This man died trying to, verbatim words" "make pokemon entartaining for teenagers and adults as well".

This man died trying to, verbatim words" "make pokemon entartaining for teenagers and adults as well".

He's the real hero. Tajiri too, just looking at how many things Miyamoto had them delete from red and blue. Maybe if Pokémon never became a Nintendo exclusive, it would be free from the cancer of greed

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  1. 9 months ago

    Why does he look like the fricking chud?

    • 9 months ago

      passionate people tend to look that way, it's creepy

    • 9 months ago

      Anon he's what is called an Asian person. Perhaps you've heard of them. They all look like that.

  2. 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago
  4. 9 months ago

    Overrated drug addict. His blogs were crap, nothing was understood and he overthought everything. Also, check out his face!!!

    • 9 months ago

      You just sound like an illiterate downie yourself. Him suffering because morons command over art isn't overthinking, it's extremely tragic, the absolute death of art and also just a reflection of everything modern asociety.

      It's not like we're talking about a series abandoned by both its absolute creator and the creator of the anime, which is what made it this successful, all the while has gotten shit for decades for being so low quality, right? It must be all in the mind of Shudo.

      Hell, before the games started to get so much shit, the anime was laughed at constantly. And today, thanks to Shudo's blog, we know why...

  5. 9 months ago

    literally my father

  6. 9 months ago

    Don't talk bullshit. From its conception Pokémon was ALWAYS a series aimed at kids to promote video games. This is a very common thing in Japan, but junkie Shudo had delusions of him writing Hamlet or something. It was unbearable to read his fricking cryptic, pseudo-intellectual blogs where he overthought everything to a ridiculous level.
    Shudoggays are a cancer.

    • 9 months ago

      You are the cancer, and also the mentally handicapped. You admit your mental handicappement at start, by saying "i le play le kid for le game for le children:) i no need play adult:) b-but think of da childran:)" homosexual subhuman be like 42 and playing games xitself considers and even PUSHES being "for da childran:) but think of da childran:)"

      If your mentally handicapped, autismic abomination "self" could even read or understand anything at all, included 2 simple lines of sentences (Aand I could get on questioning what do you even know about Pokémon, as obviously youre incapable of even reading and understanding the dialogues of "da childrun:) game"), you'd understand that "making Pokémon enjoyable for teenagers and adults" nowhere implies it wasn't "made for da childruan:)".

      However, since you bring the topic up, no, Tajiri didn't mean to make a game "for da childshshuan:)", which is proved by all the thing Nintendo made Gamefreak delete from the games with the exact purpose of making it childish and more marketable, as well as just marketing strategies that will cancer up the series from then on forever, such as the double versions.

      Needless to say, but your mentally handicapped unself needs to be told it. If both the creator of Pokémon and the creator of the anime of Pokémon want to make something mature and artistically advanced, then Pokémon was NEVER meant to be "4 las moronic toddlers:)"

      Nintendo isn't Pokémon, Nintendo is the cancer that needed and needs Pokémon, tor da money. that's because so called "da childran" target isnt really targeting children, it's targeting money. First of, children, especially boys, with a functioning brain, don't want baby shit. They never wanted baby shit. And thats even truer in the 90s, when kids were generally less moronic than nowadays. By making autismo baby shit, what they aim at is the CASUALS, the moronic brainless casuals, included all those that never played a game, not normal childran.

    • 9 months ago

      No matter how you put it or excuse your mental moronation, but anything related to YOU can't be good. Stop using children as an excuse for your worthlessness and autismo, even if you are underage. As a boy i wasnt moronic, i didnt like baby shit, i liked badass and deep things. If you like pokemon for "my jigglypuff is so pink", thats neither the fault of children or of adults that want to make good art. That's the fault of your weakness mental moronation.

      And other than that, you're trying to push the idea that terribly made cashgrabs are superior than well made, mature art, which is simply never true, little autist. No, not even in the minds of normal boys. Only in the minds of autismos terrified of anything even distantly resembling worth and intelligence.

      Besides, again, possibly the most hated, most casual and with the most autistic "fandom" franchise on the planet, you don't really have any excuse left at all. You're the cancer why this series is reduced to this pathetic state, and that allows art to be a terrible slop that needs no effort, because you will buy it anyway. If you're american, as probably is, that wouldn't surprise me on the slightest. Whatever ameriturds touch becomes diarrhea, and theyve had their filthy hands on Pokémon for a long while, in fact theyre also those that censored Shudo's works in the west. If it was for them and the likes of you, Pikachu would be a furry tiger with boobs. Which for your abomination speck that would be good. It's not like your golem system has any standard, you'd eat up any dogshit that reminds you of your horrid autistic childhood.

      • 9 months ago

        You are the cancer, and also the mentally handicapped. You admit your mental handicappement at start, by saying "i le play le kid for le game for le children:) i no need play adult:) b-but think of da childran:)" homosexual subhuman be like 42 and playing games xitself considers and even PUSHES being "for da childran:) but think of da childran:)"

        If your mentally handicapped, autismic abomination "self" could even read or understand anything at all, included 2 simple lines of sentences (Aand I could get on questioning what do you even know about Pokémon, as obviously youre incapable of even reading and understanding the dialogues of "da childrun:) game"), you'd understand that "making Pokémon enjoyable for teenagers and adults" nowhere implies it wasn't "made for da childruan:)".

        However, since you bring the topic up, no, Tajiri didn't mean to make a game "for da childshshuan:)", which is proved by all the thing Nintendo made Gamefreak delete from the games with the exact purpose of making it childish and more marketable, as well as just marketing strategies that will cancer up the series from then on forever, such as the double versions.

        Needless to say, but your mentally handicapped unself needs to be told it. If both the creator of Pokémon and the creator of the anime of Pokémon want to make something mature and artistically advanced, then Pokémon was NEVER meant to be "4 las moronic toddlers:)"

        Nintendo isn't Pokémon, Nintendo is the cancer that needed and needs Pokémon, tor da money. that's because so called "da childran" target isnt really targeting children, it's targeting money. First of, children, especially boys, with a functioning brain, don't want baby shit. They never wanted baby shit. And thats even truer in the 90s, when kids were generally less moronic than nowadays. By making autismo baby shit, what they aim at is the CASUALS, the moronic brainless casuals, included all those that never played a game, not normal childran.

        so this is a shitpost and troll thread. frick off and die.

  7. 9 months ago

    Lugia was a cancer on the franchise and the reason we have so many pokefrickers today.

  8. 9 months ago

    The Lugia movie was up on Pokémon tv recently. Aged beautifully. RIP.

    • 9 months ago

      I rewatched the original Mewtwo movie in japanese, and damn it's so different, and better. I love that movie

      • 9 months ago

        Is there a version out there with English subs? I can't understand spoken moon runes, but I would like to see the what the film looked like before 4kids and WB raped it.

        • 9 months ago

          Yes of course

          The dialogues are generally so much better, and when you analyze the general meaning of the movie, it changes a lot. 4kids mainly deviated it to demonize Mewtwo, while Shudo's version basically victimizes Mewtwo. The only dialogue I liked in the 4kids version is "this cant be my destiny", but Shudo's has more very good quotes

  9. 9 months ago

    He died knowing that one of his magnum opus (original scripted ending for OS) would never come to pass and his life's work went down the drain.

    RIP to a true real homie, pokemon would never become big in the west without the anime.

    • 9 months ago

      And as insult to injury, TPCi has thoroughly mutilated and corrupted the anime by the time they finally put it out of its suffering. It's a hollow shell of Shudo's vision, a bastardization of his child.

  10. 9 months ago

    Shudo is the only man who understood Pokemon

  11. 9 months ago

    ITT:genwunners cry once again about them not being 12 for the 77777777th time by praising a hack writer

    • 9 months ago

      My favorite generations are 6 and 7. And that's because they have some of the deepest themes and peak artistic genius.
      Shudo was just an amazing writer that knew exactly what this series needed. He IS probably the reason a zoomer like you is even talking about pokèmon at all in 2023.

      And also, if he was a "hack writer", Gamefreak wouldn't use and reuse his recurring themes (or, make the same themes) over and over, as well as y'know, make their second pokemon game and mascotte based on his creation

      • 9 months ago

        I am 40 year old, and your post reeks of discord shitposter.

      • 9 months ago

        "Shudo was just an amazing writer that knew exactly what this series needed. He IS probably the reason a zoomer like you is even talking about pokèmon at all in 2023."
        Shudogays hype Shudo for everything good and condone him for everything bad.

        • 9 months ago

          like what? lmao

          • 9 months ago

            Shudo would have ended the anime with pikachu fighting Ash, and you suckers say that's GOAT.

  12. 9 months ago

    >Maybe if Pokémon never became a Nintendo exclusive, it would be free from the cancer of greed
    Pokemon only exists because Nintendo and their second party subsidiaries fronted GF money for a handheld console and accessory seller.

    • 9 months ago

      You can't argue facts with genwunners, they are as dumb as a rock. They think shudo was a genius because all of them only care about the first 151 and think everything afterwards is garbage, but in fact it is their lifes who went to shit after their "golden days".

      • 9 months ago

        But its mostly Unovabortions hating on every generation from 5 onwards (included the 5th itself before the 6th). Genwunners mostly left the scene a long time ago, as did Tajiri and Shudo by the way. If you hate the origins of the series, then you have nothing to do with it, Pokémon isnt for you. You want things to become as moronic as you when they never had anything to do with you. Go play cassette beasts or some homosexual shit like that full of zoomer vomit. Its not like you care about any kind of quality, so whats the difference? Lol

        • 9 months ago

          Gen 1 is full of bugs and else, so if you are a genwunner you never cared about quality either, moronic discuck.

      • 9 months ago

        Genwunners are the smallest and most harmless group for many years. All that exist are narcissistic unovabortions who hate Gen1 for fashion and delude themselves into thinking that BW1 contributed something to the franchise.

        • 9 months ago

          Are the unovabortions in the room with us right now?

        • 9 months ago

          I like both gen 1 and 5, but I am the minority. Everybody here pretends that I am a zoomer when I shit on gen 1, and I got rid of nostalgia. My life coincidentally, sucked dicks during gen 1, so I am not blinded.

    • 9 months ago

      Wrong. Pokémon (maaaybe) only boomed because of Nintendo, but with too many compromises. The original gen 1 game was so much more ambitious than the one Nintendo commissioned. Pokémon SAVED Nintendo in the period where they were struggling badly against sony and microsoft and the gameboy already died. It also saved Nintendo in every other era where it was failing, by still remaining relevant and making its handleds successful. Don't act like it's Pokémon that needed Nintendo, it's Nintendo that needed Pokémon. Which is why it has immediately been milked by so many greedy morons only caring about making the most money out of it. This series belongs to Tajiri and Shudo

      • 9 months ago

        You're a delusional moron

  13. 9 months ago

    Shudo polluted the fandom with his bullshit blogs.

  14. 9 months ago


    If you won't seek help for your mental illness, have a nice day you psychotic vorehomosexual.

  15. 9 months ago

    Is that Khu? If yes good riddance

  16. 9 months ago

    Just imagine writing a bunch of crazy shit to do with the series and the higherups just say "frick all that" and drag around your creations through the mud for years after you die. And not even the franchise's most staunch worshippers ever even think about you.
    Now there's not even the quality assurance to make up for this. It wouldn't surprise me if the current series had a couple of Shudos in the making.

    • 9 months ago

      you mean pokemon horizons? nah that just seems like a generic anime scheme. i like it, but ye

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