This is the worst boss in fromsoftware history and you can't convince me otherwise

This is the worst boss in fromsoftware history and you can't convince me otherwise

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  1. 5 months ago

    Not even close, you could point to half the bosses in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2.

    • 5 months ago

      There isn't a single boss in DS2 worse than Fire Giant

      • 5 months ago

        Covetous demon

        • 5 months ago

          Covetous demon is just funny. I’m not disagreeing though, and I can name a couple other bosses worse than Fire Giant
          >graverobber trio
          >ancient dragon
          >guardian dragon (this one is often forgotten but it’s probably the most moronic one since you fight it as a mini boss pretty early on)
          >that cleric and hexer in brightstone cove that I can’t even remember the name of
          >last giant
          >the giant king
          >like eight ds1 gargoyles
          >old iron king

      • 5 months ago

        You could not be more wrong.

      • 5 months ago

        You’re right there’s not a “single” boss
        There’s multiple, more than half Fire giant might as well be Nameless king in comparison to DS2 bosses, some of which you had to pay extra just to play.

      • 5 months ago

        DS2 bosses suck for a different reason, completely different than ER's

    • 5 months ago

      the only bad boss in demon's souls was the manta rays

  2. 5 months ago

    It's quite the spectacle and great visual design but yeah it does kinda feel like ass to fight.
    Blame torrent. Horse combat was just shit in general.

    • 5 months ago

      dont use the horse its easier on foot. its super easy in fact

      • 5 months ago

        came here to say this, the fight on foot is much easier once you learn roll timings, Torrent is a bait in much of that game

  3. 5 months ago

    Bed of Chaos exists, therefore you are wrong.

    • 5 months ago

      Bed of Chaos will never be topped.

      Yeah that's pretty hard to beat

  4. 5 months ago

    >Go on Torrent.
    >Completely trivial.
    I don't get the issues with Fire Giant at all unless you're on a challenge run.

    • 5 months ago

      torrent makes fire giant more difficult

      • 5 months ago

        theres a goofly on-and-off game you can play against giant enemies like dragons or the fire giant. ride in to close the gap then hop off as he attack to abuse i-Frames. there's no way its the intended style of play becasue it looks dumb as hell but its the easiest.

      • 5 months ago

        He doesn't. In phase 1 the only attack that can even remotely hit you is the dodge roll and everything else can either be avoided by running to his foot or running away from his foot depending how close you are. The shockwave slam he does can literally be avoided by jumping or just iframing off of Torrent. In phase 2 the only thing that can hit you at all is, again, the roll, and his attacks are even easier to dodge because you just run away.

        I genuinely don't get people complaining about Fire Giant, I really don't. Dragons and Fire Giant are made trivial because of Torrent.

        theres a goofly on-and-off game you can play against giant enemies like dragons or the fire giant. ride in to close the gap then hop off as he attack to abuse i-Frames. there's no way its the intended style of play becasue it looks dumb as hell but its the easiest.

        Dragons you can literally just sit under their head, wait for them to swipe, then run back and get some more hits. If they fly into the sky just ride Torrent towards where it flew. You don't even need to use iframes.

        • 5 months ago

          >He doesn't
          I tried beating fire giant probably 30 or 40 times and couldn't do it. then I read some moron say to not use torrent and to stay behind/in between his legs and I beat it in 3 or 4 tries

          • 5 months ago

            If you’re on torrent the entire time then you’re just a moron. You’re supposed to use torrent when he sends off the homing sun mines so you can set them off by running under him and doing a loop.

        • 5 months ago

          I dont know what fricking glitch you managed to abuse or on what patch because he is literally rigged to attack torrent. It's like the godskins throwing a fireball on heal animation. He's timed specifically to punish getting on/off torrent with his shockwave/fireball timings. Every single time you try to get on torrent he'll start and hit you with an attack before torrent is out of mounting lag and you even get a chance to move. Or something like that I only tried using torrent the first time and just beat him on foot for the second attempt. I dont remember the exact attacks he punishes you with but it's very blatantly anti torrent

          • 5 months ago

            You use Torrent far away and it typically forces him into the slam into the raise to do the shockwave which you can avoid by running diagonally, jumping over it, or dismounting then mounting it again. Then you run to his leg and his typical answer after that is swinging in front of him or the roll and he repeats it. He will typically do the roll after a swing in front of him so you get a handful of attacks on his leg then back off, he'll roll, and then off he goes with the shockwave again.

            Phase 2 yes, he does the fireballs but you literally just run diagonally towards him, attack him a few times, and he chooses to either orb you, roll, or slam his hands if you're in front of him. Regardless of what he does you can fairly reasonably respond to it.

            Webm related was my "strategy" during all of phase 1 except minus the issue I had there.

  5. 5 months ago

    Bed of Chaos will never be topped.

  6. 5 months ago

    i kept getting 1 shot by this and took hours to kill it

    • 5 months ago

      I was tired of dying a million times during boss fights so I ended up farming a shit load of runes and made a perfect Blasphemous Blade build and just beat the game earlier today. Fire giant took me three tries and Godfrey took 3 tries otherwise I beat every end boss first try it was ridiculous. Highly recommend that build to anyone like me who just wants to progress and not spend hours learning every enemy attack pattern.

  7. 5 months ago

    Smelter demon or whatever its called in DS2 dlc. The one with the bullshit runback.

    • 5 months ago

      This is literally you

      • 5 months ago

        >Dark souls 2 is a good ga-
        Kinda sad when DSP is right about something but DS2 really is that shit

  8. 5 months ago

    blocks you're path

    • 5 months ago

      This fight, and Fune Knight, is cancer.

      But Fume Knight is utter FRICKING cancer.

      • 5 months ago

        Fume Knight is one of the best bosses in the while franchise.

      • 5 months ago

        Fume Knight? That’s an odd way of spelling the Burnt Ivory King?

      • 5 months ago

        Those 3 Black folk are worse because of the runback. Fume knight as a bonfire next to it, so it will never be that bad.

      • 5 months ago

        >Fume Knight is utter FRICKING cancer.

  9. 5 months ago

    Bed of Chaos
    Prowling Magus
    Royal Rat Authority
    Moonlight Butterfly
    Witches of Hemwick
    Rotting Greatwood
    Crystal Sage
    Folding Screen Monkeys

    • 5 months ago

      agree on most of that but wha'ts wrong with leechmonger?

      • 5 months ago

        Not him but he's nothing as a boss.
        >If you use firebombs you can literally just sit on the upper levels and chuck them until he died without ever getting hit.
        >If you have magic you can do the same strategy but he dies three times as fast.
        >If you use arrows you can do the same strategy but it's a bit slower.
        >If you are melee just use Turpentine and he dies faster than Phalanx.
        >Only real threat is in melee range and you can very easily bait ranged attacks by just, you know, being two feet away from him them get a bunch of free hits.
        >Even if you reach him as your first boss he takes like three or four hits of melee to kill you.

        • 5 months ago

          if youre gonna start ticking bosses for cheesability you can discount like 3/4 of the entire DeS roster. their gimmicks are what make them interesting and memorable imo, and leechmonger isnt much more egregious than phalanx or the old hero in terms of abusing their mechanics or AI.

          • 5 months ago

            The problem is that even if you fight him as intended (I.e. melee range) he's not a threat at all because you can just block the hit, regain your stamina, do like two attacks, regen the stamina again, block, heal, and repeat and you'll kill him without thinking. It's not about cheesing him, it's that even if you fight him how he's intended he doesn't pose a threat.

    • 5 months ago

      Folding Screen Monkeys are kino.

    • 5 months ago

      crystal sage is a good boss
      pinwheel is cool and has epic lore
      Rotting Greatwood is fine
      Moonlight Butterfly was a highlight because it has good atmosphere and music
      Prowling Magus is pure kino

    • 5 months ago

      Bed of Chaos is the only right answer, many others are just From Software not differentiating between significant minor enemy/setpiece/"midbosses".
      Which is understandable if you're one of those kids that was raised only on From Software games and Ganker.
      Folding Screen Monkeys in this list is what makes you a straight-up moron, though

      • 5 months ago

        He's got a point with FSM because they're just boring once you've figured out the gimmick. They become "That boss" for Sekiro because nothing about it is fun once you've done it once, and even when you're doing it your first time the only interesting one is the one following you all the time.

        • 5 months ago

          Replyability in a boss, to the point you even consider adding it to this discussion, would only matters to autists - it's a completely different conversation, and I'd argue little to no bosses are created with that in mind, it's a happy accident if it ever occurs.
          Besides, you boil the problems you have about the monkeys down - learning how they act, and simply regurgitating the way to beat them - you've got a legitimate complaint about every single boss in every single fromsoft game ever

          • 5 months ago

            Fair enough. I think the issue is that if you don't "get" the gimmicks of each one then the fight becomes completely boring as you try to workshop how the hell you even hit them. The one that runs away is easy enough, the one that summons monkeys is a pain in the ass even if you head him off, the one behind you is what the water is for but some people might not notice that, and the one you have to sneak via the wind lure (If I'm remembering that right) is finicky.

            For some people it simply might not be an interesting fight at all, and while the only one I dislike is the monkey summoner I can understand where that guy is coming from.

    • 5 months ago

      Man,i just replayed all 3 Arkham games and 85% of the boss fights were games worse than any of these on your list

      • 5 months ago

        somehow wrote games instead of gimmicks

      • 5 months ago

        Thats just what is expected from western stuff, AAA here cant do boss fights.

        Different places different standards.

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >i cant iframe roll through the entire fight
      >therefore boss is bad

    • 5 months ago

      I can still recall moonlight butt's music over a decade later therefore it's a great fight
      too "video gamey" and straightforward if you're spoiled on BB/ER but I don't think it's a bad thing

  10. 5 months ago

    Elden Ring taught me that many of the people posting on Ganker are way worse at videogames than you'd think.

    • 5 months ago

      Elden Ring? Sekiro taught me that.

      • 5 months ago

        ehh Sekiro's reliance on QTE combat over Soulsbourne's analog approach is a totally different way to present challenge and objectively a shallower read on someone's ability to overcome 'difficulty'

  11. 5 months ago

    Why did everyone have such a hard time with this fool. beat him after a few tries, and no I didn't use magic, just a big sword big armor and lots of strength

    • 5 months ago

      They summoned because they got scared, so they didn't know you could use torrent

      • 5 months ago

        Oh lol that's makes sense. Cause yea I also didn't summon and just used torrent

    • 5 months ago

      My experience with him was drastically different on a build with bleed than a build without. He has such an unholy frickton of HP that he's like 5x easier if you're doing percentage HP chunks to him.

  12. 5 months ago
  13. 5 months ago

    yeah this boss sucked, made me quit and I didn't beat it until I came back a year later. Makes me think they had to patch him several times

  14. 5 months ago

    Duke’s Dear Freja is worse even with the NG+ soulkinoludo what-have-you. I say this as I just fought it on NG+ and hated how it just fricking does the same tantrum move over and over and over where you just stand to the side of one head and hope it fricking falls off soon so you can go to the other side and win the fight. Fire Giant falls into a similar trap you can fall into with a lot of DS2 bosses (and every boss actually but it’s prominent in DS2) where your impatience is your downfall because you don’t like the fight and just want it over with. Both fights are really easy you just stand in a specific position the entire time to dodge one of two attacks, then you attack. They both do a lot of damage when they hit you too. I actually like Fire Giant a bit for the torrent usage but it’s still like, bottom of C tier…

  15. 5 months ago

    >worst boss in the game
    >have to let your wife burn to a crisp after

    It's really not fair bros

    • 5 months ago

      >your wife
      but Ranni is my wife

    • 5 months ago

      Just let chaos take the world, bro.

  16. 5 months ago

    I beat it first try

  17. 5 months ago

    Damage sponge is always bad boss design

  18. 5 months ago

    >sneak up on boss through secret path specifically there for you to sneak up on him
    >start fighting
    >random npc aggros on you halfway through the fight

    • 5 months ago

      Damn that guy had a big halberg.I had nothing but respect for him

    • 5 months ago

      >I lack critical thinking

      • 5 months ago

        ok smartass how was I supposed to do it?

    • 5 months ago

      >can’t deal with fodder enemies which take two hits max to kill and in doing so give you health back + posture + mortal blade light to make the fight more of a joke.
      If pity you for how bad you are

  19. 5 months ago

    dark souls 2 exists

  20. 5 months ago

    It is kinda bad. All you have to do is beat his ankles on the horse, this works in phase 1 and 2. Its just not as interesting or cool a spectacle fight as Radahn. Then the fight is dragged out by him rolling all over the place and forcing you to run around evading fireballs.

  21. 5 months ago

    Does he fly?Does he fly above you and breath fire/rot
    Then he isn't the worst boss

  22. 5 months ago

    I like how people just automatically assume worst = hard

  23. 5 months ago

    Took me less than 15 minutes to kill him. Are you perhaps bad at the game?

  24. 5 months ago

    You can always see or infer what the Fire Giant is doing, in addition to hearing his tells. The Fire Giant also often moves away from you, which both lets him dodge well and lets you see him in full again. For a giant boss that is annoying or underwhelming, you can look at the Giant Lord in Dark Souls 2.

  25. 5 months ago

    He's the worst in Elden Ring. I have only tried Demon's Souls and Elden Ring. He wouldn't be so bad if they did a custom camera or something. The attack where he stomps on you, or rolls around, does not work with the camera.

    People can argue all day about out "git gud", but these are the kinds of arguments devs have with bug testers. 9 out of 10 bug tester swill be complaining about something like "the camera lock does not track well and this fight is annoying as frick and not fun" but the devs have too many other things to do, so they won't put in the work to improve something.

    Sure, it's "not that bad", but for a lot of players giant enemies are annoying due to the lock on or the way they play 99% of the game. It's the stomping attack where he spins around, and the rolling that feel like cheap deaths. I'm sure QA and the devs fought over changing the camera for this fight. It's annoying, but winnable, and I see both sides arguing about it.

    QA isn't supposed to put in design bugs, but devs do ask for feedback and this is the type of thing that would be bugged. Bad camera for sure would be bugged and talked about.

    ER-[Camera] Enemy is not visible when Camera-Locked in combat with Boss Fire Giant in MotG (whatever their code is for that enemy or however they write their bugs)

    • 5 months ago

      what do you think of Rykard? I thought he was way worse

      • 5 months ago

        I did grab that weapon, so Rykard didn't take too many tries. Fire Giant is worse for me, because the camera lock feels like an objective bad decision they should have fixed for enemies that large.

        I don't remember any of Rykard's attacks killing me as often as the Fire Giant's roll or spinning stomp. The spinning stomp is far more annoying than anything Rykard does. The roll one is just tough for me to determine what exact direction he is rolling. It's not like I get completely smashed, it's because I can't tell what direction he's rolling, I usually die just barely getting clipped by him. I'm trying to react and play the game, but the camera and his massive body make it hard to read his body. It's just a giant brown blob that moved off screen, I try to track him, and I'm guessing which direction I need to move to not take massive damage. Usually I get clipped because I rolled at a 30 degree angle instead of 45, because I knew he was going left, but that's still a wide variety of angles in the left direction that I'm guessing for.

        Sorry for the rant. Fire Giant is totally killable, it's just annoying and takes longer for me on most playthroughs. Some classes are easy af, but some are annoying.

        • 5 months ago

          idk I still feel like Rykard's one move he does at 50% that takes up like 3 whole minutes is the worst thing in the game
          the effects literally cover the screen and he can do ground aoe eruptions coupled with exploding skulls from above all while swinging his sword
          and if you're locked on to him your camera is elevated throughout the whole ordeal and you can get stuck on the dumb obstacles in the arena trying to rollspam
          it took me like a dozen tries to finish that one part after I got his fight down and the first thing I did was duplicate his soul so I never had to go through that bullshit again

  26. 5 months ago

    at least he only shows up once unlike the rotted homosexual tree

  27. 5 months ago

    Why is his torso a face

  28. 5 months ago

    not sure if it's the same for anyone else but this boss tanks my fps to single digits so it's the worst for me
    I have no idea how I beat it several times

    • 5 months ago

      That one completely broke the camera for me to the point where it suddenly was in a top down perspective for a few seconds somehow, high above the arena.

  29. 5 months ago

    I cheese him every time and I still don't know what the intended way to wreck him is.
    Complete mystery.

  30. 5 months ago

    DeS bosses are the worst by far.

  31. 5 months ago

    I’m not even going to bother
    Just imagine a big picture labeled Dark Souls 2 and you’ll know what I’m talking about. OP is delusional as long as that game exists.

  32. 5 months ago

    I've never had much trouble beating this funny guy

  33. 5 months ago

    >Cuts off his leg
    >Sacrifices leg to summon a god
    >The god's eye has those same swirls found on Jupiter
    The presentation of this fight is really amazing

  34. 5 months ago

    Nah, you can derp him down with a kamehame when he starts his secobd phase

    • 5 months ago

      Oh shit, wrong pic

  35. 5 months ago

    What's wrong with it? I thought it was pretty cool

  36. 5 months ago

    It's a great boss. I liked fighting him with Torrent but also made me figure out that Torrent is best used as instant sprint button and then dismount to actually attack
    In the second phase it becomes a great movement based fight

  37. 5 months ago

    >It has been 15 years of Souls games and Fromsoft is STILL making giant bosses where you do nothing but hit their ankles/legs for five minutes.

    Lords of the Fallen (2023) was irredeemable trash, but even it managed to do this better by having a phase change that forces the player to get to higher elevation and fight them at chest height. Do something like this or let me climb the frickers Shadow of the Colossus style Miyazaki you fricking hack.

    • 5 months ago

      >>It has been 15 years of Souls games and Fromsoft is STILL making giant bosses where you do nothing but hit their ankles/legs for five minutes.
      Hitting legs and ankles is a great mechanic, and works perfectly with Fire giant where you constantly dodging projectiles or melee attacks and that becomes a fantastic boss if you aren't a moron that constantly stays on Torrent.
      Climbing is always dogshit, and so are gimmicks

    • 5 months ago

      Fire Giant is a great boss if you know what you are doing
      Climbing bosses will always be shit
      I haven't played Lords of the Fallen but I can sense from that picture that it is just a less janky Ceaseless Discharge memeboss

      It's a great boss. I liked fighting him with Torrent but also made me figure out that Torrent is best used as instant sprint button and then dismount to actually attack
      In the second phase it becomes a great movement based fight

      You can just use a long weapon which all builds have access to by late game and do just fine or a ranged option, or just dismount and mount
      Works either way

      • 5 months ago

        Forgot webm

    • 5 months ago

      I think Fire Giant Phase did it right.
      The gimmick to sell is that he is indeed trying to squash you like a bug, until he actually gets desperate and molested.

      But yeah
      What you stated is true for a lot of the large bosses. A lot of them are really wonky if you lack the range or stagger to properly fight them.

  38. 5 months ago

    i'm one of those homosexuals playing slowly trying to piece together what am i seeing/what it all means
    learning about giants here and there and how there was a war against them, seeing their corpses afflicted by destined death jutting out of their chest and seeing the last one of them alive was pretty kino
    anyway whats his deal? the general consensus at least

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