This is downloading right now. I've never played a RTS before. What am I in for?

This is downloading right now. I've never played a RTS before. What am I in for?

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    generic unmemorable rts

  2. 6 months ago

    britty gud

  3. 6 months ago

    To be honest the worst RTS to start with

    • 6 months ago

      >I've never played a RTS before. What am I in for?
      it's an rts game built for le esports, so if youre completely new to rts.....

      What do you recommend then?

      • 6 months ago

        Even if you're experienced in RTS, SC2 is a pretty bad experience, and you will jump onto any other

        There's SupCom, AoE2, AoE4, Deserts of Kharak, BFGA2, Dawn of War Dark Crusade, Company of Heroes, Beyond All Reason, Homeworld, etc.

        Starcraft 2 is a badly designed game and the more you play the more it shows it's about frustrating you as a player with a bad interface made for people not playing a videogame, but working as a juggler for chinese views. Just not that fun, not that balanced, and certainly not very strategic or deep.

        • 6 months ago

          don't listen to this idiot everything he says is wrong. SC2 controls like butter, especially in how well units path and move as groups

          • 6 months ago

            >don't listen to this idiot everything he says is wrong. SC2 controls like butter, especially in how well units path and move as groups
            lel touch grass, come back and git gud on life you koreaboo

        • 6 months ago

          Age of Empires series my dude

          AoE2DE is really cool. AoE4 is really good too. If you want PEAK FUN and awesomeness get DoW DC and Soulstorm
          BAR is free and it's a good Total Annihilation game

          AoE2 looks slow and you have to manage a lot of resources. StarCraft 2 looks a lot more action oriented, fast paced, and no resource bullshit.

          • 6 months ago

            git BAR or SupCom then
            Or Dark Crusade or Company of Heroes 1

      • 6 months ago

        Age of Empires series my dude

        AoE2DE is really cool. AoE4 is really good too. If you want PEAK FUN and awesomeness get DoW DC and Soulstorm
        BAR is free and it's a good Total Annihilation game

      • 6 months ago

        Paper Mario. Best RTS out there

      • 6 months ago

        Those are over dramatic homosexuals. SC2 isn't the best, but it's fine. Since it's your first not like you're jumping into some sweaty competitive scene. Main complaints for SC2 as single player game is it takes the story in a dumb direction, but the actual gameplay is good.

        Starting off with SC1 where you're limited with hotkeys and grouping, unit AI is stupid and often times useless, and other stupidity is not a good place to start. AoE2 is much better at that point if you want to go far back, it's such a night and day technological improvement across the board that it's amazing they are only like a year apart. SC:BW is heavy carried by koreans who just don't want to change, and the people that like watching sweaty koreans do the muta stack or arbiter push again, and again, and again, and again.

        • 6 months ago

          Starting off with SC1 is a much better place to start.
          The campaign eases you in very slowly with the expectation that it's your first RTS. It's also much easier to go from learning how to play SC1 to playing SC2 than the other way around.

      • 6 months ago

        SC2 is fine for a starting RTS, it's very casualised compared to Brood War and has good campaign/co-op modes to help ease you in

      • 6 months ago

        SC2 is fine. If you decide to get into older RTSs for whatever reason the pathfinding will probably make you ragequit though.

      • 6 months ago

        Pic related. JK, try Rise of Nations

      • 6 months ago

        don't listen to this idiot everything he says is wrong. SC2 controls like butter, especially in how well units path and move as groups

        >don't listen to this idiot everything he says is wrong. SC2 controls like butter, especially in how well units path and move as groups
        lel touch grass, come back and git gud on life you koreaboo

        >like they used to

        AoE2 looks slow and you have to manage a lot of resources. StarCraft 2 looks a lot more action oriented, fast paced, and no resource bullshit.

        Come home white man

      • 6 months ago
  4. 6 months ago

    The biggest ass whooping of ur life

  5. 6 months ago

    >I've never played a RTS before. What am I in for?
    it's an rts game built for le esports, so if youre completely new to rts.....

  6. 6 months ago

    A very fun campaign mode, one of the most approachable in all of RTS

  7. 6 months ago

    The custom gamemodes in the arcade is where all the fun is at

  8. 6 months ago

    a soulless sequel to the best game ever made

  9. 6 months ago

    A lot of decent campaigns, coop warcraft shit mode if you like that, a good amount of homosexuals in 1v1 whenever you stop being a pussy in singleplayer/coop. Lot of knowledge online if you ever want it and you'll need it for 1v1 because it's easy as frick to skim a guide and have leg up on the rest of the mouthbreathers in silver and gold.

  10. 6 months ago

    It's my favorite RTS campaign ever. Blizzard sure don't make 'em like they used to

    • 6 months ago

      >like they used to

  11. 6 months ago

    You need to go older

  12. 6 months ago

    why don't you play the first one instead?
    for that matter is it possible to play original wc3?
    i don't want that reforged shit

    • 6 months ago

      >for that matter is it possible to play original wc3?

  13. 6 months ago

    Wings of liberty is good, everything else is trash, your ass will be handed to you if you touch multiplayer.
    Try command & conquer/red alert remaster and maybe halo wars later on. If you can find and get emperor battle for dune then go for it

  14. 6 months ago

    What rank does cheese stop being 90% of the games
    Not whining about cheese but it takes a completely different strategy and skill set to combat, so it’s not really the same feeling as playing a full game that isn’t the other guy all-in at 10 mins

    • 6 months ago

      10 minute all in is hardly cheese, but the answer is same either way: scout.
      >what rank
      diamond, but there's always cheese

  15. 6 months ago

    Starcraft 2 is the only good RTS. Good gameplay and story. The rest have mediocre gameplay and no story.

    • 6 months ago

      >Starcraft 2
      >Good story
      God fricking damnit I hate zoomers

    • 6 months ago

      SC2 is just a generic existential threat plot, SC1 had a far more interesting story

  16. 6 months ago

    arcade maps is a shell of what it used to be but still never came close to sc/bw ums maps

  17. 6 months ago

    SC2 is a busywork simulator and not so much a strategy game, so it beckons to be sweaty:

    It's about opener, rotations, the gambit and the outcome. Maps are more functions of ETAs and TTK than terrain advantages. Units overlap in functions and has a bloat of useless tools and "gameplay" gimmicks like Chronoboosts and inject larvas.

    As much as reductionism you want to apply, SC2 basebuilding is constrictive to a very tiny grid with no different layouts for different situations since all maps are the same, so yes, it's a busywork, and it would be fine if the game embraced the fact that it's more about the micro managing in fights more than the macro aspect of it, but it's intentionally clumsy to build things in SC2 to take attention from the frontline towards buildings.

    Even more so with the deathball problem SC2 is. It's all about reaching critical mass and F2 into the enemy critical mass. TTK is so fast that makes everyone sweat, but even more so when taking into account you can't keep building and expanding without turning the camera into your own base every .2 nanoseconds. Hence the hotkey piano masters that configure their gameplay to the utmost ridiculous ways just to fast inject larvae into their multiple Hives, a must to do, at all times, to keep up with the other races output, for instance. but devs went on their way to make Inject Larvae NOT AUTOMATIC and justify themselves with "it would make it too simple" even though no one likes that core gimmick since it's not a real tactical decision, just busywork. Same with MULEs and Chronoboosts. Same with blocking ramps everywhere.

    • 6 months ago

      Speaking of blocking ramps, the game is so constrictive it's minutely balanced around ramps. So every map is about ramps and blocking them. But what was a SC1 engine limitation was copied in SC2 as a feature, for instance.
      There are a lot of questionable decisions in SC2 development that people will remember more than I do, specially with balance between units, and certainly the helding hostage some units that were severely needed in armies like true siege weapons and what not.

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