Thoughts about Star Wars The Old Republic

How would you improve it?
How would you make it better?
How would you make it more popular?

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  1. 5 months ago

    i wouldn't

    • 5 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        it doesnt deserve it

  2. 5 months ago

    Complete graphical overhaul. It basically needed 'A realm reborn' treatment but they didn't have a YoshiP to pull them from the fire.

    • 5 months ago

      it was okay but tainted in public opinion by the hot mess of a rollout, relatively uneven story depending on your class choice, and anger over kotor 3 never ever since they cannibalized the intended story direction.
      at this point I'm not sure how you could improve it without hitting a reset button a la ARR as


    • 5 months ago

      yeah and for this they would need a budget of at least $100 million. It of course would make money, but fricking execs are idiots.

    • 4 months ago

      yeah and for this they would need a budget of at least $100 million. It of course would make money, but fricking execs are idiots.

      >muh graphics
      you fricking subhuman goysloppers have ruined enough games with your graphics fetishism

      • 4 months ago

        it unironically does need a graphical touchup though
        lots of vanilla planets especially could do with cutting like 1/3 to half the sheer size and instead focusing on detail, like the giant zone separation on hoth is stupid and takes away from the idea of both sides duking it out there, similarly lots of voss is empty space

  3. 5 months ago

    Frick off back to >>>Ganker


    • 5 months ago

      Frick off back to



  4. 5 months ago

    Remove everything from after the class stories. Fire the morons who make decent armor sets but don't playtest for the insane clipping.

    • 5 months ago

      Agree, the only cool part of the game is the purple missions, the rest feel like filler to justify the map designs. I never get why to do missions if they map doesn't evolve when you finish them.

      Make an offline single player version.

      Their original ideas were good.
      >real sith shit
      >party rolls on story decisions
      They just needed to flesh out the story angles.
      They needed an actually good space combat game, unfortunately that's budgeting a whole second game inside already bloated expensive MMO.

      Rebooted as a single player game would remove all the EA cash grab bloat nonsense, loot boxes and 1000 different lightsaber colors that don't matter at all.
      Rebooted as a small multiplayer optional game would probably be perfect. I believe MMOs are a dead genre and a huge mistake for investment nowadays myself. People go into MMOs trying to find 1-5 regulars in a guild to play with anyway if they're lucky. Why build a massive infrastructure to support the looking for process when you might as well leave it to discord chaos anyway, as everyone will split into insular cliques or not participate at all in a community now anyway.

      Slightly better combat engine, move to action instead of tab target, overhaul awkward animations.
      Separate upgrade system for droids and cybernetics.

      Base it on the EU or original KOTOR stuff and remove all the disney wokeshit influence of course.

      Honestly, as a solo player, I'm not against the game being multiplayer, it makes it more alive. I honestly think Bioware should work in make it more "emerging narrative" and also open-world/space.

      I agree with the rest of the changes.

      Also, I don't think the MMO genre is dead, I think this game isn't a MMO just like many games that pretend to be MMOs but are MO, they aren't massive neither open-world. Not only because the mechanics of the game itself, but because the devs don't help players into creating their own stories and communities.

      Imagine SWTOR but with the liberty of Eve Online, I swear you it would become a hit overnight.

  5. 5 months ago

    Make an offline single player version.

    • 4 months ago

      >How would you improve it?
      What said. End the live service, resell the game as a one-time purchase as a single player game that's retuned so all content can be done solo, keep alive a server you connect to purely for pvp matches. Put all the cosmetic on steam, I don't know.

  6. 5 months ago

    Their original ideas were good.
    >real sith shit
    >party rolls on story decisions
    They just needed to flesh out the story angles.
    They needed an actually good space combat game, unfortunately that's budgeting a whole second game inside already bloated expensive MMO.

    Rebooted as a single player game would remove all the EA cash grab bloat nonsense, loot boxes and 1000 different lightsaber colors that don't matter at all.
    Rebooted as a small multiplayer optional game would probably be perfect. I believe MMOs are a dead genre and a huge mistake for investment nowadays myself. People go into MMOs trying to find 1-5 regulars in a guild to play with anyway if they're lucky. Why build a massive infrastructure to support the looking for process when you might as well leave it to discord chaos anyway, as everyone will split into insular cliques or not participate at all in a community now anyway.

    Slightly better combat engine, move to action instead of tab target, overhaul awkward animations.
    Separate upgrade system for droids and cybernetics.

    Base it on the EU or original KOTOR stuff and remove all the disney wokeshit influence of course.

    • 5 months ago

      >People go into MMOs trying to find 1-5 regulars in a guild to play with anyway
      Has that changed over the years? I played dark age of camelot and wow for a few years and a big part of the experience was having a guild. You had assorted chatter while you were doing stuff solo, could group up with semi randoms from the guild for some difficult quest or the occasional instance, and then could put together a party for the endgame stuff. Yes, you might have ended up knowing some better than others but it was still a good halfway between "friends I've known for years, maybe IRL" and "complete randos you party with once and then dump".

      • 5 months ago

        I believe that it has. Why use even the easiest of town squares or chat crap in the mmo when your discord tab is right there anyway and you have a better rapport with the people over discord?
        >and no I don't even use discord unless I have to, it's just an observation from a completely anti-social recluse

        BG3 didn't even bother with simple multiplayer chat and yet mp games are still happening. They were right not to waste their time on it. They're right not to spend on infrastructure to support MP chat much less MP audio.

        >Imagine SWTOR but with the liberty of Eve Online, I swear you it would become a hit overnight.
        I guess, but we keep talking about these boondoggles approaching the complexity of RL that begin to require infinite money to handle their infinite issues. Eve becomes a poisonous shitfest which might be fun for the 10 percent ruling clique but everyone else will find something else to play then.
        I really prefer an MP game that knows its own scope nowadays like Remnant 2 or EDF, or BG3.

        >let's make giant open world fields in which you have to gather consumables for raid buffs instead of the matching lobby
        Yeah this kind of stuff is ok for 'community building' in the past but now no one wastes time on hanging out in game is what I'm also trying to say. They just in the end grab their 5 discord buddies with whom they know they won't have a shitty dungeon experience. The time people are willing to waste on randos is less all the time. Just a side effect of the ever more fractalized interests of people on the internet. I don't know that it can be solved with a game anymore but I see the issue.

        Next gen big VR draw that everyone is playing I guess, and I mean everyone. EQ was so unique when it launched, everyone played it you see. Same for WoW.

        • 5 months ago

          >I guess, but we keep talking about these boondoggles approaching the complexity of RL that begin to require infinite money to handle their infinite issues. Eve becomes a poisonous shitfest which might be fun for the 10 percent ruling clique but everyone else will find something else to play then.
          Maybe I expresed myself bad, in that case, my apologies, what I tried to said about "having the liberty of Eve Online" doesn't mean being an e-wagslave of a corp but the stories created by the players. I don't play the game because isn't action-based combat but 'point&click', but I love the stories created there, I want that for SWTOR.

          >Yeah this kind of stuff is ok for 'community building' in the past but now no one wastes time on hanging out in game is what I'm also trying to say.
          Maybe I'm an "oldschool" but I never used discord for MP, I just like walk the zones and enjoy the landscape, and find by pure chance people to play and talk with. This is why I would like the game to be open-world and a true MMO, not just a MO.

          • 5 months ago

            I'm one of the most ancient grogs here, so I get that feeling, it is what I enjoyed in MMOs too however,

            Your open world is active in New World right now, and what people do instead is just sit in down and erp or on discord, just like in FF.
            They even have some world chat active but it's either 1 or 2 gatekeepers of cliques or twitch morons spamming and everyone is still in discord who is in guilds wondering when they should delete inactive players.

            They're even going to take what they learned from NW and put it in LOTR I think, at which point we will see.
            There's also Throne and Liberty coming up, and Ashes of Creation seems interesting.

            I just notice the same problem of 'fractal community' keeps coming up again and again no matter which mmo it is in.

            • 5 months ago

              Nice to see an ancient grog (I guess it means 'veteran', origin of the word?).

              I think the solution of the "fractal community" wil be MMOs being able to have all their players in one server. The lack of innovation in the genre is not because tech reasons but because corpo reasons (lazyness + greed).

              I just want a SWTOR 2, aka an action-based combat open world true MMO AND true RPG.

        • 3 months ago

          The thing is they knew how to do multiplayer chat already, as evidenced by Original Sin 1 and 2. They chose not to implement it, not didn't develop it.

    • 4 months ago

      >They needed an actually good space combat game
      I like the base vanilla space combat railshooter way more than galactic starfighter.

    • 3 months ago

      Agree, the only cool part of the game is the purple missions, the rest feel like filler to justify the map designs. I never get why to do missions if they map doesn't evolve when you finish them.

      Honestly, as a solo player, I'm not against the game being multiplayer, it makes it more alive. I honestly think Bioware should work in make it more "emerging narrative" and also open-world/space.

      I agree with the rest of the changes.

      Also, I don't think the MMO genre is dead, I think this game isn't a MMO just like many games that pretend to be MMOs but are MO, they aren't massive neither open-world. Not only because the mechanics of the game itself, but because the devs don't help players into creating their own stories and communities.

      Imagine SWTOR but with the liberty of Eve Online, I swear you it would become a hit overnight.

      Just because doing a campaign together (or rather accompanying a friend as they do theirs) adds to the experience, doesn't mean it has to be an mmo. The game would work just as well as a single player game with coop. It basically already is in most cases.

  7. 5 months ago

    by making her a companion
    and putting it on console, more players, more revenue, and more content in the future

    • 5 months ago

      Isnt there a quest where you can shove her in some poor smuck jedi so you can keep her and khem? Could've swore that was a thing.

  8. 5 months ago

    Played it for the first time during the pandemic with a buddy. We pretty much treated it like a Co-op version of Kotor and not an MMO. Wedlog on off together and played as the same "side" like at first we where sith, then smugglers then Jedi. It was cool watching each other's story cutscenes and also fighting over outcomes in side quests. As an MMO it's meh from what I saw but as a MMORPG it's neat that it gives you that much narrative influence back in early 10s even if it's subpar today.

  9. 5 months ago

    Probably one of the best MMO experiences I've ever had. This was my WoW, so I get why people can't really bring themselves to stop playing Worcrashed.

    • 5 months ago

      I played both and I enjoyed the story of SWTOR more than the WoW by a lot, my problem with SWTOR: is not open-world, unlike WoW.

      Despite WoW has its awful things, chilling in Pandaria is a celestial experience. If only Pandaria was a real continent... (I know is based in China but sadly China is an industrial shithole nowdays).

  10. 5 months ago

    Unironically great game
    MMOs are inherently flawed and they focused really hard on the RPG aspects which made me love it.
    The most obvious way to make it better is to commit either to being and rpg with multiple characters or an mmo more focused on coop and less on class stuff.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't remember what it was like at launch but that's just a magical time for me. SW:TOR is my Wowcrashed Online.

    • 5 months ago

      >mmo more focused on coop and less on class stuff.
      I wonder if SWTOR as class-free like Albion Online would work?
      Obviously this should be able only when you aren't doing your class story.

  11. 5 months ago

    I still think about Lana Beniko from time to time

  12. 5 months ago

    Have an offline mode, increase NPC party size from 1 to 3, and expand the Date sim elements.

    • 5 months ago

      It really need a combat rework / overhaul, to be more action-like.

  13. 5 months ago

    its got a good variety of stories but tbh its held back by the fact its an MMO and plays like one

  14. 5 months ago

    incredibly minor point but
    >codex entry unlocks aren't legacy wide outside of certain ones like datacrons
    is super stupid and would take like an hour of coding at most to change

  15. 5 months ago

    MMOs are a dead end. People don't actually want anything the genre offers even though they say they do. Case in point: the only successful non-WoW MMO is FFXIV, which is barely even an MMO. The game is about watching cutscenes with some legacy MMO zones you spent a few minutes in while walking to cutscene vendors. And WoW was dropping world centric content as early as its first expansion, 20 years ago.

    • 5 months ago

      >MMOs are a dead end. People don't actually want anything the genre offers even though they say they do.
      True and true. The thing is real MMO enjoyers would play a MMO if the MMO was a real MMO, 99% of MMO are just MO, aka not massive.

      What is the point of calling your game MMO if you can't have more than 100 players in the same server? And you don't give players the freedom to build their own world in it?

      That is why Eve Online still alive after 21 years, because it's an actual MMO, 400k in one server, with the freedom to create their own stories that BECOME CANON.

  16. 5 months ago

    The game is dead, it's been bleeding players ever since 4.0 when it abandoned mmo and rpg elements and focused on a boring ultra-linear telltale style cutscene simulator with meh writing. It also completely trivialized combat, pruned like half of the abilities and removed any challenge from the game outside Nightmare mode.

    I mean it's pure trash now, it's barely even a game nowadays, it's more of a fashion simulator for troons, the class mechanics have been dumbed down and simplified like in no other game I've ever seen. You can just spam the basic attack and crush the game, why even have any gameplay at this point? Just remove it and make it a movie.
    In fact 4.0+ had been so bad for the game that it has 10k-20k players now, which is a complete joke. Pre 4.0 it had 200k+.
    Probably the only thing that could make people return to it is a 2.x or 3.x version server, but that's not gonna happen.

    • 5 months ago

      4.0 made a pretty good change to how companions work. At least now I don't have to cart around a singular healer who often irritates me to high heaven with their personality.

      • 5 months ago

        lol if you care about min maxing there are companions who out heal and out dps by a considerable margin

    • 5 months ago

      I enjoyed the Sith Warrior and Bounty Hunter stories. The worst part about it was all the MMO shit.

      >is the Republic and the Jedi Order
      the problem with the Republic both old and in the disney-EU new is it would fall apart in reality and the exact extent of a central government varies by writer. I could write a giant essay on how fricking moronic it is to completely demilitarize your government both for maintaining the peace within the republic and as deterrence. similarly depending on the writer plenty of "republic" worlds are basically petty fiefdoms that enjoy the benefits of being part of the republic without actually bothering to follow any of its laws. It made me mildly seethe how the disney writers turned the centrist senators who want, you know, an actual central government and a standing military into crypto imperial sympathizers, but in fairness this is a longstanding ideological issue when it comes to writing the republic

      Another problem is leftists won't let the Empire be the Empire anymore since they're terrified of le fascists being cooler and more popular than their rainbow mary sue trans positive out n proud reys and ashokas or w/e. This explains why they don't like the Republic being popular either of course.

      It mirrors the same limp wristed shit they're doing over in D&D land with orcs since they're terrified of being accused of promoting racism.

      Fiction like comedy is kind of dead since they can't be honest about the difference between real life and fiction anymore, as fictionalized as they try to make their own lives.

      I don't think you'd ever get a storyline like Sith Warrior out of them ever again for example.

      • 5 months ago

        We will have to wait until SW become of public domain.

        • 5 months ago

          >Disney owned and bought for billions.
          >Disneyslop shit not raking in the projected Numbers.
          >Public Domain.

          That is not going to happen. Disney is known to rather bomb war trauma orphanage-psychatries with white phosphorus filled baby pandas than letting anything go to waste that might be worth some cash or enable them to file a lawsuit against said orphanage and the US juristriction just happens to be the best place to make this possible until the sun swallows the earth.

          • 5 months ago

            Mickey Mouse, the symbol of Disney, is now public domain. If that happened with THE Mouse, that will happened with SW for sure.

  17. 5 months ago

    I enjoyed the Sith Warrior and Bounty Hunter stories. The worst part about it was all the MMO shit.

    • 5 months ago

      Bounty Hunter is an underrated story imo
      though I think it suffers the worst of all the classes from being forced into the single "role" of later expacs. you don't have any reason to be super attached to either side barring some headcanoning rp
      smuggler suffers a similar problem though to a lesser extent imo, I feel like smugglers benefit enormously from the status quo republic in a way that doesn't apply as much to a bounty hunter, if anything the story shows Bounty Hunting is hard on empire controlled worlds

    • 5 months ago

      Bounty Hunter is an underrated story imo
      though I think it suffers the worst of all the classes from being forced into the single "role" of later expacs. you don't have any reason to be super attached to either side barring some headcanoning rp
      smuggler suffers a similar problem though to a lesser extent imo, I feel like smugglers benefit enormously from the status quo republic in a way that doesn't apply as much to a bounty hunter, if anything the story shows Bounty Hunting is hard on empire controlled worlds

      OP here, honestly, I just played this 2 stories, I never get tired of them. Idk why but I can't enjoy the Republic stories, except to becoming a "Dark Jedi".

      I honestly think the only thing that is actually ruining Star Wars aside from Kennedy, is the Republic and the Jedi Order (especially the Jedi Order, because a non-Jedi authoritarian Republic would be awesome).

      • 5 months ago

        >is the Republic and the Jedi Order
        the problem with the Republic both old and in the disney-EU new is it would fall apart in reality and the exact extent of a central government varies by writer. I could write a giant essay on how fricking moronic it is to completely demilitarize your government both for maintaining the peace within the republic and as deterrence. similarly depending on the writer plenty of "republic" worlds are basically petty fiefdoms that enjoy the benefits of being part of the republic without actually bothering to follow any of its laws. It made me mildly seethe how the disney writers turned the centrist senators who want, you know, an actual central government and a standing military into crypto imperial sympathizers, but in fairness this is a longstanding ideological issue when it comes to writing the republic

        • 5 months ago

          >I could write a giant essay on how fricking moronic it is to completely demilitarize your government both for maintaining the peace within the republic and as deterrence
          I'll be incredibly charitable and note that disney was obviously just rehashing the OT plot so needed the new republic to go full moron to create the conditions for it, but seriously there's a reason the only sizable countries with no army IRL are costa rica and panama

          • 5 months ago

            The thing is that Disney didn't start this BS, just made it bigger, all this shit started when Star Wars still was George Lucas' IP.

            >doing a democratic republic
            >25,000 years of existence
            >creating and destroying its own military ever single century "cuz le nu menace"
            >somehow the jedi survived those 25k years despite being shit and doing shit

            The Galactic Empire did more in 20 years than the Cuck-public in 25 millennia.

            • 5 months ago

              lucas can be kinda handwaved away as bad writing because he's inherently in a straitjacket plotwise since he was coming up with prequel stuff
              demilitarizing almost immediately after a brutal galactic civil war like disney does is far harder to overlook even if I can understand the motive
              >doing a democratic republic
              as with the rest of the setting it only seems to be truly democratic on certain planets, while plenty of republic worlds are monarchies/technocracies/etc who appoint their senators. so just as schizo as the rest of the setting

              • 5 months ago

                >demilitarizing almost immediately after a brutal galactic civil war like disney does is far harder to overlook even if I can understand the motive
                Again, this was already planned by Lucas, Disney just made the BS bigger, in the prequel comics about the Prequels, you have a young Tarkin complaining about the Republic not having an army despite the constant internal civil wars inside the members of the Republic and the constant attack by mandalorians.

                He even talks about how stupid was to disolved the Old Republic army.

                Even in the Legends' Sequels the army was abolish, just read the comics and see the Lucas' script.

                Despite what many nostalgia-simps said about "Disney ruining Lucas' legacy", what Disney does is actually what Lucas' intended in the first place, the only difference is the Disney version has more gay and marysue characters.

              • 4 months ago

                Pretty sure George didn't plan yet another original trilogy and transfamilial Skywalkers.

              • 4 months ago

                Well, he planned it, if you see interviews with him, he talks about his Sequel trilogy and about the promise that Bob Iger gave him about him being involved in the development of the Sequels after selling Star Wars to Disney.


                True, he said it, he just want a Vietnam War in Space (as a critic against Nixon) mixed with feudal Japan and Flash Gordon, since he was fan of both.

                Except for the christmas special incest, worked out better than Disney. Gotta admire the guy for literally pulling it out of his ass and ending up with less shit on his hands than Disney.

                I never see it, but I unironically think that Star Wars could work as an action-comedy if it had proper script writers.

              • 4 months ago

                fair enough I forgot they trimmed down their military despite the imperial remnant still existing in the EU
                I guess this is a writing issue where they take the easy way out of demilitarizing the good guys to make it easier to write conflicts

  18. 5 months ago

    I played this game a ton years ago, and am considering returning. I wouldn't change much, except I'd somehow get them to push out class stories as involved as the originals.
    The only flaw SWtOR has is that as time went on there were less new and unique storylines, even if people may squabble over the content and quality of the later stories.
    I guess maybe I could say something about the Zakuul storyline being less good but its not that big a deal and I even liked the Makeb stuff.

    Oh, also, avoid any tie ins to Disney Star Wars, if EAware has any sense SWtOR should remain as unpolluted as possible by the new shit.

    • 5 months ago

      The combat needs to be action-based. It's the only way to make the game fun.

      Stories are great, awesome, but since combat is 95% of the game, it really needs to enjoyable and not just pressing the same button 'til the infinite.

      • 5 months ago

        While I don't necessarily disagree, that's not why I played SWtOR originally and not why I'm returning to it. I just want a star wars mmo that isn't based on the new stuff.
        Only one better would've been SWG.

    • 5 months ago

      >if EAware has any sense
      Better odds:
      >you win a lottery
      >two girls show up for your live in threesome future

  19. 5 months ago

    Step 1: Not an MMO.
    Step 2: Less grindy.
    Step 3: Just call it KOTOR 3 instead.
    Step 4: Still be hated because I pissed off people who wanted another Star Wars MMO.
    Step 5: Retire to a cabin in the woods and live deliberately.

  20. 5 months ago

    1. Erase all Zakuul shit and all Vitae shit. The whole Zakuul expansions arent just horrible writing wise, they are also pure cancer when it comes to gameplay. Three differently colored version of the same robots to kill in packs that spawn from the ceiling for ten endless hours just to be interrupted by mindless bossfights that are essentially rhytm minigames. If you manage to get past the first expansion you are thrown into a story that solely consists of you not playing your character but navigating a vehicle or use temporary powers in the same crappy way wow does vehicles. Another ten hours of the identical gameplay with every character because all encounters in the second xpac are scripted to be beaten with mostly 2-3 temp abilities that will show up in the middle of your fricking screen to be clicked in the right order in one of the 33948 slightly curved linear tunnels that are the maps. All this shit is done obviously completely phased so you wont ever play with someone else. Which makes sense because the story is all about you being le chosen one and even if you are not a force user you will advance only with lended force powers.
    This leads to the zakuul expansions being not an MMO and not even really an RPG of any kind. They are walking sims bolted onto a clumsy mmo engine from the last decade.

    2. End the hotkey mashing. For some reason you are forced to keyboard turn and click your way trough the story but the actual mmo content is hysterically braindead but long rotations that you repeat a million times till your fingers fall off.

    3. Get the open world back. I stopped after the zakuul shit but then you either played in dungeons or you played the story in places you would only visit one time exactly for that.

    4. Stop ripping off wow. Retail wow is already shit, it doesnt need a budget version rip off.

    • 5 months ago

      I liked the premise of the Zakuul story, but just became shit the moment it became a dualistic story again Zakuul vs the Empire-Republic Alliance

      I would love to see a more divided galaxy and Zakuul breaking the eternal cliche of just 2 big factions was fresh air, but Bioware had to ruin it.

      BUT the worst part was that you couldn't join Valkorion, I would have no problem with the dualistic Zakuul vs Alliance war, if I could play in Zakuul's side, for Valkorion or Arcann.

      I can't wait to Star Wars become an IP of public domain, so everyone can create and do whatever they want.

  21. 4 months ago

    Give me vehicles that can actually fly and remove all MMO related shit I'm sick and tired of seeing other people run around.

  22. 4 months ago


    Except for the christmas special incest, worked out better than Disney. Gotta admire the guy for literally pulling it out of his ass and ending up with less shit on his hands than Disney.

  23. 4 months ago

    Either severely trim down the number of trash mobs, remove level scaling from non heroic/boss content, or a mix of both
    I’ve never loved level scaling but I can at least understand it to keep low level heroics relevant, however the tedium of trying to navigate endless waves of trash mobs you can’t just insta kill seriously puts a damper on any desire to explore low level planets beyond maybe getting datacrons
    Codex entries should be legacy wide or at least faction wide, who the frick would bother getting the same codex for multiple companions beyond a dozen of the most dedicated autists?
    Lean more into what it obviously is a solo rpg in mmo clothing have the story diverge for individual players depending on their side and choices (the most unrealistic point I’ve made given their skeleton crew, but still) especially post vanilla where only your particular character matters whereas back then every class story happened a la origins

    • 4 months ago

      SWTOR was released in 2011, it's 2024 and I still don't know what are all that codex missions and the other stuff to do in groups.

      If it doesn't affects the story of my character, I just don't care.

      • 4 months ago

        >and I still don't know what are all that codex
        the codex is the little snippets of lore on races/people/planets etc. you unlock sometimes automatically through the story sometimes by clicking certain items in a particular zone
        what grinds my autism is that it's clearly not that hard to make the entries faction wide since they now do that for datacron entires, yet don't do that for every other codex

        The thing is, the scaling is only up to a point.
        Yes, your stater planet caps you at...I wanna say level 11. But do you know what it has a much higher cap on? Your stats from equipment. So with the new scaling, that final fight with Baras on Korriban, because you're wearing level 50 gear in an 11 capped zone, means you are an insanely powerful level 11 character and it completely trivializes the final fight.

        Which on the one hand, ruins a sense of stakes in the fight. But on the other hand, is supposed to canonically be what's happening as the Sith Warrior is a living god of combat, a once in a century prodigy of warfare, he SHOULD completely curbstomp someone like Baras if he corners him.

        that's a instanced fight though IIRC
        what I'm more b***hing about is how they have huge amounts of trash mobs in the overworld as a holdover from when you had a larger population. with higher pops their numbers would be consistently thinned by players doing the story but now not so much, like I did quesh recently on a character and there were 2 other people in the zone beside me on repub side and I'm on the most populated server. unless you get a bonus quest said mobs are little more than a hindrance and a time sink (aggravated by scaling) since it's comically easy to overlevel - I hit 68 before I'm even done with chapter 3 simply by doing exploration/side/heroic quests. I just don't see the point of scaling for those mobs, though as I said before I think for story fights, heroics, or world bosses you could keep it

    • 4 months ago

      The thing is, the scaling is only up to a point.
      Yes, your stater planet caps you at...I wanna say level 11. But do you know what it has a much higher cap on? Your stats from equipment. So with the new scaling, that final fight with Baras on Korriban, because you're wearing level 50 gear in an 11 capped zone, means you are an insanely powerful level 11 character and it completely trivializes the final fight.

      Which on the one hand, ruins a sense of stakes in the fight. But on the other hand, is supposed to canonically be what's happening as the Sith Warrior is a living god of combat, a once in a century prodigy of warfare, he SHOULD completely curbstomp someone like Baras if he corners him.

  24. 4 months ago

    I still don't know how to feel about the Kotor games and SWTOR cementing that it's the dark side being what makes you look old and evil and not you know, just being old. If anything it felt like the opposite with Palpatine, he was using the dark side to make himself look younger than he just naturally was.

  25. 4 months ago

    i bought a membership years back, it came with a free max level character which i still havent used because i’ve never reached max level on my own, and the game mechanics are kind of complicated. i wish i had a guild or some friends to tutorial me on how to get to the end as quickly as possible.

    my highest level guy is like 35 or something, and he’s a bounty hunter. i’ve tried practically every class and i don’t give 2 shits about the story whatsoever, i mainly play MMOs for the community aspect. i do enjoy doing those daily mission grind things and i’ve heard thats technically faster than story grinding but it feels way more slow and boring.

    Either way, sorry for diary posting. i have always wanted to get into this game but just cant bring myself to end game

    • 4 months ago

      >my highest level guy is like 35 or something, and he’s a bounty hunter. i’ve tried practically every class and i don’t give 2 shits about the story whatsoever, i mainly play MMOs for the community aspect
      The problem is ultimately, you can tell the devs didn't want to make an MMO but that's what they were forced to make. What they actually wanted to make was a Star Wars version of DAO in terms of multiple origins, except the alternate stuff carries the whole game instead of just the beginning. But it had to be an MMO at the end of the day so it's a wierd fusion that doesn't really do either welll.

  26. 4 months ago


    seriously for as much as the OT is beloved you can tell with certain shit he winged it after ANH
    >the romantic attraction subtext between luke/leia in 4 and 5 only to become siblings in 6
    >vader retconned to be anakin's father and obi wan said he was a separate person entirely
    >rehashing the death star in 6
    this doesn't detract from how good they all are, but does point to a lack of a grand plan

    • 4 months ago

      tbf, george didn't direct 5 and 6, that's why they feel so different from ANH. Irvin Kershner gave us Empire and he's mostly known for quirky independent drama films (and Robocop 2 which I love but that's neither here nor there) and it shows in Empire's tone. Return was by Richard Marquand who died like right after the movie came out and he mostly did documentaries which is probably why the film has drier moments.

  27. 4 months ago

    The smartest thing they did was disconnect class story from playstyles because tying the Inquisitor/Consular playstyles to arguably the 2 worst stories in the game for years was terrible.

  28. 4 months ago

    Frick it, I've done nothing but Empire stuff for the last like 5 years aside from a Trooper run, I'm gonna make a Jedi Knight tonight, get my David Hayter on. Do I go Light or Dark side?

    • 4 months ago

      Don't commit too hard to either imo. While a LS Warrior makes you Darth Reasonable the Wise, DS Knight is kinda just a parody of how Sith act but without the fun of [Shock Him]. LS's flaw by comparison is they're kinda dull and vanilla because it's the classic light side experience you got in Kotor 1/2.

    • 4 months ago

      Be prepared, you can tell the empire planet writers cared way more about they were writing than the republic ones so the planet stories on average won't be anywhere near as interesting.

      • 4 months ago

        coruscant, taris, and nar shaddaa are all mediocre to shit, but it improves afterwards imo
        tattooine in particular has a surprisingly good payoff

        • 4 months ago

          Replaying and yeah, I can tell. I actually didn't really mind Tython, it's a good contrast with Korriban and I like how unintentionally racist the Jedi are towards Flesh Raiders
          >Being able to use advanced tools like weapons? Please, they're too primitive and "simple" for that
          It reminds me of how the Trade Federation viewed the Gungans.

          • 4 months ago

            the only starting planet I didn't really enjoy was nal hutta

            I kneel to the Bounty Hunter / Sith Warrior stories.
            But now I want to try the Imperial Agent and the Jedi Knight.

            I would do JK first because it's a pretty straightforward hero story a la kotor 1 or 2, it's not super awesome but it's not bad either, though it will make you wonder how the frick the jedi aren't facing extinction with how useless so many masters are
            agent is often considered the best storyline in the game including for the fact it's one of the few where you can have pretty wildly different endings based on your choices (I believe there's four although 2 are similar with a key difference based on a chapter 1 choice), you may of course not like it but I'd save it for last regardless

            • 4 months ago

              I would love to try all the endings of Agent, but having to do again all the missions with the tab combat is a nightmare.

              This game really needs an overhaul or a sequel (remake plus).

              >Thoughts about Star Wars The Old Republic
              It was alright. I actually played it back in the day on launch, so I have a degree of nostalgia for it. I come back every now and again, and it is somewhat bittersweet. The playerbase is dying off more and more, the economy is totally destroyed to where buying actually good looking cosmetics isn't possible anymore without tons of time (which isn't worth it because the game is bleeding a slow death) or spending real shekels. The stories were solid. The worst grievances I have about the actual game have to do with it being an MMO.

              I finished sith warrior, inquisitor, bounty hunter, trooper, and jedi knight. All of that has been over the entire life of the game. Never touched the expansions. Funny enough, I've heard those are actually the best parts of the game.

              Honestly, I never get the economy of videogames, if you csn't win real money, is useless, at least for me. I have more than enough with the free aesthetics that you get by just playing.

              About expansions I kinda meh, I mean it's the same problem that Star Wars has since 1977 and the MMORPG genre has since the 2000s, just 2 main factions, 0 change, 0 innovation.

              I wish to play in Valkorion's side and for Zakuul, and in the end despite you choose to join him, you have to kill him no matter what.

              Same shit than in Mass Effect 3 with the color endings.

            • 4 months ago

              >though it will make you wonder how the frick the jedi aren't facing extinction with how useless so many masters are
              IIRC like literally every single master on the council from the start of the game except satele either always dies or can optionally die depending on player choices (not all on the same character of course, but optional death 3/4 of the time means irrelevance to the story), and satele fricks off a la yoda in shame after getting BTFO by the eternal empire

              • 4 months ago

                Tbf the same thing happens to the Sith. How many of the original council from vanilla are still alive?

              • 4 months ago

                I suppose for me it's because you expect high turnover from the backstabbing sith on top of republic attacks
                the majority of potentially dead councilors are the result of DS knight or consular decisions which feels funnier, they're already portrayed as hapless morons in need of saving by the chosen one and they may not even survive the encounter lmao

              • 4 months ago

                >I suppose for me it's because you expect high turnover from the backstabbing sith on top of republic attacks
                Honestly this game does a lot to give credence to the Rule of Two being a good idea to implement

              • 4 months ago

                In the Jedi Consular story there's an option to kill hundreds of Jedi with no repercussion

                the idea of doing that in order to secure your career and people never suspecting me is funny beyond measure

              • 4 months ago

                DS consular is basically sheev, potentially outright palpatine if you're just outright belligerent
                makes it fitting you have by far the highest body count of any story and face basically zero repercussions lmao

              • 4 months ago

                hmm, agent also has a similar story moment where they may choose to bomb their own capital world because that's the only way Faildus gets caught by the dark council

              • 4 months ago

                I actually forgot about that
                yeah objectively I suspect that one is higher in sheer numbers dead , though % wise consular probably killed a far larger portion of the jedi order, there's like 10k jedi max galaxy wide right? you basically off like 5% of the order single handedly not to mention plenty of masters

              • 4 months ago

                as I was playing Consular once in a while I saw such jedi bullshittery that I took a moment to blink and look around, it's no wonder the order releases ticking time bombs in the galaxy and every few hundred of years there's sith happenings

                the writers gave a frick to make swtor lore-friendly despite the shitty mmo decisions

                DS consular is basically sheev, potentially outright palpatine if you're just outright belligerent
                makes it fitting you have by far the highest body count of any story and face basically zero repercussions lmao

                makes sense even for a LS JC to remove idiotic bathrobes in order to remove dogma that no one really bothered challenge for fear of getting exiled
                also helps that despite what people simplify, JC story is really about becoming a (Diplomatic) Warlord and helping most of the dark council find peace in the grave
                Also you get help from the Voss which no one else gets
                the one thing I didn't do is have sex with Nadia since it's basically grooming a barely legal student

              • 4 months ago

                >the one thing I didn't do is have sex with Nadia since it's basically grooming a barely legal student
                the ironic thing about this is that there's only a couple years age difference at most between you and her unless you headcanon your character as an extremely old padawan, which of course you can but it's pretty clear they designed most of the class stories with you in your late teens or 20s at the latest, I think smuggler and BH are the only ones where it'd make sense you're a little older given they'd established themselves on their respective career scenes
                of course that still leaves the master/student power dynamic which still makes it kinda creepy

              • 4 months ago

                don't risk a genuine friend, ally and perhaps even competent Jedi later on for some easy penis cleaning / clam rubbing. I'd rather have her wing-woman me some of her friends than shit where I eat

                How do I increase my inventory space? I opened one of the galactic crates I got for subcribing and now 10 slots are full of random galactic armour.

                in the inventory tab right below the avalaible spaces there should be a green PLUS sign, kinda tiny, you may increase with CC coins (irl money) or in-game currency
                first rows are very cheap like 10k creds

  29. 4 months ago

    either works honestly
    LS is your standard chosen one hero story though it is fun to turn people like praven and bengall to the jedi (act 2 involves a very, very moronic plan though, be warned), if you're looking for something not empire I'd go with mostly LS choices
    DS is a bit of a mix between some edgy pseudo sith moments and in chapter 1 keeping superweapons as opposed to destroying them (though the inability of the republic to not have the entire project subverted prevented me from keeping even the more reasonable ones around)

    • 4 months ago

      Also, David Hayter's acting shines more in the dark side dialog choices and he feels like the one guy willing to do what it takes to win the war.

      • 4 months ago

        eh do you really trust the republic with doomsday weapons when the entire act is about cleaning up the mess from the entire program being led by an imperial mole? balmorra is the closest to that but I don't see how useful that system is when it kills a planet to power it, what are they going to do, lure the entire sith fleet there then blast it?
        I feel like consular as boring as it starts is better for a DS run, you don't get anakin'd about being a master even though they basically disregard that post story, you have a far, far higher bodycount and the council does nothing about it lmao

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah but I just hate the Consular's story in general.

          • 4 months ago

            it's mediocre but if you want to be a DS jedi it fits better, ironically enough closer to palpatine than inquisitor which was originally billed to be him

            • 4 months ago

              man that's a lot better than what I had

              • 4 months ago

                I get everything except the fast food images for SW

              • 4 months ago

                >Something something shocking vette into kinky bdsm collarsex is bad for you.
                This burns calories though, I don't get it either.

              • 4 months ago

                I thought maybe because Baras is so damn fat

            • 4 months ago

              man that's a lot better than what I had

              I kneel to the Bounty Hunter / Sith Warrior stories.
              But now I want to try the Imperial Agent and the Jedi Knight.

              • 4 months ago

                IA is the best story line in the game, hands down. It's worth playing the game just to play the IA story.

              • 4 months ago

                Any example?

              • 4 months ago

                Just play it. It's a free game.

              • 4 months ago

                So is eating shit.

              • 4 months ago

                actually having different endings for one
                most class story endings are almost the same with some minor differences depending on LS/DS whereas. with IA not only do you get 3 distinct endings but to get them your choices in previous chapters actually matter in a way they don't for most other stories, hell there's technically a fourth ending which is a variation on one of the three depending on a certain big chapter 1 choice.
                mind you it's hard to go into detail without basically spoilering the story

              • 4 months ago

                Right now I don't have the time to play all the story and endings of IA, so feel free to explain them to me.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm going to completely gloss over the story itself (which I thought was good to make clear) since I don't have time to write a lot, so this will lack a shit ton of context, however:
                At the end of the story you can choose one of three ways to go, you can choose to remain a sith loyalist, either a more generic sith loyalist or loyal specifically to jadus from chapter 1 (this requires specifically siding with him at the end of the chapter 1, also has ramifications throughout the story to be clear)
                You can become a double agent for the republic, which requires not killing any republic agents and having a certain LS level, I think at least LS 3 IIRC
                You can have your identity completely wiped from all databases letting you be essentially a freelancer, often described as the batman ending
                contrast this with say the Jedi Knight story where the only real difference is if you're acclaimed as a hero and jedi master or get Anakin'd and denied the promotion and you see why people tend to talk it up
                mind you if you intend to play the expansions as with every class story much of their end fluff is irrelevant post class story due to their pivot away from class stories, but still fun nonetheless

                Should I remove Vette's collar once I get the chance or should I wait until later? I've just got to Dromun Kaas.

                depends on how you're playing really, personally I'd leave it on if going DS and take it off immediately if LS, but do whatever feels in character for how you're playing
                I also like playing an insolent little shit to baras as a LS warrior which feels counterintuitive but works well imo, but again you do you go with what you feel like. though as a warning some dialogue choices can be glass him level misleading. I think it's balmorra if you capture the jedi at the end when talking to baras the dialogue wheel choice just says
                >I captured her
                and then in the actual dialogue you say you captured her for baras to torture lmao

              • 4 months ago

                Does it lead to any fun interactions if I wait to take it off? Will it affect the romance or companion quest? My character is more LS right now but he's also picked up a couple hundred DS points as well.

              • 4 months ago

                if you want to romance her or go fully down her companion stuff you have to take it off eventually though it's not necessary and IIRC she mentions it on her return in a later expac you may never play if you never took it off.
                if I remember right in the final please take my collar off dialog she says it's basically killing her so really I'd only wait forever if you want to be an edgelord and revel in it, first or 2nd time I don't think there's a huge difference

              • 4 months ago

                I guess I'll save it for another run. I've heard good things about LS Warrior. Is it worth dedicating an entire character to?

              • 4 months ago

                yeah you're basically a pragmatic honorable sith which particularly mindfricks most of the jedi you meet
                though the edgelord DS run is fun in its own way

              • 4 months ago

                >oh I see you're too angry to join the Jedi Council, let's add some resentment on top of that
                >oh, the GAR is here backing you up? Let's publicly humiliate you, that's not gonna backfire
                >I'm sure you learned your lesson

                idk how many people actually wanted an option to betray your faction but for a DS JK it makes perfect sense, maybe even Trooper considering you killed the original defecting Havoc Squad and they STILL do bullshit like release general what's-his-name if you pick the trooper LS ending

                I guess I'll save it for another run. I've heard good things about LS Warrior. Is it worth dedicating an entire character to?

                LS SW is a good enough reason to play swtor and never touch it again, dew it

              • 4 months ago

                agent can quite literally become a double agent at the end so they are perhaps the tailor made choice for switching sides since, you know, they already did lol even if that barely registers before iokath
                DS jk is definitely the best switcher of the repub side since you already were brainwashed by the emperor to be DS for a part of the story, which of course we know absolutely nothing about not even how long so you can headcanon all you want, you have scourge tempting you to go dark and then the whole ending bullshit to top it all off
                consular works insofar as to how comically murderous you are in your choices you have to be a sith aspirant forced to be a jedi kek

              • 4 months ago

                I'm thinking of that one picture of TF2 players that I didn't save, where someone yells FINE I'LL PLAY MEDIC
                Does anyone have that pic? I also remember a screaming heavy "you've angered the gods, pinhead", a tormented engineer and a pyro that emited fax noises

                >comically murderous
                the JC would be court-marshalled as soon as the war was over if they weren't afraid to get esh-ka'd

              • 4 months ago

                Some of the pragmatic choices are cool but not purposely destroying flamethrower turret schematics because of the lightside seems stupid.

                don't risk a genuine friend, ally and perhaps even competent Jedi later on for some easy penis cleaning / clam rubbing. I'd rather have her wing-woman me some of her friends than shit where I eat

                in the inventory tab right below the avalaible spaces there should be a green PLUS sign, kinda tiny, you may increase with CC coins (irl money) or in-game currency
                first rows are very cheap like 10k creds

                just wait and use credits to expand if you somehow don't have enough yet
                by the end of the vanilla story you should have a couple million credits simply awarded from quests, and that's not including the 25k from weekly conquests or if you pick a class skill and start selling materials on the GTN
                and while I can't speak for the crate armor you can sell the vast majority of equipment you get leveling to vendors. no need to save shit not appropriate for your clas since you get it like candy every character, unless you want a specific outfit look.

                Will do, thanks.

                say you're new, join a guild, people can check how new you are based on achievements
                the ingame economy is fricked but for shit you actually NEED 5 million is enough and most people have that laying around (1 mil inventory, 1mil mount, 1 milion for companion gifts, everything else for cargo bay and speeder upgrade)

                I'm not mooching off a guild.

              • 4 months ago

                I announced in general chat I'm new, got the special Baras the W I D E dk chat and 1 mil sent to me by some rich nerd

              • 4 months ago

                >Some of the pragmatic choices are cool but not purposely destroying flamethrower turret schematics because of the lightside seems stupid.
                you don't need to 100% play LS or DS, if anything especially for non force classes it makes little sense to go 100% one way or the other
                some of the ls choices may seem silly at first but can have interesting consequences though, as a spoiler for warrior on nar shadaa if you don't kill a squad of republic soldiers you indirectly save from imperial troops controlled by a rival sith you can get them to help you in the final boss fight, which isn't necessary mechanically nowadays given how trivially easy the fight is but interesting story wise

              • 4 months ago

                final boss fight on nar shaddaa* to be specific
                the other sith actually is impressed by your planning too funny enough

              • 4 months ago

                >You can have your identity completely wiped from all databases letting you be essentially a freelancer, often described as the batman ending
                Thanks for the explanation mate, how I can achieve this ending? What I have to do?

              • 4 months ago

                Refuse Jadus, refuse to elaborate, (almost) get killed (which is the nr 1 reason to do this as a sensible Imperial since he's literally jeopardize the existence of the Empire because you hurt his feelings)
                do not side with the SIS Jedi, (you can refuse his offer on the traitor station but you could also kill the guy on Quesh for good measure)
                get the black codex from the traitor station
                kill the Sith who came for it
                give codex to Keeper
                explicitly pick the option to remove your name from space IRS

                fricking up at any point makes you get one of the other endings to the story

              • 4 months ago

                Thanks bro, if only this game had the freedom of Kenshi and Eve Online, the roleplay would be titanic.

              • 4 months ago

                My main issue with the BH story is it kinda falls apart once you stop hunting bounties and you're just going after the senator. At least with Tarro Blood, he's both someone that has personally slighted you AND he's your primary rival in hunting bounties.

  30. 4 months ago

    Make the combat interesting and difficult for the main stories, not just instanced content.
    People play for the main storylines, so obviously focus on that.

    If we want extra credit, make it so party members are included in all quests and can affect decisions.

    Add more world events, rare quests/mobs, roaming things, secrets, etc. Give professions a storyline, and gameplay.

    None of anything I said will ever be added and people will continue making WoW clones (except now with more survival/dark souls/minecraft fotm) garbage for another 10-20 years.

  31. 4 months ago

    >Thoughts about Star Wars The Old Republic
    It was alright. I actually played it back in the day on launch, so I have a degree of nostalgia for it. I come back every now and again, and it is somewhat bittersweet. The playerbase is dying off more and more, the economy is totally destroyed to where buying actually good looking cosmetics isn't possible anymore without tons of time (which isn't worth it because the game is bleeding a slow death) or spending real shekels. The stories were solid. The worst grievances I have about the actual game have to do with it being an MMO.

    I finished sith warrior, inquisitor, bounty hunter, trooper, and jedi knight. All of that has been over the entire life of the game. Never touched the expansions. Funny enough, I've heard those are actually the best parts of the game.

    • 4 months ago

      >Never touched the expansions. Funny enough, I've heard those are actually the best parts of the game.
      It ping-pongs between some legitimately great writing and "holy shit this is fricking moronic even by SW standards"

      • 4 months ago

        Oh also, if you thought the Foundry was an insult to Revan as a character then HOLY SHIT is Shadow of Revan going to piss you off.

  32. 4 months ago

    How's the game if you are F2P? Is Dark Side Warrior any good?

    • 4 months ago

      >How's the game if you are F2P?
      It'll let you do at the very minimum all the vanilla content which to me is not a bad deal. Personally I would sub for just a single month because that gets you Preferred status and unlocks tons of shit forever even after unsubbing.

      • 4 months ago

        Is it worth it if I'm looking for something to scratch the RPG itch? I know the gameplay is ass but a I've heard good things about the story.

        • 4 months ago

          It's a good sense of character progression with the color coded loot and abilities. Alot of the time the wheel makes you say some stupid shit and dark vs light options don't change the outcome of the story, it's just there for character flavor. It's not Kotor, you can't really shoot the shit with people or ask them for exposition, everything is explained by a codex. Companions are also less fleshed out. Don't play consular it's very dull.

          • 4 months ago

            What's the difference between the two sith classes?

            • 4 months ago

              Sith Empire has a caste system, Warrior has good blood high caste, Inquisitor is a low blood slave that uses mage.

              • 4 months ago

                Is one narratively better than the other?

              • 4 months ago

                both are considered good though warrior is usually rated more highly
                I should add inquisitor is a former slave freed to be trained for reasons you'll find out, and narratively for a sith warrior you should be human or pureblood sith, while for inquisitor alien or human makes the most sense since you were a slave.

              • 4 months ago

                They're inentionally written to be polar opposites. The Warrior is a high caste living god of combat who has been granted every priveledge in the world for his bloodline, and the Inquisitor is a former slave that has to prove himself for every little scrap of achievement. And the reason we know they're opposites because in the tutorial for whichever one you pick, there's an NPC rival at the academy that represents someone from the other caste.

                Warrior, by far. Inquisitor is often considered one of the most asspull-filled storylines in the game with pure bullshit powerups and surviving things you never should.
                Also yeah, like the other guy said it makes way more sense for the SW to be either a sith pureblood or human (personally I would go for pureblood because they look cool), and Inquisitor to be some kind of alien.

                I think I'll go warrior then but I was under the impression Purebloods were subscriber only? Is dual wielding lightsabres viable?

              • 4 months ago

                yeah it's subscriber only
                though honestly I'd just do the 30 bucks for 60 days option, you can just write it off if you don't love the game but you don't have to deal with any f2p restrictions in the interim
                unlike in say kotor 1 or 2 what type of saber(s) you wield is determined by class, but they're all viable. marauder is the duel wielder for sith

              • 4 months ago

                Does the server make that much of a difference? I'm from the UK if that makes a difference.

              • 4 months ago

                yeah some servers are d.e.a.d
                star forge is the most populated but is U.S., IIRC Malgus is the most populated European server

              • 4 months ago

                Is every fricking account name taken? I can't even register an account to get into the game.

              • 4 months ago

                Warrior, by far. Inquisitor is often considered one of the most asspull-filled storylines in the game with pure bullshit powerups and surviving things you never should.
                Also yeah, like the other guy said it makes way more sense for the SW to be either a sith pureblood or human (personally I would go for pureblood because they look cool), and Inquisitor to be some kind of alien.

            • 4 months ago

              They're inentionally written to be polar opposites. The Warrior is a high caste living god of combat who has been granted every priveledge in the world for his bloodline, and the Inquisitor is a former slave that has to prove himself for every little scrap of achievement. And the reason we know they're opposites because in the tutorial for whichever one you pick, there's an NPC rival at the academy that represents someone from the other caste.

  33. 4 months ago

    It’s honestly pretty funny how the asshurt about kotor 2 carried into swtor, in vanilla anyway
    If you notice while shit from 1 is constantly drawn upon they barely pretend 2 happened, and that’s without even bringing up how they treat the exile (guess a better fate then Revan being loreraped and a constant jobber). It’s doubly funny given the premise for the story is set up in 2

  34. 4 months ago

    Should I remove Vette's collar once I get the chance or should I wait until later? I've just got to Dromun Kaas.

  35. 4 months ago

    How do I increase my inventory space? I opened one of the galactic crates I got for subcribing and now 10 slots are full of random galactic armour.

    • 4 months ago

      don't risk a genuine friend, ally and perhaps even competent Jedi later on for some easy penis cleaning / clam rubbing. I'd rather have her wing-woman me some of her friends than shit where I eat

      in the inventory tab right below the avalaible spaces there should be a green PLUS sign, kinda tiny, you may increase with CC coins (irl money) or in-game currency
      first rows are very cheap like 10k creds

      just wait and use credits to expand if you somehow don't have enough yet
      by the end of the vanilla story you should have a couple million credits simply awarded from quests, and that's not including the 25k from weekly conquests or if you pick a class skill and start selling materials on the GTN
      and while I can't speak for the crate armor you can sell the vast majority of equipment you get leveling to vendors. no need to save shit not appropriate for your clas since you get it like candy every character, unless you want a specific outfit look.

    • 4 months ago

      say you're new, join a guild, people can check how new you are based on achievements
      the ingame economy is fricked but for shit you actually NEED 5 million is enough and most people have that laying around (1 mil inventory, 1mil mount, 1 milion for companion gifts, everything else for cargo bay and speeder upgrade)

  36. 4 months ago

    Where do I go to get gear upgrades? I'm still rocking my first lightsabre at level 19 as well as the gear I got on Korriban.

    • 4 months ago

      you should be getting armor from planet/class quests to replace it
      for your saber you'll see modification vendors on planets, pick the highest numbered ones you can buy at your level and put them in your saber.
      if you do the story flashpoints like esseles or maelstrom you may also get lucky and get a weapon drop with really great modifications too depending on your level while doing them
      while this gear is perfectly fine for modern leveling with a heal companion you can also do some heroics to get blue gear that's stronger than the greens, you don't need to do them every planet though since you'll probably be leveling fast enough to quickly outstrip the gear, but maybe every few planets or so if you wish
      if you hit level 80 and doing expansions things change radically at max level, you'll purchase gear at a vendor on your faction fleet, if mostly a solo player you'll buy it with conquest commendations gotten from your weekly conquest/heroics/class and story quests at max level in small quantities and then can upgrade it somewhat. mind you you may not like the outfit since it's not class specific so find or save some gear you think looks most appropriate for your character as your transmog

      • 4 months ago

        Is there a rough item rating to level I should be following. I'm level 30 right now and my hear is only 57. Most normal enemies feel like sponges and its not like the combat is particularly deep to make it enjoyable.

        • 4 months ago

          Do a few heroics (don’t let the group warnings fool you especially low level ones on like dromund kaas are easy to do with your companion sent to heal) which should give you appropriate gear on the stronger side, the ones on DK are pretty straightforward and just use the shuttle next to the quest tracker to insta travel to them instead of needing tedious extra travel
          Fair warning most enemies beyond basic trash will feel like sponges, the biggest demerit of the game imo.

          • 4 months ago

            >dromund kaas
            Isn't that too low level? I would gave thought gear quality was tied to the level of the zone you complete the heroic in.

            • 4 months ago

              thanks to level scaling it should be appropriate to your level since one of the justifications for scaling was to keep low level heroics relevant

              • 4 months ago

                Nice. How frequently do heroics reset?

              • 4 months ago

                Daily at 7am EST like all other daily resets
                There’s also a weekly quest for planets with heroics for doing all of them at least once. While that’s more useful for 80 gear grind stuff if you’re already planning to do them all you might take that too
                Oh yeah and of course just take the heroics from the terminal instead of running around the map finding their traditional npc givers

              • 4 months ago

                There's a terminal? I've been manually driving everywhere.

              • 4 months ago

                jesus I'm so sorry lol
                yeah so typically right in or near the spaceport you'll notice a terminal that if you hover your cursor over will say heroic missions
                on your minimap heroic quest givers are designated with a dotted yellow triangle that also is a giveaway, including the terminals

              • 4 months ago

                It's been pretty painful ngl. Travelling the overworld is gay cause of all the mobs that can aggro and blow up your speeder. Quest areas are awful as well because by the time you are walking back all mobs will have respawned. By shuttle you mean the taxi thing right?

              • 4 months ago

                yeah I think they made a mistake making entire planets scaled, no reason you have to tredge through trash mobs on DK
                it's a specific item granted when you take the heroic mission, i forget the exact name but you'll see a little icon in your quest tracker you can click
                quick travel is also your friend for getting back to civilization if it's being weird on the map just drag the icon from the bottom of your map to a quickbar and pick your destination

              • 4 months ago

                >you'll see a little icon in your quest tracker you can click
                I'll try looking out for it but I didn't notice anything when I picked up the quests so I just used the taxi network to get around.

              • 4 months ago

                if you're quest tracker is too full you might need to go into mission items tab in your inventory and manually click it
                otherwise it should be right next to the tracker for each individual quest in the rightish side of your screen

              • 4 months ago

                That was probably it. I picked up all the heroic mission on Kaas. On that note Friends of Old is cancer and I will never be repeating that shit quest ever again.

              • 4 months ago

                most low level heroics will feel a ton easier with 80 gear and a high influence companion
                but you won't need to do it anyway unless you progress past vanilla tbh, and even then not till 80/alliance influence stuff if you want

              • 4 months ago

                My gear is 77 and Vette is at 17 influence wise. The combat isn't hard t's just that quest had a tedious amount of bullet sponges you couldn't run/drive past.

  37. 4 months ago

    The story really tried making the Emperor seem so menacing and powerful. its so annoying and he was the major villain for multiple arcs. Valkorian should not have been the Emperor in disguise.

    • 4 months ago

      I didn’t mind initially because he was always set up as this near immortal cosmic horror and jobbing to the knight, while appropriate were this just a single player game, was anticlimactic otherwise
      I do agree they made a mistake with valkorian being him though, when you think about it the eternal empire was just them trying to rehash the original premise of the story set up in kotor 2 with some Uber powerful empire in the unknown regions, just dressed up in a non sith facade outside of the emp.

      • 4 months ago

        It was like whac-a-sith with the dude. By the 3rd time they were sucking him off I was so over it. Maybe if his boss fights was just "survive" or something but I was so over it. I think Valkorian in a vacuum could have been an interesting dude but they immediately said "he's the sith emperor" maybe like just keep it a mystery or something. Or while generic maybe an ex sith or Jedi who ran to the uncharted territories and became a warlord.

        • 4 months ago

          >I think Valkorian in a vacuum could have been an interesting dude but they immediately said "he's the sith emperor" maybe like just keep it a mystery or something
          yep, everything about the eternal empire could have been interesting but is made entirely irrelevant by the implication it's all a sham by the emperor pretending to be a good guy, instead of there actually being a moral dilemma where valkorian objectively was a great guy for his people but a tyrant to others when talking to people like koth they just sound like morons in denial uncaring about hard evidence of his evildoing elsewhere in the galaxy like ziost
          if they really wanted to tie the two characters together they should've had the emperor possess valkorian post vanilla or post ziost

          • 4 months ago

            Taking Koth and Senya to Ziost is such a miss-opportunity.

    • 4 months ago

      I didn’t mind initially because he was always set up as this near immortal cosmic horror and jobbing to the knight, while appropriate were this just a single player game, was anticlimactic otherwise
      I do agree they made a mistake with valkorian being him though, when you think about it the eternal empire was just them trying to rehash the original premise of the story set up in kotor 2 with some Uber powerful empire in the unknown regions, just dressed up in a non sith facade outside of the emp.

      It was like whac-a-sith with the dude. By the 3rd time they were sucking him off I was so over it. Maybe if his boss fights was just "survive" or something but I was so over it. I think Valkorian in a vacuum could have been an interesting dude but they immediately said "he's the sith emperor" maybe like just keep it a mystery or something. Or while generic maybe an ex sith or Jedi who ran to the uncharted territories and became a warlord.

      >I think Valkorian in a vacuum could have been an interesting dude but they immediately said "he's the sith emperor" maybe like just keep it a mystery or something
      yep, everything about the eternal empire could have been interesting but is made entirely irrelevant by the implication it's all a sham by the emperor pretending to be a good guy, instead of there actually being a moral dilemma where valkorian objectively was a great guy for his people but a tyrant to others when talking to people like koth they just sound like morons in denial uncaring about hard evidence of his evildoing elsewhere in the galaxy like ziost
      if they really wanted to tie the two characters together they should've had the emperor possess valkorian post vanilla or post ziost

      I'm 50/50 about Valkorion, on the one hand I like the idea of the reincarnation and experience multiple lifes, how you will act in each one what you will change in the next one. The philosophical moments of SWTOR are nice.

      On the other, I have to agree with you, they turn Zakuul in something irrelevant, but I think this more about the writers not knowing what to do with the Eternal Empire than Valkorion being the Sith Emperor.

      Despite SWTOR happens 3 millennia before the Prequels, Star Wars has the curse of only having 2 main factions, like WoW and many other RPGs. So any time someone tries to create a third faction, that one is going to get rekt by the story.

      Maybe some day that curse will be broken.

      • 4 months ago

        The Eternal Empire duology would have been better in a single player game to keep consequences. Plus wasn't there supposed to be 3 arcs dealing with the Eternal Empire but with the expansion being so unpopular they rushed to finish it.

        • 4 months ago

          The expansion would have been popular if your decisions had actual meaning. The expansion died the moment no matter if you choose to join or fight the Emperor in the beginning, you end up in the same place later.

          Imagine creating a new lore, a new faction from nothing, totally new and you fricked up in less than 5 minutes of gameplay.

          And again we have the moronic Sith-Republic Alliance, just like in WoW we had 4 expansions in a row being Alliance-Horde vs someone else.

          Man, every time I think about this expansion is so depressing, the idea was so great, but no, you can't have have new things, you have to play the same faction again forever. You can't even join the Remnants of Zakuul.

          • 4 months ago

            >The expansion would have been popular if your decisions had actual meaning. The expansion died the moment no matter if you choose to join or fight the Emperor in the beginning, you end up in the same place later.
            It's strange because none of the decisions you make in swtor has meaning because its an MMO and having to account for every choice in an MMO is basically impossible. Which is when they do something like choose which companion lives and dies or spare this character or not you know you will never see them again no matter what you chose. Vette, Torian, and Theron basically disappeared from the game .

            • 4 months ago

              I get than in 2010s WoW-like MMOs you don't have to much freedom, but at least the writers could have wrote a different script if you choose to join the Emperor or his son. It feel really stupid how the game gives you the (fake) option to join the Emperor, but not his son, you can only join Arkann when he became a good guy, aka the 0 innovation, 100% easiest boring option.

              You can't escape Sith-Republic dualistic Kali Yuga.

              I feel like they managed to thread the needle surprisingly well in vanilla all things considered in not only weaving all the class stories together but in decidedly having an established story arc where the sith are pretty decidedly the losers but still strong enough to not be outright defeated
              they managed to do pretty well with the first two expacs because both were pretty divorced from the faction conflict, the eternal expacs are where the wheels fell off and you could really see them struggling with crafting a your choices matter story in a mmo, which spoiler alert! they flopped at

              Despite I keep returning to the game sometimes, I honestly don't know what is the current storyline, last time I check Darth Malgus returned SOMEHOW again.

              Plus the Sith Empire, I know longer know if still being an Empire or became a Republic ruled by the Dark Council.

              Plus the treason of Vitiate against his own Empire to created Zakuul still moronic.

          • 4 months ago

            I feel like they managed to thread the needle surprisingly well in vanilla all things considered in not only weaving all the class stories together but in decidedly having an established story arc where the sith are pretty decidedly the losers but still strong enough to not be outright defeated
            they managed to do pretty well with the first two expacs because both were pretty divorced from the faction conflict, the eternal expacs are where the wheels fell off and you could really see them struggling with crafting a your choices matter story in a mmo, which spoiler alert! they flopped at

    • 4 months ago

      I think it would've been more interesting if they tried to do the reverse, like at the beginning they try to build up Valkorion as Vitiate but the twist would be during an unspecified point before SWTOR he was possessed by Vitiate and broke free. Im not really sure what his goal would be though, maybe conqueror the galaxy to repel Vitiate/bottle him away, or trying to subjugate the galaxy to build his own kingdom.

  38. 4 months ago

    When will the Mandolrian story wank going to end?

  39. 4 months ago

    I hit like level 45 or so and there's a box in front of the holoterminal that says something about Epilogue, is that some quest skip bullshit or something? I hadn't even reached Quesh when it popped up.

    • 4 months ago

      If its about ilum yeah ignore it till after the class story is done, that’s just due to your level iirc

    • 4 months ago

      If its about ilum yeah ignore it till after the class story is done, that’s just due to your level iirc
      this is a good chart to keep in mind the roughly intended story playthrough order
      you do not need to follow this exactly, especially since the group flashpoints and operations are only doable with a group (and while the bonus quest series might be fun if you liked a planet they're not necessary, particularly since it's so easy to overlevel nowadays), but it gives you an idea of the intended order

      • 4 months ago

        the fashpoints that aren't soloable are just fun little flavor you're not missing anything by skipping them, same with operations which have their own little separate story but again, not a huge deal if you aren't super interested in the dread masters
        the one awkward part is the post hutt cartel interlude stuff. both the czerka planet and oricon story end with flashpoints/operations as bioware was experimenting with how it handled the story, so I'd just skip that part entirely if you don't plan to do any group shit at all, again not super important and you may not even play that far if you don't care about post vanilla shit

  40. 4 months ago

    Are we going to get anymore content or is the game just pure life support now?

  41. 4 months ago

    >bang Vette's friend
    >Vette approves
    They don't make em like they used to.

    • 4 months ago

      The fact that they took her S&M romance route out in the beta will forever make me laugh.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm sorry what? You are gonna have to elaborate because im 90% sure she still gives you the shock collar.

        • 4 months ago

          Oh, sure, there's still a shock collar but in the beta there was a romance path where you basically pavloved and stockholmed her into a romance via the collar. At present, you shock her too much and you lock yourself out of her romance path. In the beta, there was a romance route where you specifically shock the shit out of her and break her into a "romance." It was hilarious.

      • 4 months ago

        Wouldn't she kill herself in beta if you were too sadistic with her?

        • 4 months ago

          Iirc that was only if you kept the collar on after she begged.

  42. 4 months ago

    >people wanted Thana as a companion since the OG vanilla
    >trash talk tomboy on Taris
    >most flirt options don't appear to do anything except the very last one
    >LS Option to spare is leads to another xbox mail
    >nothing else

    I wouldn't be surprised if they cut her content because the VA asked too much money or some similar shit

    • 4 months ago

      Throughout that entire quest I was thinking rape correction needed. It's criminal we never got a sith pureblood waifu as well.

      • 4 months ago

        >rape correction
        she seems like the kind of woman who doesn't particularly like anyone, she'll just stop disliking you
        >sith pureblood
        to my knowledge there is ONE flirt option with a pureblood and it's only successful if you're also a PB SW, on Korriban. There's another one on Voss but she will state
        >I have a husband

        I thought it might be something to do with DoTs but if they are that similar dps wise then you may as well stick to lightning.

        it's some variety, at least. If you already have a sorc and wish you play Consular, you may wanna use that talent tree (or play the stealth version)

        I found it funny that you can play a mass-murderer, student-grooming, shanking """diplomat""" and the Council barely talks shit, unlike the JK who only keeps the rank because there's a war going on

        • 4 months ago

          So what exactly makes the assassin so much better then and what's the best race for an inquisitor?

          • 4 months ago

            both are fun it really depends on what you want
            sorc is designed to be a ranged class with good aoe damage abilities (good for trash groups especially) but can be slightly squishy
            unless you're trying to get into endgame autism go with whatever style you'd enjoy more
            assassin is melee focused and slightly tankier, but it has stealth which can let you skip tedious trash mobs entirely
            anything but sith pureblood makes sense for inquisitor, though imo a non human drives home the rags to riches story because you were both a slave and an alien
            personally I'd go with rattataki or zabrak

            • 4 months ago

              Is there a generally agreed upon cool path like LS Sith warrior? I'm thinking of pure DS for my guy.

              • 4 months ago

                both ways are fun tbh though DS is slightly more fun for [shock]ing b***hes

              • 4 months ago

                Full evil it is then.

  43. 4 months ago

    >new date nights getting added
    >3/4 are male
    I don't get why every class was skewed towards male companions and romances. Was this the work of the Hamburger Helper or were they this out of touch?

    • 4 months ago

      date nights?

    • 4 months ago

      the first four are the ones who are playersexual, I think in theory they plan to add more for class specific companion romances
      >I don't get why every class was skewed towards male companions and romances
      I would actually hard disagree, knight, warrior, smuggler all have abysmal romance choices for female characters, like compare kira and doc or literal traitor quinn vs vette or jaesa. I think only consular fits your definition

      date nights?

      some upcoming new silly repeatable date night thing you can do once a week with your romance choice starting with the four big expac romances, why anyone would do it more than once is beyond me unless they're autists though

      • 4 months ago

        I very vaguely remember you could also have sex with the dudebro commando as a Fem Warrior, though that may be one night frick just to mess with traitor quinn

        as a trooper you can yiff hard, as a spy you may (presumably) get oviposiory, as a smuggler you may marry an (admittedly loyal) lightskin Black person and as a BH you get to /ss/ a 2% bodyfat emo teen

        everything else is trash and not even fetish fuel

      • 4 months ago

        >literal traitor quinn
        I knew coming to these threads was a mistake. I just wanted to ask newbie questions in peace.

        • 4 months ago

          compile a list of your questions and ask, I will leave in about 3 hours from now

          • 4 months ago

            Please Rank the origins in order of coolest to worst and include light/dark side alignment when ranking
            Can planetary quests be skipped without repercussions? I noticed they are slightly different to class quest icon wise.
            I saw something similar to skill trainers when running about. What are they and what's the best one?
            Is the endgame fun/ something worth farming for?
            Can I swap gear between accounts?
            Are any of the discounted cartel sets worth buying?
            What's the most fun class to play?
            Is the difference between sith warrior and inquisitor big? Is Baras still your master?
            Same as previous question except for Jedi Knight and Consular?
            Will clicking on my ability icons to use them frick me long term? It feels more intuitive.

            Those are all the ones I could think of off the top of my head.

            • 4 months ago

              Subjective answers with my reasoning:
              >origins rank LS or DS
              Quite literally the best choices (from your IRL view, for your class, for your faction) are a mix. Don't let the colours dictate your judgement. Some DS choices are hilarious - as a imperial spy or consular you get to be nr 1 unconvicted mass murdered with some key DS choices.
              Overall LS choices are better, particularly as LS SITH WARRIOR. Playing as a reasonable Sith is reason enough to play swtor.
              Inquisitor (Rags to Riches) > Warrior (pragmatist butthurt dispenser) > Imperial Spy (considered best story by some, 5 endings, defy Jadus to go for Space Punisher ending) > Bounty Hunter (play as an alien for space racism) > Consular (space warlord) > Smuggler (lots of sex but that's about it) > Knight (boring unless you pee on the Jedi Code) > Trooper (Captain War Crimes kills politicians, gets promoted).
              >Skipping Planetary
              Yes. Do them once per faction. Slight variation depending on class. Don't make swtor a chore.
              >endgame fun
              Yes and no. Some Guilds run ops but speeding for endgame in swtor is kinda stupid. At least Bioware gave a frick about the journey.
              >swap gear
              between accounts, no, unless it's bind on equip. LEGACY items can be sent to alts.
              >sets worth buying
              Not really, but if you're a sub and see something you'd like to wear in cutscenes, consider buying.
              >most fun
              I never got tired of throwing rocks at people as a Warsular. Know that after reaching chapter ... 2? You unlock that class's signature ability for other classes during heroic moment.
              Warrior is elite-born who deals with top secret business, Inquisitor is the child no one wanted, not even the teachers.
              >Knight is the hammer, Consular is the Diplomat (kek)
              >clicking abilities
              assuming you have extra hotbars, rebind them to ctrl + number

              Written in a hurry. Fortunately others replied too 😀 Have fun and remember, common sense is rare in star wars

              • 4 months ago

                I'm doing a LS Sith Warrior this run so I want to see what the Republic is about for the next one. Is Consular really that fun? The abilties look boring and geared towards tanking/healing.

              • 4 months ago

                knight is probably the best intro for republic followed by trooper, knight and warrior are basically the post child classes for their respective factions (you even, spoiler alert, fight and defeat the emperor as the end of the knight story although later expacs dilute the meaning of that)

              • 3 months ago

                Having finished every story
                Imperial Agent > Sith warrior > Jedi knight > > Smuggler > POWERGAP > Trooper > Sith Inquisitor > Bounty Hunter > Jedi Consular

                Trooper, Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter both have a nice chapter 1, but then fall off and never recover. Inquisitor hurts especially bad, because the potential was there.

                >Is Consular really that fun?
                No. Consular is by far the worst storyline in the game. I had to force myself to play it.

              • 3 months ago

                Actually, I've got it backwards. Bounty Hunter has an amazing chapter 3, and the rest is a snoozefest. I don't know how they've accomplished it, but the galaxy's most wanted are boring buttholes.
                At least with consular, you sometimes got interesting enemies, like a jedi master that runs a gang.

              • 3 months ago

                I thought DS Consular let you Palpatinemax. On the subject of ranking I've only played SI and SW but I found SI to be miles ahead. I couldn't care less about Baras but was really invested in ending Thanaton.

              • 3 months ago

                >I thought DS Consular let you Palpatinemax.
                It's mildly comedic how the Jedi Council keeps rewarding you, even though you just murder everyone like a crazed serial killer. That's the biggest praise I can give that storyline.

              • 3 months ago

                it does but the story is pretty bland overall for many. I personally liked it but I'm in the minority there for sure
                the story is funny especially in act 1 where I'm pretty sure the writer only planned for a LS story then was forced to add DS options, because as others have said so many of them wouldn't ever be taken unless you're basically a sith in disguise.
                though part of it imo might be cut mechanics? so in chapter 1 you go around saving jedi but you're told the way to save them requires weakening yourself, except they never flesh that out mechanically or story wise so you basically let jedi die for shits and giggles
                I like both SW and SI but I think the allure of SW is the level of choices it gives you to solve most of the story more than the baras stuff, if anything his betrayal is a bit hackneyed.
                I'll use jaesa's parents as an example like another anon mentioned, there's five different ways that can end
                >kill both the parents and jedi
                >let parents live in peace and let jedi live
                >let parents live for baras to torture to death, kill jedi
                >let parents live for baras to torture to death, spare jedi (nonsensical but still an option)
                >let parents live in peace, kill jedi
                these are minor differences in the big scheme of things but emblematic of how the story mostly goes

              • 3 months ago

                Trooper feels like the one Pub story written with DS in mind. Playing as Major War Crimes was the best time I had with that game by far, especially with Forex applauding literally every DS decision I'd pick.
                I don't think he has any "Forex disapproves" response to any of your actions, no matter how vile. It's great.

              • 3 months ago

                I thought they did a good job making it so the three general ways to play kinda correspond to companion personalities
                >3/4+ LS choices
                you're basically Dorne
                >even or only slight tilt to LS/DS
                you're basically Jorgan
                >3/4+ DS choices
                you're basically Tanno Vik

              • 3 months ago

                >smuggler above bounty hunter
                >inquisition below trooper
                Otherwise, I agree.
                If you actually, you know, SMUGGLED shit as a smuggler I mightve been kinder to it, but for some reason they translated "transporting illicit high value goods" to "indiana jones and the spaceship of junk".

              • 3 months ago

                Smuggler has memorable villains in the face of Skavik, the gambler guy and the senator chick. Bounty hunter has...I've got nothing, I don't remember anyone except the cathar who cosplayed as a sex slave.

              • 3 months ago

                Actually, I've got it backwards. Bounty Hunter has an amazing chapter 3, and the rest is a snoozefest. I don't know how they've accomplished it, but the galaxy's most wanted are boring buttholes.
                At least with consular, you sometimes got interesting enemies, like a jedi master that runs a gang.

                Bounty hunter is so bad? I thought was good, not great, but good. And the voice actor did an amazing job.

                Obviously, because has the moronic WoW-like tab combat, launching rockets or burning enemies alive is not very cool.

              • 3 months ago

                The rankings are misleading insofar as I don’t think any class story is anything worse than mediocre. Hell the biggest sin of consular, usually regarded as the worst class story, is that it is boring

              • 4 months ago

                >Don't let the colours dictate your judgement.
                the force classes can work if you go 100% moralgay either way but you don't have to.
                non force it's full moron and a litmus test for iq
                like for trooper on taris one LS option is letting a war criminal go free because he said you should after he told you some info. yes not imprison just walk off into the wild blue yonder. anyone picking that is a moron and I still wonder what the writer was smoking there

              • 4 months ago

                you answered your own question, IQ test tho it makes sense lorewise too. If the Republic lets go the Empire nr 1 general for muh diplomats, then shit like that is probably why the original Havoc Squad defected

        • 4 months ago

          honestly that's a far smaller spoiler than like 3/4 of the thread kek, also you can understand he was forced to do it under duress so but people tend to meme it up

          Please Rank the origins in order of coolest to worst and include light/dark side alignment when ranking
          Can planetary quests be skipped without repercussions? I noticed they are slightly different to class quest icon wise.
          I saw something similar to skill trainers when running about. What are they and what's the best one?
          Is the endgame fun/ something worth farming for?
          Can I swap gear between accounts?
          Are any of the discounted cartel sets worth buying?
          What's the most fun class to play?
          Is the difference between sith warrior and inquisitor big? Is Baras still your master?
          Same as previous question except for Jedi Knight and Consular?
          Will clicking on my ability icons to use them frick me long term? It feels more intuitive.

          Those are all the ones I could think of off the top of my head.

          >Please Rank the origins in order of coolest to worst and include light/dark side alignment when ranking
          I liked every origin but consular which has an incredibly boring start though it gets a little better
          >Can planetary quests be skipped without repercussions? I noticed they are slightly different to class quest icon wise.
          if you mean the purple planet quests technically yes but if you're not doing any side or exploration quests you'll struggle with xp. with that said the planet/class quests almost always go to the same zones so it won't hurt to take both
          >I saw something similar to skill trainers when running about. What are they and what's the best one?
          I'm not sure if you mean the old class skill trainers or the trainers for shit like archaeology, if the former it used to be you went to a trainer to learn skills but now you auto learn upon leveling so you only use them for the speeder mount skill. if the latter they're gathering/crafting skills, they all have different uses some of which you might find useful, but for the most part are mainly cosmetic. you could pick gathering skills and sell the mats on the GTN
          >Is the endgame fun
          never got into it personally but if raiding is your thing in say wow maybe?
          >Can I swap gear between accounts?
          you mean between characters? look for the ones that say bind to legacy
          >Are any of the discounted cartel sets worth buying?
          they're usually just cosmetic looks so whatever you feel looks nice on you but it's not required
          >fun class to play?
          depends on what your fav archetype is
          >Is the difference between
          they're all pretty different stories with different masters, inq and warrior are like inverse stories on korriban especially
          >Will clicking on my ability icons
          nah that's inevitable, just make sure you look up in case of a mob mechanic

          • 4 months ago

            >crafting skills
            So it's more of a visual change as opposed to having stats?
            >fav archetype
            I like doing big damage.

            • 4 months ago

              nowadays yeah because you'll level fast enough to make the time spent leveling the skill just to make level appropriate armor pointless
              although if you like the generic color saber crystal (as in like default blue/green/red/etc.) artificery can make ones with stat increases, but you can also buy ones on the cartel market mostly cheap as hell (most are like 3 months of credits gotten just from having the security key) with plenty of snowflakey color choices
              >I like doing big damage.
              could apply to almost all of them, the caveat is that everything will feel squishy on your first character initially
              JK guardian or SW juggernaut are pretty forgiving classes short of accidentally pulling a frickton of mobs or like a world boss, scoundrel/operative/shadow/assassin all give you stealth which can let you avoid a ton of useless trash mob fights

              • 4 months ago

                Can you craft any unique or especially nice looking gear? Would you be able to use your legacy to transfer between characters?

              • 4 months ago

                >Can you craft any unique or especially nice looking gear?
                couldn't tell you tbh sorry, I've always found various quest sets have worked good enough for me looks wise
                >Would you be able to use your legacy to transfer between characters?
                usually yeah
                you'll see something called legacy storage on the fleet where you can place items and credits to be accessible by all your characters on that server, should have a hint of a yellow banner as opposed to your personal ship storage or the guild one

              • 4 months ago

                crew skills (that is to say, you can gather yourself, but crafting and errands are done by them) have some small bonuses like conveniences during group content (slicing unlocks elevator, bioanal gives resistance to coof)
                crafted gear becomes outdated extremely easy unless you craft purple gear (epics) which is done by reverse engineering previous green and blue items to discover new recipies
                high level crafting gear is VERY rewarding tho, especially if you don't want to spend a huge amount of time raiding or IRL money
                bioanal and scavenging are particularly easy since you may "scan" animals and droids for further drops
                biochem gives you much better medpacks and stims and in this game you may only use 1 medpack per fight so it's valuable
                cybertech/weaponsmith give nice leveling gear

                >I forgot to mention the economy
                people will sell shit in trade chat for like 1 bilion credits because auction house max limit has long been left behind. 10 milion credits are enough for anything you really want (inventory space, legacy vault, speeder, legacy upgrades, lvl 50 companion). Everything else is for playing dress-up or erp and I never paid anyone for that lmao

                I think this covers everything. SWTOR is kind of unique, which means you'll either like it or uninstall it in the first few days. It's a game where you may threaten an unarmed refugee with killing a child as a Republic Trooper, and where you may have sex with a milf in front of your teen slave, followed by marrying that slave if you're nice to her

                I'm doing a LS Sith Warrior this run so I want to see what the Republic is about for the next one. Is Consular really that fun? The abilties look boring and geared towards tanking/healing.

                spare as many Jedi as you can, the payoff when getting your own apprentice will be super worth it
                Consular is about bashing people's faces with materials made from the nearby surface (nice touch Bioware), force pushing them into chasms or stealth so you may play as a rogue

                Smuggler, Spy, Inquisitor and Consular have a stealth build, I recommend getting that on at least 2 so you won't have battle boredom

              • 4 months ago

                >threaten child and milf sex
                Fricking where?

              • 4 months ago

                idk if it's still in but through a specific set of dialogue you could get the wife of the sith lord gratham on DK to frick you and you could make vette watch as a warrior

              • 4 months ago

                >make vette watch
                She really is the gift that keeps on giving. I wish Inquisitor got a waifu half as good as her.

              • 4 months ago

                Porn Mantel, very early quest to find medicine. Actually you can also refuse to rescue a bunch of kids later on when rescuing a doctor, which implies they will be left helpless in the enemy army

                >milf sex

                >high level crafting gear is VERY rewarding
                Is there a particular companion I need to rely on then? I assume crafting doesn't move across characters so it's best to invest into crafting on your MC.
                >spare as many Jedi as you can, the payoff when getting your own apprentice will be super worth it
                Yeah buckbreaking her master was pretty funny. I'm already pretty fair past that though. I doubt I will uninstall because I'm having fun and want to try out the other origins.

                if you keep Jaessa on Belsavis the buck breaking keeps going. Yeah pick 1 crafting and use it on main

              • 4 months ago

                Do I have to keep her for all quests or the class specific one? I'll save crafting for my full ds inquisitor, I think he will be my MC.

                >Don't let the colours dictate your judgement.
                the force classes can work if you go 100% moralgay either way but you don't have to.
                non force it's full moron and a litmus test for iq
                like for trooper on taris one LS option is letting a war criminal go free because he said you should after he told you some info. yes not imprison just walk off into the wild blue yonder. anyone picking that is a moron and I still wonder what the writer was smoking there

                Do they get some sort of bonus for being pure light or dark?

              • 4 months ago

                just sith warrior story, you also learn what happened to Jaessa's master depending on what you chose

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah I just saw that cutscene. He really did get mindbroken.

              • 4 months ago

                >spare Timms
                >destroy Jedi dogma

              • 4 months ago

                the trooper is on ord mantell some cathar refugee stole medicine for the refugees but lost it to the seps, she tries to guilt trip then blackmail you by threatening to refuse to tell you where the medicine is unless you give it to her for the refugees. you can threaten the kid she's with to make her divulge the info instead of agreeing
                it's a side quest so doable by both trooper and smuggler

              • 4 months ago

                kek I remember doing that quest as a smuggler, if you give it to the army guy (ds option lul) you get called an upstanding citizen or such

              • 4 months ago

                another underrated super dark choice is on hutta where you kill a kids father right in front of him, all because his mom wanted him to go to korriban to become a sith and dad didn't
                so he watched his dad die right before his eyes then got shipped off to grimdark hell incarnate lmao

              • 4 months ago

                >high level crafting gear is VERY rewarding
                Is there a particular companion I need to rely on then? I assume crafting doesn't move across characters so it's best to invest into crafting on your MC.
                >spare as many Jedi as you can, the payoff when getting your own apprentice will be super worth it
                Yeah buckbreaking her master was pretty funny. I'm already pretty fair past that though. I doubt I will uninstall because I'm having fun and want to try out the other origins.

      • 4 months ago

        >reaching THAT mission with Quinn as a fem SW who did the romance
        revoking his coom priviledges was the funniest thing to come out of that clusterfrick

        >literal traitor quinn
        I knew coming to these threads was a mistake. I just wanted to ask newbie questions in peace.

        as a consolation, he didn't want to, but was coerced due to story missions. You get to kill the guy who ordered him later

  44. 4 months ago

    >How would you improve it?
    I mean, I wouldn't make it an mmo in the first place. I don't like mmos, so it's a shame that some good and unique (Star Wars wise) things this game has are locked behind the mmo genre.

    What good it has? Well, it's the dark side/imp side, I would take those imp classes and expand their class stories into stand alone game(s).
    Also, it's nice that you can play a sith pureblood and also sith from actual old republic era empire sith, not some sith cultist or some jedincel that fell for that dark side. Other Star Wars games don't allow you to do that.

    • 4 months ago

      Also, Darth Lachris is the top waifu.

      • 4 months ago

        what happened to her face? the short answer would be effect of too many negative emotions aka dark side but considering where she's stationed and who her master was, I figure it's just space cocaine to numb the pain
        her speech about walking among the smoke and corpses to get wet is kino

    • 4 months ago

      >Star Wars having cool villains
      >having cool species
      >having cool mystic dark lore
      >not using it and keep remaking the same libshit propaganda from the 70s
      Sadly, Star Wars will be death until it become an IP of public domain.

  45. 4 months ago

    Sorcerer or Assassin for my Inquistor? Lightning seems cool but I heard Hatred Assassin shits over everything in pve.

    • 4 months ago

      Hatred assassin will feel better. I'd say go with that. If you choose Sorcerer go Madness.

      • 4 months ago

        >will feel better
        Can you elaborate on why? Also why madness? It looks nowhere near as cool as being a storm lord.

        • 4 months ago

          nta but it's a meme. Madness requires a lot of moving so you'd be engaged in that regard, but often it's just a lot of effort for similar dps. It's allegedly better in pvp due to the flexibility but you won't top dps charts with it which kinda nullifies the benefits

          • 4 months ago

            I thought it might be something to do with DoTs but if they are that similar dps wise then you may as well stick to lightning.

  46. 4 months ago

    I'm honestly surprised ol'tortanic is still around, actually impressive it's stayed around as long as it has given how many other online games got shut down and how wildly mocked it was.

  47. 4 months ago

    Anyone know which solo fp has the most analyzable creatures? I want to coordinate my leveling with gaining creds.credibility.
    Also, how come they didnt give you a [Flirt] option when first confronting Murthil?

    • 4 months ago

      I remember Mandalorian Raiders had a lot of bioanal fuel as dogs, with maelstrom nebula/foundry having a lot of droids to scavenge

      Directive 7 is full of droids ofc but a long dungeon so you do get a lot in one go if you have the time for a 2 hour dungeon

  48. 4 months ago

    When is the Inquisitor meant to get their companions? I've only gotten Khem and I'm level 33.

    • 4 months ago

      You get the next one on Tatooine. A few class stories do this too.

      • 4 months ago

        God I fricking hate Tatooine. Every star wars game feels the need to include this dogshit ball of sand. I never thought I would relate to Anakin but here I am.

    • 4 months ago

      You get the next one on Tatooine. A few class stories do this too.

      yeah when you get companions vary by class, like JK gets t7 on tython and kira on coruscant then no one until balmorra, while agent is perhaps the most extreme case where you're stuck with only kaliyo until alderaan so basically almost all of chapter 1

      God I fricking hate Tatooine. Every star wars game feels the need to include this dogshit ball of sand. I never thought I would relate to Anakin but here I am.

      tattooine ironically enough isn't that bad for me especially on empire side, repub is slightly worse in how spread out some quest objectives are but no terribly so. the planetary questline is pretty fun and is a subtle callback to the kotor1 tattooine story in a way
      hoth is the real literally why planet, they needed to cut its size in half and the questlines are pretty boring especially if you've done them before. that and voss which has one of the most enraging quest designs in vanilla
      >go all the way across the unnecessarily large map to do some shit
      >go back to quest giver
      >now do it again 🙂

      Is Kallig's gear good once you slot in the mods for it? I've got his helmet and his lightsaber so far.

      anything moddable can basically carry you until 80 so long as you keep replacing mods at the appropriate level, like I use my original moddable wep for almost all classes until 80

      • 4 months ago

        A couple of classes get their second companion way into the story; the worst offender is probably agent which gets Vector on Smallderaan. This was a huge source of butthurt earlier when comps had specific roles
        Inq got healer companion on ... Taris? Or Hoth, which was far into the game

        Hoth is one big flashbang and probably the only planet I only ever do the planetary story once per faction, still haven't done PUB side for that reason

        I got the space pirate guy now and he seems cool but holy shit the Padawan is gonna give me cancer.

        • 4 months ago

          ashara? yeah she really only makes sense as a LS inq companion with how they wrote her, kinda a leftover from them refusing to let you kill potential companions in vanilla since they decided to have set roles for each of them (later changes make this redundant of course) and sadly you can't kill her in later expacs like many other companions,
          whereas in warrior you can have jaesa be LS or DS depending on your choices

          • 4 months ago

            even the LS version doesn't exactly make sense, they don't reconcile the whole "I'm still a jedi" thing with killing a frickton of them as a sith; even LS Jaessa has some effort like "we're changing the Empire soon(TM)"
            I'm pretty sure this wasn't intentional but LS Ashara feels like a girlfriend that was bullshitted into joining a pyramid scheme, and by the time she realizes it she thinks she's in too deep and just resigns herself while the Inq doesn't even bother with appearances
            again I know it's not what they intended but it's by far the least finished waifu

          • 4 months ago

            That blows. I haven't bothered swapping out Khem since I got him. He's cool and lets me be a sith without b***hing.

            • 4 months ago

              tbh given any companion can be a healer you'll wind up almost always using your fav anyway

              even the LS version doesn't exactly make sense, they don't reconcile the whole "I'm still a jedi" thing with killing a frickton of them as a sith; even LS Jaessa has some effort like "we're changing the Empire soon(TM)"
              I'm pretty sure this wasn't intentional but LS Ashara feels like a girlfriend that was bullshitted into joining a pyramid scheme, and by the time she realizes it she thinks she's in too deep and just resigns herself while the Inq doesn't even bother with appearances
              again I know it's not what they intended but it's by far the least finished waifu

              you can also kinda larp as a reformist sith as LS inq but it's not quite as well written as the warrior where you can spare quite a few jedi/repub soldiers
              but I agree she's one of the bad companions writing wise, though slightly above broonmark for LS warrior and some DS or skadge for any BH

              • 4 months ago

                True but nonetheless it's disappointing to go from Vette and Jaesa to this. Her forehead is also distractingly huge.

              • 4 months ago

                Better off just being a manprostitute until you meet Lana tbh

              • 4 months ago

                Frick it, I'll just focus on getting power and make ole Kallig proud.

              • 4 months ago

                Broonmark is very dissapointing especially if you saw that one episode about the Talz in the clone wars
                I remember someone making a companion tier list and Skadge was in his name-sake tier kek. Probably he was a product of very early design choices where you could kill some.

                True but nonetheless it's disappointing to go from Vette and Jaesa to this. Her forehead is also distractingly huge.

                Her one saving grace is that afaik tongrutas are (mostly) carnivores and their big head is so they sense movement in the wind or something.

                Fortunately I play fem INQ for the voice acting so my fave companion is excitable nook-crawling Talos.

              • 4 months ago

                Bookmark is basically a mix of hanharr and whatever zalbaars bro’s name was but in talz form, butthole murderhobos.
                He would’ve made much more sense if he was force sensitive and you could recruit him into the sith given his with like tendencies.Without that you’re basically just taking him on a whim and it feels super moronic for a LS warrior to recruit him when he sabotages his attempts to be reasonable with the other talz

              • 4 months ago

                the zakuul expacs are such a rollercoaster for me, there are parts that are fun or kino (the first 2 chapters of kotet were great, and honestly leaving aside the schlocky plot contrivances littering everything I liked iokath) but frick are there some eyerollingly awful portions and their whole attempt at a third force way was just awful and fricked with marr/satele's characters in the process

                broonmark was such a murderhobo nobody he's one of the few potential companion kill options in kotfe/kote that doesn't give you DS points, even skadge forces imprisonment for full LSgays

              • 4 months ago

                I wouldn't have minded the third way so much if they'd implemented it as bog standard grey jedi stuff, rather than zakuul/tulak horde/etc nonsense. It feels like they tried to turn Kreia's nagging and shitting on the player into an actual belief system or something, when her entire point was just to get the player to commit one way or the other as it would serve her purposes more than indifference.

              • 4 months ago

                yeah my problems is it's barely explained how their third way functions beyond the nonsensical ramblings of satele/marr, who claim the knights derive, or believe they derive, their power directly from valkorian which just creates more questions than it answers, yet they keep emphasizing in fallen empire how they BTFO the sith and jedi. in that respect I'm glad they pretty quietly shunted that off to the side alongside other minor plot threads like those incredibly annoying prophet dudes for eternal throne

            • 4 months ago

              The only good companions Inquisitor has is Khem, Andronikos and Talos. I think Inquisitor and Consular have the weakest parties.

              • 4 months ago

                I'd say so far Inquisitor has a better story than Warrior but Warrior gets the better companions. Mind you I haven't finished Inquistor's base story yet but I feel so much more invested.

              • 4 months ago

                Inquisitor seems more gripping at first because of the story with a slave rising up in the Empire. It's imo the best class to start out with if you're going sith, but honestly Warrior is just better in hindsight because of all the mayhem which is easily more comedic. Vette and everything surrounding her can be taken to some very funny plot points as well as all the interactions the Warrior has just straight up being funnier regardless of how you play them.

                Also if helps that Light side warrior is genuinely compelling.

          • 4 months ago

            >let Quinn live after trying to stab me in the back
            >swears absolute loyalty to me and only me
            >later pick republic for the lols
            >he plants a fricking bomb and scurries away like a rat then has the audacity to ask me to pardon him
            this MOTHERFRICKER, i swear to GOD, even taking my lightsaber to the heart felt like too much mercy, i played full LS this time, but if the game let me i would have force lightning him to a pile of fricking ash

    • 4 months ago

      A couple of classes get their second companion way into the story; the worst offender is probably agent which gets Vector on Smallderaan. This was a huge source of butthurt earlier when comps had specific roles
      Inq got healer companion on ... Taris? Or Hoth, which was far into the game

      yeah when you get companions vary by class, like JK gets t7 on tython and kira on coruscant then no one until balmorra, while agent is perhaps the most extreme case where you're stuck with only kaliyo until alderaan so basically almost all of chapter 1
      tattooine ironically enough isn't that bad for me especially on empire side, repub is slightly worse in how spread out some quest objectives are but no terribly so. the planetary questline is pretty fun and is a subtle callback to the kotor1 tattooine story in a way
      hoth is the real literally why planet, they needed to cut its size in half and the questlines are pretty boring especially if you've done them before. that and voss which has one of the most enraging quest designs in vanilla
      >go all the way across the unnecessarily large map to do some shit
      >go back to quest giver
      >now do it again 🙂
      anything moddable can basically carry you until 80 so long as you keep replacing mods at the appropriate level, like I use my original moddable wep for almost all classes until 80

      Hoth is one big flashbang and probably the only planet I only ever do the planetary story once per faction, still haven't done PUB side for that reason

  49. 4 months ago

    Is Kallig's gear good once you slot in the mods for it? I've got his helmet and his lightsaber so far.

  50. 4 months ago

    I would have completed all those history lessons they were doing before the game was released. They did some of them but then for whatever reason they stopped. I wanted to know what it was all leading to since the historian was going back each time and looking for something.

  51. 4 months ago

    The Empire side feels like it got the lion's share of fricks given, there's so many neat details apart from the story quality. Did you know that during the Black Talon, if you're sympathetic (select enough nice lines, not just LS option) to the captain he brings out an extra treasure chest?
    Also if you do BT group version, on DK you get a special quest about describing how shit went to some sith minister. Each class gets a special answer.

    Meanwhile republic gets muh aliens

    • 4 months ago

      It’s pretty clear they wrote repub first and felt a bit hamstrung because they have to be moralgays or puppy kicking edgelords, whereas emp side let them do both comically evil and pragmatic choices

    • 4 months ago

      The Republic is just boring because it doesn't have any interesting dynamics. With the Sith you can have all manner of people trying to do their jobs, outright bat shit people, and the in-between so you can come up with as many wacky scenarios as you like which serve well for conflict and gameplay.

      With the Republic if you go too hard on "muh Republic corrupt, muh Republic decadent" to create conflict you run the risk of making them just completely unlikeable, and your player character a b***h because you aren't/won't be doing anything to fix it for the entire game/near and far future in the lore.

      • 4 months ago

        The conflict within the Republic is literally the Empire, so the game making them two separate factions at war with one another was just a massive blunder right from the start. The Sith Empire gets all the narrative headroom to work with while the Republic stays in its safe, placid little box.

        I blame WoW. Strict factional moronation was a proven success at the time, based on their sample of 1. A better version of SWTOR would have just had Empire and people who can escape from it.

        • 4 months ago

          A lot of problems stem from emulating WoW tbh. MMO players don't care much for cinematics or dialogue options and RPG players want more impactful decisions.

  52. 4 months ago

    My only hot take about this game is that it unironically has a better story and better written characters than Kotor 2. There is not a single SWTOR character I'd ditch over the dumbfrick cutouts and pretentious exposition spouters from Kotor 2. Similarly, even though it's MMO dogshit with horrifyingly bad pay to win, it somehow managed to be more fun than Kotor 2.

    • 4 months ago

      now that's a spicy take anon
      imo as someone who liked 2 it has a pretty consistent level of writing, whereas with tor some portions are definitely better than 2 while others (looking at you anything involving revan) are just laughable

      Inquisitor seems more gripping at first because of the story with a slave rising up in the Empire. It's imo the best class to start out with if you're going sith, but honestly Warrior is just better in hindsight because of all the mayhem which is easily more comedic. Vette and everything surrounding her can be taken to some very funny plot points as well as all the interactions the Warrior has just straight up being funnier regardless of how you play them.

      Also if helps that Light side warrior is genuinely compelling.

      being an insolent little shit to darth fatass never gets old, it's like fricking with the council in mass effect

      • 4 months ago

        I would say they have the same level of inconsistency, but TOR has way more enjoyability overall. While shit like Revan is horrendous, it's not as horrendous as the ending for 2, everything to do with every companion that isn't the first 4 who are barely tolerable by and large, and the incredibly wild levels of railroading in that game.

        It's crazy that an actual free to play pay to win MMO can make you feel less forced into shit than the fully developed RPG. Not to mention that it just isn't finished, the romances are dogshit, you basically cannot abort some very obviously abortable plot points which are annoying as frick, and the segments where you're literally forced to play as different characters because the game can't find a way to pad itself out long enough when three of the planets aren't even fully explorable or interactive.

        At least for TOR much of the absolutely moronic shit like that comes in Expansions and is largely the fault of that Mary Sue Vitiate, but 2 has that Mary Sue Kreia instead, and she's not even as funny as Tenebrae is, she's just annoying, pretentious, and as deep as a puddle like her later counterpart. Sion is an actual complete joke, Nihilus would be a Mary Sue too if he was even a character, and the less said about T*los the better. Generally, anything good about the game has nothing really to do with 2 rather than the fact that it's a continuation of 1 and has nearly all the same mechanics and gameplay. All the shit they went out on a limb for falls as flat as a pancake in a hydraulic press. Sorry for being long winded, but having tried to replay that shit several times over the years, the undeniable just becomes more and more undeniable.

        • 4 months ago

          >Nihilus would be a Mary Sue too
          Nah he's actually well done. It's the Exile whose a complete Mary Sue. Nihilus is a dead man walking and his power will be the source of his own death. Nihilus is the only example of power wanking in Star Wars that makes sense. An abomination whose greatest strength is his weakness.

          • 4 months ago

            He isn't. All of that is just stuff you have to assume about him, or which is exposition dumped to you. He doesn't speak a language we can understand, you don't get to see, read, or watch who he was before, and then contrast the monstrosity he is outside of people hyping him up(which he doesn't live up to) to understand the sheer magnitude of the horror you the player technically inflicted on him. His status as a world devourer is just straight up moronic and unimpressive because he doesn't use it at all during the story to any meaningful capacity(he should have been the one to destroy Persgus if you chose light side, and it should have been more than a shitty mining colony mystery tutorial) because if he truly gained that much strength and was that unbeatable, he'd have started eating all the Galactic centers in the core, including Coruscant instead of doing the whole "ooh shadowy sith who needs to hide" with Traiya(or however you spell that), it's just the gayest form of "wow his power has a cost so it's fine to power wank now!".

            The most sensible wanking has always been something like Naga Sadow, Obi-Wan, Exar Kun, Mace Windu, and guys like Luke and Anakin. Just outright freaks of nature, people who otherwise just seem like complete nobodies, but which illustrates that just because the Force plays favorites doesn't mean it's an absolute force(pun unintended), and the people in between that. It at least illustrates that the force is an all powerful mystic energy field on a galactic scale who's individual anomalies are capable of affecting galactic history for a reason, and provides further framework for how it can manifest across the millenia where you can either be born powerful in it, or work to exploit it for your own needs.

            That and the more ancient figures closer to the Dawn of the Jedi being so impressive implies a sort of closer connection to the Force which gets progressively lost more and more as time passes in universe.

            • 4 months ago

              >see, read, or watch who he was before
              I think this is a good thing. Time and time again series fall to the pitfall of explaining what should remain a mystery.
              >World Devourer
              It makes sense when you realise he's a wound in the force that can only sustain himself by feasting on others. The problem is that the Exile has the same condition and suffers none of the same ill effects.
              >doesn't use it at all during the story
              By the time we meet in the story he is far outside of his "prime". He's basically been on a diet since he annihilated Visus's homeworld. I do agree you have to read into a lot of his actions and powers for it to make sense. I fully admit I'm biased because he's one of my favourite sith lords.

  53. 4 months ago

    >doing the HK unlock quest
    >Dromund Kass takes like an hour and a half to find part
    >Hoth takes literally five scans
    Everyone hates Hoth, but it's always treated me really well. I also have a huge softspot for the snowspeeder, definitely my favorite vehicle followed closely by the Y-Wing.

    • 4 months ago

      The theme for Hoth is great.

      • 4 months ago

        For sure. It's comfy as hell.

        • 4 months ago

          The whole planet is comfy, it always feels like going on a break from the endless bullshit you get into in other ones even if the same MMO shenanigans is going on.

  54. 4 months ago

    they really need to tweak heroics to be a bit more consistent about difficulty
    some of them are comically easy and can be completed in like 2-3 minutes. others are so autistic with either endless trash mobs or a frickton of elite (looking at you killik warren in alderaan! what the frick were they thinking?) no one does this except maybe once for the achievements at best

    • 4 months ago

      The one where you fight jedi recruits on Nar Shadaa is horrible. They hit so hard and send you flying.

    • 4 months ago

      What's even the point in heroics? Don't flashpoints give you better gear?

      • 4 months ago

        Quicker + blue gear which is arguably all you need for story + flashpoints give epics which f2p cannot use

        Man I know I missed /swg/ when it was a thing. Hopefully this thread picks up again on the weekend

        • 4 months ago

          Damn F2P can't use purples? That sucks. Mind you the endgame is kind of non-existent and broadsword won't add anything big.

      • 4 months ago

        at low levels you can get good blue gear for little effort thanks to certain heroics which are quick to go through. at higher levels you get the influence things for your alliance for the eternal expacs (which also give comp gifts and cosmetic armor that sadly can't make easy money anymore since no longer sellable) and extra conquest comp currency if you're trying to speed up gear upgrading at 80. on the last point the weeklies will also give more green conq gear typically equal to your current ilevel for that piece which can save you time gearing alts.
        more general point most vanilla heroics are pretty easily soloed

        Quicker + blue gear which is arguably all you need for story + flashpoints give epics which f2p cannot use

        Man I know I missed /swg/ when it was a thing. Hopefully this thread picks up again on the weekend

        I laugh at myself for pulling a tony soprano and getting into the game when it's on life support and the community on here finally died, this threads been a nice outlet in that sense

        • 4 months ago

          Could be worse. I loved both KoTORs and was put off from playing cause all of the bad mmo press. Fast forward to now and I finally gave the game a chance just to find out I really enjoy it.

          • 4 months ago

            I completely get why people were mad about it at the time, hell I was too. but yeah if you ignore the revan character rape and just treat it as its own thing it's quite fun
            in some respects it's also nice coming in so late, imagine when datacrons weren't legacy wide fricking christ

            • 4 months ago

              I still haven't made a legacy because I cannot think of a cool lineage name.

              • 4 months ago

                doesn't really matter tbh, I fricked up with mine but i don't think non subscribers can even display it and I hide it regardless

              • 4 months ago

                I'll probably just pick something cool from momster hunter like Fatalis or Miralis if I cannot think of one. The xp boosts you can buy seem useful.

              • 4 months ago

                homie pick something you enjoy doing and make that into a noun
                how about: Barhopper, Stargazer, Technophile or even a royal in-setting house name like Girard
                Bioware doesn't bother you unless your name is sexual, I've seen NPC as a legacy name

              • 4 months ago

                you can always change a legacy name to be clear though it costs cartel coins (though even f2p can get 100 a month from having a security key), I just haven't been assed to bother
                my dumbass as a newbie assumed it was just a name for a few characters and just went with a random last name I kinda liked, only to realize it was for every character on the server and in theory permanent kek

                Is this game old enough now that I can cheat through all the PTW stuff or am I going to have to get fricked to enjoy the story because EA is still anal about monetizing it?

                solo content on story mode is almost all easy even with basic green gear gotten.
                the monetization is basically letting you use cc instead of credits to unlock certain conveniences at a super early level, more inventory slots, teleport cooldown reductions/teleports for specific places or your ship/a vendor on your ship/etc. but they're all shit you can get eventually anyway, I didn't spend any cc and didn't feel like I was constrained early on. there is some bonus chapter for kotfe that is only available via market and ludicrously priced but you're missing almost nothing tbh unless you love hk55
                there are restrictions for f2p vs subscriber but that's not the monetization I think you're talking about.

              • 4 months ago

                Thanks for the answer about the story stuff bro.

              • 4 months ago

                Should have picked something edgy like Deathbringer.

  55. 4 months ago

    Is this game old enough now that I can cheat through all the PTW stuff or am I going to have to get fricked to enjoy the story because EA is still anal about monetizing it?

  56. 4 months ago

    >nearly 2hrs to get through kaon under siege

    • 4 months ago

      I think I did Kaon ... twice. I haven't played that long but when people queuing for random FP see that, they'd just take the quitter debuff than run the two hour Left For Dead heroic
      In one of those two runs I saw half my party wipe due to ignoring screamers

  57. 4 months ago

    Whoever designed the final boss for nathema veteran should be publicly flogged. Shit is literally impossible for the average mongo pug person.

  58. 4 months ago

    The alliance armor sets are fricking ruined with useless flaps and forced hoods. There's a FEW good ones but they are all ruined. Especially the color schemes. So many armor sets ruined because of something so fricking gay. Like Sith Recluse.
    Get rid of the robot. Ruthless Oppressor boots are ruined by thick white stripes which clashes with the black coloring. I want to murder the people who a-ok this shit.

  59. 4 months ago

    I hate how moronic some dark side sith options are. Ssevrek is honour bound to serve so what point is there in putting on the shock collar? I don't want light side points but I don't want to act brain damaged either.

    • 4 months ago

      The dark side makes you paranoid, so just roleplay it as your character going too far and needing to step back a bit for mental clarity.

      • 4 months ago

        So just treat it like I'm surrounded by glowies? It's not a bad idea but still feels weird.

    • 4 months ago

      TLDR you should pick whatever seems logical for your character rather than picking LS or DS every time unless you're going full psycho/moralgay, there are some choices that are moronic for both especially if you're a non forceuser class
      long answer going 100% DS is basically embracing your violent and paranoid impulses to an extreme. it's all about satisfying your dark desires all the time with no care about the consequences
      I personally feel like a non outright psycho sith should be taking DS choices roughly 2/3 of the time and LS 1/3. imo this is hinted at by the one early warrior mission where you deal with 3 prisoners and the "ideal" tremel wanted was you taking 1 LS choice (recruiting the failed assassin) and 2 DS (killing the incompetent sith, though tremel specifically wants the non honorable death but doesn't matter for you rp wise, and continuing to torture the final dude) your exactly mileage will vary by character of course

    • 4 months ago

      morality choices can be extremely stupid but that one actually has some consistent logic behind it
      in vanilla at least non pureblood aliens are seen by many sith and imperial citizens in general as subhumans and slavery is full ingrained in the empire's culture. a typical sith would pick DS for that and to always have a means to control them
      LS means treating them almost like allies which is very alien (heh) to the vanilla empire

      • 4 months ago

        I've just gotten to Voss and this seems way more egregious. I'm meant to go around murdering the only people who may have the potential cure to my inquisitor cancer or I will get light side points. I hate this system with a passion.

  60. 4 months ago

    Is there a single reason to let the Dread Masters get eaten? I cannot think of a single reason why anyone would pick that as an option.

    • 4 months ago

      for rp I guess?
      same as trying to submit to arcann at that one place, asylum? apparently lana just refuses to believe it's actually you saying it and you wind up fighting arcann anyway

  61. 4 months ago

    Are story mode operations doable at ilvl 324?

    • 4 months ago

      with a group? should be fine so long as you understand how your class works
      though you'll want to either look up the boss mechanics or ask other group members

      I've just gotten to Voss and this seems way more egregious. I'm meant to go around murdering the only people who may have the potential cure to my inquisitor cancer or I will get light side points. I hate this system with a passion.

      the voss are incredibly annoying buttholes so I take some pleasure in fricking them over. vaylin bombing them put a smile on my face
      not to mitigate some of the dumb morality choics but you can eventually negate LS or DS points for the record. one you hit 10k DS/LS any further points would eat into the opposite alignment. you can use the diplomacy skill or run black talon/esseles to get more alignment points

      • 4 months ago

        Bioware are gay for redeeming Arcann instead of her. The game already had enough male companions.

  62. 4 months ago

    How's Ashara's romance? Does ditching her for Lana have any unique dialogue?

    • 4 months ago

      okay but only works if you're a borderline jedi like inquisitor, they dropped the ball on her hard compared to jaesa

      Does blowing up the Gormegan lock you out of the Sith Inquistor questline? Hadrik says he wants to leave the planet and I assumed the ship was linked.

      no matter your choices the story will move forward in some manner
      the funniest is for imperial agent where if you're super insolent with jadus he will actually kill your character in a cutscene kek. but since it's an mmo the game just essentially pretends that didn't happen

  63. 4 months ago

    Does blowing up the Gormegan lock you out of the Sith Inquistor questline? Hadrik says he wants to leave the planet and I assumed the ship was linked.

  64. 4 months ago

    >have to go through smuggler story
    >want to do mad ranged dps
    >also want to sneak
    is the two pistols smuggler class (forgot the name) as good as the sniper for dps? I already did a sniper agent playthrough, so I'd rather not repeat that.
    I think I'll make my main class the dual pistols and put the sneak one on secondary for swooshing my way through FPs.

  65. 4 months ago

    Is there a good hatred guide anywhere? I want to learn the optimal single target and aoe rotations.

  66. 4 months ago

    What do I do after completing the Inquistor class story? The fleet has a bunch of random quests on it but I have no clue of the play order. Also should I free my homie Khem and lose access to my ex-master's intellect?

    • 4 months ago

      Yes. Frick Zash, she never gives any insight Force Ghosts couldn't give to the Inquisitor. You have to be a simpicus Maximus to ever let her live.

    • 4 months ago

      The main story should continue beat-by-beat in your quest log. Should be telling you something about Ilum or the interlude segment.

    • 4 months ago
      is the rough intended order though keep in mind much of it is ignorable by being group content or at best only needs to be done once for each faction
      if you just mean post class story your little mission terminal on your ship will direct you to ilum and the two related story flashpoints. if you want to go on after that it'll be makeb, then the forged alliances/rishi/revan stuff, then the zakuul stuff
      keeping zash is not only stupid (she'll just try to usurp you again eventually and any inky worth his seat would've rung her dry already) but can't return as a companion if you do the eternal expac stuff whereas khem will eventually

  67. 3 months ago

    >first ever flashpoint on Illum
    >every boss has over 100k hp

    • 3 months ago

      none of them are super hard to handle they're just spongey
      the real funny one is the final fight with the emperor for the jk storyline where he has an instakill ability you have to interrupt. it's easy to handle if you know it's there but most people, myself included the first time, don't

      • 3 months ago

        They weren't hard but tedious. I just want to hit level 80 already and farm legendary implant.

  68. 3 months ago

    Why does Lana look so uncanny? Everything about her looks like melted wax and her eyes make her look like a nip who wants to be white.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        That doesn't make sense. There are plenty of hot women in the game already.

  69. 3 months ago

    >doing czerka labs vet for dailies
    >pulling mobs around corners
    >gunslinger repeatedly drops cover and AoEs them mid-pull
    >falls down the ramps to his death
    why are you like this

    • 3 months ago

      I feel embarrassed enough being an utter scrub in starfighter it's put me off doing warzones or other group content
      though I like to think I'm mildly content handling a knight guardian so I wouldn't pull shit like that

      They weren't hard but tedious. I just want to hit level 80 already and farm legendary implant.

      yeah tbh I found like 60-79 was the most awkward point for squishy tedium after the initial phase of your first character. daily heroics no longer hand out gear up to your level so you tend to be in a weird place of strong but not strong enough, and you aren't max level so can't just buy conq gear to bring you up to speed

  70. 3 months ago


    >Since the OT itself, frankly.
    If only McCarthyism was do it in the 70s instead of the 50s...

    • 3 months ago

      He was completely right, and that's why ~~*they*~~ slander him so badly.

      • 3 months ago

        He was right about literally two or three out of the thousands of accusations and blackballings he took part in. Yes, the Rosenbergs were communists, that doesn't mean he was based or cool, he was an unbelievably cringe homosexual that ruined multiple entertainment venues for over a decade. The best movies/music/plays/etc from that era were the ones that pushed right to the line, or outright spat in HUAC's face. I'd take a hundred Humphrey Bogarts or James Cagneys before a single new McCarthy, and if you disagree you stand with the present day brainless mob of social media activists.

  71. 3 months ago

    Torch's fight is so fricking bad holy shit. Your companion AI has them stand in the flames doing nothing and she's just perma flying.

    • 3 months ago

      yeah that's probably the single most annoying boss I've encountered up to iokath, though single player revan is more tedious

  72. 3 months ago

    Is the Revan operation soloable or do I have to pick the coalition forces?

    • 3 months ago

      do the coalition forces one
      it's basically a solo boss fight against revan but with a bunch of npc allies helping you

      • 3 months ago

        That's what I ended up doing but damn do I feel like quitting. 2 million HP boss combined with the complete bastardisation of Revan. Please tell me the story picks up from here.

        • 3 months ago

          It definitely does. Revan is, by far, the low point (at least until the most recent of recent stuff), KotET/FE is 11/10 and as good as if not better than the best class stories.
          Still, such a shame how they massacred my boy Revan. I still hold out hope that they do something to retcon that dogshit storyline.

          • 3 months ago

            the revan rape is basically the lowest low imo, I essentially ignore anything revan related storywise when going through content (I mean I'll do it, but I just ignore its relevance if you get my meaning)
            the eternal expacs have high highs and low lows (eternal throne imo is the better of the two but still a rollercoaster, strong start though), but while some moments will make you roll your eyes I wasn't angry or scoffing the way I did with the revan shit
            well actually as a mild spoiler the traitor arc in the post eternal stuff is full moron, but just think of it as their hamhanded stupid way to write themselves out of the corner they're in post eternal with your powerlevel

            It feels so dumb. Dark Revan inadvartently resurrects the Emperor somehow and this bastard is just feeding on death like Nihilus on steroids. Then despite Dark Revan's entire goal being the Emperor being ended once and for all he decides to reunite with his homosexual light side instead of ending the guy who buckbroke him for 300 years. I hate how quickly all this is brushed over like it's something that was well known. Heart of the Force my ass, this man is a dedicated jobber.

            Frick man, I wanted to hit 80 and farm my best gear but this took a serious toll on me.

            • 3 months ago

              The writers were just being moronic. The first thing they never should have done was gimp Revan in favor of that fricking Mary Sue Vitiate. The second thing they should have done was make it so the reason Vitiate couldn't do anything/wasn't showing up was because Revan beat the everloving frick out of him so bad that he's still recovering, and that he fricked off assuming the guy was dead ala Palpatine or something. The third was doing the same bullshit to the Exile. I hate when writers frick up pre established player made characters because they need to show off their new super speshul villain.

              • 3 months ago

                Everything about it feels so dumb. How did Vitiate come back? Marr just randomly says he is alive and wants to devour us all. This has never been mentioned anywhere in the main story and gives such tonal whiplash. It's also moronic that the republic can assassinate the emperor but the empire doesn't get to go order 66 on the jedi grandmaster.

                The thing I'm enraged about is the SI plot on Rishi. The Rakata still exist somewhere and are powerful enough to grant you an extra solar cycle worth of life. I can almost guarantee this will not be elaborated on in later xpacs even though this might be the coolest plotline in the game. KOTFE seems like it's just gonna be the Vitiate show.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah one second he got his ass ate by some Jedi Knight, the next Ziost is dead and he's running around in Zakuul larping as an Emperor which apparently he had been doing the whole time alongside raising the Dromund Kaas Empire. It's dumb as frick. I agree about the Jedi Knights story as well, they went way too far in giving him/her the most consequential role because muh classic star wars, while the rest basically get some one off title and kill some random jobber.

                As for the Rishi plot, wasn't it just some random Rakata offshoot device? It's basically guaranteed to have no follow up like the Galaxy devouring beast you can release. It's even harder for it to get any followup after they scattered all the PCs and forgot about any of their stories.

              • 3 months ago

                >Rakata offshoot device?
                The way I saw it was that the Rakata were communicating and sending out a signal searching for the SI. I thought it meant some part of their empire had survived and/or was in stasis until certain parameters were fufilled. I really wanted a Rakata expansion because they are the coolest part of the old lore.

              • 3 months ago

                The Rakata have a similar problem of never again being expanded upon because the old lore tied them up with the Celestials which were a civilization, only for them to have to retcon it because Lucas introduced the Ones and they needed Abeloth to have some significance.

              • 3 months ago

                It's a shame the EU died too late to allow them creative liberty. Fighting a Rakata invasion would be a way better reason to team up than somehow Vitiate returned.

              • 3 months ago

                It's literally begging to be made because of how easy it is to write adventures around it and the stupid hypertech those people had, and how easy it is to explain why none of it later shows up in the canon. Then again they might make another dumbass retcon like "the Rakatans made humans and twileks" so maybe it's a blessing.

              • 3 months ago

                >I thought it meant some part of their empire had survived and/or was in stasis until certain parameters were fufilled.
                if you did the rakata prime flashpoint they mentioned that the two tribes revan encountered but specifically the elders had moved way from the temple, so I think they did that to keep the plot thread of a surviving renewed rakatan civilization especially with the implication that game of rakatan slowly gaining their ability to use the force back. of course they never touched the thread but its there

                Why and how do you rate kotet/kotfe higher than the class stories?? I wouldn't hate it so much if they just locked all non-force classes from playing it. I went through both and stopped at the Iokath storyline. Honestly dislike everything after the class stories.

                >I wouldn't hate it so much if they just locked all non-force classes from playing it
                it works insofar as you think of yourself as some forcearmored mary sue which lets be honest you are in much of your class stories anyway, not that I disagree they should've had divergent stories there
                >I went through both and stopped at the Iokath storyline. Honestly dislike everything after the class stories.
                I'd at least push through the traitor bullshit if you haven't and give ossus a try at least once, usually considered a semi return to more vanilla/hutt stories and if you don't like it fair enough.
                I actually liked makeb and the revan expac if I ignore the main storyshit driving it. the zakuul expacs are a mixed bag

            • 3 months ago

              The writers were just being moronic. The first thing they never should have done was gimp Revan in favor of that fricking Mary Sue Vitiate. The second thing they should have done was make it so the reason Vitiate couldn't do anything/wasn't showing up was because Revan beat the everloving frick out of him so bad that he's still recovering, and that he fricked off assuming the guy was dead ala Palpatine or something. The third was doing the same bullshit to the Exile. I hate when writers frick up pre established player made characters because they need to show off their new super speshul villain.

              including revan at all beyond cameos was the biggest mistake, not only is the timegap from kotor 1 so long yet they never dwell on the fact he is literal centuries out of time beyond a couple quips about his descendants with theron and satele, but his story inherently can't be anything but a jobby mess because of the nature of mmos eternal story.
              callbacks like DK or nar shaddaa's one empire area are great, but including him personally was a disaster

              Everything about it feels so dumb. How did Vitiate come back? Marr just randomly says he is alive and wants to devour us all. This has never been mentioned anywhere in the main story and gives such tonal whiplash. It's also moronic that the republic can assassinate the emperor but the empire doesn't get to go order 66 on the jedi grandmaster.

              The thing I'm enraged about is the SI plot on Rishi. The Rakata still exist somewhere and are powerful enough to grant you an extra solar cycle worth of life. I can almost guarantee this will not be elaborated on in later xpacs even though this might be the coolest plotline in the game. KOTFE seems like it's just gonna be the Vitiate show.

              >Everything about it feels so dumb. How did Vitiate come back? Marr just randomly says he is alive and wants to devour us all. This has never been mentioned anywhere in the main story and gives such tonal whiplash. It's also moronic that the republic can assassinate the emperor but the empire doesn't get to go order 66 on the jedi grandmaster.
              in fairness it's dealt with in the JK story, if you go LS at the end it actually explicitly notes he's not fully dead just defeated, but yeah hiding that only in the class story is an issue if you haven't played that yet. there's a reason JK is so often called the default "canon" class
              the thing with the empire/pub disparity is for vanilla the premise at story start is the sith are at their zenith while the republic is on its knees, and the general thrust of the story is things going back to a more even footing or even outright advantage republic. bounty hunter can already kill the chancellor.
              the rishi stuff is a bit varied with some of it being nice callbacks (knight especially if you consider them a jedi in some form, trooper, etc.) and some stuff that is a bit more tangential like inquisitor.
              to spoiler you ziost is full vitiate stuff while kotfe/kote are kinda vitiate related but in a way you'll quickly get so I won't bother explaining

          • 3 months ago

            Why and how do you rate kotet/kotfe higher than the class stories?? I wouldn't hate it so much if they just locked all non-force classes from playing it. I went through both and stopped at the Iokath storyline. Honestly dislike everything after the class stories.

        • 3 months ago

          the revan rape is basically the lowest low imo, I essentially ignore anything revan related storywise when going through content (I mean I'll do it, but I just ignore its relevance if you get my meaning)
          the eternal expacs have high highs and low lows (eternal throne imo is the better of the two but still a rollercoaster, strong start though), but while some moments will make you roll your eyes I wasn't angry or scoffing the way I did with the revan shit
          well actually as a mild spoiler the traitor arc in the post eternal stuff is full moron, but just think of it as their hamhanded stupid way to write themselves out of the corner they're in post eternal with your powerlevel

  73. 3 months ago

    jesus christ what an awful thread

  74. 3 months ago


    Don't bother trying to make sense of Vitiate. The guy is just a pure donut steel that makes no sense. Everything from his power to motivations is moronic.

  75. 3 months ago
    Anonymous Lana supposed to be, you know, "special"? She's got a FAS face and has a weird way of talking that's like half-downs syndrome.

  76. 3 months ago

    >doing Legacy of the Rakata
    >get to a choice
    >dark side is painlessly killing them all at once
    >lightside is stabbing them with my agonizingly painful lightsaber one by one as they watch their comrades die

  77. 3 months ago


    pre zakuul it made sense because vitiate was revealed in the knight story to be feeding off the suffering and shit the conflict created, so he had no desire for an actual total sith victory.
    post zakuul you just need to ignore it because it makes zero sense. the plot works much better if you assume vitiate only posessed valkorian post ziost or some other recent period instead of ruling for centuries, but that opens up its own can of worms too

    >doing Legacy of the Rakata
    >get to a choice
    >dark side is painlessly killing them all at once
    >lightside is stabbing them with my agonizingly painful lightsaber one by one as they watch their comrades die

    it's a moral choice more than anything even if it's one of the funny ones they immediately render moot. in theory before revan got bomb happy some still in their tubes could've lived

    • 3 months ago

      >pre zakuul it made sense because vitiate was revealed in the knight story to be feeding off the suffering and shit the conflict created, so he had no desire for an actual total sith victory.
      So you are telling me that the due that sacrifice his OWN planet to became immortal, care morre and felt bad about his enemies than his own people?

      Holy moly I thought Sequels were moronic but SWTOR, sadly, at this point is just peak moronism.

      >if you assume vitiate only posessed valkorian post ziost
      The thing is, why the original Valkorion didn't fight back against Vitiate? You see Arcann, the sister and the mother fighting Vitiate as spirits, where is the original Valkorion thre?

      Also, wtf is the fetish of a pureblood Sith like Tenebrae with adopting human forms and having human descendants??

      • 3 months ago

        >So you are telling me that the due that sacrifice his OWN planet to became immortal, care morre and felt bad about his enemies than his own people?
        I think you misunderstand me, it's not that he cared about the republic but he needed to the conflict to continue in general, killing both repub and imperial citizens, to fuel him. like a big part of chapter 3 for JK is to prevent the emperor from killing all life on belsavis/hoth/correlia which was his plan, so he definitely wanted to ziost a lot of places but he's a frickup.
        >The thing is, why the original Valkorion didn't fight back against Vitiate?
        probably one of the random spirits in echoes of oblivion.
        actually IIRC he genuinely did possess that body centuries ago so that's just a typical bioware oversight or deliberate choice to ignore.
        >Also, wtf is the fetish of a pureblood Sith like Tenebrae with adopting human forms and having human descendants??
        sith "purebloods" aren't even 100% OG sith lmao though some might be close. they're just sith with particularly high concentrations of pure sith blood relative to the rest of the empire. keep in mind the sith were spawned by dark jedi conquering and mixing with the sith on korriban

        • 3 months ago

          >I think you misunderstand me, it's not that he cared about the republic but he needed to the conflict to continue in general, killing both repub and imperial citizens, to fuel him. like a big part of chapter 3 for JK is to prevent the emperor from killing all life on belsavis/hoth/correlia which was his plan, so he definitely wanted to ziost a lot of places but he's a frickup.
          Picrel is how I feel right now.

          The Imperials, the militaristic people based on Dromund Kaas, are humans with a human-first perspective. They are the ones that tend to call other species lesser. There can be "honorary" humans that are exceptionally valuable or good at their job, mostly Chiss.
          The Sith, the force users based on Korriban, are the ones obsessed with pureblood sith roots and having sith bloodlines. There are multiple factions and individuals within those factions vying for power, and there's a large subsect of them that believe in purity of heritage, even though it's genuinely meaningless outside of like, grandpa inhabiting your body, and other dumb shit. There cannot be honorary purebloods, you either are or aren't. There's a heavy emphasis on the sith wanting the Korriban temple ran and taught entirely by purebloods because they believe this will produce better sith, but it's as dumb as the jedi believing you have to completely detach from emotion to be a true jedi.

          they're inherently morons given the whole sith were created from the OG sith being mutted up with human dark jedi, and exactly what point is "pure" enough is purely arbitrary
          like in the sith warrior story tremel is explicit that he viewed you as a pureblood solution to what he perceived as the mutting up of the sith (hence why pureblood/human are really the only logical races for that story), but if you kill him that one teacher at the academy will claim tremel was himself impure due to "slave" blood so he'd find a more pureblood candidate to replace him
          this gets at least somewhat phased out over the story post vanilla anyway as more pragmatic sith like marr/malgus/acina/vowrawn take the reins and a lot of the pureblood fanatics die (basically all the korriban instructors are killed/defeated during the repub korriban flashpoint for instance)

          >keep in mind the sith were spawned by dark jedi conquering and mixing with the sith on korriban
          At this point I think the Sith Empire is just a mix between France and India. But instead of V failed republics, there are VI failed empires. And the Dark Jedi that mixed with the OG Sith, feel like Lord Indra's men mixing with the Hindustan natives.

          • 3 months ago

            Not to mention all the bullshit with the Massassi. Lineage could not matter less.

            • 3 months ago

              >Not to mention all the bullshit with the Massassi.
              What you mean with this?

  78. 3 months ago

    i swear you level wayy too fast in the early game everytime i start a new character im like level 15 when i reach Coruscant

    • 3 months ago

      It's ok levelling speed wise. It took me about a week and a bit to hit level 75. I would rather level up quicker and be able to use my full kit rather than being low level and wanting to kill myself using trash abilities.

      • 3 months ago

        Ye but playing back in 2015 i felt leveling was more challenging and enemies and boss felt like there where more of a threat

        • 3 months ago

          Dismiss your companion and try the boss fights again. You will see it's not as easy as you think. Most of the combat in this game comes down to mindlessly repeating the same rotations over and over again. Very few enemies have actual mechanics outside of CC spam.

          • 3 months ago

            too bad the combat is tab target if it was more action orientated combat system the game would be so much better

            • 3 months ago

              That comes down to the game being an MMO. They also dumbed down the systems pretty hard by killing hybrid builds. The lack of endgame content also means optimisation and other shit is redundant. I'm not sure what other system they could have used tbh.

            • 3 months ago


              That comes down to the game being an MMO. They also dumbed down the systems pretty hard by killing hybrid builds. The lack of endgame content also means optimisation and other shit is redundant. I'm not sure what other system they could have used tbh.

              Tech evolved bro, MMO in 2024 should be already M(assive) and action-combat like in Chivalry 2.

              • 3 months ago

                Tech may have evolved but the MMO genre died. This isn't the 2000s anymore where they are the hottest shit on the planet. Bioware could barely afford to make Tortanic as it is and ended up being bought by EA as a result.

              • 3 months ago

                Idk if the MMO genre is dead bro, I see many new MMO projects for this years.

                Not all gonna success ofc, but seeing all the money, time and energy invested, I see good ones.

              • 3 months ago

                The genre has been on a downward trend for years. I cannot think of a recent mmo aside from Lost Ark and that died pretty quick. WoW might still be the biggest despite being shit for over a decade and bleeding subs.

              • 3 months ago

                welp I finally caught up to the newest story shit on repub side at least
                I actually enjoyed jedi under siege and onslaught (though spirit of vengeance was annoying and a sign of things to come) but man is pretty much all the Legacy of the sith stuff mediocre, you help some c**ty selkath on manaan though you can at least let the b***h die, then you're on to being an errand boy for shae vizla who has gone full c**t mode - I really just want to kill all mandos and be done with it - and having that c**t kol pull a saturday morning cartoon villain escape after getting her ass whooped. then you go to the other center of c**ts in the galaxy, voss, to be an errand boy for a bit despite having saved their asses twice over in living memory. I should've let vaylin finish the job
                it's a sham the game is in maintenance mode and we'll be lucky to see any plot developments beyond more malgus cackling from prison about his "plans" and mando civil war drivel

                I can't recall reading either side of picrel in ingame dialogue so don't really care tbh
                baras is weirdly written insofar as he veers between chessmaster and moron like a yo-yo during the SW story, why he would betray a loyalist SW before finishing his master plan is beyond me

              • 3 months ago

                >beyond more Malgus cackling from prison about his "plans"
                The thing is: IT DOESN'T MATTER, in the end SWTOR will have to connect with the High Republic and all the Disney-canon shit. Which is a shame.

                >Baras is weirdly written insofar as he veers between chessmaster and moron like a yo-yo during the SW story, why he would betray a loyalist SW before finishing his master plan is beyond me
                The thing is, according to devs interview before the release of vanilla, Lord Baras was a patriotic Sith, yes he was hungry for power, but he has enough control of himself to think clear and to see what was the best for the Empire.

                And somehow, the writers ruining him in the end.

              • 3 months ago

                >The thing is: IT DOESN'T MATTER, in the end SWTOR will have to connect with the High Republic and all the Disney-canon shit. Which is a shame.
                it actually doesn't, not that it matters since the content we will get over the next couple years will be the equivalent of half a vanilla planet, but swtor while technically noncanon legends was grandfathered in since bioware already had the license. the game is already in maintenance mode disney will not give a flying frick about it when they've got all the tv shows and upcoming games to shoehorn that shit into
                >The thing is, according to devs interview before the release of vanilla, Lord Baras was a patriotic Sith, yes he was hungry for power, but he has enough control of himself to think clear and to see what was the best for the Empire.
                I mean pretty true up until chapter 3 but his powerplay at the worst moment is one of the contributors for why the empire lost corellia and nearly the war.
                nar shaddaa early on is also awkward because you're forced to go against the dark council's handpicked sith for the planet

              • 3 months ago

                Just look at the current Battlefront game, Disney cannot stand the idea of the few "legitimate" things that have survived into the modern day not fitting in with their canon because it just motivates people to give up on it and move on to rereading or replaying Legends games. They literally named a show Tales of the Jedi to capitalize off the old comics and just filled it with retouched TCW trash, they are absolutely petty enough to dick SWTOR into High Republic trash, or not let them expand their own side of the lore(which was already conflicting with Legends in some parts anyway) in a direction radically different from theirs.

              • 3 months ago

                they would only bother if they felt it would reach a big audience
                SWTOR isn't directly under them and has far too small a playerbase for them to care, the cartel market stuff is as far as they'd bother

                >the game is already in maintenance mode
                Really? They will not keep continuing the story?

                >filled it with retouched TCW trash
                I swear, TCW 3D was one of the worst things that happened to Star Wars. Picrel.

                I mean we might get more tiny expacs but broadsword is known as the equivalent of an old folks home for mmos. hell it's been two years since this expac came out and the story has gone virtually nowhere

              • 3 months ago

                >the game is already in maintenance mode
                Really? They will not keep continuing the story?

                Just look at the current Battlefront game, Disney cannot stand the idea of the few "legitimate" things that have survived into the modern day not fitting in with their canon because it just motivates people to give up on it and move on to rereading or replaying Legends games. They literally named a show Tales of the Jedi to capitalize off the old comics and just filled it with retouched TCW trash, they are absolutely petty enough to dick SWTOR into High Republic trash, or not let them expand their own side of the lore(which was already conflicting with Legends in some parts anyway) in a direction radically different from theirs.

                >filled it with retouched TCW trash
                I swear, TCW 3D was one of the worst things that happened to Star Wars. Picrel.

              • 3 months ago

                Everyone looking like stick figures and the lightsabers looking like sticks being waved around by dolls is definitely the worst part about it.

              • 3 months ago

                Thanks, finally I see someone else that see it like that.

                But it's not only that, but the action scenes, I swear Tarta's Clone Wars is the only Star Wars media thing (that is not a game or cinematic), where action scenes and movements are great and LOOK good, even in live action movies and shows (Prequels' Jedi being the only exception), the movements look weird and orthopedic.

              • 3 months ago

                they would only bother if they felt it would reach a big audience
                SWTOR isn't directly under them and has far too small a playerbase for them to care, the cartel market stuff is as far as they'd bother
                I mean we might get more tiny expacs but broadsword is known as the equivalent of an old folks home for mmos. hell it's been two years since this expac came out and the story has gone virtually nowhere

                'They either grow up loyal to the Republic or they don't grow up at all.' - Alpha

              • 3 months ago

                I feel bad for the clones. They get fricked regardless of the canon.

              • 3 months ago

                >design an army of killing meat-machines
                >complain about theur suffering despite suffering is a main fact of war
                >everytime that clones appear is to feel bad about them instead of seeing them kicking clankass
                Why Star Wars is so gay this days??

    • 3 months ago

      I've found doing nothing more than class/planet purple quests will put you roughly 5 levels over where you should be
      if you start doing side quests/bonus quest series/any heroics or other shit it rapidly increases, you can hit 50 before even finishing balmorra/taris the first planet of part 2 easy.

  79. 3 months ago

    Do they stop doing the text-only side missions after Rishi/Revan? Shit sucks, it's like I'm playing WoW again.

    • 3 months ago

      after ziost planetary side quests are few and far in between and pretty much all text based, although with the eternal expacs you have the alliance recruitment missions/star fortresses and such which I guess are side quests technically

  80. 3 months ago

    So I dropped this game because the gameplay isn’t for me. I played as a Sith guy.
    I’m confused what determined someone is alien or not and purity of blood because I never realized there was such a thing in Star Wars. Multiples races everywhere and none seemed more important than another. I don’t even remember someone being called “human” and some alien-looking people were obsessed with blood purity too. If anyone could explain that to me I’d be thankful.
    Now, what I really enjoyed was how morally bankrupt the sith were. It explains why they keep getting screwed so much by the jedi. 10 apprentices take the test to become a padawan, 1 gets killed off straight away by the instructor, the rest all die in different means during the trials, finally when the woman knows they stole the artifact from you she just kills off the nobleblooded competitor. 8 force sensitive users all killed just like that. The sith kill themselves far more than the jedi do.
    The last guy was the one that was setup and this is where things got interesting because the game keeps throwing dark-sided choices to electrocute him and be done with it and nobody will care. He gets surprised you want to help him seeing that really alien, the guard is confused at your peculiar methods and didn’t care at all but complied with holding him there for his safety, not minding doing that but clearly not understanding either. Their entire society is out of empathy.
    Furthermore the light choices were well-done. He isn’t just a “kind” guy but sometimes it’s just empowering. He doesn’t go and tell people “don’t worry I can handle this” his answer is “I don’t need an army” getting approval by fellow siths at that. Playing a light-sided sith isn’t being a jedi, you are still someone from the evil empire but you just have some compassion.

    • 3 months ago

      The Imperials, the militaristic people based on Dromund Kaas, are humans with a human-first perspective. They are the ones that tend to call other species lesser. There can be "honorary" humans that are exceptionally valuable or good at their job, mostly Chiss.
      The Sith, the force users based on Korriban, are the ones obsessed with pureblood sith roots and having sith bloodlines. There are multiple factions and individuals within those factions vying for power, and there's a large subsect of them that believe in purity of heritage, even though it's genuinely meaningless outside of like, grandpa inhabiting your body, and other dumb shit. There cannot be honorary purebloods, you either are or aren't. There's a heavy emphasis on the sith wanting the Korriban temple ran and taught entirely by purebloods because they believe this will produce better sith, but it's as dumb as the jedi believing you have to completely detach from emotion to be a true jedi.

      • 3 months ago

        >obsessed with pureblood sith roots
        >no pureblood gf option
        They only have themselves to blame.

        • 3 months ago

          they're inherently morons given the whole sith were created from the OG sith being mutted up with human dark jedi, and exactly what point is "pure" enough is purely arbitrary
          like in the sith warrior story tremel is explicit that he viewed you as a pureblood solution to what he perceived as the mutting up of the sith (hence why pureblood/human are really the only logical races for that story), but if you kill him that one teacher at the academy will claim tremel was himself impure due to "slave" blood so he'd find a more pureblood candidate to replace him
          this gets at least somewhat phased out over the story post vanilla anyway as more pragmatic sith like marr/malgus/acina/vowrawn take the reins and a lot of the pureblood fanatics die (basically all the korriban instructors are killed/defeated during the repub korriban flashpoint for instance)

  81. 3 months ago

    I would much rather have a modernized remake of SWG

  82. 3 months ago

    Why is the Gravestone so ugly? I was expecting a pub/imp amalgamation maybe, not a trek nav deflector haphazardly stapled to a FreeSpace Vasudan cruiser.

  83. 3 months ago

    Male or female consular? Only story left and I don't particularly like the voice actor

    • 3 months ago

      Male, only gays play as women.

      • 3 months ago

        but VA has gay voice

        • 3 months ago

          It's not that bad. Iirc you can also groom Nadia.

        • 3 months ago

          The female one is way, way worse. Like, probably the worst in the entire game.

  84. 3 months ago

    T7 is unironically the best companion in the entire game.

    • 3 months ago

      Weird way of spelling Broonmark.

      • 3 months ago

        Broonmark is barely a character, let alone a good one. One dimensional is too generous.

      • 3 months ago

        He's a murderhobo whose also a bro and that makes him based. Khem Val is also cool.

    • 3 months ago

      he is the only class companion who not only refused to stop looking for you (ignoring convenient plot reasons), but was willing to overlook lana being a sith to team up, not to mention playing a sizable role in your rescue.
      yet another exhibit of how knight is the canon class in writing

  85. 3 months ago

    Playing a smuggler and using all the non-flirt lines is fricking hysterical, it's like your character becomes a turbosperg out of nowhere.

  86. 3 months ago

    Game's garbage nowadays, the only good parts are Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent storylines.
    I'd play the shit out of 2.x or 3.x classic server though, would pay subscription without a moment of doubt. It was actually a solid MMORPG during that period with most of the launch issues fixed. Too bad most mmo players didn't experience it back then.

  87. 3 months ago

    The Star Fortresses are fricking impossible now. I have K1-Z3N at 50 and am tank spec, and still get fricking on the last array because it spawns 8 regulars and 2 silvers on top of the 2 golds. They kill me practically instantly even with every defensive popped. What the actual frick, man. I've tried it from every direction, at least a dozen times, it's absolutely, unironically, objectively impossible.

    • 3 months ago

      m8 like a month ago I managed to do the alderaan one with a 20 Lana, like 324-326 gear, and only 2 of my alliance dept heads were at 10 influence, not to say it wasn't a bit touch and go at the end but I pulled it off nonetheless.
      I was a vigilance JK so I guess spamming damage helped me?
      I haven't tried the others and I hear the nar shaddaa one has such cancerous self heals I'm not sure if I'll ever try it solo

      • 3 months ago

        Was doing the Tatooine one, assumed they were all the same difficulty. 324 gear too, all my depts are around level 6 though.

        • 3 months ago

          apparently all the final archons have slightly different gimmicks to them
          I would upgrade your 324 gear if you can and try to get your alliance stuff to 10 because you get buffs in the fortress for each one at 10
          are you doing them for a particular reason?

          • 3 months ago

            I want Deadeye Leyta, that's pretty much it.

            • 3 months ago

              ah fair enough, I was going to say it's easily skippable content but good luck anon

  88. 3 months ago

    friendly reminder to always pick the most c**ty dialogue option with the oversized fat slugs known ass hutts
    except for ogorobb who is a bro

    • 3 months ago

      Always kill or a dick to hutts even as ls.

  89. 3 months ago

    >doing weekly pvp shit for tech frags
    >up to 9 losses and 0 wins
    frick me, man

  90. 3 months ago

    They really paywall so much shit that should be free to the player. Hide helmet unlock is over 700cc. Favorite slots in gtn is paywalled or you pay 600 for 3. It's so gay.

  91. 3 months ago

    I remember, the edits about Valkorion offering help when the game crashed, the shitposting about whether Elara was an actual spy or not, people asking for the Nautollan race as a joke then Bioware did it and it's like 10 people who play it, and ofc seeing normalgays get aggresively filtered because they rushed to endgame content with NPC thinking and then there's no endgame for them
    But most importantly, I remember when 1 million credits was big.
    I think EA wanted the economy to go to shit so you'd buy credits with IRL money since in-game you'd need a year to make 10 million

    • 3 months ago

      >the edits about Valkorion offering help when the game crashed, the shitposting about whether Elara was an actual spy or not, people asking for the Nautollan race as a joke
      Do you have any of them?
      Bioware since ME3 is a shame of its former glory.

      • 3 months ago

        Sadly I have none of them and while I suppose I can trod through swg archives, today's not an objective
        I specifically want to play swtor now that I've quit my job as it's one of the games I feel like I missed out on and wanna enjoy it now in case EA pulls the plug on it

  92. 3 months ago

    Is the End of it All quest on Ziost buigged? I get the choice between investigating or going down to the planet it but when I chose to travel down nothing happens and the purple icon says to go up to the station.

    • 3 months ago

      make it so we can actually frick with the voss more
      nothing is more satisfying than BTFOing those smug c**ts, vaylin had the right idea

      is that the final one in the ziost questchain right after the emperor possessing everyone cutscene? you should find a spot to do a cutscene on the station IIRC

      How are the jedi classes gameplay wise? Does JK let me roleplay Anakin. He's the only jedi I like.

      guardian is pretty easy and fun, and yeah dark side JK especially is very anakinesque right down to being denied the title of master at the end (well I think you get it nowadays because babbies seethed, but that's the idea)

      • 3 months ago

        Do the classes play the same as their sith counterparts? I'm almost certain that a jedi won't be able to zap morons with force lightning. As for being denied master that would be fine if you could order 66 them afterwards.

        • 3 months ago

          It's 1:1, lightning turns into rocks, choke gets turned into disorient, etc.

          • 3 months ago

            >lightning turns into rocks
            That's so shit. Is there a way to get DS animations on the LS? What are the best dps classes? I levelled an assassin and have vowed never again.

            • 3 months ago

              unlock the one legacy thing about DS/LS (blue and red icons) and you can make a sorcerer consular or knight or a guardian warrior etc.

              Having finished every story
              Imperial Agent > Sith warrior > Jedi knight > > Smuggler > POWERGAP > Trooper > Sith Inquisitor > Bounty Hunter > Jedi Consular

              Trooper, Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter both have a nice chapter 1, but then fall off and never recover. Inquisitor hurts especially bad, because the potential was there.

              >Is Consular really that fun?
              No. Consular is by far the worst storyline in the game. I had to force myself to play it.

              having just beat trooper act 1 was fun, act 2 for trooper was pretty good imo, you round out your squad and I liked the climax where they have your entire squad fighting to take that superweapon
              act 3 starts rough on belsavis but I actually liked their voss and corellia stories, and the jaxo decision is still one of the more casually haunting ones there is

              • 3 months ago

                I got Dark Side 5 and it automatically unlocked without me doing anything legacy related. I will probably go Guardian but it's a bummer because I wanted to save Juggernaut for my SW and they are going to play the exact same.

              • 3 months ago

                Play one with the single and the other with dual lightsabers, there's a good bit of difference there. I'd say guardian has better animations, but warrior has better running stance. Always look like a goober about to decapitate yourself as a guardian.

              • 3 months ago

                tbh I wasn't bothered playing a juggernaut right after a guardian
                as the other anon said if you really need to shake things up do a marauder with dual wielding

                After more deliberation I decided the SW Marauder and JK Juggernaut. My autism struck and I couldn't get over how gay Guardian sounds.

              • 3 months ago

                tbh I wasn't bothered playing a juggernaut right after a guardian
                as the other anon said if you really need to shake things up do a marauder with dual wielding

      • 3 months ago

        >be Sith Warrior on Voss
        >be told I have to get this pendant from a Voss to help the emperor
        >go to where he's at
        >be told he's out fighting Gormak, won't be back for ages, and given the "impossible" task of killing some Gormak chieftains by some smug lackey Voss
        >do it in 3 minutes
        >come back
        >the Voss dude is there but has the fricking audacity to say that the "valueless" trinket will only be given to me if I do his job for him, again
        >mfw killing him, hearing his shock and belief the Voss would avenge him, only for me to be treated as a savior by his shitty government while I sabotage the Jedi and fuel the death of their planet by hiding the truth of the Voss/Gormak relationship
        it's the little things
        semi related but one thing I really appreciate about the Warrior story is there actually being a difference in effort required in some cases depending on if you go DS/LS, like in this case killing the Voss instead of doing their chore, having to regather the quest material if you help your fellow acolyte out on Korriban that one time, etc. with going LS requiring more effort and that hints at the LS/DS dichotomy in general

        • 3 months ago

          Jedi knight is the storyline they were forced to care about, Sith Warrior is the one they cared the most about.

  93. 3 months ago

    How are the jedi classes gameplay wise? Does JK let me roleplay Anakin. He's the only jedi I like.

  94. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      seriously, I want to glass them all for treating me like their fricking b***h
      do they seriously not remember who they're dealing with? it's like moronic backtalking imperials but at least them you could [choke] into place (hell you can even do it to that grand admiral on ilum which was kino, dude immediately groveled too)

      They completely ruined this game with one of the patches that trivialized all the content prior to the latest expansion. They just made it so brain dead easy it was no longer any fun to play. They also nerfed all the companions giving them all the same abilities.

      These MMO developers always listen to the worst players who just want to make everything so easy and be rewarded for doing nothing.

      plenty of shit is still difficult if you're not careful though most is pretty easy, it's remarkably uneven.
      hard disagree on the companion change though, they should have had the current system in the first place so they wouldn't cut the ability to kill people like quinn in vanilla since they were key people for healing

      I genuinely think Rise of the Hutt Cartel is better than Shadow of Revan.

      TLDR while makeb is better quality to play the rest of the expac is anemic and gated in a way SoR isn't, a victim of bioware experimentation
      makeb especially imperial makeb is better than the general rishi stuff (though the little class specific sidequests on rishi are nice). the problem is there isn't a ton of other content for that expac and what is there is gated behind group shit at some point (the tedious seeker droid/binocular quest chains, czerka planet and oricon which require doing fp or ops to finish).
      while the actual revan plot is super super stupid (as is anything related to revan in tor that isn't "legacy" stuff like the cult on DK or nar shaddaa) coherency wise on the whole the prelude stuff is fun, rishi/yavin are pretty good and ziost was a good if wasted setup for future stuff.

      • 3 months ago

        According to Star Wars writers, Mandalorians are now Space israelites.


        They managed to turn Mandalorians into a bunch of bumbling morons. There celebration party is just them acting like Warhammer Fantasy ogres. The whole appeal of Mandalorians was that they were a highly organised militaristic unit. Don't get me started on that Vizla b***h. Every time I see that moronic hag I get the urge to break something.

        • 3 months ago

          >Vizla clan ruining Mandalore for 3k years
          >mfw when a mandalorian republican sect would actually worked and saved Mandalore from their immense moronism
          It's crazy how SW writers waste a lot of time trying to make us root for the Galactic Republic and the Vizla monarchy, to just make us rooting in the end for the Galactic Empire and a Republican Mandalore.

          'Ironic.' - Palpatine

          • 3 months ago

            Mandalore the Ultimate would have killed himself if he saw Shae's mandalorians. Their entire history is either getting raped by the sith or jedi and still have the audacity to try talking back to you.

            • 3 months ago

              It's funny how EA/Disney try to push so hard "strong female leaders", just to end up as the worst leaders of all. All the bad leaders of Star Wars are female.

    • 3 months ago

      According to Star Wars writers, Mandalorians are now Space israelites.


  95. 3 months ago

    They completely ruined this game with one of the patches that trivialized all the content prior to the latest expansion. They just made it so brain dead easy it was no longer any fun to play. They also nerfed all the companions giving them all the same abilities.

    These MMO developers always listen to the worst players who just want to make everything so easy and be rewarded for doing nothing.

    • 3 months ago

      There's still stuff that's hard as hsll. The arena, for one thing.

  96. 3 months ago

    I genuinely think Rise of the Hutt Cartel is better than Shadow of Revan.

  97. 3 months ago

    I just finished the entire main story up to KoTET and I got to say the story is pretty good. That being said most of your decisions don't matter and KoTET itself is painfully unfinished. Iokath comes out of nowhere and the game tries to make you feel sorry for Vaylin but never gives you a redemption option. Ironically enough Arcann whose killed way more people manages to become a decent human being. The final fight with Vitiate and betrayal is pretty boring and was to be expected. I don't know why they rushed 9 chapters instead of doing 16 again.

    • 3 months ago

      >That being said most of your decisions don't matter and KoTET itself is painfully unfinished.
      Remember that Star Wars Galaxies got deleted to prevent being competition against this shit.

      Also, KotET is not only boring af, but destroys iconic characters like Tenebrae and Vitiate, that originally were different characters instead being the same c**t.

      • 3 months ago

        They did Vitiate dirty., They basically destroyed all nuance and intrigue the character had in the previous xpac just to turn him into a generic villain. They already had Vaylin for that role.

        • 3 months ago

          And the worst part is your choices don't mean shit, you can't join him, despite you agree with him and when you become the new Eternal Emperor, your empire become another fricking alliance (I swear, SW writers have 0 vocabulary and imagination) and you lost your AI army.

          Imagine all the time and energy invested in the xpac just to end like that.

          SW is dead, it doesn't matter if is Disney canon or Legends.

          • 3 months ago

            Being an MMO killed any opportunity for your choices meaning something. After becoming the EE by all means you should have been able to carpet bomb your respective enemy faction into oblivion. Plus the plotlines they do explore lead to nothing. What was the point in showing us the origin of the Gravestone and Fleet? What was the point in Scorpio? What was the point in showing us Vaylin's past? Nearly everything in that chapter is rushed and doesn't have a satisfactory conclusion.

            • 3 months ago

              I disagree with you my fren, I think that your choices could still work if SWTOR was designed like Galaxies, aka a proper MMO and not a single-player online WoW-like, which it's actually.

              The problem is not the genre of the game, the problem it's that has bad developers. They just no longer care. The only way to save SWTOR would be if become a Galaxies 2.

              • 3 months ago

                I think the game is beyond saving tbh. They fumbled the story badly and lack the resources to do anything that could create a resurgence. The other issue is the playerbase is moronic and has so many awful opinions that it pollutes the well.

                It's funny how EA/Disney try to push so hard "strong female leaders", just to end up as the worst leaders of all. All the bad leaders of Star Wars are female.

                I cannot think of a single competent female stars wars character aside from Lana. The rest just sperg out with women moments and ruin everything around them. On a sidenote I'm still so pissed Acina got to be the Emperor. Nox/Wrath are far more deserving than her because they have been carrying the Empire on their backs.

              • 3 months ago

                >I think the game is beyond saving tbh.
                That is why I said the only way WOULD be, not that WILL be. I know it's joever.
                >Nox/Wrath are far more deserving than her because they have been carrying the Empire on their backs.
                The Force is female. That is why no Malgus.
                But since the Sith Empire in the ends fell (I bet EA will connect the end of SWTOR with High Republic), all will be because strong women's fault, again.

              • 3 months ago

                >I know it's joever.
                This along with all the wasted potential hurts the most. Part of me wants to grind and max out synthweaving and get high end gear but then I think to myself what's the point. If I want to grind an MMO I should just go to FF14 because at least they are still getting major DLCs.
                >the force is female
                The funniest part is that it has to be female. There's no other explanation for how schizophrenic and prone to self-destructive acts it is.

              • 3 months ago

                The only thing I like about SWTOR is the aesthetics and planets, I'm so burnout about the monk/desert/arabic clothes and Tatooine copy-pastes from movies/shows, that this game gives refreshing vibes for the franchsie.

              • 3 months ago

                >I think the game is beyond saving tbh.
                I'm torn because I genuinely liked the onslaught story, but the mando shit was just mediocre in general but made worse by being stretched out over YEARS when it should've been finished within a year max. I have to agree I can't see them devoting the resources to a mmo already on life support to turn it around
                >I cannot think of a single competent female stars wars character aside from Lana. The rest just sperg out with women moments and ruin everything around them. On a sidenote I'm still so pissed Acina got to be the Emperor. On a sidenote I'm still so pissed Acina got to be the Emperor. Nox/Wrath are far more deserving than her because they have been carrying the Empire on their backs.
                I mean this is more the MMO nature inherently crimping the story, almost no one can be truly competent because you can't truly tip the faction balance scales, and you can't put the player character in a super powerful leadership position because it's extremely difficult to write and fit it into the mmo style, like realistically you'd never do 95% of the shit you'd do in the story your zillion underlings would do it.
                Acina and Vowrawn surviving to be emperor/empress actually makes sense because they were the most machiavellian council members with the highest sense of self preservation, but they suffer in that the nature of the game means the fate of the empires missions is very dependent on your character's actions

                How long does it take for the Jedi Knight story to get good? I've just got to Taris and I'm bored out of my mind. It doesn't help that Saresh is the Governor. It's a shame you can't kill her till multiple expansions in and you just cut her down instead of torturing her.

                republic taris is a slog to get through on any character sadly
                jedi knight is pretty by the books star wars hero story wise
                I would say nar shaddaa is okay and tattooine is pretty fun for your next two planets

              • 3 months ago

                they're also not helped by ironically enough giving us too much latitude in who we can kill
                look at the turnover in generals and admirals, jedi council members, and dark council members.
                half the dark council dies in vanilla (the military offense seat changes hands three times if we with vengean/baras/arho, 4 if we include arkous from the prelude to the revan expac), basically every jedi council member you see but satele is either guaranteed to die or can potentially die based on knight/consular story choices, etc.
                there's only so much competency you can display before you're up for the killing block

              • 3 months ago

                The Sith drew the shorter end of the stick by far. The Dark Council gets wiped out by infighting/jedi attacks. The minor planetary victories they do get mean nothing as Marr states they will lose within a year without isotope-5. Vitiate of all people fricking jobs and gets assassinated and Malgus goes full moron crippling the empire even further. That's all within vanilla and RotHC. It only gets worse from there.

              • 3 months ago

                I actually think the post eternal expacs empire could be in a strong position if you make certain decisions, like realistically you've crippled the jedi to near extinction, legit wiped out fleets, crippled their great hope to counter the isotope 5 ships etc. but it's super dependent on your character and the choices they make
                I do agree they're fricked in vanilla but it makes sense thematically since at game start they're at their peak only to piss it away with typical sith moronation. like you can't have shit like baras deliberately sabotaging the sith on corellia because he wants vowrawn dead and not expect that to frick the empire even leaving aside republic competency killing people. I will say though that the whole point in the hutt expac was yes the empire was at its darkest hour but they were genuinely getting their shit together thanks to marr and your character's herculean efforts
                frick they did marr dirty, acina/vowrawn get to enjoy the empire marr unironically gave his life to create

              • 3 months ago

                >marr and your character's herculean efforts
                Which makes it all the more moronic that you cannot become Emperor. The Sith lose every major character, their own Emperor comes back, reveals he hates them and devours a planet and then reveals he was never dead. Marr gets one shot for shock value and the Sith get wiped out by Arcann aside from Acina who bows down. Meanwhile Satele gets to live, Saresh and the rest of the Senate are chilling. Sure you might be able to do some damage but it's completely unsatisfying as it amounts to nothing for your character as you will never ascend to take the throne. Plus the Empire you did gave gets destroyed.

              • 3 months ago

                >I actually think the post eternal expacs empire could be in a strong position if you make certain decisions, like realistically you've crippled the jedi to near extinction

                >marr and your character's herculean efforts
                Which makes it all the more moronic that you cannot become Emperor. The Sith lose every major character, their own Emperor comes back, reveals he hates them and devours a planet and then reveals he was never dead. Marr gets one shot for shock value and the Sith get wiped out by Arcann aside from Acina who bows down. Meanwhile Satele gets to live, Saresh and the rest of the Senate are chilling. Sure you might be able to do some damage but it's completely unsatisfying as it amounts to nothing for your character as you will never ascend to take the throne. Plus the Empire you did gave gets destroyed.

                >Which makes it all the more moronic that you cannot become Emperor.
                Both of you forget that Jedi are Space Rabbis, they will never lose, you will never be able to defeat them because SWTOR must be ended connecting with the High Republic (the Golden Age of both Jedi and the Republic).

              • 3 months ago

                >I mean this is more the MMO nature inherently crimping the story,
                I don't agree fren, you have other MMOs were the story is great and the characters are actually competent. The problem with SWTOR is that is not a true MMO, but a single-player online, like WoW retail, and has bad writers like WoW.

                And also it would have a terrible end, because again, SWTOR must be connected with the High Republic and the Prequels, were the Sith were extincted for a millennium.

                The problem with MMOs like this is the try to create a story that spawn for millennia instead of some decades or even centuries, to catch that mystic ancient vibes, which in the end (most of the times) ends in a shitshow because there is not enough creativity to fill with good story and characters all those centuries.

                Even Professor Tolkien fricked it up with the 3000 years tech stagnation between the fall of Sauron against Isildur and the Return of the King.

                Ok, I get Tolkien was against industrialism because it destroys the enviroment and because his traumas in WW1, but they literally have good magic, he could create a solarpunk future with Medieval / Renaissance aesthetics for his world instead being a constant anarcho-primitivist medieval circlejerk.

              • 3 months ago

                >I actually think the post eternal expacs empire could be in a strong position if you make certain decisions, like realistically you've crippled the jedi to near extinction
                >Which makes it all the more moronic that you cannot become Emperor.
                Both of you forget that Jedi are Space Rabbis, they will never lose, you will never be able to defeat them because SWTOR must be ended connecting with the High Republic (the Golden Age of both Jedi and the Republic).

                Those aren't mutually exclusive. It takes place early enough that the Sith can have an empire that dominates the galaxy and collapses. Alternatively, a game set where the jedi were the main power only to have the sith suddenly arrive and win would be great.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah there is roughly two thousand years between the game and the almost total Jedi victory with the ruusan reformation a millennia before the prequels
                You could very well have the sith rule the galaxy for a couple centuries or more post game and it would be fine

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah there is roughly two thousand years between the game and the almost total Jedi victory with the ruusan reformation a millennia before the prequels
                You could very well have the sith rule the galaxy for a couple centuries or more post game and it would be fine

                You are forgetting that we are talking about modern day Bioware, I doubt they could make a cool Sith Empire winning the israelitedi Republic with a good and deep writing.

    • 3 months ago

      >and KoTET itself is painfully unfinished
      keep in mind their original plan was three expansions for the zakuul story shit, but they got so spooked by the mixed reaction KoTET is mainly devoted to wrapping up the story as quickly as possible, same with the traitor arc right after (it's fricking stupid but just think of it in a meta sense as their way to reset the stakes for you)
      it's kinda a shame because the first 2 chapters of eternal throne are the best of the two expacs but the rest is pretty meh

      Why did they make it impossible to make a cool looking Miraluka?

      female miraluka can look okay, males are all fugly no matter what you do. same with male togruta

      • 3 months ago

        I'm this close to calling it quits and making a pureblood or red zabrak. Every other race looks so terrible.

        • 3 months ago

          can't go wrong with a pureblood or zabrak of either type
          I actually like the miralian or however it's spelled -the green ones with tattoos - and the rattataki like kaliyo too. imo miraluka is the only default race they truly butchered for the male option

          • 3 months ago

            I can't help but feel like they look like scuffed hulks especially if you choose body type 3. There's something really offputting about the green as well.

            • 3 months ago

              body type 3 only works for certain races tbh and even then can still look weird. pureblood zabrak and human/cyborg are really it imo
              body type 1 only really works for women and only absolute weirdos pick body type 4 to be a lardass

              • 3 months ago

                Type 3 Cathar with the cathar hair options that make it look like you have a mane work really well, especially as SW/JK.

      • 3 months ago

        Did they ever reveal what they actually wanted to do if they weren't spooked? I'm 95% sure the Gravestone creators were going to come back at the end rather than just getting off-screened especially since the Eternal Fleet had to come from somewhere after being defeated. They probably would have come up with a better way to defeat Vitiate as well. There was probably a redeemed Vaylin scrapped somewhere along the line as well.

        • 3 months ago

          I've never seen anything beyond the fact it was supposed to be 3 16 chapter expacs
          I'm still not convinced we won't get some vaylin redemption somewhere down the line with her appearance defeating vitiate a final (lol, lmao) time in satele's head. the way arcann gets redeemed with little setup while vaylin doesn't despite a frickton of setup is still one of the more puzzling things about the expac

          • 3 months ago

            >vaylin redemption somewhere down the line
            There are supposedly doing something with Syl but frankly I don't care.They lack the resources to do anything cool and the time has passed tbh. Also she looks way worse. What is that haircut?

  98. 3 months ago

    Why did they make it impossible to make a cool looking Miraluka?

    • 3 months ago

      I don't self insert and in SWTOR I try to match up the face with the voice. If you're doing a male miraluka for consular this is the best face in my opinion. sliders if anyone wants it:

  99. 3 months ago

    How long does it take for the Jedi Knight story to get good? I've just got to Taris and I'm bored out of my mind. It doesn't help that Saresh is the Governor. It's a shame you can't kill her till multiple expansions in and you just cut her down instead of torturing her.

  100. 3 months ago

    Are crew skills affected by companion level?

  101. 3 months ago

    I'd cancel it because nothing from EA is worth playing

  102. 3 months ago

    Someone explain to me how synthweaving works? I crafted some armor and got 1 point from it. Meanwhile the basic green shit takes 25 seconds and gives more points

    • 3 months ago

      haven't done synthweaving specifically but like crafting in other mmos what matters is the tier of the crafting recipe in question rather than the specific item
      so for instance I haven't bothered making a lightsaber from artificery, most of my level comes from making the basic materials for further crafting

      • 3 months ago

        I managed to figure it out. It's at 400 right now. Now I got to decide what I should take as my secondary class. Sorceror makes mobbing easy but fighting bosses is cancer and it will only get worse with HP sponges later on in the story.

  103. 3 months ago

    >How would you improve it?
    >How would you make it better?
    Buff lightning sorceror. The nerfs were undeserved and lightningGODs should run the game.

  104. 3 months ago

    man the legacy of the shit content SUCKS on pub side, mainly because they keep shoehorning in the same annoying archetype of of cynical anti-authority/anti-repub butthole who you have to work with like the manaan wench, literally everyone on the mando side (though the two ordos grow on me in later stuff), and petra. I guess I've just seen this trope in media too damn much but it makes playing LS very tedious
    I'm especially tired of heta choke somehow gaining new supporters despite being an endless jobber, losing a public duel is the exact opposite of how you gain support
    that and the plot contrivances are especially obvious, enemies literally untouched long enough to comm warnings/stab people, ignoring "defeated" enemies to have a conversation, etc.

    • 3 months ago

      What is the current state of the script / lore?
      What happened with Malgus?
      And the Republic?
      And the Empire?

      • 3 months ago

        >bump limit
        damn shocked it lasted to it
        this piece of shit game and this thread have helped keep me sane in one of the worst periods of my life, all memes aside. I truly appreciate you all for that

        for pub side malgus is captured by the republic and imprisoned on the fleet and has spent the entire expac since ranting about plans we have no idea about. most of the expac has been devoted to the mando war shit but the plot armored out the ass mando villain now has a sith holocron thanks to a former padawan guilt simping for her brother (idk why not but contextually she was picked as a padawan and her brother wasn't despite also being force sensitive, they're actually in the trailer for the expac the twi'leks)
        they barely touch on the state of the republic/empire at all on republic side this expac apart from
        >empire invades manaan for kolto, you help fight them off
        >ord mantell conflict solved by a peace treaty (never mind we kick the seps shit in as trooper/smuggler, but I could pick apart the entire mando arc trajectory like that) and the surviving separatists start working with the bad mandos.

        • 3 months ago

          >this thread have helped keep me sane in one of the worst periods of my life, all memes aside. I truly appreciate you all for that
          OP here, glad to read that bro, hope you get better.
          >they barely touch on the state of the republic/empire at all on republic side this expac apart from
          Lol, it's unironically like the current state of the Sequel Trilogy lore, both, First/Final Order and the New Republic are dead, but we don't know what is the next new galactic government.
          A New New Republic (Futurama reference) or Disney finally stop with the galactic government circlejerk and the Galaxy goes into a full battle royale of minus factions?

          If you want, we can do a second part / continuation of this thread when this one is over.

          • 3 months ago

            >we can do a second part
            Nta but a second thread would be cool. The general has been dead for ages as well as the guild. This is only place to discuss the game outside of random Ganker threads.

            • 3 months ago

              Everytime I try to do a thread in /vg/ or Ganker it disappears, like it never happened.
              Also, why the anime games spam in both??

              • 3 months ago

                >it disappears, like it never happened
                You need an irrelevant lust provoking image or bait to get morons to bother entering the thread. God forbid someone clicks on a good thread.
                /vg/ is infested with gachagays which are synonymous with waifus and anime. Threads are faster so it's more difficult to keep a thread for a more niche game like SWTOR alive unless someone is bumping to stop it dying. That's the reason the thread moved to /vm/.

  105. 3 months ago


    The game is just poorly balanced all round cause of PvP.

  106. 3 months ago

    Hopefully when they're done milking this shit, they're cobble together a singleplayer game out of it

  107. 3 months ago

    >grinding heroics dailies for XP
    This shit is fricking miserable.

    • 3 months ago

      with the 20% booster handed out like candy you will easily be 10+ levels above your current content if you do planetary/class/side quests and story flashpoints, I typically hit 80 sometime during makeb
      the real annoyance is grinding them for alliance influence or a particular outfit set piece, one wish of mine is that they made influence for those 4 chars legacy wide, it's a pointless grind otherwise given how old the expac is now (they also really should lower the difficulty on the macrobinocular/dread seed final quests, no one groups for them and the payoff isn't worth it being so hard that you'd try to solo them)
      as a tip though focus on doing heroics from lower level planets particularly the starter and capital worlds. something about scaling makes them super trivial especially at max level in a way most other planet quests don't
      that and look up the super easy ones besides those, 2 of alderaan's on the republic side are comically easy (the probe one, and the one about guarding a dude at a little sensor tower) for instance

      • 3 months ago

        >if you do planetary/class/side quests and story flashpoints
        This is going to sound really autistic but I'm trying to roleplay a training arc after Baras betrayed me so I cannot progress any further in the story yet. Instead my character discovered a second fighting style and is perfecting it before he reveals he is alive.
        >super easy ones
        Dromand Kaas ones are chill. Nar Shada can be cancer.

        • 3 months ago

          nothing to be ashamed of given roleplay larping is half the fun with decisions in the story

          • 3 months ago

            I need to get a nice armor set as well to complete everything. I've got the Charged Hypercloth Aegis set right now, it looks nice but I want to mix and match to make something cooler.

  108. 3 months ago

    Used to be addicted and spent shitloads of cash on the Cartel Market. I had outfits for my Pub Smug, Imp Agent, Warrior, Inquisitor, and BH. Good times, but the game is dated and the frankenstein abomination the game turned into isn't worth more money and time. The story went full moron with KOTFE/KOTET. The resumption of the war between the Republic and Empire was unsatisfactory at every level, and Malgus needs to frick off. I took an Inquisitor all the way the flashpoint where you rescue the Mando leader from the rebels boarding her ship. The power fantasy of being a high-ranking Sith or Imp is gone when you're just constantly running moron errands for everyone. The MMO format is dated, and the planet hubs feel barren/useless. The game should reboot as a Mass Effect clone with better visuals, but god knows every attempt would end in ruin considering how bad the industry is. Should've just done drugs instead of this shit during the pandemic.

    • 3 months ago

      >The MMO format is dated
      Incorrect, the WoW-clone format is dated and thankfully dead forever.
      But the MMO genre lives, the thing is SWTOR never was a MMO, just a MO or single-player online with casual cooperative.

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