Todd Howard "We view whats happening in Fallout show as canon"

>takes place around Los Angeles in 2296 (9 years after Fallout 4)

>Fans of the games should know that everything in the series is officially part of Fallout lore, and Bethesda was careful to make sure the scripts could coexist with previous storylines from the gaming titles. “We view what’s happening in the show as canon,” says Howard. “That’s what’s great, when someone else looks at your work and then translates it in some fashion.” He admits to being envious of some of the TV show’s interpretations and additions: “I sort of looked at it like, ‘Ah, why didn’t we do that?’”

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  1. 6 months ago

    I’ve created the first vats moment in the film

    • 6 months ago

      Will stealth archer make an appearance in the show?

  2. 6 months ago

    nothing after fallout 2 is canon to me

    • 6 months ago

      Have you alerted the press? They love human interest stories. I can see it now.
      > Local dumbass ignores reality.
      You would be famous dude

      • 6 months ago

        the reality is that the people involved with 1 and 2 aren't involved with the rest (aside from some NV people)
        there was a harsh shift in direction and overall style to the point where post-interplay fallout doesn't even feel like the same franchise
        it's the ship of theseus

      • 6 months ago

        It's a videogame series, no one gives a shit. Besides anything after fallout 1 isn't canon

        • 6 months ago

          At this point 1 and 2 are of dubious canon. I think the TV series will fix those games.

      • 6 months ago

        "reality" of what? Interplay went out of business and Bethesda bought the license and made more games? What does that have to do with which ones he bothers acknowledging?

        • 6 months ago

          They are both canon no matter what he tells himself. This is a simple statement of fact.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      I just pretend it's two different series.
      series one(trve)
      >fallout 2
      >fallout shelter
      >the american krogan mods
      Series 2(false)
      >fallout 3
      >new vegas
      >fallout 4
      >brotherhood of steel
      >brotherhood of steel: tactics advance

      I don't know where the show goes yet but I'm thinking a new 3rd series should be created to further separate it.

      • 6 months ago

        why's shelter in there?

        • 6 months ago

          Because it's true to the fallout vision.

        • 6 months ago

          Because he wanted an excuse to slot FNV into "Series 2" because it's popular.

          • 6 months ago

            new vegas is just as noncanon as 3 and 4. It being better than them doesn't change the fact it's not a true fallout game.

    • 6 months ago

      Fallout, fallout 2, new vegas that's it.

    • 6 months ago


      I just pretend it's two different series.
      series one(trve)
      >fallout 2
      >fallout shelter
      >the american krogan mods
      Series 2(false)
      >fallout 3
      >new vegas
      >fallout 4
      >brotherhood of steel
      >brotherhood of steel: tactics advance

      I don't know where the show goes yet but I'm thinking a new 3rd series should be created to further separate it.

      Fallout, fallout 2, new vegas that's it.

      >t. 20 yo zoom zooms
      You were still shitting your diapers when the originals came out.

      • 6 months ago

        And you're in diapers now, what point are you trying to make?

    • 6 months ago

      fallout 1*

  3. 6 months ago

    >Betheada butchering the only good thing about fallout (the west coast being untouched by their moronation
    It's over for fallout

    • 6 months ago

      >fallout 1, 2, and nv
      >west coast not being touched

  4. 6 months ago

    The tv series becomes a blatant cash grab just to advertise fallout 76 to a bunch of sex slaves

  5. 6 months ago

    wasting time on this instead of working on the next fallout game i hate this extended universe cancer marvel made every media franchise go down

    • 6 months ago

      I don't think having a writing credit means Todd Howard is personally dedicating himself fully to this show along with his studio.
      The main thing preventing Fallout 5 is TES6 + however many years they intend to make starfield DLCs for.
      2030 if we're lucky.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah I really want to play Fallout 5 by the devs of Starfield lmao

  6. 6 months ago

    So how does that tiny ass eyeball work within that skull?

  7. 6 months ago

    Did Fallot ever have a consistent canon? i always got the idea that every game contradicted the last one in like 100 ways.

    • 6 months ago

      It has been inconsistent since 2.
      Only real Fallout is the first Fallout anyway. Tactics and New Vegas can be honorary Fallout titles, everything else is just wacky fanfiction that contradicts my headcanon (the only canon that matters).

    • 6 months ago

      Nope, only 1 is a gem, the rest are fine games but its never been consistent since and 2 was bogged down being filled with pop culture preening.

    • 6 months ago

      I think the only major contradiction is ghouls not needing to eat and drink which is pretty egregious and ruins the moral significance of Necropolis. Everything else people complain about seems to be additions they didn't like rather than retcons.

      • 6 months ago

        >I think the only major contradiction is ghouls not needing to eat and drink which is pretty egregious and ruins the moral significance of Necropolis.
        Not consistent even in fallout 4, because there is that one BoS initiate who fed feral ghouls.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah they really fricked so much shit up just so they could have a goofy quest about a kid in a fridge. I bet if they had that quest exactly as it was but without the "ghouls don't need to eat part" and just say he rationed the food left in the fridge over time really slowly nobody would care because it's obviously just a joke quest.

  8. 6 months ago

    this shit will be forgotten and decanonized instantly

  9. 6 months ago

    dont care for video game adaptations at all but seeing how pissed everyone has been at that one eyed dude has been hilarious

    • 6 months ago

      wait you mean OP's pic isn't just a photoshop?

  10. 6 months ago

    >“The games are about the culture of division and haves and have-nots that, unfortunately, have only gotten more and more acute in this country and around the world over the last decades,” Nolan tells Vanity Fair
    The games are about how WAR NEVER CHANGES. This is a total and completely lame (and very 2020s) reading of Fallout

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      These are some of the most political games there are and have been since the beginning. Inequity and discrimination is a core theme in every title.

      • 6 months ago

        They aren't merely about inequality and discrimination, they're far more about war and the cycle of violence. Inequity and division are one among a litany of reasons people kill each other in the games.

  11. 6 months ago

    >todd howard west coast canon
    just end it all

    • 6 months ago

      That is the plan. They are going to unfrick the lore once and for all.

  12. 6 months ago


  13. 6 months ago

    >Bethesda touching the west coast
    It's fricked

  14. 6 months ago

    >Los Angeles 2296
    >Everything looks like a shanty town
    >BoS not completely wiped out
    Gee i really do get a feeling no one on the writing even looked at Fallout 1/2 or NV
    Get ready for some major fricking retcons

  15. 6 months ago

    when every game basically ignores and overwrites the canon of the last one can we even say there is a fricking fallout canon anymore? these are a completely disconnected series of games (and shows now, apparently) that have vague aesthetic connections

  16. 6 months ago

    "Canon" doesn't exist

    • 6 months ago

      That is up to the owner of the IP.

      • 6 months ago

        No it isn't

  17. 6 months ago

    Man reading those Todd quotes, that man was just born to shill, its really remarkable how much he can lie through his teeth.

  18. 6 months ago

    i'd like to put that fricking midget in a cannon.

  19. 6 months ago

    Oh. Oh no.

  20. 6 months ago

    place around Los Angeles in 2296 (9 years after Fallout 4)
    ooh, i get it! Basically, the east coast brotherhood led by Maxon has continued its dictator conquering from Fallout 4, and has spread out all the way far west. No doubt, we'll see skirmishes between Bethesda's BoS and NCR, as well as some anecdotes from the og brotherhood of steel.

    This is going to be GREAT! You guys are just being downers! Get excited. GET EXCITED NOW!

  21. 6 months ago

    Todd is a stupid moron, he should have used the show as a soft reboot/retcon point to make the fallout universe take place a few years after the nukes fell not 200 years after, while also curating what to add to canon but instead he does the worst thing possible which is letting canon be decided by tv show (not even movie worthy) scenes, marketed for mass appeal no less. How his dumb ass has managed to stay in a lead position is nothing but a testament to his skills as a charlatan.

  22. 6 months ago

    I just gave up on Bethesda and the Fallout series. Bethesda clearly doesn't give two shits about the series and just want it to be the most normalgay game series possible. Fallout 4 was a huge disappointment, it was a looter-shooter game with perks, the writing in the games have gone to complete shit and Bethesda just loves shitting on the IP.

    Can any anon confirm if 76 is even worth playing? I got it a long time ago and a co-worker really wants to play it together.

    • 6 months ago

      >Can any anon confirm if 76 is even worth playing? I got it a long time ago and a co-worker really wants to play it together.
      If you didn't like fallout 4 for being a looter shooter than there really isn't anything there for you anyway because it's just a worse version of it. I played it for a bit, I'm suprised they even charge you upfront because it's designed around microtransactions.
      The map seemed alright I guess, if the game just had fallout 4 progression instead of this quasi mmo shit I'd probably just have fun exploring. Some vaults and stuff look well realised and distinct. Isn't the brown mess F4 was visually.
      But there really isn't much beyond that.

    • 6 months ago

      it's gonna be great seeing how they're going to slot in NCR when they are showing BoS in such high capacity

      if you liked fallout 4 then it's still the same looter shooter, if you disliked fo4 lore then fo76 is much closer to west coast lore and treads on more familiar territory like FEV experimentation and early BoS. i also quite like the appalachia vibe, as a european its much more relatable than the big coastal city vibes

      place around Los Angeles in 2296 (9 years after Fallout 4)
      ooh, i get it! Basically, the east coast brotherhood led by Maxon has continued its dictator conquering from Fallout 4, and has spread out all the way far west. No doubt, we'll see skirmishes between Bethesda's BoS and NCR, as well as some anecdotes from the og brotherhood of steel.

      This is going to be GREAT! You guys are just being downers! Get excited. GET EXCITED NOW!

      it makes no sense to show them mobilizing, unless it's a shot from the east coast, and BoS isn't part of the show until ep2-5

      • 6 months ago

        >Can any anon confirm if 76 is even worth playing? I got it a long time ago and a co-worker really wants to play it together.
        If you didn't like fallout 4 for being a looter shooter than there really isn't anything there for you anyway because it's just a worse version of it. I played it for a bit, I'm suprised they even charge you upfront because it's designed around microtransactions.
        The map seemed alright I guess, if the game just had fallout 4 progression instead of this quasi mmo shit I'd probably just have fun exploring. Some vaults and stuff look well realised and distinct. Isn't the brown mess F4 was visually.
        But there really isn't much beyond that.

        Yeah that seems to confirm my fears. My co-worker seems to like the base building part of the game and she was showing me some of her bases that she built and it seems like fun but I just don't like the whole perk system that Fallout 4 introduced.

    • 6 months ago

      76 is even more of a looter-shooter with zero RPG elements. They literally had no voiced npcs on launch and needed to patch them in after massive complaints from everyone, including Bethesda fanboys.

  23. 6 months ago

    I legit thought this character was eyeless when I watched the trailer. My brain just refused to see the mono-eye, and I figured the joke of him getting the moldy coffee cup had to do with him being blind. Wasn't until I someone calling him a cyclops that it clicked.

    On topic: I expect the show to be middling to bad. They have some big talent on it and seem to be taking it seriously. I expect it to live and die on it's action scenes.

  24. 6 months ago

    Come home white man

    • 6 months ago

      >Over a decade and still unable to add NPCs
      >Meanwhile some russian makes it in a week
      I will come home when the homosexual britbong devs behind this game actually decide to do something and stop wasting time by adding in useless updates and turning this game into a farming simulator.

      • 6 months ago

        >turning this game into a farming simulator.
        Europoors are obsessed with farming sims aren't they?
        It's tough.

        • 6 months ago

          >Europoors are obsessed with farming sims aren't they?
          It's all because they are used to being slaves. For Centuries they were forced to farm dirt for some rich gay and now it's baked into their DNA that they cannot but help to be homosexual dirt farmers like their ancestors.

      • 6 months ago

        >so, what should we add next to our zombie survival loot scavenging game?
        >more unique zombie types? animals and npc's to fill the world with? special events with said npc's?
        >no, we're adding mining and smelting! (a redundant mechanic when you could just salvage things instead)
        What the frick are they doing

        • 6 months ago

          >>no, we're adding mining and smelting! (a redundant mechanic when you could just salvage things instead)
          >What the frick are they doing
          That tidbit has already been justified. They want your zombie world to last for 100 years long after everything has been picked clean
          Todd wouldn't understand

  25. 6 months ago

    todd howard can go frick himself

    the dude needs to retire, hes got no good ideas anymore, maybe 20 years ago sure, but now he's a fricking has been hack

    • 6 months ago

      He never had good ideas. All he ever did was be responsible for the dumbing down of TES and Fallout for the sake of pandering to a wider audience. It wasn't just mechanically either, it's known that he wanted all the weird shit in TES toned down too.

  26. 6 months ago

    >local talking head of company who is collaborating with hollywood is completely on board and endorses hollywood's product

    • 6 months ago

      I like how Stephen King whined about adaptations ruining everything then went on to suck Idris Elba's tiny black wiener

  27. 6 months ago

    So its Bethesda fanfiction, got it.

  28. 6 months ago
  29. 6 months ago
  30. 6 months ago

    Frick Todd Howard, the ONLY Fallout canon is Fallout 1 and 2.

  31. 6 months ago

    Boomers and NVtrannies seething rn cus Todd is touching their sacred cow

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