Thoughts on BioShock 1 and 2?

Not interested in a 'shitting on Infinite' thread, I'm curious to see what you guys think of the first two games.
The original has been considered a GOAT masterpiece for over a decade now, do you think it deserves that reputation?
And 2 seems to have been completely forgotten and dismissed, do you think it deserves that fate too?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I offhandedly dismissed them originally because they were popular and I have a bad habit of hating on the popular thing. Didn't help I was a big System Shock 2 nerd and saw this as some kinda shitty take on that. Fast forward and I finally played the first one with the Remaster on PS4. It's fine. The story and characters are fellated way too much these days but I'm sure the "Would you kindly" thing was mind blowing to normalgays back in the day so I understand.

  2. 2 years ago

    I think that sentiment has generally changed, at least on Ganker. 2 is considered the better game, mainly for the gameplay overhaul on 1. BS1 can be rather rough to play, not even in the sameway that System Shock is rough.

  3. 2 years ago

    The setting, story and enemies are too iconic to be forgotten. The gameplay is nothing special but its a really fun game just because of the setting and the amount of weapons and powers at your disposal. This is a game that was launched when everything else was shit like call of duty that has you bringing 2 guns and thats it.
    Bioshock 2 is basically 1 with improved gameplay which is great

  4. 2 years ago

    Booker dewitt>Delta>jack

    • 2 years ago

      Booker dewitt was a simp, and an alcoholic loser, on top of being a pussy who only carries 2 guns

      • 2 years ago

        but at the same time he was a religious chad with a army

  5. 2 years ago

    bro this game is so deep! the choices are
    >kill children
    >dont kill children

  6. 2 years ago

    >And 2 seems to have been completely forgotten and dismissed
    Nope, 2 is the best one.

  7. 2 years ago

    Beautiful setting, extremely dull combat, couldn't even finish 1, will try again some time.

  8. 2 years ago

    >The original has been considered a GOAT masterpiece for over a decade now, do you think it deserves that reputation?
    Not really. It's a good game, but it does not live up to the hype. It's an 8 not a 10.
    >And 2 seems to have been completely forgotten and dismissed, do you think it deserves that fate too?
    Kinda. It's more of the same, but without the better twist.

  9. 2 years ago

    I think that Bioshock 1 is a bit overrated and has drank its own Kool-Aid. The twist was a good twist. It took a fairly common phrase and turned it into a critical plot element that most people didn't see coming. It's cool. But the commentary that this was some ingenious gameplay storytelling because you didn't have a choice in your actions is kind of up its own ass. Bioshock is a fairly linear metroidvania. How many games allow you to just walk to the end game because LOL player agency? Bioshock is a metroidvania like every other metroidvania, it just turned its progression path into a story element. Fricking Pokemon does that. Also the gunplay feels really bad nowadays and the hacking mini game really fricks with the pacing. I would still considered Bioshock 1 a good game. But I will also consider it overrated.

    BioShock 2 is a better game and I will consider it underrated. A lot of the shit BioShock 2 got was because BioShock 2 is more of a response to Bioshock 1 rather than its own original idea. But it's still cool in how it follows up the concepts of Bioshock 1 and the gameplay feels so much better. Especially the hacking and especially the drill. But it doesn't have the big dick twist everybody creams themselves over so it must be worse. Even though I don't consider that true at all. I don't think every BioShock game needs to have a "Luke I am your father" moment. It just needs to have an interesting world that brings up some introspection and paces itself well enough.

  10. 2 years ago

    I played both games a long time ago, I think it was... 10 years ago?
    Said that, what I remember of both games:
    Bioshock one: Great game, great atmosphere, great weapons and power ups. I still remember some lines and I liked when enemies play dead and at some point you need to shot every thing on the ground.
    Bioshock 2: I don't even remember what is the history about. I don't remember if it has new weapons or power ups, honest, it feel like the devs made the game as fast as they can, just because Bioshock one was successful.

    • 2 years ago

      You should replay BS2, it only got better with time.

    • 2 years ago

      BioShock 2 was Bioshock 1 except going the other way. The story of Bioshock is about a man who believed in the individual. That great minds should be able to do whatever they want exclusively because they were great and that they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and carve their way through history. Disregarding that his doctors and artists and business owners still needed people to clean the pipes and sweep the floors. And that the environment he created made room for the Frank Fontaines to waltz in and frick up everything.

      Bioshock 2 is just the opposite of that. Bioshock 2 is the story of a woman named Sofia Lamb who believed in the collective. That everyone should serve the people in a kind of altruistic hivemind. Be your brother's keeper and work together. Disregarding that fathers and reporters and business owners are still going to serve their own interests however they can. And the environment she created made room for multiple fathers to kick down her door looking for the daughters she stole. I guess the wild card is that her own daughter ended up turning on her because, oops, you can't replace a little girl's parents with a nebulous "greater good."

  11. 2 years ago

    bioshock 1 gets better later in the game. It is very good.
    bioshock 2 is also great.

  12. 2 years ago

    First game was good, second was just better but less memorable since people had already seen Rapture and didn't think anything was new.
    It is an actual crime however that we didn't receive much Big Sister art. I don't know why they never caught on with coomer artists.

  13. 2 years ago

    I hated 1, it was almost as disappointing as asscreed 1.
    I had to force myself to start playing 2 and it ended up being one of the best games i've ever played.

  14. 2 years ago

    Wannabe edgy FP dogshit with a story that's based on philosophical misinterpretation. I dont know when the hook for the gameplay was supposed to happen but I never got it I thought it was boring. I can see why people overpraise the first one though I did not play the others.

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