>three players are good friends. >however, they have very different tastes

>three players are good friends
>however, they have very different tastes
>they want to play in a campaign together, except one wants a futuristic Science Fiction game, another wants a medieval-esque Fantasy game, and the last wants to play a game set in the modern Real World

How would you resolve this classic conundrum?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Explain to them that being friends doesn't mean they have to like the same things or do everything together. If they don't want to play the same game then they shouldn't, because someone will be unhappy with it and probably make it miserable for everyone else too.
    That said, it's worth trying a short game of each type to see if they enjoy them anyway.

  2. 4 months ago

    That's hardly a conundrum. Just play in a magical sci-fi world and tell the muhreality player to be less boring.

  3. 4 months ago

    Play rogue trader.

  4. 4 months ago

    >"Whichever one of you is DMing gets to pick the setting, because I'm game for any of them."

  5. 4 months ago


  6. 4 months ago

    I feel like there's a Seinfeld skit somewhere in this.

  7. 4 months ago

    Play Rifts or a capeshit game where you can easily feature all 3

  8. 4 months ago

    It's not a conundrum, if I'm GMing I'm not taking a poll for what I want to run, GMing is a lot of work and it is always shitty when done by someone without an interest in it. Playpigs get to be in whatever setting I feel like running and if they don't like it then I'll simply kick them out and find new playpiggies to take their spot. They're a dime a dozen, these terminal player scum. I'd only consider a request if it involved a fellow GM offering a trade.

  9. 4 months ago

    Have a wank off. Whoever cums first gets to choose.

  10. 4 months ago

    >How would you resolve this classic conundrum?
    Run a game in The Dark Tower.

    • 4 months ago

      I'd rather play in some Chronicles of Amber.

  11. 4 months ago

    A gundam-y mecha has all three, its sifi, full of heavily armored knights fighting for glory, in normal senseless wars with guns, tanks, and militaries. Its a perfect 3 in 1.

    • 4 months ago

      Like many times, it seems like Escaflowne is the right answer.

      • 4 months ago

        I really wish Escaflowne got more music.

        I loved the series and the movie and so much about them, but I never really felt a need for more of the story. I wasn't really left with any lingering questions or the desire to see more.

        But the music... I wish I could have at least four more Escaflowne soundtracks. I would use them as the principle soundtrack to all of my campaigns. I already use plenty of Yokko Kanno's and Hajime Mizoguchi's other similar music, especially their first collaborative works from Please Save My Earth, but each song is so distinctive you really can only play it a few times or often even only once.

        It's a shame that those two artists, who were married at the time of Escaflowne, ended up separating, because they really helped balance each other out. Mizoguchi's darkness contrasting with Kanno's brightness formed the essential dichotomy behind the series, and it's almost funny how much better their music suited what is ultimately a simple and childish series as opposed to the navel gazing that was PSME. PSME does have good music, and there's really no album in Kanno's and Mizoguchi's respective discographies that's a total dud, but there's just something about the Escaflowne soundtracks that just hits perfectly.

        • 4 months ago

          Before, Mizoguchi was the real star of the duo, with Kanno not yet having grown out of his shadow yet. I think Escaflowne marks the point when the two of them were roughly equal in stature, or perhaps the turning point where Kanno began to really shine and be noticed for what she was doing. It was after Escaflowne that she went on to do Lodoss, Bebop, and so many other important soundtracks, and Escaflowne was also the start of her long collaborative relationship with Maaya Sakamoto. But, while Kanno was largely responsible for most of what I love about Escaflowne, I really can't avoid how much I love Shadow of Doubt. It's such a simple song, but I've used it so much over the years in my games that I ought to send Mizoguchi some money.


  12. 4 months ago


    it has cyberpunk futuristic stuff for the first guy, magic and medieval esque stuff that easily make the second player use and you can set the game in a less advanced area of the world for the third player.

  13. 4 months ago

    Easy solution!
    They each run the campaign they like most! That way the maximum amount of games are being played!

  14. 4 months ago

    Have each one of them DM a game on rotation. That way you get to play as well.

  15. 4 months ago

    does ribbon not get you banned anymore? been off /tg/ for a while

    • 4 months ago

      It still randomly gets deleted and randomly procs a ban. Probably just the mod who hates Ribbon isn't on right now or didn't notice.

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