This statue is gunna come alive at some point isn't it?

This statue is gunna come alive at some point isn't it?

also HOLY SHIT this game EXUDES atmosphere, and it's not just fake too because it's enhanced by the tension induced by the fact that I HAVENT GOTTEN A SAVE CRYSTAL IN AGES AND IF THIS GUY WAKES UP FRICKS MY SHIT UP ILL BE SENT BACK TOO FAR.

unironically might have TR1 beat in atmosphere for me right now atleast.

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  1. 10 months ago

    antarctica's levels get reel spoopy

  2. 10 months ago

    jfc what are those filters

    • 10 months ago

      he took the picture of his gameboy with his asscheeks. give him a rest.

    • 10 months ago

      he took the picture of his gameboy with his asscheeks. give him a rest.

      Have to take pictures of my Steam Deck with my phone because steam doesn't allow me to save uploaded screenshots taken from an emulator for some reason, it's really annoying

      • 10 months ago

        anon the deck is just a pc, you can browse the filesystem and do whatever you want with the image files
        taking a picture of your screen with a camera is NEVER the answer

        • 10 months ago

          do you not understand how many extra steps it takes to go into desktop mode? it doesn't matter that it's a PC, it's selling itself as a portable console nonetheless, which is fundamentally for convenience. The PC element just allows you to go farther if you want to. And I don't think sending a screenshot to another device is going "further" since you can do it with basic smart phones, and other consoles.

  3. 10 months ago

    Lol just use a save state

    • 10 months ago

      ??imagine unironically using a save state and not being ashamed of yourself. I already did that first TR1. if I use a save state once, I'll never be able to stop myself the next time. So I just avoid it completely.

  4. 10 months ago

    Are the controls jank on Steam Deck or do they work decently?
    Also, is it easy to get lost in the levels? I hate when games leave you running around for clues in the same area for 10 mins. Never played tomb raider 1 but I'm curious.

    • 10 months ago

      >Also, is it easy to get lost in the levels? I hate when games leave you running around for clues in the same area for 10 mins.

      Don't bother. You don't have the patience or open mindedness to appreciate this. Not even on some pretentious shit. I'm literally being real with you. There are literally people that will come into tomb raider threads to cry about Tomb Raider 3 like it fricked their mother for not telling them the right way to go because it makes them feel stupid. Just don't bother if you're not an open minded person. I also used to hate games where it was easy to get lost and not know what to do, but I'm naturally open minded and allowed myself to experience multiple games like that and learned to get used to and love it. I'm literally horrible with directions in real life and can't go anywhere without a map, so it's funny how that works out.

      • 10 months ago

        I fricking loved rain world but I hate levels that have that one element you didn't realize was interactable because the game didn't give you any reason to try so you end up stuck in the same area for 10 minutes.

        • 10 months ago

          eh, I've never found rain world to really be about "exploration" it's almost like an open world where you just go in whatever direction till you find something, and cross dead-ends. I've heard somebody put it aptly, and it's more like a maze where you cross off areas you've already been through to find that one or two routes out.

          Tomb Raider is (atleast it used to be) different in that you actually typically have to understand how the environment is structured and put together to find the way through, you have to actually pay attention because you can't just go in any direction, either because it's blocked off, or because you'll die from fall damage. There's a lot of verticality and layers.

          >you didn't realize was interactable because the game didn't give you any reason to try so you end up stuck in the same area for 10 minutes.

          problem is fairly rare and I only encountered something LIKE it in TR2, but I knew what I could interact with, it's just that the game tricks you by leading to believe you're supposed to interact with it in a way that doesn't actually make any sense.

          Otherwise, it's mostly about perception and being keen. If you were genuinely stuck of no fault of your own, it was probably a bug or something unintentional that unfortunately can't be circumvented. Regardless I'd recommend playing against it because exploring in Tomb Raider is different from most games. The closest example I could give is dark souls, but even then, the platforming element makes it feel different.

        • 10 months ago

          rain world is probably a one-of-a-kind gorgeous game, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone because it just reeks of bad game design sometimes
          it's really a suprising game, I love how it carefully disguises itself as another steam indie platforming game only to unleash how it isnt

  5. 10 months ago

    The whole India section of Tomb Raider 3 is amazing. I was so scared of the wildlife like the piranha or tigers. and those tall ass snakes. that feeling of threat is missing from the modern tomb raiders. shit was much harder and scarier back in the day.

    side note, was there quicksand in tomb raider 3 or was that a different game.

    • 10 months ago

      TR3 had quicksand

    • 10 months ago

      >I was so scared of the wildlife like the piranha or tigers. and those tall ass snakes.

      I hated the snakes the first time I stepped into the level, but now I LOVE THEM, they forced me to be so careful and cautious, which immersed me into the adventuring experience even more. It feels almost like dark souls before dark souls, where you had to be weary and pay attention to enemies ambushing you behind doors, or around corners and shit. I love when mechanics actually immerse you, and when it's more than just an "aesthetic"

  6. 10 months ago

    Savestate at all times when the save system is there just to add difficulty.

    • 10 months ago

      Give yourself infinite hp at that point why even use save states if a game asking you to not be a scrub for 20 minutes is too much to handle

    • 10 months ago

      >Savestate at all times when the save system is there just to add difficulty.

      lol? do people not understand how game mechanics work lmao? Is this why bonfires became so abundant in future souls games? because midwits genuinely couldn't understand and appreciate their purpose?

      "grrr! I hate when a game mechanic is used creatively to force you to engage with the games systems and mechanics!! grrr!! just let me play games like movies please! more QTE's and cinematic setpieces I can't fail! because didn't you know, having a failure state in a cinematic setpiece is just artificial difficulty added their just to make it difficult! o-oh? wait what? you're telling me games are artificial by nature and are curated and created experiences? b-but I thought games were- ARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH NOOOOOOO"


  7. 10 months ago

    Games that exude atmosphere vs games that dont

    Games that have kino atmosphere

    Games that have similar atmosphere to that one lara croft scat video
    > (finale to the Abime series)
    > (never ever)

    • 10 months ago

      >that one lara croft scat video
      I beg you anon please please please point me in the right direction

      • 10 months ago

    • 10 months ago

      You said games but I keep seeing illustrated books for teens?

    • 10 months ago

      what is your point? that OP picrel isn't atmospheric? or...?

  8. 10 months ago

    why do zoomers need to blogpost about games before even beating them?

    • 10 months ago

      it's just called socializing? Isn't that what rooms...where you share media, thoughts, and opinions is about? What? this board literally trades porn, and posts Twitter screenshots all the time. You can deal with me finding a game atmospheric lmao.

    • 10 months ago

      why do morons complain about game threads on Ganker but are ok with twitter and eceleb shit?

  9. 10 months ago

    I'm playing through TR1 for the first time after the mega steam sale with graphics/performance mods, it's pretty damn good so far. I'm on the level after palace midas I think. Really like the exploration and movement tech

    • 10 months ago

      Also I think TR1 is better on console, being able to save anywhere kills the challenge and I'm not sure when I should save or not to facilitate meaningful challenge, the crystals on saturn/ps1 give a better idea

  10. 10 months ago

    Honey wake up time for your daily Socrates crying novellas about tombraider thread

  11. 10 months ago

    can anybody confirm if it's normal for their to be weird rando obsessive stalkers in Ganker?

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