Thoughts on Sword World? I just finished the solo adventure Temptations of Soulscarred Rain and it's honestly fun.

Thoughts on Sword World? I just finished the solo adventure Temptations of Soulscarred Rain and it's honestly fun.

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  1. 4 months ago

    I looked at it a bit but the power scaling thing seemed annoyingly fiddly.

    • 4 months ago

      Never had any issue with balancing. I do wish they had more encounter building advice in the core book, but i kinda just came up with a rule of thumb and it turns out its what the designers pretty much recommended as well.

      • 4 months ago

        NTA, but it feels too gamey for me. Like you really need to be on this level before you fight this monster, or else you'll never hit this guy. That, it's really hard to roll an 8 or above with my 2d6. It doesn't feel like a world an more like a video game in paper form for me.

        • 4 months ago

          Well, thats your opinion and i respect that.
          I personally kinda like that about the game? Like most japanese trpgs its a game and not a simulation. I think you kinda always have this disconnect in gameplay and realism inevitably, so the game leaning more into being a game works very well.
          Plus, honestly i rarely ever had a situation where I was "too low leveled" to hit a guy. Usually it meant we needed to figure something out, like get debuffs on the enemy, get buffs on us, find another way to defeat or circumvent the monster... But I guess all that is very GM dependent.
          Bottom line is if you are looking for gritty realism, sword world probably isn't for you.
          On the other hand I really like the lore. That's where I get my sense of a "living breathing world", and in my opinion SW2.5 does that masterfully

    • 4 months ago

      Oh wait, you mean the power table, right?
      Well, it looks weird and clunky at first, but its actually not that bad in practice.
      Some people complain a little about it, but the general consensus is that it works good.

  2. 4 months ago

    It's weeb dnd. Probably works much better than regular dnd, but comes with all the weeb trappings it entails, like cat eared races, e-girl elfs etc

    • 4 months ago

      >like cat eared races, e-girl elfs etc
      Nope. No animal ear people, just full out beastfolk without the waifu female dimorphism, Elves are all taller than humans and have elegant appearances so they'll not be e-girl themed, the young seeming race is basically just halflings that may or may not be aliens.

      • 4 months ago

        >the young seeming race is basically just halflings that may or may not be aliens.
        >Average height 100cm
        Reminder that 90cm is the *maximum* height of a D&D female halfling

        Also the dwarf in that pic is a full head taller than a max-height D&D dwarf

      • 4 months ago

        >No animal ear people
        Literal humanoid rabbits in picture

        • 4 months ago

          He means no catgirls as if that's somehow a good thing

          • 4 months ago

            The only place I've ever seen the helpless "uguu am i kawaii nya" catgirl that people complain about is in modern-day settings where they're aliens or robots.

            Fantasy beast-people always go the "oppressed minority" and/or "proud tribal warrior" route, with both being melee types with high speed who suck at magic. And they make terrible waifus because mixing their blood with humans creates insane werebeasts.

            It's like having a conversation about elves where people keep bringing up Santa.

            • 4 months ago

              Yep. It's like complaining about titty plate or chainmail bikinis when both have been out of fashion for a quarter of a century now. Hell, even most sci-fi catgirls are usually klingon standins like the ctarlctarl instead of the KAWAII UGUU *glomps u* meme shitpost

            • 4 months ago

              Yep. It's like complaining about titty plate or chainmail bikinis when both have been out of fashion for a quarter of a century now. Hell, even most sci-fi catgirls are usually klingon standins like the ctarlctarl instead of the KAWAII UGUU *glomps u* meme shitpost

              I think this is the original modern "Cat Girl" character (that's her actual name) and she doesn't even have cat ears.

              But GeGeGe no Kitarou is an urban fantasy/light-horror setting, which is different from either of those.

      • 4 months ago

        there is though, both leprchauns and lykants.
        not to mention kobolds, and all the other races introduced.

        • 4 months ago

          Which ones are in the basic rules, which are supplements?

          • 4 months ago

            lykants are in core I of 2.5, which i recommend you start with if youre interested in learning more about sword world!

            • 4 months ago

              Any idea how different the game's become over time? Was 1e closer to the D&D lineup?

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                SW1.0 had Humans, Dwarves, Grassrunner, Elves and Half-Elves as far as races are concerned.
                Grassrunners are sort of the SW version of Halflings.
                So, yeah, i'd say thats very old DnD like.
                Though SW2.0 has a lot more races, and they went way harder.

      • 4 months ago

        >Elves are all taller than humans and have elegant appearances so they'll not be e-girl themed,
        they could be
        if you follow the goblin slayer edition of sword word you can use any elf as long they reach maturity
        and elves reach maturity as long they become master of a single thing, since they live for thousands and thousands of years they can be e-girl shaped and still be 10.000 years old

        • 4 months ago

          Goblin Slayer is using Sword World as a base, but heavily modifies it. It's also closer related to SW1.0 than 2.X.
          Both games are entirely incompatible.
          The setting is also entirely different, too.
          Absolutely no relation.

    • 4 months ago

      It's literally Lodoss War.

      • 4 months ago

        Except Grey Witch Lodoss is literally Basic D&D, to the point that we have the character sheets.

      • 4 months ago

        Except Grey Witch Lodoss is literally Basic D&D, to the point that we have the character sheets.

        Well, SW2.X is set in a completely different setting called Raxia, which is very different. It got swords and magic, of course, but also trains, airships and guns.
        It's kinda final fantasy.
        SW1.0 was set in the same world as Lodoss War, didn't make it any more DnD though.
        Lodoss was originally a DnD campaign before it was adapted into a novel, but the group switched systems a couple of times. They also played Tunnels and Trolls, and Runequest.
        When they later made the Lodoss RPG, Lodoss Companion, it ended up as a d100 System.
        So yeah.

        • 4 months ago

          >four different race/classes
          >adventuring together into dungeons
          >fighting dragons
          yo, this ain't dnd wtf bros

  3. 4 months ago

    It is hands down the best fantasy trpg i have played.
    i played a bunch of different ones and thought fantasy was just something i wasn't interested in, and the sword world became my favorite game. So yeah.
    It's great.
    My groups been playing since the translation dropped in 2021 and never stopped.

  4. 4 months ago


    Well, its an system, that fulfills a similar sort of fantasy as dnd, and its from japan. I guess you are right about that, so that your (you).
    Thing is just that sword world is an entirely different system that does things very different from dnd, and a lot better in many regards I'd say.
    I mean, its entirely 2d6 based, for one thing.
    Its class sytem is entirely build around multiclassing.
    Its not owned by hasbro.
    So thats something it has over dnd I'd say.

  5. 4 months ago

    I played a session of 2.5 with some of my friends. the experience I had with it was:
    > schizophrenic layout. the class section didn't explain what the class features.
    > combat was lengthy and didn't have weight
    > a hat costs 3000 gold. a pair of boots costs 30 gold.
    > history tables are dumb
    I can see why the Japanese like CoC better.

    • 4 months ago

      What combat style did you use?

      • 4 months ago

        Guy probably didn't play at all and is just talking shit because he needs to fill the void in his life with shitposting and probably sucking wotc wiener

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah seems like it. The combat style in book 3 does seem kinda too clunky for my style though.

          • 4 months ago

            I assume you mean advanced combat.
            Advanced Combat is what I use, actually.
            It looks really complicated and fiddly, but it runs like a motherfricker.
            When I first brought it up to my players, I was so unsure about how it would work that I told them we could switch back to simplified whenever. We never did. They loved it.
            I loved it.
            I think the main reason why it looks so complicated is because it has rules for a bunch of rare edge cases.
            For example, I had to merge skirmishes once as of today, and I've been playing since the 2.0 translation days.
            It's good that these edge cases have rules for them though. The game doesn't expect you to remember all those rules, just be aware of them.
            Advanced Combat also doesn't expect you to keep meassurements 100% accurate. You can estimate things, or use a gridmap as a rough guide (1 square = 1 inch = 1 Meter, for example), at least thats what I do so I don't have to bust out the tape measure all the time.
            Of course tastes are different, but I have played with a couple of other GMs over the years, and generally most liked using Advanced over the other two.

            • 4 months ago

              I prefer to avoid grid stuff in general myself, I prefer more simple battle maps or abstracted maps.
              Though I guess you could expand simple combat into more areas anyway, there's nothing really limiting it to just 3 areas.

    • 4 months ago

      What kinda shit are you on, a regular ass hat costs 7G, regular ass boots cost 20G. With you starting with 1200G, thats literally nothing.

  6. 4 months ago

    Any actual reason why it hasn't been commercially brought to the west?

    • 4 months ago

      because japs dont care and 99,9% of their entertainment industry products never leave the borders of their country in any official capacity

    • 4 months ago

      Same reason Fate/stay night is only getting a translation now, 20 years after its release. Both filled with WORDS and too successful to be licensed cheaply.

    • 4 months ago

      cause businessman cannot see why would people get this instead of DnD

      it works in japan cause they cannot buy d20s

      • 4 months ago

        It's not the 1990's anymore. You could buy d20's online nowadays, and they're relatively cheap.

        • 4 months ago

          well they made a 2d6 system work realy well

  7. 4 months ago

    On old equipment, if I sell it, what price should it be? Half the price as usual?

  8. 4 months ago

    If it's not officially in English, where am I supposed to get the rules and this solo game? I'd like to try it for myself.

    • 4 months ago

      Search "Sword World 2.5 Temptations of Soulscarred Rain" and you'll see a reddit post, which will lead you to the google drive link where you can download the pdf. It's a short game and the rules are already there. It's like a Fighting Fantasy game and but with more stats.

      • 4 months ago

        Same drive also contains all the other books too. So there is that.

  9. 4 months ago

    Do monsters using magic use MP? Because I can't find the rules if they're using MP or not when casting magic, which makes me wonder why these monsters have MP included in their data.

    • 4 months ago

      If monsters have spellcaster levels, they can cast spells. They work the same as with players, meaning they use up their MP.
      Not all monsters can cast spells, though. Monster Stats tell you when they can.

      • 4 months ago

        Where can I find the MP cost here?

        • 4 months ago

          In the spell section. Monsters have access to the same spells as players do.
          The Gremlin has 2 Levels in Sorcerer, so he knows all Truthspeech Spells up to and including Level 2.

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