This man used to be one of the most beloved JRPG game designers ever but now he is hated. Why?

This man used to be one of the most beloved JRPG game designers ever but now he is hated. Why?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Got burned-out, wanted to pursue his own interests and everyone got pissed when it wasn't golden-era FF again.
    It's whatever.

  2. 3 months ago

    This goes for many developers, but hardware limitations helped them.

    • 3 months ago

      >we don't have to worry about peformance
      performance on console pixel shit hardly matters because of hardware limitation
      when consoles became PC's nobody cared about performance and everything ran and looked like dogshit
      decades later when you find these games on emulators you need vastly superior hardware than the original console to even run this shit properly

      they should return to hard coded limitations like a game straight up getting booted from the console if it dips below a certain framerate to filter out the bad apples of this industry
      Breath of The Wild would straight up not make it because developers try to make Ultima Online run on a gameboy

      • 3 months ago

        >decades later when you find these games on emulators you need vastly superior hardware than the original console to even run this shit properly
        Wow it's almost like it's more hardware intensive to mimic the system the game initially ran on instead of running the game natively.

  3. 3 months ago

    He made phone games for the last 10 years

  4. 3 months ago

    He bitterly ruined FF IX
    He made FF XI into an MMO
    This led to the travesty that is FF 12 and the abomination that is FF14, and the trash that is FF16.
    He tried to kill the biggest IP in JRPGs once it was taken to new heights (along with the entire genre) by Nomura, Kitase, Nojima.

    • 3 months ago

      >He bitterly ruined FF IX

    • 3 months ago

      opinion discarded.

  5. 3 months ago

    Sakaguchi isn't a designer, he's a producer, he can't design a game to save his life, the best he can do is hire people to do it for him and then try to hog all the merit, and we all saw how that ended up for him.

    • 3 months ago

      So he's the Kojima of rpgs?

      • 3 months ago

        the fukushima theory is mostly wrong, sorry anon

        • 3 months ago

          No, it's right when you look at the trash he's produced since MGS3.

  6. 3 months ago

    He's not hated at all, what are you on about?

    • 3 months ago

      >He's not hated at all, what are you on about?
      There's a mini-cult of haters on Ganker. They started on /vr/ and migrated here. Final Fantasy is a really popular series and in the titles released under Sakaguchi are particularly praised by fans and considered the Golden Age of Square. He even has a Kingdom Sharts character honoring him. This general recognition triggers intense seething among hipsters who blame him for their favorite obscure Japanese-only animu panty raid RPG not being more popular and beloved.

      • 3 months ago

        He was just 90s Nomura but unlike the KH director he doesn't have an idea about making fun combat (he was always carried by Itou or Kawazu).
        More than hated , is just that the internet nerds in the 00s can't defend him anymore with him only doing mobileshit or any interview releasing is him doing dumb things.
        Also, he was a fine rpg designer, just not as good as the other member from squaresoft

        This isn't new kek.
        Mystwalker fans (than many doesn't even play their games) saying the most moronic things and annoying rpg fans until they started to "hate" Sakaguchi has been a thing since 2007.
        I remember the infamous ' Last Story will sell more than FF13 because the Wii' or 'LO is the Evolution of turn based rpg' happened during that time.
        I even think that Barry could be part of that crowd but maybe I'm mixing things

        • 3 months ago

          Fantasian is honestly miles more interesting than anything to come out of mainline FF since 9.
          All we need is for it to be ported to a system anyone cares about.

          • 3 months ago

            >Fantasian is honestly miles more interesting than anything to come out of mainline FF since 9.
            What a dumb take.
            I hope is a bait but mystwalker fans are known for those horrible takes.

            Barry is one of those Nomuragays who seethes whenever Sakaguchi is mentioned. He pretty much only likes 13 and 15 as far as I can tell.

            Barry was well known for seething at Kitase and praising Tabata and Sakaguchi
            His ape out when FFXV released and people trying to compare with 13 was well known(I think some forums RPG banned him)
            He hates Kitase and Yoshi P with all his heart.

            • 3 months ago

              >praising Sakaguchi
              lol no he's been on /vr/ absolutely seething at anyone who likes the old FFs or think Sakaguchi's era was better and getting pissy about people mocking his boyband games.

              • 3 months ago

                So then he is a schizo because he go from liking him (like when Sakaguchi said that Tabata direction was correct) to shit at him kek.
                But he isn't a Nomuragay, spent years trying to create the 'Nakazawa create the materia system' meme, and spent years fighting people who liked SoP, NeoTwewy or KH3.
                Maybe he just like FF7/8/KH2 Battle designer which is weird because he usually likes Games with shitty combat

              • 3 months ago

                Not really sure he likes FF7 either.
                The only games i've seen him explicitly stan for is 15 and iirc some of the Kingdom Hearts games.

              • 3 months ago

                I remember him liking Capcom games like AA , the "Tokyo Team" KH and thinking that Type 0 is okay.
                But that was years ago, maybe after being mindbroken he think T0 is better than 7R and XVI

              • 3 months ago

                Not really sure he likes FF7 either.
                The only games i've seen him explicitly stan for is 15 and iirc some of the Kingdom Hearts games.

                So then he is a schizo because he go from liking him (like when Sakaguchi said that Tabata direction was correct) to shit at him kek.
                But he isn't a Nomuragay, spent years trying to create the 'Nakazawa create the materia system' meme, and spent years fighting people who liked SoP, NeoTwewy or KH3.
                Maybe he just like FF7/8/KH2 Battle designer which is weird because he usually likes Games with shitty combat

                Barry's defense of 15:
                >the main 4 have the most verisimilitude out of any ff party and as a result it has the most emotional cathartic at the end through its tragedy, it also has the most well realised conflict between any ff villain and protag and does so by making them mirrors of each other and effectively has both the main villain and protag fully achieve their goals and lifes meaning, the mystery it creates around the gods, messengers, world history and lucis caelums is compelling and pays off in a huge way at the end, it Syngergizes narrative with gameplay perfectly not only through party dialog but character animation and behaviour, combat moves and skills, link attacks and the actual act of combat itself. The music perfectly encapsulates the story moments and characters, its energetic when it needs to be, blud pumping when it has to be, operatic and majestic, tragic and heartbreaking. The core essence shines through which translated into its widespread success and high appeal.

                Picrel is his tier list. His benchmark for 'real FF' is 7 and 9 after 15, and says 16 and 12 aren't real FF because 7 and 9/maybe 10 creative leads didn't work on it, or something about political stories in games and how 'boring' they are.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon, Barry only likes shonen manga. He won't take lore unless it's in front of his face or everything has a melodramatic fight in between. It's all shapes and colors with him.

          • 3 months ago

            There was hype around it when he showed up to the XIV fanfests again that he had some announcement in the works which was more interesting than the IX speculation going on. In the end it was nothing at all and there's a vana'diel collab. Nice, very good for XI & XIV players but lol

            I'd like Fantasian to move off of iOS too, not only because it'd look great outside of a tablet & pairs well with controller but because how awful Apple are for legacy accessibility. That game is going to be 10000% unplayable in like 5 years time.

        • 3 months ago

          Barry is one of those Nomuragays who seethes whenever Sakaguchi is mentioned. He pretty much only likes 13 and 15 as far as I can tell.

      • 3 months ago

        Alright, thank anon that makes sense.

      • 3 months ago

        >He even has a Kingdom Sharts character honoring him.
        ...What? Who?

        • 3 months ago

          He's talking about Eraqus.
          I really wouldn't consider Nomura's dicksucking anything to talk about though considering nobody gives a shit about Eraqus and most people who play KH have no idea he's a homage to Sakaguchi anyway.
          It would be like Persona fans trying to validate Kaneko by using the Demon Painter or something, then again Sakaguchi cultists are indeed on that level of mental illness so I guess it works for them.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh. Well I kinda' see the resemblance. I never played BBS to know what his character's like, but from I was told is he (or maybe it was Terra) is kinda' moronic.

            • 3 months ago

              *he's kinda moronic

            • 3 months ago

              Everyone in BBS is a giga moron
              Eraqus gets shot in the face by Xehanort with a darkness fireball and responds, "Has the darkness taken you, Xehanort!?" Then he invites Xehanort to his students' final exam and blames Terra when darkness starts making things go wild. Later on he tries to kill Terra for protecting Ventus.
              Terra runs into the obvious villains first in every Disney world, ends up allying with them, then realizes he was moronic at the end, rinse and repeat.
              I forget the details about Aqua but she does literally everything wrong.

              • 3 months ago

                Who isn't a moron in KH by Gankerner's standards anyways?

              • 3 months ago

                Everyone who's not in BBS or Sora post-KH2.

              • 3 months ago

                >Sora post-KH2
                What? Never got to play KH3. How did he change that drastically?

  7. 3 months ago

    Once he left Square and could no longer take all the credit for the actual talent's work, he got exposed. He was always a coattail rider, not the genius he was hyped up to be.
    The annoying fanbase he attracted doesn't help his reputation either.

    • 3 months ago

      >he got exposed
      >coattail rider
      >hyped up
      >annoying fanbase he attracted doesn't help his reputation either
      He's a fine producer. That's where most of the praise for him is.
      -and while he was a producer the people he worked with produced some of their absolute best work with the exception of like Kawazu.
      Like the only hype he gets generally is for being a producer and is applied glamorously to other CBU producers & heads like Yoshida & Asano who are not hyper creative visionary directors but very competent managers who can develop talent.

      You seem to have read into hype that just isn't there. Kinda weird tbh.

      >He's not hated at all, what are you on about?
      There's a mini-cult of haters on Ganker. They started on /vr/ and migrated here. Final Fantasy is a really popular series and in the titles released under Sakaguchi are particularly praised by fans and considered the Golden Age of Square. He even has a Kingdom Sharts character honoring him. This general recognition triggers intense seething among hipsters who blame him for their favorite obscure Japanese-only animu panty raid RPG not being more popular and beloved.

      Nojima & Kitase have more home grown hate on 4ch and much more deserved. Nomura has global misappropriated hate and Hashimoto (while being a charming businessman) is the closest we can really consider for catching FF hate but that's mostly down to comanaging the brand with Kitase after he left and failing to wrangle Nomura into actually finishing a game on time.
      Hell even Tanaka catches more hate from people just because XI & XIV exist than gooch does for the reasons you claim.

      • 3 months ago

        >He's a fine producer.
        He's done nothing of note since leaving Square. Blue Dragon was the closest thing to a hit and it fizzled out. He's spent the past decade making smartphone games.
        Guys like Kawazu, Ishii, Gebelli, Nomura, Kitase are who made the games what they were back then. If Sakaguchi's production was the "secret sauce" that made it all possible, then Mistwalker should have been putting out amazing games left and right. He was hyped up as the gaming version of Kanye or Rick Rubin or Albini, but in hindsight, it's obvious now that the talent was always carrying the production, not the other way around.

        • 3 months ago

          >Nomura, Kitase are who made the games what they were back then
          They went to shit without him.

          • 3 months ago

            Sakaguchi was reportedly happy with their output though, Nomura and Kitase both made a lot of successful games and are at the helm of a massive company, meanwhile Sakaguchi produced a tiny handful of forgotten flops and a couple of mediocre to bad mobile games that are also forgotten.
            The second Terra Battle in particular failed so hard it burned through all of the profit and good will of the first one and put the final nail in the coffin for Mistwalker.

          • 3 months ago

            b***h all you want about KH, FF7R, or TWEWY, they run circles around anything Sakaguchi's done since leaving Square.

            Sakaguchi was reportedly happy with their output though, Nomura and Kitase both made a lot of successful games and are at the helm of a massive company, meanwhile Sakaguchi produced a tiny handful of forgotten flops and a couple of mediocre to bad mobile games that are also forgotten.
            The second Terra Battle in particular failed so hard it burned through all of the profit and good will of the first one and put the final nail in the coffin for Mistwalker.

            Another thing that's telling is comparing Mistwalker to Grezzo. When Ishii left Square, the studio he founded did well enough to avoid getting banished to full-time mobileshit, unlike Sakaguchi.

            • 3 months ago

              >KH, FF7R, or TWEWY,
              None of those match Square's 90s output

      • 3 months ago

        He might not have been his producer, but Kawazu still put out some of his best works during the Sakaguchi years, as much as Sakaguchi himself didn't do much, if anything to support him and wanted him to fail for some reason, people like Ishii got a similar cold shoulder but not to the same degree as Kawazu.
        I guess he really didn't like that Kawazu abandoned the FF team once he saw the direction Sakaguchi wanted to take the franchise, even as an exec he barely supported the guy, then again the two are basically the complete opposite of each other and were often at odds.

        • 3 months ago

          lmao at this fanfic

          • 3 months ago

            What fanfic? It's stuff you can find in official interviews.
            SaGa and Mana being treated as second rate IPs is no fanfic either, Sakaguchi did play favorites, and the company definitely had its own internal factions too, the mass exodus of employees from the late 90's didn't happen for no reason either.

        • 3 months ago

          >the two are basically the complete opposite of each other and were often at odds.
          Please explain. Could this be related to why Kawazu never brought Nomura on but Sakaguchi kept taking him on as a character designer?

          • 3 months ago

            Kawazu mentioned quite a few times how his own ideas are not compatible with what people like Sakaguchi wanted out of Final Fantasy, because Final Fantasy has always been a series about selling big numbers and doing whatever makes games sell big numbers while Kawazu is all about trying new things even if they do not sell, he also said that when it came to things like CC he didn't really feel obligated to include certain customary FF things like White or Black mages because to him they didn't mean anything, and this is the guy who created those things in the first place.
            He also said that Sakaguchi as a producer had a pretty chaotic modus operandi where he'd call all the people he could find to work on a certain project and the actual development ended up being very chaotic and unfocused or something, iirc he mentioned this particular thing in one of the old FFXI interviews, Kawazu himself likes to work with small, handpicked teams and always makes sure the people who are onboard are fully aware of what he's going to ask of them and how he wants his games, Sakaguchi reportedly gave very generic guidelines, if any, with the rest of the team having to figure out how to make what he wanted, some other people like Ishii or Tokita said similar things, Sakaguchi was the big producer while Kawazu was the big game designer, they had very different outlooks on game dev and didn't work together a lot due to that, they both had their separate circles.

            You can also simply look at their games anyway, SaGa might be an offshoot of FF, but the design philosophy is completely different, SaGa evolved in a way that favors traditional RPG gameplay, roleplaying and player freedom while FF quickly went in the direction of linear cinematic adventure games.
            Or if you want to look at it from a different point of view, SaGa is the true successor to FF1/2.

            • 3 months ago

              >, iirc he mentioned this particular thing in one of the old FFXI interviews,
              You should be able to easily find that.
              Looking forward to the included interview anon.

              • 3 months ago

                Took me some time but I found it, it was one of the FFXI interviews

                >Kawazu: During FFVII’s development, essentially every team aside from the SaGa team was working on it with Mr. Sakaguchi* at the helm. It was like that with FFXI too, where everyone aside from my team was working on either PlayOnline or FFXI.
                >That sort of “all hands on deck” type of development is what I considered “Sakaguchi-ism,” but I’m not included in there.
                >I’m the type of person who starts by considering what an online game would have to have, which is fundamentally different from Mr. Sakaguchi's way of thinking.
                >His way was more, “I’m going to create whatever I want!” and I would’ve responded, “It’s not about what you want to make, Mr. Sakaguchi, online games have to be a created a certain way!” so I imagine he didn't want to go through that. (laughs)

                There's many of these interviews floating around because most people end up asking Kawazu about FF and his experience in the company, iirc there's also another one with Ishii and Tanaka talking about XI in this same series.
                Generally Kawazu didn't really feel like he could work with Sakaguchi past the NES days, which is why the two went their separate ways and don't really talk about each other, Sakaguchi had his own circle with Kitase and Nomura, Kawazu had his own circle with Ishii and Kyon, Sakaguchi doesn't really talk much about Kawazu either.

              • 3 months ago

                Kawazu mentioned quite a few times how his own ideas are not compatible with what people like Sakaguchi wanted out of Final Fantasy, because Final Fantasy has always been a series about selling big numbers and doing whatever makes games sell big numbers while Kawazu is all about trying new things even if they do not sell, he also said that when it came to things like CC he didn't really feel obligated to include certain customary FF things like White or Black mages because to him they didn't mean anything, and this is the guy who created those things in the first place.
                He also said that Sakaguchi as a producer had a pretty chaotic modus operandi where he'd call all the people he could find to work on a certain project and the actual development ended up being very chaotic and unfocused or something, iirc he mentioned this particular thing in one of the old FFXI interviews, Kawazu himself likes to work with small, handpicked teams and always makes sure the people who are onboard are fully aware of what he's going to ask of them and how he wants his games, Sakaguchi reportedly gave very generic guidelines, if any, with the rest of the team having to figure out how to make what he wanted, some other people like Ishii or Tokita said similar things, Sakaguchi was the big producer while Kawazu was the big game designer, they had very different outlooks on game dev and didn't work together a lot due to that, they both had their separate circles.

                You can also simply look at their games anyway, SaGa might be an offshoot of FF, but the design philosophy is completely different, SaGa evolved in a way that favors traditional RPG gameplay, roleplaying and player freedom while FF quickly went in the direction of linear cinematic adventure games.
                Or if you want to look at it from a different point of view, SaGa is the true successor to FF1/2.

                I see. Kawazu is also the one dev that didn't take Nomura on, even Ishii knew he was the only one who could draw the races he wanted him to. The first concept art of FF11 is also Nomura.

                But Kawazu never even got him, not even once...
                >who's Kyon

              • 3 months ago

                Kawazu already called dibs on Tomomi Kobayashi and working closely with Ishii meant he never had to worry about artists, he could get anyone in the company from Naora to Itahana when it came to working on his games, Nomura just never chimed in even though Kawazu also got Gen Kobayashi to work on the DS remakes of SaGa 2 and 3 while Nomura worked with him on TWEWY, the door was always open but Nomura just never walked in.
                I don't really think Nomura is be interested in Kawazu's games to begin with, the aesthetic sense and audience is way too different from the stuff he likes and he's always been a fan of Amano, who worked on FF rather than Kawazu's IPs.
                >>who's Kyon
                Kyoji Koizumi, AKA Kyon, a former SaGa team member who worked closely with Kawazu as battle director and general game designer, he's now working at Fu-Ryu and made his own spiritual successors to SaGa with Legend of Legacy and Alliance Alive.

              • 3 months ago

                >Tomomi Kobayashi
                Talk about one hell of an underrated motherfricker in the JRPG scene.
                Amano is beautiful but hell if you can't get amano then...

                >the door was always open but Nomura just never walked in.
                I think it's important to remember that as time went on Nomura got more and more progressively busy and focused on a select few projects that are now quite...infamous.
                I'd love to see another world we didn't see Nomura dip his toes so heavily into directing, not because I hate particularly hate KH/ARPGs but because I think he was in the right headspace in that X/XI & early XIII versus era to truly develop.
                Mind you, without KH we maybe never get NieR, we maybe never see Drakengard 3. Maybe no Tera Battle even. Little connections like these are fascinating, what ifs.
                Who could believe that an artist from an FF game would later go on to direct 2 full fledged JRPGs and one of them as an ARPG? I never thought Hiroshi Takai had it in him.

              • 3 months ago

                >Nomura dip his toes so heavily into directing
                I said this before that reminds me:
                Hiroki Chiba was the original guy who was working on the 'Disney project' but he had to work on FF10, so all of the FF8 kouhai devs who were working on KH repeatedly egged Nomura to do it and got someone from Osaka who worked on Megaman Legends and Parasite Eve 2 to work on the battles.

              • 3 months ago

                >Nomura to do it and got someone from Osaka who worked on Megaman Legends and Parasite Eve 2 to work on the battles.
                So the Tokyo Team also led by someone from Osaka the whole time...

              • 3 months ago

                >time jannies won't return in any form
                this is funnier than I remember

              • 3 months ago

                The best part is it's a falseflag by a crossposting plebbitor who's been crying about the game since release because no one shares his level of hatred over the changes to the remake's story.

              • 3 months ago

                stfu subhuman goyslopper

              • 3 months ago

                >There's many of these interviews floating around because most people end up asking Kawazu about FF and his experience in the company,
                Thanks for linking it. I was hoping it wasn't just the anniversary posts I'd already read. An interview from a magazine or a book I could translate myself kinda like in this comment.

                Yeah. I didn't see the Vana'diel interviews as too hostile or take that tone in any of the others I'd read. His tone was light on being asked to go back to the FF team in the future in other interviews so it seemed like an odd shift.
                It could be a bit of both, me not seeing critical interviews or not reading the tone properly through translated interviews but there's not seen to be a lot of angst or contempt between the two even despite that. I've read & listened to a fair number of interviews with Kawazu myself given that he's involved in my fav FF games and my fav SE RPG series but I'd never picked up on a negative vibe between the two, Kawazu is very light and joking in his interviews.
                He obviously loves FF too, he was a major part in CC's development and he took over as manager of the ill fated ivalice alliance that ended up pumping out browser games in the end. I'd have loved to read a scathing interview from him say after XII when Matsuno had departed over his mental health crisis and miniguchi melty and Kawazu had to step in to help Ito deliver the game.

                This absolutely feels like people weirdly reading into things that aren't there.

              • 3 months ago

                >I'd have loved to read a scathing interview from him say after XII when Matsuno had departed over his mental health crisis and miniguchi melty and Kawazu had to step in to help Ito deliver the game.
                Actually he did say that he wasn't happy with a lot of decisions regarding XII, such as Vaan being the main character or a lot of the story beats, but he also clarified that by the time they called him most of the work was already done and even if he wanted to he couldn't have changed much because that would have meant remaking the game from the ground up.

                > But, traditionally for the Japanese RPG market, you start out with a young, inexperienced character who grows throughout the story so
                >That doesn't necessarily mean that we as producers and designers always even like that but certain concessions must be made to cater for what the market wants.
                >there are things I would have liked to change about it as well but, practically speaking, we couldn't.

                This one's in french but outside of reiterating what was mentioned above, it has one of his extremely rare direct criticisms on somebody else's work and his own regrets about XII, which is interesting because Kawazu is very self critical but very rarely does he actually criticize other people.
                tl:dr; Kawazu says that FFXII had a pretty "anarchic" development history that lead to various issues and the game suffering from being taken into two different directions due to the dev team being composed by the old PlayOnline team and the FFT guys being unable to see eye to eye.
                He then says that he was frustrated by the fact that he couldn't change what he disliked about the story and content because all of that was already decided, and the only thing he could do was rebalance some minor things such as bosses and making some corridor less cramped.

              • 3 months ago

                It gets weirder. A certain e-celeb who I will not name even said Matsuno seemed fine with how 12 turned, so I verified it and it seems he's actually very happy with the game we got. Even confirmed that Basch wasn't going to be the main as early as 2001/2000.

                Is it accurate to say that FF12 was by the RotZ team and Vagrant Story team or was the CoP team in it too? I know many KH1 devs joined the Vagrant Story and FF11 teams but am not sure which one exact FF11 team started work.

      • 3 months ago

        >Nojima & Kitase have more home grown hate on 4ch and much more deserved.
        That's hate from FF Fans. The Sakaguchi hate cult is external. They're trolls and not Final Fantasy fans.

  8. 3 months ago

    Sakaguchi is one of the greats from an era that defined gaming and changed culture. He had a hand in producing several incredible games many consider timeless works of art. Sakaguchi, along with uematsu and amano will be remembered as genius artists. Nomura, nojima, yoshida, kitase - these are the ones you should be posting disparaging threads about. Not sakaguchi.

    • 3 months ago

      What this anon said.

      Once he left Square and could no longer take all the credit for the actual talent's work, he got exposed. He was always a coattail rider, not the genius he was hyped up to be.
      The annoying fanbase he attracted doesn't help his reputation either.

      It´s probably just a coincidence that FF became shit the moment he and the other talented artists that shared his vision left.

      • 3 months ago

        >It´s probably just a coincidence that FF became shit the moment he and the other talented artists that shared his vision left.
        He wanted every FF to be an MMO and praises XIV. "Coincidentally", he produced nothing of value after leaving Square.

    • 3 months ago

      >remembered as genius artists.
      Troon detected

    • 3 months ago

      >Sakaguchi, along with uematsu and amano will be remembered as genius artists. Nomura, nojima, yoshida, kitase - these are the ones you should be posting disparaging threads about. Not sakaguchi.

      I've no idea what you're trying to say, but I'm now aware that anime was a mistake, and nuking japan too little was another mistake....

      • 3 months ago

        Sakaguchigays are the ones who who'd wish what you're saying.

      • 3 months ago

        >le noooooooook
        Do americans not realize just what tiny little blowhards they come across every time they pull that now?
        Like you're actually mad about Japan being more liked and it shows.

        • 3 months ago

          >Do americans not realize just what tiny little blowhards they come across every time they pull that now?
          We joined the wrong side

    • 3 months ago

      Only Yoshi P and maybe nomura will be remembered

  9. 3 months ago

    for what lol, he hasn't done anything offensively bad like nomura and yoshiP that completely made a cult.

    • 3 months ago

      >he hasn't done anything offensively bad like nomura and yoshiP that completely made a cult.
      The irony in this statement is palpable

      • 3 months ago

        have you seen nomura or yoship stans?

        • 3 months ago

          I played a lot of XIV and still do. Have a lot of criticisms and I appreciate his strengths like gooch as a producer.
          -but I could drown a horde of yoship stans in a river and you wouldn't have to even pay me or encourage me to do it. Hearing the same stilted responses over and over with no depth because they have a sunk cost fallacy attached to a deified japanese businessman is the height of weird imo.
          XIV has some really great stuff hidden away in it as a game, but it has one of the worst portions of the FF fanbase alongside the VIIstans and schizos.

          • 3 months ago

            nah you're part of them you die today.

            • 3 months ago

              Alright then, but if I gotta go then i'm entitled to some last words:
              I'm gonna say that Nomura's art on XI was really restrained and I respect him for not putting in some shoulder length dark haired girl with dsl and big breasts.

              • 3 months ago

                final flash

        • 3 months ago

          I did, neither of them are nearly as bad or delusional as you people.

          • 3 months ago

            hahahaha AHAHAHAH

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Yes and he then fell on his sword for it by resigning.

  10. 3 months ago

    He was basically a hero to me, FFXI was one of the greatest experiences I had. Still mad at what happened with FFXIV, which was not his fault at all.

    • 3 months ago

      XI has a lot of the good stuff that made a good FF and it took those elements from polarising and "underwhelming" games, IX & XII did the same. It has DNA from Ishii, Kawazu, gooch & Tanaka and it works. Skill chains & that progression system are the most engaging mechanics FF has had for decades.

      Sakaguchi was reportedly happy with their output though, Nomura and Kitase both made a lot of successful games and are at the helm of a massive company, meanwhile Sakaguchi produced a tiny handful of forgotten flops and a couple of mediocre to bad mobile games that are also forgotten.
      The second Terra Battle in particular failed so hard it burned through all of the profit and good will of the first one and put the final nail in the coffin for Mistwalker.

      b***h all you want about KH, FF7R, or TWEWY, they run circles around anything Sakaguchi's done since leaving Square.

      Another thing that's telling is comparing Mistwalker to Grezzo. When Ishii left Square, the studio he founded did well enough to avoid getting banished to full-time mobileshit, unlike Sakaguchi.

      >they run circles around anything Sakaguchi's done since leaving Square.
      >meanwhile Sakaguchi produced a tiny handful of forgotten flops and a couple of mediocre to bad mobile games that are also forgotten.
      >When Ishii left Square, the studio he founded did well enough to avoid getting banished to full-time mobileshit, unlike Sakaguchi.
      These are all the same post as the one below so really-

      >He's a fine producer.
      He's done nothing of note since leaving Square. Blue Dragon was the closest thing to a hit and it fizzled out. He's spent the past decade making smartphone games.
      Guys like Kawazu, Ishii, Gebelli, Nomura, Kitase are who made the games what they were back then. If Sakaguchi's production was the "secret sauce" that made it all possible, then Mistwalker should have been putting out amazing games left and right. He was hyped up as the gaming version of Kanye or Rick Rubin or Albini, but in hindsight, it's obvious now that the talent was always carrying the production, not the other way around.

      >If Sakaguchi's production was the "secret sauce" that made it all possible, then Mistwalker should have been putting out amazing games left and right.
      >Blue Dragon was the closest thing to a hit and it fizzled out. He's spent the past decade making smartphone games.
      This is the only one that really warrants a reply of any kind tbh because it sums up this weird idea that gooch had to conform to the demands of the FF fanbase when Mistwalker was fundamentally just a third party overseeing production.
      Like I'm not sure how people didn't connect it when last story was an AQ game and the cancelled cavia game was ALSO an AQ game but they went bust and so did cavia LOL. Microsoft's funding dried up too and they went onto doing small scale mobile games.
      Tera Battle was a pretty good game, not astounding but on par & beyond what SE was doing outside of Asano's team. TB2 was worse so I can see how that soured people, trying to force it as a franchise was the biggest issue. It feels like MW was involved in those other 2 games out of obligation rather than passion just to keep Sakaguchi busy, like a PM playing Tennis.

      Fantasian is on the same level as an Asano game. It's just locked on a stupid platform & service.
      MW isn't a huge studio

      • 3 months ago

        >this weird idea that gooch had to conform to the demands of the FF fanbase
        No, he just had to release good, successful games to back up the narrative about his importance to Square. He couldn't do it.

        • 3 months ago

          >he just had to release good, successful games to back up the narrative about his importance to Square
          Did he?
          He released at least 1 game of worth and 2 other great games.
          >his importance to square
          They're still living off of his franchise and properties to this day. They keep re-releasing his games and they refuse to move on from the era when he produced hit titles and assembled a team to create high quality visuals.

          Surely it's the other way around and Square should be proving how unimportant he was. Don't release games by the staff he hired & developed, stop digging into the gooch titles and give up raw profits to show they can start again.
          Sound a bit mental maybe? Bit of a strawman?

          • 3 months ago

            Sakaguchi released a bunch of terrible, low effort shovelware that were lazy clones of FF games with some gimmicks from whoever he hired to actually make the things stapled on top, which is why Lost Odyssey uses Judgment Ring mechanics from Shadow Hearts since the dev team was mostly made up of former Sacnoth devs.
            All he ever did was aping others, the man doesn't have a single creative bone in his body, even with his last Apple Arcade exclusive flop he showed again how all he can do is trying to ride somebody else's coattail by pulling some 9S style twink in a desperate attempt at leeching off Nier's popularity.
            >They're still living off of his franchise
            His franchise?
            What did Sakaguchi actually contribute to the franchise outside of putting his name on the label? Kawazu and Ishii were the ones who created the foundations in terms of mechanics, writing and visuals that other people later built upon, Uematsu composed the music, Amano/Nomura designed the characters, Ito came up with the ATB system and designed most of the gameplay from the SNES onward together with people like Matsui, Kitase was the one who cemented the cinematic narrative direction the franchise would become famous for, Nojima, Nomura, Kitase and many other writers were the ones who wrote and directed the games, then there's the programmers like Tanaka, Gebelli and the later generations who actually coded them.

            Why is this suddenly Sakaguchi's franchise as if he actually had such an enormous creative input on it?

            • 3 months ago

              >What did Sakaguchi actually contribute to the franchise
              He was the director

              • 3 months ago

                Means very little given how he was the director of the first five games only and we reportedly know he did next to frick all, and it did show once he had to actually work for real with his own company and put out flop after flop.
                For most of his career he was a producer, he's a (bad) businessman, not a creator, by now people like Kitase and Nomura legitimately contributed more to the franchise than Sakaguchi ever did.

              • 3 months ago

                The first five was where he was most involved in but later ones until X still had his input.
                >know he did next to frick all,
                What do you mean he did frick all? He was literally the director. This is like saying Shigeru Miyamoto did nothing in his games because he wasn't the programmer or artist.
                >Kitase and Nomura legitimately contributed more to the franchise
                By running it to the ground?

              • 3 months ago

                Miyamoto is an actual game designer, not a businessman who got lucky once.
                >By running it to the ground?
                Last time I checked neither of them made comically bad FF movies that also nearly killed the company, FFXV sold more than 90% of the entries in the franchise too, XIV is bigger than XI used to be and it's one of the most well known MMO around.
                But I know that you're going to chase some mystic "b...but critical/fan reception" unicorn next because you desperately want to prove something to somebody, whatever faults you might find in post Sakaguchi FF you can find them wholesale in Sakaguchi era FF, the franchise did not change, mostly because it didn't have any identity to begin with outside of some names and mascots.

              • 3 months ago

                The only note worthy entry you mentioned is XIV since its the highest grossing FF title. XV being the best selling game since VII isn't as impressive when you realize it follows the lackluster XIII trilogy meaning it took them 14 years to reach VII levels of sales. And course they flopped again with XVI
                >you can find them wholesale in Sakaguchi era FF,
                Sakaguchi was making rehash sequels, spinoffs and remake? There were horrible dev cycles and delays? The games had bad DMC ripoff combat? I can keep going. While some aspects like pursuing cutting edge graphics and cinematics stayed the same, other things clearly didn't.

              • 3 months ago

                >Sakaguchi was making rehash sequels, spinoffs and remake?
                Who do you think pushed for shit like the FFV sequel anime, FFT (Featuring Cloud and Aeris from the FFVII™ Series) or started the remake train with the FF Origins games?
                Who do you think came up with the amazing idea of Spirits Within?
                Who was the one who wanted a FF MMO?
                Who was the one who insisted on FF being a shallow series with no actual identity or consistency?
                FF as a whole had bad Wizardry ripoff combat too, so switching it for action games doesn't change anything, it's just the usual deal of FF repurposing itself to sell based on what's popular and accessible at the time, just like how FFIV switched to ATB because turn based was too much for ADHD kids, you people are completely fricking clueless.

              • 3 months ago

                >Who do you think pushed for shit like the FFV sequel anime
                >FFT (Featuring Cloud and Aeris from the FFVII™ Series)
                Any indication Sakaguchi was responsible for either of these besides your own headcanon?
                >started the remake train with the FF Origins games?
                FF Origins was suits like Hirata & Tanikawa according to the games own credits.
                Sakaguchi was not credited with any remake.
                >Who was the one who insisted on FF being a shallow series with no actual identity or consistency?
                Funny you say that since he was the one who insisted on several keypoints like the deformed character sprites on the world map.
                >FF as a whole had bad Wizardry ripoff combat too, so switching it for action games doesn't change anything
                "It's not a real change to go from one entirely different system to another because one was a ripoff because I say so".
                Frick off moron.

              • 3 months ago

                Black person, who do you think bought Matsuno and most of Quest's team to make a rebranded TO for babies with the usual FF7 ads of the times that you could also find in other completely unrelated shovelware like Ehrgeiz?
                Oh no, surely not that one guy who said multiple times how much he liked Matsuno and his stuff and took him under his wing, surely not THE FF producer and "father" of FF, it was the OTHER suits, I totally believe you.
                >Sakaguchi was not credited with any remake.
                Except he was one of the executive producers.
                >he was the one who insisted on several keypoints like the deformed character sprites on the world map.
                Oh yeah, because what DQ and tons of other games were already doing, was certainly part of FF's identity when even Ishii, the man who actually designed that, thought it was moronic, which is another reason why he left the team and they completely dropped the idea past FF6 too, why aren't you complaining about FF7 onwards?
                What other "several keypoints" are there, hmmm?
                >It's not a real change to go from one entirely different system to another
                So pure action bad but ATB good, uh?
                And yes, you can cope, you can seethe, but FF was absolutely ripping off other games since its inception, FF as a whole is about ripping off other things, it's the only constant in the entire franchise, so complaining about modern FF ripping off *thing* but conveniently glossing over old FF ripping off *old thing* is shameless hypocrisy.

              • 3 months ago

                >So pure action bad but ATB good, uh?
                Some FF fans actually believe that and then get mindbroken when they discover other RPG fans opinion about that gimmick.
                Same with Matsunogays and gambits

              • 3 months ago

                >Except he was one of the executive producers.
                The only executive producer credit on Origins is Yōichi Wada.
                >dropped the idea past FF6 too
                Wrong, just like the rest of your post.

              • 3 months ago

                The FF remakes started on the fricking WONDERSWAN, which Sakaguchi himself signed off as one of the Execs, Origins is a later port of those games, get a fricking grip already

              • 3 months ago

                Sakaguchi not credited nor is there an executive producer like you claimed.
                The producer was Hirata and the directors were Kawahara and Yoshioka.
                Any more bullshit you feel like spewing that can be easily disproven in seconds?

              • 3 months ago

                >Sakaguchi not credited nor is there an executive producer like you claimed.
                >The producer was Hirata and the directors were Kawahara and Yoshioka.
                >Any more bullshit you feel like spewing that can be easily disproven in seconds?
                NTA but
                Why are you lying?

              • 3 months ago

                Weird I checked that exact page but the executive producer line wasn't there.
                Guess that's one truth his post contained then.

              • 3 months ago

                Also, he was the producer of FF6 and FFIV PSX versions

              • 3 months ago

                It's honestly so fricking embarassing how you people try to dogpile on Nomura or Yoshida for having rabid fans when you're the most fricking unhinged and vilest of the Squaredrones, not even Kisekigays reach such levels of mental illness and that's saying something.

              • 3 months ago

                >Who was the one who wanted a FF MMO?
                As much as FF fans seethe about this, it was an obviously smart business decision. Sony's Everquest was making an absolute killing on subscription revenue and Square was very well-positioned to exploit a large untapped market. It would have been stupid to leave money on the table by launching an MMO with anything but their strongest RPG brand, which was mainline Final Fantasy.

              • 3 months ago

                >As much as FF fans seethe about this, it was an obviously smart business decision
                What that anon was talking was not about doing a FF MMO.
                Wada wanted that but Sakaguchi was obsessed with it being FF11 while Wada wanted It to be a spin off.
                I felt that if Sakaguchi stayed in the company he would force Crystal Chronicles and dissidia to be a mainline title(good desicion the former bad the later)

              • 3 months ago

                >FFT (Featuring Cloud and Aeris from the FFVII™ Series)
                A playable easter egg character doesn't qualify as "featuring." But you know this, you just can't help sucking dicks.

              • 3 months ago

                >Who was the one who wanted a FF MMO?
                Seething about XI is the best thing the FF community has, it's actually unreal how people are still seething about it 20 years on.
                It being an MMO and sub game filtered people in 2004 and still filters people after all its adjustments in 2024. Whether it's classic fans seething over a game that has everything they whine about the series lacking after VII or VII & X era players getting fox & graped; it never fails.

              • 3 months ago

                >MMO-troon coping this hard

              • 3 months ago

                >filtered by a game

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                yes i love being forced to stare at a screen for dozens of hours without pause to defeat some boss in an always online subcription fee game that goes offline in a few years.

              • 3 months ago

                you had 20 years bro
                your FOMO got you locked in a paralysis huh, you even hate the genre you play

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                >started the remake train with the FF Origins games?
                That release hardly qualifies as a remake. They are literally just updated ports of the Wonderswan versions. Compare that to VII remake or Rebirth that have fundamentally different visuals and gameplay.
                >Who was the one who insisted on FF being a shallow series with no actual identity or consistancy?
                Why do you say this? FF used to be the most popular JRPG outside of Pokemon because of a focused vision. It fell off the wayside precisely *because* it got an identity crisis due to Sakaguchi leaving.
                >FF as a whole had bad Wizardry ripoff combat too
                It was a DQ ripoff but okay. At least the combat back then still allowed memorable encounters unlike discount DMC
                >because turn based was too much for ADHD kids,
                If anything, ATB would be more stressful for kids than regular turn based. X was a return to form

              • 3 months ago

                What have the Romans ever done for us?

  11. 3 months ago

    Most things are made by many people but we remember the directors and producers. Steve Jobs, H Anno, Christopher Nolan, etc.. But they didn’t necessarily “make” their stuff.
    It’s nothing unique to FF. Sakaguchi seems like a chill guy and was involved in creating some of my favorite escapist memories from being a teenager and I can only be happy about that.

  12. 3 months ago

    Is incredible how anyone can praise Yoshida (someone who has done anything besides the mediocre MMO and the FF16 flop) and Nomura (never created anything himself). You're all homosexuals.

    • 3 months ago

      did you trip over your keyboard trying to hate on Tabata and accidentally put Nomura into the field?
      Easy mistake to make mate, you can delete your post and try again, there's still time.

    • 3 months ago

      Nomura created iconic characters from several of my favorite games.

      • 3 months ago

        What characters did Nomura create?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      reminder that asiaticmoot is friends with yoshit piss

  13. 3 months ago

    Literally none of the games he worked on have good gameplay, his career is one of the worst in the history of the genre.

    • 3 months ago

      FFI-V have good gameplay

    • 3 months ago

      ATB is the best battle system ever if you set it to active and crank up the speed.

      • 3 months ago

        There's this one guy got me into this whole Tokyo Team mess. He plays 7 Remake with the speed cranked up and he mods out slowmotion in the tactical mode menu. There's a group of people who do the same and they even disabled hitstop to make the game feel even faster.
        Is it true that Rebirth lets you turn slowdown off without mods too

  14. 3 months ago

    His real resume is FF1 - 5, 9 and Chrono Trigger. Even the Mistwalker games he barely contributed to. All he did for Lost Odyssey was write the story. That game was made by the Shadow Hearts devs.

    • 3 months ago

      >All he did for Lost Odyssey was write the story.
      Isn't that most of it then? It's a turn-based jrpg, the story is how it separates from others.

      • 3 months ago

        Lost Odyssey is good because of its gameplay, which is an evolution of FFX with FFIX progression and a ridiculous amount of content. The main story is ass. The dreams were written by Kiyoshi Shigematsu.

        • 3 months ago

          Okay what was he supposed to do on it then?

          • 3 months ago

            What do you mean? People just need to look up his actual involvement in games before putting him on a pedestal.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't think the story is bad, certainly not by what passes for quality in JRPGs in general, as much as the dreams had ridiculously better writing. It's that contrast that makes the actual story look worse than it is.

          • 3 months ago

            I never listen to opinions on writing. Story and writing is always easiest to arbitrarily shit on. It's way too subjective. A story may focus on themes some people can't relate to or understand. It's hard for a story to deeply affect every kind of person there is. It also depends on how receptive the player happens to be at the time.

            • 3 months ago

              >It also depends on how receptive the player happens to be at the time.
              A very underlooked factor. This first impression also colours subsequent attempts, so there's no shaking it even if someone were to return to the story in a more lucid state.

              • 3 months ago

                start typing "underrated" and your brain decides another word would fit better halfway through

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah that's true. It's easy to find things to reinforce a held opinion. Although if you manage to go in with an open mind, you can appreciate things previously overlooked. Change your view.

        • 3 months ago

          >Lost Odyssey is good because of its gameplay
          Whatever your litgay critique on the story as a whole, LO's initial presentation is far better than contemporaneous Final Fantasy XII. Watch the first 15 minutes of LO and you immediately see a bunch of cool shit and a protagonist with a compelling mystery. FFXII meanwhile is a convoluted mess of narration and very expensive-looking FMV with baroque but shallow detail all to ultimately introduce an especially bland uninteresting protagonist.

          • 3 months ago

            >lost odyssey story not bad because ffxii bad

            • 3 months ago

              I didn't admit the LO story is bad since I have never been able to play the game. I said it had a good introduction, especially compared to other games of the era like Final Fantasy XII

              • 3 months ago

                >never got to play it
                It's sad it's been stuck in this state for a while. It was cheap & available at the end of the 7th gen like every other exclusive locked on one of those systems but people had snobbery.

                By the time the 8th gen rolled around the xbox memed itself into oblivion under Mattrick and when Spencer took over & the refresh models & X came out was probably the best chance to pick it up and finally play it. Yet there will still have been people who were frozen in fear that MS was finally going to do 360/XB1 games on PC due to silly rumourmongering.

                It's worth playing for Shigematsu's soulful tale alone and the translation was done extremely tastefully, but it's still hard to convince someone to spend however much an XB360/XB1S costs in this age for just one game in the RPG genre when so many of the other worthwhile games have broken free, ported out to other platforms or have reached playable states in RPCS3.
                Maybe in 10 years you'll finally get to get past the tutorial; you might just be immortal.

  15. 3 months ago

    >sakaguchi cultists seething
    Many such cases. He truly made a strong marketing move with the MMOs, ensuring he would have constant praise as long as these dregs live on

    • 3 months ago

      People under 35 have no idea who this homosexual is.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm 32 and I knew of him. What now, gay?

  16. 3 months ago

    Fantasian was better than any FF game post X or perhaps XII, so he himself btfo any argument that he was the problem at Square. You can say it bombed or whatever, but Apple paid them upfront so it made sense to take the deal. It wasn't bad just because people aren't in the ecosystem to play it.

  17. 3 months ago

    >is hated
    by who, exactly?
    Granted none of his post-square games have been worth a damn.

    • 3 months ago

      Blue Dragon could've coexisted with DQ, but it had to be chained up to non-Sony Black persony.

  18. 3 months ago

    I have never ever heard anyone hate on him who was a decent person.
    It's always total parasitic homosexuals who get upset over Sakaguchi.

  19. 3 months ago

    You the nomuratard with the sakaguchi hateboner from the 7r thread? I think you are.

  20. 3 months ago

    >but now he is hated.
    No he isn't.
    Only underagegays pretend he's some George Lucas caricature, complete with "saved in the edit" rethoric, because they're deathly afraid of FF returning to it's roots and no longer catering solely to western homosexuals and fujos.

    • 3 months ago

      IDK bro, I'm a western homosexual and I'd prefer the games went back to how they were when Sakaguchi was in charge.

  21. 3 months ago

    It is kind of funny how rabid the two homosexuals who go into every thread with his name on it are.
    On /vr/ there's one guy who will literally shit up any thread that mentions the guy and will sperg on at length about how he never did anything for FF because Spirits Within failed and how people who liked the older titles are badwrongevil for preferring them.
    How anyone could even pretend to care about the FF games made after he left is beyond me though. Maybe some people are just terminal contrarians.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah there's definitely one or two more schizos shitting up the thread right now. So far nobody has made a compelling argument why you would suck the dick of the hacks that have run the company to the ground in the last few years and why Sakaguchi that literally saved the company from bankruptcy is bad.

  22. 3 months ago

    Do you play it? Yes.
    You lose.

    • 3 months ago

      You're gonna get dubbed quoteschizo if you keep this up.

  23. 3 months ago

    I didn't ask. Ok? Well worth the bump btw.

  24. 3 months ago

    Point out where I defended the game, Achmed.

  25. 3 months ago

    Maximum overrated hack whose only contribution to gaming is a highly questionable fluke of the original Final Fantasy title that sent him on an ego trip through the stratosphere. Barely recognizable both before and past FF, but low IQ nerds just got to have some dumb cult of personality where this guy is solely responsible for everything good about their childhood toys.

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