this website is complete garbage. where do I go for actual video game discussion?

this website is complete garbage
where do I go for actual video game discussion?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      99 % of posts
      >look at the picture of my wife's son and what he made for me

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          god damn it why do they always have such nice gigantic houses. why are people like this always so fricking rich man.

    • 10 months ago

      Zero discussion on there that isn’t posting the same 5 tendie series

    • 10 months ago

      Reddit is for serious game discussion, Ganker is for shitposting

    • 10 months ago

      this place or some forums you don't remember the name

      ah yes, reddit, the pinnacle of video games discussions
      >don't agree with the hive mind, 1k downvotes, banned and can't talk anymore on a number games subreddits because low upvoats

      • 10 months ago

        Reddit is just as cringe as Ganker but at least on here homosexuals will at least pretend to say how they feel without fear of being downvoted into oblivion. That's the one thing I can't respect about Reddit. Every frail limp wrist homosexual on that website is afraid to just say how they feel.

        It's always "it's just not for me" "I'm just not a fan" "I'm not the demographic" just say you didn't fricking like it and you think it fricking sucks. Call a spade a fricking spade. homies actually scared to lose imaginary internet points over a fricking opinion in a thread nobody will remember 24 hours from now. It's fricking pathetic.

        And Ganker does that hivemind/mob mentality shit too but at least on here there is SOME pushback by people who don't agree. On Reddit you watch one person say something and it gets 200 upvotes, and then the rest of the thread is basically just sucking that one person off agreeing with the top comment so that their comment gets upvoted to the top too.

        • 10 months ago

          >I'm a huge fan of [game], BUT

        • 10 months ago

          >reddit is just as cringe as Ganker but [goes on to describe in detail why reddit is an absolutely worthless useless shithole compared to Ganker]
          you're still infected with the reddit brain. Just say it: reddit is fricking trash that makes Ganker look like solid gold in comparison.

    • 10 months ago

      hell no. the more reddit comments you read the more your brain is turning into braindead zogbot

    • 10 months ago

      maybe in the past, its purely paid marketing and slop now, the answer is Steam forums but sometimes i wonder if they eventually will end up removed like IMDB forums.

    • 10 months ago

      kek thats even worse youll just get the typical reddit replies where they try to be "funny" with some lame ass joke in the replies
      Id rather just be called Black person over and over then look at that cringe

    • 10 months ago

      Nowhere. Everywhere is garbage.

      Especially that shithole. They're even dumber than the average Gankertard but also extremely smug and condescending about their idiotic opinions.

  2. 10 months ago

    homie, if we knew we wouldn't be here

  3. 10 months ago

    The gag

  4. 10 months ago

    >this website is complete garbage
    Yeah, all the stupid ass frog Black person threads that don't talk about video games really make it shit.

  5. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


      >/vg/ and /vm/
      >video game discussion

  6. 10 months ago





    • 10 months ago

      /vr/ is full sorry

      • 10 months ago

        Did you homosexuals start counting early 2000s games as retro now or should i frick off?

        • 10 months ago

          We did and it remains an extremely controversial decision, but you should frick off anyway if that's the only thing you'd be going there for

    • 10 months ago

      stop sending Gankerermin to our boards you fricking homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        Those boards are Ganker colony

    • 10 months ago

      Times are tough. I made my own site. Then it got deleted off the internet. Then I made another. It's okay. Hard to find humans out there. You might think we have a problem of form here, that the structure of Ganker somehow brings out the worst in people, but most people really are just that dumb.

      These are horrible boards.

      I don't really think there is a general discussion board or forum that isn't in some way affected by the same problem that killed Ganker.

      Ganker is dead because it's current userbase grew up completely surrounded by social media. And that FUNDAMENTALLY changed their very perception of what online communication is supposed to be like.
      People don't come here to actually talk, they come here to make their own social-media like posts, which are exclusively about self-advertising, or ritualistic identity confirmation acts.
      People don't come here to talk, they come here to feed their desire for social confirmation and validation. Because that is what social media taught them to do.

      But if this kind of social-media-twisted mentality rotted even anonymous sites like Ganker, then it means it has COMPLETELY dominated every other place too.
      99% of all people who were born after 2003 are now broken, and unable of proper on-topic discussion online. So place freely accessible to the general public is going to be just as trash as this place is.

      The only solution is a currated community with invitation-based access that ALSO happens to be watched over by reasonable moderators, and good luck finding one of those.

      Social media didn't teach this. It's how people are. Dumber people have the internet now. The more serious problem which is a kind of social development is that people don't know how to think about art anymore. Nobody knows what it really means to appreciate something so even those with taste are lost and confused. There are smart people out there trying to speak in memes and affirmations and make them work towards sense because they've never really seen real thought before and don't know how it's supposed to be.

      • 10 months ago

        >Social media didn't teach this. It's how people are.
        No, it's not. Social media are addictive because they feed on something that is naturally human - are inherent, evolutionary conditioned desire for validation and acknowledgement - but they twist it in an unnatural way, and both becoming a SERIOUS addiction, and completely warp the very way people communicate online in the first place (and sometimes debilitate their ability to communicate IRL too, but not quite as much as some people think, but that is another topic).

        What you see here isn't dumb people. What you see is addicts. The morbid reality of NPC's coming to life - though, thankfully, MOSTLY only in their on-line presence. The bigger portion of social-media-groomed people still retain normal social competencies IRL.

        But really, the way that people percieve both purpose, and structure of on-line communication has changed, fundementally so, and it has nothing to do with intelligence, and everything with the function of the communication itself.

        As for your example: The inability to appreciate and communicate about art and any axiologic subject altogether has been around for almost 100 years now, it's rooted in the fall of enlightenism and the birth of post-modern era. And it certain has always been a problem even here.

        So that hasn't changed, that was an ALWAYS problem, it's not what killed Ganker in the past few years.

        What killed Ganker is the obsession to post even though you have nothing to say, and no interest in listening. That is the core problem. The fact that the actual EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION has been erased from the equation.

        99% of people posting here (but also on Reddit, ResetEra, Tumbler, most discords etc...) post endless meaningless drivel, because the actual CONTENT of the posts - their own or other's - isn't important at all. The act of posting and seeing that your post has been in some way acknowledged is the entire and sole point now

        That is what social media did to us.

        • 10 months ago

          Sure, I'll give my brain a wash in the toilet by reading the rest of this post, why not?

          You're moving in mental leaps and bounds here, and leaving giant untouched holes.
          >social media feeds on a desire for validation and acknowledgement
          sure, the desire is real and social media is built around it
          >but they twist it in an unnatural way, creating an addiction
          How do they twist and what is meant by the state of "addiction"? This isn't exactly a subject we have a consensus on.

          Are you lamenting the loss of "normal social competencies"? Because that's what I see as the problem. Normalgays. Always and forever.

          We *have* been losing the ability to talk about art. But it's not "post-modernism". It's dispiritedness on one hand and unending Black person communist warfare against culture and taste on the other. Both points amount to people not being capable of caring and pursuing what they care about. They don't know what they want because their humanity is compromised.

          >So that hasn't changed, that was an ALWAYS problem, it's not what killed Ganker in the past few years.
          If things have been wrong for 100 years how was Ganker ever good? If you ask me this place was always a hole, culturally, and what's been happening since its creation is just the verbal IQ going down as the internet gets less white.

          >99% of people posting here (but also on Reddit, ResetEra, Tumbler, most discords etc...) post endless meaningless drivel, because the actual CONTENT of the posts - their own or other's - isn't important at all. The act of posting and seeing that your post has been in some way acknowledged is the entire and sole point now
          This is pretty articulate and correct, just I would say we've been doing this all along and it's just getting far more blatant and acute as we go from white people memes like "Halo ruined fps because of its limited weapons sandbox and slow movement" to brown people memes like "ayo mangs ders buttsex in my rpg, es loco, ayayay!"

          • 10 months ago

            >Sure, I'll give my brain a wash in the toilet by reading the rest of this post, why not?
            Do you have better theory of functional foundations of human psychology? Also, "evopsych" is something of a broad term. Are you at least familiar with the most prominent currents in it, to be able to judge the field? Can you name 3?

            >How do they twist and what is meant by the state of "addiction"?
            I don't think the concept of addiction is particularly controversial - it's a form of gained (not inherent) compulsive need for a behavior or substance, that has adverse impact on our well-being.
            As for how they twist the nature of communication, I explained that actually. It's the fact that the act of posting is becoming entirely divorced from the act of communication - which is a transfer of relevant information between two people.

            >Are you lamenting the loss of "normal social competencies"?
            Actually, my implication was the opposite, that despite what a lot of people claim, "normal" (e.g. non-online) social competencies aren't nearly as negatively impacted as people tend to think they are.
            The problem is for the most part, contained specifically to leasure-oriented online communication. But in that area, it is drastic, especially considering how much time people now spend in that specific form of communication nowdays.

            >We *have* been losing the ability to talk about art.
            Again, for decades, almost centuries now. Relativization of aesthetic values has started after WW1 for heaven's sake.
            Ironically, the conflict theory (neo-marxist ideologies) you lament are a response to this problem, and in a way - they solve it. It's not a good solution, in fact it may be worse than the paralysis that existed before, but it is actually some kind of new development. Neo-marxism gives people a new set of definitive values they can rely on and thus communicate about art more clearly.
            Those values are BAD, DANGEROUS even, but they do make the communication possible again.


            • 10 months ago

              I know Darwin, Sapolsky, and have had personal encounters with autistic HBD bloggers. Can't stand them.

              >It's the fact that the act of posting is becoming entirely divorced from the act of communication - which is a transfer of relevant information between two people.
              Another thought I like even if I don't necessarily agree. Or rather don't think you take this thought to the correct place. Most people want PARTICIPATION AND BELONGING, NOT COMMUNICATION. And Ganker's problem is that it accepts this. People do not get told to frick off or told they do not belong if they just post meaningless bullshit. Once you hit critical mass this becomes culture. Ganker is popular as a hivemind. You post a kind of signal based communication that only means loyalty and consistency rather than your own thoughts. That is Ganker culture.

              Most people are like this. Cultures of individuals all valued as individuals are rare. Even picked company will through civility will gravitate towards standards and neutrality between members.

              >"normal" (e.g. non-online) social competencies aren't nearly as negatively impacted as people tend to think they are.
              I don't think normal people are ruined by social media. I just think they're bad.

              >Neo-marxism gives people a new set of definitive values they can rely on and thus communicate about art more clearly.
              But they don't rely on them. They don't point to anything good. They force people who internalise them to twist themselves in knots whenever they find themselves enjoying something. The internet is full of Black person communist imbeciles talking about how actually [random anime about violence and heroism] is about muhfuggin class praxis. There is nothing clear coming from these people. They're all idiots who use this stuff to lie to themselves more elaborately.

              • 10 months ago

                >I know Darwin, Sapolsky, and have had personal encounters with autistic HBD bloggers.
                You mean Dawkins, not Darwin, right? Sapolsky is great when he isn't talking about religion, but not really evo-psycho as such, he is a neurologist not an evolutionary biologist, and I had to look up what HDB even means, that shit isn't even recognized as an academic term.
                Actual evo-psycho is a descendant from sociobiology (Wilson, Hamilton, Valen, Matt) and theory of games (Axelrod, Trivers, Smiths and Parkers etc...).
                Nowdays, there are several distinct schools, not counting the actually dead Memetics or Dawkin's fame - classic evo-psycho which is mostly associated with famous duo Tooby and Cosmides, "evo-devo" school (evolution and development) by authors such as Tomasello, Dual-Inheretance theory (namely Boyd) and linguistics-infused semiotic evolutionary psychology (Pinker, Sperber) and neuro-evolutionary theory (Dennett, Read, Koukolík - arguably Sapolsky could be placed here too)

                It's a TON of academic reading, it's all very interesting, all interconnected, and generally speaking, it's currently the most SANE field of studies of human nature. Genuinely, it's where you find people being generally least off their rocker and obsessed with ideologies.

                >Most people want PARTICIPATION AND BELONGING, NOT COMMUNICATION. And Ganker's problem is that it accepts this.
                Exactly, it's this exact sentiment that I was trying to get across. The problem I have is that social media exploit this reality, this human need, and that has a knock-off effect. As you said, Ganker's problem is that people accepted this - and that is exactly what I mean when I say that social media changed the way people see function of human communication. Most current users accept this drivel because to them, this is NORMAL, this is how people are SUPPOSED to act, because over-exposition to social media NORMALIZED that kind of behavior - new users of Ganker enter the discussion with these expectations.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh yes you're so above ideology aren't you? Think you can make a coherent and satisfying picture of the world without a single judgement call or affirmation of value? Good luck with that.

                >Exactly, it's this exact sentiment that I was trying to get across
                I'm glad we're getting somewhere.

                > The problem I have is that social media exploit this reality
                I would say they just enable it. People want to eat dirt and need to be actively steered away. I use every site I touch for personal communication that means something to me. I think what you're taking as an effect of social media is just an incidental timing thing, with the real problem being the demographics of the internet just shifting to dumber people of weaker character. People who have nothing to say.

                If "speaking your mind" and "communicating" were NORMAL what we'd have is a bunch of normal people impersonating us. You ever seen something you said smashed down into a meme and repeated by the pretentious? I have. It's unpleasant. Things would still be far cleaner and more civil if people felt obliged to ACT LIKE they can think, but we can't make thinkers out of everyone.

                Yes, new users come here thinking that they can be epic Gankerners and repeat the Ganker memes to have a place where they can fit in. That sucks. A discerning and exclusive culture would be something.

                But the fact it's possible to make discerning spaces, and some exist than this scattered across the internet, and people choose this, does not say good things about the human animal. You can present a lively intellectual environment to what appear to be ostensible people, and they'll reject it to come back to this filth.

                Now we can say those guys got broken, and I think I might even agree. But I don't think it's social media. Definitely not in any conventional sense. I've known smart guys who prefer twitter. I attribute it to weakness of character. Lack of confidence to be distinct and pursue finer interests.

              • 10 months ago

                >Oh yes you're so above ideology aren't you?
                I am a human being, which means I'm flawed, which means I am susceptible to ideologies. There are no doubt opinions and beliefs that I hold that unfortunately are rooted in an ideological core that I just don't realize/admit to myself.
                I just do realize this and take as much precautions to minimize the risk of becoming a victim of one.
                Also, an ideology isn't defined by applying value judgement. You seem to be conflating axiology and ideology.
                An ideology is a belief SYSTEM rooted in either unjustified dogmatic assumption, or intentionally misleading one.
                "Taste" isn't ideology. Not all ethical judgements are ideological judgements either. Judgements and value attributions can be build on transparent, or non-transparent foundation, and only the latter qualifies as ideology as far as I and most literature I've read (and it's a lot, I study this shit for living) are concerned.

                >I would say they just enable it.
                I'd say they "enable it" in the same way heroion enables our inherent desire for elevated levels of dopamine and serotonin activity.
                There is nothing wrong with our desire for participation and validation, it's an insanely important part of our social existence, which is how we survive. That is why we evolved to be so sensitive to it.
                But when you find a way to artificially exploit that desire, to a point where it starts resulting in maladaptive behavior - you have a problem, and it's more than just "people being stupid". It's a quite literal wide-spread medical crisis. A best metaphor that comes to my mind right now is one of masturbation. It's completely fine to feel sexual urges, and gratification when they are met - even if it's achieved through masturbation.
                It's starts being a problem when it starts taking up 1/4th of your day.

                And that is what is going on with soc-media. It's a form of social masturbation. We all do it sometimes, but when it becomes all you ever do, it's a problem.

              • 10 months ago

                Well, if you want to get particular, maybe you ARE above ideology.

                And if we're going to fix the social media and masturbation problems we have to regear society towards thinking of human beings in terms of final ends, and I don't think any government which exists is prepared for that, and I don't think many people could tolerate what started this kind of process might eventually entail.

              • 10 months ago

                >Well, if you want to get particular, maybe you ARE above ideology.
                I am absolutely 100% not.
                But I do wish I could be, and try to keep myself in check as much as I can.
                Sorry for not responding more thoroughly to your other points - It's a fascinating discussion and I'm very much enjoying it, you are brining up solid points and keep me challenged and you have no idea how much I appreciate that, given the state of this board (I just wish this discussion wasn't off-topic...) but something just came up and I can't give this my full attention.
                I need to sort out something and if the thread is still up, I'll try to give you some better responses. For now, cheers.

              • 10 months ago

                Glad you're having a good time. If I'm not back by the time you return maybe you can find me at amarna forum.

              • 10 months ago

                >But they don't rely on them. They don't point to anything good.
                I'm afraid I don't agree. Why do you think the single most discussed subject in relation to games here is their "wokeness" and constant pol-bullshit?

                It's because while toxic, these ideologies, the left-wing "woke" culture and it's negative mirror, alt-right, have re-introduced the idea of "objective" values of art and media. To a "woke" person, "diversity" - which is quite strictly defined - becomes an actual, solid, undeniable way to measure the value of an artistic/artform work. And automatically, alt-right will do the same, just inverting the value ascribtions.
                And the "totality" of these new values - as opposed to the wishy-washy relativism of post-war western world - makes them so god damn popular and spreading so fast these days.
                Their totalitarian nature makes them easy to adopt and apply, that is what is so infectious about them.

                And it really affects the discussion. You'll find more threads praising or condemning games for their alleged political implications than of any other kind. Precisely because it kinda "solves" the problem of lacking the ability to articulate values of media and art.

                >I agree on this but believe that internet gaming culture has been tainted by memes, bad received values, and social insecurity just about from the start.
                Yeah, you are right. There was always a lot of shit on Ganker and similar sites. But my god, the orders of MAGNITUDE have changed. We used to have 3 shitpost threads for 7 actual discussions.
                Now it's 1 actual discussion per 20-30 threads of PURE DRIVEL, often literal nonsense, noise, just absolutely nothing being said or shared.

                I have recently found myself not actively posting on Ganker for 3-4 weeks just because I can't find a single thread that would actually be... something to discuss.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm afraid I don't agree. Why do you think the single most discussed subject in relation to games here is their "wokeness" and constant pol-bullshit?
                But you specifically said "communicate CLEARLY". These ideological frames do not clarify. They obfuscate. These people are not being guided to experiences they enjoy. What is happening on both sides of this is that the tail has started wagging the dog and people have become fans of their frames.

                Nobody actually talks about video games on this bare level of "more woke = bad" or whatever. Even a completely moronic ideologyslave like AmericanKrogan, for an almost parodically ideological example, believes that ideology is a kind of layer or non-essential element. Which is why he is putting so much work into his Woke-Removal mod for that piece of garbage Fallout4. His tastes and values are such a catastrophic wreck that he just consumes garbage habitually while looking for superficial signifiers of his team or the other one.

                He does not have objective values "of art". He just axiomatically hates a few images and ideas and scrapes them off of whatever garbage he is currently consuming. Or praises them if they're his ones.

                Both sides of this issue are perfectly capable of saying "It's good except for the parts which are [other team]". Now if they actually wanted to build a theory that works the place to start would be the unchallenging "good" parts that people find themselves enjoying as a matter of course. And those parts tend to be the violent and vulgar ones... maybe a certain japanese auteur would make something of that...

                These values are dogmatic, but I would say they are not total. They are helpless for describing aesthetic phenomena. Is a violent game inherently right or left wing? I can answer that because I'm not a moron, but can any culture warrior?

                These stances are easy to adopt and apply, but not to come to any kind of stable or satisfying conclusion on anything.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm afraid I don't agree. Why do you think the single most discussed subject in relation to games here is their "wokeness" and constant pol-bullshit?
                But you specifically said "communicate CLEARLY". These ideological frames do not clarify. They obfuscate. These people are not being guided to experiences they enjoy. What is happening on both sides of this is that the tail has started wagging the dog and people have become fans of their frames.

                Nobody actually talks about video games on this bare level of "more woke = bad" or whatever. Even a completely moronic ideologyslave like AmericanKrogan, for an almost parodically ideological example, believes that ideology is a kind of layer or non-essential element. Which is why he is putting so much work into his Woke-Removal mod for that piece of garbage Fallout4. His tastes and values are such a catastrophic wreck that he just consumes garbage habitually while looking for superficial signifiers of his team or the other one.

                He does not have objective values "of art". He just axiomatically hates a few images and ideas and scrapes them off of whatever garbage he is currently consuming. Or praises them if they're his ones.

                Both sides of this issue are perfectly capable of saying "It's good except for the parts which are [other team]". Now if they actually wanted to build a theory that works the place to start would be the unchallenging "good" parts that people find themselves enjoying as a matter of course. And those parts tend to be the violent and vulgar ones... maybe a certain japanese auteur would make something of that...

                These values are dogmatic, but I would say they are not total. They are helpless for describing aesthetic phenomena. Is a violent game inherently right or left wing? I can answer that because I'm not a moron, but can any culture warrior?

                These stances are easy to adopt and apply, but not to come to any kind of stable or satisfying conclusion on anything.

                >Yeah, you are right. There was always a lot of shit on Ganker and similar sites. But my god, the orders of MAGNITUDE have changed. We used to have 3 shitpost threads for 7 actual discussions.
                Yeah, I can believe that. Again, I think our demographics have been changing over time. White college students to brown high schoolers. People who WOULD talk, and people who at least felt like they ought to try were far more common here, I'm sure.

                >I have recently found myself not actively posting on Ganker for 3-4 weeks just because I can't find a single thread that would actually be... something to discuss.
                I quit for months at a time now. I can generally find better ways to occupy my time.

                Speaking of better uses of time, you seem genuinely interested in talking about things on the internet. Want to join my forum? It's been a while since I tried inviting anybody from Ganker.

              • 10 months ago

                She a cute.

          • 10 months ago

            >If things have been wrong for 100 years how was Ganker ever good?
            Because the ability to be articulate about specific artistic values isn't quite as necessary as you think. People can rely on more heuristic tools and more common language. What used to make Ganker good was the fact that people shared their experiences and, thoughts and preferences.
            They may have not been very articulate about them, but you don't need that when you can just do things like give examples.

            The most common and most valuable type of thread back when I joined this place (which was so long ago I'm genuinely ashamed to state when that was) were the so-called: "Rec threads".
            That is to say, threads where some people shared their tastes, or at least examples of games they enjoyed, and others tried to find and recommend titles that could be of interest to them. These kinds of threads were so big that they often resulted in huge macros of at times REALLY GOOD lists of recommended games for people with various specific tastes.

            The second quality of Ganker was in that while again, the articulation may have been lacking, the ability to at least vaguely formulate displeasures with certain trends in the industry was there. That is to say: It was a place where people could go and openly say: "Gen7 gaming kinda sucks, doesn't it? All these massive mega-hit games everyone is praising, all these Halo 3's and MW2 and Bioshocks... they aren't actually as good as their much older predecessors."
            And this would be followed - once again - either in people brining up alternative titles to recommend, or sometimes naive and crude, but at least lively debate about what exactly it is that bothers us.

            The point is: there were people sharing their actual thoughts and experiences. They were trying to say things that could matter to others, there was some aspiration for constructive debate, there was some desire to learn or to teach, depending on what kind of person you were.

            That is gone now. /rant

            • 10 months ago

              >What used to make Ganker good was the fact that people shared their experiences and, thoughts and preferences.
              They may have not been very articulate about them, but you don't need that when you can just do things like give examples.
              I agree on this but believe that internet gaming culture has been tainted by memes, bad received values, and social insecurity just about from the start. Ganker has never really been conducive to anything better.

              "Rec threads" are a good pure approach to art and media, but it can and does all go so wrong from there. Best thing you can do for yourself is just take a stack of titles with vague positive endorsements and then isolate yourself on the moon with them if you want a chance at cultivating taste.

              I do agree that why Ganker first struck me as better than anything else I was finding online was the articulations of displeasure. Even if never that good, it was so much better than everywhere else where negativity was either not allowed or running down absurdly narrow socially defined tracks.

              >The point is: there were people sharing their actual thoughts and experiences. They were trying to say things that could matter to others, there was some aspiration for constructive debate, there was some desire to learn or to teach, depending on what kind of person you were.
              I remember now. I used to feel this way about Ganker too. But was that just because everywhere else was so bad..?

  7. 10 months ago

    why would you want to
    video games are for trannies

  8. 10 months ago

    You have to get a boyfriend on discord unironically.

  9. 10 months ago


  10. 10 months ago

    >actual video game discussion

    • 10 months ago
  11. 10 months ago

    you arent looking for actual video game discussion OP, your looking for safe space. Reddit is 7 blocks away.

  12. 10 months ago

    I don't really think there is a general discussion board or forum that isn't in some way affected by the same problem that killed Ganker.

    Ganker is dead because it's current userbase grew up completely surrounded by social media. And that FUNDAMENTALLY changed their very perception of what online communication is supposed to be like.
    People don't come here to actually talk, they come here to make their own social-media like posts, which are exclusively about self-advertising, or ritualistic identity confirmation acts.
    People don't come here to talk, they come here to feed their desire for social confirmation and validation. Because that is what social media taught them to do.

    But if this kind of social-media-twisted mentality rotted even anonymous sites like Ganker, then it means it has COMPLETELY dominated every other place too.
    99% of all people who were born after 2003 are now broken, and unable of proper on-topic discussion online. So place freely accessible to the general public is going to be just as trash as this place is.

    The only solution is a currated community with invitation-based access that ALSO happens to be watched over by reasonable moderators, and good luck finding one of those.

    • 10 months ago

      >The only solution is a currated community with invitation-based access that ALSO happens to be watched over by reasonable moderators, and good luck finding one of those.
      literally any private tracker

      • 10 months ago

        I've been on private trackers for over a decade and that shit is just as cancerous as Reddit/Ganker. Even more so because of the gatekeeping. Also redditors are all over private trackers and act holier than thou. Just take a look at /r/trackers. Personally, I don't ever engage in any discussions on private trackers as it's just like any other place on the internet that just turns into shit flinging.

        Shockingly out of all the private trackers I've been apart of (WCD, RED, MAM, AHD, KG, GGN, PTP, AB, PB, etc), the one tracker that had the least cringe bullshit was unironically the porn tracker EMP.

    • 10 months ago

      you jusr described my persona, im sending a cease and desist to your mailbox sir

  13. 10 months ago

    You'll fit perfectly there.

  14. 10 months ago

    steam friends list, if you have any steam friends

  15. 10 months ago

    People are shit

  16. 10 months ago


  17. 10 months ago

    I'll let you in on a secret newbie, Ganker is just a blue /b/ at this point.
    /vg/ for specific games, but expect a frickton of waifu posting and reposted memes. It's low quality, but it does occational have good resources.
    /vrpg/, /vm/, and /vst/ generally have better quality.

  18. 10 months ago

    You're not gonna get better than this
    unless by garbage you mean waaaaahhhhhh they won't stop complaining about progressives shitting up their videogames then maybe reddit would be more your speed

  19. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      test-posters should be exterminated

  20. 10 months ago

    You can still get good discussions going on this board sometimes. I honestly prefer Ganker to every other forum or social media website at this point in time.

  21. 10 months ago

    Just find actual friends or a group of people you find generally tolerable, people here are not your friends and they never will be.

  22. 10 months ago
  23. 10 months ago

    Why did all the altchans die, I still remember how many different imageboards and even textboards there were in the 2000s.

    • 10 months ago

      There's some out there still.

      • 10 months ago

        It's always the same 20 posters on those though. After a few weeks they feel like even more like Groundhog Day than this place.

    • 10 months ago

      everyone new one that gets created is spammed with CP and gore by organized discord groups

  24. 10 months ago

    The only reason I still come here is because I still love the threads and catalog format and no other site has it. So I really enjoy the good threads, but most of the threads are some of the worst garbage i've seen outside of twitter.

  25. 10 months ago

    You don't the point of the modern internet is to make discussion impossible, not on video games specifically just in general because organized discussion and community is dangerous for the elites

  26. 10 months ago

    Make friends.

  27. 10 months ago

    It's not exclusive to just this website, the entire internet is like this now. I barely go here now, & pretty much exclusively discuss things with close friends over discord because normal conversation is a rarity on the internet these days.

    As for what happened? I can only theorize based on what I've seen. I've been visiting Ganker since 2007. I feel like the change began in 2010 and really kicked into gear in 2013 and 2014- after that, we passed a point of no return & it was never the same.You will notice 2010 -2014 timeline matches up with a lot of things, such as the rise of social media, people taking topics of race/sexism/ect. far more seriously than before, & the rise of identity politics. Now, I myself am a lefty- Trans rights are human rights & all that kind of thing. The problem isn't leftist values themselves like /misc/tards would have you think. It's the attitude on both sides of the culture war debate, the co-opting of everything into the culture war, & the judgement that is constantly enacted over benign shit.

    No, enjoying sexy women or anime tiddies doesn't make you sexist or whatever, any more than playing GTA makes you criminal & murderer. No, just because a game has LGBT characters or women with more average proportions and outfits doesn't mean it is "censored" or shoving an agenda down your throat. But people will fight tooth and nail constantly, or judge others for being this way simply for consumption of fiction. Everything is fuel for the culture war, & the never ending need to be "right". This began in 2010-2011, with outrage over gay characters in Bioware games & the Tortanic situation, which also had a side effect of creating a strong hostility between gamers and devs/journalists.This hostility evolved into mutual antagonism that exploded into GamerGate and after that things were changed irrevocably.

    Social Media also played a hand. It feeds individuals extreme positions via the algorithm & rewards them for making their own.

  28. 10 months ago

    I hate being stuck here forever, especially with disingenuous underage and 20somethings who seek to destroy any and all civil discourse between any two or more individuals across the website. Anything discussed is either some of the most popular (read: buzzword for good, i.e., kino, soul, etc.) or it is instantly dismissed and treated worse than the dirt on a shoe.

  29. 10 months ago
    Anonymous and steam to filter out any duds, then just pick a genre that seems good, play the actual game

    game discussion is just pointless and awful past-time

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