This was honestly the perfect sequel.

This was honestly the perfect sequel. Though still funny how ratchet acts like an Indian scam caller during the early PS2 era games

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  1. 8 months ago

    No the game is an absolute disaster on a fundamental gameplay level due to issues like enemy behavior and the balancing of enemy health and weapon damage, it is no fun to play at all. It's weird how people force themselves to ignore basic shit like this when discussing the quality of games and instead attempt to claim a broken game like this is good because of "the themes" or whatever. I guess this is what consumption of pseudointellectual Youtube videos has done to zoomers' brains.

    • 8 months ago

      shut up meg. we are indeed better than you.

    • 8 months ago

      enemies do get ridiculously strong and bullet spongy

  2. 8 months ago

    Worst story and bosses of the PS2 games and too many unfun minigames.

    • 8 months ago

      The next game, up your arse, was even worse imo. They didnt even put the effort in animating the stance that ratchet uses to hold the weapons, unlike 1 or 2. Its just bad sex jokes and go from a to b, the drama between him and clank is based on clank being mind controlled, and thats just lazy writing

      • 8 months ago

        Nah Nefarious and the supporting cast made UYA’s story much more entertaining.
        Qwark redeeming himself was also a nice genuine character arc which GC’s story completely lacked. Honestly you could completely skip from the first game to UYA and wouldn’t miss anything storywise.

      • 8 months ago

        Nah Nefarious and the supporting cast made UYA’s story much more entertaining.
        Qwark redeeming himself was also a nice genuine character arc which GC’s story completely lacked. Honestly you could completely skip from the first game to UYA and wouldn’t miss anything storywise.

        The story in UYA is better and the music is just as good. But Arsenal cut out too much content. People hate the yeti planet from GC but two open planets is better than a sewer maze. Two arenas and a bunch of space dogfights too, and maps were much larger in GC. Too many reused multiplayer maps in Arsenal.
        Still love UYA, albeit not as much as GC

        • 8 months ago

          how come Angela never shows up again despite how the series makes Lombaxes and important story point later on in the series

          • 8 months ago

            I really don't know. ToD seemed meant to be a sort of soft reboot, but by Crack in Time they were bringing Nefarious back full force - both simultaneously acknowledging the original trilogy's events while retconning Clank's origin as a factory mistake and turning him into the Zonis' chosen one or whatever. Angela gets referenced in some radio flavortext while you're traveling around the world map, and it's a sort of throwaway acknowledgement that makes me think the ToD developers figured it was worth throwing her character away, then by CiT they realized fans still gave a shit and added SOMETHING to tell us that they totally didn't forget. There probably isn't a real answer for this and it's just a matter of the writers conveniencing themselvss

          • 8 months ago

            It's because lombaxes became a plot point; they had no idea what to do with her so they just never brought her up outside of one joke on the pirate radio in CiT.

    • 8 months ago

      I hate UYA because 70% of the game is just hacker puzzles, Quark sections and other gimmicky stuff

  3. 8 months ago

    Rift Apart has the best combat gameplay in the series.
    Enemies use a navmesh which lets them jump between different platforms while chasing you down, which allows for larger combat spaces that involve traversal elements like swingshots and wall running. They took lessons from Sunset Overdrive and applied them to Ratchet, and it was the first real innovation in combat since strafing.
    Phantom Dash allows for significantly more aggressive attacks on higher difficulties and really tests your reaction time, making higher difficulty gameplay way more engaging than it's been in the past.

    • 8 months ago

      I wish Rivet played differently instead of just being a Ratchet clone

      • 8 months ago

        I understand having them sharing the same weapons and armor. It would be a bummer to grind and earn a weapon ir armor just to only be able to use it for half the time as either character. The only difference in Rift Apart is that the melee combos are slightly different. They should have the same gadgets for traversal, like the swingshots and hoverboots, but have some slight differences in their combat capabilities; some unique ability trait.


    • 8 months ago

      RA has the best gameplay... yet it fricks up everything else from artstyle to music

    • 8 months ago

      There seems to be an unnecessary amount of shit on screen which make it harder than it has to be though. The weapons have always been grandiose so there was plenty to keep you occupied as far back as the PS2 games, so adding tons of particle effects and explosions happening around you, while moving faster yourself, made it all exhausting for me while still feeling like it didn't add much

    • 8 months ago

      The combat and movement is so good in RA. It almost makes up for everything else being shit

      • 8 months ago

        But everything else is just so shit anon, it's not enough. The opening sequence put a bad taste in my mouth that never quite left for the whole game when I walked closer to the crowd around Ratchet, jumped and bounced off an invisible wall surrounding the decorative bushes; they were hoping we'd just walk straight down that little red carpet but frick me for wanting to slow down and appreciate all the little frickers they filled the screen with

  4. 8 months ago

    I like deadlocked the most. it just plays the best overall

  5. 8 months ago

    Going Commando and UYA both do certain things better than the other, but I simply enjoy Going Commando more. It's got a more interesting array of weapons even if some are stinkers (particularly the Zodiac, Clank Zapper, and the Lava Gun's upgrade), but it's that same experimental nature that gave us two arenas, the cage fight bosses, Planet Grelbin which while it was so hacked together it won the first Snowbeast Award was a very fun level to grind through for hours as a kid and the shield charger helps a lot with Y.E.T.I's anyway, and planet Todano with the cool robot tour segment at the start. And the AI and gunplay were markedly improved over the first game.

    UYA I would argue is a tighter experience, but there's less focus on platforming (and if you use lock-strafe mode, which is too good to pass up, the actual handling is worse for jumping around platforms) and the loadout's a little more boring. For every boss that's better than Going Commando, there's a multiplayer map shoved into the end of a level along with a turret or gunship mission. And the sewer was way worse than both Tabora and Grelbin for crystal collecting. Also I liked the collectable trophies hidden around levels and the Starship Phoenix hub

  6. 8 months ago

    I 100%'d this game a while back, this game perfected the ratchet formula aside from the ice planet. 3 was full of awful forced minigames that made it a slog on ng+ and it ruined the ryno.

    • 8 months ago

      what it do to the RYNO

      • 8 months ago

        It ripped it a new one

      • 8 months ago

        the final upgrade for it in 3 was worse than the base gun

        • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          Worth explaining that the first 4 levels are fine, but the final upgrade turns it into the "Rynocerator" which fires a little black hole in front of Ratchet which deletes regular enemies but does diddly damage to bosses. It's meant to be a cool screen-wipe but it's fricking stupid because by that point you've got plenty of arsenal to take care of mooks, and you lose what was the best ballistics damage for taking down bosses. It was such an insane decision for them to go forward with and I can't believe they didn't just revert the upgrade after a day of testing

    • 8 months ago

      >3 was full of awful forced minigames
      2 was much worse with this. I’d rather play the vid comics over hoverbike racing or those space combat levels.

  7. 8 months ago

    This game is so much fun, just replayed it recently after playing RC1 for the first time. Being able to lock-on to enemies with weapons and ammo being much more generous makes this game 10 times better. Also glitching yourself to the Insomniac Museum from the railgrind section on Boldan is very fun

  8. 8 months ago

    I liked the npcs you ran into around the Bogon Galaxy, the sockpuppet guy that gives you the Hypnotizer and the desert riders were highlights for me as a kid. Bless UYA for this cute Agent Clank watch party at the end

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