This is how I do my Orcs.

This is how I do my Orcs.

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    kewl story bre

  2. 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago

    It would be more appropriate linguistically for them to be Norman invaders during 1066

    • 9 months ago

      Or even caliphate of Cordoba

      This is how I do my Orcs.

      Huh, based? I honestly would prefer this and how someone would approach their "savagery" instead of the tiresome Tolkien "mur duh mongolian/germanic nomad savages"

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, that’s pretty much what I was going for with them.

        • 9 months ago

          Or even caliphate of Cordoba
          Huh, based? I honestly would prefer this and how someone would approach their "savagery" instead of the tiresome Tolkien "mur duh mongolian/germanic nomad savages"

          Civilizing and conquering uncivilized people isn’t barbaric and goes against the uncivilized theme of orcs, you’re just a butthurt leftoid if you think the conquistadors were barbaric. Europeans are the most gentle conquerors of all time, if you want barbaric look what happens when brown people or mongoloidic people conquer others. We just are lucky that the best conquerors and most prolific (whites) have been the most gentle and nice to their subjects. Emperor maximillian constantly seethed and cried that it was unfair how the conquistadors were making the poor brown nativerinos work 🙁

          • 9 months ago

            >Civilizing and conquering uncivilized people isn’t barbaric and goes against the uncivilized theme of orcs
            What about all those human policies the orcs did exactly as you described and subjugated under Sauron's banner to exploit?

            • 9 months ago

              Take meds or Provide some examples

    • 9 months ago

      It would be more appropriate thematically for them to be Saxon invaders during 400.

  4. 9 months ago


  5. 9 months ago

    ITT: butthurt third worlders

  6. 9 months ago

    What are you, injun or something?

  7. 9 months ago

    So your orcs are religious moralists who are sexually repressed, are against human sacrifice, are technologically more advanced than surrounding cultures, have extensive trade networks, are motivated by money and primarily take land through diplomacy, alliances and gunpowder?

    Congratulations, you're super intelligent and have invented talkative dwarves.

    • 9 months ago

      I must ask, have you read Castillo? I like the direction you are going but reading the perspective first hand would be of great value.
      Lawful Evil orcs are a perfectly valid flavor.
      But note the wider background as this one does. (also both the Spanish and Dwarfs live in mountainous regions) .
      Further, who are the Orcs conquistadeering?
      Because as others have noted, just being on the receiving end of Spanish oppression doesn't mean they were good people beforehand. And orcs tend to depends on who they are being put up against.

      Personally I might suggest a hilarious option of having the conquistadors being mix of orcs and dwarf. One having been conquered by the other and ending up with a heterogeneous society that is united by a shared faith.

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >are against human sacrifice
      You know the conquistadores were Catholic, right?

    • 9 months ago

      That's just Tolkien orcs

      • 9 months ago

        Tolkien's orcs were based on the Irish, who were Catholic. That's why his orcs favored explosive weapons, were lazy and sadistic, grew out of the ground like potatoes, and worshipped a papal figure

        • 9 months ago

          Tolkein was a catholic himself, though

          • 9 months ago

            Tolkien was Christian, not Catholic.

            • 9 months ago

              Out of all the people in this thread deepthroating incel racial fanfiction about a place in the world they're not from you managed to be the most moronic person in this thread. Congratulations.

              • 9 months ago

                > incel racial fanfiction about a place in the world they're not from

              • 9 months ago

                Everyone jacking off the Spanish empire itt.

              • 9 months ago

                Fake news. Papists teach taqqiyah: it's not a sin to lie, if you're lying to or about people who don't worship the pope

        • 9 months ago

          that couldn't be more wrong you moron protostant

        • 9 months ago

          Meds NOW

    • 9 months ago

      Civilizing and conquering uncivilized people isn’t barbaric and goes against the uncivilized theme of orcs, you’re just a butthurt leftoid if you think the conquistadors were barbaric. Europeans are the most gentle conquerors of all time, if you want barbaric look what happens when brown people or mongoloidic people conquer others. We just are lucky that the best conquerors and most prolific (whites) have been the most gentle and nice to their subjects. Emperor maximillian constantly seethed and cried that it was unfair how the conquistadors were making the poor brown nativerinos work 🙁


      Well done! You really subverted our expectations there!. What race do you use to represent the enslaving, 'sacrifice on a pyramid' and 'wear their skin as a cape' South Americans? Elves? Asimar?

      >the aztecs were evil for subjugating other tribes and killing them on top of a pyramid
      >thats why the conquistadors are good guys for subjugating those tribes and killing them in mines
      It's pretty incredible how the victims get assigned the blame for what was done to them to justify victimizing them more

      • 9 months ago

        >the aztecs were evil for being oppressive tyrants who enslaved other tribes and sacrificed them on top of a pyramid
        > thats why the conquistadors are good guys for subjugating those tribes and making them work for pay and food in mines and spreading civilization to them and giving them a way better life then the Aztecs gave them
        Fixed that for you. Subjugating others isn’t evil in of itself, it’s a natural human thing that any stronger group of humans does to their neighbors, what counts is how you treat the subjugated. Nice try with your false equivalency doe

        • 9 months ago

          Anon, the Aztecs weren't tyrants. It was literally impossible for them to be given how decentralized their "empire" was. In reality it was a sphere of influence that gathered tribute from subjugated people and left them to their own affairs otherwise. This is because there were no beasts of burden for logistics, everything had to be done on foot by people so unlike the Inca with Alpacas that could sustain an empire over a mountain range the Aztecs were already at the limit of their supply lines in Tlaxcala.
          >spreading civilization
          They already had civilization and killing 90% of them is hardly any standard of living.

          • 9 months ago

            Not the spaniards fault that the aztec's genocidal wars were hampered by their uncivilized tiers of technology. They also had a very decentralized empire.
            Also you're a english-speaking leftoid with no knowledge because the inca network relied on human porters, which is basic knowledge. Your people genocided the indians, don't shift the blame to the other colonizers.

            • 9 months ago

              >tiers of technology
              Well that's the red flag waving.

              • 9 months ago

                >there is NO difference between a tribal African and industrialized European society CHUD. One is NOT more advanced. THERE IS NO such thing as primitive. Banging rocks together is as VALID and creating complex machinery and industrial processes

              • 9 months ago

                The Spanish literally thought the reason the natives were dying was because they were too clean.

              • 9 months ago

                Ok… who asked? That has nothing to do with anything anyone said, take your meds. Cleanliness does not equal civilized-ness. Many wild animals keep themselves very very clean, and 19th century England was quite filthy

              • 9 months ago

                >M-my empire is very technologically advanced because I have a rich culture and literature! We're very smart I swear!
                >The wheel!? But that's for toys...

          • 9 months ago

            > killing 90% of them
            Disease did that. There was no massive genocide done by the Spanish you moronic buffoon

        • 9 months ago

          >how you treat the subjugated
          Being sent hundreds of miles from your home and family to work a mine in shit conditions so somebody across the ocean can be rich isn't a great way to treat people. The aztecs forced the natives to work and the spanish showed up and did the same thing after them.

      • 9 months ago

        >the Aztecs were evil for demonstrating their claim to empire through widely recognized politically correct and socially beneficial public acts of piety

  8. 9 months ago

    >aping Tolkien
    Come up with your own original donut steel species instead homosexual
    Would be far less insulting than tarnishing the work of another for the umpteenth time

  9. 9 months ago

    Well done! You really subverted our expectations there!. What race do you use to represent the enslaving, 'sacrifice on a pyramid' and 'wear their skin as a cape' South Americans? Elves? Asimar?

  10. 9 months ago

    Elves are degenerate natives

  11. 9 months ago
  12. 9 months ago


  13. 9 months ago

    I liked them better as vampires

  14. 9 months ago

    It seems after the conquest of the Aztecs, Cortés became the go-to figure for the indigenous to appeal every time they had a trouble with the Spaniards or other tribes. He became an organizer of sea expeditions towards the end of his life, but he couldn't travel himself very far because the former enemies of the Aztecs often begged him not to, fearing the Aztecs would capitalize on his absence to revolt and try to reinstate their empire. Of course, there's always the doubt of how faithful chronicles really are, but Cortés being seen as a benefactor isn't as farfetched as it sounds: he was still the most powerful man in New Spain, sported a long history of collaborating with natives for mutual benefit, and had many connections with different factions of those, all of which made him an effective arbitrator - not to mention the indigenous had seen much worse from people like Pánfilo de Narváez or the Aztecs themselves.

    • 9 months ago

      In spite of the stereotype, Cortés never really went out of his way to make a difference between whites or natives in his conquest, rather preferring to divide people between those who were in his side and those who were not, which helped him to secure the support of many indigenous powers that stayed loyal to Spain for centuries after his death. Indeed, he took care to rebuild and develop every native population he seized by force, and spent several points of his career basically acting as the chief of police of the Indies against the abuses of lesser conquistadores, much to his chagrin. Also, while he was still obviously a conqueror and a brutal combat pragmatist in battle, he was first and foremost armed with diplomacy and was a believer in defeat means friendship, to the point some of his men reportedly snarked that, like his idolized Alexander the Great, he often treated the vanquished better than the victors. Admittedly, one does not simply topple empires by being a unsympathetic moron.

      • 9 months ago

        Like Cortés, Pizarro can be said to be way more than the stereotypical gold-obssessed butcher. Unlike the highly cultured Cortés, and unusually for a man of his rank, it's unclear whether Pizarro ever learned to read and write, which didn't impede him from becoming a simple, yet opulent man of wealth and taste, as he always made sure to surround himself with skilled consultants.
        By all accounts Francisco basically fell in love with the Inca Empire after getting to see its greatest works, in especial its capital of Cusco, and issued decrees to protect the indigenous population centers and prosecute any Spaniard who mistreated the natives outside of the battlefields - which turned out to be much easier said than done, of course, due to the large amounts of gold available to those who wanted to try to pocket it. Also, although he was undoubtedly ruthless with his enemies, he achieved his conquest by wisely presenting himself to the indigenous as a liberator against the grueling reign of Atahualpa, and regardless of its veracity, his effective leadership and diplomacy ensured most tribes would indeed remain improbably loyal even whenever Inca generals revolted and tried to stir the empire against the foreigners. At the end of the day, it would be rather his own countrymen who became the reason he didn't live to see the full pacification of the lands.

  15. 9 months ago

    >people taking imperial propaganda at face value

    • 9 months ago

      Except the Empire was against the conquistadors and it's aim was to protect the indians (ideologically) and to confiscate the conquistador's lands (pragmatically). If anything it was in the interests of the spanish government and church to demonize the conquerors.

  16. 9 months ago

    Funny, that's how I do my elves.

  17. 9 months ago

    Here's a Spanish woman with a freed man in New Spain. People on the Internet have this strange view of a long dead empire.

    • 9 months ago

      Fake imperial propganda. The Spanish empire KILLED and ENSLAVED all the black people and natives, this is known, chuddy

  18. 9 months ago

    One of my favorite things about the Aztecs is how the flower wars likely weren't actually real. There's no records of such battles, but there are records of lengthy brutal and indecisive campaigns with the Tlaxcala. Meaning that Montezuma was interviewed by Cortez he lied about the Spanish's new allies because why wouldn't anyone in that position? You wouldn't tell your insane captors their new allies were an actual military power they could wield effectively against you.

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