Tilted Player Stories

Have you ever had someone get hard triggered by something innocuous? Share your stories!
I’ll start:
>DMing Session 1 of Steading of the Hill Giant Chief yesterday
>2e AD&D
Human Wizard
Dwarf Fighter
Gnome Illusionist
Halfling Thief
Human Fighter
Human Cleric
>The party is actually off to an amazing start
>Choose a creative way to sneak into the Giant fort
>Are cautious, have good luck on the path they choose and encounters
>Clearing their 5th room
>It’s an armory
>Mostly giant-scale equipment, not much useful
>Just as they’re about to leave a voice is heard
“Oi. Oi! You! Yeah you! Frick you!”
>Party looks around
“Yeah you, you dwarf c**t. Frickin’ shortstack! What rock did you crawl out from?”
>The party finds the source, a mace with four skulls, each of them talking shit at the dwarf
>Dwarf player picks it up and bangs it against the floor
“Oh wow we got a genius here! Banging a mace on the ground! Least we’re not fekkin DWARVES you little runt!”
>Dwarf continues smacking the mace. Mace continues to mock him.
>Rest of the party is positive this isn’t worth anyone’s time, encourages dwarf to just drop the thing
>Dwarf begins attempting to waterboard the mace with his wineskin
>Mace laughs even harder
“What’re you dim? We don’t have lungs ya moron.”
“Yeah we’re made of metal dimwit!”
“I didn’t know they stacked stupid that high!”
>Dwarf player visibly fricking titled
“DM where is the nearest fire source?”
“There was a fireplace in room 15.”
“Alright I take the mace there so I can shove it in the fire.”

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  1. 1 month ago

    >Rest of the party objects but Dorf won’t hear it. Illusionist races after him to make sure he doesn’t trigger a wandering mob
    >They just barely make it to the fireplace without being seen
    >Dwarf puts mace in the fire
    >keeps mocking the dwarf and laughing
    >Illusionist asks to look it over
    With an easy check realizes this mace is mundane.
    It just had a magic mouth spell placed on it.
    The dwarf, and player, have been in a pissing contest with an inanimate object.
    >Illusionist puts mace in a bag so it can’t see the dwarf
    >It immediately shuts up
    The pair sneak their way back to the party.
    >Illusionist pats Dwarf on shoulder. “Listen brother, we all get mad at stupid things sometimes. It’s ok.”
    >Dwarf replies “I’ll make that thing pay once this is done.”
    Believe me when I say I’ve never seen this person more motivated than he is now about his jihad to punish this mace.

    How about you /tg/? What are some of your player tilt stories?

    • 1 month ago

      Based player has got the Dwarf RP down pat.

    • 1 month ago

      It was the Gnome, wasn't it?

  2. 1 month ago

    >It doesn't (Cont)

    • 1 month ago

      It continued in the second post homie. It was only 2 parts (so far…we’ll see what next week brings).

    • 1 month ago

      >It actually does (cont)

      >Rest of the party objects but Dorf won’t hear it. Illusionist races after him to make sure he doesn’t trigger a wandering mob
      >They just barely make it to the fireplace without being seen
      >Dwarf puts mace in the fire
      >keeps mocking the dwarf and laughing
      >Illusionist asks to look it over
      With an easy check realizes this mace is mundane.
      It just had a magic mouth spell placed on it.
      The dwarf, and player, have been in a pissing contest with an inanimate object.
      >Illusionist puts mace in a bag so it can’t see the dwarf
      >It immediately shuts up
      The pair sneak their way back to the party.
      >Illusionist pats Dwarf on shoulder. “Listen brother, we all get mad at stupid things sometimes. It’s ok.”
      >Dwarf replies “I’ll make that thing pay once this is done.”
      Believe me when I say I’ve never seen this person more motivated than he is now about his jihad to punish this mace.

      How about you /tg/? What are some of your player tilt stories?

      I've never had a PC get into an argument with an inanimate object, but I did have one die over a relatively insignificant sum of money. Character was bragging in a disreputable bar about how he had so much money, and he was rich, and it was all in the carriage outside, and he could show it to you. Unsurprisingly, some crooks took him at his word and ransacked the carriage. So then he (and the party in tow) went after the baddies. They got most of the money back, but that one guy wanted it all, so they kept up the chase. Chased the thieves trail all the way into the local marsh, only to find an ogre had caught them first and was having a criminal barbecue.

      He still tried to get the last of the money back, despite the ogre making a threat display at him. Ended up getting mashed to paste under a tree the ogre used as a club.

      • 1 month ago

        Ogrechads keep winning!
        The loot-obsessed player is truly something to behold

        • 1 month ago

          I've since learned there is little that motivates a player more than something being stolen from them, personally. So it's a sort of event I use very sparingly.
          >Verification not required

  3. 1 month ago

    fine, I'll confess a time I lost my shit at a fictional character
    >party is trying to find wizard's tower so we can ask him for info
    >rogue chats with locals at a tavern
    >"a man approaches you (the rogue) and tells you he's made some deliveries there in the pase"
    >"the wizard values his privacy, so the man is hesitant to tell you where"
    >rogue tries to bribe him
    >rolls diplomacy with circumstance bonus
    >we find out later he failed
    >guy gives us fake directions
    >we find our way back, with difficulty
    >we confront him
    >guy says he really needs the money, only reason he takes odd jobs from the wizard
    >begs us to let him keep the money, he'll give us real directions
    >party puts it to a vote, barbarian and I lose 2-3 to get our money back
    >I tell barbarian he'll give us real directions, because he's going to lead us there himself
    >"th-th-thats going to cost extra"
    >tell him he'll be paid in not going to jail for extortion
    >"it's dangerous"
    >point out that he says he makes the trip regularly
    >he starts to argue again
    >I cut him off "you have a choice. you can lead us there, or we lead you to the town guard. think carefully about what you want."
    >trip goes mostly smoothly
    >we have one fight on the road
    >dude makes no attempt to help
    >just cowers and says stuff on his turn like "they have all the money dont hurt me" and other shady shit that sounds like this is a setup
    >the fighter and barbarian confront him afterwardsI
    >I calm them down, tell them we won't accomplish anything arguing with him here
    >we finally get to the tower
    >no one home
    >place looks like there was a fight, ransacked
    >"ok wheres my extra money"
    >"you're seriously going to extort us after you lead us here late after multiple traps and lies. we could've prevented this, or at least seen what happened"
    >"we had a deal"
    >"we never agreed to that. you take us here or we turn you in, that was the deal"
    >"I'm going to tell on you"
    (1 of 2)

    • 1 month ago

      >"go ahead. here, I'll give you a head start"
      >roll to shove him out a 7th or 8th story window, I forget how high
      >GM stops me
      >"you can't do that, that would be evil"
      >I make eye contact with him and stare him down
      >"he has, on several occasions, put other people in possible or actual harm's way, out of greed and cowardice. right now, he's attempting to coerce us. this recidivist has refused to redeem himself, and now he's been defenestrated"
      >"if you do this you're evil and you won't be able to use your character"
      >"if I do this I'm lawful and I will still be using my character
      >"are any of you going to stop him?"
      >"in point of fact they can't, it's my turn, and no one who has a reaction is anywhere nearby. I rolled a (something that should be high enough) total to shove"
      >Cleric starts trying to say that this is evil
      >Fighter and Rogue take his side
      >Barbarian is look at his phone, not paying attention
      >I remind the GM that a roll was made
      >"I don't remember it, you'll have to reroll, and then fight the party"
      >I tell him what I rolled
      >"Well I didn't see it"
      >I roll again
      >The total is over 20, there's no way this isn't a critical success.
      >"The evil necromancer pushes the innocent man to his death. Roll initiative"
      >he's fighting back tears as he says this
      >for context I'm playing a Bard. Yes, I know Summon Undead. It's either that, Summon Fey, or no summoning at all. But I'm a Bard, most of what I do is wear chain, play brass, and dispense bonuses.
      >"Why do they need to roll initiative? I still have two actions, and they can just choose an order among themselves if they're all ready to white knight for your dead GMPC"
      >Barbarian asks "Which side am I on?"
      >Everyone starts yelling at him for not paying attention or not recognizing me as evil, depending on which they consider the greater offense.
      >session ends with everyone seething
      >they either don't invite me back or group falls apart, dont care either way
      I'd do it again.

      • 1 month ago

        One of my players will become frustrated when confused, and when he is frustrated he can't think straight, so it becomes a feedback loop. It's like his memory has dyslexia, and as a result he will become wildly belligerent against NPCs and even players for perceived slights. He's perfectly nice 90% of the time but then he'll be confused about whether a door swings inwards or outwards and swear off the concept of doors entirely for a few weeks. It is bizarre.

        >I'd do it again
        Good. I hate that guide too now, and I'm glad he's dead.

        • 1 month ago

          >will become frustrated when confused, and when he is frustrated he can't think straight, so it becomes a feedback loop
          >he'll be confused about whether a door swings inwards or outwards and swear off the concept of doors entirely for a few weeks
          This is actual autism. Not the "u r idiot argue with me on Indonesian Gardening Forum" autism, or the "how are you able to do all these things excellently but you can't be functional at this basic thing" colloquial uses of the word.
          What you've described is probably the single most prevalent symptom of someone with clinical autism. Not everyone with autism will have that behavior pattern, but most will, and whether or not they do has to do with their specific pathophysiology of autism, or "what's going on in the brain to cause their condition."

          • 1 month ago

            Interesting. I know a lot of people with autism and they don't really act this way, or at least not to this extent. More lack of regulating emotions, obsessive behaviour, rigidity, etc. Didn't know this was one of the big symptoms; he seems more well-adjusted than most in his day-to-day. But I suppose I might have pigeonholed him as 'one of the good ones' and so I don't compare him to people with autism I've known who did exhibit this behaviour.

            • 1 month ago

              As an actual diagnosed autist, I'm honestly not 100% sure what he's talking about specifically and I've never seen this kind of thing described as a major identifying symptom, but it does sound like your friend may have some degree of autism. I'd just recommend patience on your end, and perhaps trying to get him to look at problems from a more general perspective instead of whatever super fixated perspective he's stuck in.

              • 1 month ago

                Appreciate the advice. Patience is something we have in abundance, would just be nice if we could get through a session without a war on an abstract concept.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah unfortunately most of the change has to happen on his end, so I dont know, maybe bring it up with him at some point? Particularly if this happens in other areas of his life, it's worth thinking about or possibly (ideally) seeing a doctor for

            • 1 month ago

              >obsessive behaviour, rigidity
              You're describing a common way it manifests. If neurons are roads and cars are information, imagine the autistic brain as highway-deficient. The degree of functionality is largely tied to the degree which organs and organ systems sit in isolation.
              So he's got this fixed, rigid rule about how things work. It's hard to adapt, because bending and adjusting rules require multiple systems located in different places to have quick, rapid-fire exchanges, and there's just not the higher-order connections, the highways to move all those cars long distances, in order to make that happen.
              Worse, he might not even be remembering his own rule correctly. Returning to that metaphor, imagine if you had to take so many backroads to get from place to place, it's easier to get to Pittsburgh from Philadelphia than to New York, because of all the traffic jams and the roads that you'd think connect, but don't. He might only remember part of his mental schema for processing what's going on, or he might misapply it, or he might just not be able to make a logical jump. He feels like he SHOULD be able to get this, but he CANNOT, and that frustrates and angers him.
              Nothing makes it harder to remember things than fear and anger, by the way. Cortisol blocks things that might distract you escaping from giant cats or venomous snakes, like pain, your mom's birthday, or the rules for exiting a transport in the current edition of Warhammer 40k. This is a favor from natural selection that hasn't aged well, and only compunds the issue, hence the feedback loop.
              As you likely know, getting upset with him or raising your voice to match his energy is only going to make things worse, so you're being an excellent friend by just being patient with him when it happens.

              • 1 month ago

                Fascinating. I can think of one of my players this applies too.
                Same thing, where he’s very high functioning and kind, but there are situations where he gets super frazzled and just starts assuming hostility from everyone even though we’ve been friends for years.
                He’s also notorious for being really hard on himself and defeatist at the drop of a hat - he’ll have one well-worn build or army he feels safe with and all the others he assumes he fricked everything up and is super underpowered until he’s proved wrong a couple of times.
                This was really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

              • 1 month ago

                Fascinating. I can think of one of my players this applies too.
                Same thing, where he’s very high functioning and kind, but there are situations where he gets super frazzled and just starts assuming hostility from everyone even though we’ve been friends for years.
                He’s also notorious for being really hard on himself and defeatist at the drop of a hat - he’ll have one well-worn build or army he feels safe with and all the others he assumes he fricked everything up and is super underpowered until he’s proved wrong a couple of times.
                This was really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

                That actually happens to me, too, or a variant of it, when I instinctively perceive any sort of attempt to get my attention as fundamentally hostile. It comes and goes, but is most common if I'm already agitated about something.

            • 4 weeks ago

              As an actual diagnosed autist, I'm honestly not 100% sure what he's talking about specifically and I've never seen this kind of thing described as a major identifying symptom, but it does sound like your friend may have some degree of autism. I'd just recommend patience on your end, and perhaps trying to get him to look at problems from a more general perspective instead of whatever super fixated perspective he's stuck in.

              Autism is a wide spectrum. Maybe too wide at this point, but I'm not a neurologist so that's not really my call to make.

              The guy who can do nothing but scream and hit himself and the guy operating the reactor on a nuclear submarine have the same condition. It's wild.

              • 4 weeks ago

                True. It'd be nice to have the field mapped a little more thoroughly, if someone tells you they have ADHD then you have a pretty accurate package of expressions to make assumptions about. With autism, who the hell knows?

              • 4 weeks ago

                If a male under the age of 40 says he has ADHD all you need to assume is that he had a female teacher in school who didn't like him

      • 1 month ago

        based Barbarian

      • 1 month ago

        I hope you immediately told the barbarian he was on your side

      • 1 month ago

        Sounds exactly like the kind of DM I would never want to play with again anyway. Sounds like you beat the campaign and won D&D in general. What an absolute homosexual for telling you that you can't do something in a game that is supposed to be about imagination. He wanted to hardline you into some homosexual story he made up or something and refused to let you derail it even when it made perfect sense for you to do so.

        • 1 month ago

          sounds like you got storyshitted

          I agree. The only reasonable reason that gay preferred his stupid shitter NPC is because he’s either an aspiring conductor, it’s a self-insert, or he thinks he’s Tolkien or something.
          No matter which is the case, he prioritized that over his friend’s real roleplay. As did the Fighter and Rogue.
          As is often the case, the Barbarian is the only one with hope for being anything resembling based out of the four.

      • 1 month ago

        sounds like you got storyshitted

        • 1 month ago

          The term is railroading

          • 1 month ago

            >or alternatively storyshitted.
            it's just railroading since the latter is something completely forced by a schizo spamming the living shit out of it a couple years ago

            >ACKSHUALLY it's railroading!
            >i can't understand that language always evolves!
            Can you morons stop bragging about using archaic terms? "Storyshitting" is /tg/ culture, you won't look any smarter by saying "railroading" instead.

            • 1 month ago

              It's complained about specifically because it's not a natural language evolution. It's something completely unnatural and forced by one person spamming the living shit out of it.

            • 1 month ago

              Quit trying to make fetch a thing, it's not going to happen.

              • 1 month ago


                >or alternatively storyshitted.
                it's just railroading since the latter is something completely forced by a schizo spamming the living shit out of it a couple years ago

                >ACKSHUALLY it's railroading!
                >i can't understand that language always evolves!
                Can you morons stop bragging about using archaic terms? "Storyshitting" is /tg/ culture, you won't look any smarter by saying "railroading" instead.

                For the record, even if we acknowledge storyshitter as a term I don’t think this was storyshitting. Seemed more like the DM is a control freak or really liked the NPC.
                My gaming group literally had a schism a few years ago because one of our people turned out to be such a piece of shit DM that a bunch of us left his game. He proceeded to disown us and still hates us to this day.
                He now runs games for a group consisting of the FLGS’ archtards and a rotating collection of randos he finds on facebook.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Based redditor, teaching natives what their culture is supposed to look like

      • 1 month ago

        I mean you were evil and your logic is shit, but he shouldn't be able to stop you from being evil.
        >making a roll before it is called for
        Oh, you're one of those.

        • 1 month ago

          >t. d&drone assuming everyone plays his shit game

      • 1 month ago

        Sounds like a shitshow. I'm reluctant to believe you're in the right because all of the party member suddenly turned on you. That really shouldn't happen.

        • 4 weeks ago

          If you have to look at the random stangers around you to know right from wrong, I have concerns about your moral compass.

          >Tyranny of Dragons
          >the caravan part
          >our party had split up with different employers to avoid suspicion
          >one of us gets fired and replaced with the new batch of adventurers
          >the new batch is actually just a bunch of charlatans with no real experience/weapons
          >book expects you to either drop it, convince your former employer to rehire you, or expose the charlatans
          >the player instead decides to kill his former employer in his sleep
          This did lead to a fun situation where he fricks up the assassination, the charlatans are unable to do anything and he convinces everyone that he only did it to expose them. I just thinks it’s funny that he got so upset over getting replaced, especially since the employer had even paid him for his services up until that point

          Not familiar with this.
          Sounds like a pretty extreme reaction though. Did they insult him or just terminate his contract?
          >he fricks up the assassination
          >he convinces everyone that he only did it to expose them
          Clearly vain, self-absorbed evil, but that's legitimately a funny pivot.

          That’s a pretty funny outcome, way for him to think on his feet.
          Normally I’d agree, but I’ve seen some pretty moronic heel turns come out of nowhere, especially if the DM self-selects for morons at his table.
          That said, an old boss once shared a saying with me I really grew fond of:
          >”If you’re always complaining about being surrounded by clowns, make sure you’re not at the circus.”

          >”If you’re always complaining about being surrounded by clowns, make sure you’re not at the circus.”
          This is much better than the stork and the cranes.

          >playing Mutants and Masterminds
          >one player is in a bad mood after failing multiple sense motive checks, seems to be struggling not to metagame
          >fight eventually breaks out against villain of the week, player misses every attack they attempt
          >player is getting more and more frustrated, and it's getting reflected in how their character is acting
          >goes fricking nuclear against this villain of the week that we're not even struggling against, kamikazes the team's plane into the ground in an attempt to kill them (but misses)
          >takes off an entire bandolier of grenades, pulls the pin on all of them at once and throws at minor villain
          >team generally does not kill villains, beloved member of the party uses a feat or something to dive in the way
          >explosion almost kills beloved party member, tilted player's character basically has a mental breakdown and is retired from the game

          >kamikazes the team's plane into the ground in an attempt to kill them (but misses)
          please tell me he missed the villain, not the ground. I have far too many questions otherwise.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >"please tell me he missed ... not the ground"
            >he doesn't know the knack to flying

          • 4 weeks ago

            >If you have to look at the random strangers around you to know right from wrong, I have concerns about your moral compass.
            Is called subtext anon, when you only have one side of the story, is natural to be on the lookout for discrepancies; like everyone being on the side of the person clearly in the wrong for absolutely no apparent reason. That's a red flag screaming unreliable narrator.
            Try reading e-girlta by Nabokov while keeping this in mind

      • 4 weeks ago

        I will concede to the DM that throwing a guy, albeit a shady cowardly one, out of a window because you’re having a disagreement is definitely not a nice gesture and could be consider lawful only as a lawful evil, maybe. So, on that, he has a point.

        “You can’t do it” and “Roll for PvP” is bullshit, tho. So you have a point, there.

        Too bad both of you went on about it in the most moronic way possible. So congratulations, you’re both pieces of shit.

    • 1 month ago

      >"go ahead. here, I'll give you a head start"
      >roll to shove him out a 7th or 8th story window, I forget how high
      >GM stops me
      >"you can't do that, that would be evil"
      >I make eye contact with him and stare him down
      >"he has, on several occasions, put other people in possible or actual harm's way, out of greed and cowardice. right now, he's attempting to coerce us. this recidivist has refused to redeem himself, and now he's been defenestrated"
      >"if you do this you're evil and you won't be able to use your character"
      >"if I do this I'm lawful and I will still be using my character
      >"are any of you going to stop him?"
      >"in point of fact they can't, it's my turn, and no one who has a reaction is anywhere nearby. I rolled a (something that should be high enough) total to shove"
      >Cleric starts trying to say that this is evil
      >Fighter and Rogue take his side
      >Barbarian is look at his phone, not paying attention
      >I remind the GM that a roll was made
      >"I don't remember it, you'll have to reroll, and then fight the party"
      >I tell him what I rolled
      >"Well I didn't see it"
      >I roll again
      >The total is over 20, there's no way this isn't a critical success.
      >"The evil necromancer pushes the innocent man to his death. Roll initiative"
      >he's fighting back tears as he says this
      >for context I'm playing a Bard. Yes, I know Summon Undead. It's either that, Summon Fey, or no summoning at all. But I'm a Bard, most of what I do is wear chain, play brass, and dispense bonuses.
      >"Why do they need to roll initiative? I still have two actions, and they can just choose an order among themselves if they're all ready to white knight for your dead GMPC"
      >Barbarian asks "Which side am I on?"
      >Everyone starts yelling at him for not paying attention or not recognizing me as evil, depending on which they consider the greater offense.
      >session ends with everyone seething
      >they either don't invite me back or group falls apart, dont care either way
      I'd do it again.

      Gonna be real anon, sounds like in the end the DM was as much a homosexual as the NPC.
      >Well I guess I’ll ignore rolls
      >Well I guess I’ll just make your character an NPC then
      >Well I guess the rest of the party will aggro on you now like a bad CRPG
      Frickin’ hell.
      What’s with the bizarre “no this is evil!” shit? Is it just some autism that was at that table or something influenced by the setting / system?

      • 1 month ago

        not the system, just weird players

    • 1 month ago

      Gonna be real anon, sounds like in the end the DM was as much a homosexual as the NPC.
      >Well I guess I’ll ignore rolls
      >Well I guess I’ll just make your character an NPC then
      >Well I guess the rest of the party will aggro on you now like a bad CRPG
      Frickin’ hell.
      What’s with the bizarre “no this is evil!” shit? Is it just some autism that was at that table or something influenced by the setting / system?

      DMs who don't let you be "evil" are always annoying as frick because they have such moronic ideas of what evil is.
      I had one who didn't allow players to use anything even remotely related to necromancy and punished the party rogue for stealing from a duergar

      • 1 month ago

        Wholly agree. Would be enough for me to consider dropping. Frankly it has been before.

        Based player has got the Dwarf RP down pat.

        I can’t disagree. I’m far happier to have him be at war with a mace than be yet another dwarf that just rps exactly like a normal human.

        It was the Gnome, wasn't it?

        I swear it wasn’t. It’s a very minor troll that Gygax put in the module in an otherwise useless room.
        It now occurs to me he might blame the gnome for this too down the line / there are odds the gnome might magic mouth *other* things for lulz now. Could be pretty funny in the end.

        • 1 month ago

          Lmao, what was the module?
          Was the player that tilted/visibly angry outside of this event? Sounds like he was nailing the archetypal grudgy dwarf. I kinda love shit-talking items, i'm definitely putting the 4 headed skelly mace somewhere in my next fantasy campaign

          • 1 month ago

            Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, though I fricked it up admittedly and it was supposed to be a warhammer. I did not use Gary’s taunt verbatim for obvious reasons. “Here’s a kiss you runt” isn’t exactly as provocative as it was in 1980s Wisconsin
            >For those interested, no they did not find the +2 hammer 🙁
            As to your other question, yeah he was clearly really angry at the mace. Like as a person.
            No regrets though - this player is usually someone who has a really hard time roleplaying so by happy accident this joke item got him to really line up with his character. Totally agree it feels spot on for a crusty level 9 Dwarf fighter.

            • 1 month ago

              alright thanks for the screencap anon, noticed right after posting my question that you wrote the name in the op

    • 1 month ago

      >"go ahead. here, I'll give you a head start"
      >roll to shove him out a 7th or 8th story window, I forget how high
      >GM stops me
      >"you can't do that, that would be evil"
      >I make eye contact with him and stare him down
      >"he has, on several occasions, put other people in possible or actual harm's way, out of greed and cowardice. right now, he's attempting to coerce us. this recidivist has refused to redeem himself, and now he's been defenestrated"
      >"if you do this you're evil and you won't be able to use your character"
      >"if I do this I'm lawful and I will still be using my character
      >"are any of you going to stop him?"
      >"in point of fact they can't, it's my turn, and no one who has a reaction is anywhere nearby. I rolled a (something that should be high enough) total to shove"
      >Cleric starts trying to say that this is evil
      >Fighter and Rogue take his side
      >Barbarian is look at his phone, not paying attention
      >I remind the GM that a roll was made
      >"I don't remember it, you'll have to reroll, and then fight the party"
      >I tell him what I rolled
      >"Well I didn't see it"
      >I roll again
      >The total is over 20, there's no way this isn't a critical success.
      >"The evil necromancer pushes the innocent man to his death. Roll initiative"
      >he's fighting back tears as he says this
      >for context I'm playing a Bard. Yes, I know Summon Undead. It's either that, Summon Fey, or no summoning at all. But I'm a Bard, most of what I do is wear chain, play brass, and dispense bonuses.
      >"Why do they need to roll initiative? I still have two actions, and they can just choose an order among themselves if they're all ready to white knight for your dead GMPC"
      >Barbarian asks "Which side am I on?"
      >Everyone starts yelling at him for not paying attention or not recognizing me as evil, depending on which they consider the greater offense.
      >session ends with everyone seething
      >they either don't invite me back or group falls apart, dont care either way
      I'd do it again.

      There's absolutely no way you don't look and act like a snarky obese neckbeard caricature in real life.

  4. 1 month ago

    >Playing World In Flames
    >It's a big hex and chit strategy WW2 game
    >At the start of the game, America is neutral, but will get progressively more pro-allied over time, and (almost always) eventually join the war.
    >But start of game they can't do much, and also have this trade agreement with Japan, where each has to ship stuff to the other side.
    >If either side breaks their agreement shipment quotas, it has massive U.S. entry effects; if America is in default, it can cripple their ability to enter the war in the Pacific, and if the Japanese break their side, it can hugely accelerate the ability of the U.S. to get into the war.
    >I'm playing the USSR in this game.
    >Have a border conflict with the Japanese in and around Manchuria and Vladivostok
    >Send out some submarines to take a swipe at the convoys shipping stuff to the U.S.
    >Get absurdly lucking, sever the convoy artery and then the turn ends right there with Japan in defualt.
    >This is a huge, huge win for the allies, it probably brings the U.S. into the war 4 months earlier.
    >American player is LIVID.
    >Because you see, he lost an entire 1 build point out of this all. (Passing the gear-up option 2 turns earlier will give him 20 back in about a year, but whatever), and it threw off all of his earlier calculations
    >Outright shouts at me to never do something like that again.
    >Kick him out after that game and never invite him back.

    • 1 month ago

      Why do you play moronic shit? No wonder you draw in spergs. Play a real war game, like Warmachine.

  5. 1 month ago

    I saw an adult man have a complete meltdown inside a lgs because he got poked with a pencil eraser. The one who poked him was a 13 year old kid.

    • 1 month ago

      Off-topic, but the amount of morons I’ve noticed at my FLGS who frick up walking rules of the road - as in just walking in the middle of any chokepoint - to the point of sometimes colliding with each other and non-morons has *skyrocketed* in the past three months. No clue why.
      These people have a high rate of starting shit fits when they run into someone.
      It has me concerned.

      • 1 month ago

        Funny thing was they were playing a game and the adult man was listening to some terrible rap music while he was supposed to be GMing. The kid poked him to get his attention and he lost all his spaghetti.

      • 1 month ago

        I do empathize with you, let me say that from the outset - people should have the basic courtesy to walk on the right in any narrow passage, shift to single file if there's people coming in the opposite direction even if it means tabling the conversation, and pull over if you're going to walk at a snail's pace because you're staring at your phone.
        But that also presumes people have the same manners to stay in between the lines and use their turn signals to communicate while driving, and that's just not something I see as the norm.

        Fascinating. I can think of one of my players this applies too.
        Same thing, where he’s very high functioning and kind, but there are situations where he gets super frazzled and just starts assuming hostility from everyone even though we’ve been friends for years.
        He’s also notorious for being really hard on himself and defeatist at the drop of a hat - he’ll have one well-worn build or army he feels safe with and all the others he assumes he fricked everything up and is super underpowered until he’s proved wrong a couple of times.
        This was really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

        Disco Elysium memes? As a Conceptualizationmaxxing Art Cop, I have a warrant here to confiscate your meme for my, uh, the RCM's evidence locker.
        If he does that, just remind him of something cool he did. There's nothing stating depression can't be co-morbid, or he's not depressed at all and he just is sick of feeling guilty and crappy about all the shit he has to fight through just to do what comes naturally to other people. Remind him of concrete instances where he did something or accomplished something impressive and relevant when he's down in the dumps. If he thinks his build/army is shit, show don't tell. Let him switch with you, and if he's not picking up on a combo, offer suggestions like "I would try X in this spot," or "Oh, this is the perfect time to X!" and if he gives pushback, just point out the cues and reasons it's this particaular build/army's time to shine, like "You just used Guide on the Pathfinders to reroll their hits, and they autowound on 4s with exploding 6s, so it doesn't matter what their toughness is," or "This is so gross because you use this and now a melee can attack outside their turn, which means they get not just a free attack but there's no MAP penalty! No -5 is amazing, ask Kim how much his 2H Fighter/Barbarian does on a crit!"

        • 1 month ago

          Good advice, and good taste.

          based Barbarian

          I still can’t get over how the DM was supposedly close to tears or that everyone but barb was willing to PvP over this.
          If anon is being honest they sound like freakshows.
          I’m trying to hypothesize the why and I keep coming up empty.

          • 1 month ago

            Maybe the GM wanted to have that character be a recurring villain or something?
            Not sure why everyone else was down for it. Who knows.

            based Barbarian

            He absolutely was based and willing to PvP, because PvP means swinging his greatsword. He was only mentally present for combat anyway, would spend exploration and roleplaying on his phone.

            >playing ExWoD, Abyssal got caught and tossed in a supernatural prison but sneaks out to the security room
            >character sneaks up behind a guy at a complex looking security console that'll have the ticket out
            >really emphasize the fact it looks very difficult to interact with and note how the character doesn't have many relevant skills for it, but suggest they could perhaps intimidate the guy into opening it
            >instead kills the security guard then raises him as a mindless fricking zombie and tells him to play with the security console
            >zombie just presses buttons and accidentally sets off an alarm
            The player was begging me so badly to retcon it. No, you learn your place.

            Why would he get pressed? He chose violence and is now shocked that at the end of the free trial his subscription automatically renews for a 12-month plan.

  6. 1 month ago

    >playing ExWoD, Abyssal got caught and tossed in a supernatural prison but sneaks out to the security room
    >character sneaks up behind a guy at a complex looking security console that'll have the ticket out
    >really emphasize the fact it looks very difficult to interact with and note how the character doesn't have many relevant skills for it, but suggest they could perhaps intimidate the guy into opening it
    >instead kills the security guard then raises him as a mindless fricking zombie and tells him to play with the security console
    >zombie just presses buttons and accidentally sets off an alarm
    The player was begging me so badly to retcon it. No, you learn your place.

    • 1 month ago

      Maybe the GM wanted to have that character be a recurring villain or something?
      Not sure why everyone else was down for it. Who knows.

      He absolutely was based and willing to PvP, because PvP means swinging his greatsword. He was only mentally present for combat anyway, would spend exploration and roleplaying on his phone.
      Why would he get pressed? He chose violence and is now shocked that at the end of the free trial his subscription automatically renews for a 12-month plan.

      >shocked his subscription auto-renews for a 12 month plan
      Kek, that’s good shit anon

      I worry about my current vampire party for this. We’re fricking shovelheads and I could see some of these characters pulling something like this.
      Thankfully our Ductus and I have made ourself the pack tard wranglers and the actual *players* are good at mitigating their freakazoid characters.

  7. 1 month ago

    I add female and trans characters in all of my sessions to trigger the chudcels I'm DMing for. Works every single time.

    • 1 month ago

      Who gets upset about female characters (assuming you don't mean characters who are both trans and female)?
      Like are they weirdo regressive types and they're annoyed your female NPCs have higher strength/intelligence scores than their characters do?

      • 1 month ago

        He throw the whole rod in and you still bit.

        • 1 month ago

          >saying something that makes someone want to know more details is bait
          I guess?

          • 1 month ago

            >A post saying obviously fake shit to try and get replies is bait
            Yes, indeed. That post is the textbook definition of what bait is.
            You replied, with all sincerity, to a bait post and have been called out on it. That's where we are right now.
            Shame on you, you utter lummox.

            • 1 month ago

              Usually bait is meant to provoke outrage or incredulity, not mild curiosity. If you fall for bait you're supposed to feel "got", you know?
              >obviously fake shit
              It doesn't seem that far-fetched to me. I could see someone doing that to mess with their players. One of my friends hates elves, so I tend to have a lot of elf NPCs for instance.

      • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        >saying something that makes someone want to know more details is bait
        I guess?

        Usually bait is meant to provoke outrage or incredulity, not mild curiosity. If you fall for bait you're supposed to feel "got", you know?
        >obviously fake shit
        It doesn't seem that far-fetched to me. I could see someone doing that to mess with their players. One of my friends hates elves, so I tend to have a lot of elf NPCs for instance.

        is this some kind of high end double bait disguised as an incredible level of naivety or stupidity?

        • 1 month ago

          I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
          >asking for clarification about someone's post? wow anon you got BAITED hard

          • 1 month ago

            I've only made that post so far. I'm going to bite your bait for one post to say that you asking for clarification is incredibly stupid since it's ridiculously obvious to anyone who has used the internet for more than five minutes that there's no story since it's something someone made up on the spot for shits and giggles as a shitpost. Also spending thirty seconds typing out a reply is hardly what I would call making a mountain out of a molehill.

            • 1 month ago

              >I've only made that post so far
              Fair enough then, disregard that. But as per my previous reply, for a supposed shitpost it's just very bland and plausible. As I mentioned, I've messed with my own friends in a similar way. I'm not new to the concept of bait; I just find that usually, again, there's something crazy or rage-inducing, otherwise it doesn't really accomplish anything even if the reader is tricked.
              Like, are we supposed to empathise with the supposed "chudcels"? Get angry on their behalf?

  8. 1 month ago

    Or, to put it a different way, what's shitposty about it?
    >hey my parents just got a new dog
    >really, what breed?
    >haha you took the bait there was never any dog
    >oh, okay then
    >jeez anon, that was such an obvious shitpost, how could you fall for it?

    • 1 month ago

      What's shitposty about ejaculating a politically charged opinion into one of the most tame discussions on Ganker? Couldn't imagine.
      This is the anon who got railroaded, or alternatively storyshitted. I'm the one who posted the Bait of Babylon without comment.
      185 and 353 were probably different people. 110/284 was a fourth person.
      You might want to reexamine your choice to dig in your heels.

      • 1 month ago

        I am now even more convinced you were in the right throwing that guide off the tower, anon.
        Got a good head on your shoulders. No chance that b***h didn’t deserve it.

        • 1 month ago

          Thank you!

          >ACKSHUALLY it's railroading!
          >i can't understand that language always evolves!
          Can you morons stop bragging about using archaic terms? "Storyshitting" is /tg/ culture, you won't look any smarter by saying "railroading" instead.

          I would prefer if the GM had railroaded me. Shining Time Station was my favorite show growing up.
          But if you're asking me to be precise, that wasn't quite railroading. Railroading was something he did constantly, but being at the wizard's tower was already us not deviating from the prescribed narrative. If the guide were trying to lead us elsewhere, and we were insisting on going to the tower, that'd be railroading.
          I don't know what storyshitting is, I'll be honest.

          • 1 month ago

            >I don't know what storyshitting is, I'll be honest
            Essentially it's a term that was spammed on here as of two years ago by a schizo who flooded the board with threads using the term. It's essentially means the same thing as railroading but contorted into the speaking habits of a specific shitposter. The only people who use the term besides him are shitposters using it to rule people up and newbies that don't know any better. The primary reason it is disliked is because it's a dictionary standard example of a forced meme that's spammed until it smothers out the natural preexisting ones.

            • 1 month ago

              Wasn’t his argument that any game that had an actual plot instead of a sandbox or hack & slash was “storyshitter”?
              Dude was a smoothbrain.

      • 1 month ago

        >or alternatively storyshitted.
        it's just railroading since the latter is something completely forced by a schizo spamming the living shit out of it a couple years ago

      • 1 month ago

        But their post wasn't expressing a "politically charged opinion"; it was relaying an anecdote. I guess you could say it was predicated on the idea that hatred of or disgust towards minorities is bad, but that's pretty uncontroversial.
        >choice to dig in your heels
        I'm not insisting anything. I'm just saying I don't see what about a fairly normal post reads as a giant flashing bait sign to people. Anyway, I have to head off now, so I wish you well.

  9. 1 month ago

    >Tyranny of Dragons
    >the caravan part
    >our party had split up with different employers to avoid suspicion
    >one of us gets fired and replaced with the new batch of adventurers
    >the new batch is actually just a bunch of charlatans with no real experience/weapons
    >book expects you to either drop it, convince your former employer to rehire you, or expose the charlatans
    >the player instead decides to kill his former employer in his sleep
    This did lead to a fun situation where he fricks up the assassination, the charlatans are unable to do anything and he convinces everyone that he only did it to expose them. I just thinks it’s funny that he got so upset over getting replaced, especially since the employer had even paid him for his services up until that point

    • 1 month ago

      That’s a pretty funny outcome, way for him to think on his feet.

      Sounds like a shitshow. I'm reluctant to believe you're in the right because all of the party member suddenly turned on you. That really shouldn't happen.

      Normally I’d agree, but I’ve seen some pretty moronic heel turns come out of nowhere, especially if the DM self-selects for morons at his table.
      That said, an old boss once shared a saying with me I really grew fond of:
      >”If you’re always complaining about being surrounded by clowns, make sure you’re not at the circus.”

    • 4 weeks ago

      That's just player logic at work. In my last session I had the players find out there's some representative of a clan they're looking for in the city. An important guy in local politics. They're on the clock, so it's important they get to him fast. So what do they do? The two guys who don't speak the local language drop by, speak gibberish at the guard, and then bash the gate down when they're predictably not let in.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >playing Mutants and Masterminds
    >one player is in a bad mood after failing multiple sense motive checks, seems to be struggling not to metagame
    >fight eventually breaks out against villain of the week, player misses every attack they attempt
    >player is getting more and more frustrated, and it's getting reflected in how their character is acting
    >goes fricking nuclear against this villain of the week that we're not even struggling against, kamikazes the team's plane into the ground in an attempt to kill them (but misses)
    >takes off an entire bandolier of grenades, pulls the pin on all of them at once and throws at minor villain
    >team generally does not kill villains, beloved member of the party uses a feat or something to dive in the way
    >explosion almost kills beloved party member, tilted player's character basically has a mental breakdown and is retired from the game

    • 4 weeks ago

      >kamikazes the team's plane into the ground in an attempt to kill them (but misses)
      Kek. Fricking classic.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    I'd wonder if "Bad rolls" are innocuous enough, but.

    >PF1e foundry game.
    >Party around 6th level and consist of
    >Human Fighter (me)
    >Aasimar cleric
    >Half-elf druid
    >Changeling with tusks multiclass monk/fighter/alchemist (Assmad player)
    >Gay moron bandit warlord and his gay moron gang have been fricking with places we care about and have been gaining magic items from a mysterious benefactor.
    >We talk/pay our way into their base camp
    >Wander around acting like bandits and blending in, finally catch wind of where the warlord is, and that they're gonna be announcing something important and is not to be disturbed until then.
    >Sneak over, two bandits milling about as guards, Assmad sneaks over and annihilates one, second doesn't have time to scream as the rest of us light him up with ranged attacks
    >As we're figuring out what to do next OOC, assmad peaks into the tent.
    >Warlord is facing away as he looks over a map
    >Assmad rushes in with a charge attack whilst we're all still over 60 feet away
    >Combat begins, assmad normally does an assload of damage with a decent chance to hit, all natural attacks and primary at that.
    >Miss, miss, hit. Rolled below 5 for the first two.
    >Warlord spins around and swings his greataxe for a decent hit has a +8 to damage
    >Rest of us spend the turn running over
    >Assmad power attacks for his next full attack
    >Miss, miss, miss. All below 10.
    >Warlord explodes him with a nat 20 and 16+10 on the confirm for like 45 damage, knocks him into the negatives.
    >We arrive finally, cleric tries hold person, druid tries spike growth, I try throwing an axe.
    >18 on the dice for a save, 16 on the dice for a save, I hit for 1d6+4
    >Assmad is assmad and talking about how moronic and impossible these bad of rolls are for his turn, rolls his con check and bleeds a point
    >Warlord isn't stupid enough to try and 4v1, tanks the spike growth and runs out the otherside of the tent

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Assmad argues the wording of the druids spell for him. Thinks you need to save every 5 feet you move in the spike growth.
      >GM tells him why thats moronic
      >Another hold person fails, another throwing axe for 1d6+4, druid realizes he's out of disabling ranged options and has kinda blocked our path to chase him and instead goes to heal assmad
      >Gets him back up again, but his turn has gone past already.
      >Warlord zooms off yelling about assassins
      >At this point the GM declares combat over and assmad has audible stood up from his seat and is either walking around or muted at his mic
      >Hear him sit back down as he loudly demands to see the current modules installed, screenshots won't do, wants a screenshare.
      >GM asks him to stop sperging and wants to know why
      >Assmad refuses to believe he could roll so low and the enemy roll so high so many times without a third party reason
      >GM mentions he's not even dead, nor had he used any of his alchemist abilities, nor ki.
      >Assmad refuses to continue until the GM does it
      >GM is a bit of a pussy and when he mentions the bandits will just flood in and finish him off, backs off when Assmad says he'll just die then.
      >Screenshares and reveals nothing of suspect.
      >Assmad makes him open the descriptions of some modules but still nothing
      >We all want to continue and Assmad doesn't find anything to try and latch onto
      >Assmad fully checks out mentally and just follows us as we escape the camp without more than 1 word responses not even participating in the minor combats we end up in during said escapes.

      Haven't played since then due to a players shit schedule, but as of now Assmad hasn't said a single thing in our group chat since, so I'm wondering if he's just gonna pretend nothing happened, or be a baby until he leaves/is kicked.

    • 4 weeks ago

      There's nothing like a string of bad RNG to put an MC-syndrome PC in their place. If the GM's not a complete b***h, you can accidentally roll a d2 to reset the seed after a series of low rolls. I've seen a similar behavioral pattern with online players running multiclass monks, lots of bad tactics, poetic failure, and inevitable screeching.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Make assbackwards decision
        >Roll poorly
        >Get mad

        I don't get it. But yet it keeps happening.

        • 4 weeks ago

          There's nothing like a string of bad RNG to put an MC-syndrome PC in their place. If the GM's not a complete b***h, you can accidentally roll a d2 to reset the seed after a series of low rolls. I've seen a similar behavioral pattern with online players running multiclass monks, lots of bad tactics, poetic failure, and inevitable screeching.

          His weird multi-class is genuinely stupidly strong for level 6. I assume he thought (Probably correctly) that if he got his full attack off without a hitch, the warlord woulda died instantly.

          Just off the top of my head, at level 5 he more or less 1v1'd a troll and won after 1 charge attack and 1 full attack.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Hopefully, he learned an important lesson: wait for positioning, then attack. It's bad enough that he didn't prep with mutagens or anything else, but he could've at least waiting for everyone else with an attack readied.

            • 4 weeks ago

              I left that part out, the more specific way it went was him taking his mutagen (str and... feral something? Gives claws and bite attacks) attacking the guards, then going into the tent. I mentioned the GM saying he didn't use any alchemist abilities more in the way of resources, as alchemists can just keep making mutagen I think? Just costs time.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah, the feral mutagen discovery gives the bite and claws attack. Even if the mutagen was going to expire in a few rounds, he could've snuck behind the warlord and readied an attack to try to at least buy time and let the party arrive before his mutagen ran out. He's probably never failed so dramatically at a crucial juncture before.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Assmad argues the wording of the druids spell for him. Thinks you need to save every 5 feet you move in the spike growth.
      >GM tells him why thats moronic
      >Another hold person fails, another throwing axe for 1d6+4, druid realizes he's out of disabling ranged options and has kinda blocked our path to chase him and instead goes to heal assmad
      >Gets him back up again, but his turn has gone past already.
      >Warlord zooms off yelling about assassins
      >At this point the GM declares combat over and assmad has audible stood up from his seat and is either walking around or muted at his mic
      >Hear him sit back down as he loudly demands to see the current modules installed, screenshots won't do, wants a screenshare.
      >GM asks him to stop sperging and wants to know why
      >Assmad refuses to believe he could roll so low and the enemy roll so high so many times without a third party reason
      >GM mentions he's not even dead, nor had he used any of his alchemist abilities, nor ki.
      >Assmad refuses to continue until the GM does it
      >GM is a bit of a pussy and when he mentions the bandits will just flood in and finish him off, backs off when Assmad says he'll just die then.
      >Screenshares and reveals nothing of suspect.
      >Assmad makes him open the descriptions of some modules but still nothing
      >We all want to continue and Assmad doesn't find anything to try and latch onto
      >Assmad fully checks out mentally and just follows us as we escape the camp without more than 1 word responses not even participating in the minor combats we end up in during said escapes.

      Haven't played since then due to a players shit schedule, but as of now Assmad hasn't said a single thing in our group chat since, so I'm wondering if he's just gonna pretend nothing happened, or be a baby until he leaves/is kicked.

      What a total infant holy shit.
      The one thing I miss least from 3.5 / PF1 are the turboautist build freaks.
      They all tended to throw tantrums when they didn’t get their way.

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