Thoughts on Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl

I know most of the internet absolutely shits on Pokemon BDSP and I am one of those people, yet I know someone irl that claims that BDSP are the perfect Pokemon games and are what all games should strive to be like going forward. I've shown them mods like Luminescent Platinum, but still claims BDSP is peak Pokemon. Is he seing something I'm not seeing, and is there anyone else in /vp/ that agrees with this claim, and if so, why?

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  1. 6 months ago

    >yet I know someone irl that claims that BDSP are the perfect Pokemon games and are what all games should strive to be like going forward

    • 6 months ago

      your friend sounds like someone who'd just prefer the older games to the modern ones, recommend them to him

      I still cant believe it myself lmao. I've tried to bring up other examples like Emerald and Platinum, but he still claims that BDSP is better and what not just remakes but all the games should be like.

      • 6 months ago

        i bet if he did play platinum or emerald, he'd probably dislike there's no forced friendship and exp share

        • 6 months ago

          He claims he has but at this point I'm starting to not believe that lmao. Also claims to not like forced friendship or exp share one day and then loves it another. Something about the friendship mechanic and forming a bond being a core part of the gameplay but the games are too easy and that because of exp and the friendship mechanic that LGPE are the worst of the worst (Sure they're not the best games but certainly more content and more polished than BDSP imo)

      • 6 months ago

        >I've tried to bring up other examples like Emerald and Platinum
        >Pixel graphics
        >No Exp.Share
        >Lower difficulty
        Those games are ancient history. BDSP is modernized Sinnoh.

        • 6 months ago

          I get that BDSP is modern Sinnoh and those points make sense but I don't see how making a modern Sinnoh with the lesser version and the same bugs just with a new coat of paint makes BDSP the best games in the franchise like he's claiming.

          • 6 months ago

            Ask your friend why though. But you aren't going to since the friend doesn't exist and you're lying.

    • 6 months ago

      I know a cat furry irl who loves BDSP way too much and thinks its peak pokemon.

      • 6 months ago

        I'll throw a bone and say maybe BDSP isn't even a bad game, but I still don't understand how it's peak Pokemon outside Sinnoh remake period.

        • 6 months ago

          Its just some irrational homosexuals. The furry I mentioned also got infuriated when I said its a direct port of the original game into Unity when that's objectively true.

      • 6 months ago

        some furries have shit taste
        worse than normal people

        • 6 months ago

          Or it's a person with shit-taste that happens to like furshit. This idea that only furries are into weird/awful things should have gone away in an era where every type of degenerate is online.

  2. 6 months ago

    your friend sounds like someone who'd just prefer the older games to the modern ones, recommend them to him

  3. 6 months ago

    BDSP is the best switch game and easily the best remake in the series

    • 6 months ago

      Any particular reason as to why that is? I can look over the graphics but it still carried over a lot of the bugs from the base game when Platinum is right there with more content and everything.

    • 6 months ago

      Thats pla

  4. 6 months ago

    I liked the following Pokemon, trainer rematches and poketch upgrades. That's about it.

    • 6 months ago

      I can get that. The trainer rematches and the following Pokemon seemed interesting and got me intrigued in the game but the absolute slog of getting there felt underwhelming imo but it could just be because I've played Platinum already. Valid points though, but I don't personally see how it makes BDSP the best Pokemon game to date like he claims.

    • 6 months ago

      Modders have already added all of those to Platinum for the DS, as well as the fairy type and faster battles

  5. 6 months ago

    they're the first modern games that had the fricking balls to keep the classic chibi artstyle which is based enough on its own, plus they have all the benefits of being a sinnoh game with all the QoL of a gen 8 game. not to mention sometimes the absurdity of it all is really funny in a meta way, like giant mons being absolutely tiny when following, or the characters being silly chibis in zoomed in serious cutscenes. it's never actually bothersome because it's funny, they play it completely straight and i love it. in general though the game feels just like how i remember gen 4 feeling most of the time, and that's a good thing to me, because i think it really only needed an HD port in the first place. i was actually dreading an ORAS style remake where they change everything i love and turn every second of the experience into a soulless ad for a stupid gimmick. PLA also showed me that a reimagining of DP wouldn't have been bad like that - in fact i'm dead certain the plan was for it to be the only gen 4 remake but they chickened out and contracted ILCA to make a faithful one so pokémon fans wouldn't have a meltdown because Arceus was so different - but i'm glad we also got BDSP as a companion piece because it's a total blast.

    • 6 months ago

      I can understand that. I just think my big problem is the fact that it's based more on the base DP and not around Platinum. I initially didn't like the artstyle of BDSP but grew to live it over time, and while I don't think that being faithful to the original is bad, I felt it was a little too faithful to the original, even to having some of the og bugs upon launch if I remember correctly. Like ORAS, sure the whole flying gimmick was pretty trash, but there was at least new things added and some postgame with the Delta Episode, while I just felt that BDSP was lacking in regards to that as well compared to Platinum.

      • 6 months ago

        wait no the flying thing was cute, the gimmick i was talking about was mega evolution

        • 6 months ago

          Oh I get what ya mean now lol. Megas were pretty cool but honestly some overshadowed a lot of others and it kinda sucks in retrospect how they kept trying to push it even if they were just gonna trash the gimmick later. The flying was alright, but the way you got to the flying gimmick felt very unrewarding as you were just given it instead of actually earning it.

          • 6 months ago

            yeah i think so too, if you're gonna put southern island in the middle of the game at least let me fight lati@s when i get there. very unsatisfying. with regards to the mega thing - i didn't like the way they hijacked every major scene and battle in RSE to talk about and show off mega evolution rather than staying true to what the games they're remaking were actually about. even the flying feature and the delta episode aren't really about hoenn and its pokémon, they're also about how cool the mystery of mega evolution is. it still makes me sad to think about, very glad DP didn't get the same treatment.

            • 6 months ago

              Yeah if it wasn't just handed to us I'd like the mechanic of flying around a lot more, but thinking about Megas again, I get your point as to how they feel shoehorned. I could get behind the champion having a mega and maybe even the E4, but I agree it didn't have to be everywhere. I could also understand the Primals since I think the Blue/Red orbs served no purpose in RSE other than to awaken them, but Rayquaza getting a mega doesn't make too much sense outside of a cool moment, though I still did enjoy the Delta Episode aside from that part.

            • 6 months ago

              I kinda like the ORAS approach since it made the game it's own thing, and a unique take on Hoenn, rather than just the same thing again. That way there's still a reason to play Emerald as well as ORAS.

          • 6 months ago

            I honestly can't get over the visuals. I'm not really one who cares about visuals in games either but it's just so ugly to me and I don't know why. I love chibi too, I literally just played the Mario RPG remake which is in that style. I can't get over them. And I regularly play N64 games which have terrible visuals and frame rates a lot of the time.

    • 6 months ago

      >fricking balls to keep the classic chibi artstyle
      It doesn’t translate well outside of battles in my opinion. If they wanted to be faithful, it would be cool to see a return to sprites. Maybe sprites for the overworld and 3D for battles?

  6. 6 months ago

    Worst remakes, literally useless when platinum exists
    It’s clear they just wanted to publish PLA but feared backlash from skipping Sinnoh so they had ICLA rush these out
    Not awful, but forgettable
    Good for a play thru I guess.

    • 6 months ago

      there's people who say bdsp are not as good as Platinum but definitely better than DP which isn't true because bdsp look like soulless mobile games whist the originals keep their real 2D charm. who cares about QoL when the games look derpy as frick.

    • 6 months ago

      the problem with LGPE and BDSP is that they were $60 at launch (and BDSP were insanely rushed)
      also BDSP is at odds with itself
      it feels like a difficulty hack of DP, but then there’s the forced affection shit

    • 6 months ago

      >literally useless when platinum exists
      I still have to use HMs in Platinum, so no
      and I love QoL stuff

  7. 6 months ago

    its aight
    definitely overhated

  8. 6 months ago

    I don’t think anyone would claim it’s peak pokemon without baiting.
    The most outrageous claim I’ve seen people say unironically was calling it better than DP or even Platinum. It’s still obviously wrong and they’re regarded, but to say it’s the peak you’d pretty much need to be a troll.

    • 6 months ago

      its very obviously better than DP you miserable troll

      • 6 months ago

        No it isn’t
        DP are amazing games.

        • 6 months ago

          >DP are amazing games.
          and BDSP are improved DP

          • 6 months ago

            They aren't.

            • 6 months ago

              BDSP havre a lot of the flaws of modern pokemon games despite being based on games that didn’t have those.
              Being unfinished to a near unplayable point on release.
              No field moves.
              Shitty 3D that is worse than games that came out before DP.
              Broken shiny odds.
              Paywalled transfer.

              trolls begone

              • 6 months ago

                Truth is not trolling, sorry.

              • 6 months ago

                Truth is not trolling, sorry.

          • 6 months ago

            BDSP havre a lot of the flaws of modern pokemon games despite being based on games that didn’t have those.
            Being unfinished to a near unplayable point on release.
            No field moves.
            Shitty 3D that is worse than games that came out before DP.
            Broken shiny odds.
            Paywalled transfer.

          • 6 months ago

            not in looks.
            the 2D DP has a classic charm, grit, soul and 15 years of nostalgia.
            bdsp is sterilised modern plastic toy looking slop.

  9. 6 months ago

    It wasn't peak pokemon, but it was alright. It got a lot of heat and induced a lot of disapointmnet because it didn't add new features like HGSS or any links with Galar, like FRLG and ORAS did with Hoenn and Kalaos respectively. Compared to previous GF remakes it's an embarassment but on it's own it's a solid pokemon game because DP was already solid to begin with

    • 6 months ago

      This, it’s literally the only reason why bdsp is even playable. All of its qualities come from the originals, but its flaws are new. That alone should tell you you should just replay DP instead of this shit

      • 6 months ago

        i theorize they nerfed these games in quality on purpose. a real DP remake in the vein of the previous remakes would have been too powerful outselling and making a mockery of SWSH

    • 6 months ago

      >Compared to previous GF remakes it's an embarassment
      except BDSP is far superior to ORAS and LGPE

      • 6 months ago

        certainly not in looks or charming additions

  10. 6 months ago

    I played it and the only reason it's not completely irredeemable like the rest of the switchslop is because it has a good base.
    But there's exactly zero reason for me to ever touch it again over Platinum, or even DP, frankly.

    • 6 months ago

      Only reason for me is shiny legendaries

      • 6 months ago

        As someone that has no interest in shinies, that obviously does nothing for me. What would I even do with said shinies, send them to games that are even worse?

      • 6 months ago

        >Legendaries being able to be shiny is now considered to be a game-specific quality
        What has this franchise come to?

  11. 6 months ago

    >based on DP, already a contender for worst in the series
    >inexplicably removes mon, items, attacks
    >new features are jank (following mon, poorly balanced tower, forced affection + exp share, etc)
    It’s crap. We can all appreciate the removal of HMs, sure, but the poketch is a moronic gimmick without proper dual-screens. I struggle to think of a single change they made for BDSP that is strictly positive. It’s low effort junk that could only ever be in the discussion for “best pokemon game” on the Switch.

    Seriously, why would I ever play this over Diamond/Pearl or Platinum? It does nothing to justify its existence outside of making some ribbons / mon easier to obtain on Switch.

    • 6 months ago

      >already a contender for worst in the series

      • 6 months ago

        You’re allowed to have bad taste, but it is sad to see you mad about it. Always a good laugh to see people consider DP a part of pokemon’s golden age. It was the usher of the end, if anything.

        >We can all appreciate the removal of HMs
        We can't because removing HMs was always a mistake.

        Disagree. I like the concept of having mon assist in the overworld, and I like the idea of having the player build their party at least partially with the mechanic in mind. However, it makes more sense to have these abilities be inherent attributes for mon based on species (i.e. a poliwhirl could use water based HM moves in the overworld without needing to know those moves…maybe gaining moves like strength when evolving into poliwrath over politoed). It would require more types of overworld interaction to be interesting, but I think it could be done. They could still roadblock story progress in other ways if needed.

        • 6 months ago

          The bigger issue with removing HMs is how half-assed it is.
          Like you say, it removes the team-building aspect from it entirely, but at that point, why are they there? To serve as one-time roadblocks at best. Something the franchise has done without HMs since BW. (With the exception of one mandatory HM use)
          If you're going to remove HMs, you should just remove the things HMs are needed for too.
          Like, there's so many spots you can't reach without getting the HM first, and then you need it for optional items.
          You already have the ability to deal with obstacle because you've made it that far in the first place, so why is it there? It does nothing.

        • 6 months ago

          >Always a good laugh to see people consider DP a part of pokemon’s golden age
          But it is. DP are easily in the top 10 best pokemon games, and it’s not a matter of opinion, it’s objectively true. It’s vastly superior to every other game that got a third version.
          People tend to downplay it because Platinum exists. But GS look bad compared to Crystal too and RS look bad compared to Emerald. That means nothing.

          • 6 months ago

            >it’s objectively true
            >DP are easily in the top 10 best pokemon games
            If this is true, then I guess there really aren’t many good pokemon games. I’m fine if you enjoy DP, but it is funny seeing anons ree over me disliking it, as if that’ll teach me the errors of my ways. Just enjoy what you enjoy, tismo.

            The bigger issue with removing HMs is how half-assed it is.
            Like you say, it removes the team-building aspect from it entirely, but at that point, why are they there? To serve as one-time roadblocks at best. Something the franchise has done without HMs since BW. (With the exception of one mandatory HM use)
            If you're going to remove HMs, you should just remove the things HMs are needed for too.
            Like, there's so many spots you can't reach without getting the HM first, and then you need it for optional items.
            You already have the ability to deal with obstacle because you've made it that far in the first place, so why is it there? It does nothing.

            Agreed. They should either enhance the feature or remove it entirely.

            • 6 months ago

              nobody's reeing. you said it was a laugh to see people consider DP as part of the golden age and they're just saying that actually, it is.

          • 6 months ago

            >People tend to downplay it because Platinum exists. But GS look bad compared to Crystal too and RS look bad compared to Emerald. That means nothing.
            i mean for crystal and emerald true, they really didn't improve anything, just added some cool stuff. Platinum however is a noticeable improvement over DP

        • 6 months ago

          >people consider DP a part of pokemon’s golden age.
          it literally is.
          and bdsp is an insult to it.

      • 6 months ago

        >already a contender for worst in the series
        Not sure if this is genuine or false flag but it’s pitiful either way. BDSP is as infuriating and shit as it is specifically because it managed to ruin a good game

        it's easily the worst remake if you can even call it that *cough* glorified ports *cough*

    • 6 months ago

      >We can all appreciate the removal of HMs
      We can't because removing HMs was always a mistake.

    • 6 months ago

      >already a contender for worst in the series
      Not sure if this is genuine or false flag but it’s pitiful either way. BDSP is as infuriating and shit as it is specifically because it managed to ruin a good game

  12. 6 months ago

    I love Brilliant Diamond. Love the look of both the overworld chibi style and the battle style/backgrounds. Allowing you to catch pokemon in the underground without the nat Dex was cool. I think the outfits are comfy and I love how you catch legendaries in these games as well. Also anyone else like these boss battles?
    >Shadow Giratina

    • 6 months ago

      it was cool

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