Holy shit, the madlads are bringing it back!

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    so are you like just playing as the turtles or are you making your own characters?

    • 8 months ago

      Holy frick that's awesome

      If it's the same or similar as the old one you can make any kind of mutant animal you want, but also the characters from TMNT are all statted out so you could play them too

      • 8 months ago

        >Make any kind of mutant
        Crab samurai time

        • 8 months ago

          I don't know if crabs were part of the original game. Otherwise yes, very easily.

    • 8 months ago

      Watch them botch the whole thing and release a book riddled with typos and formatting errors and zero fixes to the system because this is a naked cashgrab from Paramount.

      You randomly roll up your own mutant animal and it has an honestly ridiculous amount of animal options. If you're not familiar, it's a Palladium Game, which means there's a shitload of random generation tables that can be pretty fun to roll on, but the system itself is going to be overwhelming to the average D&D player who has trouble keeping track of the 6 attributes that game has, because there's about a dozen stats and a few dozen skills that are pointlessly granular.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm worried considering their Kickstarter ~~*history*~~. Will probably wait. I already own many of the books.

      • 8 months ago

        >shitload of tables
        Somebody post the first edition sexual deviances table

        • 8 months ago

          >tortured down to your last hit point
          >develop desire to frick children
          Now we role-playing!

          • 8 months ago

            >see a terrifying demon from another dimension
            >turn homosexual on the spot

            Guys, it's even worse. You could roll 86-00 and end up a psychiatrist!!!

            Who the frick greenlighted this, seriously?
            How high do you have to be to come up with an insanity system that randomly turns your player character into a crossdressing neurotic wreck sexually aroused by boats who pisses xirself when startled by loud noises and flashes schoolchildren? And they allowed it to print even after sobering up?

            • 8 months ago

              >How high do you have to be
              Dude, it was the 80s. White nose powder was errywhere and there were NO LIMITS. Also,. AIDS is a what? Cowabunga dude!

              • 8 months ago

                It was also incredibly obscure. TMNT hadn’t exploded and been kiddified yet and Palladium was still trying to make itself distinct from D&D. D&D was taking all the heat for being satanic but was also a huge property aimed at children. Palladium wanted to be thought of as more mature and well designed. Look at some of KS’s editorializing on alignment and multi-classing. And what’s more mature than confronting the uncomfortable reality that there are crazy people, and gays, and people that frick corpses. Look, addiction tables!
                This was also the beginning of the iron age of comics so that edginess was right in line.

            • 8 months ago

              The random psychological disorders were removed from later printings. Some say it's because they used "outdated" DSM material that listed homosexuality as a mental illness, but it was far more likely removed because it was too easy to stack these things up.

              • 8 months ago

                I think it's far more likely that they realized having your player character turn into a child molester in a game about cartoon animal superheroes was a bit... unnecessary.

              • 8 months ago

                As I recall, the original TMNT comic had drunk Mikey breaking through somebody's window while they're were having sex. TMNT didn't start as a children's show; existential dread was a common theme in the comics too.

              • 8 months ago

                Mirage TMNT had some wild shit in it because for a while they had random frickers writing some of the dumbest shit you've ever read. There was violence and death, but it wasn't trying to be the edgiest thing like people have mistakenly convinced themselves because everyone else keeps repeating the lie that TMNT was originally super gorey and gritty when it wasn't.

              • 8 months ago

                You do realize that The Shredder dies by falling in the first issue after threatening the turtles with a thermite bomb on a high tower rooftop?

              • 8 months ago

                Seppuku is also often referenced and seen as honorable. Perhaps Ganker can't see the dark theme simply because Ganker incorporates them as well.

              • 8 months ago

                >the supervillain dies by falling
                >muh bomb
                That's the most milquetoast shit imaginable, on par with Yugioh or GI Joe.

              • 8 months ago

                I just said there's violence and death.

              • 8 months ago


                I thought it was a fragmentation grenade. The guy called Shredder is using a grenade that shreds stuff.

              • 8 months ago

                Nope, it's thermite. They beat the shit out of him, skewer him, and then offer him the chance to sudoku honorably, and instead he pulls out the thermite grenade to kill all of them together, then gets shoved off the rooftop. They even confirm he's dead and find the ripped apart remainds of his body.

              • 8 months ago

                Only his armor.
                But the original Shredder never returns, IIRC, just impersonators.

              • 8 months ago

                They pick up his severed arm. Shredder is absolutely dead, but later returns through some nonsense involving worms and Shredder's DNA.

                So, OK, the TMNT rules were the first Palladium book, and Street Fighter was the first White Wolf book that World of Darkness was based on?

                TMNT was pieced together from Palladium and Street Fighter was a more complicated adaptation from the existing White Wolf Storyteller system. You can just look up the dates.

              • 8 months ago

                >repeating the lie that TMNT was originally super gorey and gritty when it wasn't
                In an overall sense, no it wasn’t. It was still pretty violent though. Foot soldiers died, bloody beatings were administered to civilians, somebody got eaten alive by Mouser robots, etc.
                I think the misapprehension is because the property at its most popular was cowabunga, pizzas, and skateboards. It was way lighter than the originally work and is arguably what people are most familiar with.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, the issue isn't that there is mature stuff in a TMNT game. The issue is that even if you're playing with a bunch of stoners who take everything in stride, "alright, so your character is now a pedophile" is going to raise some objections at the table.
                It's the kind of shit old White Wolf wisely decided to relegate to the Black Dog sub-brand and even there they would add slap a ton of disclaimers and advice on it.

            • 8 months ago

              Back then you had a lot more freedom of speech and no one cared what you put in your game-book.

        • 8 months ago

          >tortured down to your last hit point
          >develop desire to frick children
          Now we role-playing!

          >see a terrifying demon from another dimension
          >turn homosexual on the spot

        • 8 months ago

          >tortured down to your last hit point
          >develop desire to frick children
          Now we role-playing!

          >see a terrifying demon from another dimension
          >turn homosexual on the spot

          Guys, it's even worse. You could roll 86-00 and end up a psychiatrist!!!

          • 8 months ago

            Imagine rolling 41-45 on the Phobias list and developing a phobia to fricking MUTANTS. In a Teenage MUTANT Ninja Turtles game where everyone plays MUTANTS.

          • 8 months ago

            Rolls 76-80 "Aah shit, I'm playing an American."

          • 8 months ago

            >homosexuality curable with 3 months if therapy
            wow..... just wow..

            • 8 months ago

              God damn I miss when science was still allowed to study and report the truth.

            • 8 months ago

              If it makes you feel better, this is homosexuality induced by a traumatic incident. Wholely deniable that its not the same as real homosexuality.

    • 8 months ago

      You roll on lots of tables. Allegedly it's the best designed palladium system, but that may not be saying much, given that the leas designer is the kind of person who thinks there should be different classes for sheriff and deputy.

      • 8 months ago

        Listen, anon, the criminal shoots the sheriff but not the deputy. That's a big difference.

      • 8 months ago

        >Allegedly it's the best designed palladium system
        Ninjas & Superspies holds that title in my opinion. But it’s the same author so it’s really not much of a contention.
        Anything is better than the massive clusterfrick that Rifts turned into.

        • 8 months ago

          He literally fixed the RIFTS system and it perplexed Kevin how nicely it worked.

          • 8 months ago

            PFRPG came first, then TMNT, then RIFTS much later.

            And yes, I know some sperg will get angry that RIFTS is all capitals.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm going to check out the kickstarter. I checked the website but it doesn't start until Halloween so I guess I'll check it out then. Can't wait to check out the new updates and check out the new cover. All told I bet it's worth checking into.

        • 8 months ago

          It's why Savage Rifts is superior.
          Palladium is a god damn excel document of a system.

          • 8 months ago

            It isn't really. The system itself is pretty much like AD&D. You roll 1d20 to attack and roll 1d100 to use skills. Instead of rolling 1d20 to beat the target's armor class like in D&D, you roll to 1d20 to attack and the opponent rolls 1d20 to dodge or parry and you try to beat whatever their result is.

            • 8 months ago

              It's not the basics that give people problems, it's all the minutia and fringe rules and subsystems with their own moon logic, and all of it is written and formatted in a way that guarantees it will be difficult and confusing to look things up later... and Palladium has so much fricking minutia.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, but TMNT, Ninjas and Superspies and Heroes Unlimited (the classics imo) don't really suffer from it that too much. It's Rifts that has 90 books filled with spot rules in weird places. You aren't wrong, but it's not that big of a deal TMNT.

  2. 8 months ago

    > returning to print as two deluxe hardcover collections of the RPG and sourcebooks. Each is being completely remastered by industry veteran Sean Owen Roberson and presented in full color, and Kevin Eastman, co-creator of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, will also provide a new painted cover
    So it's just the same old TMNT books reprinted with some new art and commentary. Okay, nice but not mindblowing. Looks entirely aimed at old Palladium grogs in their 40s and 50s with disposable cash they can use to put this on their deluxe bookshelf and never play. Pal Books apparently haven't gotten the license to publish anything new for TMNT or a new RPG entirely, it's just re-releases.

    • 8 months ago

      I was thinking the same. Also they don't mention if it will include any After the Bomb stuff as that started as a tmnt line and i would want it to be included.

    • 8 months ago

      Ah damn. I was really hoping they would fix stuff. While I like the game, there's missing rules and some rules clarifications needed. If it's just the exact same rerelease then I have no interest. Already have most of the books. Might pirate it for the art, maybe for the missing books, and ease of reference, if it's just one giant book with everything inside.

      • 8 months ago

        Could be laziness, could be legal contract shit, but yeah, if this is just an artbook wrapped in an outdated TTRPG, I wouldn't pay more than 20$ for it, and you know it's probably going to be 60$ or more

      • 8 months ago

        In the "Legion of Myth" interview they called it a revised revised edition (yes double revised) same stuff but going over the material to tweak a few things. I don't know how far they're going to take things but it sound minimal at best.

      • 8 months ago

        I'll be satisfied if it's all the TMNT and AtB supplements. I've got some gaps in my collection and some of my books are in pretty poor shape.

  3. 8 months ago

    I hate this will probably torpedo the actual TMNT & OS retro clone Mutants in the Now.

    Oh well, I have TMNT & OS as well. I wonder what they are going to update.

    • 8 months ago

      >I hate this will probably torpedo the actual TMNT & OS retro clone Mutants in the Now
      That's not how sales & marketing works. If anything, it will boost sales of MitN. Assuming the TMNT reprints get any kind of traction and don't just disappear like a stone thrown in a pond.

    • 8 months ago

      nothing it's a rerelease/remaster, so nothing is getting updated just cleaned up.

    • 8 months ago

      >I hate this will probably torpedo the actual TMNT & OS retro clone Mutants in the Now.
      That guy did okay enough with his kickstarter and sales that he needed to do a second print run, last I checked. Of the two games, I'd much sooner recommend MitN, because TMNTOS is a 40 year old game and it reads like one too.

      This whole thing is Paramount wanting a quick buck, also... and Frick Paramount and all their homosexualy bullshit. The only good thing they did with TMNT in the last decade was let Tribute games make Shredder's Revenge.

  4. 8 months ago

    Has Palladium ever fulfilled a Kickstarter? I don’t know much about their history in that regard except for that clusterfrick where Kevin never delivered on some miniatures after the campaign was fulfilled. I’d like this because it’s a lot of Erick Wujcik’s work but I find Siembieda to be something of an untrustworthy huckster mostly known for shovelware.

    • 8 months ago

      They fricked up the Robotech KS but they delivered on TItan Robotics recently and the Cyberworks Collection and their partnership with Savage Worlds has always delivered their KS stuff. It's probably because Sean Owen Robertson has taken over the day to day operations at Palladium from Kevin.

      • 8 months ago

        Well that’s good to know. I’ve totally tuned out anything Palladium has done past the release of AtB 2e as a stand alone game so I don’t know much of their business practices beyond the usual internet scuttlebutt.
        I might get in on this if it’s all of the TMNT&OS material including Transdimensional Turtles. I’ve got some of those books but my first edition copy of the core rules is in terrible shape.

        • 8 months ago

          >I might get in on this if it’s all of the TMNT&OS material including Transdimensional Turtles
          Me too. I have the core book and some of the AtB supplements but not all of them and not in a nice hardcover (all my covers are curling and faded).

    • 8 months ago

      Not entirely, no. It worries me.

    • 8 months ago

      Erick Wujcik FIXED the GURPS system with TMNT. No freaking megadamage, thank God.

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      They fricked up the Robotech KS but they delivered on TItan Robotics recently and the Cyberworks Collection and their partnership with Savage Worlds has always delivered their KS stuff. It's probably because Sean Owen Robertson has taken over the day to day operations at Palladium from Kevin.

      Aside from the RT Tactics fiasco, which was partially the fault of a third party (give or take Kevin's ability to throw others under the bus), and aside from Bestiary 2 (which is pending and overdue, but no reason to believe it has actually failed yet), I think all of their crowdfunded books have delivered. In addition to the Titan Robotics/Cyberworks one, there was also Bestiary vol 1 and Northern Gun, possibly others.

  5. 8 months ago

    The ideal Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles RPG would be one where your four stats are "Teenage" "Mutant" "Ninja" and "Turtle" and everything you do falls into one of those stats. For example, the turtles are intelligent because they're mutants, so building a hang glider out of scrap would be done with your Mutant stat, whereas most combat would be done with Ninja.

    You would be able to play characters who aren't Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but you would have to replace their stats with other stats that can be said in the rhythm of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". For example, pic related, the character's four stats would be "Woman" "Science" "Fiction" and "Author"

    • 8 months ago

      >This is your brain on PbtA rotgut

      • 8 months ago

        Rolled 1, 6 = 7 (2d6)

        Rolling for ninja against you, now you need to roll turtle for defense

        • 8 months ago

          Rolled 2, 6 = 8 (2d6)

          I use all my bennies or whatever the frick meta currency.

  6. 8 months ago

    It's Robotech all over again LOL

    • 8 months ago

      The miniatures won't happen. Screencap this.

  7. 8 months ago

    >Eastman & Laird are back & doing the art.

    Lol, scalpers on Ebay are already lowering their prices on the older printings of the rpg after the news dropped kek.

    • 8 months ago

      Just Eastman who is bringing in old art, but he'll work on damned near any TMNT project if you pay him.

      • 8 months ago

        It's kinda sad dude went from owner to slave of the franchise. It's his own fault though.

        • 8 months ago

          Correction: Laird is also involved, but of the two of them, Eastman's the only one who has remained involved with TMNT, while Laird squandered his chance to keep working on the Mirage comics like he bargained for when he sold off the rights to Viacom for pocket change like a moron.

          • 8 months ago

            Eastman got tired of TMNT in the late 90s/early 00s and sold all his part to Laird for an unknow amount and then got mad that he didn't get a cent of the millions Laird got from selling everything. So he's just a hired man now, while Laird is chilling making pottery or something like that. Laird still has the right to publish TMNT comics of his own if he wishes, he just didn't exerced that right yet.

  8. 8 months ago


    Welcome to games where killing hundreds of sentient creatures is not going to matter, but YES, you fricking moron, wanting to include pedophilia in the game is going to be an issue.

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds stupid. It's a game of pretend. If you can pretend to end countless lives and shit like that it seems dumb to act like that's a step too far. "oh im cool pretending to slaughter hundreds of lives but wont someone think of the (fictional) children!"

      It's sanctimonious pearl clutching.

      • 8 months ago

        No one wants to sit at the table with you while you talk about your child rape fantasies. You can pretend that you're some irreverent, enlightened chad about it, but you'd be rightfully marked as a degenerate homosexual for acting that way.

        • 8 months ago

          I have never had that in any of my games. Unless you count a "look at what the bad guys are doing". I just dislike the pearl clutching bullshit because it's fake as frick. Of course it's bad. So is murder, theft, rape, and tons of other shit. That's why these are games of PRETEND and not things you should be doing in real life. I just hate the "omg you did what???????" as you play games where you slaughter people for a fricking gold coin. Get a grip, you sanctimonious twat.

          • 8 months ago

            Okay, we get it, you're israeli.

          • 8 months ago

            You've never actually sat at a table and played a TTRPG with other human beings, have you?

            • 8 months ago

              Of course I have. That's why I reserve it as a passing reference, if at all, to what the bad guys are doing. But you're telling me you're fine with murder, summoning demons, ending the world, theft, kidnapping people to make them undead slaves, or any number of other things that would be bad or atrocious in real life but then try to stand on a soapbox about one particular fake crime? It's absurd. Maybe you're a child so you don't really know the difference between a game and reality, but most of us are able to handle mature themes without being a pervert or endorsing the behavior in real life. I've killed people in campaigns and wouldn't harm an animal in real life. It's pretend, anon.

              • 8 months ago

                >no you don't get it
                >it's totally acceptable that I talk about raping kids because I think petty theft and imaginary monsters are equally as bad
                Just go turn yourself into the FBI and save us all the time, pedo.

              • 8 months ago

                I will never play a pedophile. I will never tolerate a player wanting to play a pedophile. If you showed up at my table wanting to play as one, I would beat you unconscious with my dice bag. People put a part of themselves into their characters. This isn't complicated.

                Your attitude is exactly why I think "free speech" is overrated. It always amounts to the same three things. (1) child pornography, (2) Nazi worshipping garbage by edgy white teenage boys as if incompetence and a meth addiction can actually win a war, and (3) onions rage about minorites existing. If that's "free speech" then I fully welcome censorship in my games and at my table.

                >b-but think of the orcs you killed, you hypocrite!!

                Oh no. Stop. Whatever will I do. Will not all of neptune's waters wash this blood from my hands. etc.

              • 8 months ago

                >People put a part of themselves into their characters.
                No, they don't. These are games of pretend. So you're just telling me you lack the ability to handle mature themes because you cannot separate the player from the character or reality from the game. If someone plays an evil demon summoner do you think he's really a satanist or something?

              • 8 months ago

                put a part of themselves into their characters.
                >No, they don't. These are games of pretend.

                "Games of pretend" which are routinely used by psychologists and therapists to deal with difficult emotional issues and explore social situations because of their potency. "Games of pretend" where some people always play, say, a human fighter with a spear, because it appeals to their personality and tastes on a basic and primal level. "Games of pretend" that caused a vigorous moral panic because they were close to the "games of pretend" Christians do in their places of worship.

                You don't begin to understand the true importance or value of the hobby, and you presume to lecture the rest of us because we don't appeal to your personal lack of morality? Get the frick outta here.

              • 8 months ago

                >So you're just telling me you lack the ability to handle mature themes
                No, I'm telling you that your line of reasoning is alarming and creepy as frick, and if your skeezy ass showed up at my table I would fricking hurt you.

              • 8 months ago

                You haven't addressed it. Pearl clutching isn't addressing anything. I already said I haven't had that in my games. So you got nothing. You're coping.

              • 8 months ago

                >I already said I haven't had that in my games.

                I'm obviously not being clear enough:

                I don't believe you.

              • 8 months ago

                >Your character has killed dozens of sentient beings and even murdered that corrupt noble, so why is it so shocking when my character rubs his genitals on her? It's just fiction bro, it's just my character doing it, plus molestation is a less serious crime than MURDER isn't it?
                >oh so it's fine to break that brigand's fingers to make him talk and then slit his throat but it's not okay to rape his corpse?
                >you didn't blink when the big bad sacrificed 1000 captives to his demon god but you're all shocked when he sends the female party members to the gangrape pits? You're such hypocrites

                >why is it so hard to find someone to play with, damn snowflakes ruined the hobby

              • 8 months ago

                Those are all good questions. Do explain the difference beyond moral panic pearl clutching. Your strawman of acting like I engage in said behavior when I already said I didn't won't get you anywhere and just further proves my point.

                But you should probably try to explain why the examples you gave are all fine when in a game when in reality they'd be just as reprehensible. So if your logic is "omg ur a pedo" because I said this, should I think you're a serial killer because you're torturing people and slitting throats for gold and loot? I'm not seeing the moral high ground here. I just see a lot of strawmen and sanctimonious moralhomosexualry.

              • 8 months ago

                >Those are all good questions.
                They really aren't. If you weren't a total freak and/or a sociopath you would immediately be able to point out the difference.

              • 8 months ago

                What is the difference? So far theft, murder, genocide, killing of innocents, kidnapping, summoning beings from hell, torture, etc., are all fine in game. So why are you clutching your pearls over that if it's equally as pretend? And if you say "well cuz you want it irl bro" then does this logic hold for all these other things in game and I should think you want to go around killing and torturing for loot since what you do at the table in game = your real life desire?

                Of course not. You have no point or argument. That's why all you can do is accuse me of being something I'm not and go "b-b-but muh children".

              • 8 months ago

                Context makes all the difference.

              • 8 months ago

                Okay. So tell me the context then. All of the context is "in a game of pretend with dice". So what separates that crime from any of the other innumerable ones you engage in? By your logic I should think you're a sociopathic murderhobo because you do it in game. So it must be what you want, right? Or is it only the one thing that hurts your feelings and so you make an exception?

              • 8 months ago

                >all of you play murderhobos
                >all of you play demon worshippers
                >all of you play games solely based on murder
                >all of you kill "bad guys"
                >so why can't I play a pedophile?

                Holy projection, Batman.

              • 8 months ago

                You're either a clinical sociopath or extremely israeli.

              • 8 months ago

                That's not an argument. Maybe try answering the question. Ya obviously can't which is why you resort to this desperate pearl clutching.

              • 8 months ago

                It's already been explained repeatedly. You're beyond saving if you can't understand why your lurid pedo fantasies have no place at a table where nondescript violence and evil are used as part of a fiction.

              • 8 months ago

                >I already said I don't have this sort of thing in my game, I'm just angrily trying to debate about it's inclusion as if I'm passionately trying to convince myself these feelings are normal

                Even for Ganker, you need professional help

              • 8 months ago

                >what's up with that? Y'all cowards don't even frick kids

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but the context in this case is players are supposed to be the heroes getting kick in the head and waking up wanting to frick kids is not only unrealistic it goes against the genre most role-playing games are trying to emulate including Teenage mutant ninja turtles & other strangeness
                Now stop arguing about pedo shit and talk about tmnt

              • 8 months ago

                I would fricking pay good money to see you try and carry out this argument in a prison cell block. In five minutes you would literally be eating your own teeth.

              • 8 months ago

                That's not an answer. Try again, bud.

              • 8 months ago

                >ThAt'S nOt aN aNsWeR

                You're right, it's a beautiful daydream.

              • 8 months ago

                Concession accepted. Thank you for proving you had nothing beyond.

              • 8 months ago

                Short eye, I'm not interested in engaging with whatever imaginary debate you think you're winning in your head. There is no debate. You are championing the inclusion of something that no good, normal person (and even bad, violent, criminal sociopaths) will tolerate at their games or in their lives, regardless of how they feel about X cards or hard limits.

                I don't need a counterargument, because your position is a priori, highly suspect and absurd. You might as well call me a hypocrite for not stabbing my players when swordfights go bad. I literally do not care. I am carefree.

                If you need it explained to you why this is A Bad Thing, there is no hope for you. But as I said before, there is always Twitter.

              • 8 months ago

                No, I don't need it explained why it's bad. Learn to read I included it as reprehensible already. Alongside a host of other things that go on in games that are also bad. I'm asking what the difference is in game. And there isn't any. That's why you're strawmanning and coping. Of course murder, torture, theft, and harming kids is bad. No shit. But you allow everything in game but that one thing. THAT is where it looks like pearl clutching and hypocrisy.

                It was never me asking why it's bad. That's pretty self evident. So stop coping and make a real point or concede.

              • 8 months ago

                >I said it was reprehensible
                >I just really really want it

                Yeah, still not buying the "NOT A PEDO THO" line

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm just trying to start a conversation!
                I hope all the bad things in life happen to you.

                Concessions accepted.

              • 8 months ago

                >And so, having won the imaginary debate and proven to himself there was no objective difference between liberating the Dalelands and restoring the rule of Randal Morn, and his dream campaign of Teenage Mutant Ninja Pedophiles, our hero went on to be assaulted and killed in the first FLGS he walked into

              • 8 months ago

                Again, you can pretend to be irreverent all you want, but you just wasted several hours of your life pretending to be astoundingly moronic while arguing that killing a bandit in a game should be as acceptable was as pedophilia. No one here is impressed by your epic debate skills, you nonce.

              • 8 months ago

                I can't imagine what a desolate, depressing, empty life you must lead. Either you are such a contrarian you engage in imaginary debates with random strangers about a topic you claim not to support just so you can declare yourself an imaginary winner, or you're a pedophile trying to convince himself his feelings are normal.

                Either way, if you showed up at my table, I would physically assault you, have you barred from the venue for life, and the rest of my players would help and laugh about it for years afterwards.

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm just trying to start a conversation!
                I hope all the bad things in life happen to you.

              • 8 months ago

                >I just see a lot of strawmen and sanctimonious moralhomosexualry.

                I will gladly get "sanctimonous moralhomosexual" printed on a fricking T-shirt if it means not having to share a table with the kind of content you seem to think is acceptable. Your insults are meaningless to me.

              • 8 months ago

                (I like this, let's keep it going)
                >Why are you so mad about me raping the child princess we jut rescued, bro? It's only what my character would do, sheesh, stop being so overly sensitive
                >people who use X cards and hard limits are such pussies. That's why I modified the V5 playtest so that *every* vampire was a child molester. It's just so edgy and cool this way, trust me bro, we are owning those blue haired feminazis by me graphically describing taking advantage of children
                >oh my god, why do you hate free speech so much? It's literally 1984 in here, if you're saying I can't ram a hydrogen zepplin into an orphanage and then have sex with and eat the children's corpses. We killed like a dozen terrorists, why didn't you care about them? You utter hypocrite.

                >oh woe is me, why is every table I find full of freakshit and degenerates? Why won't they tolerate the highest form of love, the kind between a man and an 8 year old boy? Those fricking freaks, hypocrites...

      • 8 months ago

        Let me guess, you have strong opinions about the age of consent.

      • 8 months ago

        It was literally the result of parents objecting to deviant sexual content in a role-playing game that children were playing. Not hard to connect the dots here. Whatever the reason it was a business decision to republish without the table and literally nothing of value was lost. There is no affect on the content of the game.

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe the kids shouldn't be playing it then. I wouldn't let my children play Fatal or Slaanesh Skullfricking Simulator. Because generally the games you let your kids play should be age appropriate. Not "omg my kid got this game not meant for kids and now im mad so censor it". Try being a decent parent and don't buy your kid shit with mature themes in it then. Easy fix.

          • 8 months ago

            Business decision. Nothing of value was lost. Your position is indefensible.

          • 8 months ago

            >Maybe the kids shouldn't be playing it then.
            I really don't trust anything you have to say about "the kids" at this point.

      • 8 months ago

        Okay, *normal* people, *stable* people, people who aren't hiding a terabyte of dark web pedo porn in their bungalow, tend to find the idea of being simultanously robbed of agency, and playing something that even gang rapists and mass murderers look down on, a reason to quit that shitty table and never play with that GM again. I'm sorry that you don't fit into any of those three categories, but there's always Twitter.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, you're right. In games where you can summon demons from the very pits of hell and go on genocidal campaigns that's just too far. Not even evil demons made out of primordial evil would hurt muh children. Nice points and nice deflection by accusing me of shit I already said I do not endorse. Concession accepted.

          • 8 months ago

            >I don't endorse it, I'm just advocating for it

            what did the pedophile mean by this?

          • 8 months ago

            >Yeah, you're right. In games where you can summon demons from the very pits of hell and go on genocidal campaigns that's just too far.
            Unironically yes. Also, you should probably have a nice day.

        • 8 months ago

          Well put. And anyone who can't instinctively realize that this sort of shit is going to shock at least some people at the table is almost certainly That Guy or That GM.

      • 8 months ago

        I have never had that in any of my games. Unless you count a "look at what the bad guys are doing". I just dislike the pearl clutching bullshit because it's fake as frick. Of course it's bad. So is murder, theft, rape, and tons of other shit. That's why these are games of PRETEND and not things you should be doing in real life. I just hate the "omg you did what???????" as you play games where you slaughter people for a fricking gold coin. Get a grip, you sanctimonious twat.

        Of course I have. That's why I reserve it as a passing reference, if at all, to what the bad guys are doing. But you're telling me you're fine with murder, summoning demons, ending the world, theft, kidnapping people to make them undead slaves, or any number of other things that would be bad or atrocious in real life but then try to stand on a soapbox about one particular fake crime? It's absurd. Maybe you're a child so you don't really know the difference between a game and reality, but most of us are able to handle mature themes without being a pervert or endorsing the behavior in real life. I've killed people in campaigns and wouldn't harm an animal in real life. It's pretend, anon.

        >People put a part of themselves into their characters.
        No, they don't. These are games of pretend. So you're just telling me you lack the ability to handle mature themes because you cannot separate the player from the character or reality from the game. If someone plays an evil demon summoner do you think he's really a satanist or something?

        This dude thinks beating off to e-girl wont make him a pedophile btw

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, I draw the line at straight up pedo-shit. I've had a legit pedo at my table once and it's pretty striking how sex offenders stand out from normal people. And no, I'm not talking about redditors up in arms because Chad just turned 18 and they want his girl, I'm talking about legitimate creeps.

  9. 8 months ago

    I'll pirate it and if I find a copy that I don't to pay for I'll scan it so Kevin gets less money. Stealing from the thief that stole from you is just justice.

    • 8 months ago

      Only reason I'd even pirate it is if they reformatted and cleaned up the book so it's actually readable. I know asking for additional fonts could bankrupt them, but I think it's worth that financial risk if it means the book doesn't look like a fricking default google doc. Otherwise, there's so many generic systemsfor TMNT stuff, high concept indie games, microgames, and MitN out there that are easily obtainable and don't involve giving Palladium or Paramount any money or attention.

  10. 8 months ago

    What you're watching is called pilpul. Look it up.

  11. 8 months ago

    Heroes on the half-shell!

  12. 8 months ago

    At any rate, if Palladium and Paramount frick up this whole kickstarter, and they just might, consider looking into Mutants in the Next instead. Look into it anyways. It's an alright system if you want Palladium autism, but with fewer migraines.

    • 8 months ago

      I wonder if there is a bootleg out there. I will gladly buy a copy if it's good but I won't buy anything sight unseen from some guy I've never heard of off

      • 8 months ago

        Could have sworn someone said they were going to get the files cleaned and posted in the share thread a week ago.

        • 8 months ago

          They only did "mutants in the next" not mutants in the now. kinda silly as you need now to use next, but whatever. If you're desperate in /trash/ there's a mutant girls thread someone posted a link to both books, but it was a thread or so ago and I make no guarantee the link still works.

          • 8 months ago

            Give it a few days, they are being uploaded for cleaning now

    • 8 months ago

      Fricking hell you israelited up the thread this hard to advertise your game? You're more israeli than wrinkled calamari

      • 8 months ago

        It looks more like some people got attached to the fact Palladium for the First, not the later Revised edition of their game, typed the list of mental illnesses directly from an old list.
        Then it drifted into discussion unrelated to a game.

    • 8 months ago

      Helloooo, Julian. I hope you're ready for the Daniel Fox treatment.

      • 8 months ago

        Last time I checked, Fox would have remained an annoying jerk getting banned from forums until he killd the Trove.
        Julian actually let everyone know that something new for TMNT was comming, though I was thinking it would be a Essence 5E (D&D knockoff) licenesed piece.

        The fact it is a TMNT&OS reprint is cool.

        • 8 months ago

          Fact: Fox didn't kill the Trove, he only took credit for it, which make him worse. There are some Twitter screenshots where he states this.

  13. 8 months ago

    I apologize for bringing up first edition tables. Somebody is definitely shilling for that other mutant game though. Everywhere.

    • 8 months ago

      That guy is the creator of the game who just released a new book.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm all for this guy trying to sell his game if he wasn't the israelite shitting up the thread earlier. If he was, I'll give him credit for one of the worst attempts at a marketing strategy I've ever seen.

      • 8 months ago

        >I'm all for this guy trying to sell his game if he wasn't the israelite shitting up the thread earlier
        Why would you assume he was or that was related at all?

        • 8 months ago

          Because of his awful timing dropping his shill post.

          • 8 months ago

            Mutants in the Now was mentioned and discussed several times before the pedophile's israeli debate club happened, though.

            • 8 months ago

              Oh, good.

      • 8 months ago

        My point is, he's awfully active in obscure Palladium threads suddenly and that link is proof.

        • 8 months ago

          Oh I don't begrudge him that, if I made a Palladium-like I would be too. As long as he's not pulling dirty tricks, more power to him.

        • 8 months ago

          Of what, exactly? That he has a game he's trying to shill with his name attached to his posts?

        • 8 months ago

          That's becuase I backed the Kickstarter for Next, I'm only on Ganker for the pirated material. nowadays but I spotted this thread. The reasom I keep mentioning it is a retroclone should only get mentioned when the thing it's cloning is mentioned. That's kept the OSR general alive for years, constantly cycling between the originals and the clones.

  14. 8 months ago

    >Julian Kay
    >Daniel Fox
    I swear, nothing is real anymore. These sound like AI generated names who churn out copycat RPGs.

  15. 8 months ago

    I mean, to be fair, good old Siembieda is definitely playing off the israelited new Seth Rogan TMNT movie, too. They even had an After the Bomb sale in honor of it.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah I don't know the details but a ton of companies did, I think they are all getting paid marketing money to get NICKELODEON BRAND NINJA TURTLES back in the public consciousness. That movie is a fricking travesty and it's honestly sad it is behind this recent push. Street Fighter 6 did a tie-in also, and I'm sure a bunch more companies too. As repulsive as that movie looks I hope the Palladium kickstarter does well in spite of that association, but as soon as the movie comes out and is fricking horrible TMNT is going to take a huge dive again.

      • 8 months ago

        >but as soon as the movie comes out
        It did. It was rolled out so unceremoniously that you missed it entirely.

        • 8 months ago

          It did?! Holy shit, what a gray nonentity flop it must be, that absolutely nobody talked about, not even to trash it.

          • 8 months ago

            There were shills on Ganker for a couple weeks before and after the release, but there's been not a single thing to say about it since.

            • 8 months ago

              Lol fricking hell
              And they already learned from losing a couple billion on every recent subversion movie that "all press is good press" isn't actually true

    • 8 months ago

      >playing off the israelited new Seth Rogan TMNT movie
      That's because Paramount has no faith in the nuTurtles, so all their cross-promotional marketing strategies involve endlessly harping on 90s nostalgia with the classic turtles. I'm kinda surprised they'd go for this old-ass RPG that predates the cartoon, so they must be desperate.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm sure if they've seen any footage they already know it's going to be awful. After getting named so hard for going full frick the goyim lately, there's not way that israelite didn't double down on trying to shit up the movie just to spite the fans and/or subvert some kids.

        • 8 months ago

          Meant to reply to

          Oh shit that's funny it's so bad that nobody even bothered mentioning how bad it is? Amazing.

          Well I can confirm at least that the TMNT rpg is fun as hell, and hopefully will inspire people towards making and playing even more games with cool character creation systems

          It reviewed very well and seemingly did okay, but it had very little impact. One of those movies that you forget about moments after leaving the theater because it's so fricking hollow. It did everything every other version of TMNT has ever done, just in a worse, more boring, and less interesting way... but it had a sketchy faux-2d artstyle because of spiderverse, or whatever.

          • 8 months ago

            >reviewed well
            Well, we all know about reviewers at this point. I'm not going to watch it but I'm glad it isn't a bad enough travesty to warrant a real reaction at least.

            • 8 months ago

              It's one of those "99% Fresh!" movies that actually averages out at like a 7/10 or lower, but still just above the threshold for "freshness". It would be really a 6-5/10 if you removed all the morons handing out 10/10s because they don't understand anything but 1 or 10, so the most damning thing I can say about it is that it's average and boring.

      • 8 months ago

        >90s nostalgia with the classic turtles
        >classic turtles

        • 8 months ago

          Mutant Mayhem has been out for months. It's a fricking mess that has unfunny, unlikable characters going up against forgettable, flimsily-motivated villains, most of which are only there because Rogen said
          >Dude remember all the action figures lmao

          The '87 TMNT cartoon is unfortunately the most enduring, most iconic version of the series. Eastman and Laird should have kept working on the Mirage comics if they didn't want to get israelited into irrelevance by playmates and Fred Wolf.

          • 8 months ago

            Oh shit that's funny it's so bad that nobody even bothered mentioning how bad it is? Amazing.

            Well I can confirm at least that the TMNT rpg is fun as hell, and hopefully will inspire people towards making and playing even more games with cool character creation systems

      • 8 months ago

        The IDW series played with some neat concepts.

        • 8 months ago

          Jennika killed the comic
          Why is Kevin Eastman obsessed with adding a female turtle anyway?

          • 8 months ago

            >Jennika killed the comic
            IDW's inability to plan things and letting Tom Waltz run wild killed the comic. Waltz introduced Jennika for no real reason, mutated her just because, and then dumped the whole book in the new head writer's lap without any notes or intention for anything to happen with her.

            • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                I'm so sick of that fat waste of flesh LARPing like he's the long-lost third co-creator of TMNT.

  16. 8 months ago

    I'm unsurprised. This'll print money with modern furries.

    • 8 months ago

      You'd think so, but furries don't really care about TMNT

      • 8 months ago

        >turtles are furry
        Thank GOD they're not (and furries haven't seen any of the actual furry art)

  17. 8 months ago

    I read the announcement but I don't know if it will be a reprint with new art or what.

    • 8 months ago

      I'd just settle for erreat and updating the Road Hog bakcgrounds to Revise Edition

      Also in a shocking twist from future Palladium games, you don't get 4 attacks per round becuase that wasn't coded in yet.
      You get as many as your martial art allows or 2 if no martial art if you are PC, 1 if you are a NPC.

      Later Palladium insisted on 4 + number from MA, but that's stupid and contray to how Palladium was running at the time.

      • 8 months ago

        >Later Palladium insisted on 4 + number from MA,

        I'm glad I'm not playing those books!

      • 8 months ago

        It was Heroes Unlimited Revised added those extra 2 attacks at 1st level I think. All the TMNT HtH charts add extra attacks after 1st level. If you wanted to get good you need Boxing.

        You took Boxing didn't you anon?

    • 8 months ago

      They're calling it a "remaster" and saying there will be color art and new art. So my guess is that, at worst, it will be the same book with some extra pages shoved in at the end, and at best they will put a little effort into reformatting the book so it's slightly easier to read.

  18. 8 months ago

    Uncle Kev must want to take another trip to Thailand to frick ladyboy hookers.

    • 8 months ago

      We must support Uncle Kev. He will probably deliver on the first and second books but will fail to produce any of the extras. Just keep that in mind when you back.

      Fact: Fox didn't kill the Trove, he only took credit for it, which make him worse. There are some Twitter screenshots where he states this.

      He created the "official" Twitter account which loudly pronounced the website and caused it to shut down.

      • 8 months ago

        > We must support Uncle Kev. He will probably deliver on the first and second books but will fail to produce any of the extras. Just keep that in mind when you back.
        The Titan Robotics Kickstarter was delivered 100%, and one of the levels included miniatures. (They were 3D resin printed ones, and that fact was stated upfront).
        I’m cautiously optimistic for this one, if only for the ability to get PDFs of the books early instead of waiting a year or two for the to finally get around to it.

        • 8 months ago

          >I’m cautiously optimistic for this one, if only for the ability to get PDFs of the books early instead of waiting a year or two for the to finally get around to it.
          Already confirmed for no PDFs.

          • 8 months ago

            >no PDFs
            What is the source for this info? Nothing I’ve seen has said anything either way.

            • 8 months ago

              >What is the source for this info?
              Source is quite possibly his butt as publishers sent the preview pdfs to backers, then they sent the updated and corrected preview pdf to backers, and they advertised a pdf.

              I’ve seen has said anything either way.
              Did you try going to the ks page? pic related

              • 8 months ago

                I know the Titan Robotics KS sent PDFs to backers; I have them as a backer myself. He was claiming there wouldn’t be pdfs for TMNT, which I haven’t seen any info either way on.

            • 8 months ago

              Supposedly said on a livestream on the "Legion of Myth" youtube channel which they put behind a member's only paywall.

              • 8 months ago

                It's on youtube, dunno if it was when you posted this but it's there now. I haven't watched it yet

              • 8 months ago

                Looks like they're releasing the original stream as 5 separate videos. Can't tell you exactly when they brought up that it's a physical-only reprint, because they seemingly only have the rights for a mostly-identical reprint with extra art slapped in there, and little else.

              • 8 months ago

                I can understand if it's physical only given that it's a high value collectors product. Palladium has actually been doing a lot of hardbound collectors editions of stuff in the last few years. But as it's a kickstarter maybe if we make enough noise we could get them to do a digital version as well.

        • 8 months ago

          Titan Robotics is good, I'd rate it in my top 20 rifts books, pretty good review for a system with like 90 books

  19. 8 months ago

    It's weird that people are getting so nostalgic for such a shitty game. I can understand if you've never read or played it, but it's not like it had a great reputation to begin with, beyond nostalgia... but if they didn't play it 40 years ago, why the frick would they be nostalgic for it now?

    • 8 months ago

      Not my personal experience, but I have heard several people for whom tmnt was their gateway into rpgs because it was a d&d alternative that didn't have anything magical during the satanic panic.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh, add to that, palladium books we're always dirt fricking cheap.

  20. 8 months ago

    Is this compatible with the Street Fighter RPG? I think one was based on the other, wasn't it? And the whole White Wolf line was based on that, IIRC, Mage, Vampire, Werewolf.

    Oh, what about Thrash? That was based on the Street Fighter RPG too.

    • 8 months ago

      Completely different system. Street Fighter was made with a version of the White Wolf Storyteller System

  21. 8 months ago

    Considering that they aren't fixing the janky rules at all, you're better off playing the retroclone Mutants in the Now.

    • 8 months ago

      Used to be that you could google "TMNT and other strangeness" and a copy of the PDF would just be on the first page results. Lmao anyways, people can read this pile of tacked together Palladium shit for themselves.

    • 8 months ago

      How is mutants in the now better? The tmnt rules aren't really janky at all by the way, but I'm sure you knew that if you wrote a clone. Sell us on it.

      • 8 months ago

        >The tmnt rules aren't really janky at all by the way
        >any stat between 3 and 15 is functionally identical in value
        >any stat rolled 16 or higher gets an even even bigger boost for no fricking reason
        >only physical stats matter even though the skill list is bloated as frick with shit like aircraft mechanicals, cryptography, and astrophysics
        >only physical skills give bonuses to physical stats
        >hope you took boxing
        >you'll probably max out most of your skills in a couple levels
        >pretty much required to burn BIO-E on size to either avoid being so small that you're crippled or so big that you get no BIO-E and are just a goddamned elephant that can't speak or use any of your skills
        >palladium combat in general

        • 8 months ago

          All of these things are either neutral or good lol I can now guarantee that your system sucks in comparison, especially since you refuse to post how it works.

          • 8 months ago

            >All of these things are either neutral or good
            >reeeee anyone who says bad things about Palladium must be one guy!!!!
            Whatever you say, Kevin.
            >I can now guarantee that your system sucks in comparison, especially since you refuse to post how it works.
            I understand you're a senile old man who has brain damage from constantly snorting ink off a mimeograph, but the basics are effectively the same. Percentile roll-under for skills, d20+mod for combat.

            Where MitN differs is that it unfricked a lot of the things that Palladium left fricked for the few decades they had to work on the game, but instead just tacked on a few more species and silly shit like druid magic and time travel rules.
            >book is laid out in a coherent order and totally self-contained so you don't need to piece together the rest of it from other books
            >low stats grant bonus GOOP (BIO-E equivalent) and have mods, skill values, damage dice, etc associated with them at totals below 16
            >you're able to use GOOP to improve certain stats, based on animal species
            >more GOOP means more flexibility in how you're able to mutate
            >Skills cut out a ton of useless skills and sorted them into different packages that all grant stat bonuses
            >greater depth and detail in the 130 animal descriptions and their abilities, each of which grants further bonuses and abilities (also much easier to read)
            >psionics much less shit (and expanded even further in Next)
            >fighting styles cover a wider variety of styles and include animalistic styles
            >combat clearly outlined with characters only getting two actions and only two, but retains the complexity with lots of maneuvers and reactions, just laid out more clearly with a bigger emphasis on inflicting statuses
            >MitNext adds even more species, rules for human-mutants, more psionics, more fighting styles, skills, wild mutations, and optional rules for character age
            >most importantly, Kevin Siembieda is not involved at all

            • 8 months ago

              Those are some good points. Much as love Erick Wujcik's work I think he made some serious mistakes with TMNT and AtB that weren't fixed, not even in AtB v2.

              But after skimming through MitN I feel like Julian Kay has made the game a lot more complicated than even the regular Palladium rules. Getting crunchier is one thing Pally games don't need.

              • 8 months ago

                Crunch is about the same, but overall clarity is better. Some of the "modern" touches amount to a little sub-system of advantage and disadvantage that works mostly fine, but it's mostly a compromise to avoid having the kind of arbitrary floating bonuses and obtuse moon logic of the Palladium game. For better or worse, MitN was purpose-built to be as much like TMNT&OS without being as janky and poorly implemented. Which means staying pretty crunchy, at least during character creation, and then being somewhat smoother in play.

              • 8 months ago

                >, but overall clarity is better
                Semantically yes, but the typewriter font is very hard to read.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, I could do without that too, but I don't find it unreadable or as hard on the eyes as Palladium's cramped formatting style. Some of the graphical page embellishments on MitN are pretty distracting, though. Seems like he did a much better job on the 'Next' book, though.

            • 8 months ago

              Lol the seethe
              Sounds like some fun changes combined with a healthy dose of self-righteousness unbecoming of a flagrant ripoff. Have some humility!

        • 8 months ago

          >any stat rolled 16 or higher gets an even even bigger boost for no fricking reason
          Unadulterated fun

      • 8 months ago

        I've been trying to get a look at the complete version for a couple days because sample stuff doesn't really tell you much about how it actually operates. The attribute scale seems better and the layout is good but without getting a look at the actual skill and combat system is like I have no reason to think it's not just a facelift on the things I already don't like about Palladium.

  22. 8 months ago

    So, OK, the TMNT rules were the first Palladium book, and Street Fighter was the first White Wolf book that World of Darkness was based on?

    • 8 months ago

      No on both accounts

    • 8 months ago

      No. The Palladium system and the White Wolf Storytelling system are two completely different rpg systems made by two completely different companies.

  23. 8 months ago

    A lot of theoretical b***hing in this thread. Why don't some of you anons read both books and compare them.

    TMNT (revised)

    Mutants in the Now (revised)

    • 8 months ago

      You got Next too?

      • 8 months ago

        It's on newvola in the sharethread:


    • 8 months ago

      I see some improvements in MitN over TMNT but I also see things that add another layer of technicality and granularity that don’t interest me. One of the main things is combat maneuvers having too many clauses. Might be desirable for some but that’s not my bag.
      Thanks for the link.

      • 8 months ago

        It's a lot worse in TMNT&OS. Look at the Jump Kick and the borderline legalese on some of those attacks.

        • 8 months ago

          I think he meant there're too manny statuses and states (as combat maneuvers inflect them) in MitN for him. I can see them being kinda hard to keep track of in a larger battle.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, I can see how that's going to be off-putting for most. Even with the Fight Sheet, it's still a lot of shit going on. I think that's going to be a thing that a lot of people who have never read or played either of these systems are going to struggle with, especially after games have been streamlining more and more for the last 40 years.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, I noticed the author crediting FantasyCraft as an influence and I can see it. I’m mostly ok with crunch in theory but it’s too much buy-in for some of my players and I’m not into excessive handholding anymore.
            I’ve already got notes on streamlining Palladium games for the next time I decide to run one and I thought MitN might have been a shortcut. It won’t serve as that for me. I’m not attacking the quality of the game, it looks fine, but it’s not what I’m looking for.

      • 8 months ago

        It's a lot worse in TMNT&OS. Look at the Jump Kick and the borderline legalese on some of those attacks.

        I think he meant there're too manny statuses and states (as combat maneuvers inflect them) in MitN for him. I can see them being kinda hard to keep track of in a larger battle.

        Yeah, I can see how that's going to be off-putting for most. Even with the Fight Sheet, it's still a lot of shit going on. I think that's going to be a thing that a lot of people who have never read or played either of these systems are going to struggle with, especially after games have been streamlining more and more for the last 40 years.

        Yeah, I noticed the author crediting FantasyCraft as an influence and I can see it. I’m mostly ok with crunch in theory but it’s too much buy-in for some of my players and I’m not into excessive handholding anymore.
        I’ve already got notes on streamlining Palladium games for the next time I decide to run one and I thought MitN might have been a shortcut. It won’t serve as that for me. I’m not attacking the quality of the game, it looks fine, but it’s not what I’m looking for.

        Fair criticism. I feel it's a lot of mathwork and legalese for me too and I also want to streamline these games much more after 20+ years of wrestling with them.

        >fukken v1 weasels

        • 8 months ago

          >wrestling with them
          It's a kids game. Jesus what a moron.

        • 8 months ago

          I can't hold it against you. I love this crunchy shit. I adore Fantasy Craft, too. It doesn't bother me one bit, but several of my players mentally check out or, worse, get frustrated when there's too many things to keep track of, even if it is relatively simple when you break it down.

          If you can't see these sorts of games working with your group, I'd still say take them, run the first half of character creation, where you get a little origin story, and maybe a little of the mutation process, and then translate the rest to your system of choice.

  24. 8 months ago

    I think you coukld port back the stat nad points balances to TMNT&OS with relatively little fuss.

  25. 8 months ago

    Mid to late 80s, there were three of us running mutated badgers and one guy who showed up occasionally who played a skunk. He was our armory guy.

    Moonshiners who dabbled in merc contracts. Waylon, Willie and (mine) Bocephus. I forget the skunk's name.

    None of us had read the comics at the time, it just looked like an interesting game.

    • 8 months ago

      This was the case for a lot of people. Even though the comics were very successful for an indie comic published by two nobodies, TMNT really didn't gain any footing in the public consciousness until the cartoon happened.

  26. 8 months ago

    I just heard a rumor they're not reprinting the AtB material. It makes sense since they're still selling AtB 2e but all of the supplements are out of print. I'm not paying $100 for Transdimensional Turtles.

    • 8 months ago

      Trans dimensional TMNT was so sick

    • 8 months ago

      Why would Paramount help them reprint the books they already own the rights to and also refuse to do anything with anyways?

      • 8 months ago

        right. so this is really only like three books to re-release

        • 8 months ago

          Core book, Transdimensional, Truckin Turtles, Turtles Go Hollywood, Guide to the Universe, and Adventures.
          I think that works about to about 350 pages between two books.

          • 8 months ago

            Isn't mutants down under also a tmnt book?

            • 8 months ago

              It's an AtB supplement. I think all the AtB is out. So that's AtB, Road Hogs, Mutants in the Yucatan, Mutants Downunder and Mutants in Orbit although that last one is a AtB/Rifts crossover so... yeah.

              • 8 months ago

                Ah. I guess at the time I didn't know the difference.

              • 8 months ago

                Bit of a shame considering that cuts out have of all mutants.
                I'd be woried if we missed out on the Dinosaurs.

              • 8 months ago

                It sounds like Transdimensional is still in which is most if not all of the dinosaurs.

              • 8 months ago

                And those frickin' weird neo-humans or whatever they were. I'm psyched to read it again

            • 8 months ago

              It's a source for After the Bomb, Pallaidum's self-owned-IP-yet-completely-compatible-with-TMNTOS system.

      • 8 months ago

        Doesn't bother me. It's a business decision. And I will make the likeminded decision to not give them my business.

        i paid like $20 for it recently before all this. kek.
        curious how the price is on ebay right now

        Good score. I just troll LGSs for used books. I'm not a hardcore collector, I just like having a book at the table instead of a pdf on the screen. I am still kicking myself in the ass for leaving that copy of Mystic China behind five years ago though.

    • 8 months ago

      i paid like $20 for it recently before all this. kek.
      curious how the price is on ebay right now

    • 8 months ago

      You can order the ATB stuff from palladium's online book store. the website says its all in stock so where are you getting that its out of print?

      • 8 months ago

        Really? I was looking the other day and I only saw the 2e core book. Are we talking physicals or pdfs?

        • 8 months ago

          Each one has a shipping weight so I assume physical. They just released Hardcovers of a bunch of their games, so if they were not there before they might have reprinted their supplements because of that.

          • 8 months ago

            Oh, well, shit. I guess I need to have a closer look then. I was considering that AtB 2e anyway.
            Man, I am spending a lot on rpgs this year.

  27. 8 months ago

    I'm happy for you.

  28. 8 months ago

    So we get no Central American, Australian, space bugs or UK animals?

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think they've said anything about reprinting the other TMNT books, but most of the AtB books are still available and fully compatible with TMNTOS

      • 8 months ago

        Their going to be compilations from the interview

  29. 8 months ago

    I picked up the TMNT RPG & all the additional books when they came out. Same with After the Bomb (both editions). Grabbed them when they *finally* went PDF.
    Yeah, it has flaws, but still loving it.
    Sadly, they never really expanded the AtB world. Hope they do now.
    I hope they reprint all the out-of-print stuff from Magic of Palladium Books and The Rifter.


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