 11 months ago

    This game is so fricking boring. I have played all the diablos in my life. I was never an hardcore player, just enjoyed playing them and messing around with friends and randoms.

    I don't know if it is just me and time but this has been one of the most boring experiences of my life. Even diablo 3 was more interesting at least in terms of things going on on the screen, the scripted scenes and backgrounds.

    Again I was never deep hardcore into the mechanics of items or whatever but this has been quite boring so far

  66. 11 months ago


    Season resets are dumb
    Season 2 which is expected in 6+ months! fixes just some of the problems the game has

  67. 11 months ago

    Level scaling sucks and is awful and ruins the game

    • 11 months ago

      I find you can easily outscale the level scaling with gear, but it'd be nice if the passive tree meant more outside of utility and skills.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't think you have played the game.

    • 11 months ago

      level scaling should not have place in this open zone game

    • 11 months ago

      wouldn't say it necessarily ruins the game (a lot of other shit does that) but it's awful yeah

      I don't think you have played the game.

      nta but what do you mean? it heavily detracts from the sense of progression

      • 11 months ago

        >nta but what do you mean? it heavily detracts from the sense of progression
        It really doesn't, not outside the first 50 anyway. Once you cap normal and unlock other fixed level content you have benchmarks for your progression. Its the capstone dungeon is raping me to I can't believe I had a hard time in there progression.

        • 11 months ago

          it's not about having a "hard time", i breezed through the game. I just think it sucks to have almost all your progression tied to gear instead of both gear and level
          >It really doesn't
          how does it not?

          • 11 months ago

            >how does it not
            It does not because you can play fixed level content to benchmark yourself. If you are playing in a way past level 50 that your characters growth via gear and glyphs does not outpace the enemies pathetic level scaling power increase there is something very wrong. How is progressing from being able to beat tier 5 NM dungeons to tier 35 not feel like progression? It's the same as progressing from being able to run around Tamoe Highlands killing shit easily to being able to do the same in The Pit.

            • 11 months ago

              I didnt say that there's no progression in the game, I said the leveling isn't part of the progression because enemies level up alongside you. I said it detracts from the feeling of progression and I still mean that

  68. 11 months ago

    game too slow
    not enough enemies to spam my AoE's so it doesn't feel good
    friends won't play with me because lmao seasons

  69. 11 months ago

    Diablo 4, just like Diablo 3, is garbage and will be forgotten soon enough. Just like all the shitty WoW expansions. Just like starcraft 2.
    Nobody cares about garbage.

    • 11 months ago

      What's not garbage?
      The game is better than diablo 2 and 3

  70. 11 months ago

    Posting in a Pajeet thread.

  71. 11 months ago

    >its sooooo gooood
    >everyone disagreeing is a [ad hominem galore]
    >[thats it. there is nothing more to this post]
    so this... is the power... of paid shillery... very impressive

  72. 11 months ago

    The design decision they made to step away from D3 are good, but the game is an unfinished mess that they rushed out the door to compete with POE2.

    There are like 10 enemy types repeated throughout the entire game. Like 3 dungeon types you do over and over and over again. There are like 5 bosses. You see every in game cosmetic and legendary aspect by like level 70. Uniques don't even have unique models. There are like 5 event types you do over and over and over again. It's completely content barren.

    • 11 months ago

      This is the inevitable result of having a gigantic team and a company rule of having to ask everyone for input. All the idiots and office politicians moron the development process so badly that nothing gets made despite six years of working and millions spent.

    • 11 months ago

      >There are like 10 enemy types repeated throughout the entire game. Like 3 dungeon types you do over and over and over again. There are like 5 bosses. You see every in game cosmetic and legendary aspect by like level 70. Uniques don't even have unique models. There are like 5 event types you do over and over and over again. It's completely content barren.
      its unbelievable they ask full sticker for this tripe and people pay

      • 11 months ago

        what those circles mean?

        • 11 months ago

          Each colored segment is the same as those of the same color, so if you look at the matches they're duplicates.
          He's saying it uses the same few types of corridors over and over.

          • 11 months ago

            I didn't notice but now I see it. Aren't the dungeon static? Because if they are the game is just more shameful then I tought. PoE devs actually designed a system to generate different layout for 100s of maps and blizz can't even afford to make unique static dungeons. Hell even Grim Dawn doesn't repeat content like this

            • 11 months ago

              Pretty sure the dungeons are randomly put together with pieces, which that guy was pointing out repeat often.
              I don't honestly feel like you notice it barreling down them and killing mobs, but I've seen a major set piece repeat maybe every ten levels or so, and the tilesets definitely repeat plenty.
              PoE and other games in the genre do the latter plenty, though.
              I think it's kind of a gotcha nitpick, if anything.

    • 11 months ago

      The game rehashes content like it's a $15 shovelware indie roguelite from 2017.

  73. 11 months ago

    Wrong. I didnt need to give away my Phone Number to activate the fricking Game atleast. Look how pozzed Overwatch 2 is, why in Hell should i support Blizzard

    • 11 months ago

      >Oberwatch 2
      Funny how they delayed new Content but bringing Lgbt Event to the Game is fine

  74. 11 months ago

    Its just marketing brooo!

  75. 11 months ago

    >Diablo 2 - completely mindless clicking forever so you can get some drop that increases your character's damage by 4%
    >Diablo 3 - completely mindless clicking forever so you can get some drop that increases your character's damage by 4%
    >Diablo 4 - completely mindless clicking forever so you can get some drop that increases your character's damage by 4%
    I genuinely can't fathom how someone can see these games as anything but the same boring gameplay loop rehashed over and over. They've always been trash for people with fried reflexes and dopamine receptors and nothing more.

    • 11 months ago

      >all games must be reflex test button mashers
      Go back to dmc, buddy.
      Surely it's amazing skill ceiling should keep you practicing for the rest of your life, right?
      Why invade threads for shit you don't like, I don't do this shit with your actionslop, so why do it with mine?

    • 11 months ago

      If you want static items, twin stick shooters might be more your cup of tea. aRPGs/diablo likes are about finding interesting item and character interactions, coupled with creating builds. And with d4, I'd say, they are also tapping back into the roots of twin stick shooters where they have mechanical skill checks, instead of only gear/build checks.

    • 11 months ago

      Correct about 3 and 4 but in 2 you can actually experiment with different builds and have fun cranking various stats. The entire point of the genre that Blizzard completely forgot about when they were developing D3.

  76. 11 months ago

    I like the music. Shit's comfy.

  77. 11 months ago
    Anonymous guys actually bought Diablo 4?

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, tell me the last ten games you bought and I'll probably laugh at you too.
      You won't because you're a pussy b***h here to dish out hits while incapable of handling them.

      • 11 months ago

        Anyone familiar with blizzard or diablo would know to stear way clear of this title. Have fun in World of Diablo, homosexual.

        • 11 months ago

          Anyone with a brain would judge titles individually instead of making bulk assessments off of trends and outsourcing all of their thinking.

          • 11 months ago

            it's called pattern recognition you obtuse argumentative homosexual

            • 11 months ago

              It's called a mental shortcut you dumbfrick herd following cattle

              • 11 months ago

                >herd following cattle
                Ironic, considering every normie NPC and blizz golem is drooling all over new shiny game and totally absolved blizzshart of everything they did in the last decade
                You're a genuine moron, not even memeing

              • 11 months ago

                You realize I have no contact with those morons, right?
                THIS is the herd you're following like cattle, and this is also the people I interact with.
                You goddamn fricking moron.
                This site used to be fairly individualist, it's really sad how it's basically eroded to just being something of a herd itself, the only difference between you and fricking reddit is one is always positive and the other is always negative.
                You're all just attention seeking homosexuals who want to fit in and be judged as having superior taste.

              • 11 months ago

                >This site used to be fairly individualist
                Not that anon but that's not really true. Don't you remember the old /b/ hivemind meme? Ganker has always been a stupid hivemind of morons.

              • 11 months ago

                It was more individual, creative and active by a lot, compared to the covert reddit frequenters of today.

        • 11 months ago

          >just play the same game for two whole years until it gets good, bro
          actual comment by an acutal blizzdrone

          Holy cope. Can't even tell what games he likes or what he bought recently. Your fricking homosexual replies all reek of an insecure underage mongoloid who is desperate to fit in.

          • 11 months ago

            Video games suck and are a waste of time. I'd rather stare at a wall, unironically.

            • 11 months ago

              Have fun staring and stop coming here.

              • 11 months ago

                I'll do what I want, weeb subhuman.

            • 11 months ago

              start playing fun games

  78. 11 months ago

    D4 is a 6/10 game out of the box. D3 was a 3/10 game out of the box and it took several years and an entire expansion to make it into 6/10. D4's problems are all pretty minor and easy to fix, and adding new content (ie. like they did with the cube in D3) should prove effortless. In a couple of years, if they're intent on supporting the game, it'll be an easy 7.5/10 or even an 8/10.

    • 11 months ago

      >just play the same game for two whole years until it gets good, bro
      actual comment by an acutal blizzdrone

      • 11 months ago

        Is anyone holding a gun to your and forcing you to play? Just forget about the game and come back in a year. You have already paid for it.

        • 11 months ago

          >You have already paid for it.

          • 11 months ago

            So you're in a thread, for a game that you haven't bought and have no intentions of buying, for what reason exactly?

            • 11 months ago

              To wonder how people not only accept but celebrate such low standards.

              • 11 months ago

                Do you not have anything better to do with your time? That sounds incredibly weird.

              • 11 months ago

                You're on Ganker, you could be playing your bad purchase, but you're here, defending it, for free even.

              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                I am eating, so I am here browsing while doing so, and I am not defending D4 at all. There's like +100 valid things to complain about with this game, especially QoL things that are just objectively inferior in D4 compared to D3, somehow.

                I am just curious why you are so emotionally invested in something you haven't played and that you never will play. What's the purpose?

              • 11 months ago

                Ganker isn't reddit, this is where you come to be mad at and shit on video games. Forced positivity is for the rest of the internet.

              • 11 months ago

                forced negativity is just as awful as forced positivity, where do I go for people who aren't pretending so they can fit in and be popular?
                I thought it would be the place where no one can be popular to begin with but I guess I was fricking wrong.

              • 11 months ago

                Your premise is false, you assume negativity is forced here, it isn't, this is just about the only place left where you can freely shit on things without ass kissers defending the multi-billion dollar company for free and on their own time. This is naturally where negativity about any topic is going to congregate as a result of an intensely moderated internet. You should have picked up on this by now.

              • 11 months ago

                It really is.
                You homosexuals will complain and b***h and moan and decry every single fricking release good or no because you want that little high from saying "I told you so" and want to fit in.
                It's the cool thing to do and liking things is vulnerable, what if someone shits on your favorite series?
                abloobloo bloo, frick off moron.

              • 11 months ago

                D4 is not a good release, and arguments to the contrary are clearly due to sunk cost fallacy.

              • 11 months ago

                It really doesn't matter whether it is or not, the point is still valid and you and others will b***h about things just to b***h about them here just as much as people will be all happy and positive and try not to hurt any feelings in other places.
                It is the norm here and you are following the herd the same as those other people.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm shitting on D4 because it is, genuinely speaking, a repainted MMO D3 with even more predatory monetization they expect you to pay 100 USD to subject yourself to. That's before getting to the game itself being the absolute lowest effort possible. It's a cash grab, and anyone defending it objectively lacks sentience or is desperately trying to convince themselves they didn't blow a chunk out of their wages paying for this shit. This is irrefutable, since I never see anyone discussing the good parts of the game, because there are none.

              • 11 months ago

                You are not explaining WHY you are doing this though. What compels you? Why do you feel an incessant need to join these threads in the first place?

              • 11 months ago

                I scrolled Ganker today and saw OP being a homosexual and decided to shit on him. For example, lets take a look at his post again, just for fun.
                >"This fixed literally everything wrong with D3"
                >The only thing he mentions is damage numbers being gone, then goes on a spastic rant about Ganker being toxic.

              • 11 months ago

                You are still not explaining WHY. What drives you to do this? Why do you enter threads like these, instead of just ignoring them, like any sane person would?

              • 11 months ago

                Stupidity that goes unchallenged is at risk of spreading. Someone might actually believe OP and waste their money on D4.

              • 11 months ago

                Lots of people buy a product and then aren't happy about it. They don't need to pay another 100 dollar fee to complain on Ganker. There is no complain cosmetic.

                why not?

                Read the post, you illiterate frick.
                >And DECIDED to shit on him
                OP being a homosexual is always an acceptable reason, if you need further reason to do anything, why use social media at all? Just consume.

                None of the problems D3 had that were fixed were listed, despite D3's issues being well documented and thoroughly discussed over the years. No good aspects of D4 are ever brought up except for memeshit like homosexuals with a Mommy complex. You are on a board where we discuss video games, and well, with the industry being what it is, this is frankly what honest discussion looks like. It is trash, and it will be called trash, and people who purchased it will be called homosexuals for consuming trash.

                >attempting to justify mental illness
                It's fine to hate D4, but just move on with your life instead. You are mentally unwell if you feel an incessant and desperate need to join threads for games that you dislike.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't want anyone to waste money and time on bad games so I go into threads about them and let the people in them know the game is bad, which is just empathy, not mental illness, you fricking muppet.

              • 11 months ago

                You couldn't have made a more dishonest post, even if you tried.

              • 11 months ago

                Who's being negative now?

              • 11 months ago

                You really can't move past this point can you? Do you not understand that no one is worthier of contempt than people who not only bought this garbage, but then feel compelled to go online and convince others to buy it also?

              • 11 months ago

                Show me 3 posts in this thread where people are telling others to buy the game.

              • 11 months ago

                Any notion of the game being better than D3 is an implicit recommendation to anyone who was disappointed with D3.

              • 11 months ago

                It doesn't have to be direct request for others to buy, really. Any post talking about D4 positively, especially in vague terms as OP does, is close enough to count as shilling.

              • 11 months ago

                >It doesn't have to be direct request for others to buy, really
                So you just made shit up, and no one here, besides OP, is actually attempting to get people to buy it. Got it.

              • 11 months ago

                Read the post again, slower this time. There still hasn't been anything specific about the game that has been said to be good, just constant defense against it being called shit as it rightly deserves.

              • 11 months ago

                Why do you think people shouldn't be allowed to blow off steam after wasting their money on a game that they ended up disliking? It's an anonymous video game board. People are going to post if they think something is shit with reckless abandon because they don't fear karma loss here.

              • 11 months ago

                >after wasting their money
                The person literally admitted that he hasn't played the game and never has any intention to play it.

              • 11 months ago

                >The person
                You're quoting a bunch of different people.

              • 11 months ago

                I was talking to the one person originally, and then people chimed in, attempting to justify his behavior, for whatever reason.

              • 11 months ago

                I didn't read the entire comment chain of whoever you're arguing with. It just seems like you believe people shouldn't be allowed to complain about video games on Ganker from your posts I've seen. I agree that complaining about something you haven't even played is dumb especially when there were multiple free betas/demos.

              • 11 months ago

                why not?

              • 11 months ago

                Read the post, you illiterate frick.
                >And DECIDED to shit on him
                OP being a homosexual is always an acceptable reason, if you need further reason to do anything, why use social media at all? Just consume.

                None of the problems D3 had that were fixed were listed, despite D3's issues being well documented and thoroughly discussed over the years. No good aspects of D4 are ever brought up except for memeshit like homosexuals with a Mommy complex. You are on a board where we discuss video games, and well, with the industry being what it is, this is frankly what honest discussion looks like. It is trash, and it will be called trash, and people who purchased it will be called homosexuals for consuming trash.

              • 11 months ago

                >t is trash, and it will be called trash, and people who purchased it will be called homosexuals for consuming trash.

              • 11 months ago

                Lots of people buy a product and then aren't happy about it. They don't need to pay another 100 dollar fee to complain on Ganker. There is no complain cosmetic.

              • 11 months ago

                Forced hate to fit in. Are you blowing off steam to not sperg out in other places and get downvoted to hell?

              • 11 months ago

                negativity bias means that conversations that aren't empty backscratching are always going to be overwhelmingly negative. you don't have to force negativity, you have to force positivity.

                there are obvious exceptions, like if you're discussing a problem and how to solve it. but just discussing the vague "state" of something, like whether or not D4 is a good game, the conversation is going to naturally be very negative, because that's how those conversations naturally are.

                which is all besides the point of D4 being a disgustingly terrible game that manages to bring shame even to the arpg genre, perhaps its most impressive feat.
                but I'm sure having the title be raped to its core to make it playable on consoles is a sacrifice all the stupid, old fricking boomers and moronic, cancerous newhomosexuals are perfectly okay with, because they've either lost all the spark in their lives and just want to zone out in front of the TV without having to think about anything, or they never had it to begin with. pathetic.

              • 11 months ago

                I think its just an aspect of the times where people got used to good videogames being developed and then the big CEOs and greedy companies got involved and realized if they released polished shit with a brand name on it people would still buy it out of status and marketing and psychologically trick themselves into thinking its a good game because they spent 90$ on it.

                I played the beta of D4 and while it was fun I realized it would have no lasting game play value much like my experience with D3 where it was fun at first because it was new

                I mean a major reason that Diablo 2 was a good game was because it had soul, it wasnt developed by focus test groups or comittees saying I want x y and z in this game because this other game has that. Diablo 2 was designed by gamers who were inspired to make a fun game and task risks and willing to put jank in their game like the stamina bar.

                D4 is a game that clearly had a high budget to make it superficially appealing but is designed without real love or care and is designed bottom up with the idea of making money by procedurally appealing to the lowest common denominator rather than making a game that is genuinely difficult. I felt like from playing the beta all the legendary items were just icing and I could have run full of rares and my build or any build would have been just as powerful which screams to me the game was designed to handhold drop dead morons to make them feel smart and powerful.

                Then of course activision released this game as a full price Beta where season 2 is likely the real full release of the game and they are getting players to fricking pay money to play test their shitty game.

              • 11 months ago

                You say this like Ganker didn’t used to be something other than “you’re a shill!” vs “you just shit on everything!” every single thread. And you didn’t play the game, here spreading some feigned insight, so you’re definitely in the first bucket of shitters.

              • 11 months ago

                >you assume negativity is forced here, it isn't
                As someone who has been here since 2005, the nu-Ganker negativity is definitely forced, and it's forced HARD. For every single new release, people are begging and praying for another TORtanic, just so they can experience a tiny bit of schadenfreude.

              • 11 months ago

                >you assume negativity is forced here, it isn't
                >he says as he comes into the thread to shit on a game he didn't play
                Not that you're wrong about D4 being shit still. Self-awareness

              • 11 months ago

                >why do you care that people are wrong?
                it's the internet, newbie

                what a stupid question

              • 11 months ago

                Who cares if people are wrong? You'd have to be severely mentally ill to enter a thread about a game that you dislike, and that you will never play, and then start arguments with people in those threads, in some incredibly weird attempt at trying to convince them that they need to think the way that you think.

                Do you disagree with this assessment?

      • 11 months ago

        Take a break from it and play it when it's better then, the guy is right, though I'd probably say diablo 4 is more like a 7/10 now.
        It'll probably be well into the 8s or 9s in a couple years, though that's very up in the air.
        Even only giving Blizzard the credit of what they've done in the past with D3, it will be head and shoulders the best Diablo game at that point if you're stubborn enough to think it isn't already that by a small margain now.

        • 11 months ago

          Diablo 3 was garbage and Diablo 4 is Diablo 3:2

          The creators of D2 are long gone and have been replaced by the fricking WoW team.....LMAOOOO

          have fun consoooming

          • 11 months ago

            Have fun whining about videogames instead of playing them, it doesn't make you cool.
            I hate blizzard as much as you do, but I'm not stupid enough to operate on emotion 100% of the time and cuck myself when the game is something I'd enjoy.

        • 11 months ago

          >Even only giving Blizzard the credit of what they've done in the past with D3, it will be head and shoulders the best Diablo game at that point if you're stubborn enough to think it isn't already that by a small margain now.
          >a game that you have to wait two years until it gets good is the best Diablo game

          Dios mio you guys eat the nastiest of shit and beg for more.

      • 11 months ago

        An actual comment by an actual little b***h. Just don't play the game? Lmao. There's no law saying you can't wait for it to get good and then jump into it. You fricking woman.

    • 11 months ago

      >D4 is a 6/10 game out of the box
      >D3 was a 3/10 game out of the box and it took several years
      D3 didn't have the problem of 100% of its dungeons being ad lib mix and match bullshit that only change up what flavor of backtracking you'll be doing at Designated Objective Area (1) and Designated Objective Area (2).

  79. 11 months ago

    > have necromancer class
    > class sucks ass unless you sacrifice your minions and play as a pseudo sorcerer

    Bravo blizzard, well done.

    • 11 months ago

      iron golem slam is good
      but yeah Black sucks

  80. 11 months ago

    >bought it because everyone was saying its like Diablo 3
    >Its nothing like diablo 3 and feels sluggish as frick
    Lying Black folk. Already said once I'm done with my playthrough and if the end game ends up sucking that I'm just going back to D1/2/3

  81. 11 months ago

    >Fixed everything wrong with D3

    If by fixed you mean reduced the number of available abilities and augments for said abilities drastically, then yeah. The total amount of possible builds in D4 is insulting.

    • 11 months ago

      >Most abilities in D3 could be made drastically different via the ability runes, including changing its elemental damage type and the whole effect the ability might have
      >Ability augments in D4 are stat boosts or something simple like more branching projectiles 90+% of the time

      How do you even take a massive step backwards like that?

      • 11 months ago

        It's easy. As long as you get carried by the brand name, it doesn't really matter what you do. No pressure to design anything of value.

      • 11 months ago

        Stop hiring competent devs, I guarantee you they literally don't know how to code it to do anything but the most simplistic bullshit. The designers are creatively bankrupt and can't put a cohesive and fun game together in the conceptual stage either. Blizzard's art department is just about the only good part left, and even they're showing their age with their awful aesthetic sense.

      • 11 months ago

        >>Most abilities in D3 could be made drastically different via the ability runes
        lol, take off those rose tinted glasses
        every skill had perhaps one, maybe two that could be generously considered "drastic" changes and the rest are just basic b***h element changes and damage boosts, the latter which is mostly pointless anyway except for memes like cindercoat

  82. 11 months ago

    >boring items
    >no endgame
    >same 3-4 bosses every dungeon
    >only 1-2 builds per class
    >empty world
    >lvling after 70 is a waste of time
    >cant fight story bosses again
    >shitty sub quests
    >renown grind which takes a few days
    >shitty ingame shop for a $70 game
    >cheat death pots/skills
    >cant trade all items
    d2 >>> d4 >>> d3

  83. 11 months ago

    >a single line of text destroys D4's itemization.
    It's over.

    • 11 months ago

      Miffed PoE is such unmitigated garbage and essentially a dead game nowadays when its itemization system completely mogs all others put together.

  84. 11 months ago

    >always-online single-player game
    don’t forget to buy a battle pass and some cool skins alongside your epic edition

  85. 11 months ago

    >Hey guys look, it's a Shako! Remember Shako from D2
    >Turns Shako into an absolute souless item.
    why are they like this? Why can't they make their own items? Can you name one actual iconic unique in D4 right now?

  86. 11 months ago

    Only D3 and torchlight have spastic loot and number vomit.

    D2 was pretty barren of a game and decent loot drops were rare. It's revered as the best thing since wonderbread. It's a case of new bad old good

  87. 11 months ago

    Sprinkling sugar on a pile of shit doesn't change the fact that it's shit.

  88. 11 months ago

    >live service MMO style Diablo
    >dead after just a few weeks
    How do you fail this badly? Especially considering you have 2-3 decades of experience with this shit

    • 11 months ago

      It's not really dead though, it's just in a lull for now, because people know that season 1 will start in the next 2-3 weeks.

      • 11 months ago

        And then people will realize that playing a season is nearly the exact same shit and get bored within a week

        • 11 months ago

          If season is going to work, the core gameplay has to be engaging enough to replay. D4's core isn't. That's the issue. If the core is engaging and interseting enough, they wouldn't need a battlepass to lure people into playing seasons, or a leaderboard for that matter.

          They have said they are gonna ape PoE's seasons. Each season will have 1 big gameplay mechanic, some questline to introduce it, maybe a new area, new legendaries, new uniques, new paragon glyphs/boards, and so on. It's possible that they have some sort of endgame mechanic in mind that makes the game replayable.

          • 11 months ago

            >They have said they are gonna ape PoE's seasons.
            It doesn't really matter what they add if the core game is going to be what it is now. Ask yourself why people are bored 3 weeks into the game when they have at leats 1 season's worth of content.

            You have helltides, worldbosses, an "aspirational" boss uber lillith. Yet people are bored? It's because the loot hunt sucks. This is what Diablo 4 devs do not understand. No matter how much content you cram into the game. No matter how much activities you force into the game. If the loot chase sucks, it's not going to be a good ARPG.

            • 11 months ago

              >It's because the loot hunt sucks
              If this is your main complaint, then that's an INCREDIBLY easy thing to fix. It's probably the absolute easiest thing they can fix.

              • 11 months ago

                >If this is your main complaint, then that's an INCREDIBLY easy thing to fix. It's probably the absolute easiest thing they can fix.
                Fixing your terrible affixes is not going to be an easy fix. Nor is putting 200+% damage multiplier on aspects. The core design requires an actual rework.

              • 11 months ago

                Literally all they gotta do is just go back to D2 itemization. Not this wack semi-hybrid between 2 and 3 they tried.

              • 11 months ago

                10% damage at close range, 10% vulnerable damage, 10% lucky hit

            • 11 months ago

              This game is going to run PoE into the dirt.
              PoE is a bloated overcomplicated mess. Loot doesn't matter in PoE at all.

            • 11 months ago

              PoE's loot hunt is just a grind for exalt drops.

              • 11 months ago

                Diablo 4's loot hunt is _________

                No trade = borrowed time

              • 11 months ago

                >exalt drops

              • 11 months ago

                Right, you probably sit in your base trading all day, my bad.
                It's been a while since I played since the game took such a nosedive over time.

      • 11 months ago

        If season is going to work, the core gameplay has to be engaging enough to replay. D4's core isn't. That's the issue. If the core is engaging and interseting enough, they wouldn't need a battlepass to lure people into playing seasons, or a leaderboard for that matter.

    • 11 months ago

      Applies to the vidya industry in general, which is why we really only see good games coming out of smaller studios these days

      • 11 months ago

        >United States in the 21st century.png

  89. 11 months ago

    Necro minions suck shitty ass balls.
    The paragon board is bugged. The gear affixes don't scale or are bugged. It's pointless in Torment because they just die even with all of the necessary passives and additional paragon.
    Why bother?

  90. 11 months ago

    D4 got me into trying Lost Ark. Regardless of what the grind ends up like, even just the campaign and the class game play is infinitely superior to D4. I actually ended up quitting Diablo 4 somewhere in act4 because the game play was so insanely boring with no interesting things to look forward to.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh yeah Lost Ark definitely had a great campaign, the final bit of the first arc where you siege Luterra Castle was far and away better than any moment in D4 so far. Or stuff like shrinking down on the island arc, or the literal tournament arc
      Half of the reason I kept playing it was to see what crazy shit they'd send me on next.

  91. 11 months ago


  92. 11 months ago

    >Fixed everything wrong with D3.
    No, it pivoted back towards vanilla D3 and did that slightly better. So now we're back to a poor man's Diablo 2 with worse replay value.

  93. 11 months ago

    >can't do back to back rifts in under 2 mins each
    Shit gameplay loop. Into the trash it goes.

  94. 11 months ago

    I see a lot of people bashing open trade ITT and rightfully pointing out how bad it can be in PoE but the fact remains that the only ARPGs that are still active after several years are the ones with open trade like Diablo 2 and PoE. People are not going to grind the game longer than a season or two if they can't accrue wealth to gear up their other characters quickly and/or liquidate valuable stuff they don't need to trade for stuff that they do. Trade keeps multiplayer games alive and also provides another social opportunity in a game that desperately needs them.

    • 11 months ago

      I honestly think that PoE solely lures people in due to fomo and the chance on free MTC in the form of challenges. More of a bait due to barely anyone completing them, but it works with an army of walking wallets that drop money along the way. Couple that with the marketing department selling the game as the most complex, dark souls of diablo like experience, and boom, you have an army of dick riding wiener suckers defending all the absive shit this company has done to them.
      Would people bother with the game they had tied the mtx challenges to the standard league? Or would people bother at all if they had no mtx challenges?

      • 11 months ago

        I have a good time with the game and never spent a cent on it. I'm a newbie though and don't have 10,000+ hours like a lot of people do on this board that hate the game. I'll admit that it was tempting to buy stash tabs and pay to list my items on the trade website but I still got by without doing any of that. At least I could still buy items with the orbs I found. I didn't get to the point that I could kill the very end of the end game bosses but I get bored before that point in the season, anyway.

        • 11 months ago

          >I didn't get to the point that I could kill the very end of the end game bosses but I get bored before that point in the season, anyway
          This is the objectively correct way to play path of exile

          Pick a skill, maybe look up a build and see how far you can make it

        • 11 months ago

          If you stop after the campaign, you can get by as a freemium. But if you play this game on any serious terms, than you are forced to pay up. The design is questionable, and deliberate hinderances are a damper to the experience for gays who didn't pay up, but also the gays who did.
          If you stick with the game for longer and question the design, you'll see its cracks.

          • 11 months ago

            I usually stop after I can farm tier 16 yellow maps and hit around the mid 90s. I know there is an absolute shit ton of content that I'm not doing and bosses I haven't fought but honestly--I only enjoy doing maps, digging around in the mine, and killing the metamorphosis creatures. The rest of the content is either annoying to me or not interesting.

  95. 11 months ago

    >spastic autists who miss their screen vomit of numbers
    Pic related, D3+1 is a literal carbon copy and exactly the same as the previous game
    I mean minus some QoL and other features they now sell as different patches, like that ladder thing 🙂

  96. 11 months ago

    >keep thinking poe is pillars of eternity
    Damn it.

    • 11 months ago

      I still think MW2 stands for Mech Warrior 2

      • 11 months ago

        I feel for you, that must be heartbreaking.

        • 11 months ago

          It was, but the decades numbed the pain.

  97. 11 months ago

    >Stop being terminally online
    Too bad you gotta be if you want to even play this turd.

  98. 11 months ago

    So in Diablo 3 Cain pull some nephalem out of his ass to kill Belial and the other homosexuals, what's the lore of Diablo 4?

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